The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 21, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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, 1
Cbe plattsmouth journal
Entered at Postoffice. Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
A lot of folks are still wondering
about the wherecome for their income
This is a Rood month to beKin
worrying over what next month will
bring forth.
It is hard to believe the bottom has
fallen out of business while prices
stay up so well.
According to Hank Ford the harps
that are played by the angel., will
never be Jews'-harps.
There are a lot of men who voted
for what was right, but they are try
ing to drink up what is left.
The more direct the tax. the more
the payer directs his attention to
the matter of governmental expen
ditures. ::o:
It is well that we have not con
gress on our hands while we're busy
whipping the baseball teams into
It is hard for a lot of folks to un
derstand that personal liberty is the
privilege of doing what a majority
of the people permit.
It must be held in mind that Sec
retary fo Interior Fll will fiave
much to do with every water fall
power concerns will want.
The chief of police at Sunbury.
Pa., rules women must wear skirts
four inches below knees. Class leg
islation in favor of the long-limbed,
Cleveland, O.. judge says "any man
can be elected judge." confirming
the suspicion of many who have been
giving particular attention to judi
cial decisions lately.
Among the suicides in this country
last year were 36 millionaires and
23 million-heiresses. Evidently hav
ing money to burn doesn't get rid
of all the troubles of life.
"We are suffering from to; much
legislation, too much law, and too
litle common sense," says Governor
John M. Parker, of Louisiana. And
that time you spilled a whole earful.
There can be no forward mo Yemen;
building in Plattsmouth. or else
where, so long as organized labor in
sists on war time wages. It is bet
ter to work for a reasonable wage
than not to work at all.
Secretary of War Weeks and Sec
retary of Navy Denby are both en
tirely bald-headed a suggestive co
incidence. In the midst of terrible
battle they will never suffer the mor
tifying pain of seeing their hair
stand on end.
The price of our dry cleaning
cuts down the price of clothes.
Dainty Dorothy says that she
has found out that we take
most excellent care of the gar
ments entrusted to us and that
our charges should make friends
for this house. Our dyeing
proves satisfactory, as we use
the latest approved methods and
the best dyes.
Goods Called for and Delivered
Perhaps Germanv is trying to
leave things so the allies will al
wavs have something coming to them.
Secretary Hughes was certainly
brave in handing an .ultimatum to
two big, powerful, blustering nations
like Costa Rica and Panama.
There's a federal law against shoot
ing wild ducks in the spring, and
nobodv feels like shooting the lame
ducks now. after it's all over.
The senate immigration measure
limits incomers to three per cent of
the nationals already here, but what
restrictions have been placed upon
And now approacheth the season
of the year when ye average man
detateth with himself the question
of whether it is better to clean last
year's straw hat with gasoline or
buy a new one.
Communistic brotherhood has
reached the point in Russia, where
it requires four thousand special
guards to protect Rrother Lenine
from being bembed out of the Krem
lin by the other brothers.
Mr. Henderson of Nevada, not on
ly suffered the sorrow of being re
tired to private life on March 4, but
also shot by the bearer of an an
cient grudge against him. To be
kicked out of office is bad enough, but
to be shot in addition is the last
An observant subscriber wants to
know why it is that a short-skirted
girl, crossing a muddy street, gathers
up her skirts, although they are al
ready two feet in the clear. In fact
of the fact, why worry about the
: o :
Germany's action in disbanding
the einwohnerwehr will give great
satisfaction to those Americans who
never have been able to remember
what it is but have felt in duty
bound to back up the allied demand
that it be disbanded.
YVlien manufactured products get
on the same level of prices with raw
materials the world will begin tr
do business again. The sooner
manufacturers, jobbers and retailer?
take their loss and get it behind
them the sooner we will have a busi
ness revival.
The packers assures as that even
if their employees do g.j on a strike,
it would not effect the nublic's sup
ply of meat. Probably they are
right about it. Meat that can stay
so high for more than a year after
the bottom dropped out of the live
stock market should have nothing to
fear from a mere strike in the pack
ing house.
