The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 28, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1921
make a suggestion or so as well. All
may not find epace which is written,
but we well hope that it will be
beneficial to all who take part in tha
ere at Your Service!
l v.
'j :
n Which Class Are You
Going to Be?
From government figures and other authentic
sources the American Bankers association has compil
ed the history of an average 100 men in the United
States so far as financial standing is concerned. It is
the greatest object lesson ever printed. Read it in the
following abbreviated chart and if you are not already
patronizing The Bank of Murdock, begin today to
place yourself in the proper class.
At 25 Years of Age
too men all on equal fooliiuj in every respect.
At 35 Years of Age
m are wealthy.
io are in good circumstances.
40 have moderate means.
35 have saved nothing.
5 are dead.
At 45 Years of Age
; are wealthy.
(5 are self-supporting but without resources.
H are dependent.
H are dead.
At 55 Years of Age
1 is very wealthy.
3 are in ;ood circumstances.
p are selt-s;ipiorting.
30 are dependent. 1
jo are dead.
At 65 Years of Age
1 is Tvry 7iilthy.
3 arc wealthy.
6 are self-supporting by labor.
54 in poor houses or dependent upon relatives.
30 are dead.
The Bank of ftfturdock
Murdock, Nebraska
"The Bank where You Feel at Home"
HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres.
H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier
Uev. and Mrs. A. brauchle were
visiting with friends in Lincoln last
Friday, where they enjoyed the day
very much.
Mr. Win. Gehrts was looking after
sonic iKuiii'-ss matters in Lincoln last
Thursday making the trip via the
Ko.k Island.
Stephen Lis has bfen kept very
busy during the past few weeks re
ceiving corn and wheat which
inq; offered for shipment.
Herman Schmidt and family were
vi.-iTing in Lincoln for a day
week, making the trip in their car
and found the roads in excellent con
dit ion.
Mrs. Henry lies r.:id little son
Kdjiar. f Hern. Kansas, is visiting
for the tiresent with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. ('. Mooney of Murdock.
and other relatives.
James L. I'olkington of Alvo was
employed in Murdock during last
week and were engaged in placing
a coat of stucco on the new resi
dence of YY. II. Hush.
The meetings at the Callahan
church southwest of Murdock. art
going along nicely and with a great
deal of interest shown and large
numbers in attendance.
Jacob Goehry was a passenger to
Lincoln last Thursday evening, where
he went to spend the Faster season
at the home of his daughter, Anna,
who makes her home in the capitol
W. O. Schewe and family were
visiting and looking after some mat-
is he- J ters of business in Lincoln last
inuisaay. maKing me inp in meir
car and while there had an excellent
K. Fredrick, who has been in Lin
coln for some time past arrived
Thursday to install the street light
ing system. Mr. A. Peters having de
parted for his home on the same
Oscar McDonald, otherwise known
as "Fete", has gone out of the live
stock business having recently trad
ed his Jack to Heebner & Heebner
of Manley. who has taken the ani
mal to that town.
Miss Leah Schmidt, daughter oi
Mr. and Mrs. Herman It. Schmidt,
who is employed in a department j
store at Stella, arrived in Murdock ,
last Friday evening and visited over
Easetr with the folks at home.
Mrs. Lena Towle of Lincoln, who
has been visiting at the home of her
sister, Mrs. J. E. Mellugh, for the
past few weeks, returned to her home
last Thursday evening, alter having
enjoyed a very pleasant visit.
Mr. Emil Koukal, and Miss Edith
Kelly of Plattsmouth, visited in
Murdock, the guests at the !iom?
of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. McDonald
Sunday, driving out in the car ol Mr.
Koukal. Miss Kelly is a sUtcr ol
Mrs. McDonald.
Mrs. Wm. Gehrts, who has been
confined to her home and bed lor
some time on account of illness, is
making some recovery and at this
time is able to be up and around the
house, but not yet strong enough to !
be able to get out. j
Messrs. J. H. Uurwell. superintend- j
ent of the Murdock schools, andj
Principal Warren departed last ;
Thursday for their home in Lincoln.
while Miss O'Halleren also went to 1
her home at St. Library and the;
Misses Larus and Mildred Hushness I
to their homes at South Rend, where
they are all obserbing a short Easter ,
Mr. Den Mickey and wife of Woo'- j
like, were guests of If. A. Guthman
and family in Murdock for a few ;
daj3 last week and while here Mr. j
Mickey and Mr. Guthman went to I
Lincoln, where they were visiting!
with friends and looking after son;o !
business matters for a short thin.;
Mr. Mickey is a banker at Woodlake
and the two gentlemen are friend;
of long standing, having been en
gaged in business with the same
house in th past.
