PAGE FOTTR PLATTSHOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOTTEKAI THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1921. 0)s plattsmouth lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATISMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Fostofflce, Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mail matter R. A. BATES, Publisher ii. m . , , - . - , i . TT SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Astronomers have discovered a new "sky tramp." Tell him to move on, officer. :o: Will future generations be known for whiskered tonsils caused by drinking hair tonic? :o: Perhaps some of the girls wear rouge to hide the fact that they have lost the art of blushing. :o:- Voliva says the world is fiat; New Yorkers insist it is a long street lined by electric lights. :o: Revise the old warning. Make it: "Lips that touch rouge-stick shall never touch mine." :o: If professional reformers were paid so much per reform, fewer of them would be in the business. -:o:- The man who has a lot of opinions and like to express them is likely to make a bofe of himself. :o:- Headline says "Wilson helps move to new home." You know how much help a man is on moving day. o: Contentment is all right in its peace, but dissatisfied folks are the ones who keep things moving. :o: Uncle Sam has the credit for win ning the war if you understand ex- actly what's meant by "credit". :o: If you want to scare a plump wo man half to death weigh her on some junkmen's selling scales. :o: They are again fighting the buU in Mexico, but in this country throw ing it is the great national sport. -:of- In spite of everything that is be ing done to prevent it, most folks seem to be having a pretty good time. :o: Prohibition may be said to be ef fective when a man does not need lo chew a clove before going home to his wife. -:o:- Twenty per cent cut in wages with a 60 per cent job will probably be more welcome to a lot of persons than idleness. :o:- The housing problem will be solved when a man feels that he can move out because his neighbor plays the saxophone. :o: If that woman's party carries out i its plans it will be necessary for the men to form a union in order to se cure political equality. :o:- The congressional session is draw-i ing to a close. It is high time for the members to shut off one kind of gas and step on another. :o: Next time you see a woman pow dering her nose it will remind you of the fact that $50,000,000 was spent on that kind of decorating in 1919. :o: Without posing as an expert in such matters, we decline to believe that a corset injures a woman's health unless she wears her lungs in her hips. -:o:- Old Doc Bryan again offers his well known nostrum's to cure the ills of the democratic party. We have refused Bryan's medicine so often that it does look like he would get tired of prescribing it. Lib'erty! Keep yourself posted on the the facts by subscribing to ILa,Ibor 66 A National Weekly Newspaper It is not conducted for profit and does not accept paid advertisements of any kind. Largest circulation of any weekly paper published in (J. S. A. Leave your subscription with Attorney C. E. Mar tin, Plattsmouth, Neb. Yearly Rate $2.00 What was the matter with General Wood for secretary of the navy? :o: Women may replace men in the world of work, but when it comes to hoboing the male has a monopoly. :o: The business of living at peace with your neighbors is entirely too dull a life for many a person. :o: A woman may be president some day, but there is nothing to be gain ed by worrying over it. :o: Death and taxes are classed as cer tainties, but a man can pay the debt of nature with one check out. -:o: Many a man is not so much afraid that others will lie about him as he is that they will tell the truth. ;o: All that the pestering reformers need to do to start something is to wink an eye a bit unnaturally. o:o Lenine has been reported dead a number of times, but Villa has the advantage in losing several legs. :o: Efforts to dislodge Mr. Lodge from the senate leadership will be of no avail.' He's simply lodged there. :o: A man who married eight women J complains that Sing Sing is lonely; golly, you'd think he'd be glad of the seclusion. :o:- The man who is anxious to know what the public thinks of what he thinks will make a better politician than statesman. o:o The time seems to be nearing when successful business men may be able to tell how they start as humble bootleggers. . :o: Speaking of profiteering, what about the value placed by the women who sues another for alienating her husband's affections? -:o:- The motion picture producers do not want any censorship that