The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 21, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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.MONDAY, MARCH 21. 1921.
Nehawka Department!
Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
Tucker. I. C. West. C.
.Wis Irger and I'.. Ii.
I). St. John,
rv.' von hi
J. r-auy lo
car.i.r Sty.
For tai '.crvhe counts see
the I i! k of Neh iwk.i
: income tr.x )c!m dules
any other! week painting tbeir true!; so that if
will .". rn ly when the rush or the
Married at Nebraska City
Pan Cupid lias no? been idle in
Nehawka a.r.d a result of one of j
hi;; ear-fully aii;..-.i shots, two youiiK;
people of 1 1 i 5 - vicinity were wedded
at Nebraska Ciiv Isrt f-atur.lay, be-j
ing .Mi
i;l..I.e. !r of
ka.; v.r.
: re
of t !,.; v. ay a nd i
Wli'-n you arc
c li.iv.k of Ne.;
in doubt about
MU.soll bijlns.
! .J. II. Ml Hainan
out' the ea-.f tnr :om
wka I !i f ; home
the I wiil soon
who li'-ts been in '
time r turned to
at Greenwood recently and
move to Indian;. He vis- !
:ifn.:- .f a:i invest m nt consult the) i'-! Jure ct the home or J . . ..Iug
.N'. ha v ka !;ar,k. j a v a le v days ago.
J r i Pow. II M. Sioll and George . Uiehr.rd Inles pernier ami wife.
.; p! i ! :.i V -;il .1 Water for ; of Klnno xJ. were vi-ntlng in .e-i.-i:ir-'-
1 fri'lav ni'-'h'. iLv.l'a Wednesday for the day.
The ;ai:. da v wit I come ; o,n r or b ing gu"?t:
1 1
for it by
li'hr. Ili'i-r l. prepared
ir a ba n 1' account. Th
J.;. i I : nk i : our friend.
;.!;'- i;. 11 ion. of Nebra: ka City
w.ts ;r .i Iter in .Whawka during the
eoinin ; over lroin hi home to
w rl i I !.e hotne of i H I-
and :on. Ldv.ard,
w 1 re I
loaf I. r
ha v i n -.
' ' i i!
.Mr .
Wm :
j 1
t hi
1. in r
of 1 1
. T. ;
Sin ! 1
ing !i
1 hi 11 1
; p'-.t
! o k
okini? af'i r some lii-iiie:
n I'lal ImiioiM !, last Monday,
dri.'i! 10 the county
their car.
.J. !C. iv il h!i . of We pin;;
; 1 j r- itiK W'eejiin
; v -l.'d; er, i:i N'ehav. l.a
iViiIii'm!:iv luu'niii after biMi-f-.r
'h.ii pap-r.
! W. Munloih Hid iu.-t llan-..i'indi-1
oi'iri hi i'httt.smoutli
i- k .'.-i'i' in-:rb-r of the r-j-j
.ry p-'ii. ! for Hi" pr -ent term
di.-trict -oart.
S. Harrov h aiwl familv, of Mtir-
v.i r vi.iiiinv. in Xehawka last
.. !i'-inv i:e-f:-: at th'- home of:
Sio!i lor th" day and
- c a:;ioii ureal ly.
( . Troop was ; visitor
:n la:- f l uesrlay, wt:T
: ,:.: i inn- it ii his folks
: 'i r iiu-inc-s a-; well.
!:.. e . i'i hi-- llndi'e ear.
K": V.':)i!a;:e.- t:ml Jnliti-, Otl-
iiot. i f N'ebra ka City, wire in Nc
hav. Ii i m ri ji; the p.::-t week doint;
i-eiii - ' r i r 1 k lor the Sheldon Manu
faei iii ia; i.i ;i!i at their plant.
