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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1921)
THUP-.1DAY. TAHCil 31. PLATTSJTOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TWO SCHMADER IS WINER II IE ITEMS fi. J va. i - . 3m1a . y .!(.' id I:njt rial. mass, ija 4iii F I r te" ;:' per . r 8 t t t j i i 5 i KATTLE KING V"! . " " OLlyilU nUiJhU The ".; at O. 5). Geary's wh;;h; "3 ft,.'. ; nv. v'-V ' ..-CO n . i. ! ' 1 i 'V ' .'. "V... v r. 3ATTIES WAY TO VIGTOHY OVER CHICAGO HEAVYWEIGHT j IN SHORT OltDER. va- (' "ti;a ay -tead i Saturday al'ter- :t Hood made the first Kattle Kim and thousands of ivearers know that the HOOI PRE55URE PROCESS still makes it outwear all imitations. WE have put cur best into the Kattle King. Our best in de sign, in materia! nr.J always in up-tc-dst: construction. It is an ideal overshoe and fully rcp.-rscnr,::i. e of the name -HOOD- a name on fooruear which you can make your buying guide and guarantee. The s curdy Kattle King soles of grey lire-tread stoc!: give months of f.irtl wear. The heavy brown fkec? linings keep the fci-t warm. Lcok for the name -HQGD-. Ask for Ka;:!c Ki.nj because they fit well, clean easily and cost least for the season's wear. c4f!r tzr.y dealer or ri;c m. HCOD RUBDEPv PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC. MASSACHUSCTTS V; ATERTOw N "1 never knew how pcoi f-hbe-s cci;!j be," VC' Roi''. KtJ't.s te l m. te cur c ff-.?:o.K", tca...1 not tnV'"'c V3 ' -'s ' ' Do ou remember u-.i c !a b'.ivk cur? "um boots i..-.-. . . t. if.l Am i",oo.l . r v Ti rrJ ars of ...V -jj Tied the cr:' rru h v :i a.t 'fie AtJ this v1.-. .. tf j value IB r.HD BOOT J'-l.. Will ;::! l':' -n:.'. ( .;r y with tiii.' vi.t-. vvfif visiiurs a i ir. i ; in iu' .'.ir. i t;i1 Mrs. Garry, y-iii- Sc Iii:i.uli-i . G.t- futility p:t- ,l;iy. dfil Hi IS t ;rtist :i!id fS:;ii!ip:nn iu-avy-i 'n,t (:?,r;,c!n Guild will ?.:vj an v. i:! :" ih' :i::vy (i.iri:1.:; 1 1 i ; iitr.' .pri! !ii social :;t t!iu huir.e of of sf-rvico iii Uif l:it :ir. :.(l.U-.l an-'s. A. V. i! . :"ii(t i vt-n i hk. Kv otluT to hi- loiij; ttrii'K of 'fttr!s rylod y is i:..;;rif. nil'.'-.:. wlic:i !) ':-i:roi :i tevh-J i,. '. .Maiili li;;-; heen safffi-ir. nival l.p.o.'-Kont ( r Sfnu' '.'I Jack ; , Un. s;.'VtM ! lor sfVir;-.l las l'rui.i ilurko. Ghifi!?: l'.':iv v oifilit. : .t- i '.fii- if ivy puonir,. inn !.; 'i'IH' :i:atc'.i v;-. Git! iii iiu t vf iit of . i ,; . : at this ;i;nt'. Omaha lliks t It lot ic show : i ; e ( 1 . ,J. i,. JloM.iim, our ticket aser.t. in thf ;.u.liriuni a:ii was v. it : s.-ci! . kj, t h a - ;nip.i :'i-Ln of t'n- :'oir liv the iar.ui'st crowil i'V:r at it'ii il'ui.i;' , rally's hooks at tiiis p.:i;t shows a a !iko t'h. ihit ion in Omaha, union u, . hanl. un: .' im roa.e f husiness this w hom vrt' nearly a ln:i:;!i cl from . fur t:tr that of hit year, this city. A. li. Wilson of Nebraska Oily, was , business !.-i;or h' . rf ..loaday am. i3 h-.tviai :' n:c repair work lone n iulv saih-,1 rittht into his opponent -s newiior. . .m-.-m ...... m.h. .y - at the start ami kept up a .muly,--' ';! N '":'a 'ity. nr- ns .r.o rei:;a of blows until near the end ufiv ",l;- . the se.-ond round when liurkcs man-!. m:v. Lewis t rah.r.. io . e the towel in fee rim.