V. O. Gillespie and wife departed
a few days ago for Tobias, where '
they visited for a short time at the ;
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Dlatspeilcr j
of that place, and after having en- j
jcyed a few days there went to t-.s'
home of Wm. McNamara, who is a !
brother of Mrs. Gillespie and who i
makes his home at Fairmont, whe:e
they are visiting with the family.
They were accompanied by Mr. 11. A.
Gillepie, who is visiting here from
the Black Hill country and is the
father of W. O. .Gillespie, who' is
also visiting there.
one of the nicest modern homes in
Murdock of which there is a good
number. The building is being stuc
coed cn the exterior and on the in
terior. The Murdock decorators,
Messrs. Max Dusterhoff and Joe
Wutchisky and IL H. Lavron are
making the place sure one of the test.
Street Lights Are Installed
Murdock is no longer in darkness,
as during the past few days, there
were installed .some twenty street
lights, which lighted the town in ele
gant style, and has added to the al
ready native beauty of the city at
night. The installation of the
lights as a means of lighting the city
is as much an added pleasure to the
citizens as ha sbcen the privilege o.f
their use at home and business house
Visiting With Relatives
Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Schmidt and their little daughter
Geraldine, and accompanied by Miss
Marie Schmidt. drove to Utica,
where Mrs. Louis Schmidt and little
daughter remained over Easter and
will attend the festivities of the
church and enjoy the visit for the
ocacsicn at the home of her parents.
Mi. and Mrs. Herman Kraft.
Attended Meeting in Omaha
Last Monday. Frank Zink. I. ('. Mc
C'rorey, II. W. Tool and Louis Horn
beck were visiting in Omaha, where
they attended t!i Shrine meeting
which was held at that place. They
enjoyed a very pleasant time while
there, and remained for the banquet
which was served by the fraternity.
Joy Seems to Reign Supreme
Spring is a happy time and with
the family of L. LS. Gorthey. south of
town, the occasion of the arrival of
their youngest daughter is indeed a
very happy event and as she has de
clared her intention of remaining for
an extended visit, the t'ojks are ov
erjoyed. The proud father cannot
retrain from a kindly mile and a
friend's greeting, if he would try,
and he does not wish to be otherwise
than on the best of terms with all.
The happy mother is feeling pretty
wt H pleased by the coming of the
daughter, and grandma "Tuck" Van
de.burg. is not having the rheuma
tism near as bad as formerly, either.
Fred Shelborn and Miss Hattie
Keiser were married on Wednesday !
of last week, March 16. 1921, at
Couneli Bluffs, where the bride's sis
ter, Mrs. Ernest Brunkow and family
reside. Upon their return to Louis-;
ville they were entertained for sup- j
per at the home of the groom's broth- ;
er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. M. '
L. Williams, southwest of town, !
where later in the evening they re-
a royal charivari, as a token j
popularity of the happy con- j
the community. i
bride is a daughter of Jacob ;
one of the pioneer citizens ;
of the
pie in
of Louisville and is highly respected
in the community. She has a twin
sitter, Miss Nellie Keiser. For sev
eral months the bride has been tak
ing a training course for nurses and
has been making splendid progress,
but when a determined bachelor like
Fred Shelhorn starts out to win a
fair bride, business careers go a glim
mering. The groom is a son of Mrs. Anna
Shelhorn and is a young man of high
character and is known to be upright
and honorable and fully deserving
of a good wife. The young couple
are popular in their homo town and
have a host of friends who join the
Courier in wishing them a long and
happy wedded life together. Mr.
Shelhorn is farming with his brother,
John Shelhorn on the Ernest Pautsch
farm and for the present the bride
and groom will reside with Mr. and
Mrs. John Shelhorn. Louisville
We are carrying a full line of farm machinery and
implements, both horse drawn and power propelled.
You had better see us NOW about any machinery you
may have that is in need of repairs, and thus be assur
ed of having it in working condition when you need
it. Delays in the busy season are costly.
Spring is about here with iis heavy quota of farm
work to be done and it is highly imperative the;:, you
look after the repair work right away. To those in
need of new implements we ire in a position to quote
the most conservative prices possible.
When You eei Rheumatic
An Ideal Remedy 'for Constipation.
For the aches and pains of rheu
matism Chamberlain's Liniment is
excellent. Massage the parts thor
oughly twice a day with this lini
ment and you will be surprised at
the relief which it affords.
I have a number of horses for
sale; also a new International separ
ator. 22x3S. Fred Beverage. Mur
ray, Neb. 5t s-w.
Visited at Plattsmouth.
Last Sunday J. A. Bower and wife,
accompar.i?d by Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Stiickishy, jumped into the car of
t!i;. latter and with the genial fiin and all nature in accord, turn
ed the nose of the car toward the
countv ceat. where they spent the (lav
as guests at the nonie ot Mr. and !
