The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 28, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1021.
Warren J. Linch of Lincoln, was
in town Monday.
Mi's Marie Bard spent Friday eve
ning in Lincoln.
Miss Anderson spent the week-end
at her home in Wyoming.
Mr; and Mrs. M. C. Keefer visited
relatives in Murdock Sunday.
Miss Aurel Foreman spent Friday
night and Saturday at home.
John Murtey shipped hogs Thurs
day evening to the South Omaha mar
ket. Mrs. Ella Prouty has moved uack
to her home in Alvo and will resile
Walter Skinner of Fremont, came
in last week to visit his sister, Mrs.
John Skinner, Walter Skinner and
E. D. Friend were in Lincoln Monday
Chas. H. Kirkpatrick visited
friends in Lincoln from Saturday un
til Monday.
Mrg. J. P. Rouse and Mr. and Mrs.
O. D. Quellhorst were visiting ia
Elm wood. Monday.
Mrs. Paul Prouty and children are
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John elites, at Elmwood."
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brobst and
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bornemeier were
Lincoln visitors Thursday.
C. D. Ganz has purchased the R.
A. Stone residence which they will
occupy in the near future.
R. F. Johnson's sale was held Mon
day. Things sold fairly well consid
ering present business conditions. j
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyles enter-'
tained at dinner Monday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Keefer and fam
ily. The "Jersey" has changed its time
of leaving Lincoln, which time is now
at 8:40 p. m., arriving in Alvo at
9:25 p. m.
Frank Linch of Lincoln, visited
Saturday with his sister, Mrs. John
Weichel, who Is recovering nicely
from pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Ganz of Dunbar,
visited their son C. D. Ganze and
family from JSaturday noon until
Monday morning. j
Mrs. Ivan Clites was down from
Fremont several days last week to.
visit her sister, Mrs. Park, leaving
for her home Sunday.
Last Friday evening a "number of
friends and neighbors gathered at
the ome ofh Mr. and Mrs. R. F. John
son to spend a social evening.
Last Saturday night the College
View high school girls and boys
basket ball teams played the Alvo
high school teams at Alvo, carrying
away the honors.
Miss Jennie Brubaker and Mrs.
Harry Passoth of Omaha, were guests
Buying Grain
We always pay the highest price for Grain and
Stock. We own and run our own elevator and mix
and grade up our grain, enabling us to always pay
top prices.
Under f'ew taagsmsni!
I have recently acquired the Alvo Garage and am
prepared to look after the work which may be intrust
ed to my care, and assure you it shall have my best per
sonal efforts and attention.
Now is a good time to have your car put in good
condition before the spring rush begins. I will appre
ciate your work and can do it even greater justice now
than later in the season.
rville Bngwersors,
ALVO -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
Ready for Spring?
The first of March the date of beginning your
spring work will soon be upon us.
Are YOU ready for it? Then why not get those
little things out of the way and be in shape to go thru
the Spring season without interruption when the time
comes to start.
BRING IN YOUR HARNESS and have it oiled.
We are prepared to take care of this work promptly
for you now. The cost say
Coalman Hardware,
of Mrs. E. A. Knight on Tuesday.
They came down on the early morn
ing train returning in the evening.
Miss Jennie Brubaker and Mrs.
JIarry Passoth of Omaha, were guests
of Mrs. E. A. Knight on Tuesday.
They came down on the early morn
ing train and returned in the eve
ning. Miss Lois Keefer accompanied
Frances Campbell to her home at
South Bend. Friday evening, going
from there Saturday to the home of
her sister. Mrs. Roy Cole, near My
nard, where she visited until Sun
day afternoon.
Mrs. Roy Cole left Thursday for
her home near Mynard, after visit
ing since Monday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Keefer. She
was accompanied home by her
brother Maurice Keefer, who will
spend a week or so with them.
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Foreman en
tertained at dinner Sunday their
son. George Foreman and fmlly of
Valparaiso, Mrs. Belle Bennett, Mrs.
Emma Cashner, and Paul Prouty.
The guests Monday evening were
Mrs. Ella Prouty and Mr. and Mrs.