-, as, '" 'Hl11 "-v ,,i,sv ":ls xv.4,,'i- Gie OMot-ioan lav on the mat for the;G:iv !nv:iivd .Smi lif.e.n vtyoi aai-r-ird kuoekdown' of the round. and,'' '" ' rv, r.r.-.l. l.mdv u- .;. . ...... . .,r.-.. :.t. ...! ! :-i.l.-ra!de iu w wor;: Mimed out. I I .'. I . I . .11111 . I V .4 ... I .... liuike i one of the hi:; boys of ihe W.r.dy cky ami had been pieke.l S f r ) v Outweighed Twelve Pounds Outweighed by :;me twelve our.u v i.ianv ;o oeie-.u ;-'..! m:t: '. 01 .it h .is: ::ain a Iraw devi-ion. and th'. ;'m.' wiiii whieh th.' c-.-uviiy boy !:-. noUd him. t vur i ';' ! Gi im ; ,,,v;vi:c:it t!!:1.' has taken place iu his I'u'.htiiiL: ability -'.i-rir.; the pa--t -everal niontlis. while lie ha.s bee; ;rainnj; vi?onu!y at Loui-a ilk- tia. kt.-i:ii himself iu hrsi class coiuli tl'on. ! His rlo.-e raii-je jabs we.'e fully s'sl ...eriiv' a evi r while there' was a au-rked improvim; t ia his Ion;; ili j ii' ace r;;!:?'e - ini; e-peci.'lly ehetiive' Uoy O. Mull -f Ol.lahoir. a. . ho ha-" be n vi i;i:v- iiis r. Mrs. A. V. L.-. nard far several we?ks. uas .; :!! n India '.vliori' ! e will as- urae thr mr.i'api nieiit of a e!iaut..u- ia :: uit. -viti: !n a-hiuari rs at ' ; ree-i iieid. Th' h ai. ;,f G. S;anl. r si '.ndof-oin'- euitc .vniTilete l!"ai:s- ji tormation. T!'.e old 1 r.ildinjTs are er ! i"'r torn down or m na d back t' make J v. iy i the r.ev. Tia1 I'P'v are beian i. 1 : n ' '1 an. I work tiep-'jii on iJk j . ti i:: i( n :';u" tlie new r? dtienc-1. la- I'icvtaa's at the i . is. faurcn t week ' ere interest ini and proli- ,:'-!e to :!! ! . : ei(;. ! I!" ;;h uppercuT blows. I'.lT olhel" boi: w !"e ;'a li.e v.'.r.l.j amor..: t lu :n K ! Iu i v.-eeii ; G or," Si h mah f. Andv's yotinz r , Sr.,tJ.T. and "Kid" Koscoe a wi-.i.vj lookiiiir Souih Ot.iaiia lad wiih oia- hj ". ria:r ei. -nonce. It hi in-; George's j ii -t p-ibiii: appear;. m e he suhere i a. j hi' from "staue fri;;ht" ar.d near the; ( en I oi tf.c second r: uu a nis , , , came 10 ine reseu' iy ion-Hi., .i-v; , v.el into the ii! ho were privileged t ) were '.v("i addit: m- 'V.i:;i:oo" Sulavaii and Harry Kin near went six round.-. Kin;. ear win-! the deaiion. Gchlsiicr Wins Over Arr.ey N'o .)!.! in point o'" a: i end: net bin o- !orii::es as well. v,v,s (hi show j !a -t ni?ht one of : h" e -t ver hehil in G"aVa. Nero-T x,.v-ro rot ad-i ml'ted. ihu.- inakin:. tie- riattmout h iiirch 'liciahi rs!i i p en Sv.n- t.; crniiuv and five pejvons re ived bapiir;a. There will ie r e: at tiie u-ual hour' next .Sandav. .-it thai the evrninn hour i-" ,;e;el to n o'chck. 'I he .-fork made a brief stop at our vn 'i dnesilay and left a m w t ihe hem- of Mr. and .lolr.i Vallerv. Tliis new sue.-t - ) 1 a .really '.veicrmed by th..- en '.:e eomiiiUTiity. I f; feel :-trici!'." at 'maae. Tin V.'iacljc'ier SJ'P Jcir.t Pliers in. Icoist i ra: en el"t oc; .-moo! !'.. was inli'c' a ml A er hi n;t 70EBS0N T.T? ACTOR FOR SALE 'Vidso-i "r;T,c'r v.itli the Oiivr ws r, a's.) -pan of sorrel :d i:e.s co:ii!i" - i. aad seven y.-ars . we;e.hi je.i.iO: one pa'i" comins r yi'.i!' edd i'iare. weight 2CP0. ae Gall 2:22. Phut-mouth ex- G .urip and held and .cut-j c :.- :r:ir e::r. Tii-.i-e ih-sh 1 nor ;esrer . ;i " " ;.-' a pr. .::;!!" muvii credit f .I..cU Lewis. 1 im- K'h. and manaa Uli'IS K ! I L 1 ;e .-liov us firs e.-.- tu tea it veraat idi-r: :-,ii,ihr ir. the .