The Harding cabinet, as it stands
is about the kind of cabinet that
the Americaan people voted for in
November. If they did not know
they were voting for it. that is the
result of their own folly. They did
not need to be deceived, and if they
were deceived they deceived them
selves. -:or-
Secretary Hughes probably told
the bantam-weights. Costa Rica and
Panama, that he'd bump their heads
together and put them to bed with
out any supper if they didn't stop
their face-making and stone-throwing.
It must be a tremendously sat
isfying thing to know that no mat
ter how mad or threatening you get
there is always somebody right at
hand to separate you and the one
you are about to fight.
Representative of the Pacific Coast
cities, in a hearing before the ship
ping board, requested the assignment
of a larger number of combination
passenger and cargo vessels for the
Oriental trade to meet keen competi
tion from Japan and Canadian in
terests. The injurious effect of pro
hibition of American shipping was
featured in the testimony.
Senator John Sharp Williams
thinks it is the ambition of Harding
to be a president after the McKinley
type. It is an ambition that will
never be realized. McKinley was
not a man of great dreams, but he
poss-essed much tact and diplomacy,
and Harding is lacking these ele
ments. Again McKinley had his
party solidly behind hiui and Hard
ing lias not.
American Legion Estimates
at 400,000 Says Situation
is Now Improving.
New York, March 17. There
were 400,000 veterans of the world
war out of work in the United
States on March 1, last, according to
an estimate- received by the Ameri
can Legion. This is a reduction of
abouf 100.000 from the "peak" of
more than 500,000 jobless ex-service
men in .the country shortb after the
1st of January and the Legion state
reports show there is promise of
further improvement.
The survey of the national situa
tion on which these figures are based
was made by the American Legion
Weekly, official publication of the
Legion, which states that the un
employment situation as affecting the
veterans "appears to have taken a
turn for the better."
A chain of employment agendo;
operated by the Legion in every
state has done much to relieve the
situation, ' say the Legion officials.
The Legion has been instrumental
in obtaining employment for some of
the jobless in the great industrial .
centers but has encouraged a move-!
ment from cities to the farms. It
has demanded that porkers who left I
their positions to go to war should'
enjoy seniority rights on a par with
those of military age who stayed at
home. j
Ex-Service Men Handicarmed 1
Ex-service men have suffered more
in proportion to ineir numoers man
other workers, according to the
Legion's survey, because of the op
eration of seniority rules and effici
ency standards. Nearly a year is
required for t lie returned veteran to
2-et back to his old stride in indus
try, according to the testimony 01
large employers of labor. Another
thing that has handicapped the ox
ioldier is his restlessness and no
madic tendencies, both products of
the strain and circumstances of war
Re-opening of factories and mills
in the textile regions 01 .ew
Id 1 i 11 il 11 11 ill llic inlands uiu touuo
A . , - -
to ., w? in ! rk nt i n 1 n cr o wl inlllC. I
observers in those parts to oeiievet
the worst is past, according to the
Legion's survey. The automobile !
centers of Detroit, i Ievelanu and in-;
dianapolis report a slight improve
ment of conditions. In Chicago con- i
litions are stationary it is said.
Movement Toward Farms
Throughout the agricultural mid
lie west a general movement from
the cities and towns to the farms is
reported. The average ex-soldier had
little taste for agriculture when he
carae back from the war. It was
hard to keep them down on the
farm after they had "seen Paree."
They chose to work in the small fac
tories or stores in the neighboring
count v seat where, during 19iy. jons
were nlentv an wages high. When
tlioxe jobs began to go there was at j
first an exodus toward the larger.
cities. The Legion strove to dis-j
courage tins. I nat movement nas
about spent itself an farmers thru
out the west now report little diffi-
ulty in getting help, and except in
the larger-cities there are few aole
bodies ex-service men reported out
of work in the middle west.
The south reported improvement.
