0 .9 i MONDAY. MARCH 14. 1921 PLATTSUOTJTH SEIII-WEEKLY JOTJUNAL PAGE FIVE FJfUR B a TEAM LEAVES YESTERDAY : FOR THE TOURNAMENT PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. D o Not Ne This? gleet Remember that you are required to have your in come tax report in the hands of the collector by March 15th. Cniy one more day remains to attend to this. All deposits in this bank are protected by the De positors' Guaranty Fund. All business intrusted to us will receive our careful attention. The Bank of EUiurdock fifiurdock, Nebraska "The Bank where You Feel at Home" HENKY A. TOOL, President . J. E. GUTHHANN, Vice-Pres. H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier Happy Birthday Surprise The friends of Ifrs. Cus Wendt. having knowledge of her birth dry anniversary, organized a incrry sur prise for this good woman, carrying; it out to a nicety. The people came unexDectedly but prepaied tor an eve-! I ning of rare pleasure. The time was! passed with games by the younger j members of the company, and when1 (these got wel! under way, everyone , j present felt themselves as belong ioi ' the younger set. Ice rream and ca'iv ' i were Fervod and the following pro- ! gram was hastily arranged: F.aso- I phone sole, II. V. Too!; Violin solos' ! by Harry Gillespie and V. O. Uil-! jlespie; Piano solos ly Mrs. William! I Ossenkop, Mrs. John Gakemeier and; j Miss Irene McDonald, with cornet and clarinet, accompaniment by Her-: Ary-rcciatc the Kindness Wm Cchit-?. v, ho lias !ieen to h-T hoiki" f,.r seeral :t hy i;!ne--s. is nakirg returns at th'x lime i'roni we'd V.eased to b!e t. he out eea she wee3 .eved bv the oi'.iihie weeks V veiv fair ihe Mr-ess ar.-l is k:i "'.v she w?il vorn ho : egain. Airs. Cehrts. v k, zl to Lor hd. was r i htautifu! flowers ".vhieli were sent a! Xeitjlihvis o ( xpress her lindats:-, a "id r.itful to her ly the ladli-s of the li ef iaer:ea. ar.d de.-dre--srncerr thangs for th" savs s'e rure;;- feI g :v men: for the hindi: SrOTlID FGLAITD CHINAS FAY and Irene Marion I!cDon; Ossen- .Id and Henry Ileike shelled corn Thursar and delivered the grain to the ele-j vator here. Jess Land holm and family were visitors in Omaha last F'nday, driv over in their car. Anion King was a visitor in Elm-woi.-i la t Thursday, where he was lo.t'.-iiirr after some business. II. L. Smith and family and Mrs. j !.!., Schmidt and little daughter, Geraldine. visited i.i Lincoln last !it: '.ay. makinsr. the trip in their j auto. j L'-uis Schmidt, wife and little, daughter, wore visiting over Sunday! at tht home of Mrs. Schmidt's par-j ct t : Mr. c-nd Mrs. Herman Kraft, of j If,:;,.. I ..:tr. Laoty Donald and Har-j ry Gilespie were visitors in Lincoln j last Thursday, where they went to,' attend some cf the basket ball games in the sta'e high rchool tourna ment. The Murd-xk Telephone company v. ill in , riiiLir.g thus doinrr away with the necessity of th- operators having to ring by a result hut this will only he a tem porary matter. l-asf. Thursday evening. A. Peters tested out the farm lines which have beer, attached to the Murdoch -transmission line between this city and the point where it joins the Louisville-Weeping Water line. Those al ready being served with electricity from this new source of supply are A. II. Oehlerking. Carl Schlaphof, Gus Wendt and Herman Kupke. Dr. A. R. Hornbeck has purchased the home of H. W. Tool and will make his home there as soon as Mr. Tool can arrange for another place in which