The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 28, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    KCNTUY, MAECH 22. 1921
'hawka. for their kindness and min-
ist rat ions at the time of the illness
Nehawka Department!
Prepared ia the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
and death of our beloved son, Har
vey A. Osborne, and especially for
the kindness of Rev. and Mrs. W. A.
Taylor. J. II. Osborne and family.
Always willing to help you The
Nehawka Hank.
Don't fail to eat at the Griffin ho
tel when in Xehaw'iUi.
For rial service the Nehawka
Haul: has "cm al! cheated.
For dependable service when you
need it pch the Nehawka Hank.
Win. Dour h!y has been assist ins in
the sl op of T. E. Fulton for the past
tw days.
Th best advice, unprejudiced and
to the point, will be given at the Ne
hawka Rank.
Messrs. Vern Lundburg and (J.
Kitiie were attending the auto show
;i! Omaha last week.
Mrs. J. H. Osborne, of I'nion. was
a yuest at the home of her daughter
here over the week end.
A. ('. Tu'ene of I'lutt.-mouth at
tended the Spotted Poland China hog
-ale in N hawka last week.
John Frans. of I'nion. va a visi
tor in Ne!:av. ka Sunelay evening, be
ir.g a iiue-t of a ery dear friend.
Robert Young of Weeping Water
was lm-kinir after some business nial-te-r
in Nehawka last Wednesday.
Besides Room and Board we
carry bacon and cured meats
and fine eating potatoes.
Dslica Ece Cream
served by dish or quantity.
Do not forget to drop in for
dinner when in town.
H. r.i. GRIFFIH,
Nehawka, Nebraska
Concrete Burial Vaults!
We are making the best burial vault possible to
produce. Constructed of reinforced concrete, it is bet
ter and more durable than steel and has the advantage
of costing less. Most undertakers over the country
are handling our goods.
!YTilIer Sl Gruber,
Ready for Spring Work!
I am now ready for spring work, and spring is just
about ready to greet us. I handle a fine line of papers
and wall decorations of all kinds. A call to phone No.
7 1 will bring the latest artistic wall coverings to your
home for inspection and selection. Also solicit your
work in interior decorating and refinishing. Outside
painting of houses, barns or any building. For outside
work I use the "De Vilbiss Air Brush," the latest and
beet thing in painting.
Painter and Decorator
Farm EVlachinery!
e can supply your wants in the line of imple
ments and farm machinery just now cheaper than later
in season, as there is a considerable price advance on
stock purchased this spring, which we can save you
through having the goods in stock. Repairs, also.
Auto and Electrical Goods!
In connection with our garage, we are carrying
a nice line of auto and electrical supplies. The best of
work in all lines, courteous treatment and prompt ser
vice are among the advantages we offer you.
"Try Nehawka First"
NEHAWKA -:- -:- -:- ' NEBRASKA
Wehawka Motor Company
Successors to Nehawka Auto Company
JWe are equipped to care for all business intrusted
to us and will welcome and appreciate your patronage.
Excellent service, the best of workmen and reliable
parts and supplies, coupled with courteous treatment.
Frank Resnik was looking after
some business matters in I'latts
niouth last week, driving; over in li is
Phillip Ilild and brother Jacob
Tlild were in attendance at the fine
hog sale held by R. R. Stone last
P. H. Field and Col. W. R. Young
of Plattsmouth, were in attendance
at the hog sale of R. R. Stone last
Always on the lookout for the best
interests of Nehawka, the Nehawka
Hank is a good institution to do bus
iness with.
Nettie Helton was a viskor in
I'nion last week, where she went to
visit at the home of her aunt, Mrs.
J. H. Osborne.
Dr. J. A. Pollard, of Omaha, was
a visitor at the home of his brother,
M. II. Pollard, who has been confin
ed to his bed.
Frank Resnik was looking: after
some business matters in I'nion the
past week, - making trips daily to
that lively town.
Charles Atkinson, of near Murray.
was a visitor in Nehawka last Sun
day. being a guest at the home of
Mrs. H. W. Griffin.
Durwood Lynde of I'nion. was a
visitor in Nehawka last Saturday,
being in attendance at the fine hog
sale of R. IJ. Stone.
