The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 28, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Q Piattsnoutb Journal for Sa8,
Kntere.l at I'osto?Ti e. Platismouth. Neb., as c cond-cMss mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Everybody is in favor of disarma
ment for the enemy.
IJ'.ue laws and red blood don't mix.
Coffee has suffered another
in price. Drink hearty!
Old Kins Coal isn't such a merr;.
cad of shedding blood, Tretky
.inning to sweat it.
Late advices ar
dis is still o
that Judge Lau-
tho side line.
old soul after a mild winter.
The man who DUts on airs
he can't afford to be natural.
When a man tells you good lbiuor
is abundant, h's talking moonshine.
And. too. sometim.'s. the sins oi
children are visited upon the parents.
One cs-i tain
in the future
cash basis.
way to ;void conflicts
i to i-'i: all wars on a
I. i
If a man doesn't let his politic
worry him. his politics won't worry
The fashionably shel ter .-kirt
robbed the
bathing mi i 1 of 110 little
It has
their reli
liver pilb
gotten so that folks want
;ion su::ar,-coated. ju?t li're
to avoid
The woman to avoid is me one
who wears a too-innccent aid and
nothing else.
Spring hats are in full Lloctn in
the show windows. There wii: be
no more frosts.
Russia is doing her share ia make
I.enine's predict icn of world resolu
tions come true.
The one thing that
public enjoys a ve all
class murder trial.
the Am-: i;
else is a i'.r
A man who
hi inset f may b
once g-t hint
Keeps i:
like a
is troubles
Larsied ti
? cabinet might b. trained to
turns in milking the White
us not have another industrial
war. The trouble keeping his re
gime on st raight.
Now is the time to get ready and
face the Faster demands with your
usual heroic calm.
o : o
Farm girls flock to ihe cities be
cause being chickti.s is plea.-anter
than raising them.
One rea-on why Debs hasn't re
j:c:ittd is that he tinds it impossible
to change his outlook.
Sanitation is uplift worth while,
and. even then, it is best to get the
sanitated to agree to it.
Rcandal wouldn't be fu popular
if there wc re not so many people
wishing they could, too.
The averaue reformer is sorry for
what he used to do and i determined
that others
shall ;uit
- : o :
1 m.
Th:.t excess profit.- tax is going
to be as p. -pillar in the t'Tih congress
as a crutch i in a foot race.
M re j.d no re it i- emphasized
ti:;'t t!.- l;est w.: v 1 ! t e a still
about is t- ke- p .-till ;.'.nit
! ep a
Have vou noticed bow hard
to be pessimistic un a nU - w,i"i.
"sunny, spring morning?
The best tcnic in the world for
sick business is newspaper adv.rti
ing taken in liberal doses.
: o :
Kvery man is pepubir wit':i
body. That explains how the
gogues manage to gt by.
: o :
I The easiest thing f,.r an huhhiio
j bile driver to do ail r hitting ihe
j other fellow's car is to keep on driv
a ' ing -and lots of them do it.
! 0:0
i President narding mode-t'.y says
I that be owes everything to ti is wife.
"- I Y-..-. and y.u can bet your bo. its that
a-! s'.i" isn't going to let him forget it.
The average man might to be able
ot keep the Ten Commundments.
They are abwin the only thing that
One 3-room modern, Srd and Vine ,
streets. H2 lots. $5,000.00. "
One 5-rcom, V-fa lots, on west
Main street. Good well, cistern.
$400.00. j
One 7-room modern except bath.
11th and Main streets. 2 lots, one
block from high school. Fine place.
Cheap at $3,500.00.
5-room 'house; 3V2 acres ground.
One acre in fruit and one in alfalfa.
City writer, concrete cellar, electric
lights, sewer. A dandy place for
Two lots south of the 0-K garage.
$300.00 takes the two. ' I
See J. . BlflSOfJ,
Office, 394 Residence, 229
Nebratkan Urges Removal" of Arti
ficial Barriers in Way cf
son i body i.n't trying to take away
from us.
'WVI install.,
M&?-Z&.- J.l i hish ti
The price of our dry cleaning
cuts down the price cf clothes.
Dainty Dorothy says that she
has found out that we take
most excellent care of the gar
ments entrusted to us and that
our charges should make friends
for this house. Our dyeing
proves satisfactory, as we use
the latest approved methods and
the best dyes.
I ! a i yen have paid the first
lent of your in ' me tax. it is
line to get imsv raue up
mouii money for the .amily to go
on a summer vacation.
A widow has at least one advan
tage over a married woman. She
doesn't worry at nights over the
whereabouts of her husband. She
knows that lie is in one of two places.
