The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 07, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1021.
Do you
it s toasted
To seal in tho
delicious Curley
tobacco flavor.
From Thursday's Dally.
Lee J. Mayfield and wife motored
down from Louisville yesterday af
ternoon to spend a few hours here
looking after some matters of busi
ness. Henry Weideman of Greenwood
and Henry Schoeman of Louisville,
were in the city this afternoon for a
short time, motoring in from their
Mrs. John Group, of Louisville,
and Mrs. Elizabeth Foe. of Red
Cloud, Nebraska, are in the city for
a short visit at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. James M. Robertson.
Fred Lutz and wife and Otto E.
Lutz motored in yesterday afternoon
from their home west of Murray and
visited here for a few hours with
their friends and relatives.
S. P. Holloway, an old resident of
this city, now making his home at
Boise, Idaho, who has been visiting in
Iowa and Kansas with friends and
relatives, was here today for a short
time, departing this afternoon for
Denver and from. where he expects
t oreturn to his home in Idaho.
From Friday' Tallv.
A. W. Propst of Union, was a vis
iter in the city today for a few hours
attending to some business matters.
Lew Russell, who has been at El
dorado. Kansas, in attendance at the
funeral of his father-in-law. William
Barnes, returned home last evening
on No. 14.
Floyd Richardson and wife arrived
last evening from Grand Island,
where they have been making their
heme and will remain here for some
time at least.
Why Colds are Dangerous
It is the serious diseases that colds
lead to that makes them dangerous.
They prepare the system for the re
ception and development of the
germs of influenza, pneumonia, tu
berculosis, dyptheria, scarlet fever,
whooping cough and measles. You
are much mere likely to contract
these diseases when you have a
cold. For that reason you should
get rid of every cold as quickly as
possible. Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy will help you. It is widely known
as a cure for bad colds.
Single Comb Buff Orpington eggs
fr setting. Louis Horsak. pohne
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vogler of Man
ley had the pleasure of spending the
day last Sunday with their son-in-law
and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Hcil. Jr.. and family, and were
accompanied by their son-in-law and
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Sch
liefert, of near Manley.
can afford to pay in fact you can't afford to
wer shabby clothes when new ones cost so little. Put off the old gloom
with the old clothes. Put on the spirit of the new day with the new
clothes. We can help you. Look in our west window. You will see
some of the new things beautiful rich browns in serges, flannels and
worsteds. You will also see the new pencil stripes, D. B. Young men's
models. You'll see suits with 2 pair pants.. The price tickets read
$2J 50 $2J 00 $fjg 00
Don't that sound good?
C E.
Last evening the sad news was re
ceived in this city of the death of
Fred W. Hawksworth, the youngest
eon of Mrs. D. Hawksworth of this
city, at the Nicholas Senn hospital in
Omaha, where he has been for the
past week. '
Mr. Hawksworth was taken last
week with an acute attack of appen
dicitis and was taken to the hospital
where an operation was performed
on Fezruary 23rd for the removal of
he affected appendix but from the
start the case was recognized as a
very critical one and the patient has
failed to rally as was hoped for and
his condition continued to grow more
serious until last evening when he
passed away shortly after 7 o'clock.
Fred W. Hawksworth was born in
Plattsmouth forty years ago, and was
the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
David Hawksworth, prominent resi
dents of this city. He received his
education in the schools in this city
and later entered the state univer
sity at Lincoln, where he graduated
and for the past years has been en
gaged in traveling on the road. Pri
or to his marriage Mr. Hawksworth
made his home in this oity, but on
his marriage he removed to Lincoln,
where he resided for a number of
years, but for the past three years
has lived in Omaha. To mourn his
death htere remains the wife and one
child as well as the aged mother.
Mrs. D. Hawksworth of this city, and
three brothers and one sister, Frank
Hawksworth of Denver. Joseph
Hawksworth of Omaha, and David
Hawksworth of Detroit, and Mrs.
Mary Cook of Plattsmouth.
The death comes as a severe blow
to the members of the family as it is
the third time within a few brief
months that death has entered 'the
family circle and called their loved
ones. Dr. E. V. Cook, a brother-in-law
of the deceased and Harris Cook,
a nephew, having passed away some
three months ago.