1). C. West and F. A. Boedeker
were both under the weather a few
days last week, but are considerably
better at this writing.
A. J. Rose was a visitor in Omaha
last week, where he went to consult
a specialist in regard to some ear
trouble lie has been experiencing.
Paul Wolph is contemplating: the
erection of a house on his farm near
Avoca. but to date has done nothing
further than have the site staked
R. B. Stone had arranged to attend
a hog sale at a distance last week,
but cn account of the pressure of
work at the farm was not able to get
Nehawka, Nebraska
The Busy Workers of the Metho
dist church had a very interesting
and valuable meeting at the home of
Mrs. R. O. Pollard last Wednesday
Truman Tysor, one of the efficient
salesmen in the employ of the Shel
don department store, was a visitor
at his former home in Riverton, la.,
over Sunday.
Frank Russell was a visitor in
Nehawka one day last week, driving
over wiih the family in his car, and
was a guest while here of his friend,
II. W. Griffin and family.
M. R. Walker, who is employed
by George Lopp. has gone to his
former home at Dunnegan. Mo., for
a few days visit with friends, while
transacting some business.
Every town has need of an insti
tution to stand guard over the in
terests of the many who do not look
out for themselves. In Nehawka
that institution is The Nehawka
L. 0. Miner, of Plattsmouth, who
is in the employ of the T. II. Pollock
Auto company there, was a visitor in
Nehawka last Wednesday, disposing
of a new Ford touring car to O. L.
J. V. Davis of Elmwood, has been
in Nehawka for some time past and
has just completed a well on tho
farm of Alva McReynolds and will
also sink a well for Henry Kiecher
northwest of town.
C. W. Hodge & Sons report a very
satisfactory garage business during
their first few. weeks to have charge
of the same and wish to thank those
who have patronized them as well as
rolicit a continuance of their trade.
H. C Pollard shipped four sows of
September-farrow to a buyer, Mr. S.
H. Griffith, of Minden. Idaho, last
week. He also shipped the latter
part of the week four other fall sows
to L. M. Huff, of Garden City. Kas.
M. R. Sargent, who worked for
Fred Shumaker during the past two
years, but who has been making his
home at Grant during the past win
ter, returned here last week and is
employed on the farm of Fred Nutz
man. William Heinrichson. of Platts
mouth was a visitor in Nehawka one
day last week, driving down in his
auto truck to make some deliveries
of soda water from his bottling works
in the county seat and look after
business matters.
Carl Stone was looking after some
business matters in Union last week.
11. H. Stoll and Gust Hansen were
in Weeping Water last Friday, where
they were furnishing music for a
dance which was given at the Phil
pot hall of that place.
R. II. Chapman, the mail man
savs the road overseer over Rock
Bluffs precinct surely knows his
business, and he has been making
the roads over which Mr. Chapman
travels in carrying his mail, among
the best in the county.
Sherman Osborne and sister. Miss
Ethel, who accompanied the remains
of their brother, Harvey Osborne,
who met death at I'nion by falling
through a hole in the hay loft, to
the old home in Missouri for burial,
returned home last Sunday.
Z. W. Shrader and wife were vis
iting at the home of H. H. Shrader.
eist of Murray last Sunday, going up
to call on George W. Shrader. who is
confined to his home on account of
a stroke of paralysis, but who is now
making good progress toward re
covery. Pen Hicks, who has been in the
employment of Frank Schlichtemeier
of northwest of town, during the past
two years, left Friday for the south,
expecting to stop somewhere in the
southern part of Missouri or north
ern Arkansas, where he will make
his home.
Roy Kratz. who was superinten
dent of the Sheldon factory prior to
entering the service of his country,
accompanied by his wife and other
friends, visited Nehawka people last
week, the party being guests at the
homes of Frank Sheldon and Marion
Tuchler and families.
Henry F. Kropp has been under
the weather for the past few days
and had to remain at home last
Wednesday on account of feeling so
badly. H. H. Stoll was able to look
rfter the business of the elevator,
lumber yard, and implement house,
as well as telling us a few good
stories also.