will interfere with giving the public what it is willing to pay for. o:o IfWill Hayes becomes postmaster general it is hoped he will use a better quality of mucialege on the envelopes sold to the public. :o: , Egg prices indicate that the frugal hen is willing to accept a cut in wages and make an honest effort to work her way back to normalcy. The report that Pres:. Jent-elect Harding is going to keep an alliga tor on the White House lawn may be a clever plan to discourage office seekers. :o:- A statement of the National City Bank of New York, says that coal exports from the United States is against $169,000,000 In 1919, and $92,000,000 in the year before the war. :o:- The seventh annual state high school livestock judging contest will be held at the college of agriculture April 2. Plans are being made to entertain between thirty and forty high school teams of three boys each. Most of the teams will come from consolidated Smith-Hughes schools teaching agriculture, but the ton test is open to all high schools. Justice! issues of the Day. Get 99 GOT 150 EGGS FROM TWENTY-EIGHT HENS Four Months Loafers Now Laying Regularly "I wish to praise Dr. LeGear's Poultry Prescription to poultry rais- jers. I have 2S hens and had no i esfgs from them for over 4 months. 'After feeding them two packages of : your Prescription, I gathered twelve 'and one-half dozen. This is a posi Itive fact and I advise all poultry ! raisers to use Dr. LeGear's Poultry Prescription if they wish their hens to law." Miss Carlina Freeman, Harriston, Miss. You can also make profitable layers out of loafers by getting Dr. LeGear's Poultry Prescription from your dealer and using it as directed under Dr. LeGear's satisfaction or money-back guarantee. It is a tonic which builds up the strength ' and vitality of hen3, without overstimu Iating or injuring egg producing or gans. Dr. L. D. LeGear Med. Co., St. Louis, Mo. Dealers everywhere. Sold in Plattsmouth by Bestor & Swatek. m3. UNION ITEMS (Union litems continued from page 3) suffered a stroke of paralysis a short time ago. Mrs. llobb, as well as the remainder of the family appreciated the beautiful gift and also the kindly feelings expressed. They feel that the time for such manifestations is when one can appreciate them. Wreck Interested With Services. There were no services at the Methodist church last Sunday on account of the wreck of the Mis souri Pacific which prevented the minister, the Rev. A. C. Bonham of Council Bluffs, from getting here. Rev. Bonham v4ill, however, con duct services both in the morning and evening at the church the coming Sunday to which all are cordially in vited to attend." Woman's Home Missionary Society. Ths Woman's Home Missionary So ciety met last Wednesday at the home of Miss Nellie Brantlet and were en tertained by this lady iu a most plea sant manner. The afternoon was oc cupied by the study of the Jesson from the magazine which is especial ly edited for this society. The lead er was Miss Jessie Todd - and the meeting was enjoyed by all. A CHAIN OF REASONING To be successful in business must be an indefatigable worker, be able to work indefatigably you Tq you must take care of your health, ing the right care to yourself sically, you will not waste your en ergy and strength and you will re pair the unavoidable wear and tear by taking the best tonic possible. Its name? Triner's Angelica Bitter Tonic. Mr. Frank Smith wrote us from Lamira, Ohio, Nov. 26, 1920: "I do not feel such a fatigue at work since I am taking Triner's An gelica Bitter Tonic." This tonic, as well as Triner's Bitter Wine are the most reliable remedies you can get at your druggist or dealer in medi cines. For rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, sprains, swellings, etc., try Triner's Liniment, and in case of throat incarnations gargle with Trin er's Antiputrin which is also a high ly efficient antiseptic for cleaning wounds, ulcers, etc. Joseph Triner Company, 1333-45 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. ru3. SAYS RENTERS ARE NOT CO-OPERATING Lincoln, Net., March 1. Repre sentative Harry Foster of Omaha feels that there is much inconsistency in mankind. ' Foster spent the week-end in Oma ha and declares that he received a pat on the back from every renter in Omaha and a word of encouragement such as this: "Go to 'em, Harry, givemell" moaning the landlords. But that is as far as it goes, say.