Of a very congenial disposition dis
position the deceased had made many
friends in the city of his nativity and
who will sincerely mourn his pass
ing at this time while he was still
in the full flush of manhood and
while life' was stretching forth tis
opportunities to him for the future
years. To the bereaved wife and the
members of the family the deepest
sympathy of the entire community
wiy be extended at this timee.
There has been no funeral ar
rangements 'announced as yet pend
ing the arrival of the brothers cf Mr.
Hawksworth and whether it will be
held here or in Omaha has not been
determined upon. It is expected,
however, that the services will be
from the home here Monday after
William H. Peters of Springfield,
a pioneer resident of Sarpy county,
died at his home on Saturday, Feb
ruary 19, 1921. after a gradual fail
ing of health due to the approach of
old age. He had attained to the
age of 85 years, 1 month and lo
days. He was married in 1863 and
for many years the family lived on
a farm near Springfield. For the
past fourteen years they have resid
ed in Springfield.
His wife passed away in 1913. One
son, Gus Peters, died in 1911. There
are four children left to mourn the
passing of a father. They are Dr.
J. A. Peters and Miss Martha Pteers
of Springfield; Joseph V. Peters of
Omaha and Mrs. John Gorder of
Plattsmouth. He also leaves two
( brothers. Louisville Courier.
New Clothes are here
New Prices are hereDrices vou
Raymond Berger, Son of Mrs. Mary
Berger of Nehawka, Serving With
Forces in Dusky Republic.
One Cass county boy that is seeing
of age enlisted last August in th,e
Indies is Raymond Berger, son of
Mrs. Mary Berger of Nehawka. and
who is now serving with the IT: S.
Marines in keeping order in the in
land republic and maintaining. tTie
government that has been established
in Haiti. -. '
Raymond, who is nineteen years
of ag eenlisted . last August , in -the
Marines at St. Louis and after a few
days there was sent to Paris Island,
off the port of Charleston, S. C
which is used as a training station
for the marine corps. The outfit to
which Raymond was attached left
Paris Island on November 15th, head
ed for Haiti where they were or
dered for service.
I The young marine has written
home some very- Interesting letters
describing his trip to the tropic
lands and which have proven very
delightful to the relatives and friends.
The ship on which Raymond was a
passenger arrived at Guantanamo
Bay, Cuba, the great naval training
station, on November 23rd and as
the ship came Into bay the boat was
surrounded by large boat loads of
the natives who were willing to dive
for small coins that were thrown
over by the marines from the trans
port and the natives who were selling
I fruit had them at prices that makes
the northerner envious, cocoanuts as
large as your head brought 5c, or
anges were six for a nickle, six ap
ples for a nickle. At Porto Prince
there were large numbers of the black
boys who, attired in Garden of Eden
costumes, dived for coins.
Port-au-Prince is a large city cf
75,000 people with trolley lines and
all the conveniences of an American
or European city.
The marines with which Raymond
is operating have jus trecently com
pleted a long hike over the hills
and vallies of the island and it was
some strenuous trip for all members
of the party.
Raymond i3 how getting ready to
take up radio work at Port-au-Prince
and by the time he has completed his
two years of service will have reach
ed a high degree of perfection.
An Ideal Remedy for Constipation.
It would be hard to find a better
remedy for constipation than Cham
berlain's Tablets. For the best ef
fect they should be taken imme
diately after supper. They are easy
to take and mild and gentle in ef
George R. Sayles. the genial coun
ty clerk, is today wearing one. of
the smiles that rivals in its bril
liancy the bright spring sum-tune
and all because of the fact that out
in the western part of the state
there is a young man who is call
ing him "Grandpa." A message was
received here last evening from Ma
jor Hall, Jr., announcing that there
had arrived at their home at Grant.
Nebraska, yesterday morning a fine
little son and heir. The little one
and the mother are both doing nice
ly. Mrs. Hall was formerly Miss
Blanche Sayles, of this city,
this city, Phil McCulley, who has for
several years past been located near
Los Angeles. Mr. McCulley. while
in this city followed the business of
contracting and in this has been suc
cessful in his new home on the Pa
cific coast and now is prosperous and
well pleased with the prospects out
there. He desires to be remember
ed to his many old friends in this
city and vicinity.
