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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1921)
' jT PLATTSMOTTTH SEMI-WEEELY JOTTBNAX MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1921 PAGE SES J ALVG DEPARTMENT Aivo News .V. M. Myers, vi Line. ..In. was in Alvo Thurviiy. Orville Ingwerson autoed to Lin coln l-'julay -afternoon. !'!. Muir and wile wvre Lincoln visitor's Friday aflcrnoon. ("lias. Sli-i'n, 1" Lincoln, visited r!ilivs here Sunday ; fternoon. Mr. ami Mrs. Charles liirl: pat lici: r tiinn'! t"r?'ii Lincoln Tin'S-1' y -veiling. Mi.-s I f T ; Shaffer Fpent th week end vsiili !i"r cousin. Miss H:-z'-i Ays r. ! r. I.. Mnir anl family motored ') Milroril Sunda.v, spending t!u? day v. i'li relatives. Air. and Mrs. V.'. II. Sliders spent S'li'.iiav v.iih Mrs. Si'ders' daimb'er. .(t'wmaii. at . ai'i! family f rii W rs Mrs. lVsie It. K. Kei! auioeii iv, r inir fin A ! ' Mr. an! ilau-'ii: er. Mi-s tl.e winter in I hri-ne Saturday. Mrs. L't'ief Williams f:i'ii;hter. Uutli. of Lin i.?,v. n Fn'.hiv to vi-ut her 1- Witt. of W'averlv ilricMliiy niht, call i:! I'i'f a shon t iine. '. f l. Jr.;: 'i ;ir,(I Kami:!. wh' spent s AtmHes, returned home of Mr. and Mrs. George 1. Foreman. Master Russell Campbell, of South Mend, accompanied hi.-, aunt. Miss Frances Campbell on Iter return to school morning, remaining until Tuesday night, whfii he re turned on the Jersey. Dinner fruits aT the .M. C. Keefer home last Sunday were their daugh ter and h'lshand. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cole nl Mr. Wiles, of i'lat tsmouth. Mis-; Frances Campbell, of South B.-nd. and Mr. Chnrles Schaefer, of Murdock. Mr. and Mrs. TInrry Appleman motored to Lincoln on Sat unlay ami were accompanied home by their laughter ami husband, Mr. and Mrs. Farlev Young and Mrs. Appleman's brother, Frank rptegrove. who vis iteil over Sunday with them. Mr I'ntourovf visited h i.s mother. Mrs. K. 1.. I p'ttTove, until Wednesday peal at the close for people in decide for Christ, ami quite a number rose in response. We think the commun ity owes a debt of deep gratitude to Dr. Boeye and his wife for their splendid services on that day, and likewise to Dr. Clements." Special revival services are con tinuing each night with decisions for ciirit each nierht. among -wnom are nnnnle nrominent in the community. The meetings will continue indel nitely. ERNEST A. KNIGHT. Minister. i MRS. J. M. CRAIG, of Los An geles, Calif., who says no one can feel more grateful for what Tanlac has done than she does. Has gained twelve pounds and health is better than in years. i ELMWOOD Leader-Echo baby- Mrs. t vj Methodist Notes March 20th and it-r. li' a me Mrs. nd bro'li' 01 V.'e.l Ver. (. j-i?U;. M r. a from Tuesday -uav nigl.t. w! lid n !. i-Vre; lp.irui-o. -itinu Mr-. re!;itivs u i in. cam l;elb t'tl Sew.-irf a Stewart. ,l ll i jt.-l hi-' Sii ilT'T. til '!";;:; ! !!c!,e ;-'rj. of V; day vi 11'::. Mr. a:: I .rrs. S. ' '. H" co'ipli" i d;ivs la.! vet! v. it i Mr. .ii"l Mrs. W. (). Koyle t;:iit sick ; t : I : b.-f r r air;? i n. iiertuan ired Sunday v. :ih 11. i ri . arid Mt s'Tvic.'s at tl Dan itos V.'fdiie-day hi' itrttlier. ilv. t'oinrr. If ; ral Mr hi i For tola, anil of Fni, r. A. W. vi : Mrs. J. A.j 'iii!;1: i:n-J h" ret'trn-t I Jr.. Mid fam-i down Satur-t L'eTiiiet? and Sand. iv ev n- K's no.v, and Cl.a.s from ill vi davs. s-m a Liaci.lii v ley. r. w l:vs. of F!-iiv. (i')il. vis liis si-:t .'.i i .-. J. iiirii'-' r. Ma- d Tin- i e-deiijcati'i'i har'di. in' Omaha, spent l.'.y i.'