-? the chairman of the new house in vestigating committee which would delve deep into the allegel skeleton closet of the rent situation and while every one is willing that he should fight hard, there are none who will help out. Four letters have been received by Foster on the investiga tion. Three of these came from per secuted renters and one from a land lord who claims that he is equally persecuted by people who won't pay thrir rent. If the information doesn't come from the renters, Foster admits, there would seem to be little need for an investigation upon a matter about which both parties seem to be so thoroughly satisfied. FOR SALE. Pure bred large single comb White Leghorn cockrels, 3 for $5.00, or $2.00 each. Heavy laying strain. LOUIE F. HENNINGS, R. F. D. No. 1 Cedar Creek, Neb. i:TIMTK OK KXPKKK FOH CASS COl'.Vn, -MOIIHAMiA tit ate of Nebraska. 1 ss. County of Cass J I. t!o. I:. Hayles, County Clerk of Cass rounly, hereby certify that tin County Ho.m-i! at the regular meeting held on th- tltli day f Januarv, A. I . 1921. mailc the following "Kstimate of KxiM-nw" for tin; year 1921. an re quired by law: General fund $ 7.",0OO.H0 Bridge fund 06.000.00 Bridge fund (enierg'ncy s 1 4. (. no Load fund SH.0'M).'J Mother' Pcnsien-f tmd . . .mm.) Old Soldiers Belief fund 1.00O.00 TOTAL . . .I'OS.000.00 Witness my hand and the seal of my olfice at Plattsmouth, Nebr.. this 2rd day of February. A. f. 1921. UKU. K. SAYLK.S. (fc'eaO mU-iw. County Clerk. NOTICE OF SI IT TO Ql'IET TITLE. To John W. Hain and Ha in. llrst real name wife; George Tlifmas Tliomas. his wife; Mnrv .Mrs. John W. unknown, his and Siflriev M. Alexsniler and William Si. Alexander, her hus iKtml; Daniel I.. Thomas and Amanda C. Thomas, his wife: C-e. W. Thomas and Mrs. Goo. v. Thomas, first real name unknown, his wife: John Q. . Thomas and llr?. John O,. Thomas, first J real name unknown, his wife; William ' Lockwood and Klizabeth Lorkwood, his wife: and the heirs, devisees, legatees and personal representative oi each of the foregoing named per sons iind all other persons interested in the estates of each and every one of said persons, real names unknown; and the South half IS1) of the South west quarter (SW'U) of Section thirty, five (35), in Township thirteen (K! North of Kange twelve (12) Kast of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Cass county, Nebraska, and all persons clciminr: any Lit or est of any kind in said real estate of an' part thereof, iHl names unknown, Defendants: You and eacli of ou are hereby notilieu that on the 2Cth dav of Feb ruary. A. 1). 1921, Alpha C. Peterson, as plaintiff, filed Per petition in the District Court of Cass county, Ne- liniska, against you and ach of you 'as defendants, the object and prayer of said petition being: to quiet the title oi' the plaintiff in anil to the real estate (above described, and that the defen- jdants in said cause may be decreed to ; no estate, title, claim or interest of any kind or nature in T to paid r- al estate or any part thereof, and that the defendants in said cause and e:u-h of them may be forever barred and enjoined from bavin;? or claiming any right, title, estate or interest in or to said real estate or any part then of, and for such other relief as ni.'v be just and equitable. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the J ltii day of April. A. I. 1921. alpha c. pktkkson. By A. G. COLK. f"N-iw. Her Altornev. . xoTicn ok ni:.iu; I'etltlnn fr Determination of 1 let infill. Instate of Oeortje Swift, deceased, in the County Court of Cass county, Ne braska. The State of Nebraska. To al! per sons interested in said estate, creditors and heirs take notice, that John F. Wolff has filed his petition alleging that George Swift died intestate in Cass county, Nebraska, on or about Sep tember 21, lSl. beinjr a resident and ir.ha bitant of Cass county, Nebraska, and the owner of the following- de scribed real estate, to-wit: Ten acres oil rf east end of hot two (.' in Section tw..lve (l'J, Township twelve 12) N.. Kano e'even (11) I., and described as follows: Commencing at the center of Section 12. Township 12 N.. Iianpre II K., thence west 3 ebains and 10 links, thence north 2-1 chains and 33 links, thence north 22 V. decrees east down the bank of the I'latte river S chains and y0 links, thence south 'J'i chains and SO links to the !aceof bevrinnintr, in county. Nebraska, beinjj now known, as Tax hot 15: leaving as bis sole and only heirs at law the follow-in:; named persons, to wit: Amelia Swift, widow; Hirdie Vorc-a:i. daughter and Annie Horn, daualiter, and praylne: for a dceree barrinir claims; tiiat said decedent died intestate: that no application for rd miristration has been made end the ei-tat e of said ib cedent has not been administered in the Stale of Nebraska, ar.d that the heirs at law f said de cedent a.s herein set forth shall be decreed to be the owners in fee simple of the above described real estate, which has been set for hearimr on the 3fth day of March, A. Ii. 1921. -vt 10 o'clock a. m. Dated at IMattsmouth, Nebraska, this 2tth dav of Februarv, A. 1. 