While on their recent visit to the
Pacific coast, Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Lutz of this city had the pleasure
of meeting an old time resident of
This will beja good year for those who make
is Here!
Easter is the 27th!
Pleasant wayto
breakup colds
EVERYONE in the family can
rely on Dr. King'3 New Dis
covery", the standard remedy
for the last fifty years, to break
up coughs, grippe and stubborn
colds. No harmful druga. At
your druggists, 60c and ?.t.20.
For colds azxdcoughs
New Discovery
Sallow Skin Not Pretty
Constipation destroys the complexion,
making it yellow and ugly. Keep the
bowels at work clearing out the system
daily by using Dr. Kind's Pills. They
do the work thoroughly and gently
Buy a bottle today,- 25 cents.
Tf Prompt! Won't Gripo
We are still selling -the old
reliable Hansen work glove,
and are making' an early bid
for your hand protection.
Spring work is about to be
gin and you need not go with
out a good-fitting, hard-wear
ing glove thjs season on ac
count of the price.
We carried over a big
stock from last season
They are marked at
what E could buy
them for now a sav
ins to you of 75c to
$2.00 per pair.
ror any occupation we
have the right glove.
All leather fronts and backs,
in wrist and gauntlets
$1, $1.50 $2.00
it so. "
f&i' "" " "Protector
Have you looked up your
top coat yet?
Jersey Knit heather mixtures
and Oxfords, silk lined,
Crew of Michigan Central Blamed for
Loss of 37 Lives in Indiana Dis
aster, at Coroner's Inquest
Valparaiso, Ind., March 4. --William
Long, engineer, and George
Block, fireman, of the Michigan Cen
tral train, struck by a New York
Central train at Porter, Ind., Sunday
night .wUh 'a loss of 37 lives, were
ordered- held , for trial on a charge
of involuntary manslaughter by the
coroner's "Jury.
The story .of the engineer and fire
man for .theMichigan Centfal train
was told officially today for the first
time at the inquest.
These two men, who have been
discharged by the Michigan Central
as responsible for the disaster, is
sued a formal statement at the in
quest. They charged the Michigan
Central and New York Central rail
roads with responsibility for the
wreck through permitting a faulty
crossing system.
No grand jury action will be nec
essary, in view of the action taken
by the coroner's jury. The verdict
was returned 'after officials and wit
nesses had testified that all signals
had been set against the Michigan
Central train. The engineer and fire
man, if convicted, face two to 14
years in prison.
Long and Block were released on
bonds of $5,000 each. They probab
ly will be brought to trial here with
in seven weeks.
They declared that when they
termed "confusion in the signal tow
er when the two trains wsre seen
to be approaching" was the cause of
the collision. They asserted their
train was given a clear track.
The statement, as given at by At
torney R. N. Smith of La Porte,
Ind., who has been retained by them,
also said:
"The crossing at Porter virtually
is a death trap. The dereal on the
Michigan Central is only 310 feet
from the crossing. This does not act
as a preventive of collisions.
Uncle George Shrader. residing
down east f Murray, has been quite
ill for the pas tfew weeks, but is
atle to express his sincere apprecia
tion of the numerous kindnesses that
have been bestowed upon him during
the time of his illness, among whom
are the brother Masons of the Ne
hawka lodge, for the beautiful flow
ers, as well as their frequent visit at
his bedside. He also wishes to thank
the ladies of the Lewiston church for
flowers and kindness in many ways.
The many friends in this city of
Miss Lillian Murphy will be pleas
ed to learn that she is now doing
very nicely at the Presbyterian hos
pital in Omaha, where she has been
for the past two weeks taking treat
ment. Miss Murphy has been suf
fering from an infection on the face,
which has proven a very annoying.
although not serious affliction.
KViniATK OK ttjfl'K'MSK
kok t Ass cotsTr, m:mh k A
State of Nebraska
1 ss.
County of Cass J
T, lieo. K. Sayles, County Clerk of
i ass county, hereby certify that the
County Hoard at the reprular meeting
nelt on the nth day or January. A. 1.