-re ,itli and laai- !S mot Sundav. March 2uth was a notanie l:av in the hi-torv of the Methodist irdiurth and the comniunity of Alvo. I F.r i that day was rededica'ed th 'cli'treh with its new and splendid ! eiiaipmeiit. Dr. J. F. Doeye. district s.'i'-rinTt-ndent of the Lincoln dis trict, was present and preached the d dicatorv t-crnion. and at the close conducted tiie service of dedication. Iiefore the church was rededicated iowevr. i' was necessary to raise the mo;:--y to pay o:T the indebted ness thai remained on the project. (Hie thousand dollars was asked for. wi.icii was raised in less than thirty nii'ii:t"s. 1'eople continued to give o: their money however. till the sum of .M.T'oi was pi Mlired. and jsin-e tht day several substantial j subs riptions liave come. This clears i th church of every indebtedness of , an;- kfr-d and leaves a nice margin ' inr Improvements, i In th'- afternoon two splerdid :ae. iin?rs were he!'". A meeting for ! !.'-! in 'he new basement, hich j was Iirgely attcni'ed, and was ad-Idr- s by Dr. J. If. Clements. P s jtor vi Crrre Meihodist church. Lin Icoln. At th.? same hour a mass meet i f ;r wr.nien was held in the Whep i l7 S, Mrs vi I A: J. im-h. supper gue-is S'l.niay evtuii', "liitr ICO- t'IKI W here to it with !i nan and Mr. and r:itv I'i sn Mr aee 'church auditorium, and was address jei v.- Mrs. H'icye. Too much can be said in praL-e of this service. ! .Mrs. lioeye made a lasting impres i sion in fhof-e women who were pre.-. nt. a.:; laid the lounuation ior fu'ure work that we think will mean much to this community. At ni-?ht Dr. IJoeyo preached a at the i powerful sermon and made an ap- D! c.; i:d t i Worthvjhils Thrashing Machinery! I sell the IHinob separalors and ste.m engines, the mcst reliable power threshing outfits, and would like to correspond with anyone who anticipates needing such ?.n outfit this se?.son. I can save you some money and furnish you ab solutely the best machine made. My territory covers all of Cass county. If inter ested, call or write me, and I will be pleased to come onJ see you, going irto detail as to the reliability of the machine as well as the price and terms. ALVO NEBRASKA uying Grain and Stock! We always pay the highest price for Grain and Sleek. We own and run our own elevator and mix and grade up our grain, enabling us to always pay top prices. I AM YOUR FRIEND n T ALVO NEBRASKA argains in Implements! While tliey last, we are offering at very low prices implements and farm machinery consisting of: 2 No. 5 Clover Leaf low down spreaders $165.00 One fcur-wheel Rock Island lister 60.00 Two Rock Island cultivators at 45.00 One Sterling disc, 16-16, at 60.00 Other Equally as Good Bargains in the Best Farm Machinery. caiman Hardware, ALVO NEBRASKA Last Friday a little girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Kov (;orthev. They now have girls. On Tuesday or this week a nine nound babv girl was born to Mr. and Mrs Win. Uohn. We wondered why Hill hail such a broad smile and now the matter is all clear. Congratula tions are extended to the happy parents. Itichard Deles Dernier and wife, of KImwood. were visiting in Xehawka last Wednesday for the day. being guests of their old time friends, J. S. Rough and wife, and inspecting the new home which they have recently had completed. Milo Uollaher says that he is now ready to buy your grain as he is manager of the Johnson elevator at Wabash. De will also handle the implement end of the business at Wabash and also at this place. We ligure that it will keep him on the move, tun ne is equal 10 me ihsk. On Friday of last week a bouncing baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ldovd Kidenmiller. Daddy Lloyd is stepping rather high and is feeling pretty proud because of the happy event. Uoth mother and baby are doing nicely and hearty congratula tions are extended by the friends of the happy parents. Last week we were somewhat in error when we stated that i. m. i-is- on made a shipment of p?gs on Mon- dav. It should have been that Mrs. Klla Coon purchased all the eggs in town that day for the IJeatric' reamery company. Thi. was a rtal lot of eggs. They were hauled to Lincoln by O. M. King and made a big truck load and some had to be hauled in another