The grain business was quiet in
Tehawka during the week, the farm
ers being all in the fields and making
good use of the excellent weather,
preparing the land for cultivation.
The grain prices also being rather
easy, on Wednesday the prices being
aid were: Wheat, $1.25; corn.
3Sc, and oats 25c.
Ex-governor George Sheldon had
he misfortune a few days ago to in
jure one of his legs near the knee
joint while . working with his auto
mobile, causing him slight incon
venience for a short time, but is now
greatly improved. He left last week
for his home in the south after a long
stay here which he and his friends
greatly enjoyed.
Senator and Mrs. Andrew F. Sturm
and their daughter, Miss Gertrude,
accompanied by Representative John
O. Yeiser, Jr.. motored down from
Lincoln a1 week ago Sunday for a
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Vilas P. Sheldon, returning to the
capital city in the evening. Miss Ger
trude and Mr. Yeiser were married
in Council Bluffs, Iowa, during the
past week. and will make their
home in Omaha following the pres
ent legislative session. Mr. Yeiser
being engaged in the law business
in that city.
Card of Thanks
We wish to extend our sincere
thanks to those of our neighbors
and friends, both at Union and Ne--
Will Give Season Ticket
A season ticket to the ball games
played here this summer will be
given to the person suggesting the
most approved name for the Nehawka
ball team. The prize winner will be
decided by a committee specially ap
pointed for that purpose. All those
bnvinir names to suggest will nle.ise
communicate them to Everett Rut-
The opening game of the season
will be played on the pint of ground
which has been leased from Nicholas
Klaurens and will be used as a park
this summer. This game will be
played Sunday, April 3rd. and will be
free to all who wish to attend.
Played a Test Game
A made-up team of I'nion baseball
players came over last Sunday for a
practice game with the Nehawka
team, the result of which substan
tiates the claim that Nehawka is
going to have a good team in the
field this year. The score was 11 to
3 in favor of the home bovs.
A Commendatory Act
The Methodist church of Nehawka
shipped two cases of fresh eggs to
the Methodist home in Omaha last
week. This sort of spirit looks good
to us and is highly commendable.
Thus the folks at the home were able
to enjoy some excellent eating and
know that they were nice and fresh,
something that is hard to get in the
cities, even in these times of plenti
fulness of hen fruit.
Many Attend Shriners Meeting
Within the past ten days semi
annual Shriners initiations were held
at both Lincoln and Omaha. The
Lincoln ceremonials drew heaviest
from this community, it being esti
mated that nearly half a hundred
Masons and their wives attended to
enjoy the banquet and initiatory
work. Last week at the Omaha
meeting four from here were pres
ent, they being Nelson Berger. R. H.
Chapman. Walter Wunderlich and
R. C. Pollard.
Will Open Quarries Soon
Superintendent Yant. who has
charge of the quarries here, made a
visit to Nehawka a short time ago.
looking over the works here and ar
ranging to have things put in shape
for early operation. The house used
for housing and feeding the men
burned down since the closing of the
local plant and will have to be re
constructed before production can be
undertaken. This will be the first
work in the process of getting ready
to reopen the quarry and soon we
may expect to again hear the hum
of the machinery and see a goodly
number of men given employment in
this local enterprise.
Attended Masonic Funeral
A number of Nehawka Masons at
tended the funeral of Clark S. New
Ion at Weeping Water last Tuesday,
driving over in cars. Among those
going were Henry Pollard. R. II.
Chapman. J. M. Stone. J. G. Wun
derlich. J. H. Palmer and J. S.
Gave Friends Surprise.
On last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Cisney. living north of town, had
been hitched in double harness for
ten years, and the friends and
neighbors knowing the fact, gath
ered at the home of A. I). Murdoch
and when the crowd had increased
to some sixty persnos they went to
the home of the unusupectlng couple
and took them by storm. The eve
ning was cne of much pleasure, as
the friends had provided eats, and
with the games and music and other
means of entertainment, completed
with a most delightful lunch, the
event was made one of much plea
sure, and all enjoyed the occasion
Will Organize a County Association.
