The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 10, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Wt JJ MM1 J ' IBJ ' 1
Cbe plattstnoutb lournal
Entered at rostoffice. Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Experience is one
pay is high enough.
teacher whose
Grown men. as well as children.
fly kites in Japan and China.
Europe is willing to do anything
with its debts except pay them.
The doughboys have discovered
that red tape
bind no
One of the wonders of Australia is
Lake Eyrie, which is below sea level.
Many men are wondering how they
can earn their income tax right quick.
It's alright to forget the war, but
not the men who enabled us to forget
They shut the gates on the aliens,
but they will find their way in under
the tent.
It won't be a kitchen cabinet, or
a tennis cabinet Harding likes golf
too well.
: o:
He is a thrifty man who doesn't
have to borrow money to pay his income-tax.
Most of the optimism about the
Harding administration sounds like
Japan in furnishing opium to
China is trying to put the giant to
sleep again.
With Hoover in the cabinet we'll
be sure of Europe's acceptance of
banquet invites.
The United States imports nnre
oil from the Philippines than from
any other source.
It would help a lot if more persons
could see the poetry of life and few
er would try to write it.
Falling - prices are like" falling
stars: There are so many up there
one or two or less don't matter.
Germany may not be preparing for
war, but it is noticeable that the
Krupps are still paying dividends.
The optimist rejoices in fine
weather, but the pessimist is sure
something disagreeable is on the way.
There is probably no truth in the
report that Ohio is going to try to
establish a presidential timber pre
serve. :o:
It's a good thing for Fall and
Fletcher that their appointments do
not have to be submitted to the Mex
ican senate.
A structural steel worker in New
York fell sixteen stories and sprain
ed a finger. Sjerved him right for
being so careless.
"Whisky is getting into the head
lines a lot these days because a lot of
persons are trying to get it into their
cellars and systems.
The magnitude of the service which
banking has rendered to business
during difficult periods has merited
large earnings. It is doubtful, how
ever, whether profits in 1920, satis
factory as they appear to be. have
been commensurate with the respon
sibility and risk involved.
Keep yourself posted on the issues of the Day.
the facts by subscribing to
A National Weekly Newspaper
It is not conducted for profit and does not accept paid
advertisements of any kind. Largest circulation of
any weekly paper published in U. S. A.
Leave your subscription with Attorney C. E. Mar
tin, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Yearly Rate $2.00
Many a baldheaded man is willing
td listen to a hair-raising story.
The hen seems to be throwing
gloom into the ranks of the egg pro
fiteer.s :o:
The man who is paying 65 per cent
of hi income in taxes also has a few
It is evident that the clerks in
some stores are not under civil ser
vice rules.
A dollar in the bank may not be
earning anything, but you know
where to find it.
The rest of the world prides itself
on the belief that It is not quite as
crazy as Russia.
A pessimist is a person who is cer
tain he will never get anything ex
cept the left-overs.
It usually discourages a young
man when a girl insists on being pos
itive in her negative.
What has become of the old-fash
ioned writing schools that did so
much for matrimony?
:o: -
An optimist may be fooling him
self, but he does not know as much
gloom as the pessimist.
Argentina ranks first among Anier.
ican countries in corn production,
the average yearly production being
174,000,000 bushels.
In general the country is settling
down to normalcy, but there is con
siderable excitement among the po
tential postmaster classes.
Twisting the British lion's tail is
still a popular sport with some Amer
icans, but it is being supplemented
by tweaking the Japanese nose.
The aerial mail carriers haul let
ters across the continent in less time
than the postoffice assorts and de
livers them after their arrival.
Listen boys: You can feed a wife
the grocery store and butcher shop
at just about what it cost you to
feed your best girl at the soda foun
tain. 0:0
The United States exports a large
number of windmills to Europe, but
most of them remain in this country
and not a few of them get into
A statement of the National City
Bank of Xew York, says that coal
exports from the United States in
1920 were $432,000,000, and $92.
000,000 in the year before the war.
