The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 17, 1921, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    THUHSDAY, MAUCH 17, 1921.
Union Department
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
Who Is Worrying?
No the Systematic
The systematic saver has been piling
up a reserve account which comes in
mighty handy when credit is tight.
His banker has faith in him. He hasn't
purchased any wild cat securities or
bought a higher priced automobile than
he could afford.
Why not be a systematic saver and
carry a reserve account? This bank pays
4'f on savings accounts.
ank of y. mi do En
Our excellent selection of spring hats for ladies
h-ve arrived and are on display. Call and make your
chcice before the line is broken. Also get in your
ciclor for grass seed; better hurry about this. Excel-ic-u
ginh-m of latest patterns, 18c per yd., cash.
UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
Baifsry Service Station!
in the
prepared to loclc after your battery wants.
: recharging, repairing and iurnishmg or
pr.rt-3, as well as providing you with new bat
A!I work has my personal care and will be given
the minutest attention.
When you have drank of a cup made from this
ncv. and popular blending of the coffee bean, you will
know what good coffee is.
Percales at per yd HV-jC
Best prints calico, per yd loc
Ginghams, absolutely the latest, per yd '. . 172C
Sug-ar at $9.50 per 100 lbs; prunes, none better,
per lb. :0c; best caisup at 15c and best Hieh Patent
flour at $2.75. grade 1 J-inch brass mounted harness which
formerly bcurht $125.00 can now be bought here at
$80.00. This is getting down to the basis of the pres
ent prices op. wheat, corn, hogs and cattle.
Dr. and Mrs. V. M. Burr it t were
visiting in Omaha with friends and
relatives last Thursday.
Uev. and Mrs. Y. A. T:'yloT v. ere
visitors in Omaha over Sunday, they
making the trip in their car.
Wayne Lewis and wife have moved
to the Charles Dysart place and will
farm there t he coming .stiison.
Jarvis Lancaster and Ld Knin., cu
Murray, were looking after some busi
ness in Union la.-t Mniiin afternj"i.
Dan Lynn is kept ve; y i,uy t li . :e
days at ' carpvrtcrii:g am! looks Ur
nmeh mere work as li.e reason
vanefs. John Lh .i and i-.;Ti. Avulers t;
Lloyd of Neh:sv!;a. v. -tv kkinr; af4e:
some l)U: i;iest; !::atu rs in Union l;.s;
Monday, j
Miss Grace Dogeririef, who is i
cf the ttarhers of i ru I nu n scln..'! .
i El Ms LuKii", v. ho villi Art
j s-on ah at u week ago went to Ar
; ri iia . C'oiorad:. remained four day?,
; ur.d wliilr there seen sumo, of the for
jiu.r Vrio'i people, meeting with Del
I bert Young and having a good visit
j with him. Ellis tells of there being
! snow suirm there, but it was gone
at ill - vr cf a few days. Ellis re-
turned h(.nyo last week, while Art is
st it y m g. having some cars to work
en for tlc present.
nde;- rlur daughter. Mis. Elsie. They, had
in mind, work for the foreign fields, '
and all vere provide 1 vkh neediej
and tlirt'od and low they worked :.
a caution. The season for ;;ctivei
work being faithfully put in, the la-i
dies enjoyed t ! 3 remainder of the;
session m a lighter vein, and then
iitw they did enjoy th delightful
luncheon which vas served.
spent Sunday at the home of friimls
j near Xi-hawka.
! Mr. Lemiel liarritt was a visitor
j at home for over Sunday and re turn -
! cd to his studies at the state univer-
'sity last Monday morning.
! Charles iloback and family, and
J Rev. and Mrs. Y A. Taylor visited
! at the home of W. L. Hobaek and
j daughters last Wednesday.
j Mrs. Kate Borne and four children
i of Nebraska City, were visiting ovt r
j Sunday at the home of Mrs. Dome's
son Fred, and wife of Union.
' County Commissioner C. F. Har
ris, was in I'lattsmouth and Cedar
Creek last Saturday looking after
some business matters for the coun
ty. Stephen Taylor departed on the
early train last Monday morning for
Plattsm mth. being called there to
serve as a juror for the. present term
of court.
