The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 07, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY. aiAJVCH 7, 1931.
Nehawka Department!
Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
II P. Romine delivered corn to
the Farmers elevator last Tuesday.
James Blake and E. M. Griffin
were looking after business matters
Lee Bates was building a fence in Tlattsmouth last Wednesday af-
last Wednesday at the home of J; ternoon. Mr. Blake is nursing a where she is now reported as re
II. Steffins. badly sprained wrist, which was in- covering. The body of the little one
If you want the Cass county news jureu when his auto backfired. ! was brought to Nehawka for burial
gar Glaze, whose baby had died a
few hours after birth. Mrs. Glaze
was taken to the hospital in Omaha,
the best thing to do is to subscribe
for the Journal.
Rev. S. A. Jacobson was a visitor
in the country west of town on last
Wednesday afternoon
A. B. Rutlege, who is a chicken last Monday. Mrs. Gla7e was form
fancier as well as an expert printer, erly Bethel Allen, daughter of Mrs.
has just added to his holdings an Edward Sheehan, who formerly liv
extra fine flock of pure bred Ancona ed in Nehawka, being then Mrs. Cora
chickens, from which he will soon Allen.
News from all over Cass count- be able to offer eggs for hatching
that's what vou get when you take j Forest R. Cunningham, who has
the semi-weekly Journal. disposed of his interest in the gar-'
Much Corn Spilled
T.fict Wfnalr n par nf nnrn TV Vi i r- i
Vincent isiraun 01 near uioe as w m . . nuusfs, aioug wun na(j been loaded at the Sturm ele-
lookinir after some business in Ne
hawka last Wednesday.
Mrs. Shrader shipped some Rhode
Island Red chickens to Mrs. Orville
Ogden. at Imperial, last week.
Better have your name enrolled
on the Journal's subscription list
if you are not already a subscriber.
If you aren't a subscriber to the
Journal you are missing out on a
goodly portion of Cass county news.
Safety in business is the first es
sential. You cannot go wrong by
doing business at the Nehawka
A. E. Anderson of the Sheldon
company was looking after some
business matters in Nebraska City
last week.
Mrs. John Hansen and little
daughter, accompanied by Earl Opp,
were visiting in Nebraska City last
The Sheldon factory is putting a
number of men to work, having a
force of sixteen in the office and
work rooms.
R. D. Norris and wife were in
Nehawka last .Wednesday from their
home near Avoca looking after some
business matters.
Mrs. Henry Dendricks and daugh
ter, Ellen, were visiting during the
last week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Nick Klaurens.
W. O. Troop, of north of town,
was looking after some business mat
ters and visiting friends in Platts
mouth over Sunday.
Have you noticed how much Ne
hawka news the Journal prints each
week; also the volume of news from
all over Cass county?
Ole Miller, who pitched for the
Nehawka team last year has signed
with the team at Grant at a salary
of $200 for the season.
Col. W. R. Young, of Plattsmouth
was a visitor in Nehawka a short
time last Wednesday while on his
way to cry the Morris sale.
The local bank safeguards the
best interests of the community.
See that you have their advice when
in doubt about an investment.
Your business is looked after in
the best manner when intrusted to
the Nehawka Bank. Safe, sound and
prudent is the way they do business.
J. A. Doughey and Add Tucker
and wife spent a couple of day last
week in Omaha, driving to the me
tropolis in the auto of Mr. Doughey.
Sheriff C. D. Quinton was look-
that of his partner, C. D. St. John.vator and waa being. PwItched was
is putting in -his time at present spiiied along the track for a consid
completing his home in Nehawka. erable distance when a post at one
Louis Ross residing southeast of of th(? doors Fave waJ allowing the
Nehawka. will in a short time begin waU to slip out- The agent noticed
the condition and yelled lustily in
the construction of a home for him
self and wife. He has already be
an effort to have the engine stopped,
gun hauling the material from the but as a brakeman was on the other
lumber yard of A. F. Sturm in Ne- side ot lhe strillf, of cars givinK
hawka. signals to proceed, his efforts to get
George Sheldon. who has been the car stopped were unavailing un
voting in Nehawka for several til it had been moved some thousand
days from his home In Wayside, feeU living a trail of shelled corn
Miss., departed last Monday for Lin- extending from the elevator to the
coin, where he visited for a short Sheldon factory. As much of the
time before departing for his home grain was gathered up as possible
in the south. and returned to the elevator. The
The Nehawka base ball team has car nad two card3 on it specifying it
completed arrangements for the to oe Jn good condition for grain,
leasing of grounds for a park this and ' was loaded and coopered to
coming season, having secured the safeguard against loss, but the weak
grounds of Nicholas Klaurens, and post caused a break and spilled the
which will make an excellent place corn not thf beans
for the games.
tobacco makes 50
good cigarettes for
J. W. Magney and wife were vis
iting near Ashland at the home of
John Ehrsman, who had a sale'
last week, preparing to remove to
Rossville. Ind.. his former home.