We may be satisfied with Charley
Hughes as secretary of state, but we
will never be fully contented with
the man until he shaves off those
whiskers and let us see how his face
Speaking of conversation move
ment, there should be one for the
conservation of democrats. They arc
facing a long, cold run on the range
and water holes and feed troughs
ought to be provided. The country
can't let them become extinct. It
may need them in 1924, or there
abouts. Justice!
Sloan's Liniment should be kept
bandy for aches and pains
WHY wait for a severe pain, an
ache, a rheumatic twinge fol
lowing exposure, a sore muscle,
sciatica, or lumbago to make you quit
work, when you should have Sloan's
Liniment handy to help curb it and
keep you active, and fit, and on the job?
Without rulbt'ng, for it penetrates,
apply a bit today to the afflicted part.
Notethe gratifying, clean .prompt relief
that follows. Sloan's Liniment couldn't
keep its many thousands of friends the
world over if it didn't jnake good.
That's worth remembering. All drug
giststhree sizes the largest is the
most economical. 35c, 70c, 1.40.
The Plattsmouth people are to
have an opportunity of traveling to
Omaha by auto, commencing the
coming week, as an auto line will
be placed in operation that will per
mit those who desire to go to the
metropolis and return at their con
venience to do so. It is planned by
the parties starting the line to use
a large and comfortable touring
of the latest type and charge
sum of $1 for one way or $1.75
the round trip. As soon as
definite stopping places in Omaha
are hxed upon a more extended an
nouncement will be made in this
With increased railroad fare the
advantage of this additional service
between Plattsmouth and Omaha is
such as to appeal to many of our
people who will be' pleased to learn
of its establishment.
The authorities say a doctor may
prescribe wine in any quantity, but
he is supposed to have a conscience.
If whisky keeps on getting scarcer
there should be a if increased demand
for medicine-droppers to administer
The average man is not very much
interested in laws which interfere on
ly with the personal liberty of oth
ers. :o: -
Anyhow the near beer saloons do
not encourage the old-time J)ar-room
quartet singing just before closing
A man may declare that no person
can get a million dollars honestly,
but he would like to have a chance
at it.
The amateur golfer can never un
derstand how the amateur bowler
can work up any enthusiasm over his
Most persons who seem most anx
ious for something to restore youth
did not amount to much when they
had it.
The allies want America to can
cel the debt, but they are sensitive
about letting the world know what
they want.
A few persons are looking for
chances to do other folks good, but
there are more who prefer to do
them well.
It seems a bit odd that the spirits
never receive any communications
from the place Billy Sunday uses as
a bugaboo.
The pedestrian who is robbed of a
large sum of money does not adver
tise good sense when he complains
to the police.
The European nations should be
encouraged to get on their feet, but
they should be enjoined to keep off
each other's toes.
About 90 per cent of trouble is
caused by persons who know better
than to do it, but who think they
can escape the penalty.
:o: :
Congresswoman Robertson of Okla
homa, says she does not intend to
talk much, but there are enough male
members to keep up the gab-feast.
: 0:0
It Is plain that if Henry Ford bor
rows money it will only be to accom
modate money-lenders only those
who feed his product need money.
One would imagine that we should
not have to wait long now to find
out what Mr. Harding has on his
mind on the subject of world peace.
: :o:
Many ills come from impure blood.
Can't have pure blood with faulty
digestion, lazy liver " and sluggish
bowels. Burdock Blood Bitters is
recommended for strengthening the
stomach, bowels and liver and puri
fying the blood.
Burr oak, and osage posts for sale.
Cord wood, chuck or block wood for
sale. Call phone 3004 Murray line.
John Hobchelt, Murray. 2tw ltd.
With the close of the present
school term. Superintendent C. K.
"Pratt, who for the past two years
has been the head of the city school
system, will retire from the school
work to take up a business career
and will become interested in the
Mid-West Chemical company of Oma
ha, having accepted a very lucrea
tive "position with that company
which he will take up June 1st.