19tM. AI.LKN J J5KKSON. f2S-2w. County Jude. .OTIfK TO III-:iITIlS Tl j- State of Nebraska. Cass coun ty, ss. In the Countv Court. In the matter of the estate of Henry M. Miller, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I 'will sit at tiie County Court room in Platts mouth. in said county .on the 2!'ih day of March, A. 1. 11)21. and on the 2!'th dav of June. A. 1). 1321, at 10 o'clock a. 111. each day, to receive ano examine all claims against y.-iid estate, with a view to their adjustment and allow ance. The time limited for the pre sentation of claims atrainst said es tate is three months from the 29th day of March, A. I. 192J. and the time limited or payment of debt is one v. ar from said 2!Uh day of March, 1-1 Witness mv band and the serl of said County Court this 26th day of February, l'J21. ALLliX J. 15KKSON. (Sea!) f2S-4v. County Jude. CONDEMN HIGH PRIC ED STOCK FOODS Prominent log Kaiser Says Prices Charged Are Unwarranted Hakes Eis Own Hog Food, With Better Results. "That he is all through paying fancy prices for stock foods and hog remedies and that he is raising some of the best hogs ever placed on the market" was the statement made re cently by K. H. Beckstead, well known hog raiser and authority on live stock. Mr. Beckstead's of his neighbors, the market" for Iowa. He states hoKs are the envy and have "topped several years in that for years he bought high-priced hog foods and hog femedies, but he is all through pay ii:g extravagant prices for what he can made .himself. He states that what the hogs need are minerals, and tells the secret of his wonderful suc cess by explaining that he takes about five rounds of ordinary mineralin? (which is pure concentrated minerals and cost only a couple of dollars) and mixes same with enough bran or filler to make a hundred pounds. All hogs, and especially brood sows re quire minerals as they keep them free from worms, and in the pink of con dition, and are essential to the hogs growth and a well balanced ration. This inexpensive mixture- placed In a sheltered box where the hogs c;r Ket at it as they need it, will produce far better' results than. -any high priced so-called stock foods. Send two dollars to The Minerallne Chemical Co., 1638 North Wells St.. Chicago, III., and the ywill forward you by prepaid parcel ; post, enough minerallne to make a ' full hundred pounds. (Adv.) FOR SALE OR TRADE Good improved forty acres, one mile east of Weeping Water. Posses sion March 1st. Hurry, for I don't keep these bargains long. Phone oOG. FRANK VALLEKY, Plattsmouth. iE PRICE J i WffZymrWi 3 and Sir.-. Joseph MoOr. -M-y. l is E ff'ff WMithyirT-f''ti i llrf:t and real name unknown: the S I I WJT.CSt "wf4ij5?t u:kno-.vji h. 1r.. devisee, b-toes, per I I V$&k 1 sonnI representative and all other OF ClttHES The price of our dry cleaning cuts down the price of clothes. Dainty Dorothy scys thai she has found cut that we take most excellent care of the gar ments entrusted to us and that car charges should rr.aka friends for this house. Our dyeing proves satisfactory, as v.'e use the latest approved methods and the best dyes. " f t. j jj it Goods Called for and Delivered PJtONE oppc: ilTC OFFICE lIIDKll TO the SIMMV CAISK Court of Cass coun- I In 11, eras k a. i In the matter of j Jl. 15. Witiuham,. i j Her use to sell rea! I Now, on this ,"rd the apr Iication of idmrnisirator. fin es tate. i!ay of February, ! A. I . 1921, this cans- came en for Shearing upon the pi.-tiiion. under oath , of I:. Ii. Windham, administrator of I l! e estate of "Jir-vo l)'.-n Windham, de 'ceasid. praying lor license to sell the t fi.tii.w:nn (! i-eril.i'd real estate ol said .:! 1 e:i Vindh;:ni. defeated, to-wit: j I.i-t nine 1 9) in LSIm-l: !ive t ." 1 in the ottninal town ol i'iattstnouth, Cass coiiiit;-, Nebraska. :is the ' same is s! own on the pu'dishi-d and roeurded plit thereof, and :i:i undivided one tenth iliOt intrst in the following-, described tracts: The South hair S'. ) of the Northwest quarter N V 1 i ) an-1 ll.i; North half N'2) of the Southwest rparter (SW'i) and the Southwest, jrarter (SW': of the Soutiwest quar ter (SW'i), all in Section two 2: and tie South half (S.) of the Southeast quarter (SKi of Section three ("). all in Township live (.". North of l:ani?e t;fte n (13). east of the 0th Principal Meridian, Nemaha couniy, N( 'oraska, or a suil'ieietit timet. nt thereof to brin ti e sum cf !.2e').n f .r Cie payment . of debts a' lowed j,,si!iist said, estate,: frvl allowances tind costs of admiris-j tratii.n. for tiie reaf-o:i that there is not ii sufiiete-it amount of persontilj prii'n t ty in tiie possession 'of said 15. It. Wi:i.l!iam, administrator, beloniiiiif j to said istate, lo lay said debt-;, al- lowaiii-cs and costs. ' It is therefore ordered th:it all per- ; sons interest in Friil estate appear 1 before me at chambers in the City of j i'l.