The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 03, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    J L
repared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
To Al! Parties
It is necessary that all such bonds be
converted into permanent bonds of
the same issue, as the last coupon on
the temporary bonds of the fourth
issue is past due.
if you vvill bring such bonds you have
on hand tc us, we will be glad to serve
you in the way of exchanging ,these
bonds for you.
V.'ni. He.u-h ( f Auburn, wa
a vis-
iter in Murray last Sunday.
Glen V;il-ry was looking after
ho:i;e bu-ir.t-s matters in Plattsmoulh
last Tue!say.
We are pa ins; the highest price
for poultry and et-s at the Murray
Cream ftatioti.
V. T. Wil.-on c'mr'J'iPt! his moving
to Murray ami is now definitely
tied in his heme in Murray.
James Ha'chett was a visitor in
Union last Saturday rnu was i.if
g.uet at the home f . K. Moore.
C;.?h un the -pot for cream and
country produce including poultry at
the highest prices. Murray Cream
Dr. G. H. Gilmore was looking af
ter some business matters at the
fount y so:-' la-t Monday, driving over
in his car.
Earl Kline of Plattsmouth. was a
visitor in Murray last Tuesday, being
a guest at fhe home of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Marast-k.
C. H. Wirier of Pli-ttmouth. was
a visitor in M'jr-av an;' at the home
c f his dauiiU r Mrs. Kay Howard,
las Monday.
V I). I'uU ar.d family spent last
Sunday at '!. hospitable home of Ja
cob Kreacer and enjoyed tre day to
the fullest extent.
Churles Green was a pas.-t-nger to
N'fbraska City Tuesday, wiiere
be was looking after some business
matters for a short time.
C. D. ad a government
men named Hanks, were looking af
ter some business natters in Murray
last Tuesday afternoon.
Phillv Keil. Henry (.'reamer.
Xichcla.- Fredrick, and George S. Kay
shipped a rr of cattle to the South
Omaha market last Tuesday.
Messrs Herman and Haul Kichter
were lookirg after yome business mat
ters in Plattsmouth last Tuesday and
i'lso visitinc with friends.
Mr. J?ck West has just moved to
the farm whPh Mr. Fred Meisinper
ha been fannies: for some year.-, and
wiii farm there the coming season.
Charies Trench of Oklahoma, last
Wednesday moved into the house re-
w. e.
Always Ready for SaSe
Dates fas or near.
Telephone 42S Fiattsmciitb. Exchange
The overall of certain' satisfaction. It fits! King,
the big roomy fellow, made of 220 wL denim. You'll
like it too!
Carhartt suspender back bib overall $2.25
Carhartt jumper to match above , 2.25
King 220 wt. denim bib overall '. 2.00
King jumpers to Inarch above 2.00
Carhartt Juniors, ages 2 to 6 "1.10
Carhartt Boys, ages 7 to 12 ; 1.25
Carhartt Youths, ages 13 to 16 1.50
1 a
: cently vacated by Jarvas Lancaster
j and will farm the place this season.
Ier. lieckman. who has been sick
j for a number of weeks was to far
1 improved that he was able to be in
: town for a short time last Saturday.
Al Nickles has just moved to the
; farm occupied during the past sea
! son by F. T. Wilson and belonging
i ?o R. R. Nicklec, where he will farm
! the coming season.
Mr. Albert Wilson was a visitor
in Murray last Saturday and was
1 o.-; king after some business matters
j a.- weti as visiting at the home of his
j brother, Font Wilson and family,
j Jarvas Lancaster, who has been
I making his heme in Murray, moved
I last Saturday to the place of Ran
, Minford northeast of Murray, where
he will make his home for the year.
! Ed Murray, who a few years ago
! moved north an purchased a farm
j near Niobrara, recently sold the same
' and has moved back to this vicinity
and will farm on one of the Mast
places the ccming year.
David Wilson, a biother of F. T.
; Wilson, was a visitor in Murray for
j the day last Tuesday and alsj visited
a: the home of his father. J. A. Wil
son cast or town before returning
; W. 11. Puis has been kr-pt pretty
busy of late in placing a new cement
fli-or in the garage which he is using
for his car at home, and when com
pleted will make a valuable improve
ment to the structure.
