The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 21, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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MONDAY. MARCH 21, 1921.
To - Fp -
staii -Jl ractoir
0 .
C. F. Moekenhaupt was looking af
ter tome business matters in Louis
ville .last Wednesday.
John Fleischman has been busy
the past few days overhauling the
automobile of Glen York.
George L. Meiainger looked af
ter s :me business matters in Platts
i.' last Monday, driving over in
his car.
Miss Leta refers, of Talmadge.
as a visitor in Manley a few days
!; f t week, being a guest of her sis
!,r. Mrs. Theo Harms.
J. L. Burns was not feeling the
! est last week and as a result was
not teen around his place of business
p:irt of the time last week.
Herman Seheuter, of near Wabash
war in Manley last week advertising
the sale of the excess stock of im
plements at the Farmers elevator in
Notwithstanding the busy season
the farmers have found time to de
liver enough grain during the past
week to load out three cars from the
incl elevator.
Miss Minnie Hourke left Thursday
i' r Wayne, where she will make an
txte.iled viit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Cal Hockwell.
Ti e Standard Oil company's wag
on ma le a visit to Manley on last
Thursday, providing the local deal
er with oils and gasoline.
Mrs. Howard Johnson arrived here
hi t week from Wayne to join her
husband, and they will engage in
i'arining the coming season.
Joe Wolpert and David Brann were
visitors in Lincoln last Wednesday,
geing up to attend the state con
vention of the Royal Neighbors.
Frnst Pankonin visited the auto
show last Thursday not that he ex
pects to purchase but because he
wanted to see the styles anyway.
Mrs. John Koop. of Louisville, was
a visitor in Manley last Tuesday, be
ing a guest at the home of her
daughter. Mrs. Rudolph Bergman.
Mrs. ('. M. Andrus and son. Har
old were visiting in Omaha and at
tending the auto show last Friday,
driving to the metropolis in their
.Va-b ear.
Hunker W. J. Ran and brother.
Georire Ran. of Ttica. who is visiting
litre, were looking after some busi
nos matters in Louisville on last
Thursda y.
Iftrnian Hall was a visitor in Om
aha a couple of days last week,- go
ing up on the train Thursday to at
tend the auto show and transact
some busint.-s matters.
Herman Stohlman was a visitor at
the county seat last Tuesday, going
over io consult the county attorney
retarding the exercise of the income
tax law on a point in question.
Mrs. R. I'.ergman. who has been
confined to her home and bed for
some time p;ist with tonsilities. is so
far improved as to be about again,
and is feeling quite well at this
The drill team of the local Royal
Neighbors lodge visited Lincoln last
week and put on their star drill,
winch said to have been one of
the mo-t attractive features of the
state convention.
Tlu-ma Keckler who is still con
fined to bed most of the time, is
honing that improved weather will
soon permit of his being out again,
as he ays being housed up doesn't
agree with him at all. .
Claude Rreckenfeld. of Elrnwood.
wa; visitor in Mjfcnley last Tues
day. a;id in company witli George and
W. J. Rau. the trio went to Lincoln,
where they spent some time looking
after business matters.
John Mockenhaupt was a visitor in
Greenwood and the west end of the
county last week and report.? motst
of the oat crop sown there and tne
farmers all busy with such work as
can be done at this time.
Jacob Gcehry and wife, of Mur
dock. who visited in Europe for a
number of months last summer, have
been visiting in Manley, guests at
the home of Peter Vogler and wife,
and also with Mrs. Dora Fleischman
; for a few days last week.
Charles Gerlach. Edward Stein
kamp, Rollin Coon and Fred Fleisch
' man were in Omaha last Wednesday
. and it would have taken a regiment
of National Gurdsmen to have kept
them away from the auto show and
my, but how they did admire those
Wm. Harmes. W. H. Frost. Hugh
O'Brien and John Carper were the
generous men who provided cars and
took the Royal Neighbor degree
team to Lincoln to the state conven
tion last week. They remained until
the exercises were concluded, arriv
ing home at a quarter of three.
Married at Council Bluffs
Fred Shellhorn. without telling
his friends anything about his in
tentions, went to Council Bluffs, on
last Tuesday, where he secured for
himself a winsome bride, they re
turning Wednesday and are now
snugly located on the farm north
west of Manley. A number of the
neighbors serenaded the couple on
I Wednesday evening. The Journal
! extends congratulations and best
wishes for a prosperous life.
Oh, How Happy They Are
There is much happiness at the
home of Herman Stohlman and wife,
where the stork left a fine little
baby boy, who is to make his home
with the fond parents in the future.
We trust the young man will ever
be a joy to the mother and a com
fort to the fond parents in whose
care he is entrusted now.