Mr. Pratt is parting in some with
great regret with the good people
of this city with whom he has become
warmly attached and feels that his
time here has been most pleasant
and that he has received excellent
treatment from not only the board of
education and the teachers, but from
the citizens at large and the patrons
of the school. The school work has
its drawbacks as well as advantages
and one of these has been the fact
that few school men are able to se
cure and maintain a permanent home,
but are constantly going from one
city to another to improve their ad
vantages and to advance farther in
the lines of their life work, and this
does not appeal to tlie genial gen
tleman that we have been so fortun
ate to have with us in the past two
years, as he desires a place that he
ran call home for good and therefore
is retiring from the educational
work for the business world.
During the time since July 1919.
when Mr. Pratt came to Plattsmouth.
there has been a number of im
provements in the school system
here that has raised its standing and
placed it on the par with the other
schools of the state in every respect.
His regime has saw the installing of
the manual training department in
the high school, the re-organization
of the commercial department to
make it more efficient, and also the
stressing of the athletic work among
the boys of the school and who have
enjoyed the advantages of a real red
blodded superintendent who has giv
en them every opportunity of enjoy
ing the advantages that (he boys of
other schools have enjoyed. Foot
ball was placed in the athletic de
partment of the school after an ab
sence of twelve years and the bas
ket ball team encouraged in their
work. This feature of the school
work has led to a greater mynber
of the young men remaining in
school and has created a greater in-
tere?t in the other lines of the school
work, as to participate in the work
of the various athletic teams the
scholar must be up in his studies.
In the general work of the school
he has cut down the number of fail
ures to a very small figure and the
general standing of the school sys
tem has been raised 100 per cent.
He has also been active in the
community life as a member of the
library board, as a teacher in the
men's class of the Presbyterian
church and in the educational work
of the church in this city.
It is with regret that the friends of
Mr. Pratt will see him leave this city.
but he carries witli him in his new
lines of work the well wishes of the
host of warm friends and with his
exceptional executive ability he. is
certain to more than make good in
the business world that he is soon to
enter. As city superintendent he has
come in constant touch with tlie
Journal and it's force and the asso
ciations have bee'n very pleasant
and this paper is glad to extend to
the able and genial superintendent
its wishes for the success of himself
and his family when they shall
leave our city for their new home.
An Irishman working for a Dutch
man asked tor an increase 01 . pay.
The Dutchman replied: "If you are
worth it I will be pleased to give it
to you. Now let us sec what you do
in a year. Pat. We have 365 days
in a year; you sleep eight hours ev
ery day, which makes zz nays you
sleep. This taken from J6a days,
leaves 243. Now you have eight
hours recreation every day, which
makes 121 days. This taken from
243 days leaves 122 days. We have
52 Sundays in a year which you have
off, leaving you 69 days. You have
14 days vacation; take this off and
you have 55 days left. Lou don't
work Saturday afternoons; this
makes 26 days in a year. Take this
off and you have 29 days left. Now
Pat, you allow 1 Vz hours for meals,
which total in a year 28 ays. Take
this off and you have one day left.
I always give you St. Patrick's day
off, so I as you. Pat, if you are en
titled to a raise?"
Pat then answered. "Well, what
the deuce have I been doing then?"
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
The Statu of Nebraska, Cass cuunk
ty. kk-
In the County Court.
In tin matter of -the fslati' of Anna
Wilhelmina Mumm, eleceascd.
To the creditors of said estate:
You arc hereby notitieil. That I Will
sit at tin; County Court room in Platts
inouth In said county, on tlie l.'tli day
or April, A. 1). 1921, and on tin- istb
day of July, A. D. 1921. at ten o'clock
in tlie forenoon of each day, to re
ceive and examine yr claims against
said estate, with a view to their ad
just ment . a nd allowune-e. The time
limited for the prcsentu 1 1n of claims
a trains t said estate is three? months
from the 13th dav of April. A. .
1921. and the time limited for pay
ment of debts is one year from said
10th day of April. A. I .1921.