Mrs. Sadie Oldham has rented her
i land to Mr. A. C. Long who will farm
' the place. Mrs. Oidham will remain
1 at the home, where she has lived fcr
the pat fifty years and will nave
as her ccmpanion Mrs. W. A. Royal.
Clyde Martin and family were visit
ing for a few days at the home of
Fred Warner and wife, and Clyde was
testing the matter of farm life in
assisting in hauling corn while they
were shelling at the home
of Roy
C E Ellington and wife were vis- '
iting for a short time at tne nome oi
Mr. Ellington's sister. Mrs. V. A.
Kennedy, who is ill at her home.
They also visited with Mrs. ". A.
Royal, who u aiso a sister cf Mr.
Fred Meisinger, who has been !
farming on the l'arm of L. H. Puis
for a number of years, has just
moved to his own place wnicn ne
recently purchased and which Mr.
Charles Herron has been farming for
seme time past.
Mrs. James Deles Dernier, who is
at the hospital at Omaha, is reported
as being much improved and is mak
ing fair progress, it is not supposed
she will be able to return hom for
seme time yet, but her many friends
will be pleased to know of her pro
gress. On account of the wreck 'n the
Missouri Pacific, the Rev. A. G. Hol
lowell, who is the minister of the
Christian church at Plattsmcuth and
Murray, was delayed in his arrival for j
Fervice. He was brougnt to Murray j
by Mr. J. F. Clugey when it was
found that the train would not run. !
George Edminson, who has recent- !
ly moved just west of Murray, was j
busy last Tuesday turning ever the j
land Jor the beginning of the sum- j
mer's work. We notice that C. D. '
Spangler was also plowing, while
numbers are cutting stalks and get
ting ready for the planting of spring
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hiatt and their
litttle daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. G.
W. McCracken and datighter, v erel
visiting in Plattsraouth. atte-f,::i? 1
the lecture at the Masonic hdl. e '
Mr. and Mrs. Hiatt al-o visited at 1
the parents of the latter, tr ' Mr. j
and Mrs. McCracken visited at the!
home of Mrs. Henry Spangler.
John W. Crabill and wife of Piatts
ruouth. were in Murray last Saturday
driving down from their home to vis
it at the home of Mrs. V. A. Kennedy,
who is ill at her home here. Mr-.
Crabill is a niece of Mrs. Kennedy.
It is hoped by the mnay friends of
Mrs. Kennedy that they may toon be
able to be about again.
A. A. Johnson, brother of Mrs. .V
W. Berger. whe has been vioii;'::g
j here for some time, departed la. t
Monday evening for Plattsmo;;; h.
I where he will visit at the home of his
i daughter, Mrs. C. M. Manne
i later will visit at the home cf
brother, "Dick" Johnson at Taka
mah, before returning to hi; ho me
at Gregory, S. D.
Hade Ball a Success. 1
The mask ball which was held at :
the Puis hall last Saturday was well J
attended and was a very enjoyable i
function. A large number of the
people were m attendance anu
proaounced the affair one of
most enjoyable of the season.
a i i
Ladies Aid Will Meet.
The Ladies Aid Society of
t he-
Christian church wiii meet with Mrs.
H. C. Long on Wednesday. March 9.
Mrs. J. W. Jenkins wiil assist in the
entertainment as serving on the oc
casion. All members of the sticiety
are urged to be in attendance. There
is some Work to be looked after by
the society and it is cf interest to
all to be at the meeting.
Have Moved to The Farm.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Young who
have made their hotre for some time
on the farm of Mrs. Sadie Oldham,
mother of Mrs. Youu.t. this -.'ck
moved to their farm ta-t of Murray
and will make their home there, in
the future. They have been a part
and parcel of Murray and with their
efforts always in the direction of
making Murrfey the best town on the
map, they will be greatly missed by
the people of Murray. They are
still in the vicinity of their interest
and will be in the direction of doing
all ,for the good of the community
Will Rebuild Home.
Robert Shrader, who lest his home
last Saturday night a week, will be
gin on the rebuilding of his home at
once, he having settled with the in-
surance company aad given the con-
tract to construct a new noue-e to me
contractor J. A. Scot ten, who will get
r , . T- , 1
the assistance of Ralph Kennedy and
George Parks will soon have the
structure under vay. He has shown
good judgment in Laving fo reliable
a man take charge of the rebuilding
as Mr. Scotten. The new home is
to be two feet wider and one foot
higher than the one which was con
sumed by fire.