truck. On Wednesday afternoon at 2: HO o'clock occurred the marriage of Mr. Win. Vogt to Miss Martha Luetchens it the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luetchens, east of Murdock, in the presence of rela tives and friends. These two young people are among Cass county's most respected young people and are herd in high esteem by many friends who extend to them hearty congratula tions. They will make their home on the groom s iarm near wanasn. NO CHANGE IN THE ROMAN CATHOLIC SEE . ,fr ; .j. , , ;. .j. .Mfr-- WEEPING WATER Republican W. P. Sitzman. daugnter Eliza beth and his brother, Paul. drove over from Plattsinouth Sunday and took dinner at the Henry O'Brien home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reed and Mr. J. A. Schwab drove to Omaha Mon day and brought home Miss Nellie Schwab from the hospital. Miss Schwab is getting along nicely and expects to be in school again next week. She is staying at the Bert Reed home. Will Preston is enjoying a visit from his brother, E. P. Preston, of Kearney, and also his brother, M. L. Preston, of Pennsylvania, whom he had. not teen for forty years. They met on the street here and recognized each other at once. Xels Pederson, Anton Jorgensen and Oscar Anderson drove over to the county seat Monday, where Mr. Pederson got the papers that makes him a citizen of the United States, as well as this community, where he has lived for a number of years and proved beyond a doubt a true citizen of the IT. S. A. Mrs. George Shafer, of Benson, and her niece Miss Marie Sullivan of near Plattsmouth, who stays with her while attending school, came down Saturday evening for the week end visit at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ed Pankonin. Miss Carrie Shafer came down from Manley with them. Mr. and Mrs. Pankonin drove them to Plattsmouth Sunday after noon to catch the train home. Louie Todd, of Long Beach, Cali fornia, passed through on the Sun day morning train en route to Xe hawka for a visit with relatives and friends. Mr. Todd had spent a week at Imperial looking after his land interests and came down for a visit in old Cass county before re turning to California. He reports the family and the California peo ple all O. K. He says he lives just across the street from Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Teegarden. At the Business Temperance cau cus Monday night the following were placed in nomination: H. A. Crozier, mayor; C. E. Butler, treasurer; G. H. Olive, clerk; F. H. Gorder, council man 1st ward; C. S. Murfin, council man 2nd ward; Mrs. F. H. Gorder and J. M. Teegarden, members of the school board for 3 year term; Eu gene Colbert for member of school board, one year term. The commit teemen named were O. V. Boone, 1st ward and Chas. R. Gilmore, 2d ward, with J. M. Teegarden, chairman. Since the nominations took place H. A. Crozier and F. II. Gorder resign ed, which will leave the vacancies to be filled by the committee. This morning, Jacob John, an old resident at the county farm west of the city passed away at the ripe age of ninety-two years and three months. He was born in Switzer land, December 28th. 1828. and came to the county farm December 17, - 1906. -.The funeral will be held at ' the farm tomorrow. tri jjs fr3 sht A- Death of Cardinal Gibbons Not Have that Effect. It is An nounced in Baltimore. to people who have taken t believe there is any any more grateful to Mrs. .1. M. Craig, street, Los Au- "Of all the Tanlac. I don one v no ieei it than I do." said of C74 'a E. .40th geles. Calif. "I suffered from nervous prostra tion and was so weak that 1 could not even sweep tne noor and during me day I would have to lie down four or live times. I tried to walk, but found out that half a block was all I could stand. before I would give out. Ner vous spells came on nie often. Final ly my hH.sband urged me to-try Tan lac and I am