PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTII SELII-WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24. 1021 SPECIAL UNION MEETING SUNDAY a BSE Z2ESX3Z33 Shnrlt ceiult 5 reHe cipha its toasted COMPENSATION MEASURE FACES THE SENATE FINANCE COMHITTEE FAILS TO AGREE ON BILL FOR RELIEF OF SERVICE MEN. MAY AWAIT THE NEXT SESSION Doubt is Expressed as to Ability of Friends to Get Measure Through Eefcre Adjournment. Thf I'r.r.ed S'ates senate finance committee after a long and vigorous disi ii -sin of t!ie four f 1I compensa tion hill for t!u- relief cf the former service men. yesterday failed to reach a state where the hill might he re ported out of the committee and sent to the of the senate for final actio... 'I'i ; ir.tasure was passed by the ol representatives $1 the last session and has been awaiting action for t'.o p.Nt two months from the committee and from the present indications the measure will be for- ed to await the coming cf the new con;rress before final action is taken. Th.- l.iH brought forth consid erable ;pjositirn in the committee as s;( ii .for Snioot. republican of l.'tah. and Senati-r Thomas, democrat of Col orud ). were strong in opposition to the ii'f'iiMiri" as was Senator McCum ber, r p'lhlic. :: of North Dakota. On? .1" tin- chief supporters of the bill has !e a S naf-.r I' nro-e of Pennsylvan ia. t!ie chairman of the finance com : .ittf-i- in i vr.-.iMican leader in the n.:!-. I-:' his real position on the ill ha- b-. -n 'rationed by the repre--:;tat ivr of the servic e men who ii.ii'i' Imn en tiie scene of action and A.iiciiint' C'o p pig re".-; of the fight. This i., tin- one that pro four plans fnr compensation. !;;it of land settlement, insurance. . i cat ioiia! training and cas'h settle- . . : i t bit of which the bill art '' '. a ir':uon for the payment : "; f each day in foreign . ! . : r r.n-l SI for each, dav in . SI .- t; - ".veil , hour ! trvice i ompers ic during the world war. i: n iy the American Legion a- Stars and Snipes lias i t fully S' ju-r rent of tiie i' n are in lavor ot the cash i and e'vciailv anions ir had Ion: war. t erm of ser- 1 1 ie cash settlement the set tie men is for t'vp vears those who vice during t :if The friends have poirfd .' that will not i.e availahb and by tiir. Mr.:- the pre-ent condi tions will have been eased and permit the payment without .-erious effect on the tr a.-ury or tl:n 'iimtry. While the :o; :ii.iit. was battling among themselves the ofbees of the various en.itors were flooded with telegrams irom tiie post.: of the Amer ican .l liinn organ izati' ns over ti the rupport of the i.'.e braska sta!-? li'j .:.-- oi yetenlav vt-n' the bill : nd reiiit t:d Hi t ho. k to mi! oth' n r service men';; country urging i -tire. The Ne-ivpre.-entatives Robert at D. Graham of Denver Speaks Masonic Temple and at Presbyterian Church. The citizens of Plattsmouth will have ample opportunity to hear Robert D. Graham, of Denver, one of the eminent Masonic lecturers of the country tomorrow, when he returns to give the third of his very inter esting lectures on the work of the order as well as general Christian faith. In the afternoon at 2:30 there will be a meeting held at the Masonic temple to which all Masons, their families and friends are welcome to attend and at this time Mr. Graham will speak on "The Mission and Pur pose of Freemasonry." This is a great opportunity to enjoy one of the ablest addresses on the Masonic order that has been given to the general public in the city and will make clear the aims and purposes of the great fraternity of Freemasonry. In the evening Mr. Graham will speak at a union service of the var ious churches of the city .which will be held at the First Presbyterian church and at which time Mr. Gra ham will speak on the subject. "The Measure of Achievement" and the address is one that will be inspira tional to every man. woman and child in the community. The residents of the community should make it a point to attend these meetings and hear this gifted gentleman Who has made such a pro nounced impression on his previous visits here to speak to the menmers of the Masonic lodge. NOW UP AGAINST THE REAL THING Elmort Preston Taken Back to Buf falo County to Answer to Charge of Adultry. Deputy Sheriff S. G. Parr, of Kear ney. Xett., arrived in xseorasKa city vesterday morning with a warrant ith a warrant for the arrest of El for the arrest of Elmort Preston, says the Daily News of that city. Preston was convicted last week in district court at Nebraska City on a charge of child desertion, and ,upon being sentenced by Judge Begley to a year in the state