R. C. Pollard, the breeder of Hamp
shire hogs, and who has made a great
success in this line, has in hand the
idea of getting all breeders of pure
bred hogs together in a norganiza
tion and for the forming of such
will in the near future call a meet
ing at Nehawka. All who are breed
ers of pure bred hogs, of whatever
strain or variety, are expected to be
in attendance and become members
cf the association. The meetings
will be held monthly after the or
ganization, and the places of meeting
will be at the various farms of the
members, in order that the other
members may study the methods and
thus all get the best of the points of
the other fellow, thus improving all
in their manner of handling the hogs
to obtain the best results.
Their Haunts Are Discovered.
It has teen discovered where the
cartoonist secured his suggestions
for Mutt & Jeff, as given in the
World-Herald, and-when the parties
were accused of being Mutt & Jeff
they smiled and acknowledged the
fact. The parties are Thomas E.
Fulton and Warren Munn. Cicero
and Sir Sidney have not as yet been
discovered, but are supposed to have
their home near Nehawka just the
Are Starting to Build
J. H. Miller is just completing the
excavation of a site where he ex
pects to immediately begin the con
struction of a modern residence, to
be built of cement blocks. The new
home will contain five rooms and be
furnished complete with modern con
veniences, such as bath and furnace
heat. The outside dimensions of the
building will be 24x34 and it will be
up-to-date in every respect.
Crepe paper of all suitahle de
signs for Easter can be found at the
Journal office. Call and look them
tobacco makes 50
good cigarettes for
Some Residents of City Take Occasion
to Apply Hammer to Fire Depart
ment When Not Deserved.
It has often occurred to many of
the residents of the city, who are fa
miliar with the conditions under
which the fire department has oper
ated, that the valiant little group
-who yield the hammer with vim and
vigor on every occasion that the de-
department is called out, should lay
up this weapon and retire to soli
tude where they can, in their own
minds, debate the question whether
or not the criticism that they have
made is justified.
The volunteer fire department is
an organization of citizens who have
assumed an obligation to do all pos
sible, not only of their own proper
ty, but that of everyone in the city
and there has not been an occasion
in vears that the members of the
department have failed to do their
full duty and at personal sacrifices.
There are occasions, it is true.
after a fire when everyone can rea
lize that there were some small mat
ters that might have been handled
different but in a large majority of
cases the department has done its full
duty to save all possible loss from
fire or water.
At the fire on Wednesday morning
a great many complained that the
whistle at the shops was not blown
more promptly and finding fault with
the methods of giving the alarm al
though it was the most successful yet
used, and others stated that the de
partment was not at the fire until
after the whistle was blown when in
fact the truck was at the scene and
in action before the shop whistle
was blown, due to the practical sys
tem of calling the firemen.
J. A. Gardner of the Eagle Bea
con. is a man of himself, and un
like the others, when he sees his
way clear, he goes after a proposi
tion, whether the others do or not.
He has just been instrumental in
having a band organized for his
home town of Eagle, of which he
is president, and is encouraging the
young folks in a musical education
as well as providing a source of en
tertainment for the city when oc
casion requires. He has also at his
own expense, provided a station of
the state circulating library, secur
ing a large number of volumes from
the state library at Lincoln, which
are shipped to and from Eagle by
freight, he paying the charges there
on. Anvone can have a volume for
two weeks without any charge, and
after that time will be charged at
the rate of a penny per day for their
non-return. Mr. Gardner is surely
doing the proper thing in this re
spect by the community, wherein he
has chosen to make his home.
From Friday's Dally.
A large number of the members cf
Plattsmouth aerie No. 3C5 F. O E.
were visitors in Nebraska City last
evening, where they attended the big
class initiation of the order and en
joyed the pleasant social features of
the occasion. W. M. Barclay of this
city worthq state-vice-president head
ed the party and the Plattsmouth
bunch were heartily received by their
fraternal associates. Judge Duncan
of St. Joseph. Mo., past grand worthy
president was at Nebraska City and
delivered a very inspiring address
on the work of the order in the na
tion. A large class was initiated in
to the mysteries of Eagledom at the
She States It Mildly.
While suffering with a severe at
tack of the grip and threatened with
pneumonia. Mrs. Annie H. Cooley, of
Middlefield, Conn., began using
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
was very much benefitted by its
use. The pains in the chest soon
disappeared, the sough became loose,
expectoration easy and in a short
time she' was as well as ever. Mrs.