--ara:;1 and ijp. the re I. 'usiiuid fur sirer-ftti; and;'"'"' h- , -,o,:a " L-oo'l i- 1 ! "i 1 r1 a ry w..s ic (v.. 'a w en Kid" Sch la iff. former-' I iy o;' O.a.-ha. 1 t.". :i" v ::i tr.iir.'r ! llni' ! -r ik v I".. M:-t r.'-. o' O'dca o.' Cel. - . i ..a ! lib'.? h l $tn& ir 9 20 for 20 cents in a j r- i i h t pa c k a se s. Also obtainable in round tins of 50, vecu urn-sealed. PROFESSOR HASKINS. WAS A kindly soul. 4 BRIGHT ON somo subjects. BUT CO absent-minded. THAT ONE day at tho barber's. HE TOOK off his collar. TO GET shaved. AND FORGOT v,hero te was. AND KEPT rinht oa. T!LL THE ca&h-girl screamed. AND A barber stopped him. HE VAS a great smoker. t BUT HE'D often put. THU BURNT match in his mouth. AND THROW away. THE CIGARETTE. HIS STUDENTS loved him. HE WAS so full. W CF FUNNY surprises. ONE DAY ho had a tube. OF RADIUM and he told. THE STUDENTS ail about It. AND FINALLY, by mistako. INSTEAD OF the tube. HE PULLED out ci:o. OF HIS cigarettes. AND ASKED tho class. ft "WHAT 13 tho one thins. WHICH DISTINGUISHES. THIS MARVELOUS substance. FROM ALL others on earth?" AND THE cla-s roared. "THEY SATISFY." X 7 HAT is it you're rj. wT.7.- vranf o,l W a ciparetteto de.? Vru !;r ow tho answer. L'heFt.erf.eid d ) it -they riot, only yilearc vvr taste, th.-y n'lthju! It's all in tho Mend r .'-r-.-tt blond of fine Turkish and Dor.-: tbaci-o.-?. It puts Chesterfield win non-? can touch them for quauy and value. rtJ-r- - ' T c 1 a. t & Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. UtatBaaasegpxqgaatsgta machinery. Tiuie are ways of adapt- April 0. and pres. in a plan that will EGGS TOR HATCHING in v any existing asso.dations to this c:d. so lona; a.- the spirit of wilMns-t:e-s to t together is shown, and that spirit is here splendidly iaani f es t . "If t'aa doinir.ant groups unite on their chief paint of method, they can ,0 into a hi. ec n f 1 1 enca hero on he adop'ed unanimously "Thore is n oim.-iion the ?. G. llimde l-'ar I hod vr fa: of t'ie ocitify will -tarai hatchin:. $ I . '2 ' ;? in?:, laair l any proirrani for the national' j,rr ir.indred. .Airs. M. II. I on-, p-.-ati.-o liandli-.c ::' :a"ain tha' ' Xcdiawka. .cb. it c c:.:cs .-ut with the praetk-ai'y unani- ! :.i'i!-i sui.;.;rt. . :iai we an v.aa., t a avoid i a :-pl:t jii (iataiis 01 m; ' 1 ad." I'd" . ; a 1 c i Hard. I s-w E. TT. Pchulhof, piano tuner. Phone 3S9-J. d&w. crV a -1 tan 1 .'.1 A", a priaeae of G. ;bi. Mike Gibbous, ei :t w..o .t.s pre-eni at tne :- ;on , tie roaay lor any ,,rii.c:uster Enll I'ein I re '!)- ."."! v aad 'o referee 'he na'i: S"h!a:fer had knocked the 1 1 : .11 :-.p forvuo -ith ei ucid st-ei. i'er-!1''''1 down .iv.-n 1 inu-s ia th( -hap-d aa ! hah.n-ed. I taudle J 1 '.rru roua.i .Mien iuoo.o. n'.e- o- I 1 in iiav- o:' i'Miiid ti-owili hickory. The j.-at-ji'' , n.-r. . ... ,it- i.h'-iv r-w : . ;.; i-. etiockir-- v. cd holds the! -" sen;;-w nulup Johr.uu- Mid-j J; ' ; . . . .,,.ur..iv -r c.u.a and X;ey Ko.-ian hauled fuli J-' --r ui" matters al "' ; t ". round.-, w ith honors very neirlyi'1 county jtulKO. " ! .Monday's T .!ly. 1 i ; t-y l , '! ., r. 1 ur:u d th:s 1 ni-fi '.o Cedar I'm K to resume ' v ; rk here a-; m.inaRer of the i vat' r. a. I'.. li !-'.ea. county highway ccm- i si.ittc r, v.i m to I'nion Gnis inorn 1 , :- 1 "':. after some road work ;:;:!' tiiat place. H. Wood.