indeed glad he did. for it proved to be just what I needed. "The first two bottles did not seem to help me. I guess it was because I was so bad off, but on the third bottle I could tell I was improving and mat gave me more nope man ever of getting well." My improve ment from then on was rapid and by the time I had taken five bottles I was Jietter and stronger than 1 had been in years. "It enabled me to sleep soundly at night and I have gained twelve pounds. That was several months ago and from then until now I have been in as god health as I ever was in my life. I have told all of my friends and relatives what a wonder ful medicine Tanlac is." Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by F. G. Fricke and Company; in Mur ray by the Murray. Drug company, and the leading druggist in every town. ASK FOR RETURN OF NEUF AND ZIMMER Yank Officer Requests Release of Men Tried for Attempting to Kidnap Bergdoll. Washington. March 2T. The re lease soon of Carl Xeuf and Franz Zimmer. American detectives sen tenced to jail in Germany as a re sult of their efforts to capture Grov er Cleveland Bergdoll. American draft evader, is expected by the war department. Secretary Weeks an nounced today that Brigadier Gen eral Allen, commanding the Ameri can forces on the Rhine, had been in communication with the German authorities on the subject and offi cials intimated that favorable action on the request for the release of the men was to be expected. This was the first intimation from the war department that negotiations for the release of the men were un der way. It was assumed that Gen eral Allen acted on his own initia tive in communicating with the Ger man authorities. "We are going to get Bergdoll if it is possible to get him." Secretary Weeks declared today in discussipg the case of the Philadelphia draft evader now in Germany. "I don't believe we will recognize any stat ute of limitation in his case if one should exist." Secretary Weeks would not say what steps would be taken to get Bergdoll out of Germany. He re fused to discuss the possibility of his extradition by Great Britain for violation of British passport laws, but did say that he assumed that if the state of war between the United States and Germany were declared at an end. extradition of the draft evader would be possible. Baltimore. March 2",. The death of Cardinal Gibbons will not precipi tate the removal of the primatial see of the Catholic church in America. This was definitely announced last night by Rev. Albert E. Smith, sec retary of the late cardinal. The seat of the heirarchy will remain in Bal timore. As the appointment of a successor the archbishopric here in volves no issue or question of rank or seniority, any clergyman in the hierarchy dominion becomes eligible. A selection will be made, by Pope Benedict. In the meantime an ad ministrator will serve. Bishop Owen B. Corrigan will probably be named to this post by the diocesan consult ors, who meet at the cardinal's resi dence tomorrow. In view of the fact that there are two American cardinals, prominent Baltimore 'Catholics said today they did not anticipate the creation of a new cardinal for Baltimore to suc ceed Cardinal Gibbons, who died yesterday. According to the usual procedure, the bishops of the Baltimore province will meet in secret conclave within two months to select three names for recommendation to the pope for ap pointment as archbishop of Balti more. The cardinal's throne in the cathedral will be divested of its brilliant red hangings which will be replaced by deep purple in anticipa tion of the coming of a new arch bishop. The new archbishop wl. it is un derstood, be one of the three bishops recommended to the pope, although he is not required to choose one of them. Among the prominent ecclesias ommendat ion are Bishop William T. Russell of Charleston; Bishop Mich ael J. Cuiley of St. Augustine