The e iii-ipri in firm of Miller A:
Crwher are vetting in readiness
f their old time friends
J. S Koiif.h and wife, and inspecting
tie new home which they have re
cently had completed.
i. I). .Adams, the pharmacist, wai
n busy man la:A week between the
matter of looking after business at
the drm: ! lore and making ;arleii
at his home by which he hopes to
reduce the hih cost of living
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Steflin. of
I.orlon. were visitors in Nehawka
la.-d .Sunday. beiiiK quests at the
home of their son. J. II. Sfelfin and
wife, end of their daughter, M'ss
Christine Me'fin, wlio is employed
in 1 he s'tore with her brother.
l'rank I'. Sheldon, who attended
the auto show in Omaha last week,
and looked after some business at
the wholesale houses, s;ays business
prospects are Kood. not alone in tii
metropolis, but in Xehawka as well,
where his store is enjoying a Kood
trade at this time.
Thomas Mason, the efficient mail
currier on the rural route out of
n joy-( -,.ia A ka. accompanied by his par
;ent.j, Thomas Mason. Sr. ami wife,
in 1 In-' v.-jM'f visiting and looking after seme
'"'.mattery of business in Nebraska
mt;l'itv hist Wed nesila v drivinir over in
their auto.
C. F. Chase and licit. C Sheldon,
were in Omaha Tuesday where they
met the family of Mr. Chase en route
from their former home at Waterloo.
l'iwa. to make their home in Ne
braska, accompanying them to I'nion
I wlo re they arc now comfortably lo-
foricatid in the M. K. parsonage.
r. :i
i l'li'ora i-!ste and Mr. Janiesj
The- hri li; has l)"i-n a mem-;
the faculty of the .Wliawka J
for t'ie ; ast few iii'intiis a:;d :
f'c m;i.".y friends durin ; he.
' hen. i lie grooui is well
to ;:io-t .iLiimal read-r:;. hav-ir-i
in re for f oil'." t:r:ie. They
5 'T , ?J J
k -"TV
v ill ru :ke thei.r hor;:e her? r.rtil z
i'ow r;-ceiving tho coiigr't ulati ,'-:s
their i:i:ii:y fr;oad.
Given Attention
TIC v . ;-, !.t. ri !;" j.r.v i t, he
: ( :.?' v. :!h : ; Xeh;"-'ka n.-til-; in
e !::.!:!:;; , ( in;i'!;'e re-
;,r:., vl : the tini-- '. 2p:r: 1 n
T't 'duy ...l:vi; t hem in,
v: ry .i.c V. L.O : i-i atilU: I f:.r -is-
trine h;:-l !. -.i rr-:.:..'::--led. I'he
,vo hu. tier--, I) c. West ami 1 A.
oe I' ki r ;i(-r.M i:::!!v ti ' ve a In-'p
1 in
3 3 IWZiZk
cigarefre. Flavor jr.
seakd in by tezzi
l e..
that :ic
.'(TV ice.
t ')
r r
v.ork and
too t:!rly
aid. tl-.tti
Z th - .c!' re.e.iei!
l:cnk of N'.i:av.-l;a is
Odr Fellows Plan t
i ii .Ii! r- n; I. t).
ir.'y ;-.rf- ar
; ! the
Ii- r ' :ie:; r'
t :
i ve.' t ."
i i I..'
I .W'huwl,;:.
j i M he ci 1:1
Big; Time
O. J". lo'i;
r .r.mug or i
:;''.itoriui:i i.
, idevrv hnigi
it v
Cirt en .vtmd.
s 1 t h
ii- '"e represented by
:ti-:i:. fmly one. that
'. l icli is sd far :way.
niievfr! of responsi-
ti.iir timiiM-r's work being !usy this C. F. ilitt and C. I!. Hriggs. of
I'lattsmouth. were ii N"ehav.:;a last
week looking after sone; matter.-; of
busir.e;:- and visit iiu. at the Sheldon
Manufacturing company's p'ant.