Dixie has been burdened with a 1
larger quota of winter floaters than .
usual this year. according to re-1
ports. Some are now finding work
in the south. others are drifting
north, largely to settle on farms.
The Pacific coast, a land where
there are three great seasonable oc
cupations of fishing, lumbering and
fruit r'jiiinir hA hffn nhlo ttt Io-
..... .. . I
ii. t -ci,i.,tnt,
null: liicic. Ait .ta.iiuiiuii .
stat? there "were 7,000 unemployed
on January
ary 1.
1. and 2,000 on Febru-
Such Action Probable Although It
Would Surprise U. S. Gov
erns Loan Agreement.
Washington. March 17. Recogni
tion of the Obregon government in
Mexico by France was reported as
imminent" in advices from Paris
received here today in official cir
Recognition bf Mexico by France
would cause some surprise at the
state department because of the in
formal understanding that has ex
isted for several years between the
principal European governments
and the United 'States that the rela
tions of those governments with
Mexico would be baaed largely upon
the attitude assumed by the Ameri
can government.
One immediate effect of recogni
tion by France might be, it was ex
plained, the serious disturbance of
the agreement entered into by the
chief banking houses of the world
not to loan money to Mexico unless
such action were concurred in by all
the banks party to the agreement.
The report that France has pre
pared a letter replying to that of
President Obregon and that it is
worded in such manner as to con
stitute recognition is regarded as an
indication that the French govern
ment has decided not to adhere
longer to the somewhat vague un
derstanding. I have a second hand Joliet cylin
der sheller in excellent condition,
very cheap. A. O. Ault, Cedar Creek.
Nebraska. 2w T
If you want good printing let us
do your work. Best equipped job
shop in southeastern Nebraska.
Washington, March 17 The Costa
Rican congress has repudiated large
oil and other concessions granted in
'June, 191S, to Amory & Sons.
through an agreement entered into
, between the Costa Rican minister ol
I foreign affairs and the British niin
j ister, according to advices received
1 today by the state department.
The concessions, consisting of
7,000 square miles of land, while os
tensibly granted,to an American com
pany, were largeyl controlled by Bri
tish interests, including the son of
the British premier, Lloyd George, ac
cording to information at the state
: The posiiton of the United Stateo
, was that the agreement by granting
: water rights along the Nicaraguan
i boundary to British interests, would
give the concsesionaire a foothold for
the building of an inter-ocean canal.
1 The Costa Rican congress acted
to repudiate the concession on March
7, the vote being 24 to 10.
Reports at Washington Indicate the
Total will be About a Billion
Less Than Last Year.
Washington, March IS. The
buyers' strike, the nationwide busi
ness depression and reduced earn
ings of workers and professional
men in 1920 will cost approximately
'$1,000,000,000 in reduced tax pay-
. ments this year, it was indicated
here today in early reports to the
treasury from the first installment
of the income and excess profits tax
pavment of March 1.
The reports indicate that the total
collections this year from income and'
excess profits tax will total about ;
?2. 500, 000. 000 when the last in-!
stallment is paid December 15. Iast
year the four installments yielded
approximately ?:5.500.000.000. j
Payments of the income and ex-'
I ccs profits tax this month probably.
'will not run higher than $700,000,-'
I 000. In March last year the total
was jsis.SM.i.uuo.
. . . . : n n
The yield from practically all
sources of revenue is tailing on.
In the face of thepe falling re
turns Secretary of the Treasury Mel
lon must find means to pay rapidly
increasing obligations of the govern-
! ment. Billions of the floating debt
i.; maturing this year. In addition,
the spring of 1923 will bring to ma
turity approximately $7,500,000,000
orth of Victory notes and the war
savings securities.
Mellon is believed certain to
recommend abolition of the excess
profits tax.
Tom Cusick, the gonial Missouri
Pacific brakeman. has a son Thomas
i Jr.. in the U. S. Xavy who is one of
I ncle Sam s fighters in every sen?e
of the word. The Nebraska City
Pr ss pays that he is the champion
middle weight boxer of the American
Navy, according to the claims of the
men of the Pacific fleet. He is 17
yeirs old and weighs 152 pounds.