to live. Charles Schaeffer has also rented the p'lace where Dr. i bert Wort man jkop; Songs by Isabel Tool. I Those present were Messrs and ! Mcsdamer, Henry Gakemeicr, William 'Lau. John Scheel. Herman Gake-. meier. I!. A. Tool. H. V. McDonald. J. K. Mciiugh. Harry Giiier-pie. Hit-! old Tool, John Gakemeier and W. O. j make Gillespie of Murdock, Herman Thie-J man ci touin i:en i; wm. w enm a 1 family, Louis Gaebel and family and William Ossenkop and family, cf Louisville. Frank Roister and Chas. Lau and families cf Mar.ley; Henry Gerbeling and family, Miss Edna Woods, Edward Obernalte and Wal ter Woods of Wabash, Misses Theoan Towle, of Lincoln. Clara Wcitzd, of Murdock, Elsie Miller. Cir.ra Wink ler and Uertha Winkler, of Elmvoo.i, Miss Mary Mundell 'of Springfield. Earnest Mann and Lawrence Kreek- low of Manley. Harvey Koop ami Herbert Worthman of Louisville and H. A. Gillespie Ot Edgeniont, South Dakota. A scrub he g es producer- le.-s nuat than The pure b"'. hog h-nvi'-'j- a pivfi:: and t - the p: icrs :u e '"la-c. i ssuch that the serf! !.:, while the prr." h a liice-pnfit. Cot irt nu re .cram and pure bred. V' f!!" tl "it .cci.illy v.-hen Fhe dir- ronce ' will show a od will make ) -r.fe game and attend the- s.l' e iii::a li egs at II. I :uvt Sa;i'.rtl:'y. ,ao ii:e mrney. of nctt . S ( no. a tired c. 1 Poland oha.vkn. )v, a i d AM.'. V.V LL L O U I S V Courier T At the la hoird : ros orbing Hie the (iv.e-tir. b:P v th ! ha Celebrates Forty-Sixth Atiniversaiy :t ini-etirtr jlution W3.--village c! i of lie en. .mi hall- to ; v.t; :!u:ut tl!- cttstom i 1 t-itizans to have it iots. Mrs. John C:-rr ha i-iivdo to lo.,k af. r Tiers there atai wi!! i.iako I f i he villa e ; - -' it auth- i 1 1; to submit . ir: a n 'ol and ! ui ho people j y pet itieti hy J placed on the ! F'r'-m Thv.-s1ay"s railr Yesterday afternoon the members of the PlaUsmoulh High school basket ball team, composed of John Sattler, Ernest Schuheck, Gus Bru b.ic;:cr, Carl Schneider and Joe Mc Carthy, departed for Lincoln, where they will take part !n the state basket ball tourney that opens there .today. Raymond ISookmeyer, Charles Hartford, Howard Dwyer and Adolph Hellas aocrmnaniel the team as substitutes and may take -part in s.me oi" the games. A number of the hasket ball en-thi.-ia-ts luotored aot to Lincoln to day to v.-i;rc-s-i the opening battle ihii morrig between the Platts ra.outh loam and Gothenburg, which resMlted in a victory for Platts mouth. The result of this ?in:e should have a materia! bearing on the outcome of the class P. tourna ment as the Gothenburg te-:i:i v as fir tire 2 as one of the strong?:- in the 'l"..;s, with the possible excep tion of IJcnson. The Plattsmouth team has had an o::re'k'nr season this year and the Piciii! ers of the (juin.tette. who are all leaving school this year, have ;!("()! Ilifc-mse'ive-s as eapable of rep resenting this city at the state tour nament as any teum that has gone forth from the local school i:i many! years. Next year's team will he marie up of all new faces and the Resoives. who have been playing, very good ball this year will fur-1 rish a credible organization to start; the :eason and should prove worthy! successors to the present high class oere at i our oervicei t We are carrying a full line of ,farm machinery and implements, both horse drawn and power propelled. Yea hs.6. beUsr see us NOW about any" machinery you maj' have that is in need of repairs, and thus be assur ed cf having it