JoJin Stoll was looking sifler :-oine
ii'tsiiie-is matters at Nebraska City;
h.-st Wediie.sday making the trip a
the Missouri Pacific. ' j
Henry F. Kropp. wife ai:d son :, were visiting v (iem-va and!
York a few days wet k, and while.'
at York w re guests ;.! the Oddfvl-!
low home, where they met .John W.
Pitman, who is .superinl endent , and
h id 21 most pleasant visit. Tliey made ;
the trip in tluir car j.:;d found the!
road;; in good condition most of
w a v.
hilitv for a part in the orogi i.m. The
f. rst degree will
eral '(,od tina
i.uwl: : CM Y
t .) : how t heir y e
; i! '. -ho attc .id ;.
; ; ; ed with th,
a.-:d entertaiTHn
b' put on and a gen
is cnl ictpated. Ne-:'-v?
.surely know how
est:, a g:;od I itiic and
il'e sure C be w.-il
Ail nature is foiriy ijurstinif with new life. Slip
off the ohi winter gloom "vith ths old clothes and
put on the ne-.v spirit of the new season with a
complete new outfit.
io doubt yc;u havi- proniieJ yourself a "o'ress up"
for Easier. Now is the time here is the place. We
have always sold good clothes, but for several Eas
tern we hive not been a"!e to offer such splendid
fabrics as those fur $25. $35 and $40. Others not
so good $18. $20 and $22.
New Shirts, N:w Tie.-, New Hals, New Caps,
New Underwear!
C. E. Wescott's
! t W
;. recent :on
tcli i
' es,
i r 'v..'
je:;l P.n- rs
i :i:'.(T:.l
fi.rti-er t
now Mis
School Notes
cla.- s was without a
dujs l:t-t week. ;
ht r. Miss ilnora
Jan.e.s Plake. was
res is: ned
Anot her
take the
Look out for fire these windy days.
preventoin, etc.
last Saturday ai:d
k a.-: instructor,
will '.i secured to
so iii as nossible.
Concrete Burial Vaults!
We are making the best burial vault possible to
produce. Constructed of reinforced concrete, it is bet
ter more durable than steel and has the advantage
of costing less. Most undertakers over the country
are handling our goods.
filler & Gruber,
Getting Along; xJicely Now
Fred C. Shtmaker who was in
jured by his hors some ten days
-U o, was able to come down town
for the first time last Wednesday,
and is now getting along nicely.
Has Been Very Busy
". C. Hodge, wno recently pur-j
chased the new garnge. which isi
operated under the name. Nehawka!
.Motor company, has been very basyj
during th" past week moving into;
town and getting located so lie car.
look after the business.
I Apparatus
I f 1 e si -1 ' )ol i s
; f go-id. he,
i : - e ser.tial
! ;e: ;i must y
for the play ground at
badly needed as plenty
. Ithy recreation is just
to mental developmtnt
tet ) ..:)':. Whv (an't
students devise
be used by the
for amusement
the primary de
rfect during the
?! i :i ; t n 1 tr:iniim
: :.:e; hing that ;in
t in:?, r c-!i i 1 1 ! r :
: r puses
'i'he attendance in
p rt me -it. has l:i-'i p-
p-a t :i ek.
For a minor infraction of the
school rules, which it. Is highly es
;o:iti:.l that all siMiid obey, a num
1. f r of seventh and eighth grade boys
l-i: .'( been deprived of their recess
privileges. ISetter conform with the
re. ulations. buys, it is asier in the
long run and safer too.
Cimbj for Spring Work!
1 am now ready for spring work, and spring is just
about ready to greet tis. 1 handle a fine line of papers
and viiil decorations of all kinds. A call to phone No.
71 will brin the latest artistic wall coverings to your
home for inspection cind selection. Also solicit your
work in interior decorating and refinishing. Outside
p.iinting of houses, barn; or any building. For outside
work 1 use t'ie "Dc Vilbiss Air Brush," the latent and
bc-it thing in painting.