Getting Final Papers
Last Saturday Phillip Fleming,
Oris Schliefert and Theo Harms vis
ited the county seat, driving over in
their car for the purpose of secur
ing the final citizenship papers that
entitle Mr. Fleming to all the rights
and privileges of full fledged citizen
ship in the United States of America.
Was Clean-Up Week
Last week was clean-up week in
Manley and everybody got busy and
put their lawns and gardens in per
fect condition. The town looks like
a new place now with lawns all
raked and gardens started. Larger
towns could well follow the example
set for them in Manley. The people
here are awake and neglect no op
portunity of beautifying their homes
and property.
What About Next Year
Edward Murphy was looking af
ter some business matters in Omaha
last Wednesday and having a little
spare time on his hands took advan
tage of the opportunity of looking
over some of the new cars shown at
the auto exhibit, in which he is
somewhat interested. He was sur
prised at the many new appliances
and contrivances to improve the
automobile and says that two years
hence the auto show will be rele
gated for the airplane show, and we
wonder what the intervening (next)
year will bring.
Early Ohio Seed Potatoes!
We have the pure strain Early Ohio seed pota
toes; also a fine variety of onion sets white, red and
Work clothing, fruit in season, groceries and can
ned goods. We pay the highest prices for country pro
duce, butter and eggs.
Mrs. Henry Miller visited last week
with relatives in Plattsmouth.
Ed Stroemer and family spent the
week-end with relatives ni Iowa.
Ed Hornbeck of Murdock, was call
ing on friends in Alvo Thursday.
The Royal Neighbors met Wednes
day afternoon with Mrs. Stella Stroe
mer. Wm. Kitzel, wife and daughter,
Grace, were Lincoln visitors Tues
day. Miss Ina Anderson spent the week
end with Miss Violet Wistey at her
home near Lincoln.
Mrs. Esther Clark and children of
Waverly, are spending a fs.w days
here with her parents.
The revival meetings at the M. K.
church are being well attended and
will continue another week.
Miss Mildred Knight left last weal:
to take a nurses training course at
the Methodist hospital in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo. Brown went
to Lincoln Friday morning, where
they attended the Shriner.; festival.
Dan Williams and family are mov
ing this week to a farm east of De
Witt, where they have employment.
Mr. and Mrs. August Rosen w f
Lincoln, visited relatives here an.!
at Elrnwood several days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reasoner of
Ashland visited Thursday with Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Rouse.
Miss Lucile Johnson, accompanied
by several friends, motored to Lin
coln Friday evening to attend the
basket ball tournament.
The Ladies Aid society held a Gold
Nugget box social at the M. E.
church basement Friday night, which
netted them about $r0.
The Women's Home Missirnary so
ciety and the Ladies Aid society sent
two cases of eggs to the Methodist
hospital at Omaha this week.
R. F. Jchnscn and family have
moved to Superior to make tiieir
home. Best wishes of their friends
for the best of success follow them.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foreman tori!:
supper Monday evening with :he
home folks here on their way from
Council Bluffs, la., to their home in
G. L. Stone, who enjoys the posi
tion of credit man for llinkle (.
Joyce Hardware company of Lincoln,
spent Sunday with his parents. Mr.
and Mrs. E. M. Stone.
Rev. M. E. Stair is getting along
quite well since the accident two
weeks ago when he fell from a load
of hay striking on his shoulder, badly
bruising it. and breaking two ribs.
Mr. and Mrs. Niehart and Mrs.
Harnsberger of Elrnwood. called on
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linch Wednesday
evening, having come over to attend
the revival meetings in the M. E.
Operator Mathis came in Thursday
evening to relieve second trick at
the depot during the absence of Mrs.
Moore while she and Mr. Moore at
tended the Shriners festival in Lin
coln. Friday.
Miss Margaret Reiser of Council
Bluffs, la., who is a guest at the 11.
Moore home, spent Thursday night
and Friday in Lincoln with Mi-s
Blanche Moore, who is a student ;it
the Lincoln business college.
The guests at the Rev. M. E. Stair
home last week were a brother. L. E.
Stair, of Mitchell. S. D.. who spent
several days and the former's daugh
ter, Mrs. Bernice Martin of Polo, Mo.,
who spent a week.
The Woman's Reading club met
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Roy
Coatman. Thsi was the first week
of the new' year under the regime of
the new otficers who are Mrs. L. B.
Appleman. president; Mrs. Will Cop
pie, tecretary anil Mrs. Chas. Ed
wards, treasurer. There were twenty
seven present including the teachers
who were guests.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Campbell of
Denton, spent Saturday night with
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Armstrong, leav
ing Sunti-iy morning io ittend a
birthday dinner f r Mr. Wm. Reed
an uncle near Waverly, who was 94
years old. Other gue-ts for supper
Saturday night were Mrs. A. Hurl
bat of Greenwjcd. ar.d Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Prouty and daughter. Mr--.. Clyde
Elicit Gra--;: Represent ttive; Put on
Amendment Excusing Rr.nge Cat
tle from Tubercular Exams,
C,;w censorship was tlie topic of the
hour in he. use committee of the
vhoie Thursday morning. The audi
ence v.-a:J helii so ti-rhtly in the grip
f t lie cow s;'!-ject the! movie censor
ship made a rap'd tri;i thrmgh the
V i hntnher :;'mu: t n a noticed. II.