in working condition when you need it. Delays in the busy season are costly. Spring ?s about here with its heavy quota of farm work to be done and it is hig!ly imperative that you lock after the repair work right awa'. To those in need of new implements we are in a position to quote the most conservative prices possible. MURDOCK NEBRASKA athle-t ic (rga.nizaticn. THBXE MEN FOR EYEP.Y JOB GAGE MAY HAZE PUELIC I NAMES OF 176 SLACKERS j Eoatrice. N-b.. Marcu 11. if the' Ilan of the government to publish; the ramoK o! slackers who dodged the draft is carried ut, the nr.mea of 170 on tne Ga?-o roirty black list; will 'b' giv-.ii ' ta. .o!.!k fKCrd-' r. :no Mrs. Ferdinand surprised Tuesday Lau was srreatty evening when a Hernbeck is to make his now living and expects home there as soon as number cf her relatives and neigh bors came in to help- celebrate h-r forty-sixth birthday. The -ever.ins was passed by music and games. A lunch was spread out which the gliosis had nrougnt annc. Ai a lite hour the quests departed wishing Mrs. Lau mnnv more suh hai.'Dv it is vacated. It looks like Charlie i i.;.t,riav ti-xo .n . iir v-.- Mr and Mrs. Fied Xeiunan and fauiiiy, Mrs. Wm. Nvuman and family, T.'r. Ca ma to :eta. !'. r old friar the: ilea. Th. o ter she has fes.-ion of if .ae fn'. h on . he ci:i It j U - many wp: he pi j to make, he I surely would be rather lonesome in a'large place like that by himself. Caucus March 21st ive been posted calling -hrt time install an electric ip;arat;is in the exchange. To Hold Notices h: attention to a caucus which will be held March 21st for the placing in nomination of candidates for the spring election. h:i:ol. J. J. Giotin was a visitor in the county soist hist Thursday, driving down in his oar a.nd was accompan- rs. Gutin, who visited with b-d by- friends th.or while Mr. Gustin look ed after so;e.-' haziness matters. E. "V. Thim-'an and John Gake meicr and A'ic.tt Streich visited in Omaha the lore part of the week, niakint? the trip by auto and going by way c i" riattsmouth where they had "i.'i;e business claiming their attention. John G: k-'Tneier and family. Wil liam We b II ai d wife. Otto Miller and far; Ily. Vt:-. J. Johansen r.rd (h'.uah.ttr and Lo'-,k- ltickli anl little daujzht. - "fro in A-hlatid last Sat urday, ren-aining o-er for the mov ing pic nr.- show ia the evening. Henry Auil vrt was a v!;-ifr in Lincoln ",at Saturday, ceing up to attend a reception, banquet and dance aiv.n by the 49th unit at the sorority buildii rr. of the alumni of Cip i;vior ity. cf which liis sister. Tdiss Ar.na Antgwort is a Riember. Edv ard Gneilsforff was a visitor ia Omaha last Wednesday, where he went t have some teeth extracted, wiiah had be"-n giving him consider able trauble for some time past. The physician faun-.l five of his to-th badly -i!o ration and requiring re moval. He is suffering some sore ness and inconvenience in eating as 'And Well, we plenty of it. Light' and Mrs. Lou: Neinnan, Anna N'enman. Mr. and Scheel and family. Mr. and Tonack and family. Mr. John and 'Irs. J.iiin Mrs. Fred and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and i.ilv. Mr. There Was should say "light" and at that. The transformer which has held back the turning on of Murdock's electric. lights for some time, arrived last week and was cut into the line last Wednesday, when the system was tested out and found in perfect working order. The various stores and business houses which had heretofore been lighted ' with kerosene lamps and: improvised gas systems presented a ! wonderfully changed appearance as j the full power of the illumination! was turned on. But had the lights been suddenly turned off a few mo ments afterward, their absence would have . scarcely been noticed, as the smiles of the community would have shed a ray of light equal to that of Old Sol himself. We are glad to note that the long looked for lights are here, and to welcome their coming as another step in the path of progress. Let's keep Murdock constantly going to the front. Chns Stroy and family. Mr. Carl Kissmann and famiiv, Mrs. Fred Cordes and fat and Mrs. Louis Lover ano lamnv, Mr. and Mrs. Will Staiun-r. A'lt-ie and Arthur Peters. Louis Lau. ".i.u tha Lau, Carl. Paul an;! Elsie Kupke. and Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Lau and family. he-:: ur - e he- ! irieto aid r ! does returned t-. he" rropeTiv later re; urn of home among fr aiatv. Sinoe : j . ?d i,st via- ! in a or pi is :u ide tie . P. T. Oi! ion' Waba thi- vie tail Chic ago. e. than Chieara 'in gove1 March 21. three n.i-n '. a r.-nrdin g to ntaant and Tia '..r ev r.-io: flute "re a r? ery j.-b s ta lny oflif ials to rn:r,ry, i" th.e 1 hes D.'pi:y Co: who t erved exeinniion 1 e are not a ard tlie united eh; the nt: in her of in 100. 000 to i'ies. Iv:;i;::.i''.s net;i r-ioyed ratiae r.o.aot. The rc- ; niea . !.ia j number o i j csrixi ercv! ! a lew ;nty Clark J. C. as executive head "ard. U Gage count v reprt -ent a eoa.siilerable f t ;a n.'-i on t ' or those who by niiiil. Tl'ere wcr. o.uiie tc-ckniiallv designated as the ten-day limit. The exemption board sent 871 men into the service up to the final quota before the signing of the ar mistice. However, this does not in clude the full number from this county in the service, the list tatal ing 1.240 and including the mem bership of Company C of Beatrice ar.d Company F of Wymore. t of t! e government surve rat h. i h ?r retur:: I ment tins born relief Tt nuary ntacod the t 8 o h-:t uio of labor and rc reported that thi i. --u.-d 1 r Then ,;;;te depavt ff or gar i at- number has ! dackt-is v. ho failed to report within Th? Easter tide brings thoughts 'i th-3 sc- wishes for your friends. Srrnind tliem cf your thought with cr? cf the hsndsone hand engraved csrJi tl-at can" be foun l at the Jour ctcticrary d:nartiricr:t. rrowirrr st in si g!it. com merit: ilv sire e Wit a no (ii. f. "v ftk . r SXS AjIk r-. S uSK i r jTk S'.'K A V?.y v Vt v.atyvVv1iW vYMVVjViyVvtyVjYyy4Yiy V Yt-S on lies J. i'ap . i ; i . e S;o Will Give Easter ProgTam The members of the Young Peo- Frank Helvin Harried Last Wednesday at the Han-corn Park Methodist church in Omaha, were united in marriage by the liev. Arthur Attack, pastor of that ehnr.-h. Mr. Frank Melvin of Murdoik. and Miss Grace Elliott cf Elm wood. Doth the yonug pe ple are well known here and are honored ar.d re spected by all who know them. The tride is a young v cman of many ac complishments and has bean teach ing school near Prairie home, west of Alvo, and has proven her.-elf a mo-t accomplished instructor. The bricle has many warm friends in this community as well rs a host of admirers in her heme town and vi cinity. The grrorti, who is a j-'dly. natured young man of exemplary ha habits. has many friends, .and is a carpenetr, in which line he is an ex cellent workman. The young people havea hcune prepared where they will go to housekeeping and will make their home here. Their many friends remind us of ike years to read in J traal that Georg fie;- in and pnp.ilar alt. area! to the rata O-.iy a few years a was a freahle faa d aV'- edar Creel: ar.