Fourteen fights have been engaged
in recently and he has won twelve
of them. His last and most import
ant battle was a scrap with the pugi
listic champion of the Japanese
Navy. Young Cusick won handily
and his friends aboard the ship on
whieh he is serving are willing to
bet all their pay that the Nebraskan
can uphold the dignity of the Amer
ican Naw against all comers.
lt ("'nnn t r ifr-rrtetr A (. tfVl fl:n
tne auinnnties oi .Mmaiiii coiimy, an
nouncing the
robbery of
;i garage
Julian, Neb
and which
the theft of fifteen new tires of var
ious sizes. The robbers had appar
ently made a clean get away and no
trace of them has been unearthed so
far at this time.
The following new members of Val
kyrie, honorary junior-senior society
for University of Nebraska girls have
been announced: Vivian Hanson, Al
pha Chi Omega, Lincoln; Ada Law
son. Chi Omega. Lincoln; Pauline
Starrett. Alpha Phi. Central City;
Frances Burt. Kappa Alpha Theta,
Omaha; Matilda Frankle, Kappa Al
pha Theta, Alliance; Mary Thomas
Delta Gamma. Omaha; Nora Living
ston, Kappa Kappa Gamma. Platts
mouth; Mildred Johnson. Delta Zeta,
Carthage. Mo.; Dorothy Pierce, Delta
Gamma, Orleans; Marie Hills. Pi Beta
Phi. Logan, la. Officers of the or
ganization for the present year are
Mis3 Helen Harrington, presidenc.
and Miss Thelma Detweiler, secretary-treasurer.
Wshington. March 17 Withdraw
al of supervision over the manufac
ture and sale of explosives with the
repeal of war legislatidn has made it
easy for anarchists and safe blowers
to obtain explosives, said a statement
issued today by the bureau of mines,
urging legislation to control the
handling and manufacture of explo
sives The United States is the only civ
ilized government in the world that
fails fo exercise supervision over such
commodities, the statement declares.
Many accidents caused by large
stores of explosives within cities and
careless handling in industrial pro
jects could be eliminated by ade
quate supervision, according to the!
Light Brahma eggs for' ha telling,
i r.n ritinir ' fr rim liev-
nolds. phone 2023, Plattsmouth, Neb.
33 I
ix my" coi
T ALWAYS keep Dr. Kln'sNew
I Discovery handy. It breaks up
harJ, stubborn cclck and stops
the paroxysm3 of coughing-." No
harmful drugs, but just good
medicine. At your druggists,
60c and $1.20 a bottle.
For colds zm&csughg
Stubborn Bowels Tamed
Leaving the system un leaned, clopjged
bowels unmoved, results in health de
struction. I.ct the gently stimulating
Dr. King's Pills briirr to you a regular,
normal bowel and liver functioning.
Same old price, 25c. AH druggists.
Proj&pf Won't Grips
TMings Fills
a c c rr r a r n n
High School Judging: Contest.
The seventh annual state hwh
school livestock judging contest will
be held at the College of Agriculture
;'t Lincoln. April 2. The contest
i; staged jointly by the College and
the State Department of Vocation:!
Education and is open to all high
schools. More than twenty schools
took part last year and double this
number will probably enter the con
test this year. The two days im
mediately preceding the contest will
he devoted to practice work on slock
at the college. A l.'rge number of a'l
kinds of stork will be available for
the youthful judges to work on. Tin
contest is staged annually to interest
high school students in agriculture
and livstock raising, and it gives
a iarge amount of valuable training.
High schools desiring further infor
mation should write C. V. Watson.
Department of Vocational Education
Temple Building, Lincoln.
The results of the tractor testing
work, as conducted under the pro
visions of the Nebraska tractor law.
have been published by the Sfatr
College of Agriculture. The report
shows that 05 models were tested
last year. Applications for test
were received for 1 0 n machines, but
.T5 of this number withdrew without
appearing for test. The drawbar
pull and the belt wheel capacity of
the tractors were tested to deter
mine whether they were being pro
perly rated by the manufacturers
Tests were made under varying con
ditions, and fuel consumption, ad
justments and other factors noted.