1921. made the following "Kstimate of
hxiienso for the year 1921, as re
quired by law:
C.encral fund $ 7r,000.00
Pridfre fund r6,000.00
HridKo fund (emersr'ney) 14. 000.00
Koad fund ". 5ti.0OM.00
Mothers- Pension fund.. 6. 000. 00
Old Soldiers Kelief fund 1,000.00
TOTAL. $20$,000.00
Witness ray hand and the seal of
my office at Plattsmouth, Nebr., this
2.ini day, or Kenruarv. A. I. 1921.
(Seal) m3-lv. County Clerk.
OF THE , -
of Plattsmouth.
Charter No. 14:;o in the State of Ne
braska at the close of business
on February 16, 1921.
Loans and discounts $:
Overdrafts ;
lionils, securities, judgments,
claims, etc., including all
government bonds
ISanking house, furniture and
2,003. 6
i 1.212.36
1, 06
Current expenses, taxes and
interest paid
Cash items
29. IBX.SS
Iue from National and State
banks i
Cold coin
Silver, nickels and cents....
Capital stork-paid in . .$ 50,000.00
Surplus fund 2,ooo.uo
Undivided- profits u,7jo.1u
Individual deoosits mimi-ct to
clieel?- ms.ivv.m
Demand certificates of deposit
for I-lbertv bonds 47.4b-.
Time certificates of deposit.. 123,421.07
Cashiers checks outstanding SoJ.ob
Hie to National and State
banks 17.43S.4 4
Depositor's guaranty fund... 2,79r.73
TOTAL $395487.47
Slate of Nebraska V
County of Cass J
I. T. M. Patterson. President of the
above named bank, do hereby swear
that the above statement is a correct
and true copy of the report made to
the State Bureau or Banking.
Attest: President.
A. J. SCHAFKK, Director
MAl;K WHIT10. Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
tiiis 2nd day f -March, 1921.
(Seal) Notary Public.
My Commission expires March 24, 1922.
C. D. Ganz was in Lincoln Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ohms autocd
to Lincoln Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jordan autoed
to Lincoln Wednesday;
Walter Skinner returned to his
home at Hooper Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Anderson were
Lincoln visitors Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prouty have
moved back to the farm.
Miss Lois Keefer visited at Platts
mouth last Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. H. A. Bailey and Mrs. John
Elliott were Lincoln visitors Tues
day. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman" Wolfe
autoed to Elmwood Thursday after
noon. Oswald John shipped hogs and
cattle to the South Omaha market
Mr. and Mrs. Harlen Wolfe return
ed to their home at Ashland. Tues
day morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foreman came
down from Lincoln Monday morning
to visit home folks.
Mrs. Alex Jones of South Bend, at
tended the funeral of Wm. Harsh on
Tuesday afternoon.
Dr. ' L. Muir and family visited
his two brothers and their families
at Milford Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Clites left for
their home at Fremont Monday go
ing via Greenwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Appleman,
of Liberty, spent a couple of days
last week with, relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Boyles, of Lin
coln, are spending several days here
with relatives and friends.
H. L. Clapp. Jr., Frank Hunt and
Kenneth Bailey attended a register
ed stock sale at Bennett Friday.
Miss Lettie Mercer and Mr. Wm.
Ogendyk, of Lincoln, were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Clapp,
Mrs. George Braun and brother,
John Yaeger, and Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Clapp returned from Omaha Sat
urday evening.
L. W. Park left Saturday for
Sterling, Colorado. He was accom
panied to Lincoln by John Skinner
and Ivan Clites.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Armstrong, of
Oreapolis, spent Saturday night and
Sunday with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Armstrong.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cecil, of
Logan, Iowa, spent several days with
the latter's sister, Mrs. H. A. Bailey
and family last week.
Alva Skinner wishes to -express
his sincere thanks to his kind friends
who helped him financially after
his recent loss by fire.
Among those going to Lincoln on
Thursday were Dr. and Mrs. L. Muir,
Mrs. Chas. Bucknell, Mr. -and Mrs.
L. D. Mullen and Mrs. I. D. Wills
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Clapp, Jr. en
tertained Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jordan
at a 7 o'clock dinner Monday even
ing in honor of their first wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosenow, of
Murdock, and Mr. and Mrs. William
Rosenow of near Elmwood were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Rosenow.