Mr. and Mrs. liert Crissman. of
Omaha, are here for an extended!
visit with Mr. and Mrs. George'
Schoemai. Sr.. and other relatives,
and friends. Mrs. Crissman was '
formerly Miss Frances Likewise, of j
Cass county.
Louisville relatives of George Stan-
der, of Plattsmouth, have received i
word of the birth of a little daugh-:
ter. born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Haetkel, of near Oreapolis on March j
4th. This last child makes the fourth!
grandchild of George Stander's. j
Mr. and Mrs. William Standeri
have said good-bye to their Cass I
Mrs. Frank Chevol of that place and!coullt' friends for a short visit with
enjoyed the occasion greatly. riiey
also remained for a couple of movies
the afternoon and evening, where
y enjoyed the "Inside of the Cup"
liming home later in the evening.
Entertained the Knsincr..
Mrs. IL V. McDonald, as i.-ted by
her daughter. Mrs. Harry Gillespie. I
entertained the Koyal Neighbors of
America at a most pleasant kensing
ton at her home on Thursday after
noon, when there were special enter
tainment for the large number pres
ent. The Easter tide being here,
games and amusements in line which
pronounced the occasion were in
dulged in and a very delightful
lunch w:is served by the genial hos
tess and her daughter.
Business is Good.
Business is good, thank yen.
E. W. Thimgan when accosted
how he was getting along. 1
just sold a new Buick roadster
as to
one or tlie net cars, neing graceiui
in outline, easily handled, sturdy,
enduring any amount of hard usage,
and giving at the same time the let
of performance. The car was sold
to Mrs. Jesse Klv.-er who will find in
this machine all that one could ex
pect in nay automobile. Mr. Thim
gan has also sold a Ford to George
Thimgan of South Bend, and one to
M. H. Newberg. who worked for the
past year at the farm of Ernest
Boinemeier, making three cars and
with the other work. ,we are not
making any complaint as to the r-ta-tue
of business.
Completion cf Heme Progressing
The repairs of the hme of Mr.
Wm. Hush are being extended to that
point of almost building a new home
and when it is completed will make
ml III it-
true Fyfll Week!
Beginning March 28th, and continuing until Saturday night, April 2nd,
we will take in exchange one pair of old shoes (it makes no difference how old
or worn) and credit you ONE DOLLAR on any pair of Ladies or Men's shoes
in our store. For Children's shoes the credit allowance will be FIFTY CENTS.
Bring in Your Old Shoes'
We can use all you have, only remember we accept but one pair on the
purchase of each new pair. No one barred.
Do not hesitate because they are old and worn. We can use them.
0 1 1 sp
Murdock School Notes.
'i lie pupils are kept pretty busy
at this time preparing for the exam
inations which are to ,eoon come.
Katherine Neitzel was called home
from school one day during the past
week ;7nd her presence was missed
i.y those of her class.
The absence of Hoy Oeklerking
was noticed by the odiers of his
class, on account of the merry dispo
sition, making making life and in in the class.
One day last week the girls of sev
eral gri des had lunch together and
t:ij'.,ytd the occasion greatly." The
boys were anxious to join then:, pre
sumable on account of the eats.
When the teachers asked the girls
cf the seventh grade to remain, an
inquiring look appeared on the face;
'' the boys, when the teacher said
wiiat boys that wished could stay
abo. and think there wvre some eats."
remained, but found it was only a
sewing class.
The pupils i;f the seventh grade
have been composing some very
thoughtful poems, which must have
required much thought. We are
having to omit these from the notes
on account of lack cf space, being
crowded for space for other news.
Eighth Grade Notes
Miss Jennie Orhlcrking was absent ;
frcm school last Wednesday.
The girls of the eighth gradr with
tht true spirit of the Inusekoeper j
in mind, have recently decorated the!
school room in very artistic style
Seme very warm debates havo -v- j
cup'cd the minds of some of the stu
dents of this grade during the past
The coming examinations have'
kept the pupils pretty hard at the
work, which will be required on the
satisfactory passing of the tests. i
The pupils of the grammar room
have organized themselves in work
ing force for the purpose of mak
ing the school more interesting in
gathering items of interest in the
school. They elected Miss Hildc
grade Baumgartner as editor, while
Meredith Weddell and Henrietta
Baur were selected as writers of
rhymes. The eighth grade Feelcted
Flovd Hite as reporter, and the sev
enth selected Carl Baumgartner.
Miss Hildegrade Baumgartner, the
editor, has written a very good trea
tice on the progress of the school,
covering the progress and telling of
the obstacles in the way of progress
and expressing hopes that a new
building might be had some time.
Miss Alma Scheel contributed two
very good stories and true to life.
