PLATTSMOUTH JOURNAL KONDAY, MARCH 7, 1921. A:1 ..-1- 1-- 1 Y THE UNIVERSAL CAR ? Better Buy It NOW! There is a Big Shortage in Ford Cars PAGE SIX " i , 3 II The buyers who had intended to pur chase big, expensive cars are putting their orders in for FORDS. Beter get an order in for present or futi deli id be able to get your new Ford when you want 'it. If you haven't all the cash, we can sell on the Payment Plan one-third cash, balance in monthly payments. FORDSON TRACTORS We sell them for cash or will take bankable notes. Come in and give us your order. T. H. POLLOCK AUTO CO. Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth & I BUREAU M"1"M M-? I 'l l I -H CO. FARM t NOTES Poultry. Mrs. John Gonzales of Elm wood has a flock of 100 Single Comb Duff Orpington hens which laid 1022 eggs in the month of January. Annual Meet of Farm Buieau Board Mr. Banning of Union was elected president, Chas. Xoyes of Louisville, vice president. Harry Bricker of Greenwood and Searl Davis of Platts mouth members of the board. The old members remaining are Geo. Towle of Weeping Water, secretary and treasurer. B. Wblph of Xehawka, Geo. Foreman of Alvo. They decided to employ a Home Demonstration Leader and if one can be secured. she will begin the work between March 15 and 30. Watch papr for further notice. Clubs at Murray. . A great Interest was shown by the girls and also their mothers in cook ing and sewing club work. The old er girls present decided on a sewing club and held their first organization meetinf. Temporary officers were elected. Margaret'Spangler chairman, and Marie Puis secretary. The con stitution and by-laws were adopted leaving the name of the lcub to be voted upon at the next meeting. The younger girls planned to have the first organization meeting of their coking club at the home of Elsie Puis, Saturday, March 5, at 2:30 p. m. The following girls were appointed on committees: Elsie Puis to find a Header, Leona Puis chairman of com mittee to work out a program of work for the club, Lois Scotten chairman of the enrollment committee. Both clubs expect to meet the fol lowing requirements and line up with other standard clubs in the state. Requirements for a Standard Club: 1. At least five members work ing on the same project. 2. A local leader in charge dur ing the club year. 3. A club organization with offi cers in charge. 4. Delinite program of work for the year. 5. At least six regular meetings ! during the club year. Secretary keeps a record of these meetings, and also of the program of each mem ber. 6. A local exhibit held. annually. 7. A demonstration team must give at least one public demonstra tion in the community. 8. A judging contest held during the club year. 9. Annual achievement day. 10. At least 60 per cent of the members mus tcomplete the project and make final report. Charteris earned by completing 1. 2. 3, 4. Seal earned by complet ing all. L. R. SXIPES. Co. Agri. Agt. 1,000 CKICK BROODER, FOR SALE 1,000 Chick Colony brooder for sale cheap. James Miller, telephone 3732. FOR SALE Fifteen ton first class alfalfa hay in hay shed, 2 mile east of Murray. Inquire of T. H. Pollock, Platts mouth. ltw. Notice to Modern Woodmen of America! BIG INITIATION Wednesday; March 9th 20 Candidates Officers from Lincoln Eats, Music and a Good Time' COME! C. F. Schmidtman, H. F. Goos, Counsul. Clerk Cass Camp 322 ? Land tfbir Sale? Arriba-Lincoln Go., Colorado. 160 -acres; 1 1 miles from Arriba, good hard land, rolling -not rough; good farm. $35.00 per acre; $15.00 down, balance 4 to 6 years at 6. 320-acres; all good farm land; 1 35 acres in cultiva 'tion; all well fenced. Good terms at $55.00 per acre. 640-acres; 6 miles from Arriba; a perfect section on main highway, shallow water. Perfect and good terms. Also city property in Plattsmouth. 8-room modern house, 1 Yz blocks from Main on Vine street, $5,000. A 5-room house and lot. West Main street, $400 cash. See J. E. MASON, Tel. 394 or 229 Plattsmouth, Neb. Our Spring Silks Come in Wide Range of Beautiful Weaves and Colors! This store has made a great effort this Spring to feature values that are the very best of their kind that can be offered. Because prices .have reached new low levels, it does not mean that quality has been sacrificed. It means, on the contrary, that the merchandise is all of our fine standard qualities and that the prices which accompany-mean economy practiced to the very best advantage. You will feel well repaid for an early visit. Our silk department is full of real values, reflecting the latest fashion trend in fabrics and colorings. Here are chiffon taffetas, soft and fluffy, in blues, browns, grays and blacks, at $2.50 to $3.50 per yard. Crepe de Chine, every good shade, and in good heavy quality, $1.95 per yard. ' Satin crepe meteor, the new lustrous cloth, in all new shades, 42 inches wide, at $3.85 per yard. Canton crepe, a genuine Canton, one of the prettiest and most serviceable cloths you've seen this season. New shades arriving daily. $4.85 per yard. ' Satins, the correct cloth where soft folds are desired. Come in various weights in all colors, at $1.95 to $5.00 per yard. Our Voiles and Organdies Make Lovely Dresses! There is an' air of freshness, a suggestion of youth about a dainty voile or organdie dress that is charming. These are inexpensive and make up so readily into Springlike dresses without a great deal of effort. These range in price from 50c to $1.50. DOTTED SWISS is one of the leading favorites for smart looking dainty dresses. These come in such pretty combinations