Iiarlen Wolfe.
On February 21, 1921, occurred
the first anniversary of little Mary
Richardson's birthday, and several
little friends joined in the merry cel
ebration. Little six-year-old Audrey
Quellhorst baked the birthday cake.
All present pronounce little Mary a
delightful hostess.
Mrs. A. I. Bird was pleasantly sur
prised Friday morning .when her
sisters, Mrs. Robert Dinnik of Uni
versity Place; Mrs. Alfred Swale of
Lincoln, and Mrs. Harry Martin of
Waverly, came to spend the day. The
four sisters visited until evening
wehn the three guests returned on
No. 37 to their homes.
Among those attending the fun
eral of Mrs. L. W. Park, which wa?
held Thursday afternoon were Mr.
and Mrs. Ezra Phillips. Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Olson. Mrs. Wm. Bradbury,
Mrs. Jane Bradbury, Mrs. Ralph Em
ery. Harold Phillips and Ray Phil
lips, all of Fremont, and Arthur Park
and brother Alva Park and wife, and
Mrs. Smith of Lincoln.
Among those attending the fun
eral of Mrs. L. W. Park which was
held Thursday afternoon, were Mr.
and Mrs. Ezra Phillips. Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Olson, Mrs. Wm. Brad
bury. Mrs. Jane Bradbury. Mrs.
Ralph Emery, Harold Phillips and
Ray Phillips, all of Fremont, and Ar
thur Park and brother. Alva Park
and wife, and Mrs. Smith of Lincoln.
Mr?. Levi Park passed away
Tuesday morning. February 22, 1921,
at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary
and Stock!
Skinner, where she has been for the
past several months. Mrs. Park is
survived by her husband, her moth
er, thre sisters and two brothers.
Funeral services were held Thursday
afternoon at 2:30 at the Methodist
church and interment was made in
the Alvo cemetery.
Nettie Nina Skinner was born Jan.
31. 1S74, in Woodford county, IHi-
nCiS- , M Trumble p
Sinner t Vcptr n county Ka
r I ?hVrVYn Tfnnmv p '
cas. from the.e to C ass count Ne-
DraSKa in lcao. wneie iici I'cnis
. , OCO ,..1, I, nr. ,.0 ntr
set it-u un a a, ...
. i i I
Tnree years laicr sue u- uuutu
with the Methodist church of which
she was ztill a member. !
Cl, nnitn. In nisrrMifo In T . '
W. Park. August 2, 1893.
After a period of four years, on a
year, they moved to Lincoln. Neb.,
from there going to Sterling, Colo.,
where she lived the pst eleven years,
returning to Alvo, Neb., June 1, 1920.
inert until death rail-
! ooUnVno, .
where she rema
ed her February
age of 47 years and 21 days
She lived a christian life, was a
loving wife, and a devoted worker in
her home, and a loving daughter and
f ister.
She leaves her husband, Levi W.
Park cf Sterling. Colorado, her moth
er. Mrs. Mary Skinner of Alvo; two
brothers, D. W. Swinner of Hooper,
Neb., and J. Ji. Skinner of Alvo, and
three sisters. Mrs. E. D. Friend, Mrs.
Sherman Wolf of Alvo. and Mrs. Ivan ,
Clites of Fremont, besides a host of 1
friends to mourn her lo.-s.
In the ycir of 1905 she joined
the order of Royal Neighbors of
America at Ulysses. Neb., cf which
she was still a faithful member. j
Funeral services were held Thurs
day afternoon, February 24, 1921, at
2:30, at the Methodist church at
Alvo, Neb., conducted by Rev. J. F.
Ro':ertscn of University Place, and
burial was made in the Alvo ceme
tery. Their many friends extend i
sympathy to the bereaved relatives'
in their g:eat sorrow. 1
Caxd of Thanks.
We wish to extend our heartfelt
thanks and gratitude to all the
friends and neighbors and especially
the members of the Royal Neighbor's
lodge for the help rendered and gifts
of beautiful flowers during the sick
ness and death of our beloved wife,
daughter and ister.
