MONDAY. MARCH 7, 1921. FLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE MURDOCK DEPMR TMEH PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. The Bank of burdock Murdock, Nebraska Has been under the present management forJie past eleven years, during which time we have served and are still serving over four hundred depositors. These deposits are all protected by the DEPOSITORS GUAR ANTY FUND OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, and at no expense to the depositor, who gets this protection as free insurance, when depositing in The Bank of Murdock. We solicit deposits, be they large or small, either checking accounts or time deposits, on which we pay 4' interest if left six months, or 5r if left for one year. We are here to serve our friends and customers, and are always ready to give our time to their personal needs. Come in and see us at any time, whether on busi ness or just to pass the time of day with us. TP m he Barak of EVjurdock "The Bank where You Feel at Home' HEITEY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres. H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier completed, and will be very conven ient and comfortable. Transformer Not Yet Here. The delay which the non-arrival of the fiii'ge transformer is causing in turning on of the lights, is hoped win toon be at an end as the trans former is expected every liny, gun for one of the most elaborate celebrations which has been witness ed on the banks of the placid Platte for many a moon. The craft has been nanml the "Minnahaha," be cause of the laughing waters in which it is to be launched. Captain Gillespie will have charge of the cer- The ) emonies which is a thorn in the side little one which is to eervi? A. II. Oehleking, Gust YVendt and Carl Schlaphoft", has arrned and hee:i put in place and is ready for service as scon as the large one arrives. of the former captain, J. A. Bauers, who also had an ambition to remain HARDING BE COMES PRES IDENT OF U. S. RETIRING PRESIDENT RIDES TO CAPITOL, BUT DOES NOT WIT NESS INAUGURATION Entertained Friends Tuesday. Miss Viola Everett, who passed a milestone in her life last Tuesday, had a number of her friends at her home with Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gil lespie for supper, after which the evening was very pleasantly spent in music and social conversation. Those 1 to enjoy the delightful occasion with i Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie, were Jes3 Landholm and wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gillespie. Washington, D. C, March 4. War ren G. Harding was today inaugur ated twenty-ninth president of the iu the position. But like everything United States, the ceremony taking eles, it went republican. Mr. Bau-1 place under favorable weather on the eis was the democratic candidate, ! east portico of the capitol shortly while .Mr. Gillespie was the republi- after noon. can aspirent, and you all know how j Pressing his lips to a historic bible things have been going. Well, Mr. J used at the inauguration of George BJuers, you may hope for recognition . Washington, the new president took when the next boat is built. The : the oath administered bv Chief Jus- launching will occur April 15th. Dog is Lest. Lost, a spotted yellow and white, heavy builit dog answering to he name of "Bruna". The dog had. when lost, a leather collar on. is pug faced like a bull dog. Please call me if, found. Herman Luetchens. Jt Landholm and wife were look ing after some business in Lincoln la! Saturday. Win. Gehrts was looking after some hi: :rie;s matters in Omaha for a short tin. last week. r- L. H. Reeve and children have iiii e,l to Kin:v.-otl. where they will niie their h:;ne in the future. The Order of Kasetrn Star will meet wkh Mrs. Frank Buell at her coun try l,..:;ic Wednesday of this week. "j'ss Landholm instiled electric liuht fixtures in his home during the w;?k and is new ready for current. j.:':in Gakenieier ami Wm. Stachis kie'wfro looking after some business n:at;--rs in Elmwood Friday morning. Siil erint nrient of the Murdoi-k -i I'n N. J. li. I'urwi 11. was a visitor t hi home in Lincoln for the week end. Georpe I t' was visiting for the day last Friday with friends at S.:uth Bind, making the trip in an auto. Judge I f . A. Gast- is kept busy these days with the work which oiiies t.U-his-' phop in the way of oiling names. Kuehrt- and M. P.. Thiele. both of Lincoln, were in Murdock last Friday evening looking after s-xme business matters. Mis Felrna Schleifert who has been kept away from scehool on ac count of the jneasles. returned to her studies last Monday. Horace Scott, a young business man cf Klmwood. was looking after some business matters in Murdock last Friday afternoon. make a most beautiful home, which he has always maintained for the family. Kenneth L. Sedman. who has been with the Swift Company, has re signed his position and moved to a farm south of Greenwood, where he will farm for the coming season. Colen Sedman. who has been visit ing in Murdock for some time past, has accepted a position with the Swift Packing Company, and is trav eling on the road for that concern. Mts. Amelia