The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 07, 1921, Image 1
cal Sociaty VOL. NO. xxxvn. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1921. NO. C5 STATE TAX PLAN NED ON MONEY ACCREDITS SENATE BILL WOULD PUT THEM ON SAME BASIS FOR TAX ATION AS REAL ESTATE Money, cash money and credits will not be as attractive in this state if the senate file No. G5, the new tax ation law emerges from the opposi tion it now has onto the statute hooks of the state. This bill hag some radical changes from the pres ent svstem of taxation and has been in the hands of the committee on revenues and taxation for some time but is expected to be reported out soon. Monevs and credits all intangi ble property have hitherto teen practically untaxed in Nebraska, say most of the legislators. The present law provides for taxing them on the same basis as real estate, that is, on a one-fifth valuation. But it is con ceded that nobody ever lists any money with the assessor to speak of. The new law provides for a straight tax of 4 mills on the dollar of actual valuation. Members of the legislature who are in accord with the bill declare that this low rate will have the effect of bringing out the listings of money since the people would rather pay the small tax than leave themselves liable to perjury. Iowa has had practically the same law for some years. Moneys and credits are there also listed separ ately but the state of tax is placed at u mills on the dollar instead of 4 as porposed by the Nebraska bill. . The mortgage taxation law is also amended by the bill. The present law places the tax on the property mortgaged and leaves the mortgage itself tax free. This was, done to avoid double taxation. The" new law would tax the mortgage at the rate of 50 cents on each $100 of actual value. State, county, city a"nd township bonds are to be taxed at 1 mill on the dollar cf actual valuation. The following is. the" new section on intangible property: . . ........ "Moneys, credits, ' ' corporation shares or stocks, cash. United States legal tender notes, and other notes and securities of the United States, payable on demand, notes (other than notes secured by real estate mortgag es), accounts, contracts for cash or labor, bills of exchange, judgments, chosesin action, liens of any kind, (other than real estate mortgages), securities, debentures .bonds, (other than those, of the Unietd States, or of this state or governmental sub divisions of this state), annuities, and all other demands for labor or other valuable thing, whether due or to become due. and all other intangi ble property, shall be separately list ed and shall be taxed four (4) mills on the dollar of actual valuation thereof, the same to be assessed and collected where the owner resides." Then follows the remainder of the section making exception of bonds of the state, county, city or town ship and fixing the rate at 1 mill on the dollar of actual valuation. These are now assessed as other pro perty on a one-fifth valuation. The straight tax on mortgages is to take the place of the existing law which sought to avert double taxa tion by placing the tax on the pro perty mortgaged and leaving the mortgage tax free. This was on the contention that ifthe owner of the mortgage and the holder of the pro perty mortgaged both paid a tax there would be a double tax on the same property value. There are many amendments to the bills which have been formu lated and hashed over in the com mittee but no action has been taken on any of them. It is expected that amendments will be submitted today at 10 o'clock. SIGNS OF SPRING One of the mediums by which the arrival of spring can be ascertained is the activities of Hans Seivers, cus otdian of the court house and this morning when Hans was found pre paring the garden plot just east of the court house grounds we decided that truly spring was here in all its glory and in but a few short weeks lettuce, radishes and other of the early, vegetables would be out In full blast in this little bit of a gar den plot. Incidently Hans has dis covered other signs of spring In the vicinity of the court house as a ladies powder puff was picked up on the lawn yesterday morning and which proves that the billing and cooing season is truly "mit us." MAKES APPOINTMENTS From Friday's Daily. County Assessor William Rummell yesterday presented to the board of county commissioners the names of Peter Hansen and George K. Staats as assessors for Plattsmouth eitv and George H. Olive as assessor fnr Weeping Water city.. The county j board 'approved the names presented and the gentlemen will have charge of the work of listing the taxable rroperty or the county at the next assessment. . Blank Books at the Journal Office. CHILDREN START FIRE From Thursday's