Misses Elizabeth .Frans and
Yc ma Harris v.-crc visiting with thfir
foiks in Union over Sunday and ! t -turned
to their work at Nehawka last
Monday morning.
Mi;s Octa who is cmpl ;yi d
in Omaha, was a visitor in Uni ;n
over Sunday at the home of her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Dian Austin and
wife of this place.
Albert Wi'lis is furnishing some ex
cellent picture shows for Union, and
the cne which to appear or. Sat
urday "IJurning Daylight", is a hum
mer that you should see.
D. H. Dorter has disposed of hi :
ear. the Case, which is one rf the
let makes, to Mr. Fred Tinner.
The purchaser will find that the ma
chine is a vt ry .-erviceab'e rar.
Fred Clark and wife .f n-nt'i cf
town, accompanied !y Mr. Ira Clark
th? barb'.'r. were looking after busi
ness matters aTid vi.-itinc with friends
:n Nebra-!.a City I:i't Monday.
Mrs. C. F. 'liase. wlio has been
making her home :-.t V': tor' jo, la.,
arrived in Union, where they will
mak tcheir home :;i the future.
Mcsda:iier- J-hn Lidgett and Dan j
Lynn were visiting one day last week !
at the home cf their friends ;he
w oruen sisters oi .; aaw Ka, navinr
had a very ploa.-ant day
.Miss .Mary Let was a p
to Omaha last Monday, win
with friend
"vVill Cere fcr the Chickens.
.1 i;s C'jia Hathaway, daughter
Mr. and Mrs. George Hathaway,
rg r i .it of Un!cn. is g.)ing a iter
pror-rritir a in the rignt way. She
1 :::: srm fine breeds, which is an
esver.t:; 1 '.gure, hut borido- that she
is t;:-i".a; her attention to the raising
f i-.i--l:o;:s. both fcr the making of
them t'i' be it table f-nvl. and egg
lowers as wen. .miss liatnaway
.Tntly purchased lumber at
l-iat's Drot Iters yard t'uv the pur
er constructing r hkken house
modern in its ap.
w here th.- .la.cp car.
:ary. a well as light
arm. We judge she
d by i ai.-ing a verv
Will H?ve Church Services.
The members of the Methodist
church have arranged 'for services at
their church the coming Sunday.
There will be service? both morning
and evening and with the myelin-?!
if the auxiliaries, such p. 3 the differ-
ctt organizations of the Epworthi
Lagu? and the bible school, the day j
will t)o a busy one. ihe "ervtce at
the Daptist chorea will p.!so inclitde
two services, the meeting of the D.
Y. P. V.. and the l.iblc- sc'.'col. Let
Ihce interested in either church so
ciety be in 'attendance.
: 1 1
1 l'-!t
. iniiiieri-.
be t lie tiios t .-a a i
! and airy, and vv
j will be rewardt
j pn fitalle flock.
Will Engage in Business.
Y"th the inarringe of Miss Lyda
Clark, there is being made a change
i:i conducting the pnstcice. and she
and her husband. Mr. Fred Borne,
will put a confeciionerv store in one
side ;:f the Irbby which will greatly'
facilitate to accommodation of the j
public, who are desirous of purchas
ing small articles which are usually i
trund in a stationay .-tore. They
will cany confectionery and sta
ti v.:-ry. The alterations of the of
fice have been made and counters
and shelving provided
w hich will be carried.
i lie icinuii' miuuiu ia iinjii nit,- icij j
Returned to Her Work.
Mi s Eva'ey. wh; is one of
the force of tac)iers in the Union
tchool returned to her duties af
ter an absence of a nuaibrr of days
at her home in Syracuse, called there
cm account of the illne-s and deuh of
l'.er mother, who was laid away after t
a long life of usefulnc.-.s to her!
friends and familv.
fcr the goods
It looks like
from the very
Illness Prevents Teaching
Miss Minnie Feters ,onc- of the
teachers of the Union schools and who
has been very successful i-nd a pop
ular young woman with all, has been
compelled on acconut nZ ill health to
resign her position as teacher, which
has been filled by a Miss Ellis of
Weeping Water.
Gave a Miscellaneous Shover
i he members of the L. F. K. club
wh'ch Mrs. Fred Home is a mem
. ": c hvv a niircellaneous shower
i l-otiie of Miss Oeraldine Ko.Idy
is a!:-i a lueJiiber of the club,
evening was very pleasantlv
in games and a genersl goo!
was had in whi.l! ail partici-
A delightful luncheon was
t the close cf the evening.