If this lits vour case, adopt
The best thing t do when you get
in bad is to get oui as quickly as pos
sible, and not keep on getting in
worse 'o insisting that you are inno
cent. ; :o:
I The Harding dog and the Harding
cr; had a fight on the White houe
lawn the other day. It's ird expect
ed o
j W ho Ci; i
Our ideas of feminine attire may
be crude, and our advice to the fair
sex may be rarely heeded, but we do
j insist that nature never intended
that a bow-legged girl should wear
these knee-high skirts.
I Col. George Harvey has been chos
1 en as the American Ambassador to
Crtat Britain. President Harding
seems to be laboring under the de-
j lusion that only an unmitigated ass
should be chosen for "That job.
f a man to establish world pcaje
t preserve peace m his own
Goods Called for and Delivered
Washington. I). (.'., March 2.". - Sen
ator Iliichjock believes in encourag
ing trade relations with Russia. He
made his altitude clear today in a
statement on the subject, showing
that while it does not seem tha-L the
time is ripe for recognition by this
" our. try of the soviet government in
Russia, it is. n"ert hels-s. desirable
to resume trade relations, and to
mint Russian gold offered here i:i
payment for American goods.
"I favor removing any artificial
barriers which- prevent trade with
llu--ii". said Senator Hitchcoek. "1
believe- it would be a step in the di
rection of restoring normal relations
in international affairs. Surrounding
the situation in Russia there is still
great mystery and so no one can say
definitely iust what the re
sults would b" of encouraging trade
. e --empt ion.
Wculd Grew Steadily
"Probablv Ru-sia has little to sell
to ;. pro! ably alo she has net much j
wit.'; v-!;-.h to pav f-r a'.ivth :? " !
she mi.-' tit bny of u-. I thin':, there
fore, any immediate acii.m of re-
uming bu.dncss would not be large.
O-.ce begun, however, the current of
.'.sines would grow steadily.
"One of the artificial barriers
gainst selling goods to Russia is
iliat wo nave declined to accept ner
goi-t at our mints, i dount nie vis-
- in ( f this action or the justifica
i'r. for it unle.-.s all the nations of
lie woi Id unite in th" policy.
'ObvioiMy tlrc-at Britain has
planned to accept, it she is not
readv accept ill-' -old from Russia
ind so also undoubtedly are other
Hintries t'hat have resumed rela-
ticns witli her.
Soviets I-Icre Conservative
"The danger tiiat once exited of
political propaganda inspired ain
paid for bv the Russian government
lias practically disappeared. I think
it may "e said that the I. en Ine-Trot-zkv
government has abandoned the
effort to convert the world and is
mcdiiving its own government into
much more conservative form than
jt started with.
"It is understood, however, that
the establishment ot trade relations
with Russia does not involve diplo-
uatic relations and does not involve
!)- political recognition t-f the so
viet government. Miat is not liuely
to come until that government has
ill further modified its attitude-on
prlitical questions." ,
Tentative Plans Announced by War
Department At Snelling and
Camp Pike in This Dist.
Washington. March 24. Tenta
tive plans for conducting citizens'
militrry training camps next summer
were announced today by the war
department in instructions issued to
the nine corps area commanders.
Preparations were ordered for train
ing approximately l.'-'oO candidates
in each corps area, allocations being
announced for cither one or two
camps in each. The number of can
didates to be recruited for each area
was predicated on sufficient fund:;
being made available in t lie next
army appropriation bill. ;
Of the three grades of camps, the
department has provided, denomi
nated "red." "white" and "blue" and
varying as to the amount of technical
military training to be given, the
lirst grade, it was said, will be em
phasized in the program . for the
coming summer. It is planned to
hold the "red" camps because they
ehould appeal to young men between
the ages of sixteen and nineteen, the
department said, and afford an op
portunity to demonstrate to parents
the "physical, moral and mental de
velopment that results from military
Dates for opening the camps will
be between July la and August 10.
the department said and applications
for entering should be addressed to
the commander of the corps area in
wliicn the applicants live, location
of the camps in the nine areas are
as follows:
First. Camp Devcns, Mass.
Second. Camp Dix. N. J., or Pitts
burgh. X. Y.. or both.
Third. Camp Mead. Maryland.
Fourth. Camp Jackson, S. C.
Fifth. Camp Knox, Kentucky,
Camp Sherman. Ohio, or both.
Sixth. Camp Grant, Illinois,
Fort Sheridan, Illinois, or both.
Seventh. Fort Snelling. Minnesota
and Camp Pike, Arkansas.
Fight h. Fort Logan. Colorado, and
Camp Travis, Texas, or Camp Stan
ley. Texas.