Copies of the report mav be obtained
bv asking for bulletin 177. "The
Nebraska Tractor Tests."
A. B. Fornoff and family of aMr
Cedar Creek, were among those visit
ing in the ciy today, looking after
s;me trading with the merchants.
Mt'in s: ;r ii!.i'vn
fr I .!- t- 't' i l'il
n.i.I llilltiiril Mull
N"M'f is In ivlv triv' ti that t! - un-lirrsiirnt-il
w:H, ) tls- "it!; );i ;' April
A. I '. l'.t-'!. ::t I'-:':.' '. ! k :;. m.. ;.i
til" -. Ll It lni! ill 1 '1:1 ' t sinoll t ! ' . Ni
lil'iisku. niiike :i pi'l ;c! I inn I' t)" !;:i!'
uf ('"Ki'lv 'dip i:. i s ii !ii-r !" ;is
ty, Xchr.isH.i. i'.t h i;'T)-:o to ..pir.itt
:i p-.ii! Oil! iu tin- !.;i'i:' si t I fl
I'.Vf .". Il'ix-k tirn-f :!, i:i t!,
VilhiLT.' i.f .M;,it-v, V:ss oi:i!t. ,".--I'i;:ski).
I;itcl this .Mst .!.iv I" March. A. I .
J. I.. i:n:.vs.
mrm'.it or m:un;
mil n i-tiim f"r
Ih r.M-nl l' uiil.
I ! the 'iint;.- 'o!iit t' Cass coun
ty. Ni-'ir.-iska.
Stat- 1" Ncl't -ask:!. 'a f s oonntv, ss.
To tl:t- lulls, ilcviscis. Ii-Uii t.M-s iini'
all pt-isuris j ti I ci't's! cil in tla' Mat"- of
Joint Ki acuT, Ii-ccas r:
On raiii!i:r ttie l-i-tition of II. N.
I ovi-y, cm en ! or, prayitr-; a !n:al si-tll-n
tit unl jilloxvaiM-c of his ac-ount
tilf.l in this court on tin- "I1 day 'l
IVhruai . and for list i i hut ion o!
tla- assets of said estate:
It is hrieliv old. -red that ou and
al! persons interested in said mattei
may. and do. appear al the t'onntv
Court to he Indd in and. for said county,
on the L".'th day of March. A. 1 . li'-'l.
at '. o'clock a. m., to show cause, if
any there he. why the prayer of the
petitioner should not he granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof h"
frivPTi to all persons interested in said
matter !v pu hrtshin si a copy of this
order in the I 'ia 1 1 smoi 1 1 h -Journal, a
semi -weekly new spa per printed in said
county, for one week prior to said day
of hcariiiii.
In witness whereof. I have hereunto
et nu' hand and the seal of said Court
this l!lth -lay of March. A. ! . l!OJl.
(Seal County Judye.
The State of Nebraska. Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the esta'.j of Anna
Wilhelniina Alumni, deceased.
To the creditors oT said estate:
You are horchv potiti-d. That
sit at the Countv Court room in I'latts
mouth in said county, on the 1 d h ';
of April. A. I. 1!21. :"id 0,1 1x1 1
day of Julv, A. 1 . l'Ji'l. at ten clock
in the forenoon of each day, to ie
ceive ai.l examine all claims against
said estate., with a -view t o 1 1 o tr al
lustment and allowance. The b ii '
limited for thv presentatiou of claims
against said estate is three months
from the day o April. A. D.
1'J'l. and the time limited tor pay
ment of debts is one year .rom said
l.-.lh .lay of April. A. D .1 '-1.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said Countv Court, this Mi. da ot
March, A. D. Hl.:EsoX.
(Seal) mlO-D County Judge.