-, of Gouivi!le wa.s in hours look- at the ollice 1 a '. ' 'J -..iy rncl convem , V.'22: " l;:;t z-p- iii-y l lock of n.oior ir- - cniplcte. . .. .: i a a :nr owner jiir i - ir. Go 1 ... . . :i. 1 1 . 1 e. -; divi. e I. tn.uah i hi' . i v c's , . :-,. Kaciiacl i'oid of Gnck de i-:on weni lo Kotun. S ;d. n! r:; ... ; ;. j j.,,r il: .;ty today for : . . t : !.. a t .? ice 1 t 1 - 1 : " i t -. it lor.--," iii.- 1 1 Winciiesler End viciiclics i" is a v. on !; rful help to have a v ; a: ii 10 ii: every nut that's usf.d : 'am a! 1 1 . .'old one or more V.'ir. ' 'a'-ii'i' op 11 u.'! "vreitcae a to your ;..! :.:. and saa- time ami " 1: c iYMIfSSTR srsm .eA" iioors loekir. alter some trad- l.JO a 111 I , . . ; j . , ;,e , fl, , nl ; i: and iut in ""i Will Sc-o.cli and wile, of Murrav. last round that probably j .V( re iu th.j city for a siiort Gme to ttse d i:i. l'.. ! ', ,-i;r;,'i!e t.i O'aalm. whore thev Has Promising; Future jwn- called on some matters of busi- An o:,-- foiloui-rs of the boxir. , j VrtUae. ehmadc r is pa keil as a. 001 iii j A. I'. Iihodea. of mar Murray, was in t be- li-h"-heavy i !a - and m:-i: j in the city today for a short time en believe la v. iii i.a aide To m:."y"o t iu h'-" to Omaha, where he was called i h. vyv i i.- ht eratO '. Certaiidy. if ite ;. -aloe L;i.-i?i matters of impor- itayrove t in the i'uicire us mi' has in I Uuci . I i!i, lie v. ill be able to li c.'i al: drs. r- .nk :-',-ia(ka. Jr.. returned ' e !..ers 01 a a;. h ." near around hi: : h. morn i n .r ft m Albia, Iowa, where iv.-'.aht. The only man tia in in,; a ' he has b""!i visiting with her par- l.-aoe;.: ,it over him !-- Itrennau. wliol'-u'.s arm e-t!;er relative? a m; I rieiKis is rat t i t lava to Iun p ey. and j for .-tu..e ;ime. The condition of the la was I wo vi?i airo. sduee w iiich '' ar.h d the par lit-: id sir;:. Sebat- 9 a S-. A t Smart Styles for Motoring 7 By til. I'- Andy ha. more Gum doubled hi- "latGn"" u.;:. aitility to take niai h.iaea.; !'K:a. I. abas are prime re jui-ite1-id" a comer iu the ii i;h a-ama1, a: d Scl taader can i;aalil"y in all throe. l ass t'oiiaty friind . will await an roi ;( :-:i!et;l v.i hi- tiext rita- encotiti ti r . i i li reta uecl interet followina tlii - d'i isivo ktory over the Gliicao iii:; vy w eioht . T AC; I 3 x-.r:.;.tIv for -ha vounccr man. Capo become more popular, And eacii f?ea- i ihio cio:e with styles a lit t io srric'irter; ..laeois a o:l more itrikin' ana varieties more broad i i i : -: i c:;n lounc: cicwhere. .; waiii. a cap this spring and if you want :l qcI ii hrc. 1- and $3. CHILDREN'S HATS 1GY5, CAt'5 IvEN'S CLOTH HATS i iUSOHS FAY VISIT TO NEBRASKA CITY I'lchibcr: of Tvlt. Zion Ccmr.ia:itlry No. 5 Knijlits Temper, Visit lit. Olivet Cemmandry No. 2. Ia u We.ltiesrliiy'.s laily f .as! e- iiiir; a larai; tlelej;a t ion of the mi-mber.- of Ml. ion com . m. d ry I'.'o. Kr. iuiii . Temp'ar of th!-. diy moie.nd to N'oiira.-ka City to vit-di Mi. Olive: eomiraath y Mo. 2 i.f ciiy. .ham'.; M. liohei 1: an. eaur.d iiiaia ior. was in attendance at Gie session and in: pi f ed tl;o N'i nrasl.a. Gity oommandry whieh conftri'ed t!a; ile ot"e iu' the temple on the several alidida tes. The vi.