T " i e
pat ed.
Si-l ved
Ti show er brought many beautiful j
a"d useful articles for the new houe- i
wife. ?!rs. Borne expressed her plea
sore at the bountiflu gifts and mere
e.-rci tHyl was she pleased with the j
bring favor of her friends in the j
pr: entaticn. :
Having TToutle With His Eye.
W. L. Hobaek has been having
considerable trouble with one of his
eyes which had become affected and
was a visitor at Murray last Thurs- !
day, where she was having the mem- j
I er treated by Drs. Brendcl & Bren- !
del. Mr. Iloback was accompanied!
by his two daughters and his son j
John. !
Mrs. Mont Eobb Better. '
Mrs. Mont Kobh. w ho has been ii! j
at her home for some time, is re- j
ported as being much improved. The !
D. r. O. E. of Plat: --mouth of which i
Mr. Robb is a member, rent some i
very beautiful rosr?s. a bouquet I
which Mr. Robb very much enjoyed
and appreciated. She is extending
her thanks therefor.
vi. mn:
will also
:n Social Thursday L?.st.
The younger members of the Dap
'. church and which had its' nu-
tisin the Baptist Young People
i on. held a very interesting ter
at the home of their pastor, the
. Samuel M'l'.er and wife, last
: iisday, is what th v chose to call
a rng socb'l. A mot- pleasant eve-ii.'i-g
was had. the prevailing fea
ture of the plays being that they
v.h; all in sons;. One was reminded
u t to of-Saakespt'Pre ana were
n r.t .re enjcyable. S me :!eli-".it-Ptits
capped the climax of the
v pleasant evening.
V 1
v i'
attend the atr. show wliich is bedim
staged in tbt me'rrpoMs t ; is w eek.
James Fitch wis a visit-.;- at t in
borne of ITU Lewis ar.i! with lrkr-d.-iu
Union last rJonday, b.oHng after
tome business mr-tte-s a-,d returjiing
to his home in Murray in the eve
ninpr. Mrs. Yv". L. St inc. who has Iwen at
a hospital in Omaha for sotue tim
where sb.e underwent an oprravion for
apnendicitis. is r't'-tfd ,-.s leirm
niirovea a
a!lc to re
Will Ho-d a Sak.
T: has been as id that W. 1!
tfr bo appointed at; administrator f
the estate of the late M. G. McQuim.
and affrr consultation vith theinei:
bT3 r-t the family it was decided bet
ter to dispose cf some of the surplus
st rf!;. rntl accordingly there wi'l be
hebl a sale at the home rn next Fri
dav for the purpo---? of disposing of
! Kdi an Exccllect Sale.
Col. W. K. Yonug. who just return
ed frrm the northwestern portion of
. tlie state, where b.e crieii a farm
rale wliich amounted to some $5, SCO
j d( liars, had an excellent sale and
: with his characteristic force in sell
: ing. was able to sell some spotted
jpr'and china hogs which this man
i U::d. with the other stock, they bring-
irg on an average for the herd.
1 ?207.D0 each for the sows, while the
beats, wbich were small, all brought
i $100 each. The proprietor. Mr. W.
S P.. Wykert. was well pleased with the
iieturns. It is an assured fact that
Ct.?. Young is a salesman, whether
it be an ordinary tarni sale or whetn--
he is h-mdiv.g pSre bred hog cr
(attlr. Si(tttxl noland china hogs
:e fine i;'s. but when it is consid
, erc-I that they were only sold at an
, orornary l.-irm sale. th returns are
, in:.: t grat:fying. and much is due to
I the ability of tho salesman.
urplus property.
A nc
our room
Unicn School
Primary rcom
.v ptipl:3 bas been
sr me i;
w i'l be
is botir-ti si"
e i
in a
; me.
W. II. P,a
to assist tv r
income ti:: for
nninc. win - fv. r r
k i r.rr n t urns on
hi" friends, ar.d a-;
r. -visist
bu?y of
for Li
t St:
1 at
in t
Had a Very Pic? rant Tine.