Tractor Proves a Success.
Last Monday the cownty commis
sioners as well as the highway com
missioners with other interests in
the matter of road making were in
Murray where they demonstrated the
efficiency of the new caterpillar trac
tor, which has recently besn pur
chased for road work. The tractor
proved itself well worth its price,
and fitted exactly for the work for
which it has been purchased. Com
missioners F. Gorder of Weeping
Water, C. F. Harris of Union, and G.
L. Farley of Plattsmouth, were all in
attendance at the demonstration.
Will Farm Near Florence.
Omar Yaardley is moving this week
near Florence, where he will farm
the coming season. Mr. Yard ley ha
rented a fine farm there and will
certainly make good, as he is not a
bit afraid to work and knows the key
to successful farming.
Received insurance in Full.
Robert Shrader, accompanied by
J. W. Edmonds, the agent who wrote
the insurance on the heme which
was burned last week were in Lincoln
and while there effected a settlement
for the loss occasioned by the fire
which consumed his home. The com
pany paid in full the loss.
Sf ring Work Has Begun.
See the new ad of Banning tc
Nickles which appears in this issue.
They are making some very nattering
prices on lumber and building mater
ial, having adjusted their prices, ir
respective of what loss it has caused
them, to the conditions which row
prevail, and are offering building ma
terial at prices which permits con
struction cf farm buildings even at
: the low level at which grains are
now selling. They have Just Bold
the material for a home to Robert
If try pf the rcacii-rb of the
Journal knov of a..? --i t-;s.l
(feat or it rj of ut''si In
tf.i-s virir.H.v. ar.d w:K n:a.ll
sume 10 ibis oitire. ;; will r ;.
itar under thin iif'a.::r.p. We
Shrader. and also
the building of a
Nick Frtidiich.
will construct hot
a ( md&te line for
larp' net, Louse to
Mr. J. A.
h building.;.
Scot ten
Will Hold Services Sunday.
There will be r-ervic - at Hit Vn--byteriar
church next .".luwiay at the
morning hour. The - will i-c
conducted by the Rev. u y L. Whit
more of the Omaha urinary. Rev.
Whitmore was to have lit en here
Sunday, but on accoun cf the wreck
en the Missouri Pacific near Cilmore
Junction. was unable to get here.
The services wiil be Sunday morning.
March 6th, and a most cordial invi
tation is extended to al! to attend.
Mr king Poultry
W. F. Nolfe. livir
Murray, har been v.
' cer'ain goal, that
flu, 1: of Single Comb
p:y rood dividends :i
Game Pay
!r 3i-rthcast of
'. . '.dug toward-1
' making his
".'i i 1.""!' or: s
-,, f the
it" of tlo' s'ato.
January from
he guthert-d
at the resu'.ar
wort h of eggs,
-ha. f a fine
: : and is
r iecst
lie no-.v ' -florks
in this p:
: the month of
ISO hen? and
and sold to .the store-1
market price ever
He has reeer'ly pur'
r rc'.-i el. wh ie 1 co- 1 :
offering eg-s for bate
ing from his
r hurn'.re 1.
in he is g?'
: of frteen.
while :
t:r :
1 hoc;
or u
.( f
't t
of the'
i. :.
re-ei ,!''.
il-.h b
School :7:tes
.a:I a drill
f Li-:: i In. crm
. v a ' ' -, : '
r a
ni te i i '
o.r t
I re;
:l :
.: rorr
of (1 Mar
a com-:-.i;
g i . . -clot
t e d
'. r !
a ir ,
t : e ;
: i 'v.
i'il) .
e h.tirr'
mi? t :
: irtna i ee
c - r n
and :
!.'? T'i'is c
ft n;l r. i"
El-ie I'ul,
ordn v.
Curtis F.
?r! M-ire-1:
i their p:
Ives wire
absent from school
in. l-ster Lcntr anu
ro le vp to Mr. Sporer's
lies .e ' see the li'tie
. wt found near here
a few
Tb.e ttii)i!s
to vfsit our
and were ve
.M r.
r v
).d 1
it i tie .-a ay,
oiu ted whrii
1 to
Mah.-l How.
"a n 1
Ijbert H .r-
".V's Seven P ;Vs"
Sil I.r ;l:am" 1
last week.