Kuehn of Malcolm, has been visiting for seme time at the home of Judge and Mrs. H. A. Gast, and departed for her home last Wednesday, after having enjoyed a very pleasant time. Mrs. W. H. Bush, who has been sick for some time at her home and has bnen nursed by her daughter Miss Mary, is again able to look af ter the household and Miss Mary was able to return to ychool last Monday. Herman Luetchens. living east of Murdock, lost a valuable dog a few days ago which he recently pur chased at a "good price. See ad else where in these columns describing the dog, and call Mr. Luetchens if the dog should be found. Mrs. Wm. Gehrts. who has been i,ck at her home for the past few weeks, is reported as being somewhat improved and is now able to be up and about the house, though still not as strong as fhe might be. Her many friends are pleased with the progress she is making and are wish ing that she may soon be entirely well again. Appreciate Wcik cf Teacher. Professor George Warren, of the Murdock schools, was a passenger to I his home last Friday, where he spent ' the week end with his family. Mr. Warren has just received a letter from Mrs. K. 11. Ueeve, who has just moved to Elmwood, a?.-uring Mr. Warren of her appreciation of the manner of his instruction and the influence which he had exerted ovtr her two children. Miss Kdith and Master Herbert Reeve, while in school here under his instruction. ing after seine business matters in ! Murdn.k and also vi iting with his' ttt-h r- -m t a firend O. J. Pothan lat week. j WlU Give a Playlet. Gln Creamer of Klmwood. who is ; At the high school the students teaehii-g .-chord southwest of Mur- : have been arranging for a playlet dork, wr.s in lewn f r a short time j which will be given at the close of while t n his way home last Friday the school year. They have been evening. I giving some time to practice, and W. K. Palme'er was looking after i have selected a play known as the seme bu-ine-s matters in Murdock 1 ".Vew Co-ed." and north cf town last Friday, where he has s-. me interest in land west of South Bend. Max lMsterhoff ar.d Jose .Wutrh inek have ieen busy this week paint ing the ! ome !' Ionis Xeils:n east of Mur''nel;. and were also doing v, T.pntrrn i n v m'pplv seme interior work at the home. under Jhe hands of Matt and Victor II. II. Luwron has bt tn decorating . Thimgan. and Homer Lawton. The the interior of the home of H. V. home will be one which will be a McDonald and when completed will comfort to Mr. Rush and family when Will Have Nice Heme. W. H. Kush, who has been having workmen remodelling his home for seme time, is going to have a modern and up-to-date home when completed Young Pecp!e Had Gccd Time. At the home of Miss Margarett: McDonald 'lat Tuesday evening the members of Y. W. M. C. met. a large number of the membership being ir. attendance. The business which, had called the young people together was firn attended to. after which they enjoyed a season of games in which all took part and the evening was ( no worth while f rem that stand point as v.tll as the business side. The "climax ;. ru when Miss Mai garette served dainty refreshments, thus giving a delightful ending of a pleasant evening. Looks Like Light for Elmwcod Last Fiiday a committee iepreent inc the city of Elmwood wire in Mur dock to meet with the town council of this city in conference as t term for attaching to the Murdock electric service lines in order to secure light and power service for Klmwoid. The electric lighting plant cf Elmwood, which is taxed to its fullest capacity, is r.nfo it can well be enlarged and it is thought best to secure some way whereby they can add to the service without entirely rebuilding the plant. Tentative plans were discussed by the board and committee, win n the committee returned to meet wilu the council at Klmwood. and therg was held another meeting of the council of Murdock to draft the proposition in order that Elmwood could work on it intelligently. The committee repree-rnting the Eimwood ity coun cil, meeting here last Friday, were F. C. Cooper, F. A. Hacker and P. H. Tallerst. ELMWOOD Leader-Ecbo tice White. He had chosen the eighth verse from the sixth chapter of Micah saving: i "What doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly and to love 'mercy and walk humbly with thy God?" Immediately after the administra- A little babv girl was born to'tion of tne oath Mr- Harding turned Mr. and Mrs. ilenrv Rueter on last , to the vast crowd, which stretched Tucsdav evening. March 1. 1921.1 across the capitol plaza, and began Doth mother and babv doing nicely. I th delivery of his inaugural address. The happy parents have the heartv Sound amplifiers carried his voice to 'ongrat illations of their many friends the outskirts of the big assembly. A in this, their happv good fortune, i chilly wind feebly warmed by a On Trrir-sftav Roll Miller, while bright sun swept the broad space cranking bis tractor had the mis which appeared strangely in contrast fortune to get hit when it back fired. As a result he had to have the doctor's care and will be laid up for a short time. Emil Ilnrnemeicr and family mo tored to Lincoln last Saturday. Tliey got there all right but the scribe who also happened to be in Lincoln met Emil and he was carrying a new crank to his Dodge car and we presume that he had to have it be fore he could get home. bv tiiP tiniwtiA of other years when it has been i!