Witness' my hand and the seal of
said County Court, tills 8th day of
A.iui-ih n ii -i
t (Seal) mll)-I County Judge.
'Should Make a Clean Sweep of Class
"B at the State Basketball
Tournament This Week
From Tuesday's Pain.
That the Plattsinmith high seh'.ol
basketball team has nn excellent
chance to cop the class "11" honors
at the state tournament this week
is the belief of many who have Fen
the local lads in action.
Besides defeating three
high school teams during
class "A"
the regn-
lar playing season,
proved their strength
they further
last nlr.M by ,
defeating the Iegion quintette by a
score of 2 6 to 20.
Among the players on the team
are several who might well b- se
lected in the picking of an all-state
five. They go to Lincoln confidant
and enthusiastic and that is no small
part of the battle.
we trust they will return win-t
ners, but whether they do or not, we
will still" maintain that Plattsmouth
has a high school team this year of
which any town might well be proud'
and their Irmf stpinc nf virtririiQ I
will bear us out in this assertion.
Everybody's friend Dr. Thomas'
Kclectric Oil. the great household
remedy for toothache, earache, sore
throat, cuts, bruises, scalds. Sold at
all drug stores. 30c and GOc.
.m-:iii 1SK
State of .Nebraska
County of Cass
I -
1. Ceo. 1 :.
Cass county.
County Itoar
held on tlie I
Sayles. County Clerk of
hereby certify that the
I at the regular m-'i-tiiiir
I I h day of .In una i y, A. I .
ltll. inadt
I Ox iense"
quired by
tin' folh
for the
fund . . .
vvi nir "KM I ma t e. of
year l'.cjj as ru
I.IMICI fill
H. I.'
I. OjO.i'h)
!'.l!ile;e fund
llridsrt" fund (HirrK'ncy I
Kccad fund . .
Mothers' Pension fund.,
old Soldiers Kelief fund
. $ J08.000.00
r.ess mv hand and the seal of
mv office at Plattsmoutli, Nc br . this
l::rd dav of 1-VI ruarv. A. 1 ll'l'l.
I Sea!) ml-tw. (.'niinty Clerk.
State of
Nebraska, ('ass
ty. ss.
In the County Court.
In il;t matter of the estate of Kmma
1 lat ha way. deceased.
To the 'creditors of 'said estate:
Yon are hereby notified. That T will
sit at the County Court room in l'latis
niootli i:i said count v, on the L'J'th dav
of Marc h, 11M arid on the r.Hli day of
.lime. A. I. IflL'l, at 1":(.'H o'clock in
the forenoon of each day to receive
and exam'Me ail claims atraiiist said
estate, with a view to their adjust
ment and allowance. The time limit
ed for the presentation !' claims
atrainst said estate is thiief mons
from tlie i'!Mh day of Marc!, A. T.
I'.'l'I. and the t'me limited fur payment
of debts is one year from said liiith
day of Aiarch. l'jl.
Vitness my hand and the seal of
said Countv Court this 5th dav of
ALLKX J. r.i:i:soN.
(Seal) mT-tw. County -.ludsre.
oric-: jc m:nit;
l!i the County Court or Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Nancy
M. ' Ilitchie. Iieceased.
To all persons interested in said es
tate, both creditors and heirs ;U law:
You are herehv not i lied that on this
ith day of March. 1K21. August YV.
Kakow filed a petition in this court,
iilK lii that one, Nancy M. Jlitchie,
whib- a resident of Cuss countv, Ne
braska, departed this life intestate, in
said county, on or about the IMJth day
of February. INV!, the owner in fee
simple of tlie following described leal
The southwest quarter of 1l:e
southwest quarter- of Section 1 -'.