-J hh.i grow L ma-iaea l tin honored citizen cf ar. 1 now to Iasn that t1- title of grand-dad hi::! is : lartlii.g. Mrs. d'.'-m- L". rc M( ad.iy from a few d. Phi it- mouth with her GoMenar. and wife. I1 'man have j;?-t s he: - a idly T'T;. a:-.::e tin -ah : err, h.ave 1 aa.i ' Cas ie :. the of lerk. h.a .-dfather. " Say lev j n kid da v. a. I n watched c he a nine j n court v I . i !: a s r a thru up an :ur; 1 h a of ev ii.ive his unch (Jct'Ct IvCf the Mr. r.n-1 Mrs. Lutz to Platt-miCh a California, where tiers and to.k ia. po-r-te of interest. rierti-ure cf asri? n-law pnrrh.a-e gtaads r.r.d she also v er-ia-law. Mike Lut't ret'-- ter hev saa iv.varii i-. and Mra no to ho-.iv-e-r i living in , 3 like I -utz. :tly r-. turned a wir.;er in visitrd ri- conun tons, Pnvd. general superintend ent of the Chicago fre -:nploymcat i .: said that 10't large fmp'.oycrs of labor reported that during Feh iitaiv tht?y had laid off fifteen thou sand virrn. H-iti." l sa.cd l:y the sfito de: m in of labor today showed that p.i ::.:: there were more than 12 piicant. for jobs at the stale o.-:i.'-r '. ?f' rcy i;t r;kr aa. Of thes-c. the agency placed 2 whom about 1 1; per cent were e I i:ir th- :i ' t ; n rt-h:-t .00 0 osi- . S 0 0 wc- For every flu jobs 1: agtccy there were 1 - dnrin.r Xo'emhe-. 2:1 ruber. :!2'J during Jar. ?d wit a prO diiri; 5nortasfe or Has Caused an Advance on Wall Paper of from 20 to 25 Per Cent Stock srv ottrorg ht La.--t year at on'.y seventy ni binary. thi tinte there for every 100 were Jldl:?. :le over GITE2T CHILD 1 Vc are fortunate in having placed our orders early, and now have in stock a large variety of goods which came on orders placed before Thes- n.ccds arc customer?, the advantage of the lower prices at which we bought them. Come in and examine the goods, and avail yourself of the opportunity of enjoying low prices on artistic wail hangings. tne advance. now in our shop and we are civinc our THE DUSTERHOFF SHOPS Murdock Nebraska the er- ::.ny interesting j Mrs. Lutz ht-'i : ting her da. ugh - ; her household Isiied her broth- ! and wife. the the Journal pie's societv of the Evangelical a rociation. will cive an Easter pro- in Murdock with which gram at the church Easter morning, ' joins, are extending the most hearty for which they are practicing at congratulations for their happiness, the present time. health and prosperity. An enjoyable farewell party v; given Mr. and M"- Wtl!i;mi da a wea k ago Stir, lav hv s nuta.ber of tl.eir frieiid- and r- hors. as they have r.ioval from old Vesburgh farm south of now ewr.cd hv Henry Vogk r C-i it. iir cti or SchleifcrCs farm Manley rjantiy ooeunied bv and Mrs. William Srhwalm. Pj of lunch wore brovght in hy ladi.- and a sr-.c-ndid rurprr served in the evning and Mr. Mrs. Rohrdanz were showered sood wish'-s for happirers and cess in their new location. Rohr larae j ah- i the) vr.. ; to i i near j l i e ' was i and I wi t h riuc- 'rand 1-land, M.ir. 11. A; nit of an r.ruroent between Mrs. La tea P.i dors and Milton Chandler, a b:o!!y. .Mrs. Chandler and Mrs. Ii!.iee.!i b c:ii:,e involved in a gen i;i"' physical nc.oui:t-r. and a police ceiori tri:-. the hrrt of its Iflnd ever taiiug place her. Mrs. Jlidens began to chastise youn-r Clirndler. The i-other saw it, wem vH;t to see what was the matter, .va et.allei aa.l by the irate ntighhor an aer-apteo too ctnt'ange. Wb?l a broom .