Ninth. Hie Presidio of San Fran
cisco and Camp Lewis, Washington.
iy,ii -ly j to rri ran nrfl i in ill o mim
t-T- rT ' Til Vi il triir i f' . .
f V ft '- .. . ; i .1.- -.s i2,iri- . " it-
Breed the Best H
S. C. Rhode Island Red eggs for
hatching. ?l.-!. per setting. $7.0'J
per hundred. Mrs. M. II. Pollard,
Nehawka. Neb. 4l M s-w
GEROMONO, large jet black stallion, kept on farm of Leo Rikli, one mile east of
Murdock, championship winner in his class at Weeping Water Live Stock show.
DELMAR, (picture above) large jet black stallion, champion and grand cham
pion at Weeping Water show. WOOD ROW, also jet black, champion winner.
Last Two above Listed and a Large Jack Kept at Murdock, Nebraska
. Hold Your Horses!
Just a minute now, and we'll tell you about our
New Spring Hats: They're on display. See them be
fore you make your selection or you will lose. Many
nifty styles to select from, and they'll surely please,
satisfaction in all cases.
If you are sowing e lover this
t-pring notify ihe Farm Pineaii office
as wo will do some soil work on
clover and alfalfa.
L, 11. SNIPES.
Co. Agri. Agt.
Single Combed White Leghorn
gg?, $", p-.r 100; $1 per netting.
Phone 115-J.-
I now have a car of fresh salt
barrel, plain and sulphur blocks.
22-2weod&sv Myanrd, Nebr.
Check That Cold
Right Away
Dr. King's New Discovery
soon breaks a cold and
checks a cough
A SUDDEN chill sneezes stuffy
feeling H the head and you have
the beginning of a hard cold. Get right
after it, just as soon as the snifdes
start, with Dr. King's New Discovery.
For fifty years a standard remedy for
colds, coughs and grippe.
Vou will soon notice a change for
the better. Has a convincing, healing
taste that the kiddies like. Good for
croupy coughs. All druggists, 60c
and 1.20 a bottle.
Faz colds andcough$
New Discovery
Put "Pep" in Your Work
Many a man has. been a. failure in
business, many a woman in her home,
because constipation has clogged the
whole system, storing up poisons that
enervate and depress. Dr. King's
Pills act miWly and nraka bowels act
naturally. Same old price, 25 cents.
Chicago. 111.. March 2.". A young
woman who gave lo r name as Wan
da I'rbaytis. was arretted here last
night and is lifld as an accomplice
in the mail robbery at Toledo, on
r'eliuary 17. in which more than
"i in cash and securities
weio stolen from registered, mall
pinches. Tiie Rot has not been re
covered. The women gave her age as 1.
She will be turned over lo federal
authorities for return lo the Ohio
c.ty where an indictment for com
plicity in what postofiice officials de
clare to be one of the large.-t mail
robberies in history have been voted
against her. She had been sought
in a nation wide hunt during Ihe
pa -t six weeks, following ,t he arrest
of her brother. Joe, and a second
man at Rlkhart, Ind.. a few days af
ter the robbery. The girl eluded
capture at the time by locking her
self in a compartment of a train on
which the trio were riding from
Tohdj. She is said to have carried
a handbag supposed to have contain
ed at least a portion of the loot.
i!ii i:tiii.!i; of !;i"i:::
i'oij i vs ciH .ii, m:h:: amv v
Stale of .t lira.'Uj i
County of Cu.-s j
I. : 4i. I.'. Say'..-;-. ".Mi' t . !er'-: ef
IVi.vs cii'.iftv, l;erel.- . -. i t : t" " ! ! :i t t i
O.nntv'l .it lie nif-tile-r
I i . ' a en Ih- lit!: .1., v '! .1;. i-... rv. A. i .
1 iiiiele tl.e following "I-:--1 :! i
I " I eii s- '- fer li.e year l:e'l, - M
i ,i: : i ei' ! iv, :
;. f ii ml T T -".: i
Hi I ntel : ' ""
(-il--;e line! t 111- r'tie.. t . .-. .
I f oiil - '
M t Tiers" IViisiim fini.l.. '. "' '
(1.1 SoMiel.-; K. !i 1 fun 1 I . ' ;
'". )T. 1 "' ' '' "
Vil?i -s my li;:id an !
tin- iill'i. e at I "la 1 1 snxoi I li, y.-!"'. I i
:;r.l .lav ef Kel.riiarv. .. I ' I'.'li
;i:. i:. savi.i.s.
(S.-.iI) iu3-iw. e'Dimiy C'.eik.