New xjoLSCovsry'
rdmore. Okla..- March 1 7. Clara
Smith Harmon, tried for the alleged i count v. Nehraska. and all persons
murder of Jake L. 'Harmon, repub- J Htutning any interest of any kind in
li-n r i'i'iiifll nmnniitponnn from id i"! estate or any part thereof,
IK.xa w.ionat committeeman iionij, narnf.s Defendants:
ODklahoma and millionaire oil pro- y,(u ;ui,i each of you are hereby
I motor, was aor-uittod bv a jury ill
! r . r-i ,. .. nti- iiu-irici Vinirl tn-t'iv
!f;rtet coant: district court toda
jc-l'-T forty minutes deliberation.
Clara sfarmon irasped and droppe.l
i. nvor-i i,rr eii-iir as her brother
.(.rvw.r i i.. ner cn.ur ; uoi
:cchi'd around from the lett fide
and kissed i.'.-r. '
TlH'C was a smack or two of ap-
, . .. .-ii . i ,i
phiiis ", liut the court nad demanded
sileiice. ami it ouickiy was stilled,
CJ.iru Ii;i; iuon went to the jury box
, , , , , -.i .i t . t
and sho-ik hands with the Jurors. I.
F. C. Loiighbridge. 7:5. the oldest
man on the jury, was elected tore-
m;:n and delivered the verdict. Only
one ballot was taken, it was said.
"I'm the happiest person in the
Clara said to those who be
her as she gave them both
Her brother, "Jimmie"' was in
ic-'.rs as bis sister received the con
gratulations of those who swarmed
As they passed out the jurors
siid one ballot was taken, a
secret one, confirmed by a rising
"It was the only thing we could
do," said one as he left the court
r: 'Gin.
Nunc of the family of Jake L.
'Tamon wa in the court room when
the verdict was rendered.
Neither was S. I. Freeling. state
Mon o;.- central, vho made a com
pelling pica !: ciui miction forty min
utes b-.lore the Jury arrived at its
Arguments are Required
An effort of the defense to waive
their right of argument and have
tho ca. e po immediately to the jury,
was ruled out by Judge Thomas W.
"hampion this morning and defense
",'ir.:-"ol began its pleas for acquita!
if t he dr-Tendant.
Clara Hanion sat unmoved under
be arraignment of Prosecutor
T'.rovn yesterday, but .Mrs. Jake L.
'Tiiiuon. the widow, sobbed through
out most of his address to the jury,
".rown reviewed the association of
vears bet ween Hamon and the de
t'endant and pictured her as a wom
:n who had crept into the Hamon
'i)me and sold herself body and
uul. dwelling on the contracts pre
ented at the trial by which the de
'endant was to be employed by
Hamon at a week and should
ny child lie born of their
t should receive $3." a week
hare in he Hamon estate
and a
as le-
:itiinnt- issue.
tleorge lion Champion, twin broth
r or the judge, opened for the de
f use. Mr. Champion referred to the
tart icipal ion in the case of Attorney
'.eneral Freeling. as a high state
ilficial "sent down here to rose
ute a poor, innocent country girl
,'or shooting a millionaire."
Clara Hamon's eyes filled with
'ears and fhe sat with, downcast
f ice.
"When Jake Hamon met her,"
.'hampion said, referring to Clara,
i i . i.
"siie was a orown-eyeu gin; Miieu
lured, coaxed, wooed and won he
was a powerful lawyer of 4 0 years,
i master mir.d.
"lie took her. an
4 i r 1 . educated her,
hie. not that she
inr.ocent country
sent her to col
might serve him
but that finally
as a sienoura puer.
in the end she mi
rht vield to his
brutal passions.
L. C. Mullen, a friend of Jake
Hamon. who sat within tnree ieei
f the speaking attorney, leaned over
nd took Mr. Champion's arm and
:ried to stop him, when lie reterreu
o J. S. Mullen, his brother, as Hav
ing been one "who. countenanced
en years of open and notorious
idultrv in the life of Jake Hamon."