R. 1!;! hurried tiuou::'i nr. Kite from
the- committee on arnr.gement. It
; t pped i niy loe-g cnr.U'Mi to 1 e smiled
at by a few and frowned upon by
Movie censorship supposedly ap
pms to the morals of the young and
old and these in middle life, but
especially to the young. Cow censor
ship applies to white cows, black
co-.vs. steers, the youre; a !f. the cud-ic.--:;
oovv" and the cow with the crump
led horn. It r.pp'ics to the young
hc;:'er -.vh;i kicks her heels skyward
v h n she scents the a-pronch of a
str.;m and to the dernplt old cow
whose nly ambition is to chew al
faifa and gossip with other old cows.
H. R. "S9, the cow c-nsorsiiip bill,
piovides for the t ..--! i i of all cattle
shipped into tbe state except for im
mediate slaughter, for tuberculosis.
When the state finds it necessary to
ki!l censo-ed cows, it shall reimburse
tV owner not more than ifL'S for an
oidinary cow and not more than 550
fer -i registered cow.
The department of agriculture is
eirr.Twor to make necessary rules and
rc-.u'ations to carry into effect the
necessary censorship purpose of the
act. It is given authority to regulate
or rrohibit transport:!! ion within the of exposed ir affected animal.
Whei the movie man is censored,
he must merely pry a fine. When
the caw is censored she must die.
Re;resen,ativcs from the short grass
country declared that if enforced to
the letter, the law will put the cattle
industry t.n the shelf.
Xr. Mickey said tiiat in the range
eou-.try. cow men ship in steers by
the thousand. If the steers are
yo::ng they usually are kept until
they reach the age of three, four or
five years. If every steer must he
treated for t uber -vtlosis and the vet
erinarian may charge almost any
price the member from Cherry see.
nothing to it but a quietus, to the
cattle industry.
"If you want to ruin the cattle
bu-'iness. pass this bill." he said.
Messrs. Mickey and Reed, short
grass represeimi ive.i. with the ap
proval cf the house, wiped away the
objection by plastering on a proviso
tht'L the bill shall not t.pnly to range
stcckers and feodvrs shipped in.
A committee amendment proposed
to wipe from the bill the clause which
gives to the depart mint the right to
order a re-test within sixty day af
ter the original test. Speakiiiir for
the Jiim ndtnent, Mr. G iff ore! si. id lr1
it simply builds up bn.-iness for the
"Either recognize the relmbility of
the initial test or do away with it
cut irely." he said.
The amendment was defeated and
the bill advanced to third reading.
For Wide Tread, Four Wheel and Two Row Listers,
Corn Planters, Harrows, Manure Spread
ers, Titan Tractors and Ottawa
Cylinder Shelters.
Cedar Creek
Buying Grain and Stock!
We always pay the highest price for Grain and
Stock. We own and run our own elevator and mix
and grade up our grain, enabling us to aUvays pay
top prices.
Bargains in implements!
While they last, we are offering at very low prices
implements and farm machinery consisting of:
2 No. 5 Clover Leaf low down spreaders $165.00
One four-wheel Rock Island lister 60.00
Two Rock Island cultivators at 45.00
One Sterling disc, 16-16, at 60.00
Other Equally as Good Bargains in
the Best Farm Machinery.
oatman Hardware?
ALVO -:- -:- -:- NEERASKA
Back to the O
Id Price
YE have reduced the orice of the Titan 10-20 to
its former low nnce or SLUUU t. o. b. hicacro.
This is the same Titan tractor which 75,000 farmers
have put into remarkably successful service the
same tractor, plus 1 92 1 improvements and additions.
A full set of removable extension angle lugs sold as extra equip
ment under the former $1 ,000 price is now included without extra
cost. Fenders, Platform, Angle Lugs, Throttle Governor, Friction
Clutch Pulley, Wide Range Adjustable Drawbar, Water Air
Cleaner all are included in the $1,000 price.
International 8-16 and 13-30 Tractors
Also Reduced in Price
Farmers who want a lighter tractor,
built like a high-grade automobile but
with the same sturdiness and reliability
of the Titan, can now get the Interna
tional 8-16 at $1,000 f.o b. Chicago.
We have long restricted the sale of
this model to a limited territory, but
increased production enables us to re
lease it to all sections of the United States.