-: jc'K was the heavi c t " oijr.ii used. Mrs. Eideiis' left arm as h.rokor. and both women were badly bruised up. Police Judge Wilkinson letrd many witnesses Vfi hook Absorbers and is holding the mer.t. case under advise- 3Iy. but she'd appreciate one of! these lovely boxes ot stationery on disn.lav at the Journal office. sr-irrn co. closes rr'vv at p-caT-pip-p -V J. U Jk. 111! A AH V AJ n nr - t 'Jit. A , 1 Kaibornie 32-inch; Fast Colors These fine quality ginghams are shown in many individual and artistic patterns in clear, bright colors that are absolutely "fast." Kalburnie ginghams are shrunk before leaving the mill, which overcomes to a great extent the shrinking of the garment in washing. You'll like these fine quality ginghams, especially for afternoon frocks; they are so soft and smooth in finish. Kalburnie Zephyrs fear neither sun nor water. Priced at, per yd., 30c i " Ki rv-y& ..-:?fea"aS?tii i 1 3! Zeolivr ill I1 p.eatrice. Mar. 11. The M. E. "lv.ith companya of Omaha has closed its shirt factory in this city, ship ling its ecr.upment to Omaha. While e plant has been closed for several montiis, nothing was said by the management relative to its plans to desert the city. The company occupied a building eere built for its benefit, receiving out iree tor a pe-noa ot two years, fund of $2. COO " being raised by popular subscription. When you think of printing;, yoti can't help bnt think of us. piLaad-GOLORfiDO-Land and a hundred and one other contrivances on your car, I hat are supposed to provide better service, but unless you have the best oii, your car is bound to receive dam age beyond ihe ordinary wear and tear. We are selling ihe very best brands of guaranteed motor oils. See us, when in need of any. We also carry a full line of accessories and supplies and maintain the best of service in our repair departnVt. DODGE, MITCHELL AND BIJICK CARS Yes, Business is Getting Better, Thank You. And We Appreciate It, Too. Hi n if? Vi si mi pi The Automobile Man MURDOCK NEBRASKA AND :hams Toil du Nord 6sn; 27-inch Widths All manners of new patterns "are shown in these splendid ginghams to surprise and charm you. Finely woven, soft in finish and light and' durable colors are features which have made these ginghams so popular among our customers. Mothers, many of them, insist on Toil du Norde ginghams for the children's school and play dresses. Give excellent wear. These we have priced at, per yd., 25c A SL i;ti.i!:?::o.cj Jti7 .V it I A S U I 2 I 3 Mr Gify Propody fcr Ss!e! Cse 8-rootm rr.cdem, 3rd and Vine streets. iy2 lots. $5,000.00. One 5-room., iy2 lots, on west &y JIain street. Good well, cistern. ( $100.00. One 7-rooin mciern except bath. K;.jllth end I.Iain streets. 2 lots, one p-jjhk-ck from high school. Fine place. .iChean at S3.5OO.00. 5-room house; 2l acres ground. One acre in fruit and one in alfalfa. i City v:ater, concrete cellar, electric ; lights, sevrer. A dandy place fcr : $3,C00.C0. L3I Two lots south of the Q-K garage. pj ?3C0.00 takes the two. TT "513 hmmom holm Auio Co. on we We 11 will T cut melees automobues. Erin"; your car in and of look after your wants promptly. ALL WORK GUARANTEED We also carry supplies and accessories, us for anything in our line. Call on Lau Auto Co., -ggiiuuuuit mm bQSiilPJ Mi . Eicmoim Murdocli, Nebraska MURDCCK -:- NEBRASKA w - THOXES v.-. .AX mZMViL&tW Office, 394 Residence, 223