L. V. Park.
Mrs. Mary Skinner.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Skinner,
Mr. and Mrs. E. D.- Friend,
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wolfe,
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ciites,
J. B. Skinner.
(Continued from page 3)
George Sheldon, former governor
of Nebraska, who is visiting in Ne
hawka from his home at Wayside,
Miss., was a visiter in Plattsmouth
last Friday for a short time.
Senator A. F. Sturm was a visitor
in Nehawka for a short time last
Saturday, returning to Lincoln and
his work in the legislature on Satur
day evening.
Makes Good With Pure Breds.
Harry Knabe. a lad who wished to
join the pig club during the war.
asked his father John Knabe, if he J
mgiht purchase a pure bred pig of
the Hampshire variety, and obtain
ing his consent. Harry purchased a
sow pig of R. C. Pollard and when
old enough, was rewarded by it
bringing him fourteen pigs and la
ter the original pig won first prize
as well.
The boar pigs Harry sold as fol
lows: One for $85, one for $75,
one for $55, and one for $50, while
the other two he disposed of on the .
mantel, anu am wen witn tnem, tne eaunot be made into a good and use- omahi lit week eroin- un last Sit
cnr nio-o ha b,xa nn,.).Qc !. . . . ...... twmana iasi gom.-, u, last d.ii
om, jjmv.uaov.i w I
boar for his small herd and has sold
I off the boar pigs and kept the sows
and now has a herd cf twenty-three
I of as fine Hampshires as one would
: desire to see.
Harry, who is not yet to man's es
tate, is well embarked in the fine
heg business and Is in line for a
very profitable future In the pure
bred hog business.
When it is so easy to embark in
pure bred hogs, it is strange that
the farmers will continue to feed
their corn at a less to scrub hogs, and
in many cases take a trimming, when
the pure breds would have shown a
fine profit. Better think this mat-
ter over. It does not necessarily re-
1 . - . , , . . - t
Muwe au, K-uitu,d. uICCu. wiuueu
is a. mie strain
cpmp mip-ht Tin cnirf qIoa of'
wMch?sgin the "same nd
tion. Cass county has one known
pure bred cattle breedeer. and there
may perhapbe others, of which we
think there are, but we refer to the
herd of polled cattle, kept by L. L.
Wiles, who is making good money,
and he is finding market at good
prices for all which he produces.
Washington. D. C, Feb. 24. The
Nebraska delegation in the house to
day elected Representative Kinkaid i Salt Lage City, Feb. 24. The
cf the Sixth district as its represen- hill providing for prohibition of the
tatlve on the committee on commit-j sale of cigarets and advertising of
tees In the sixty-seventh congress. cigarets in newspapers and other pub
Representative Reavis of the first llcations published in Utah, was
district has held the place for the passed by the lower house of the leg
past four years, but expressed a de- lslature today by a vote of 33 to 13.
fire to be relieved on account of the
large amount of work that will come
to him as a member cf recently ap-
pointed joint committee on the re-
organization of the administrative; u ui tne govern menu
Representative McLaughlin of the
fourth district was the unanimous
choice of the delegation as the Ne
braska member of the national re
publican congressional committee in
the nxt congre-s, a position he oc
cupied in the last congress.
Pure bred Rhode Island Red eggs'
for hatching. 75c for 15. Phone
5S4-W. C. H. Lewis. f24-12d,2w
One Who Shows No Favor
A merciless judge is Father Time.
Kefore him the weak and the want
ing go to the wall. Only the truth
can stand. For years the following
statement from ; Plattsmoutn real-
ffl(h ln " , Ernest of
Tllco' Starkjohn. retired farmer.
Locust and Ninth streets, Platts-
geveral years
-irt.i,,. t.ii.- Uo. i.n napil
UU.Ul-l, Wja. fUl 3Cr.c" J
'in our family for kidney troubles and
i siftx ii n iyiwiiv i ilia Jiu t "
, ., - ' ... v,o
" V.
;all that ia claimed for them.