-ittsmoutli, in said countv. on the; 10th day of March, A. 1. l'.21, at the' hour of in o'clock . in., to show cause, if any there be. whv a license should not be granted to said 11. II. Windham, Idminisiiator, to sell so mr.?h of tiie above described real estate of said de- j cident as shall be necessary to pay j said debts and expenses. , It i.-? further ordered that a copy of; this order be serv art upon all persons inttrestert in said estate by causing! tiie km me to be p.i bl isiied once each week for four successive weeks i, the 1'ki t tsn:i-u th Journal. a lecral news paper printed, published and circulat ing in said count- of Cass. Nebra.-vka. JAX'KS T. UKiW.KV. Tii.l-. ,.r tl.n hiclri.-t l,-.T,-l ..f ' fT-Iw Cass county, Nibraska. oitiH:it (ir m:itiNb I'clKIoii for A oin(iJ.eiit il;i i iilrlri v. State of Ntluaska, Cass of The State ot Atluaska, Cass coun tv. ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Anna W'b !:imin a Mitmm, d .eased. On readinnr a:d filing th.e prtition of I'et'.r Montm jrjiyiiiff that ndr.iinis t rat ion of sa'd estaie may b- tfi'anti-il to Clara r.b'i'.un, ;'.s a d m i n is ti ;s 1 1 i x : Ord red, That the Mh day of Ma-.ili, .. 1 . i:)Jl, at ten o'clock a. ri., is as sisted lor bearin.'-r said petition, whin f.ll jiersons j-ittre.ted in said matter may appear ft a County Court to fte held in ar.d for .-aid County, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not lo Ktantcd; and that notice of the pendeifcy of said petition and the hearirtf thereof be e;jVet to till persons inloreMed in said matter by publishinjf a copy of this order in the l'lattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said couiity, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearinjf. Dated this lltli day of February, A. I-. 1921. ALLEN J. IJKKSON. (Seal) fll-ow. tJounty J ude. uiiukk of ii:;.i;i; Iintl iot!re- of I'sobijle In the County Court of or wm Cass coun- ty. No bias ka. State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. To decree Paine, Witlbim P. Pain.-. Nettie Ouilcs, formerly Ida Paitie, and to all persons interested j,, the estate of lanma Hatiia -a y, d'-ceased: On readintf the petition of Sylvester C. Hathaway prKyinw that the' in.rti-u-ment tiled in this court on the llth day of February, 15)21, and purport ing to be the last will and testament of the said dec-eared, may be proved and allowed, and recorded as the last will and testament of Km ma Hatha way, deceased: that said Inst rumen b.? admitted to probate, and the admtnis- j tratton or sain esiaie no granted to Sylvester C. Hathaway as executor; It is hereby ordered that you, and all persons interested in said matter, may, and do appear at the County Court to be held in and for said coun tv. on the r. 1 1 1 day of March, A. I . 1321, at 1):01 o'clock a. 10., to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be grunt ed, and that notice of the pendencv of said petition and that the hearing thereof be jriven to all persons Inter ested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the i'la t t.smoitih Journal, a semi-weekly in-wspn per printed in. said county, for three suc cessive weeks prior to, said lii-y of hearing. Witness my band, and Hie seal of said court, this llth day of February, A. Ii. 1U21. ALLKN J. P-KKSON. (Seal) fl7-w. County Jud -.e See the Journal's line of dkries before buying yours for 1921. i 32EEE3 i.r:Gr, notice .District Court of Cass coun-ska. l ib, islir.l, IMaintif. vi. 'uMi-y t al, iK-lendants. defendants, Joseph SIcCreary wife. Known litis:-, devisees, legatees, per sona 1 representatives and all other !T:nrs interested in the estate of Sirs. Josph Mc 'rea ry, deceased: Oran S. Thompson s-nd Kel.ecca. 1. Thomp son. I is wife; the unknown heirs, devi st c . I' Katees, persona! representatives and all ether persons interested in the estate- of Oran S. Thompson, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, leir.itees, I'-is'inn! representatives and all other r :011s iriterc.--td in the estate of .Uebecea J!. Thompson, uasrd: Julius .'ch feeder and Mrs. Julius Schroeder, 1 is v. iff. fir: t and ruii r;;iiJio unknown; ti e u;i!;;i ::: n heirs, devisees, letvaiees, pers ma! rt preventatives and ::11 other p roiiis ;;'eiv.