Carl Baumgartner gives a good de
scription of "school days". Huth
Bauer gives an account of dream,
while Marval Amgwert writes a poem
on "Lilly Time" showing much
study. The reporters have made
very good reports of the school, while
the numerous rhymer, Bryan McDon
ald, lias furnished something in
veie to laugh over. The contribu
tions have been so volumnious that
we have not been able to find space
for them. We would suggest that
this wrirk be carried on and that
the items be selected that have vital
interests in the workings and pro-:
gress of the Fchool. Be concise in
our reporting, the doing of the
chool. make them brief, nithv. and
full of life, have them gone over by j
the editor and then by the teacher
in charge and then probably we will
relatives before leaving for Califor
nia, where they will spend the com-
t mg year. Their many Louisville
friends wish them happiness in their
new location.
Mrs. William Wegener returned
Iimiic from the hospital in Omaha
oi; Wednesday of last week and is
gradually gaining in strength. She
i underwent a serious operation for
I rupture but made splendid progress
right along. She will not be strong
j enough to do any work for some
j time and 13 fortunate to have Missi
! Helena Lnu, daughter of her neigh-j
bors, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lau, to
assist her in her household duties.
Mrs. Wegener's many friends in this
j vicinity are pleased that she is get
i tir.g along so we'll and hope she will
soon feel as well as ever, if not be.t
ter. j Mrs. J. P. Wood is seriously ill
. at the home of her son, George Wood,
'and very little hope is entertained
for her recovery. .Mrs. Wood is a
pioneer citizen 01 Louisville and has
always bec-n remarkably spry and
her illness comes as asurpiire to
her many f'iends. She is past 77
yc::rs of age and does not seem to
li've the strength to resist the ef
fects of the illness. Her children
have all been summoned to her bed
side and she continues to lose a lit
tle in strength every passing day.
This will be sail news to all her
friefids, who will stiil cherish hope
that she may yet recover.
From Saturday's Daily.
iwrs. j. 11. 1 nomas 01 iouisviiie.
who has been on an extended visit
.-;t (Juincy and and other points in
Illinois, returned this afternoon and
spent a few hours here enroute to
, T. H. Sherwood, who is now mak
ing his home at Denver, came in
yesteruay afternoon for a short visit
j here with his relatives pthI old
j friends and departed this afternoon
for Omaha to visit his mother in that
' city.
Vroman and family of
Wyo., are in the city en
visit at the home of Mr.
L. K. Vroman. parents of
Mr. Vroman and with their friends.
When leaving Wyoming they report
a heavy snow was fallirfg.
Thomas Kildow, who has been vis
iting here in the old home for the
past few days, returned this morning
to his home at Cumberland, Iowa,
where he is now engaged in farm
ing. Mr. Kildow before leaving for
home had his name enrolled with the
Journal for a year's subscription to
the semi-weekly.
joying a
and Mrs.
All lot owners in the above ceme
tery please be on hand on next Fri
day, April 1, 1920, at nine o'clock
a. 111.. for the purpose of making a
general cleap-up of ' the cemetery,
leveling the ground and trimming
trees. Bring rakes, shovels and
tpades, for these are needed in the
work, and come prepared to work.
By the Trustees,
Best quality of re at only "$1.25
per bushel. Also alfalfa hay of
third cutting. Call L. L. Wiles,
Plattsmouth. lw d&w
It would be hard to find a better
remedy for constipation than Cham
berlain's Tablets. For the best ef
fect they should be taken imme
diately after supper. They are easy
to take and mild and gentle in effect.
Flat of four rooms. Apply to
George M. Hild. tf-d.
efinish or Rlenew
You may want to refinish a house, an interior
wall, a floor or woodwork.
You may believe in "Saving the Surface" (paint
ing and varnishing.)
But do you care whether you simply refinish or
We care much for the difference in these two
words-, c.r.d you may be assured of receiving the high
est por sible grade of work at reasonable prices when
ycu deal with
The Dusterhoff Shops
ii-ii "This is housecleaning time. Will you order your
work done now?
0 -W-.J)
You May Use Shock Absorbers
and a hundred and one other contrivances on your car,
that are supposed to provide better service, but unless
you have the he?t oil, your car is bound to receive dam
age beyond the ordinary wear and tear.
We are selling the very best brznds of guaranteed
motor oils. See us, when in need cf ?ny.
We also carry a full line of accessories and supplies
and maintain the best of service in our repair departm't.
Yes, Business is Getting Better, Thank You. And We
Appreciate It, Too.
is On
The Automobile Man
Laedliolm Auto Co.
We are especially well prepared to do repair work
on all makes of automobiles. Bring your car in and
we will look after your wants promptly.
We also carry supplies and accessories. Call on
us for anything in our line.
andholm Auto Co.,