Blanche Scot ten
ard are expecting
mouth the lost of
"Madame X."
Kathleen Tihon
rrn Nebraska t'i:
sorry to lose Ka
Mora Ren vis T
. V ; V S
and Mabel How
to go to Piatt s
tbe week to ecg
I -.-en
to noith
We are
from our
eitel ourt
school Monday.
Margaret Dietl av
the home of Marie
and Sunday.
? a
visitor at
f;Iad to welcome Donna-
belle Edmiten to our school. She is
in the seventh grade-. !
Violet Vallery of Plattsmouth
visited the High school and gram
mar room last lueuay. t
.iaoie ana mancne m'oi
ten spent Surdav in Piattsmouth.
The rauh-L. and
which the members
class planted in the
time ago, are coming
lettuce seeds j
of the Science'
hot bed some
up nicely.
Clara Mrasok and Hazel Davis
visited at tie home of Mabel and
Gladys Aold Sunday.
During the laboratory periods
Monday and Tuesday the class- in
Science made the apparatus for
building a fire as the L'oy Scotrts do
when they have no matches. Leera
Faris made- the hand socket; Mar
garet Diet! mnde the bew; Lloyd
Leyda made the lire block and spin
dle. The others gathered the tin
der. Each tcok turns in trying to
produce the fire. The result was a
great deal of smoke and a little
Lincoln, Feb. 2S. An appeal will
be taken to the United S'ate- "su
preme co.trt by the Nebraska raill
way commission from the temporary
injunction granted the seven rail
roads in the federal court at Omaha
February 21, restraining the state
body from interfering with increas
ed passenger and freight rates au
thorized by the interstate commerce
The carriers put the new passen
ger rate, o.G cents per mila into ef
fect immediately . upon obtaining
the injunction and the higher freight
rates wiil go into effect some time
this week.
Washington, D. C. March 1 Hope
for the recovery of Representative
Champ Clark was abandoned today
ty his physicians.
The democratic house leader and
former speaker, who is ill with Paul ,H. Roberts and wife of Ce
pleurLy and a complication of other dar Creek, who have been here visit
diseases, remained in a comatose ing with relatives and friends, de
state most of the morning and ap- pirred this morning for Omaha for a
parently was Icais ground. short time before returning home.
siays Ccmai:ttee. Shoiiig Republican
vj-A'aii ijulo lit; xiiiics j
Washir.gtca. D. C, March 1 Cam
paign costs of e'T.-iing a president
of the United States, senators
congressmen in If--JO were $lo,2o8,-o'.-t'
us estimai,ed by the special sen
ate irr. estimating C'. mmittee which to
day fil-ci its repor: with congress.
(.K t;::- a mo tint repu l.-iicans Fpent
S .-..luo.TU. -a hile- d'.-mcratii: oxpon
r. Iture- were HUT, lo'K The com
; i'.;:i:'on loci, into account cnlj- the
txn'.nditure made by or in behalf of
republican and democratic presiden
tial candidates, and of national, state,
cor gr ssic nal. and "senatorial com
mittees of both parties.
Senators Kenyon, Iowa; Edge,
.now jersey, anu spencer. Missouri,!
republicans, and I'omerene, Ohio,
ard Reed. Missouri, democrats,
signed th? report, which v.-as unani-
: rating their conclu
expendilure oi these
prevent and growing
. i:.'tion." no recom-roRgres.-ional
o;:; that the sugges elect ions commit
con gress should con-
n tn
t '
.- mi?
,ce- to
loti -n
was m
te; o: t!.c
1:!: r the
uutst;on. Constitutioi
may intervene to prevent I
on t lie subject, the re-j
.in congress should "take
gilat ion
rt said.
pre per steps to submit" a constitu
tional amendment dealing with the
difficulty "if it i? found necessary."
While tbe J-trge sr. sum" of cam-;
pu ' -'n fxn:-dirur--' f;mnd were those
' t'- -a ''-";' I vr-.itr :-ai n rh
; i,
:iim te;
s r.oiy.i
rcou' iican party and $1.-
7i for the democrats, candi
who sought pre idential ncmin-
frem the : nventlons aeceun:-
a n.tul of ?2.S60.033.
or General Leonard V.'cod'- ef
i s'-euie t',-e republican r.e-niina-
ir. .-'"c-: expe"di:urc of 51,-th--
--."mm it tee f r.ur.d. while
O. Lo
u n
the total was Coli
Horl.ert H'ov-
: i :
1 "4 Cm'O : f or
c -; - ;. n p n i e r
i'o':i:nr ?! Vo.0'1-0.