-ilor- from this city were delis.hted wf I h the manm.r ir. ".hud; the work wa-, conferred and at their treatment while in our ncijiii l.ori'ir. eity and it w a - a late hour wi'.eti Gie parly fiurm d hi aa . '!'));; roil"; I'i ol.j lis til" wire: ha has been very poorly for ime. :omc l'l ' :n Ti.esdsiy'n Itaili. Gotinty Gommissioncr G. 1'. Harris 'f i'nion. was here today for a short time. IoeLir.-v after some business uia ! ters of important v. iiertnan Schmidt :i' near Murdock. a.-.s in the city lor a short time to dav looking alter some matters of tiu-iiKs.s at the court house. airs. 11. S. Tu:i and .Airs. P. A. Ha vis of .Murray, were here today i ,- a lew hours lo-akiny, ai'lir some iu-.' ters t!" business and visiting with the r friends. Ji hn G. . Wu jab ri irii. one of the pr mir.ent re-i,!ents d' .Nehawka, '.a'- here i.-iday fr a short time vis i ii tt with his man;, friends and look in.-.; aider .-ome matters at (ho court house. a'joru Wci'iiicsiViv'a Pally. I'. 15. Hail. a;-i-ta:it cashier of the oar!: of r.eaver Oily, is here enjoying a s'a.rl visit with friends in this city and vicinity. ."s. u. ij-outlel of Murray and .1. W. Jirendel of Avooa. were vis itors in the ciiy yesterday for a few hours, loakincr ail or 'ome matters of business. T. J. IJiondcl and W. II. Puis as well a Louis Galas motored up fnui' Murray hint evenin;; to visit with fiienihs lu re and incideatly to attir.d the Klks initiation. G. II. Olive of Weeping Water, wa aim ii;-: the assessors visit im: in liie T i ; 7 " ' ' . ; ' rnd ni?btu arc rood tim?' V,al::h vcur lives." to l!i-. It. I'. We t . i":e.' P. '.:; .'.i.j'My t tlay Vara tew hours attend. 1 I Jr. ii. G. Loop mi.V. F. vv i:,l:':n. .1. , die do' iber.G ions of the county as.,o- I 11. eliut. II. a. Kike-, y. '.V. t Sireiht. W. A. Ko'.i r;.-i,u. Gi a Pa; . . t , a . i a I Ileary XoiG . i i m.; ; o -a. 0" i ' !r. P. I,. "a: amius. on. O. j G. llmi-joi;, W. I-'. Kvers. j mau o: .-". a t 1 he couri iie-aso. Alfred U-insi.itr of Murray, who is o. i,,r ''dc U'.nlM preeim-i. v.- t aa;ai:c tilt - a' hefi n at cf' hansi? today o prepare the for the cumins mouths' won;. 0:'i:'faL fi3tl W i t. - zi sv t is? i t ; . ,-. va v."-v r,.. a r.jrc?i -r r-a -a '.'0,-?.-. r?""Tiv'i" " ? . Iff iXxSfofi-i rzZll-e-cA h :J bTsi I - .' " -r---: .--.' -" ,- y i; 4 f Iff jaAii..-A- ' , , iraTrrllf-a wujb '"S;:t,igJ!' Lertam-teea s r- z-- : V-.-4 :v" Hiding Power Saves Paint . ."i'J' -r.-.-; rv;i,-- ERTAIN-TEED Paint h3s body which means that it requires fewer coats to prop erly hide, protect and beautify a surface than are required with paints of ordinary quality. This body results from the use cf the best quality ingre dients, thoroughly ground and mixed by machinery that makes no mistakes. Certain-teed offers other econ omies too. It has greater cov ering capacity. It has longer life and color retaining value. The quality of Certain-teed Paint is guaranteed by a great organization that is known everywhere as a maker of quality products. The name Certain-teed means, "Certair. ty of Quality Guaranreec Satisfaction." Use Certain-teed and be sure of satisfaction from your Spring painting. Certain-teed led in price reductions. We are now selling thi3 paint at pre-war price3. life c i i t- f ?A!WT- VVRMISH RCOFiNG jL LINOLEUM... OIL CLOTil & RELATED PRODUCTS i n