(Seal) ml0-I
i. ive a;i'i ..are, i r,.- ail la. 'tis auain.-t1 witness my iianu ana me sru in
sai.l ,-.-t:ite. vviin a view t tlieir ad- i saiil County Court, this 8th day of
.i::-rm. ;,t ami allowance. The time Mp. roll, A.
lirnitf.l f.u- t! v-reseiitat am of claims
; irainst sai.i . state i ti.ree montlis
I t!. 1 Mil day of -Vpril. A. I.
1'i-JI. the- tii.e- limiteil fur I'liy-
im hi of ;!. ts Is i .lie year from said
il.iy ..f April, A. 1) .l'.'Jl.
County Judge.
See the Journars line of diaries
before buying yours for 1921.
Iteports have reached the Journal
,111 one ot cur mlornianst tiiat one
the voting men of this locality.
Frank, Jr.. has leased a half
section oT land and is expecting to
plant it to timber, as he believes
tli.s to be a very Tirol ific crop and its
cultivation one of the most pleasant
parts of farm work. We do not
vouc h for this, however, and any in
formation that is trustworthy must
come from the young man himself.
mmii i: to iir.iimiii
Tlie Slate of Nel.raska, Cass emin
l - . ss.
In the Court'- Court.
In the matter of the estate ..1' Kliuua
I la t Ira way. .le.ease.l.
To tiu- cie.lit.iis of sai.l slate:
Y.hi mv i..ri-liy iiolil"n-.l. That I oi!l
sit ;l the Ciiriiy C.nirl r.'-'iii in I 'I 1 1 I . -mouth
in said e.uinly, o: the JIMh ea"
..f .Mmii. I'.'-l and on th.- l".dh d:iv et
.liuie. A. ). t!t-'l. at Io:in oeh-. k ni
Ih" foleiioi.n uf aeh day l r- i ei
and examine all ehi.ns a '-ra i n-1 r a id
esiali, with a view to
in. nt and alh-wani-e The time hrn -d
for tlie presentation of eiao-'-.i-rdisi.
said I'stuK is three mor.lhs
I rem th.- L".'th day of Aiai . li. A. 1 .
!!' mul the time limited for paym.i t
of .iehts is one year from said '.Uh
da v of Milivli, T.tJl.
Witness my liand and Ih:- s. :. . 01
said Co-iiiiy Court this .".t!i day of
M.nrli, t'.eji.
A I.I.I :x .1. I'.KKSON.
is", all Iii7-lw. C.iunty JilUKt.
. r-i j WjL(i
,u Woo:. " . .,; t
ri c - ?r-f
il . c"' i i s. : i 1 ts-L-.
I- C r s --,-: '
i -
T, I I .IC-I'.. J 11
- -- -"-' .. Umb
U ; .
To t P VVf. iH ( R
Better Be Safe than Sorry
Gear .
From Fridays Dally.
.Mrs. Florence Newton of Omaha,
daughter -of Mrs. Ed Stoner of this
city, was operated on at -the hospital
in Omaha on Wednesday afternoon
and is now doing very nicely .under
the conditions, but will be compelled
to undergo a second operation in a
short time to allord her any perma
nent relief from her very severe case
of appendicitis.
ffKimrs Pills
From Friday's Dally.
Today the time of the district
court was occupied with the case of
David Rutherford, et al. vs. V. Lau
rence Si nil, et al. a case arising over
a question as to land located on the
IM.rtte bottom north of this city. "V.
A. Roberts-mi appt-ars for the plain
tiff and 1). O. Dvvyer for the defend
ant In the case.
Mini i: in iiiiiiiToi'.s
The Stair- of Nebraska. Cass oan
lv. ss.
In I he Co: V I v "m. It - ,
In tin- matt, r or the estati- of Kmi.y
A. Tii- , dee' used.
To the erei'.iiors of said stale:
V.,ti nr.' her. by potili.-d. That I win
il al the County Court room in IN; U -moiilli
in said eounty, on Al'iil - ' -red
m il .Iclv IM.ih, 1 ri -1 . at lit o dm k
a m. of i aeh day. to ree. iv and ex
amine .ill .l.iims amain.-t sum estate
with a view lo th.-ir adjustment am.
ailowarn-e. The time limiO'd for Ihe
!i "Miitnl ion of elaims against said es
three months from the -.oh ...iy
,.'f' pril. -N. i- I '-' . "''id the time ion
it. .1 'or iinii!.-nt of .b-bt- is ore year
H orn' sai.l ii'dh day of Ai-ril. r-1.
Witness my hand and the seal o
si, .d Count v Court, this 1Mb nay of
A!;"H'' A.d.t:x ,. rKs.ix.