( eNoeptintr a tract in the south
east corner thereof JO roils north
and south by in rods east and
west, containing " acres also des
ignated as Iot G." in said Section
12. ami also tiie northwest quar
ter of the northwest quarter- of
Section 13 (except Lot J7 in the
SV cornert all in Township 1-',
North, in Kanjre l;5, Kast in Cass
county. Nebraska,
ami that said deceased left surviving
as her sole and oniy heir at law, James
C. Kitchie. a son and John Kitchie.
her husband and that the title and
ownoiship of said real estate descend
ed to said James C. Kitchie. subject to
the estate of --aid John Kitchie as ten
ant by courtesy in one third part
thereof, and that the petitioner is the
owner of a part of said premises now
described as Lots ."i to l1 2 inclusive in
Block one (1) and Lots 11 to JO inc lu
sive, in Hloek two (J) in Kitchie Place
Addition to l'lattsmouth, Nebraska,
which lots are subdivisions thereof,
by virtue mesne conveyances r.vole by
said James C. Kitchie and others to
petitioner and his grantors, and pray
ins: for a judicial determination ff
the time of the death of the said
Nancy M. Kitchie and of her heirs at
law. the decree of kinship and the
risht ft descent of the real property
bolonitflns' to said decedent in the
State f Nebraska, and for such other
and further orders and decrees ais may
be necessary for ft correct determina
tion of said matter.
Said matter lias been set for hear
ing on the 8th day of April, 1!J,' at
nine o'clock in the forenoon, in the
County Court room in Plattsmouth.
t'ass county. Nebraska, at which time
and place alt persons interested may
uppear ar.d contest said petition.
Countv Judge.
m7-::w. Atty. for Petitioner.
iitDK.K :i" iu:iti;
iiml .'Seitice on Petition for
llemriit of .Iccniiiit.
In the County Court of Ca.-s
tv. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
To tlie heirs end all persons inter
ested in the estate of Adam Kaffen
berger. eieceased:
On reading the petition of Ceorgo
A. Kaffenberger praying tinal set
tlement and allowance of his account
filed in this court on the fith cloy of
March. 1'JJL arid for decree of heir
ship and distribution or estate;
It is hereby ordered that vent and
all persons interested in said matter
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to lie held in and for said coun
tv. one the Kith day of March, A. t.
ltljl. lit 10 o'clock a. m... to show cause,
if nnv there be. why the prayer ot the
petitioner should not be granted, and
that not it: of the pendency of said
petition and the, hearing- thereof be
given to all persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy en
thin order in the Plattsmouth Journal.
a sem-l-weeKiy newspaper lumivo
said countv, for one wueK prior io
said day or hearing.
In witness whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand and the seal oi saio umu
this ith day of March, A. !. li2l.
(Seal) County Judge.
tit t,K,
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the 3 1th day
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liy A. G. COM-:,
ller Attorney.
f JS - i v.
otici: i' iii:iu;
Petition for brli-rmlniitioii
of Ht-lrhit.
Instate of Ceorso Swift, dece.lsfd. in
the Countv Court of Cass countv, Ne
braska. The State of Nebraska. To all per
sons interested in said estate, creditors
and heirs take notice", that John F.
XVo'lT has filed his petition al lei ng that
ib-orire Swift died intestate in Cass
county, Nebraska, on or about Sep
tember Jl. 11, beintf a resident arid
inhabitant of Cass county, Nebraska,
and the- owner- of the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit:
Ten acres ofT of east end of
Lot two (J in Section twelve (1L'),
Township twelve (1J N.. Ilanse
eleven ell) :., oriel described as
fellows: Comment in"; at the c enter of
Section lj. Township 1J N.. lianse
11 I-:., thence west chains and
10 links, thence north 2 1 chains
and 58 links, thence north JJ'z
defrrees ca"t down the bank of the
Platte liver S chains and 90 links,
thence south :;:; chains and SO
links to tlej place of be. jr I n n i n fr. in
Cuss county. Nebraska, bei.ic; jiow
known as lax Lot 14:
'i'vin,' :- his sole aii l only heir
law tin- following named persons, to
wit: Amelia Swift, widow; liirdi'e
orua n. daughter and Annie Horn.