Daily. Shortly before noon a small fire occurred at the residence of C. A. Johnson on Wintersteen hill i.nd which was caused by one of he small children of the family securing some matches and lighting a candle which the child dropped on a feather bed and which caused a rather lively blaze for a few minutes.The members Of the family and the neighbors soon had the blaze out before the fire truck i iiuu nit; uiaii. uui uciuic Lite uic LlilLIk i ,, , , reached the home and little damage -.,o ao r n U.TlUt llJUl uic ucaii UtllUU of the feather bed. PLEADS NOT GUIL TY TO RURGLARY d-,,1 tt0i,i i - nv ;the salary of the office of superln Paul JHackenhok, of Omaha, Ar- tendent to $125 per month aml ap raigned in Court on Charge of Taking 128 Shirts. From Thursday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon in the coun ty court, Paul Hackenholz of Oma ha was charged with having broken into and entered the Missouri Pacific freight house In this city on the night of February 2nd and taken therefrom 128 -shirts, the property of the M. E. Smith company and of the value of $193. The defendant on hearing the in- formation read, entered a plea of not guiLty and through the agree- ment between County Attorney A. G. Cole and William Lovely, attor- ney for Mr. Hackenholz. the pre-' liminary hearing was waived and efforts have been ably assisted by the bond fixed by Judge Beeson at Mr. Tams who has been on the job $1,000. The father and mother of to see that everything was" being op the defendant came down this morn- J erated with as little expense as pos ing and supplied the necessary se- curity for his appearance and he was released from the custody of Sheriff Quinton. Mr. Hackenholz was brought to this city on Tuesday afternoon by Sheriff Quinton from Omaha follow ing the discovery of 128 shirts in the property that was owned by the defendant and which was unearthed by the Omaha police when searching the place a few days ago. The man denied having- taken the shirts or having any knowledge of how they came to be in the shed at the rear of his home. He was per fectly frank in - his statements to the officers and did not offer any conflicting stories, but just how the shirts came to be on the property of Mr. Hackenholz is a matter that has as yet not been cleared up. RETURN FROM WHITER SPENT IN THE WEST From Thursday's Da!f. Yesterday Mike Lutz and wife re turned from their extended visit to the Pacific coast and the west, dur ing which time they have enjoyed the opportunity of visiting with rel atives and friends and seeing the sights, of the nation's wonderland. Mr. and Mrs. Lutz have been ab sent some three months and as Mike well stated, money could not buy the wonderful time they have en joyed in seeing the many interest ing spots of the west. From this city they traveled to the Pacific coast over the southern route and visited with a 6ister of Mrs. Lutz, Mrs. E. Siegletz, at Calexico, Cali fornia, and also with Charles Lutz and family at Los Angeles and from there they journeyed to the north, taking in the many points of in terest and returned home via Salt Lake City and Denver, where they stopped for a visit with a brother of Mrs. Lutz. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lutz are feeling very much Improv ed in health and Mr. Lutz will re turn to his duties as street com missioner with renewed vigor. MEET WITH MRS. W. C. SOENNICHSEN From Thursday's Dally. The Q. Z. society of the Presbyter ian church held their regular meet ing yesterday afternoon and were very pelasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. W. C. Soennichsen at the Coronado Apartments. There was a large number of the ladies in attendance, who spent a. very delight ful afternoon. Social conversation. interepsrsed with various other amusements made this afternoon s entertainment a most enjoyable one. At a suitable time the hostess served a dainty luncheon, which was like wise thoroughly appreciated. This being their regular meeting, a very interesting business session was held. LOYAL WORKERS MEET a 1 From Thursdays Dally. The Loyal Workers of the Chris tian church were very pleasantly en tertained yesterday afternoon at the parsonage of the church by Mesdames A. G. Hollowell and W. C. Clark and the event was one most thoroughly enjoyed by the very ' large number who were in attendance. During the afternoon the ladies were treated to a very interesting reading by Mrs. Oscar Sandin that was much enjoyed and the remainder of the afternoon spent in sewing and visiting among the members of the society. . At a suitable hour the hostesses served very dainty and- delicious refresh ments. Blank Books at the Journal Office. TO REMAIN AT n THE COUNTY FARM County Commissioners Close a Con tract with J. H. Tarns and Wife to Continue