John Foreman went to Elmwood
Monday to move Mr. Ganaway and
family to Alvo. They will occupy
the Delia Sutton residence and will
work for G. P. Foreman.'
Last. Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. S.
K. Johnson and children attended
the wedding of Mrs. Johnson's niece.
Miss Hazel English to Mr. Robert
M. Stall, at Bennett, Nebraska.
The Ta-Ta-Pochen Camp Fire girls
met Saturday afternoon with their
assistant guardian, Mrs. A. J. Brobst.
Pauline Suavely was appointed as
treasurer and Gertrude Stroemer as
Dinner guests at the "home of Mr.
Buying Grain and Stock!
We always pay the highest price for Grain and
Stock. We own and run our own elevator and mix
and grade up our grain, enabling us to always pay
top prices.
Rnrorainc in
While they last, we are offering at very low prices
implements and farm machinery consisting of:
2 No. 5 Clover Leaf low down spreaders $165.00'
One four-wheel Rock Island lister 60.00
Two. Rock Island cultivators at 45.00
One Sterling disc, 16-16, at. 60.00
Other Equally as Good Bargains in
the Best Farm Machinery.
Coat man hardware,
and Mrs. Geo. P. Foreman Sunday
where Mr. and Mrs. George Curyea,
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Rouse, Charles
H. Kirkpatrick and Mr. and Mrs.
John Foreman.'
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyles gave a
dinner party Monday evening. The
guests present were Mr. and Mrs.
W. O. Boyles, of Lincoln; Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Apleman, Mr. and Mrs.
E. M. Stone and Mr. and Mrs. I. I).
Wm. Harsh, who passed away at
his home near Eagle Saturday was
buried from the Church of the
Brethren -Tuesday afternoon, Rev.
M. E. Stair conducting the services.
Burial was made in the Brethren
cemetery south of town.
The Women's reading club enjoy
ed a party Thursday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Edwards.
Progressive somerset was played, the
prizes being won by Mrs. Harry Ap
pleman and E. M. Stone. A two
course lunch wa3 served at the usual
The Pythian sisters gave a fare
well party for Mrs. R, F. Johnson
Friday night. February 25th, at
Stewart's hall. Nearly all the-sisters,
with their families, were pres
ent. A very delicious lunch was
served, after which there was a
short program. Miss Marie Stroe
mer acted as tostmistrcss. The rest
of the evening was spent in. a so
ciable manner, after which all de
parted, wishing Mr. and Mrs. John
son success in their new home at
Eggs for Hatching
For Sale: Barred Rock eggs for
hatching. 75c for 15. $4.50 per 100.
m7-6w. Alvo, Nebraska.
She States It Mildly.
While suffering with a severo at
tack of the grip and threatened with
pneumonia. Mrs. Annie H. Cooley, of
Middlefield. Conn., began using
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
was very much benefitted by its
use. The pains in the chest soon
disappeared, the sough became loose,
expectoration easy and in a short
time she was as well as ever. Mrs.
Cooley says she cannot speak too
highly in praise of this remedy.
Thoroughbred S. C. Rhode Iland
Red eggs, 81 per set tine:, S." per
hundred. Call Mrs. J. Salsburg,
phone 2224, Plattsmouth.
ltw 3td for 4w.
Single Combed White Leghorn
egg?, $5 per 100; $1 per setting.
Phone U5-J.
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
votm to ritr.iH Tints
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Kmtu.i
Hathaway, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
Vou are hereby not Hied, That I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth in said county, on the" 29th day
of March. 1921 and on the 29th dav of
June. A. I ). 1921. at 1:00 o'clock in
the forenoon of each day to receive
and examine all claims aurainst s:iil
estate, with a view to their adjust
ment and allowance. Tile time limit
ed for the presentation f claims
against said estate is three mouth
from the 29th day of March. A. 1 .'
1921. and the time limited for payment
of debts is one year from said 29th
day of March, 1921.
Witness my hand and the seal of
saitl County Court this 5th day of
March, 1921.
ALLKN .1. Bin: SON.
(Seal) m7-4w. County Jude.