- luminatea ny tne unitorms ot est Point cadets, midshipmen from An napolis and troops. Immediately at the conclusion cf the inaugural address, the small party re-formed and took motor cars back to the White house, escorted by the cavalry troops. which had brought it to the capitol. Vice President Coolidge had taken the oath at 12:21 in the senate chatn- her o.'car luzei nas jusi receiveu rrrn Tt- -kj ttt; t two yearling sows of Seward - sows of Brfees I w"2o x.oCS ut nUb it. 'vTs " 'pififN Yielding to last minute entreaties Nebr.. one by p,ig Bone - ... r.,.,- Giant and patched to Mammoth Top Jent Wilscn'took -part in the in Station the other a Watts Model ceremonjes tolav cther than msted to Big Boi.e Giant. He also accolnpanv President-elect Harding ;lo , e 1n,:a v- fr01" r m riViLreTil from the White house to the capital, at Richfield Nebr.. cf the Pathflnd- . The out.goinff prec,dent witnessed P 1U'S' neither the ceremonies in the senate L uaiuuci , vv ai iruiiru Lue inau gural of Vice President-elect Cool idge. nor the ceremonies on the plaza outside the caapitol. where the in coming president took the oath. Immediately after signing some , bills in the president's room, Mr. i n returned to his motor car and ' drove back to his own new home on : S street. From Hctel to White House President-elect Harding, with Mrs. ILrding and the vice-president and ana win stav witu oranuma Borne-1 , . meier for a few weeks. Paul expects ' " "X JTi kL J Tui . . . -11 t .i ai L Will LIU u nu o im. in i i viiv. cO go soo nto Cridley. Kansas, where ?nn' ral onrnrnUte,a On Monday Ed Gust in closed a deal whereby he sold the fine town property belonging to Mrs. Fred Lenz to Mr. Barton, the considera tion S3. 000. Mr. Darton and hi daughter, Mildred, will move to tlii ; place. Mrs. Lenz moved to her farm and will live with her son, Wal ter. Postmaster Hartlett had rented the place but will now move into the Robert Alford house. The Paul Eornemeier family mov ed o!i the farm the first of the week i he has an eighty acre tract of land in the oil districts near that place. There are a number of w-ells within a mile of his farm that are produc ing as much as SOO barrels. He ex pects to make arrangements to have drilling started j-oon. Here's hoping that Ilaul will strike it rich and get tome good wells. congressional inaugural committee and riding in columns-on either side of the automobiles were four troops cf cavalry from Fort Myer with drawn sabres. i Accompanying the president-elect in the White house automobile, was Senator Knox, chairman of the in- . augural committee, and Representa tive Cannon. Next came an autcmo- Euilding Site f cr Sle. I have an excellent, building site for sale, the lies: location in Murdock. 75 fsot frontage. T s-w tf. J. S. M'lirGH. (bile, bearing Vic? President-elect 'SLLEirr CAX SEEZuS TO Coolidge. vice President Marshall and SHUN THE SPOTLIGHT ! other members of the inaugural -. I committee. In a third automobile Washington, D. C. March 4. In were Mrs. Hording and other metu fo!':? respects Vice President Coo- hers of the congressional committee, lidge is a figure strange in American j in another machine rode Mrs. Cool- nuLlic life, being taciturn to a de- i mge anu Mrs. .uarsnaii gree and apparently Reliable Farm Implements! JUST THE BEST IN EVERY LINE AND NOTHING ELSE ' Our stock includes all kinds of farm machinery, from the cultivator to the threshing outfit. Power machinery of all kinds, as well as horse drawn, displayed in our wareroom. Watch this space for change of ad, as we expect to make some important. special announcements soon. MURDOCIC NEBRASKA shunning the spot ligjit and the glamor which usu ally surrounds high public ollicials. To Ins most in'iiuate friends he is Pennsylvania avenue was lined with crowds, held tack behind wire ropes. Several hundred infantrymen from Camp Meade, Maryland, with krown as "Silent Cal." It is relat- fixed bayonets patroled both sides of ed in illustration of this character-j the street. The president-elect and istic that a personal and political friend who had conferred with him in his exectuive offices at Boston without receiving more than mono sylnbles for answers finally quit the wmi cr lii uium, tta id i ill I II cl Iltr j came out: ny uearge. l u like to be that fellow's stenographer." Ecat is Finished. The boat which has been under construction bv the Murdock ship yards, has been ccnpleted, and is j now ready for the waters, and as soon j as arrangements can be satisfactoril v i completed, preparations will be be-J it tbs Journal office. vice presicfent-etect were lustily cheered by the crowds. The party reached the White house in less than five minutes. If it's in the stationery line, call El W I I lllli B.,. I ,.,11. ., , ..,-.'vy.v--. P ! u 1 LOUISVILLE Courier 7Y Kalburaie Zepii 32-inch; Fast Colors These fine quality ginghams are shown in many individual