Cooley says she cannot speak too
highly in praise of this remedy.
Sixteen bred sows, and thirty-six
shoats. One riding cultivator. C.
E. Allred. R. F. D. No. 1, Platts
mouth. Farm is three-quarters of
a mile east of the four corners south
of Plattsmouth. . 19-6td.
Blank Books at the Journal Office,!
Herman Da 11 was looking after
Mime business matters in Omaha
last Fridav, driving over in his ear.
W. II. "Frost and A. 11. Humble
visited in Lincoln a week ago Friday,
going up to attend the Shriners'
spring iniation
Miss Leta Peters, of Talmnge. was
a visitor at the home of her sister.
Mr?. Theo Harms several days dur
ing the past week.
The enterprising firm of Heebner
& Sheehan shipped two cars of mixed
hogs and cattle to the Omaha .market
during the past week.
August Krecklow and family vis
ited in Plattsmouth last Friday,
where they looked after some busi
ness matters for the day.
Willis Gerlach. who has been vis
iting in St. Louis with relatives and
friends, returned home a few days
ago, having enjoyed his visit in the
Missouri metropolis very much.
Howard Johnson, who is farming
on the ( al Kockwell place, has had
us add his name to our list ol" read
ers. He wa-s in town last week hav
ing some repair work done on 'lis
machinery so as to be able to pro
ceed with tli" fanning operations
without interruption.
R. Rergman and family visited in
Omaha last Wednesday, where they
went to make some purchases for
the store, and where Mr. Bergman
took an examination for the testing
of cream, as he will in a short time
open a cream station for the Kirse-h-baum
Creamery company ol" Omaha.
Scene of Happy Wedding
The home of Fred Luetchens. a
few miles west of Manley. was the
scene of a most happy gathering on
last Wednesday when their accom
plished and charming daughter. Miss
Martha, was united in marriage to
Mr. William Vogt. of near Manley.
The festivities were very felicitous,
and many friends of the contracting
parties were present to witness the
happy event. The home was deco
rated especially for the occasion and
presented a bower of beauty. the
color scheme being carried out in all
the rooms as well as represented in
the table decorations. The young i
people are well known to a host of
friends in this community, whom t he
Journal is pleased to join in wishing
them a long, happy and prosperous
Miss Steinkamp is Here
Little wonder Adolph Steinkamp
cannot keep from smiling, even when
he is busily engaged in talking busi
ness with his customers. The cutest
little blue eyed granddaughter has
arrived at the home of his son, Ed
ward and wife, and Grandpa's pleas
ure is unexpressable.
Will Have Fast Ball Team
The baseball fans of Manley and j
vicinity gathered at the Woodmen j
hall last Thursday evening and or-1
ganized a ball team which will be
ready to take on all comers in a
short time and to accept the chal
lenge of any team in the county for
a trial of skill on the diamond. None
will be barred when it comes to
playing ball.
The officers selected for the team
are Theodore Harms, manager: Itti-i
dolph Bergman, secretary. W. J.
Ran. treasurer and Wm. Sheeh:, n,
ground keeper. Charles Gerlach was
selected as marshal and will be depu
tized by the shrieff for the reejuirc 1
authority to preserve order at all
In the matter of finances it was
not long before there had been sub
scribed and paid in the sum of f 17.",
which with last years balance of ap
proximately $30 will give the boys a
gooel start, and with the kind of a
team it is expected to maintain, thei
gate receipts should prove adequate
to keep the thing going.
Every town has need of a good
ball team and we are pleased to see ;
Manley get so well fitted out in this!
line so early in the season, as it will
insure recreation for our people dur
ing the coming summer months.
Another American Arrives
Last Wednesday morning there ar
rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Earhart a lusty young Amer
ican, who announced his intentions,
of staying, and has already grown
rapidly in favor with the fond moth-i
er and proud father. Incident ly, the1
For Wide Tread, Four Wheel and Two Row Listers,
Corn Planters, Harrows, Manure Spread
ers, Titan Tractors and Ottawa
Cylinder Shellers.