The International 1 5-30 tractor has
been reduced to $1 ,950 f. o. b. Chicago.
Bear in mind that we give unequalled
sendee, made possible through 92
branch houses and thousands of local
dealers, to every International tractor
owner, no matter where located.
Prices of Other Lines Reduced
Prices have also been reduced on chilled plows, tractor plows,
cream separators, kerosene engines, seeding machines, Inter
national threshers, harvester-threshers, wagons, hay presses,
and a number of other lines on which your dealer can give you
full information.
International Harvester Company
92 Branch Houses and 15,000 Dealers in the United States
In Company with the State Division
Engineer and Federal Repre
sentative Go Over It.
The county commissioners, Messra
Farley. Harris rml (Jorder, wore out
ye f r.iay looking over the road
..r:h in the vicinity of Faele and
; ai ticr.larly that of the highway
cor noct ins v.p KrIc and Murdock,
: ji important p:rt of the state high
way running from Murray west to
The commissioners were joined at
Fugle by Division Engineer Merrick
of the stato department of public
works and the representative of the
governmtr.t aid road department who
traveled with the commissioners over
the highway from Eagle to Murdock
inspecting the places where it is
necessary to have culverts or bridges
placed to put the road in first class
It is the intention to ask to have
the federal aid extended to this road
:i-itl to'have it completed in first class
shape which will give a wonderfully
smcoth highway through the central
portion of the county and connect at
Murray with the government aid
highway running north and south.
This road was started last year
and has had a - great deal of work
placed on it to make it the proper
width and has been kept up in first
class shape this spring, and is now
one of the best highways in this por
tion of the county.
Miss Louise Hesse and Mr. James M.
Cunningham United in Mar
riage This Afternoon.
From Thursday's Daily.
A very simple and quiet wedding
occurred at 2 o'clock this afternoon
at the residence of Uev. and Mrs. A.
V. Hunter, when two of the popu
lar residents of this city. Miss Louise
Hesse and Mr. James M. Cunning
ham, were united in marriage.
The bridal couple was attended
by Miss Ida Ledgway and Mr. Louie
Hesse, brother of the bride. The
impressive ring service was used by
the Rev. Hunter in uniting the lives
and hearts of the contracting par
ties. Both the bride and groom are well
known and very popular among a
large circle of warm friends. The
bride is a daughter of Mrs. Dora
Hesse and has been brought to wom
anhood in this city and during her
years of residence here has endear
ed herself to a large circle of warm
friends. The groom is the president
of the local aerie of Eagles and has
been for several years in the em
ploye of the Burlington in the paint
shop in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham will
start housekeeping at once in the
home that the groom has arranged
for the coming of his bride.
In company with the many friends
the Journal joins in wishing a long
and very happy married life to these
tww estimable people and one filled
with just enough sunshine and shad
ow to make the close oie of beauty
and love.
Mark White, who has been here
for the past month arranging his
business affairs, departed Tuesday for
his home in Lo.s Angeles, Califor
nia, and was accompanied back home
by his neice. Mrs. F. K. Gobelman,
who will make an extended visit on
the coast with her uncle and aunt.
The event has been looked forward
to with great pleasure by Mrs. Gobel
man and Mr. and Mrs. White are
planning to enjoy an extensive auto
tour of the coast country and may
decide to come as far east as the
Yellowstone park with their neice on
her return home.
S. C. Rhode Island Red ?ggs for
hatching. $1.25 per setting. $7.00
per hundred. Mrs. M. 11. I'ollard,
Nehawka, Neb. 4t M s-w
Single Comb Buff Orphington eggs
for hatching purposes. The 'weigh
ing, laying and paying kind. $1.25
per 15 eggs; $7.00 per 100 eggs,
and $4.00 per 50 eggs. Mrs. John
Lidgett, Union. 4t.
G. W. Iloman of this city has just
returned home from a visit of several
months back in his old home in In
diana and the visit is reported by our
old friend as having been most plea
sant, it being the first time in some
years that he has enjoyed the oppor
tunity of reviewing the once famil
iar scenes.
Mr. Unman was born in Putnam
county, "near Greencastle, and here
he spent the greater part of his time
with visits at Indianapolis where he
has two daughters residing The
changes that, the passing years has
brought to him the whitening locks of
age has also changed the aspect of
the scenes around the old home a id
of the brothers and sisters who once
formed the family circle he is the on
ly one remaining, but throughout
that portion of Indiana lie has a num
ber of neices and nephews.
Mr. Homan left for Indiana shortly
before Thanksgiving and has been
there since that time enjoying him
self to the utmost.
Popular copyrighted fiction at the
Journal office.
5 Semi-Annually U S.
Government Bonds
of Joint Stock Land Banks exempt from all tax, ac
cording to recent decision of U. S. Supreme Court.
For terms and price
Chas. C. Parmele,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.