Sheriff Uuck Garrett reached over
mi! took lullen by the shoulder.
"Here, here, you must cut that
ut." the sheriff warned.
Champion called Mr. Mathers be-
lore tne jury, iaiu nim moic
ind used a law book for a pillow.
"Jim, you are Jake and I'm Clara,"
hn t.ii.l to Mathers. louve oeeu
drunk all day."
lie took the pistol and alhist rated
his idea of .the shooting as gaineu
from state testimony, and which he
aid was impossible.
Clara and her mother cried when
Mr. Champion paid a tribute to his
associate, Mr. McLean, for having
i'chuked an attorney for the prose
cution who referred to the mother
is "an old woman."
"If the grave could open up and
the dead man have- a reproach of
conscience, he would tell you that
he is the one most to blame" Cham
pion shouted to th .jurors,.
"Girls like this have ever
acquitted; girls like this, ever will
he acnuitted so long as the spirit
of God lasts." Champion
rtosinir. after having
said in
asked if
"breathed there a man
who would
say that this little girl should pay
with her life"
An Ideal Remedy for Constipation.
It won
!d be hard to find a better
remedy for constipation than cnam
berlain's Tablets. For the best 'ef
fect they should be taken imme
diate! v after supper. They are easy
to take and mild and gentle in ef
fect. L. D. Hiatt and wife and little
daughter, Alice Louise, of Murray,
were in the city last evening for a
few hours enjoying a visit with their
t ele lives and frirbds and looking
nffer some matters of business.
MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1921.
noii : ir h i it to at iKT titlk.
'! .1'
H.-iln ;md Mrs. John W.
il r.arrw unknown, his
n,'rri:iH Jintl Sidney
if.-. Murv M. Alexander
-t Ab-vander, iter hus
, Ti iiiniis and Amanda
f- ;. W. Thomas
V.' Tii'iinas first real
i, wifV: John J.
'.if. .
... '1 .
' ' 'it
'i a.'
i .s iii nil
'I I i,ii,(i x ti
I ! I li i It i
I .lit k A 'iO'1
I. i , A i f ;
o n l li'
I: (.'I
.V,hn i. Thomas, first
wn. lilx wife; William
Kllzulx-t h Lock wood,
the heirn, devisee.
''i.;i I representatives
i.f e:i h ,f H.c for Kolnii named per
orm and all other p i.ons interested
In the tarw ,,r each and every one
of xald pcivon, real names unknown;
and the South half (S1,'.) of the South
west uaiter (SW'i) of Section thirty
live C:.".), iii Township thirteen (131
;V . ,..:';'" , ' ,7i ' ,, r
notified that on the 2fith day of Feh-
I'uarv. A. I i. HH'I, Alpha ('. 1'eterson,
;s ril;,illtiir fil(M, rietition in ,llo
District Court of Cass county, Ne-
hraska. aiiainst you and each of you
;,s defendants, the object and prayer
. f ,(. , t),.(iti(n ht.inK U) ,,uU.t the titlo
f tl(. illt ilr iM allll t(J Ul,. ,.eui ,fit.lto
j above described, and that the defen-
'hints in said cause may be d.creo.l to
have ljo (state, title, claim or interest
of any kij( or Iiat,.e in or , aUl
j real estate or any part thereof, and
'that the defendants in said cause and
I oac i ol them may be forever barred
J.,nil enioine.i from bavins or claimin
any riht. titlo, estate or interest in
or to sain real estate or an pan
inereoi, ana ior sucn oilier reiiei as
may be just and co,u!tahle.
Vnu and each of you are required
to answer said petition on or before
the 11th dav of April, A. D. 1921.
liy A. G. COL.!?.
f2-s-4w. Her Attorney.
l ;r' i
State of Nebraska
l ss.
County of Cuss I
I. Geo. K. Sayles, County Clerk of
Cass county, hereby certify that the
County Hoard at the regular meeting
held on the 11th day of January, A. D.
l!L'l. made tho following "Hstimate of
Kxpense" for the year ly'l, as re-
'iviired liy taw:
General fund $
I -::!! --re fund
:., 000.00
1 4.0011.00
Bridge fund ( emerfi'nc'
I.'oad fund
Moth' rs' Tension fund..