Mr. Ehrsman formerly lived in Ne-
Held Joint Meeting
The Ladies Aid society of the
United Brethren church and the
"Busy Workers" of the Methodist
church held their meetings of the
hawka and is known to most people iCZ t LTn, ,7 ,,. 1 Z7,r,
. " " the pastor of the former church.
Better Service Assured
The Nehawka Milling company is
here again. Arrangements have
been made for the return of the Ne
hawka roller mills to their original
owner, Mr. C. D. St. John, who will
conduct the business in the future.
i The Institution was leased some time
ago to an Omaha firm w.hich lately
has not been looking after the busi
ness in a manner guaranteeing a
market for grain or a source of se
curing milled products, but upon the
return of management of the prop
erty to Mr. St. John, the community
is assured of the enterprise being
conducted in a way that will reflect
to the best interests of Nehawka and
vicinity. Mr. St. John will continue
the making of his excellent brand of
flour, "Letter Roll." which will again
be on the market in a short time.
Warren Munn. who returned last
fall from the northwest, has been
employed for some time by T. E.
Rev. S. A. Jacobson and wife. The
ladies, who have the best interests
of the community at heart, are ex
hibiting good Judgement in holding
ulton, overhauling his engine, th , meetings together thus co
which was in need of a good going !!mf fA ?,P.?. '
. , lijuiuinuis in
over. Mr. i-iiiton is enjoying an
abundance of work in his line at
the present time, in the way of disc
and plow sharpening especially.
Walter Wunderlich and wife spent
plish results.
leir ability to accom-
Will Move to Nehawka
C. F. Chase, advertising manager
several days the past week in Lin- for the Sheldon Manufacturing com-
coln, while Mr. Wunderlich was re- pany is now at his home in Water
ceiving some higher Masonic work. loo. Iowa, looking after the work of
R. C. Pollard. C. D. St. John. R. S. packing and shipping his household
Chapman and Morris Pollard also goods to Nehawka. and will move
atended the Shrine work to which his family here as soon as the goods
Mr. Wunderlich was initiated. Wm. are on the way.
Ost and Carl Balfour took the de
grees from the 14th to and includ
ing the ISth.
Thomas Mason. Sr.. marketed a
load of fine porkers at Nebraska City
last Tuesday which topped the mar
ket, they being of the famous Hamp
shire breed. The average weight of
the eight hogs which he delivered Q the enUrtae These
was 320 pounds, and at the top for v' .. .,. ,
that day. they brought $9.20. J J, em ar.e. m nf n
... . , , in their line and excellent cit
Nehawka has been rather on the
quiet order so' far as farming visi
tors were concerned during the past
week, the farmers, many of them.
Attended the Convention
. Messrs. Miller and Grubcr,. manu
facturers of concrete burial vaults
which bear their name, spent last
week in Omaha attending the con
vention of cement workers and look
ing after business matters connect-
as well, being ever ready to lend en
couragement to any enterprise hav
ing as its purpose the betterment of
Married in Iowa
John Shead and Miss Blanche
Tennel took a trip to Council Bluffs
last week and while there surprised
their friends by being united in
marriage. The young people arc re
ceiving the congratulations of their
many friends in this vicinity for a
long and happy life, filled with good
health and prosperity. They will
make their home on the Fred A. Rose
farm near Nehawka, where they
will engage in tilling the soil.
V l M"M I ll ! l M..M"i"'I"M"l"H"M"r
Republican , g
llll In 'X 1 '1 1 I"I"1"1 4 M- ! IV MM
Miss Mable Dudley returned Sun
day evening from Plattsmouth where
she had been visiting her mother and
sister, Mrs. Edna Shannon since
Thursday, going over with Mr. and
Mrs. E. P. Buck In the car.
Charley Murphy, living north of
Weeping Water, who has been
sick for some time, has so far re
covered that he was able to be on
our streets Saturday. It looked
mighty natural to see Charley among
us again.
John Dankleft and son, Henry, re
turned Tuesday evening from Ro
chester, Minn., where they had been
the last five weeks while Henry had
an operation on his knee for a super
fluous growth of the bone. John
says Rochester is a great place, but
he was mighty glad to get home as
the climate didn't seem to agree
with him there, the air seeming to
be damp and penetrating.
The Royal Neighbors met Tues
day at the home of Mrs. Nels Sogard
to give a farewell for one of their
members, Mrs. Henry Haslam, who
leaves soon for the west. Two other
social events were given last week
for the Haslams at their home. The
first was the Rebekah order calling"
with well-filled baskets of edibles I
and a substantial gift for their de
parting members, the gift being a
silver knife, fork and spoon for each
of them.