and artistic patterns in clear, bright colors that are absolutely "fast." Kalburnie ginghams are shrunk before leaving the mill, which overcomes to a great extent the shrinking of the garment in washing. You'll like these fine quality ginghams, especially for afternoon frocks; they are so soft and smooth in finish. Kalburnie Zephyrs fear neither sun nor water. Priced at, per yd., 30c Toil du fiord Ginghams 27-inch Widths All manners of new patterns are shown in these splendid ginghams to surprise and charm you. Finely woven,, soft in finish and light and durable colors are features which have made these ginghams so popular among our customers. Mothers, many of them, insist on Toil du Norde ginghams for the children's school and play dresses. Give excellent wear. These we have priced at, per yd., 25c -iurdock ieroantile Murdock, Nebraska n - The warm weather started the flight of ducks and geese northward earlier this spring and many hunt ers all along the Platte slipped out to the blinds and were seen coming in with their game bags bulging. The day after the big flight the state game wardens were looking for violators of the game law but they found none. ; Mrs. G. P. Brown, of Omaha, came V down last week to attend the farm I talo rt Imr hrnthorc T?iirtlrki qiiH d J'aul Heil at t he old home place east I 4." Xl,l....,l.. . C 1 A 1 Mr T? ru'n l rnvn rl -ji-n oftr li 3 till A r ' w u u v 11 I in their handsome new Buick road Ister. They continue to enjoj' living I in Omaha, but say they miss their 'Louisville friends. j The three little sons of Mr. ajid j Mrs. Ernest Ahl are on the sick-list and their grandmother, Mrs. Henry i Ahl was called out to their home in 1 the country last Tuesday evening. r1 1 Their, friends are hoping that their ! trouble will prove to be nothing I more serious than the ailments inci dental to children and that they will , soon Le as well as ever, j The Degree of Honor held au all day session on last Tuesday at the . home of Mrs. Henry Ahl. the guest of honor being Grand Chief Mrs. Frances D. Owens, of York, who vis ited them for the day. The visit of this distinguished officer was a great pleasure to tin? ladies and also an inspiration to them. Each member present brought part of the dinner and a grand banquet was spread at noon which w-as greatly enjoyed by tbe guest of honor and others pres ent. The Degree of Honor lodge of Louisville is not large as to member ship, but each one is a live member and they have a hustling organiza tion. Mrs. Ahl was a charter mem-j ber of the Cedar Creek lodge which1 was organized about thirty years j ago and has been a loyal and good worker in the local lodge as can be said of every member. FUNERAL SERVICES FOR CHAMP CLAEK TOMORROW Washington, March 4. The body of Champ Clark lay in state tonight in the hall of the house of repre sentatives, guarded by capitol police. In the chamber where the late dem ocratic leader spent the greater part of an active political life, funeral services will be held tomorrow morn ing. Speaker Gillett will preside at the services and eulogies will be deliv ered by Senator Reed of Missouri and Representative Mann of Illinois. A special train bearing the body and the congressional escort party will leave for Missouri at 3 o'clock. It is due to arrive in St. Louis Sun day afternoon and the body will be taken to the city hall where it will lie in state until midnight. Early Monday morning the train will leave for Bowling Green, Mo., where fun eral services and burial will take place. Mrs. J. R. Hunter of Casper, Wy oming, who has been here visiting with relatives and friends, departed this afternoon for her home in the west and ws accompanied as far as Omaha by Miss Belle Speck. When you tnmk of printing, you can't help but think of us. Shortage of Stock Has Caused an Advance on Wall Paper of from 20 to 25 Per Cent Wc are fortunate in having placed our orders early, and now have in stock a large variety of goods which came on orders placed before the advance. These goods are now in our shop and we are giving our customers the advantage of the lower prices at which we bought them. Come in and examine the goods, and avail yolirself of the opportunity of enjoying low prices on artistic wall hangings. Murdock THE DUSTERHOFF SHOPS Nebraska You May Use Shock Absorbers and a hundred and one other contrivances on your car, that are supposed to provide better service, but unless you have the best oil, your car is bound to receive dam age beyond the ordinary wear and tear. We are selling the very best brands of guaranteed motor oils. See us, when in need of any. We also carry a full line of accessories and supplies and maintain the best of service in our repair departm't. DODGE, MITCHELL AND BUICK CARS Yes, Business is Getting Better, Thank You. And We Appreciate It, Too. W. THIIGAN. The Automobile cMan MURDOCK NEBRASKA Landholm Auto Co. We are especially well prepared to do repair work on all makes of automobiles. Bring your car in and we will look after your wants promptly. ALL WORK GUARANTEED We also carry supplies and accessories. Call on us for anything in our line. Landholm Auto Co., MURDOCK NEBRASKA