Work The residents of the county will be pleased to learn that the board m a of county commissioners has secur- I , r T u rrnrnc, , ed a contract from J. H. Tarns and wife to remain in charge of the county farm west of the city for the coming year and continue the good work they have carried out in the past few years In recognition of the excellent services that Mr. Tams has given j the county and the tax payers the I county board has voted to Increase pointed Mrs. Tams as matron of the farm at a salary of $50 per month. During his service at the farm, Mr. Tams has given a splendid busi ness like administration of the af fairs of the institution and the farm has been managed in a very able manner and no one in charge ' of their own personal business could have been more devoted to the in- terests of the farm than has Mr Tams and his estimable wife. Cass county has a county farm that they can well feel proud of, and - the county commissioners have seen that it has been kept at the high standard that has won for it the rank of the best county institution in the state of Nebraska and their sible and with the best of results CELEBRATE THEIR 520 ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. James W. Seivers Ob serve Wedding Anniversary at Frank Rennie Home The fifty-second wedding anniver sary of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Seiv ers, Xormer well known residents of this community, was observed on Thursday. February 24th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Rennie, near .Madrid, Nebraska, where they are making their home, Mrs. Rennie being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seivers. The years have dealt kindly with this estimable couple since the happy day" more than a half century ago in old Virginia, when Miss Martha Snyder became the bride of James W. Seivers and they have reared a splendid family of boys and girls who share with the parents the hap piness of the wedding anniversary. On this anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Seiver number among their descen dents . ten children, twenty-two grandchildren and seven great grand children. TO GIVE AWAY ELECTRIC AUTO Store of M. Fanger is Announcnig Splendid Opportunity for Boys of the City and Vicinity. The store of M. Fanger in this city is announcing the fact that they will present to the most popular boy of Cass county, under 13 years of age a fine electric minature auto mobile, which auto is now on exhibi tion in the store window of the store. Votes will be given with all pur chases at the store and the balloting started to determine who is the most popular boy in the community and the winner will receive the auto as a reward for his popularity. This is a great opportunity for the boys and will result in one of them receiving a gift that will be an unfailing source of pleasure to them during the summer months. SELLS COLORADO LAND From Thursday's Dally. This, morning Ed Mason returned from a short trip to Arriba, Colorado, where he has been looking after land interests there and was accompanied by Fred Mann of this city. While at Arriba, Mr. Mann made the pur chase of 160 acres of Jand just north of the city of Arriba, and for which Mr. Mason was the agent. Both gen tlemen were much impressed with the land near that place and Mr. Ma son brought back with him a number of specimens of the grain grown there and he is enthusiastic over the situation in that portion of Colorado. The vicinity of Arriba is almost like visiting Cass county as a large num ber of people from Union and the southern portion of this county' have moved there to make their home and all are well pleased with the land there. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express to our kind frinds and neighbors our deepest appreciation of the kindness and sym pathy shown to us in the illness and at the time of the death of our be loved wife and mother. Especially do we wish to thank the members of the Woodman Circle. Gus Olson and family. RETURNS PROM HOSPITAL From Thivsday'8 Dally. This afternoon Mrs. Claude Rich ardson returned from the Methodist hospital in Omaha, where she has been for some time recovering from an operation. Mrs. Richardson is feeling much improved and will spend some time at the home of her mother near Pacific Junction, recu peiating before returning to her home here. Mr. Richardson accom panied his wife1 from the hospital to the Junction. While at the hospital Mrs. Richardson was remembered with a number of bouquets from the friends and members of the Meth odist ladies as well as the Eagles lodge of this city which she has deep ly appreciated. ECHO OF UNION BOOZE SENSATION John Ervin Draws Down $100 Fine and Nelson ' Martin $20 and Costs in County Court. As an echo of the