W. El. DALE,
Painter and Decorator Nehawka, Nebraska
Farm Svlaehinery!
Cein supply your wants in the line of imple
ments and farm machinery just now cheaper than later
in reason, as there is a considerable price advance on
stock purchased this spring, which we can save you
through having the goods in stock. Repairs, also.
Were Omaha Visitors
Last Tut' day afternoon (leor'-e C.
Sheldon. Albert Anderson and C. H.
Chase, all of the Sheldon Manufac
turing company. w re visitors in
Omaha, driving over in th- car of
Mr. Sheldon and looking after seme
business matters for the day. On the
wav they stopped :: t the co.inty seat
and transacted some business.
I 1
' t r
cl;:ss has beengrap
very original prob
past week, which.
is thr-tn to a
of the
Held Afternoon Social
The Unties of the Cniied lirethren
church helii their vei;iy im-eCii::
lai 'c(ine--da.v afternoon tit the
ho. ne of Mrs. Nicholas I ' la wrens,
v.hffe they en loved I he hours with
I heir work and
holies who had
hand are very
chorts to mak
social converse. The
I he eiit":-t; jiunciit j,,
entiiu:-i islic io their
the auxiliary the
he y,eoni"try
v.: it h ror i.
luring tii
solved, will as
und'Tsta nding
I'l'-iht by t!:eir tt-xtbooks.
ninth grade students have
iiiiprovin;; themselves in the
h'.ein of demon: t r t iug the prin
des i'f s. le -una e .- hip during the
t we-d:.
With the er.Mclusji n :f the first
For Goodness Sake Please Smile!
' , . a V t f' -4 .; 1
An ounce of M$H$ I
i a
week ier
1 it, 1 iiere
the work.
o;g 1 he r
::.r e: !
f the second si
rked improvement
is to;
!" in ildi'P
;:dr pupils.
rr i - and Frar.k
greatest possible suecc:
I -am
Ai2to and Electrical Goods!
In connection with our garage, we are carrying
i ivcc line of auto and electrical supplies. The best of
work in all lines, courteous treatment and prompt ser
vice are among the advantages we offer you.
"Try Nehawka First"
Nehswka CViotor Company
Successors to Nehawka Auto Company
j We are equipped to care for all business intrusted
to us f nd will welcome and appreciate your patronage.
Excellent service, the best of workmen and reliable
parts a nd supplies, coupled with courteous treatment.
Spend Summer in West
iiursdav Clarence It. Hceh-
h ft in a "1'niversai" c: r for t he
uc.-t. his destination being Imperial.
wh"re he is interested in a trick
lineaiid will engag: in the trucking
business this summer. Mr. Ihebntr
owns a Patriot truck which h
in the west when he returned
last fall to spend the winter.
- f '
. ra i
of K. !!.
boys are
l th" knowledge gained in the
it ut" tore, which enabled them
ach win a $."',." watch for their
Norms and
us' returned
cor:te--t r.t Lincoln.
j;rety well pleased
Suit of Annie Dollie Gaster vs. Wood
men of World is Argued by
Attorneys This Morning.
Kr.ini Saturday's Dully.
This afternoon the case of Annie
lo!lie Gaster vs. the Woodmen of
fhr; World, was given to the jury
following the arguments of the at
torneys in the triangle ruit.
i'ayment of the insurance policy
was contested by the defendant com
pany on the grounds that the late
Mr. (taster had made false state
ments in his application and also he had met death by suicide.
This stand w;ls opposed by Attor
ney Matthew Gering for Mrs. Gaster
and Attorney George Tunnison. of
Omaha, who represented the mother
of the deceased man, as intervenor,
contesting with the widow for the
amount of the policy. Both the
plaintiff and intervenor contend the
application was in proper form and
that the deceased came to his death
fn in natural causes.
The mother, who is intervening in
the case, denied the validity of the
marriage existing between Mr. and
a great deal of money and is one of
the most important steps that have
hoen made toward beautifying the
.-.urroundings of the Masonic Home.