Murdav the O-der Eastern
at their session at Nebraska City
an interest in. s: cbs tj instruci
:e masteries c.f the order. Anion:;
rti.eiiiree.ion of their gu: r-: sriTUuous fcanqi,ft trom rrion were
Iiss Mary ;eorer. the camp- Mesdames Jessie Lidgett. Belle Frans.
s of I n:on if d a bane sal? at . L. .:. Upton. Joe Bannine, Owen Bal
;to.T;ce .ol .-.y last Saturday - fn,,r olnev Eastert I(ia Appletrate.
moer rnces
1 he present market on lumber is now at a pre
war level (considering the increase in freight rates.)
Our seliing price is governed on a replacement
.basis, and not what the material cost us.
Our loss is our loss that's all.
From all indications and reliable sources, there will
be no further decline in lumber prices this year.
Lumber is the cheapest commodity being offered
the public at present, so why not start that building you
have been postponing the construction of for three or
four years?
You may need a Kbuse, barn, hay-barn, hog shed,
implement shed or hen house, so why delay?
Come in and get prices and specifications.
We appreciate 3'our patronage.
i that in fiiv way which he c
j them, hr.s been kept pretty
! late making out returns
! friends.
j T nder the direction of the
dian. Mis
fire girl
the post
winch netteel th"r. a t'dy rum cf
money and ls.- gave them . "ine bu.-i-Fc-s
Mont Robb departed last Mondjv
evenintr for PlaUrmouth and ft-m
there the fo'lowirg meirninrr for .the
wcct. looking after the intorpsts ef
the Hynos Oram 'oinpj.y ei Omaha,
in ptirchajirg g-ain.
If is leported that th" Rev. J. B.
Taylor fo Nebrn-' -i City, who fe r
merly ministered ti fbe congregation
in Union, is jut at tins time enTged
in eppductinrr a very successful re
vival for his church there.
While they are not busy at other
ihings Mr. Robert Willis and son Al
bert, are kep' buy building a Ford
spe-edster. which is to be rome car
when completed. Do rot fail to see
the craft when finished.
Last Friday evening there
dance given at the W.
which was well fned j'ru
one enjoyed thernse'vs tc the limit.
The inuic was f'nni hid by the Un
ion e r-hetra. d- icb. i fully capable
cf furnishing tbe best of musir.
Joseph R;y. former'y ef Atchi-on.
arrived in Union. !avt Monday to take
up bis work a", section foreman for
the Missouri Pacific, while the for
mer foreman, Mr. W. 3. Sidwell. has
been transferred te Portal, where he
will continue for the Missouri Pacific.
Mrs. Joe Bauer is report -d as be
ing very ill at ho- home in Union
and while ?he is bavin.- the very
best cf nursing and medical care?,
her condition has imf grown better,
as desired. It is be. peel that before
long there may bo a change for the
better ard that she may bo able to b'j
tip again.
W. H. Pu-;er has been busy during
the past v.-re"; in putting t he property
of the M. E. parsonage in gr.od con
dition, which bas recently been oc
cupied by Mr. C. F. Chase, who is em
ployed with the Sheldon Manufac
turing eompanv at Nehawka. Mr.
Porter wa making renrv'rs on the
cistern and other portions of the premises.
j the class was Mrs. Derwond Lyr.fle.
: A 111:1st enjoyable time was bad. the
! festivities continuing until an early
boi". Those to attenei and enjoy the
ore: sion and participate in the Mrs. Charles Mclntvre of Lin
coln, who is visiting with friends in
S'JiTrise leir Friends
lie ne ;r.Htors eu .Mr. and
lia"..l :urriise:". them op
eiav v.iior tbev arrived in
s. J. C
! celebrate ' the annivenary of
' ma--?.ir;e. just one yc;' r short of ;
c,:tarrr of a century am. This v as
iifcleed a surprise, although, the harpy
;c"it!e had an inkling of the hapry
. event and were in a manner prepared
! for the occasion. The season wa"
j very pleasantly snent and with the
j congratulations, the very nice pres-
emnrg the decade and a quarter
' and the bountiful feed, the time was
me r. . joyousyl spent.
a. ter
have begun
dec rations
for our
enrolled in
week, being Ralph
The cbi
on tiie E
re cm.