investigation over the booze situation that has been raging at Union for the past few days, two cases have been dis posed of in the county court before Judge Allen J. Reeson. John Ervin was brought before the court yesterday charged with having had possession of intoxicat ing liquor and on hearing the com plaint prepared by C'oiinty Attorney A. G. Cole, the court assessed a .fine of $100 and costs against the young man. The court also heard the complaint against Nelson Martin this morning. in which Mr. Martin was charged with having been intoxicated in the village of Union on February' 5th, and for which the court assessed a fine of $20 and trimmings which was paid ana tne gentleman al lowed to return to his home. The matter of ownership of the mash discovered at Union last Sun da still remains unsolved and no complaints have been filed as yet regarding this matter but it is still being worked on by the authorities and the person who owned the kick ful barrels of mash may be secured to answer totKe' violation of. the prohibition amendment. ; RETURN FROM VISIT Mr. and Mrs. R. D. McNurlin re turned Tuesday morning from a visit with their children at Havelock, Oma ha and at Central City. They left here last year in December. R. D. says they had a fine time and plenty to eat. Two of the boys run a res taurant in Omaha and their son, Osborn has a restaurant in Central City so Dick said they lived fat and had nothing to complain or, only Mrs. McNurlin had some trouble with her ear. R. S. McCleery and Herman Hill man tried to steal a march on the house moving while Dick was gone, by moving a garage up from Sweed- town for J. E. Johnson, but Dick said he didn't care as he had three jobs waiting for him and one of them was moving the house at Mt. Pleasant Precinct that he lived in fifty years ago. Weeping Water Republican. LOOKING AFTER ROAD WORK From Friday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon A. S. Mirrich, division engineer and R. H. Stuart, assistant engineer, were in the city discussing with the board of county commissioners the matters of road work in the county. These two gen tlemen have charge of the greater part of the road work in this portion of the state and following their meet ing here they departed for Tecumseh to interview the commissioners of Johnson county. Mr. Mirrich and Mr. Stuart are both expert eingineers and their experience has been very valuable in developing the good roads program in this portion of Nebraska. PLANNING BIG TIME. The members of Cass Camp No. 332, Modern Woodmen of America, are busy arranging for the big class initiation that is to be held here on the evening of Wednesday, March 9th and at which time nineteen new members will be received into the order. The local officers are plan ning on having a number of the leading officials of the order here and the occasion will be one of more than usual interest and every member of the order is striving to make it possible to secure one member each by the time the initiation comes off. FENCE POSTS FOR SAIE About 1500 good hedge posts for sale at my farm west of town. Price 40 cents and up. See Leonard Mei singer at Farmers State Bank. lw s-w 6td. - II. C." Long, of near Murray, was In the city today for a few hours visiting with friends and looking after some matters at the court house for a, short time. HELP WANTED Man and wife for work on county farm. Couple without children pre ferred. Be3t of wages. Call J. 11. Tams. suDerintendent. nhone 115-W. lw d&w. ' BRLINGTON HOPOSES 00 COMPANY OFFERS SCALE OF WAGES THAT ARE SUBMIT TED TO EMPLOYES. The first mo'e of the Burlington railroad management toward a reduc tion of wages on the system has been made and is set forth in a bulletin issued from Chicago and which was posted yesterday in the local shops as well as at all points over the sys tem. The railroad is asking for an agreement among the employes and representatives of the company and the final adjustment of the matter by the federal wage board at Chi cago, which recently passed on a number of applications from south ern railroads and which were at that time rejected. The bulletin received and posted on the bulletin boards of the com pany is as follows: "The United States railroad labor board having by its decision No. 2 of July 20. 1920. fixed certain rates of pay for laborers on the railroads which in the judgment of the board were then just and reasonable, and it appearing that the conditions have changed since that date so that the rates referred to are no longer just and reasonable in view of the decreased cost of living and the scales of wages paid for similar kinds of work in our territory. "The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy raliroad hereby proposes to its em ployes that effective thirty days here after or on March 31, 1921, a new and decreased scale of wages for: (1) Track laborers and laborers in the Maintenance of Way & Struc ture Department and in and around shops and warehouses, including such as engine watchmen and wip ers, fire builders, ashpit men, flue borers, coal, passers, coal chute men, etc. (2) Freight handlers or truckers and common labor in and around sta tions, storehouses and warehouses, including janitors and watchmen." 