-u d i:i the estate of J'.ilUs :-v! re, i-, deceased ; the un kn.1v.11 heii.-, devisees, legatees, per son -1 r . .reenta t i ves an. I all other persons ,,, -rested in the estate of Mrs. 'ntit:-5 .'rr.eiier,- deceased: Kmil Sin i 10 r j:id Kmil Shriller, his wife, ('.; I 'ai-! j-ea ! nam unknown: the un Kniiwu Is ir.:, di-visi es, legatees, per sorial i 1 re.-entatives and all other pers i:s interested in the state of Kmil Shriller, deceased; the unknown heir1--, devisees, legatees, personal 1 p-res-i -n ta 1 i v- s rind other persons In- ter-vtiii in the estate of Mrs. Kmil : ! - Murphv i l.u.-band ; legatees, J" i ee;,s,-.i: t !l- ' t I !', II oi hi r t;i?e 1 dee. .-i:-eil ; Kli.abeth Irene r:r:d J-V; ward H. Slurphv, her t! unknown heirs, devisee-". personal P'-rsoiis ; :i:v.a'eth u-.kni personal 1" rsnns i .dward K reprcs' ntatives and nti n-?tci! 111 t lie s-I:-.-ue MiKldiy, de- i v. n heirs, devisees, represent;! t ives and nt er st "i i n the s- . M'urphy, deceased; .lain-:' biz '! ("bit'oi 1 5 i ! I i : j and -Mrs. Ja- i:t hi 1 ; 1 ! 1 1 11 us, .his wife, lirst and r a 1 !::; heirs, b ri-: -"l.-i t Tl I ested lilinir:-, ann- unknown; ti-vi.-C" s, I e tea tees. the unknown personal rep- ves and all oilier persons m in the estace of Jabez Clinton d-ceascd; the unknown helrf. d' 1 iv e, i and satees, personal representa .!! ot!ier persons interested ite of Mrs. Jabez Clinton cased: Klla Maria Snencer in the us !;il!in-s. e and Allen unknown eneer, her husband; the rs. devisees, lesratees. per- sonal repre. entat ivi-s and all other ;. rsons inte'-i sl'-d in tl:-- estate of Klla ..!.:!.,; Spe'.p-er, dt ceased; )i ir--, 1. '-isees. b rratees. !(-' i:t:ii;vt-s and ail othi. ti rested in the istate of the unknown personal rep r persons in Al'en Spencer, i e rise':: Craeje l-;rlin. J.uper, also 1-. . ( Ii - tin ! .1 n- ilrace I1 Copeland and 'opela ml her husband; the 1, ;-. d- isees, b v.tat iv, s a:i r. .-led in tl tit.- I.upcr a's ipehir.d. ibcea: -, de isei -. It r-r. til t : c." a v isuti i t, Jier 1 all other : 'state of known as ed: the un . atees, ;.i r 1 ail other e estate of ial r 1 n iCi:1 i rerr 'ii.; intf -e I'. r j'.,'-- Tc. r ::ul ti-.v ti-.l !: r. i:i tb j f.-i-a s e 1 d.-i " ine ; -or-re r?U!ii-.-n, UtMinws; h':ratei-;. :1! other -1 r. ' e of s.d; the ci.'kd lllle :i?-l c ' I: : I.i b. in ilece.i iea t 1 1 1 1 1 es, per- : t: tid till other -tate of .Mln- d Add-e VV Sampson and wife, first and t!.e ncknown perso'ial rep- is i n 1 1 ! b!!:l.:s. lil'l-e:' S .fwis S; ed in t! .'so ;:!1 : Lewis ; son. ids : me ! i ! ::s r. -i! he;r: iiani'1 unknown; devisees le;;:'.tei' -' sci)'ati ( s iih!. tensti-d in the e all ctiior persons iii--tatv of Lewis Sanp- sun. deceased; the unknown I ('.--; , P ateer. personal represe ei rs, nta- tr d a.l t ot::ir prisons interested of Mrs. Lewis fam'.son, -ed : t'.e unknown turners and un- iv. ii 1 ;i:i::iaiits of that part of frac- j ru! Vots 7 and (jS In the South 1 : i- b: !'" (S'. ) of the Sjothwest quarter j SW'.,) of Section eighteen 1S). Town-! ship twelve (12). North of Itutite l'o;:r-i ti-en (11-, east of the tit'.: P. M. in C;.ss c-otnt . Nebras'j. be In if more pi.rticu--!;;: !y desi-ribed as follows: Comment--i i: -T at the norflK-ast corner of Lot' si v-seven Ou) in the S'uitli ha'f bS'.il ' of tl;p Southwest quarter (S':,1 of Section eighteen 1S, Town; hip twelve (12). Tinn r. four'een (14). cast of the Gtii I. M.. thence running soutli ninety-s:- (Pfi) feet, tio-in-e west one hundred and sity ( Ifio ) feet, thence north, i:::.etv-six (Do) feet to the north line; of said Lot vixty-seven ), tliene t e:::t en said li;ie one hundred and sixty j (lib't fret to th.e place of beginning:; 1 t? at part o? fr.ict;-t?al Lots sixty-seven t (j") and sixty-. i ;i:t (t'.S) in tiie South I lrdf ! ( S V iS'-.t of the Southwest tpiarter , ) of Section eighteen (IS). Town .welve (12), North of liansfe four f. east of tiie Ctli I'. M.. in 'i!i:ty. Nebraska. b-inif more I si. i 1 1 ell ; c.--s.- i p.'1't i-u ia :!;.- described as follow.:; Com at the northeast corner of 11 T. L"t ( s -' - cinr sixt -seen it'i. in the South half ) of the Southwest quarter (SW'i) Sectoik eighteen (1st, Township el' Se e? ve 12i. lianfo fourteen. ( 14 ), Kast of tiie 6th 1. M., thence running jsou th ninety-six CO) feet; thence west one hundred and sixty (It!-,)) feet. thence :i: ith 11'nety-six i9t) feet to the north li ! cf said Lot sixty-seven (07), thence e: st on :-a:d line 1 ; 0 feet to the pla'-e cf ' e rinnin:; and all persons claiming aiv interc-t of any kind in said real icst-i':- or any part thereof: You cr.l each of you are hereby :t-tir.o:l that 0:1 le 31st day of Jaini a ; . :'21 ; i.iiiiti.T liied his suit in the .