- "" " Knll, ""1 7 i,m(. nn.l
c c '"J -a u. n.
my Kidneys are not acting as me.
should, I take Dean's Kidney Pills for
a few days and they never fai lto do
me good. Doan's can't be equalled
and anyone having trouble should
take them for thev are very reliable."
(Statement given February 23, 191G.)
j on .way i'j;u, vir. diui njunn
ded: "The cure I had from Doan's
Kidney Pills several years ago has
been a lasting one. It has been a
couple of years since I used or had
need of a kidney medicine and my
kidneys are now good and healthy.
I still have faith in Doan's and if
ever I should need a kidney remedy
again. I should certainly use them."
60c. at all dealers. Foster-Mil-burn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
Hearing Before Judiciary Committee
of House Argie Measure in
Line with Will of Gov.
II. R. 518. abolishing capital pun
ishment except for the murderer
who, while under sentence, delibera
tely kills another, was the subject of
an open hearing before the house
judiciary committee Thursday night.
Representative Hakanson is author
of the bill. The proviso of the death
penalty in payment of the second
killing is intended as a possible safe
guard against . J recurrence of the
prison outbreak of a few years ago.
The hearing was for the purpose
of giving those in favor of the bill
an opportunity to express their per
sonal views. Clifford Rein handled
the program for the opponents of
capital punishment. He said that
while not full' acquainted with the
warden's position, he does know that
the bill is directly in line with the
recommendations made to the legisla
ture by the governor ard that the
conclusions of the executive as ex
pressed in his message match almost
to a letter the language of the bill.
Mrs. G. W. Haynes, of Omaha pre
sented petitions containing some
2,200 names of citizens who are in
favor of complete abolishment of
capital punishment. She said that
this form of punishment is in direct
violation of divine law and against
public morals.
"As individuals," she said, "we
have no right to kill. Does this form
of punishment lessen crime? If we
1 11 m .& 1. : 1
ue ,e ine iie.s. e
take the view that it has encouraged
crime an that it breeds revenge
said, 'Vengeance is Mine.' Life im
prisonment is more dreaded by the
murdered than death. I believe that
life imprisonment should mean life
Mrs. Frank P. Quick said that it is
worse for the tate to take a life
than for an individual to kill.
"A man should have a right to
second chance alwavs." she said. "I
cannot see why even the life termer
iui Derson. uertainiv vou cannoi
' - m "
say that both Cole and Crammer
committed the murder for which they
were electrocuted."
"Any man will feel better if he
j loans his sympathies for the' uplift of
j unfortunates," said Judge W. R.
j England. "You know that not a
j man of you would pull the trigger
that means death. Isn't it because
of the feeling that there's something
higher than brute force? The matter
'of taking life is infectious. Can you
tell me that it is elevating?"
Judge England paid high tribute
to Warden Fenton. He said that he
is one of the best penitentiary heads
in the United States. He told of his
own influence in procuring the re-
r v i& t
lease of some 160 inraates
Not one
i nna nan rpriirnoi onn tti ncr ct t n ityi i
.v..v. M. ...,,-. v . ..,,
.cicxfec mau nit i
his charges, he said, was up for life.
He promised that some day this man
will have a national reputation
Sinerle Comhpd White Lesrhorn
eggs, $5 per 100: $1 per setting,
I Phone 115-J,
It was recently passed by the senate
and it now goes to the governor for
Romona Frost Doing Nicely.
Little Romona Frost, who was tak
en with the measles while she was
visiting at the home of her grand
parents in Lincoln, is doing nicely.
at the latest reports. Miss. Romona
was for a time verv sick, and while '
. the mother had been with her dur-
ing the time, it was a pleasure for eastern Iowa, returned a few days
her to have her father with her. Mr. ago and reported having had an c:
i Frost made two trips during the cellent time while away. They were
week and the latter one remained
over the week end. He was also
visiting at the Shrine meeting of the
Charles H. Lau of Louisville, was
c-l .,--.- Kn.iin -.; in '1 t 1
, ! , ' ." "r. v
, mVT Omar CootT who has been
ick at her home, is reported as be-
ing better at this time and soon
we ,n
f.. t io !. TTicitinc- in
mi n. IV. u
Omaha last Friday,
where she spent
... . , . .....i. 1 i...ic,.i
' Z ""7
Ralph Coon, who has been having
a siege with the measles is report
ed as about over the disease, and
will soon be back to school again.