4Shall be made effective if possible fcy agreement between-the manage ment and its employes on their rep resentatives prior to that time as to what are just and reasonable wages based on present living costs and wages paid in our territory, which now appear to us as ranging from 30 to 48'z cents, or in event of failure to agree, by decision of the U. S. Railroad Labor board on the sub ject prior to that date by orderly ap peal to such board in accordance with section 301 of the transporta tion act. "This also is to advise that the management will meet any represen tatives of its employes of the class es named at Chicago at 10:30 a. m., Thursday, March 10, for the purpose of the conferences required by sec tion 301 of the Transportation act." L. B. ALLEN, General Manager, Lines East. .W. F. THIEHOF, General Manager, Lines West. MAY ORGANIZE COMPANY The residents of Elm wood are showing a great deal of interest in the proposal for the formation of a national guard company in that place to become a part of the peace time defense force of the state and nation. A number of the young men of that community are interested and it is hoped to have enough enrolled to make it possible to place a com pany there soon. One of the repre sentatives of the adjutant general's office will be at Elmwood the com ing week and discuss the matter with the men who are interested and some permanent advancement made in the work. It would be a very pleasing thing if Elniwood , is able to accomplish their desire and be the first time that Cass county has had a com pany of the national guard located within its borders There are a large number of former service men living in and . near Elmwood who would make valuable assets to the company as they have had practical experi ence in drilling and in active ser vice. FUNERAL OF MRS. GUS OLSON From' Thursday's Dally. - Thts morning the funeral services of Mrs; Gus Olson, who died in the St;'Catherine's hospital in Omaha on Tuesday, were held from the St. John's Catholic church of which the deceased had been a life long mem ber. The requiem mass of the church was celebrated by Father M. A. Shine, rector of the church and the service quite largely attended by the old friends and neighbors of the de ceased. During the service Mrs. P. J. Flynn sang a solo, one of the. fav orite numbers of the departed lady, "Face to Face." Among the relatives from out of the city to attend the funeral'were Conrad Guthmann of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, a brother of Mrs. Ol son, Mrs. Esther Carley and Miss Ruth Nelson of Omaha, sisters of Mrs. Olson and Fred Nelson of Den ver; step-father of Mr. Olson. Popular copyrighted fiction at the Journal office. IN WAGES RETURNS FROM EAST From Friday's Dally. Dr. J. II. Hall returned yesterday from Grant. Neb., where he has been visiting with his brother. Major A. Hall, during the illness of Major. The doctor reports that his brother is now showing improvement and feeling reasonably well and that he is well on the highway to complete recovery from his indisposition. Dr, Hall in speaking of his trip states that the land out there is moving especially during the wind storms, but he speaks well of the city of Grant as a fine enterprising little community with much push and en ergy and one that aparently has a great future. BUSINESS MEN OF CITY FORM AD CLUB Organization Peifected Yesterday at Luncheon at Hotel Wagner to Car ry on Work of Helpfulness From Friday's Dally. Yesterday noon a number of the business men of the city met at the Hotel Wagner for luncheon and to discuss matters of mutual interest in the business life of the city. The members of the luncheon party after discussing the matter thoroughly de cided on the formation of an Ad Club, the purpose of which is not, as the title might suggest, purely advertising, but will take up all the probilems that may confront the business interests of the city. As one of the first steps of a per manent organization, ('. C. Wescott was named as president and F. P. Busch as secretary, and the organi zation will at once get busy on lin ing up the matter of making greater trade opportunities for the city and its business interesst. The new organization plans to hold the weekly luncheons when the members can gather together infor mally and discuss the