:r. u ri in 1 eh; if of o'
I're s:d'-n-cU-c:
Lxptr, 'ilture
her republican
500 for Senator
c a n inlates were i
t'uodexter. Washington; ?
for Vice President-elect Coolid:
'3.flijs) f,,r Dr. Nicholas :
liuth'r of Mew York.
.-t:orney General Palmer led
ocratic candidates in cxpendi
the amount being fixed at
itio vh-:I- Governor Cox, who
::d the rmfnaiton. srent $2?,
James V.". Gerard, ferme- r.m
rdor to Germany, was listed at
0''O. nod Senator Owen. Okla
a.'ar $$.?.?'. Two candidates in
If of wiiom no money was found
i: .1
been spent were William G.
democrat. and Senatcr
.rue. republican. Maryland.
S' me:h$r;g over STio.t) ;0 of the
:1 w.-nt into senatorial and con---lonol
contests, the- committ.'
of which only J"l.r0C was
liv uemo; raiie- nuticixal crgani-
.at:or. crer.ted for tb.e purpose. The
republican congrc-s-ionril committee
;:pen- ?J7r..699. while the G. O. P.
natcrial organization spent $326,-
i SO.
Through stat? committees, the re
piTt said the republicans spent $2,-
TS.S60 against ?SS,323 for their
; oemoeratic ce mnctitors.
Washington, D. C. March 1.
There was a sharp falling oil in Eu
ropean 'trade in January and a re
duction in the volume cf trade with
South America.
A trade review issued today by
department of commerce show
ed that exports to Germany decreased
nearly $10,000,000, as compared
with December, and imports from
that country nearly $1,000,000. The
export figures were $4S.S62.000 and
thf total imports. $4,630,000.
Exports oi $110,802,000 to Great
Brhain compared with $13S, 550,000
the month before, and imports were
- 17,437,000, compared with 19,304,
000. Exports to France were $35,825,
000. against ?3S.011.000 in Decem
ber, and imports $10,012,000, as
r gainst $11,S95.000.
Exports to Italy wererft29,35C.OOO, 1
as against $31,944,000 the month be-I
fore, and imports were $3,335,000
compared with $4,GSS,000. j
Experts to Spain were $14.965,000,,
as against $17,019,000, and imports'
were $2,499,000, against $3,031,000.
Exports to Brazil wce $14,128,
000, against $19,239,000. and im
ports, $9,712,000, against $9,539,000.
Exports to Chile in January were f
$f .J-S5.000. as against $7,362,000,'
and imports $S, 041, 000, against
S7.29 000.
Exports to Argentim were $2 4.
' :o -rr.T. t- $-??.f0'?.0ff
d imports $.",730,000, as compared
v.!" $9. 454, 000.
Expert? to Uruguay were $2.SS9,
000, comoared with $3,218,000, and
imports were $978,000 against $756,
CCO. Exports to Central America were
5S. 732. 000. as against $7,774,000,
ard yimnorts $1,607,000, against
Experts to Canada amounted to
?Z1, 369.000. as compared with $61,
C55.000. and imports $34,247,000, as
a.-ainst $59,506,000.
Exports to Cuba were $4C,405,000,
as against $45,357,000. and imports
$12,970,000, as against $10,799,000.
Pure bred Rhode Island Red eggs
for hatching. 75c for 15. Phone
5S4-W. C. II. Lewis. f24-12d,2w
Prominent Nebraska Attorney Known
rt nv-T Per,r,1e
Passes Away Sunday.
Frank T. Ransom, well known at
torney for the Union Stock Yards
comnanv in South Omaha, legislator
nd politician, died Sunday nitht af
ter a long uiness, ageu iiv years.
M.r. Ransom was born in St. Jo
seph. Mo., where- he first practiced
lav.-. later at Nebraska City and still
later in Omaha since 1SS9. In 1SS
he was a member of the lower house
from Otoercounty and in 1SSS of the
state seirkie from the same county.