Martin C. Johnson made a deal
March 1st with Henry Snell, east of
town, whereby Mr. Johnson and
family will move onto the Henry
Snell farm and take charge of the
same this year while Mr. and Mrs.
Snell visit their old home in Den
mark. Mr. Johnson gave up the
farm he had near Eagle and had a
public sale expecting to move to his
land in Colorado, but Mr. Snell was
without a tenant March 1st so Mar
tin postponed his move to Colorado
this spring.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Davis went
to Avoca on Tuesday afternoon to
spend a few days at the home of'
their daughter. Mrs. C. W. Everett.
Miss Fern will go back and forth
on the train to keep up her school I
work while the folks are at Avoca. I
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Burch autoed i
' to Lincoln Tuesday and were ac-
; companied by Mrs. E. K. Norton,
who went up to see her brother,
Charley Andrus at the Sanitarium,
! kvhom she wan pleased to Eee show
ing signs -of improvement.
TH Q trlr a T Vi nu f nut rr sf f
ing after rme business matters in being in tre fields during this good best b ,a, x Qn
Nehawka and also visiting at the 'weather, cutting stalks and doing are helping to k Nehawka on the
home of his sister. Mrs. J. M. Palm- other work preparatory to the pro- ma commrcial standnoint.
er. , auction or a bumper crop, notwith-
Charles Adams, of the Adams drug standing the low prices realized the
company, was a visitor in Omaha past season from their efforts,
last Wednesday, driving up in his' The Union orchestra was in Ne-
car accompanied
F. A
Graduated Last Week
Leland Hodge, who has been et
by his wife and hawka last Tuesday evening prac- tending the Nehawka consolidated
Boedeker of the Nehawka w
ticing at the auditorium for a dance schools, graduated last week with a
which was given Thursday evening. total of 31 ' credits.- which is an'
Will Play Ball This Year
The baseball fans of Nehawka are
active when the sun shines and the
recent good weather has brought to
life the dormant interest in a team
for the coming season. As a result,
the boys have gotten together and
organized their forces. They have
leased grounds for a park and al
ready have the following signatures
on the 1921 roster: Thomas Mason,
1st base and playing manager; H. M.
Griffin, catcher; II. Kemblin. second
base; F. Miller, shortstop; H. Wes
sell. third base; E. Rutlege, in the
left garden; H. Johnson, center and
Leland Hodge, right, with O. G. GIs
ney, O. J. Johnson and G. L. White
man, pitchers. This combination
promises to materialize into a strong
team; look out for them.
Bank, clerked the sale of C. E. Mor- and at which they furnished some excellent record considering the
ris last Wednesday, at which there excellent music. Among those from m.T, OI 8lua,es ne vias carrying,
was present a good crowd and ev-, Union who were over were Miss Ees- lie will continue with some exten-
erything sold well.
fie La Rue. who is also teacher of sio,n work he has been taking, and
C. E. Morris, living south of town, the Factoryville school, and Messrs.
will also be associated with his
who last Wednesday held a farm Ellis LaRue, Carl Frans and Del vainer m me garage.
sale, will soon move his family to Erwin. Roy Klaurens. of Nehaw . .
Colorado. where thev will make i ka. is also a member of the orches-. Eating House Changes Hands
their home in the future.
Charles Blake was compelled to
take a lay off from his work one
day last week on account of not
feeling very well, but was able to
resume his duties the latter part of
the week.
E. M. Griuin. who has been mak
ing his home on the farm of W. O.
Troop for the winter, has moved
back to Nehawka and will begin
work for the Sheldon factory in the
near future.
Rev. A. G. Hollowell. of Platts
mouth, pastor of the Christian
church at the county seat, was a
visitor in Nehawka last Wednesday,
being a guest of Rev. S. tA. Jacobson
while here.
Black, two-year-old heifer, ear
mark on right ear. Owner may have
same by calling at my place, paying
for this ad. and for feed and care.
The funeral of Stephen Jochim,
who died yesterday at Louisville,
will be held Wednesday afternoon at
2:30 at the brick church southwest of
Louisville. The funeral will leave
the George Vogler home in Louis
ville, 2 o'clock sharp.
I have a 1918 model Ford road
ster In good condition for itie. Cull
phone 2902.
Good farm horse, weighing about
1400 pounds. For particulars, call
Platts phone No. 2732. " 2tw.