(Seal) niL'l-lw. County Jude.
MI I K i: III-" M'lM.K I ION
l.r l.lrt'iiv Oi'Tne a
iil lUllini-.l Hull
Notiee i- her. by ivn that the nn
.Imsiied will, on f.e :,th day of April.
It at 1":'"' -, o.-k a. ui.. at
i;,'.. eourl leeie in I Ma t t s moil I h. Ne
braska, make al'Tdieatioii lo lie ilourd
fr Coiintv Comi.ii.-sionei - of Cass eouti
l' Nebrask; . lor a lieense t" oi'eraO'
:,' pool 1 in th buiblinw oil m t e. i f m
Lot ii.e I.".). C.b.ek Ihree -i . m ti"
Viilatfe of Mauley. Cass eounty, Ne
braska. . ,, , .
Iiated tlii.s Jl-t day d Mareii. A. I
-U J. I.. KCilNS.
The most exquisite line of birth
day and gift cards to be found any
where! At Journal office.
MIIK i; TO ItlllM UsH
The State ol N"ebra.--ka, Cass Coun
ty, ss.
in I he County out t. -In
ihe m.'ller of the eslat" ot Anna
ilhelmina Mirnim. deceased.
To tlie creditors of said tstale:
Vo l nr.' hereby nolili.d. That I will
sit al Co- I'uiir.ty C iuil room in Vlatts-
li. Mlth in said eol.lltv. on the 1 ' '". ''",v
! ..f V io il. ." . 1 '. lit.' I. a iid "li lie 1Mb
luv ef A. 1'. It1-1, at i.o ee.nek
ut'tlie loienouu ei" each day,
Sir. lv vour steering gear -An automobile is only as safe as its
.ri;V. g"-a"r- -Tiiousaads of accidents? are due. to defective and in-
e Ik' i t steering years Ihe most vaiuanie accesoi iiu uucn-n
t i-Vrd c i:- -Auiomatically increases mileage Holds the road
S 've f.u igoe of driving Gives absolute control of the car Can-m-i
reverse- S-oers without effort One hand control Eliminates
() Ml t.r The most scientifically constructed steering gear ever made
--l'b-.a'.irg steering rod connection No rod strains on worm
Eliminates vertical vibration, gear and body strains Greatly in
creases the pleasuio of driving Easy to install No holes to drill
-.,Ci! .liUt! steering rod Absolute control in snow, mud, ruts,
cross-couiYrv driving Xo locking over center Striking of stones
bump-: has r.o effect on steering wneei ear cannot-swerve
-rear for women It is tlie control mat Keeps you out oi
,i o.wi i,...v .vo vnur life. This is the super-gear manu-
I UU ..IT. ao -".' -... j - .
. . ,wi n.u ,.iTif .f the T, sham Manufacturing Com
pany. -of l'lattsmouth, Neb., and not found on any car but the
Ford resigned especially to increase the safety and pleasure of
driving this car. Puts the Ford in the Pierce-Arrow class. Is your
safety worth .$25.00? If so. let us equip your car. Full instruc
tions to all purchasers. If you pay less, you get less. Call or send
in your order today, tomorrow may be too late. You may be next,
take no ejianccs. We know.
L G. Sharp Manufacturing Company
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, U. S. A.
First class agents proposition Garage service stations being
c.-tablished every where" for Ford steering gear service Every pur
chaser of our gear making a tale receives a rebate on his own
Pays to investigate Injures your friends Makes you money
Every gear warranted The purchaser must be satisfied Purchas
ers claim that our irreversible steering gear pays for itself by
saving wear on cue set of tires.
s,uite UOG, Laurel Uuildill,
w 1 1 i i
ha V
t hat
s i 1 1 1 i
rui -;
wa .'
I reeeived in dim time tlio worm steering-
in your J.-tter t mo ol govern her "Mill.
billed and have sinee been Ui-im? il.
solved the problem and that you
safe steering- seal- for 1' mil cars
what a eorrespondent in
da'e eul It'll the worst ldeee of highway in
lmi-k holes. i drove over tin; road and through the
teelinu- a jar ill the steering wheel; the ear held its
Con t lemi n :
h you wrote
lln- :;nii- insl
i 1 1 u a t boi oux iiiy
la I il rove m i
i y ruts and
without onee
' i r i : I I turm
.I ust'ut ine, Iowa.
Oeienibet- to.
I at
I believe that
bavo xucceei
A wi'fk
the Cliieayo Trilivirie of
Ameriea. The roail was
led" in
d the wln;'I.
;. iM.
trul v.