penitentiary, suc ceeded in perfecting an appeal bond. and was just about to step out into a state of freedom once more, when word came from the Buffalo county authorities to hold him. The warrant issued for his arrest there charges him with living with a Miss Hayes, of Pleasanton, Nebr ar.d being the father of a child that was born to her last month. This charge is a more serious one than that of child desertion and he stands to draw a long penitentiary sentence if found guilty. The officer who came after him. said people out there had ben waiting some time to make the complaint until his case in Nebraska City could be disposed of. the utoe county officers offered no objection to turning him over to the Buffalo county deputy sheriff to face the more serious charge. The News says it is probable the hard fight he put up there to go free on the child desertion charge may be accountable to his realization of the developments that would follow if he did not get back out to Buffalo county and make some attempt to smooth matters over there. (1 M $2.50. Clothiers 150 ful stripes and some with soft 14 to 18. There These shirts We offei you unrestricted choice of the en- en's Fine Dress Shirts for 1 cent Did you ever hear of the like? It's true just the same. We never advertise anything unless we can deliver it. Here's the story W(e've just received from the United National fine dress shirts, made of Garners percale, beautt patterns on white grounds; some with neck bands, collars attached all have soft French cuffs. Sizes are a few of the large sizes that have stiff cuffs, were made to sell for tire lot as follows: One Shirt 50. 2 Shirts $2.S Pi This offer holds until these shirts are sold, but we advise you to come early for best selections and sizes. See them in our windows and guess on the pennies! Its always dark est just before dawn. The better day is close at hand. C. E. Wescott's Sons EVERYBODY'S STORE' A t these prices positively no goods charged. No returns. No refunds. VVo'ro a bit "chesty" these fin shirts. about 3ES3SZZ53aSt UNDERGOES OPERATION .Mr. (lus Olon. who has been at the St. Catherine's hospital in Oma ha for th-3 pa.t few days, was oper ated on this morning at the hospi tal for an illness of some duration. It is not thought that the operation will be serious and the family and friends are hopeful that Mrs. Olson may be able to return home in a pliort time. A HAPPY EVENT reor! favoring ! tv.-nat'Ts orri.'i ; first vote for the mea- : this iire when it reached th" senate floor. Their indorsf-men? wa u follows: "To give to the vet runs stub belated compensation as may be rendered for devotion and :-acrif;f'os." The V.'.'-on hill tor te relief of ser vice mn dM"us:d and reported out favorably prior to taking up the compi-n: it:; n bill. One of til i .rovi-i:;!'..-, of tiie U'aon bill. spirr-or d by llepreentatj ve? "Wason. reublifan. New Hampshire, would give in'i'-fin jf (. fitC medical, dental and other care t' honorably discharged men injure 1 in th'- l'ne of duty. The bill al-o v. uild extend in mi ranee, b; nefits by removing some administrative1 re. t rl t ions and would relieve per-nns rce.uving hospital treatriir-nt ".- -ca t iorri I training from paying ",'rcmiuins iu renewing term insurance. A big event occurred at the Merl Launing home last Monday one which has caused some high stepping, not only by Papa Merl. but also by Grandpa Frank. And even Grandma Manning's countenance beams with a broader smile than tiie every-day one she usually wears and she ap pears as happy as a mother with her born. As will b gathered, all comes from the arrival of a fine oung lady .at Merl's home. Uoth the mother and babe are doing nicely ami of course enjoy the situation, while the proud father placed a box of cigars on tap at the bank. Grand pa Frank is already figuring bow per fectly stunning the granddaughter win look behind the steering wheel of a twelve cylinder Premier. Eagle lieacon. FINAL RETURNS ON SALVATION ARMY FUNDS ARE MADE 3EV. FREDERICK SPRIEGEL Commandant Alfreda Swanson, Hep resentiner Brisadier Win. Andrews Receives 'inal Sum for County T;;e following is a brief account of the I i l r of Hev. Frederick Spriegel. formerly a well known minister of the Lutheran faith in Cass county: "Frederick Spriegel was born in aiisheim. Wurten burg. June 27. .. He studied for the ministry St. Chriscliona. near Hosel. He .migrated to America in the late viMtics finally locating in Nebras i near Nehawka' in Cas county, acre he lived continuously until I 1911 when .i This morning Commandant AM're-'a: he moved to Platte coun ty. He served at St. Luke's