Heretofore the travelers through
the city on the trains have had a
mere glimpse of the very handsome
home buildings and the chief sight
has been the foreground of sheds and
buildings and bank of dirt and these
will be willed out if the present plans
carry out as they seem assured of doing.
ed several very pleasing shows here
in the past few years, including
"Fi Fi." "Katcha Koo" and '-'Tlie
Wishing Ring." The attraction is
rated as one of the best that has
been placed on the stage by the
Rogers company and the ladies feel
well pleased at having secured it
for this city.
After the business sesFion of the
afternoon dainty refreshments were
served that added much to the gen
eral enjoyment of all members of
the party.
Ladies of American Legion Auxiliary
Arrange tc Present Rogers Pro
duction Late This Fall.
The Woman's Auxiliary of the
American Legion held a very pleas
ant meeting yesterday afternoon at
the c'.ub rooms, which
largely attended bv the ladies. For
th pleasant event Mesuames August
Itoessler. M. 15. Allen and .Miss Ma
thilde Soennichsen were the hostess
es, and the occasion was one that
proved very enjoyable to all those
ti The ladies had a great deal of
v n
i n
t o
proficiency in
i'oois thrci
S' li wa'n i s. Gaster. owing to tlie lact
Charles j Ge-,rg" W. Wittstruck. the first
from iip 'i'l of the plaintiff, was alive and
Ivn brothers ot the late Mr. Gaster
were on the stand today to testify : sical show for production the coin
that thev had scon Wittstruck on a!i"K fall, and in which the ladies
the content,
bov.s from
! :: . ka schools
ft .; e
1 v :;.
the st
fa rm
hi on
".'. hawk a
i 1 t liese com est s
t ! rue c .-s a nd it is
eti illy as etlicient
i lie bookkcepin:
Received Injury to Arm
Lasl Wednesday morning while
Uay Klatiren; was assisting with the
work of lifting a heavy crate at the
.-Miction factory, he strained one of
his arms, which put him out of com
mission temporarily and caused him
to lose several days from his work.
The injury has continued very pain
ful, but Ray hop"s to soon lie able
to resume his work again.
Many Attend Shrine Meeting
A goodly number of Masons frctn
Nehawka were in Lincoln list week
either witnessing or being a party lo
the taking of higher degrees, which
included the Shrine work a.; well.
Walter U'ondr riich was the Nehawka
Shrine candidate and tho:e who we-it
ilonu; lo see the fun were Frank P.
Sheldon. Vila ; Sheldon. .M it inn
the Ne-
wii! he selected to at
urading contest at the
ir Lincoln, which is to
Saturday. April 2nd. The
choids hfive participated
before with good
hoped they will be
this time,
class is strug-
Blank Books at the Journal OfTice.
Besides Room and Board we
carry bacon and cured meats
and fine eating potatoes.
Bsiica Ice Grea.ti
setved by dish or quantity.
Do not forget lo drop in for
dinner when in town.
Vling with trial balance; this week,
mill ti ml them not so easy to master,
but by constant application they are
found to come out all riuht in the
We ha . e lost Harney and Goldie
fniiih from the Nahawka rchools as
they have moved to a farm in the
iiotih-rn part of the stale and will
attend the Crofton school. .
A number of the members of the
I'ome Koiiioniics class gave a recep
tion and "dinner ut the Kconomics
room in the basement of the school
building on last Tuesday noon, -at
v. hich they were hostesses to their
mot tiers, serving a most delightful
nieii! as it demons! rat ion of their
acijuired ability along culinary lines.
Ti o -e who played the part of hosiers:-:
were Missen Grace Linville,
Mary Coppell. Clarice Doughty. Le-
om.i Dti'sbly and Genevieve Stone.
L.Mer other meTnbers of the class
will entertain their mothers at a like
repa d. The tables were decorated
with cut Mowers and artificial deco
ration:' and the meal was served in
most approied style.