Mrs. Dr. Wonder of Omaha, was a
visitor in Manley for a few days last
week, being the guests at the home
cf her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. James
ineouuru tut- umnmuii
anci nj3 wife, were visiting and iook-
jng after some bisiness matters in
Omaha last Thursday, driving over
in their car.
Charles Murphey, who has teen
ill for several weeks ia reported as
l)oinn: much ltetter and was able to
be down town last Friday for the
first time since his illness.
Mrs.. Rudolph Bergman was a vis
itor in Omaha last week with her
friend. Miss Rena Christensen who
recently underwent an operation for
appendicitis at a hospital there.
Mr. and Mrs. (Maude Breckenfeld
were visiting and lookng after some
iMi-incss in Manley during last week
and while here were the guests at
the home of Mr. and .Mrs. W. J. Rau.
Walter Moekenhaupt and wife
have been visiting for a short time
at the home of Mrs. Mockenhaupt's
pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tighe
of Omaha, and returned home last
Herman Stohlman. who has been
confined to his home for some time
rast cn account of a case of scarlet
fever, is .so far recovered as to be
out r.gai'i and was a visitor in Man
ley last week.
C. E. Mockenhn.upt is looking af
t?r the busino:-. at the lumber yard
during the absence cf Mr. Frost, who
was called to Line-In on account of
the illness of his daughter, Romona.
who has the measles.
Howard John. -on f Wayr.o. where
ho has been vith Floyd Rockwell,
arrived in Manley la:-t week and will
farm the coming season on the place
where Calvin Rockwell farmed the
past season, northwest of town.
Mrs. Joseph Maceney is reported as
Y. ring confined to her bed again.
While she is feeling slightly im
proved, her manv friends will be
pleased could they know of her re
covery, and are hoping that this may
occur in a shcrt time.
See the new ad of Rudolph Berg
man in this issu. which announces
some of the.benefits of trading at his
place of business. Mr. Bergman
carries an texcellent stock of gro
ceries and is ever there with curtious
service , for his customers.
Herbert Thaciver and wife of
Plattsmouth. moved during the first
cf the week to Manley and will
farm on the C. M. Andrus place the
coming season. Mr. ?nd Mrs. Thack-
j ?r ure f,ne oplc ana wiu make an
Herman Dall is kept pretty busy
at this time looking after the work
of the farmers, getting their imple
ments in condition for the spring
work, which is just now knocking at
our doors. Mr. Dall is also selling
r.e'w implements occasionally and ex
pects more of a demand as the season
Mrs. J. L. Burns and daughter.
Mrs. Charles Craig, were visiting in
,,...1,. : ,T f ,1,,-
111 Ha tint a illicit. iu. . l 1 ua t
where they visited with friends and
also were making purchase of mil
linery stock for their store which is
to be a feature of Manley business
this spring.
George Rau. who is engaged in the
mercantile business at Utica. was a
visitor in Manley last week and a
guest at the home of his brother,
W. J. Rau. of the Manley bank.
During the latter part of the week.
Frank Rau. another brother, who is
also in business at Utica. was a vis
itor here with his brother.
There is some grain moving from
Manley. notwithstanding the low
prices. Last Thursday there were
three cars shipped out of this station
and four cars ordered for the follow-
. .
j n (iav. in' me war, tne cars are
comi lcil asier at this tirae
business in other lines on the road is
not as heavy as formerly. The rates
are some higher also, which should
help (the roads) some.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stander and
daughters. Misses Lillie and Lena,
were visiting in Manley last week
with friends and relatives, being the
guests at the homes of John P. Stan-
der and Eddie Stander and families.
sons of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stander.
Herman Rauth and wife were vis
itors in Omaha last Monday, being
called there to see Miss Rena Chris
tensen who has been in the St. Jo
seph hospital for some time, following
an operation for appendicitis from
which she is reported to be making
satisfactory improvement.