--! ri . t! qi: i -.-it of Castt cottnty, Nebras ol.iect mh! tiuriiose of whirli is r si -id erntirm plaintiff's title in ll ,t to that pa rt of fractional Lots nt -s veil ( 1. 1 . and sixt v-eb-iht (Si. in the Soutli let If (S,) of tlu-Sotlth-'v: : t op.-tt tci- (SW:i) of Si jon-ciL-'f i: Township twelve (12), North r i.' fourteen 4lt. east of the ith P. M.. in Cass county, Nebraska, hi in.-T mor-e particularly described as follows: Comnf.ncinpr at the northeast c rn -r i f Lot sixty-seven (tJT) in the S-m!i Jia'f SU) of the Southwest qt-Mter SW'4) of Section eighteen (is;, T'ownrhio t we've (12), Pange fourteen (11). east rf the 6th 1'. M., ti i-ncj runn::ig soutli ninety-six (U6) feet. tli'ne -.vest one hundred and sixty (lfi(i) feet, tlie:i-e north ninety-si- (!) feet- to the north line of said Lot si-;ty-:.e ven (;?), thence east on sc. id line one hundred and sixty (100) feet to the pLioe of beginning; and to enjoin each and till of you from having or claiming to have any right, title, lb 11 or interest, either legal or equit able, in or to raid real istate or any part thereof, and to enjoin you and each of you from in any manner in terfering witli plaintiff's possession and enjoyment of said premises, and for equitable relief. This notice is Kivcn pursuant to an order of the Court. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the Ist day of March. 1921, or your default will bo entered therein. JOSKPII LIBKKSHAL, Plaintiff. TIDD & DCXCL'IiV, f7-p.v. Attorneys. NOTll'K TO (Hi:i)ITIH(.S State of Nebraska, Cass The coun- ty. ss. In the In the scph M. Oounty CoufY-t. matter of the estate of Jo Kolierts, deceased, creditors of said estate: To the You art sit nt the 111 Ml) ll 111 hereby notified, that I will County Court room in Platts- said county, on the 7 Hi day of Mai eli. lftl, and the 7tli day of Jane, Oul. at 10 o'clock a. in., each day. to receive and examine all claims against said ' estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance-. The tiiiie limited for the presentation of claims ugainnt said estate is thrto months from the 7th day of March, A. I. i:l, and the time limited for . payment of debts is one year from said 7th day of March, 1921. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this JJlst day of January, 1921. , ; ALLKN J. BKESON, I ! (c'eal) X7-iw. County Judge. ' JVOTldK OF SUIT To Quiet Title to Ileal KMtnte In the District Court of Cass coun- ty, Nebraska. Mark White, vs. Plaintiff J App. Dock i'ase 2-19 'A Benjamin A. Gibsoni To the defendants, Benjamin A. Gib son: Wm. (J. Woodruff, real name un known; William Bates; Margaret J. Pates; James Bates; Mary Bates; Jo-s-pli Amick; Mary Ann Amick: Nancy C. Hobbs, widow; Abbie M. Gilmore, (me Hobbs): George T. tilmore; Bes sie A. Leggett. (nee Hobbs) widow; Tnne Mullen, (nee Hobbs); John Mul len; William I. Hobbs; Grace S. Hobbs; 'twin W. Hobbs: Kditii Hobbs; Syl-va-.iis L. Hawley; The unknown heirs, devisees, lega lecs, personal representatives and all i :.! persona interested in the estate of Lenjamin A. Gib.ton, deceased; The unknown . heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Wm. G. Woodruff, real name un itnov.n, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representatives and all i.;bi persons interested in the estate of William Bates, deceased: Tiie unknown heirs, devisees, lega tees, in r.:onal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of James Bates, deceased; Tiie- unknown heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Josepii Amick, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of liainbri.ige V. Hobbs, deceased; Tiie unknown heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate ci" .:by C. Hobbs, deceased; The unknown hi it s, devisees, lega tees, personal reprcsenlaiives and all other persons interested in the estate of Augustus Case, deceased: The unknown heirs, devisees, lega tees, personcl representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of K ve Gannon, deceased; The unknown heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Emily M. Brosius, (nee Brown) de ceased ; The unknown heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representatives and all f iber persons interested in the estate of Maggie Mann, (nee Brosius) de- cease d ; The unknown heirs, devisees, lega te s. personal representatives and all oth'-r persons interested in the estate of Kebecca C. Hawley, (nee Brown) deceased ; Tiie east h alf ( K bj of the southeast quarter (SL); ti e east half (K) of the northeast quarter NK4) of the northwest qua iter (NW'i) of the southeast quarter (SL1), known as Lot .t nty-nine 2!), in Section twenty-one (21); Government lots number ed erne (1) and two (2) of Section tv.i at v-seven (27); the northeast quar ter (NK'i) of the northeast tjuarter iNK'.): the south half (SVi of the northeast quarter (NK Ji ) and the north half (N'tA) of the southeast qrarter (SK'4) of Section twenty-eight t2. all iu Tov.