Cedar Creek
young ".nan's grandtno' ei Mrs. E..;
Ivir'. Sr.. is also ue-arhg :i smtU
tl.a! V o'i't cedlie- oil. We wi-ll th-
lad J' long and'.y lit" itnd con
gratulate Lint tuost heartily iio:'
having come to such a town
to make his home.
Ycurgest Legislator. "Joshed" by
Liens Following Engagement.
Hastens Wedding.
John O. Yeiser. jr.. 2. Ne bra-ka's
yo'inges' legislator, was marri'-d in
Ocineil I'.iu! yesterday to .Wis-, G r
ir'Mle A. St anil. 22. daughter of --ii-ator
and Mrs. A. 1. Sturm of .Ve
da wka. N'eh.
Tile marriage, which came a-, a
si!, prise to a!! the fareriis. involved,
followed a int. tor trip from I. in ol:i
liy .Mr. Veist r and his britle-i o-.k .
'"After his t i.gagemei: I wa atl-n-uin'-ed.
I gues.s the legNIn'i r -
d him so h he devid
get married in s- lf-defen-e."
plained his fattier today.
"It was lit'-Uy for his mother and
u:e we were tiov.n town yc-nr day
John met us on the stieet out-id'-
the Rurge
and hail - i
u with 'Hey. wait a minute. I'm
got something I'm promoting.'
"Then we g' int.) his car am!
went over to Council Ulu'Vs 'o wat'-h
t he-iii get married."
Senator and Mrs. Sturm were not
present at the ceremoi.y.
The Rev. ('. K. Cobbe-y of Omaha,
eillk dated.
Mr. and Mrs. Yeiser, jr.. b-ft for a
motor trip immediately afterward.
They will make their in !.;:
coin until the end of The r.e?e-i,t s.
sion. wlu-n they will return to
Omaha. We.rld-l lerald.
Th- funeral of Mr. Je-sse Living
ston, father ed' Messrs. Harrison and
Cyrus Livingston of nar
was hedd at the Christian ehurc-ii at
Weeping Water la.-t Friday afternoon
at two o'clock, the ee-iem mie-s heing
condtv-ted by the Rev. L. W. Meer
,i the Christian church at IN-nson.
Mr. Jesse Livingston was horn em
October 2. 1S47, in the st:'Te of Ohio,
and when yet a you'h rume to N
( rai-ka with his parents, settling on
what is known as the Joseph E. ile
farm south of Cedar f're - k. where In
lived for a number of ye. rs. He has
made' his home at Jewee. for
number of years past ami where he
passed away last Tuesday after li;;v
ing suffered from a sin ke of paralys
is five weeks ago. Mr. i ,i v in : - ' on
was tirited in m.itriaK' em July :'..
1S70. and is survived by the v. if.
of i i v tifty ye ar.-. ; lu .. having b--biateJ
the ir go! l ti v.e lding I:;vt
There were
to th;-- couple
in childhn.jd.
succeeded by
dames Ka v K
twelve (hildr-r. born
foui ed t lie in dying
itld 1 he l .i I he r
;h- f-.dio'ving :
hh-r aim II. O.
be . tig
of Lin.oln;
Aaren and
Messrs. Grove.
we".- -.
Clarence of ) ).
while Harrison J. and Gyrus 'i.:. ko
their home near this place. Mr. Je-s-Livingston
lived a devout christian
life, having united with the Chris
tian :: urch at the ai;e t s-fventeen.
fiver a half century a,.). Th" in
terment was made ;: tile Glendab
cemetery ne'ar where he spent many
vears ef his life-.
Why Colds are Dangerous
It is the seriom; diseases that colds
lead to that makes then dangerous.
They prepare the sy.-tem for the re
ception and development of the
germs of influenza, pneumonia, tu
berculosis, dyptherin. ariet fever,
whooping cough and m'-asles. You
are much more likely to contract
these diseases when you hive a
cold. Foi that reasem you should
get rid of every cold as quickly as
possible. Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy will help you. It is widely known
as a cure for bad colds.
1.000 Chick Colony brooder for sale
cheap. James Miller, telephone "?2.
i mmm
r n n