Scotch and Scotch topped shorthorn
bull. Bred under government test.
tra. j me eating iiousc which has been
conducted by Blake Bros., has been
Cockrels and Hatching Eggs 'disposed of to II. M. Griffin, the
T.,r hrort T?hnri tu.tthi Tfpd deal being made through the agency
cockrels and eggs for sale. Phone of Frank Resnik. the rel estate
1503. Mrs. Charles Schwab. Ne- -roan, wno Dy tne way is doing an
hawka, Nebr. m7-2w. .excellent business. Mr. Griffin will
j go after the matter of feeding the
The Nehawka Bank public In his usual energetic way of
ine JMeflawKa 1 doing things, and should provide an
Do your business at the Nehawka excelIent place for the acCommoda-
DilUll, IUC UUUiC IU91UUUUU 1 11 til
stands ready at all times to safe
guard your best Interests.
tion of the traveling public.
Little One Bnried Here
T. E. Fulton was a visitor in
Plattsmouth last week called there the confrratulations of his friends.
Celebrated Friend's Birthday
When Winfleld Scott Davis, who
on Thursday, February 24th, arrived'
at his 65th birthday, was receiving
The Lundberg Garage!
Spring will soon be here, and with the rush of busi
ness, if you are needing that car overhauled, better get
after it now while the pressure of business is not so
great. We have time to devote to your work. Thank
ing you for your business we are
.The Lundberg Garage,
YOU read about trfc marvelous r cnoraph which
helped Mr. Ediscn dis rover the im perfections
of the human voice. Tb it phonograph wiJl also
help you discover the p- -festicr.s cf th? purest
Singing voices in the worl.i. Thi iiew Edison!
VOTE! in our popularity contest. Receiv FREE copy
of Mr. Edison's favorite portrait. Cone in.
9 A-
Phonograph aOith a Soul M
Electric Supplies Added!
We have added electrical supplies to our line, hav
ing purchased the stock of C. Switzer and added con
siderable thereto. We are prepared to furnish any
thing needed in this line; also auto supplies and ac
cessories. Come to us for these.
Our repair department is in charge of Vernon
Lundburg and Ollis Allis, who will give prompt atten
tion to work in this line.
Lundburg Garage,
Farm Machinery!
We can supply your wants in the line of imple
ments and farm machinery just now cheaper than later
in season, as there is a considerable price advance on
stock purchased this spring, which we can save you
through having the goods in stock. Repairs, also.
iaady for Spring Word!
I am now ready for spring work, and spring is just
about ready to greet us. I handle a fine line of papers
and wall decorations of all kinds. A call to phone No.
71 will bring the latest artistic wall coverings to your
home for inspection and selection. Also solicit your
work in interior decorating and refinishing. Outside
painting of houses, barns or any building. For outside
work I use the "De Vilbiss Air Brush," the latest and
best thing in painting.
Painter and Decorator Nehawka, Nebraska
Concrete Burial Vaults!
We are making the best burial vault possible to
produce. Constructed of reinforced concrete, it is bet
ter and more durable than steel and has the advantage
of costing less. Most undertakers over the country
are handling our goods.
Miller & Gruber,
uy iue ihiicbs ui u --lLttle did he dream that that niirht
la crowd of his friends would gather
' to surprise him. "Waiting uutil he
began preparation for retiring, the
company chose that as the time to
announce themselveB, and aroused
him ty knocking at his window.
Opening the door he found his good
neighbors ready for the celebration
which they had planned wholly un
beknown to him. The evening was
spent in a most enjoyable manner,
everyone having a fine .time. Those
who were present on this auspicious
occasion were Messrs and Mesdames
R. B. Stone, - Henry Kropp. J. w.
Iagney, II. M. Pollard, E. A. Kirk-
; patrick, George C. Sheldon, B. O.
I Tucker, John Lloyd, Rev. and Mrs.
! E. C. Moore and Miss Saphronia
; Kime.
Order Your Repairs!
Do not wait until you have to take the machine
to the field to get your repairs. Order them now and
have them here when you want them. . They may be
hard to get when you need them quickly and you will
be inconvenienced. It's for your good we're telling you.
Implement Dealer
Have Taken Over Garage
TV. C. Hodge and Sons, who have
taken over the garage owned ' by
Messrs. St. John and Cunningham,
have moved into town and assum
ed the management of the business.
Mr. Hodge and his two sons, Leland
and Sterling, will make some altera
tions, and will in a short time have
an announcement for the public as
to .the conduct of their business and
the lines which they will carry. G.
L. TVhiteman has been employed as
mechanic and will be an important
cog in the business mechanism. He
has the advantage of a broad ex
perience and general knowledge of
all cars and is in position to look
after the customers' wants In the
best of manner.
Sheetings 222 Muslins!
e can make you substantial saving by placing
your orders for Muslins and Sheeting
We can quote, you attractive prices on the best of these goods.
F. P. Sheldon's Department Store,