-p.-iiip eleven (11). 1101th i.i Kange fourteen (14), east of the Sixtli P. M., in Cass county. Ne bi.ikKa, and ail persons claiming any interest of any kind in said real es tate or any part thereof: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the lth day of Febru ai -, 1921. the Plaintiff in the fore going entitled cause filed bis petition in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, wherein you and each ami all of you are made parties defendant, the object, purpose and prayer of which said petition is to obtain a tie tree from said court removing clouds from and quieting the record title to the following desc-ribed real estate in the Plaintiff, Mark White, to-wit: The east half CKVfe) of the southeast quarter (SK'i); the east half (Kvi of the northeast quar ter (NK'4 of the northwest quar ter (NW't, of the southeast quar ter tSK'.), known as Lot twenty nine 2t in Section twenty-one (21); Government leits numbered one (1) and two (, of Section twenty-seven (27): the northeast quarter (NK'i) of the northeast quarter (NKL) of Section twenty tight (2si; the south half Si 01 the northeast quarter (NK'4) and the north half (N) of the southeast quarter (SK'i) of Sec tion twent -eight (28), all in Township eleven (11), north in Kange fourteen (14), east of the Sixth 1. M., in Cass county, Ne braska as against you and eaeh of you, and to thereby exclude and f-njoin ytju and each and all of you from ever assert ing or claiming any estate, liKht. title, lien or interest therein adverse to I plaintiff or to any part thereof, by reason of plaintiff's adverse possession of said premises by himself and his grantors for more than ten years prior to the tiling of said petition, and to secure t lie cancellation by such de cree of a certain Mortgage Deed cover ing a part of said real estate, to-wit: Lot seven (7) in the northeast tjuarter (NK'i) of the southeast quarter (SK'4) of Section twenty-one (21), Township eleven (11) north, kange fourteen (14) east, given by one John Kutherford to the defendant. Benjamin A. Gibson, to secure payment of $70.00, dated Marcii 2nd. lssei, and recorded in Book "S," page o'46 of the mortgage records of scid county, for tiie reason that said mortgage appears to be a lien on said lot, though paid in full long since, and for such other and further relief as may lie just and equitable, and for costs of suit. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the llth day of April, 11)21. or your default will bo duly itered therein and a decree en tered as prayed for in said petition. MA UK WHITK. By Plaintiff. JOHN M. T.KYI) A, f21-lw His Attorney. IIKDCK OF HKIUING oa I'd I (Ion for A ppoiutmenT Administrator. of the Slate ot Nebraska, Cass coun State of Nebraska, Cass ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Kmily A. Tuey. deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Wm. H. Tuey praying that adminis tration of said estate may be granted to him as administrator: Ordered, that Marcii ISth, 11)21, at i) o'clock a. m., is assigned for bear ing sail! petition, when al! persons in terested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why tb prayer of petitioner should not ! granted; and that notice of the pen dency of said petition and the hear ing thereof be given to all persons in terested in said matter by publishing a copy of tli is order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a seml-weeklv newspaper printed in said county, for three suci. cessive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Dated February 13, 1921. ALLKN J. BKKSON. (Seal) County Judge, lb B. WINDHAM, f2l-w. Attorney. j i.KG.ti, coxier: ' To Pearl Conrad, Defendant: j You are hereby notified that on Hie i::th day of October, 19:20, Lawson Conrad filed bis petition and com menced an action against you In the 1 dst rict Court of Cass county, Ne Prasfta, the object and prayer of which is to obtain an absolute divorce from you upon the ground of extreme crueltv with.out provocation or fault upon the part of the plaintiff, and for tiie reason that the defendant has de serted the plaintiff for more than two yetirs without any just cause. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the 21st day of March, 1921. LAWSON CONRAD. flO-iw. Plaintiff, i ! We do all kinds or jot) printing.