The county superintendent. Miss
I'l'lofcn.eva.- a visitor in our room,
as well as the ri -st cf the school, last
Miss Ellis cf Weeping Water, is the
new teacher in the 'nd primary room.
Fifth and Sixth Grader
Emma and Leonard Crawford are
two newt pupils in cur room. ,
Miss Saek'ev v as called home by
the death cf her grandmother last
week. Several cf the senior girls
taught in her room during her ab
rcnee. High School Note
Winona Dysart and Eula Frans
A-xc their reports on "The Growth
of the It. S.". and "Japan and Her
";vplc' rerpce! i veiy, last week.
l'oliis Banning was absent from
rchool Friday, attending the basket
b;il tournament at Lincoln.
A new electric bell has been in-
in the assemblv
was a
. hail
! everv
Ecth Auxiliaries Ifles-:.
Th ladies aid cf the Metb: dist
church of Union and the Woman's
Heme Mi-sionary society of the sane
church, both met in join session at
the home of Mrs. B. A. Taylor and
rtaiteil in tfe assemblv room
The Domestic Science girls closed
their course in cooking last week and
w ill spend the remainder of the year j
lert pies and bread lart week.
New song books have been ordered
for the assembly room.
The practice cf pa'rlimcntary law
was taken up Tuesday morning.
The Vi-trola was brought up to
the assembly room on Wednesday !
morning so that the high school and
the 7th -and 8th grades might have a
chance to enjoy the new records.
Head the Journal -Rrs.Et-ads.
Laugh and Grow Fat!
This is the hunch! You sure will laugh till your ache when you see
M. W. A. HALL ,
EJirssors Picture Show o.,
Albert Willis, Proprietor
UNiON -:- -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
We have several gooei used Fords and also new ones
as weli, for immediate delivery. Three good used truck?.
Better get thuce ca. s aitended to before the rush of Spring
Ve Do Aceleiine Welding!
UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
Sriiih Cream Station!
We are paying the highest prices in cash for cream,
butter fat, chickens, eggs and ail country produce.
See us for prices. Located in the M. W. A. build
ing; room formerly occupied by telephone company.
Smith Cream Station,
H. A. Srrrith, Manager
UNICN -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
You Bonne! Wast Longer!.
Sprmg is here! You are needing machinery, repair--,
c.c. With t-locki of lever harrows, plows, cul
tivators, mowers, rake?, etc., in the International and
all other lines which were placed before the advance,
we are able to protect our patrons with a material sav
ing. We are, on the other hand, abls to save you 30
on mattresses and all upholstered goods, while on all
furniture and rugs, we are making a very material re
duction. See us; wc are able to save you a nice piece of
money on what you need. The advanced railroad rates
are not in the goods we are offering.
;J h -
Ws Have the Ford Agoncy
We are ihs regular representatives of the Ford
Motor Co., in Union, and have in stock all kind of cars
for sale the Sedan, Coupe, Touring and Roadster.
We also carry tha Ford truck. Our phone number
is 20, and ve urge you to cali us for a demonstration.
We can sell and make immediate of any of the models
of Fords, as we are carrying them all in stock.
See us for anything in this line.
Pre pet 8t
Phone No. 20
Union, Nebr.
uuuu icres
Lincoln county, Colorado, farmers harvested an
excellent crop of wheat the past season.
Come, see land where in many instances one crop
will pay for the. land. We are making trips every Sat
urday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and
particulars. The best land in the west and at a price
which anyone can afford to pay.
Box No. 11
Union, Nebr.
Fistula-Pay When Cured
A ir.Ild yi'mi of treatment that cures Pile.
Fistula and. othar Ketal I'Imiwi In Bhort
tlmi. without m. i.Tirn Kurrirai oDeratlotl. N
Chloroform. Ether or other ceneral anetht
tue4. A cxir gTiBJ'-r'tee'l In erery ruo accepted for -eatme"t. anl no morey to b
pa.d until cured. Write for liook on r.ertal Unease . It! e- and temtmomal
of Cirre thiin l.of0 protnirent reorle who hve :i r""i"" "Jr "ird.
U2. E. U. TA'iHY, gnnaloriiun, Iter Trnit Blrlf. (iiee Bldg.), OMAILk. EH
. Ur. K. S. JoliUktun. iiedioU Uirector.