navy ground with white dot, brown ground with white dot, red ground with white dot, and white grounds with all colors dots. These at $1.00 to $2.25 developed with organdie sashes to match or .with a sheer white organdie collar or lace yestee, is just the dress you will want this spring and summer. They launder beautifully and give you all kinds of service. Kid Gloves for Easter! and for your new Spring suit or dress We have just received some newly imported French kid .gloves in all the pretty shades of brown and mode, .some sizes in gray, at only $2.50 per pair. The black kid, with white overseams' and white backs in the famous "Alexan dre" make are $3.50 per pair. SILK GLOVES are very pretty and decidedly different, coming in the various wrist lengths and long ones for short sleeves. These can be had at $1.50 to $3.00 per pair. Middies for School Girls! There is nothing more girlish or suit able for school wear than a well fitting Middy, and our "Miss Saratoga" middies are just the thing, for they launder so ' well and continue to give good service in definitely. An all white middy, trimmed with linen braid and with yoke, regula tion style, is now only $2.25. We have other styles in all sizes, detachable flan nel collars, white with emblems and flan nel, collars attached at $2.50, $3.00 and up to $4.00 each. Remarkable Values in Our New Hosiery for Ladies! Black, brown, gray and white pure thread silk hose, lisle tops, all sizes, at per pair, $1.00. Pure thread silk hose, in all shades, full fashioned, all sizes at per pair $2.00. Ladies cotton hose, black plain or rib top, per pair 35c HOSE FOR CHILDREN Marble days and play days for boys and girls mean harder wear on hose. Why not get the kind that you knoW will outwear several ordinary pair? "Cadet" hose with double knee and heavily re inforced heels and toes are that kind. These come in three different weights at 50c to 55c per pair. Hair Nets! Our cap and fringe nets are the big gest and best nets that can be found. Ask us for our new "Stayfast" cap net in both the single and double strand. You will find that they match the hair perfectly and are uniform in color. The sin gle strand hair nets are 3 for 35c. One dozen for $1.35. Double strand nets are 25c each. Ribbons for Sashes! or Hairbows for Little Sister It does seem that no dress or suit is complete without its touch of ribbon, some bright spot of color. We have, in stock and are constantly receiving some new shades.. You can take last year's dress and with a pretty piece of ribbon make it look new and up-to-date. The soft satin ribbons and the Moire ribbons are best adapted for these sashes. Yarnfor Sweaters! Why not be making up that summer sweater now? You'll have it when you want it. Our Caron's yarn color range is complete and the 2-oz. balls are now only 45c. This makes an inexpensive as well as a very attractive summer wrap. The summer sweater is here to stay, it has proven its practicability. Some new in struction' books are on the way. A Good Quality. Goods at a Low Price Jt ' H. M. S0ENNICHSEN, Call Phones 53 or 54 BRACE UP! ( - - Do you feel old before your time? Is your back bent and stiff? Do you suffer urinary disorders? Don't de spair profit by Plattsmouth experi ences. Plattsmouth people recom mend Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's a Plattsmouth resident's statement. Louis Kroehler. proprietor of hard jware store at 521 Main street, says: "Some time ago I had my back. I was so lame I could hardly stoop and my kidneys were weak. I had a tired, languid feeling all the time and headaches were common. -I got a supply of Doan's Kidney Pills from Rynott & Co's. drug store and began taking them. They soon re lieved me of my troubles. I am pleased to recommend such a valu able remedy." The above statement was given April 10. 1912 and on May 12. 1920, Mr. Kroehler added: "I am of the opinion .that Doan's Kidney Pills are a splendid remedy for kidney ail ments. I haven't needed them in a A umber of years and would certain ly use them again should I ever have kidney disorder. I have great faith in Doan's. Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Kroehler had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs.. Buffalo, N. Y. Uncle Ben Beckman came up yes terday afternoon from his home near Murnij for the fret visi there in many weeks, as he lias been unelor the ueather with a severe cold aiTd it was not until the bright Bunny weather arrived that the family would allow him to get out and arund. He is feeling better now, hwever, and his many friends wore much pleased to see him. Blank Books at the Journal Office. UNDERGOES OPERATION From Friday's Dally. Word has been received here by the members of the family that Wil liam Hoffman, one of the service men of this community, was operated on last week at the Public Health Ser vice hospital in St. Louis for appen dicitis and that he is now doing very nicely and hopes to soon be on the highway to complete recovery. Mr. Hoffman has never fully re covered from his gassing and wounds received in battle in France and has for the past month, been at the St. Louis hospital taking treatments and. his f lends trust that he may soon be fully recovered from his sickness. DOG LOST White Shepard dog with yellow ears, lost or strayed. Any informa tion as to whereabouts, will he thankfully received by James Mil ler, owner, telephone 3732. Ed. Vallerv and Aninn WhT., . among those going, to the metropolis today, where thev were called tn i-.- after a few matters of business. Ml