and Bishop Thomas J. Shan, rector of the Catholic university. Preparations for the funeral next Thursday of Cardinal Gibbons were approaching completion at the arch- e piscopal residence today. Mean while j the body of the prelate will remain . in the chamber where he died yes-1 terday. until next Sunday evening! when it will be taken to the cathe-j dral and there lie in state until it is removed to its resting place in the crypt under the chancel after j the final services. i Monsignor Bonzano. apostolic del-j egate at Washington, has been chos en to pontificate at the solemn re- 9 V THE UNIVERSAL CAR BUY YOUR FORD CAR NOW or at least give us your order for there is now a SHORTAGE IN FORD CARS We are now filling signed orders in the order in which we receive them, so if you are going to be wanting a new Ford of any model soon, es pecially a Closed Car. better get your order in before the other fellow, as we are now short on ;.om .models BARGAINS IN USED CARS ah;o Also One One One CVp nave a rew slightry used Starter Fords, uun i iiiwMrin u i iiii ii iji ii n rri. we have, 1 Coupe like new $G' ".0.00 10.00 0.00 10.00 Come t Pi t m hi Coune Ford Ton Truck 7 h. p". Gas Engine?, like new rt We are' taking in old Fords on n'W. in and s-e if we can trade with you. We sell for cash or on time. FORD REPAIRS Do not overlook the fact that the Ford Dealer ues none hut genuine Ford parts and is personally i:it'-res!-d in seeing every Ford owner gets the vt-ry be.-t service and attention in our .shops. We employ none but first class mechanics. T. H. POLLOCK GARAGE Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth Haul your rubbish away. There's always danger of fire if not removed! Cineni mass on ihursday and Arcn bisbop J. J. Glennot of St. Louis, who delivered the sermon at Car dinal Gibbons" golden jubilee 1911. will sermon. also prenich the here in funeral Eggs for, Hatching For Sale: Barred Rock eggs for hatching. 75c for l.r. $4..r0 per 100. ' MRS. WILL COPPLE. in7-6w. Alvo, Xebraska. Single Comb Buff Orphington eggs for-batching purposes. The weigh ing, laving and paying kind. 51.25 per 1". eggs; $7.00 prr 100 and 4.00 per .10 eggs. Mrs. Lidgett, Union. John 4t. FOR SALE FOR SALE About seventy pounds of good al falfa seed, all or any pnrt of it. Christ & Christ. E. H. Schulhof, piano tuner. Phone 389-J. d&w. Good Dragged Roads -TO IV -AND- '0! Kansas City Travel by Auto and Save Money and Time. T. H. Pollock Bridge One Registered llelstein bull, nine months old, priced right for quick sale. A. O. RAMGE, Plattsmouth. SEED CORN Extra early wnite seed corn, with red cob. for sale. Telephone 4022. C. C. BARNARD. FOR SALE Scotch and Scotch topped shorthorn bull Bred under government test. SEARL DAVIS, Murray. HeaffhfuS Sport for Boys and Girls Roller skating makes sturdy children. It's safe, healthful exercise wonderful sport. Fcr smooth, fast easy rolling, select Winchester Roller Skates. Strongly made of special steel light weight and durable. Ball bearings run smoothly. Quickly and easily adjusted to the shoes and securely fastened. Roller skating time is here. Let your children en joy themselves on Winchester Roller Skates this spring. We have a full line of boys' and girls' r6ller skates. estor Hk Swafek the TVINCf5TR store Subscribe for The Journal ii i li III I II I 1 1 1 I II i 1 Public Sale of Bred Sows! IP J To Be at Gouchenour Barn, Plattsmouth, Nebr. COMMENCING AT 1:30 P. M. 40 HEAD OF CHOLERA IMMUNE! These sows consist of good individuals, and every one showing that they are with pig. Come and buy one or more, as bred sows are the best investment you can make today. Several of these sows have pigs at side. TERMS WILL BE GIVEN ON SALE DAY! H. V. HAYWOOD, Owner W. R. Young, Auctioneer Edward Huwaldt, Clerk rgplf you have any stock for sale bring it in and it will be sold during this sale. I i 4n 4$ 1 t I 9 11 ;.-