Since removing to Omaha he served
three terms in tha state senate in
1896, 1&03 and 1908. j
Mr. Ransom was known to quite
a number cf Plattsmouth people in
earlier days when he resided at Ne
braska City. During his service in
! the state legislature he opposed all
sumptuary legislation, advocated all
measures in the interest of the peo-i
pie and opposed measures in the in-;
terest of the- privilege classes.
He introduced and procured the
passage of many laws in the interest
of the people, amcng .them the value
iooizea .or ;t
th'r.k :t vou
Now ii the time to paiat a::U '
in all colors anu the best quality.
Have you started the garden yet
Seeds? Why, yes, in package anci
anJ all kinds. Sure, we hav e f,a.ccix
HARNESS ? Sure, the best a:
afford to pay. Come and see. Col.
?iS we.i.
IMPLEMENTS and Farm Machinery
and you won't have to pay the
either. Anything you want in
We also maintain a brand;
Machinery line at Plattsmouth in cr.n
sole. See us for prices and delivery
VI. t
ft fcdta
Have the Best
we ouy our Duiioing
and carry came in stock at cur j'ards. The prices have
been adjusted to meet the lower level of farm products.
The farmer can now build on an ecuitable basis.
Out of town firms have to adci,a loading and local
freight charge of from $50 to $75 per car extra lo
their prices. We save you that and also you are no',
requirea to take mere than y ou need to fill your c r.
Come, see the goods at the yard; make your'ss
lection, get estimates, pricej and plans.
We are here to give the best service.
Banning Sk fSickies,
MURRAY -:- -:-
S& Jarvis
Jarvis Lancaster is offering the following goods at
very attractive prices, and those who are needing such
article will find it to their advantage to zee him.
One Ottawa 'C" cylinder corn sheller; one Excel
sior motorcycle; one Reeves saw mill in good condition;
one Chalmers six, 1917 model auto in good condition;
one Reo truck (1917 model) in
1916 model Ford tourinsr car.
Specials a! fa Srvisa $vzx.
Here is an opportunity lo save sor..e Ot Li-.t ::.t i;
by making purchases at cur store. Money is not any
too plentiful just now and you should make it go as
far as possible.
We have a new line of the latest in oxfords. See
them; they w-ill please yrou.
We are still making a 10 per cent reduction on
shoes and rubber goods.
Latest in Ginghams, Percales and Muslins now on
sale at 25 cents per yard.
A fine line of men's dress shirts. See them.
We carry a most complete stock of staple groceries.
Sugar is now $10.00 per cwt. Better lay in a supply at
once, against a probable advance in the near future.
F. T,
the insurance
: ;-d to p.iy ;. --.tatvi
in t!
r. 1 ior.S, 1 l
rc-:il estate; u
jolicifs in i::ie oi t''
the insurance is unon
law prohibiting the r.ivii:
; to o..:n r.-i
stre- r:. i'-
In cities of free pr..i. e on
ways, tree gas, :r
free teh phones ;;r.d
e el-ctric li-hi .
free watt r; al.-o
a law designating t! e ilr:
t .
; o:
to 1
in September as a ho!;
known is "Labor Day." etc.
During his reshV-nce in Otoe and
Douglas counties Mr. Rerasom has
been engaged in mapy important
law suits of interest t the pc d '
of the state.
?::ilip:h:L'3 ash pop.
93 axeiuca:; xza
V;. -bit-iitou. Fi-lj. i'T. i'hv Philip
pine bui aa if . lut . ' 1 n il. ru.- ' 'j
American . 'hool teacher.. : r t i,c
next school year, the .:r depart
ment In.eau of iusiih-.r uoairs has
announced. Eighty (,f tlf teachers
are wanted for high school work, at
salaries ranting from ?'l,."iOo t
S 1,8 (0 a year, with an addition;,;
bonus of 1T
tatio:: to the
A t v ij-yj;! r
per cent
out ract
is repaired.
Per S;.le.
v inr'-c Di:?-i-c Jt r.'y bi.;r.i :
ilso bred gilts.
Albert Young, rMurrav, Xtb.
f-S my -
" lime
Diii oi ai:
j a
t prices
and svsc.
now o;
thii line.
T 1
imp '.cm
matei-iais rrcm nrr. nana:,
; from fir.rt hm
at Once!
condition; one
t '-
fT rv"2
policy law by which
companies are o :w, "
damages the amount .
-- - -"" ' 1