'a uriito!-. and praysnsf for a decree
b.irrirm' claims: that said decedent died
irit "state: that n application for ael
ministration has been made and tlie
estate of said decedent has not been
administered in the State of Nebraska,
and That tlie heirs al law of said de
cedent as herein set forth shall be
leci.-ed to be the owners in fee simple
of tiie- above described re-al estate,
which has been st-L for ,e-arin? on the
::t'th day of March. A. 1HJ1, i't 10
oYloi I-: a. in.
Iatid at Piattsijioiith, Nebraska, this
J'ith !ay of Kehruarv, A. O. H21.
fjs-iw. County Jude.
Tl;e State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In ti e matter of tlie estate of Henry
Miller, deceased.
To the creditors f said estate:
Vou are hereby notifie-d that I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth, in said countv ,on the 20th day
of March. A. I . 1 and on the Jinh
day of Jun. A. I. 1HJ1, at 10 o'clock
a. in. each day, to receive and examine
all claims atrainst said estate, with a
view to their adjustment anel allow
ance. .The time limited tor tlie pre
sentation of claims against said es
tate is three months from the 2;'th day
of March, A. 1 . lKJl, and the time
limited for payment of debts is one
var from said I'Hth dav of March,
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court this 26th day of
February, l'.UL
(Seal) f'S--lw. County Judge.
Pure bred Rhode Island Red eggs
for hatching. 75c for 15. Phone
5S-1-W. C. II. Lewis. f24-12d,2w
The price of our dry cleaning
cuts down the price of clothes.
Dainty Dorothy says that she
has found out that we take
most excellent care of the gar
ments entrusted to us and that
our charges should make friends
for this house. Our dyeing
proves satisfactory, as we use
the latest approved methods and
the best dyes.
Goods Called for and Delivered
StUHf: tit' till tit tit I PP
'f Cut coun-
' . f. -. r a .
1 1;
'? V :-jit ,tr, rl un-
s;.,j. it. .
z: raricy
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nf,ifi i.i'iin, Jevleen( )e);a-
,Ke-,;, t ' jf r--u ta l ' and all
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e,1 i:;ii;iUt'.-'y: y. H'tlj't,. 1-c-:aKeJ ;
'V;.'-. r. V. t.',f.n i -ifs, Jr vim-., ieKa-ti-f.
f,rn', i. iil r-pr fr!m tat i ve and all
either pernor. i r. . t- t-'l in the fcntate
ef ,y.,y I'. Il'ibbf, l-'-eacrd ;
The- urikfieV.'.'i i.i'.s., devineex, lega
tee.;, pejj.orial f e;,r-t.e-rjtati vm and all
et,er i,'-rniTm ir.trreht-'l In the eetate
of A utrustiid Case, ejee.-eaxd ;
Ttier unknown lieirn, eievit-eeH. lega
tees, jir-rse-nal rpeentatl ve and all
other persejns interested in the fcHtate
ejf Fve (iarmon, deceaseej;
The unknown heirs, clevlee, lega
tees, personal representatives anel ail
othiT perscns interesteel in the estate
of Kmily M. Bresius, (nee Brown; de-
ce-a see ;
The unknown heirs, devibees, lega-tc--s,
personal representatives and all
other persons interested in the estate
ef Maggie Mann, (nee Brosius) de
ceased ;
The unknown heirs, devisees, lega
tees, personal representatives and all
other persons interested in the eutate
of Kebecca C. Hawley, (nee Brown)
The east half (K,i) of tlio southeast
ciuarter iSK'.i; the east half (KVs) of
the northeast ejuarter (XK'i) of the
northwest quarter (NWi) of the
scrutheast ejuarter (SI0'i, known aa
Lot twenty-nine (29), in Section twenty-one
(Jl); Government lots number
ed one (1) and two (2) of Section
twenty-seven C27); the northeast quar
ter (XE'.J) of the northeast quarter
(NF.',); the south half (KVfc) of the
nen-theast quarter (NK14) and the
north half (N'-fc) of tlie southeast
quarter tSH'i) ejf Section twenty-eight
CM, all in Township eleven (11).