Old Soldiers Kelief fund
. $ JOS, 000.00
Wit n ss
mv office
23 rd day
my hand and the seal of
at Plattsmouth, Nebr., this
of Februarv, A. I). 1921.
(Seal) m3-4w. County Clerk.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
in the matter of the estate of Km ma
I lat ha way, deceased.
To th- creditors of said estate:
Von are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in I'latts
mouth in said county, on the L'!)th day
of Alaicli, I'.CM and on the ytli day of
June. A. D. 19-'l. at 10:00 o'clock in
the forenoon of each day to receive
and examine all claims against said
estate, with a view to their adjust
ment and allowance. The time limit
ed for the presentation of claims
ajfninst said estate is three months'
from the li'Jth day of March, A. I).
1S21. and the time limited for payment
of debts is one- year from said L'9tli
day of March, 1921.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said Countv "Court this oth day of
March, ltr.'l.
fSeal) m7-4w. County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass coun
tv, Nehraska.
-' In the matter of the estate of Nancy
AL Kitchie. Deceased.
To all persons interested in said es
tate, both creditors and heirs at law:
You' are hereby notified that on this
4th day of March. 1921. August W.
Kakow tiled a petition in this court,
aliening that one. Nancy AL Kitchie,
while a resident of Cass county, Ne
braska, departed this life intestate, in
said county, on or about the 26th day
of February. 1:'. the owner In fee
shnple of the following described real
estate, to-wit:
The southwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of Section 12,
lexcepting a tract in the south
east corner thereof 20 rods north
and south by 10 rods east and
west, containing r. acres) also des
ignated as Lot 6.1 in said Section
12, and also the northwest quar
ter of the northwest quarter of
Section i:j (except Lot 27 in the
SYV corner) all in Township 12.
North, in Kange l;!, Kast in Cass
countv. Nebraska,
and that said deceased left surviving
as her sole and only heir at law, James
C. Kitchie. a son and John Kitchie.
h.r husband and that the title and
ownership of said real estate descend
ed to said James C. Kitchie. subject to
the estate of said John Kitchie as ten
ant bv courtesy in one third part
i hereof, and that the petitioner is the
owner of a part or said premises now
described as Lots .1 to 22 inclusive In
F.lock one (1) and Lots 11 to 20 inclu
sive in lilock two (2) in Kitchie Place
Addition to I'lattsmouth. Nebraska,
which lots are subdivisions thereof,
bv virtue mesne conveyances made by
said James C. Kitchie and others to
petitioner and his grantors, and pray
ing for a judicial cUtermination of
the time of the death of the said
Nancy AL Kitchie and of her heirs at
law, "the degree of kinship and the
right of descent of the real property
belonging to said decedent in the
State of Nebraska, and for such other
and further orders and decrees as may
be necessary for a correct determina
tion of said matter.
Said matter has been set for hear
ing on the Sth day of April. 1921. at
nine o'clock in the forenoon, in tho
County Court room in I'lattsmouth,
Cass county, Nebraska, at which time
and place all persons interested may
appear and contest said petition.
Countv Judge.
m"-.':w. Atty. for Petitioner.
State of Nebraska
Cass coun-
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Henry
Al. Aliller, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth. in said county .on the 29t!i dav
of March. A. I. 1921. and on the 29tii
day ofJ.Iune, A. I. 1921. at 10 o'clock
a. m. each day, to receive and examine
all claims against said estate, with a
view to their adjustment ami allow
ance. The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against said es
tate is three months from the 29th day
of March. A. IX 1921. and the time
limited for payment of debts is one
year from said 29th day of March,
Witness my band and the seal of
said County Court this 2Cth day of
February, 1921.
(Seal) f28-4w. County Judge.
The most exquisite line of birth
day and gift cards to be found any
where! At Journal office.