questions that may arise from time to time. The Ad Club is purely an ganization of mutual helpfulness and will assist in the work of the Cham ber of Commerce, which covers the much wider field of community inter est and is covering the general de velopment and progress of the city, while the Ad Club is exclusively for the promoting of the business inter ests of the city. HAS PECULIAR ACCIDENT Harry Eller met with a pecular accident last week that caused him the loss of two perfectly good teeth. In company with some of the boys. he was in Stohlman's hardware store and they were trying to see who could lift the heaviest load with their teeth. Harry led the others and lifted a 110 pound keg of nails with his teeth. The keg was held by a rope. The rope slipped through his teeth and caught on the two low er front teeth and jerked them out as neatly as a dentist could have dene. It happened too quickly to hurt him much and he was surely a surprised young man to find his teeth extracted by a new, painless method. However, Dr. Anderson, the Louis ville dentist is fitting him out with a bridge that will be almost as good as the original ones and Harj-y is receiving the congratulations of his friends upon being the champion lifter. Louisville Courier. Blank Books at the Journal Office. Ye Put in the "serv" and Take Gut the "ice" in "Service!" As a member of the Federal Reserve System this bank is constantly in a healthy position to give you reasonable assistance. Our officers and directors and our entire banking force are ever ready to make your banking transactions with us a matter of friendly, cordial man-to-man help fulness. That explains the warm feeling of co-operation which 'exists between this bank and the farmers of Cass county. May we "serv" you, too! The First National bank THE BANK WHEFOE YOU FF5L AT M O VE "IJVTTSMOUTII THE NEARING APPROACH OF GSTYELECTION CO-OPERATION OF CITIZENS RE GARDLESS OF POLITICAL AFFI LIATION SECURES RESULTS It is now but the matter of some two weeks until tne city campaign will be ready for launching and once more the voters of I lie commun ity be called upon to select the per sons who are tq guide the affairs of the municipality for the coming year (or two years if the new law enacted by the legislature is passed). This is a matter that should have the thought and attention of every resi dent of the city regardless of their political affiliations. The affairs of the city government should not be viewed from a strict partisan standpoint as it is a matter vital to everyone and the fact that there is no political importance to the offices makes it easier for the voters to go forth and select men for their fitness for the particular office that they may be desired to fill in the government of the city. We have been fortunate in recent years in the selections of the head. 4 of the city government as in both Mayor Schneider and former Mayor Sattler the affairs of the city have received the most careful considera tion and thought and it is vital to the future welfare of the city that this be continued through the coming year. It has been the common tendency of the citizens to shirk the re sponsibility of office holding in the city government and in this they are not wholly to be blamed as it means a sacrifice of time, the receiv ing of more or less criticism, but it is a duty that everyone should render to the community in which they live if the call for their services comes clear and strong from the people of the community. The offices pay no salaries to speak of, and are of the utmost im portance to every man, woman and child that calls Plattsmouth home or expects to make this city their permanent residence. It is hard to select men who are willing to make the sacrifice of time and energy to assist in giving the city a good clean business-like administration and when they are secured they should be given the hearty co-operation of the people. . This selection of city officials is one of business first, last and all the time and far removed from the sphere cf partisan politics and should be so regarded. While in the life of the i-.ation two political parties tire ne ressary to maintain the spirit of free government, in a smallcommun ity such c.3 ours the glamour of po liti"r.l qi:cstirns shculd not be per mitted to overshadow the best inter ests of the city and its people. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Porter and son Walter, went down near Murray Sunday to attend si birthday dinner of Mrs. Porter's father, T. W. Val lery, who was 66 years old. The en tire family were home for the oc casion and other relatives and friends to the number of fifty. A f-plondid time was enjoyed along with n fc;rit of good things to eat.. Weeping V.'.i ter Republican. . ft NEBRASKA