ti-lli i,i -l ri. fniii'lan I1A rnc
il'"l " nullpi iV-ll. -.-'.l At J , I Ul I V 4.
the Sixtli P. M., in Cass county. Ne-
iii umj tiio nil. nvjia ciii i in i an;
interest of i'any kind In said real ea
tate ejr any part thereof:
I You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 16th day of Febru
ary. 1921, the Plaintiff in the fore
! going entitled cause tiled his petition
i in the District Court of Cass county,
Nebraska, wherein you and each and
' all of you are made parties defendant,
1 tlie object, purpose and prayer of
which said petition is to obtain a de
I cree from said court removing clouels
from and quieting the record title to
the following described real estate in
j tlie Plaintiff. Mark White, to-wit:
Tlie east half (E) of the
southeast epuarter (SE'i); the east
half (KUI of the northeast quar
ter (XK'ji of the northwest quar
ter (NW'-i) of the southeast quar
ter tSE'4), known as Lot twenty
nine (JU) in Section twenty-one
(21); Government lots numbered
one (1) and two (2), of Section
twenty-seven (27): the northeast
quarter (XR'.J) of the northeast
quarter (NE'i) of Section twenty
eight (28); the south half (V4)
of the northeast quarter CNE4)
and the north half (N) of the
southeast quarter (SE4) of Sec
tion twenty-eight (2S), all Jn
Township eleven (11), north In
Kange fourteen (11), east of the
Sixth I'. M., in Cass county, Ne
braska as against you anueacn oi you, and
to thereby exclude anel enjoin you and
each anel all of you from ever assert
ing or claiming any estate, right, title,
lien or interest therein adverse to
plaintiff or to any part thereof, by
reason of plaintiff's adverse possession
of said premises by himself .and hi
grantors for more than ten years prior
to tlie filing of said petition, and to
secure tlie cancellation by such de
cree of a certain Mortgage Deed cover
ing a part of said real estate, to-wit:
Lot seven (7) in the northeast quarter
(NE'i) of tlie southeast quarter (SE'i)
of Section twenty-one (21), Township
eleven (11) north, Kange fourteen (14
east, given by one John Kutherford to
the defendant, Benjamin A. Gibson, to
secure payment of $70.00, dated March
2nd, 1S8C, and recorded in Book "S."
page 3 ill of the mortgage records of
saiei county, for the reason that said
mortgage appears to be a lien on said
lot, though paid in fulUlong since, and
for such other and further relief as
may be just and equitable, and for
costs of suit.
You are required to answer Baid pe
tition on or before the 11th day of
April, 1921, or your default will he
duly entered therein and a decree en
tered as prayed for in said petition.
By Plaintiff.
f21-4w His Attorney.
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Emily
A. Tuey, deceased.
On leading and lijing the petition
of Wm. H. Tuey praying that adminis
tration of said estate may be granted
to him as administrator:
Ordered, that March 18th, 1921, at
9 o'clock a. m., is assigned for hear
ing said petition, when all persons in
terested in said matter may appear at"
a County Court to be held in and for
said county, and shejw cause why tlie
prayer of petitioner should not be
granted; and that notice of the pen
dency of said petition and the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons in
terested in said matter by publishing
a copy of this oVder in the Plattsmouth
I Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said county, for three suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of
Dated Tebruarv 19, 1921.
(Seal) County Judge.
f-'l-w. Attorney.
To Pearl Conrad. Defendant:
You are hereby notified that on the
13th day of October. 195:0. Uwyon
Conrad filed his petition and - com
menced an action against you in the
District Court of Cass county, Ne
braska, the object and prayer of
which is to obtain an absolute divorce
from you upon the ground of extreme
cruelty without provocation or fault
upon the part of the plaintiff, and for
the reason that the defendant has de
serted the plaintiff for more than two
years without any JuBt cause.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 2lBt day of
March. 1921.
flO-.w. riaiutiff.
We do all klnca cr job printing.
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