Doinf? Some Fine Car Work
Albert Ahlers. who is one of the
best of workmen in his line was kept
pretty busy the past week working
on the car of Rudolph Bergman, giv
ing the entire car an overhauling,
and putting in two new pistons, with
new rings in the entire motor. When
completed the car will returned to
the efficiency and value of a new car.
Home From Enjoyable Trip.
James Murphey and wife, who
have been visiting for some time in
visiting in a portion of the country
where they lived during their youth,
and had indeed a most enjoyable
time with the friends of years gone
by. They must have been as bad
there us here, for Mr. Murphey says
he saw a duck stuck in the mud
there, and no doubt they had to
have i.n airplane to pull it out. He
also said that the fare cost $10.40
going over and $13.2" coming back,
and still the railroads are wanting
to reduce labor. Looks like it was
about time for government owner
ship of .some curative to be applied.
Looks like Lights for Manley.
With the nearing of the time when
the Lghis shall be turned on at Mnr
dwCk. the matter of securing lights
and power service for Manley is gain
udolph Bergman's Store!
We handle Fruits, Meats, Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries and Work Clothes. Lakin-McKey overall lina.
"HOLSUM" bread fresh every day.
We pay highest prices for produce, chickens and
eggs. .It is worth while to trade with us.
Western Slope Coal!
We are selling the famous Western Slope Colo
rado coal the best bituminous coal ever mined.
Oh, yes, the price
$12.50 per ton
Frost, Curyea & Murtey,
W. H. Frost, Manager Manley, Nebraska
Will You Do Your Best?
Sure, prices have come down, and another year
is here. Already Spring is knocking at our doors.
How about the coming season; are you going to
give nature an opportunity? The land has sustained
last year's crops, and like the horses and yourself, has
need of something to replace that which has been used
up, if it is to give maximum results this year.
The Litchfield manure spreader is solving the prob
lem of replenishing the elements needed for coming
crops and maintaining the value of your land.
Would you allow your family or your horses to
starve? Why then starve your land?
We have absolutely the best spreader that modern
science has yet devised. Allow us to give you a dem
onstration and see for yourself.
Lumber Prices are Lower!
The farmer, laborer, manufacturer and retailer are
taking their loss. All must do this in the present re
adjustment prpcess, and we have taken stock, and are
placing our lumber prices back to where they formerly
were, even at a considerable loss. They are now at a
level where even the present low prices of grain will
justify their purchase for immediate building.
We furnish you better prices and service than you
could possibly hope to secure from out of town firms.
We buy from the mills the same as they. When you
buy out of town you pay for reloading together with
a high local freight rate, and you know what that means
over $50 per car. We can save you that, and you
don't have to purchase a lot more than you need, either.
See us before buying.
And say, how about a hog house or a chicken
house? They will pay you big dividends. We have
plans, specifications and estimates of their cost.
We want your business on the basis of good ser
vice and money-saving prices. Unless we can give you
these, we don't want you to feel under any obligations
to buy of us.
Frost, Curyea & Murtey
W. H. FROST, Manager
ing interest. A meeting was held at
the Kelly grain office last Tuesday
when a representative number of the
citizens of Manley met. with Mr. A.
Peters of Louisville, and H. A. Tool
of .Murdock, when the matter of elec
tric service was discussed, and steps
taken to have another meeting with
the end in view of the organizing of a
company for the purpose of secuirng
the service. It would be a forward
step for thi.'j hustling little town.
Guest at Home of Teacher.
The high school students of Man
ley, who are attending school at
Louisville, were the guests at the
home of their teacher Mrs. Harvey
(lamer, near Cedar Creek last Sat
urday, where they enjoyed a very
pleasant time. Those from here to
enjoy the hospitality of Mrs. Garner
were Misses Leda, Creda r.nd M rtle
Fleischman, and Alice and M aster
Arnold Harms. Ralph Coon, who is
also a student in tile class at Louis
ville, was prevented from enjoying
the occasion on account of a tussle
with the mea.-les.
," ,