The aglicult uril diss, during the
past week has been busy with milk
tests, which each member made on
one of the cows on his own home.
The test covered feeding, butter fat.
milk production, etc.. and was con
tinued for a period of live days. In
all the test was applied to ten cows,
which were led on corn stalks and
fodder, and alter deduction for both
labor and feed, it was found th
cows returned an average profit ol
$1.!)..' for the live day period. This
i-i bui an example of what can be
done Willi catile as a source of in
come, and under the proper farming
methods, and the experiment proved
important business to occupy their
attention, chief among 'which, was
the securing of a very pleasing mu-
train in l!tli. some seven years af
ter he had disappeared from this
city and from the knowledge of his
will be assisted by the members of
the local Legion post. This produc-i
tion,. will be "Springtime" and is;
Lincoln. March 18. Gits Hyers,
demon sleuth of the state of Ne
braska, wandered today along the
valk on the west side of the capitol
whistling a jnunty air. Near the
west uoor of the capitol several autos
were parked.
Two of the cars bore 1920 licenses
and it is nearly three months since
January 1. To make matters worse
onlv three weeks ago, Gus issued an
was quite j uitimatuiu to those who defiled the
law in this respect.
The pace of the chief sleuth quick
ened as he made har-ty tracks for the
auto registration files to ascertain
the names of the offenders. As his
finger ran down the page of names
and numbers the sleuth's jaw fell.
The names he found were those
of J. K. Hart, secretary of trade and
commerce, and Representative Clark
Jeary of Lancaster county, chief ora
tor in behalf of movie censorship.
No arrests have been made by
wife and children who have failed toU'aged by the John Ii. Rogers pro-
Blank bcks: Yes you can get
hear from him since that time.
Frank II. Gaines, counsel of the
Woodmen of the World occupied but
lit tie time in his argument and the
case was handed to the jury to de
termine upon the issues of the case
as presented to them by the repre
sentatives of the three interested
part ies.
ducing company, which has present-j most any kind at Journal office.
General Sentiment is That Changes
Proposed in Highway Near Ma
sonic Home is Well Made.
t.ost interesting to e
member oi the c!u'-s.
ach and every
The plans that have been formu
lated for the beautifying of the
street near the Masonic Home as
well as the closing of Sixteenth
street for one block .and Ihe changing
of the highway around by the way
of the .Missouri Pacific passenger sta
tion, seems to be meeting with gener
al approval.
A representative of the Missouri
Pacific was in the city today and ex
pressed himself as well satisfied with
the proposal to pave the portion of
the street from the entrance to the
Home west to the present paving on
Seventeenth street. The company
will 'also be willing to have their
spur siding removed as far north as
the grain elevator and which will
permit a nice wide street at this
point and one that will make a fit
ting entrance to the city,
i The chamber of commerce com
mittee that is to conduct the cam
paign for funds to purchase the north
nortiou of the lots ot" F.dward Fitz
gerald, will start their canvass the!
coming week an it is hoped in the!
first two days to secure the amount j
needed and which will close the deal
for the land and then the transfer of,
the property will be madu at the'
Home association as the gift of the,
residents of the city and in turn
the Pome association will deed to
the city the amount of land needed
for the street.
This proposition does not involve
Does It Pay to Buy
a Cheap Hat?
The established Stetson quality,
now, more than ever, is the choice
of men who know values.
Not the ordinary hat that loses
its shape and locks slouchy in a
Our store is proud of the splen
did variety of Spring Stetsons now unpacked and ready
for your approval.
We have kept the price down and offer you new Spring
shapes in all desirable colors at
$6.50 $8.50 $9.50
If you have shopped in the city stores you will appreciate
x this price truth.
Lets make every day a fire prevention day. 8 fires so
far this year. Let's have no more clean out the rubbish.
Journal want ads pay. Try them.