church Weeping Water, "at t lie church GIVES SHOWER FOR BRIDE TO BE Mesdames Fred Kehne and Geprge Keffenberger are Hostesses to Friends on Thursday LABOR ASKS HARDING TO USE DISCRETION Wants Secretary to Ee Representative of Wcrkeis Ignores Name of Davis. i da. Swanson of Des Moines, represent- rear Cedar Cree! ing Ungadier William Andrews ot the Iowa ami Nebraska district, was in the city receiving the final sums due on the Salvation Army drive that has been made in this county to aid in the work of this great so ciety. Sometime ago Frank M. H'-s-tor, treasurer of the Cass county com mittee turned over to the state or ganization the sum of $1,000 and to day the final amount of $."iOS.S4 was turned over that completes the county's contribution to the funds cf the arm-. Ca.;s county ranks among the best ir. the itate and is third in standing ir the proportion of the funds raised f( r their quota in the drive. Com mandant Swanson desired the Jour nal to express her appreciation on be luif of the Salvation Army to J). ('. Morgan, Frank M. Uestor. W. A. Robertson and others who assisted as members of the advisory commit tee in the drive and also to the kind hearted and generous people of Cass countv who have contributed to the fundTor the helpfulness of the good work of the organization. This fund will be u.-erl by the Sal vation Army in the securing and maintaining of the rescue home and maternity hospital that they are or ganizing in Omaha, they having pur chased the old Governor Saunders home that will be transformed into a hospital and home. Mere the un fortunates who have taken a misstep in life will be cared for and saved for future years of good and useful life through the kindlv services of the Salvation Army that strives to heal the wounds of the world as well as saving tiie sould and whose mission of good has accomplished wonder ful results in the great cities over the land. for a time, preach er m Avooa and since 1511 at the s::ne church in Platte county. us 1 1 rs t wile was ;.:agdelcna !'. !! dell of Wittlingen, w!u died J; r iary l(t, ISO:.'. "! !!s second wife. Wilhelmina Link, of A '.lmansfehien, who died Dec. S, 1; If. "Two children died in infancy, Fred (iid February 19. 15)15. Five daugh- ttrs. one son four son-in-laws and six kiaiulchildren survive him. "He was active until the time of th. He preached on the morning of tl e day of hi.s death. He died very suddenly Sunday. February 1C. i . itte . m. oi heart Wedneda y. Center beside failure and was February 1 (i at his son, Fred. FOR :ro bred large SALE. ingle comb White i'h ;rn cockrels, for $.".00, or :.0 each. Heavv laving strain. LOP IK F. HKNNINGS. F. D. No. 1 Cedar Creek, Neb. UP. PORT OF THE CONDITION BANK OF CASS COUNTY of Plattsmouth, Nebr. A very pleasant miscellaneous oiiwut-i juursuay auer- Washington. D. C, Feb. 25. Or- noon ai me nome oi .Mr. ana iirs. ganize(1 ,a5or called on Presi1ent t red Kehne. west of the city. Mrs. j e!ect Harding today to appoint as sec ,xeui:t; aim .ui!,. oeurge ixanenoerg- retarv of labor a "recognized er being the hostesses of the occa-! ePntativp of nnr.nho.i iv,ov The little lady whose arrival is noted above is also the cause of much happiness in this city as the parents of Mrs. Lanning are Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Glenn of Plattsmouth. and Mrs. Glenn has been spending a short time at the Lanning home greeting the fine little granddaughter. I.I , ;i 'is e:--li !;i ims, K.i on Fc tin l.l i 1 1, s.:at 'f lllsi!M Pi-'l. of Xl- i:ksoi:i:cks .i n.I il is ii mi -it s S.-.7 1.1 s.r.i lis r., II-'.O seen ri t i-s. j inlnnu-ri t s. et-.. i 1 1 -1 in) ing all liurnis '. I'll I'M i I Hie OAK POSTS FOR SALE Call P.. F. Wile-. Piatt' tphone I'f.'U-W. mouth, tel-24-ifd. FORMER NEWSPAPER KAN OF DES MOINES IS DEAD VISITING FRIENDS HERE Des M Michael, the Jc time a f wa Cour, Angeles, to ucril oiies. la.. Feb. '2 I. Harvey foimer : porting editor of Midn".- Capital and at o:.o ture w riter on the (J'I'mu er. died at his heme in l.j? Cal.. V cflneoday. according here today. This morning Rev. J. 1 1. Salisbury, former pastor of the First Presbyter ian church of this city, arrived here to spnd the day with his tnany friends and former associates in the church work and the occasion or his visit brought great pleasure to the many old time friends who enjoved the opportunity f meeting the gen ial minister. Rev. Salisbury is now iocattd at Iyjup City. Neb., and has for the past week been at Ucllevue. v here be been a-'stiDC" in spe cial .-crviCs that are leiug conduct ed in the interest ofthe extent '.on cf the church work. SMALL FIRE YESTERDAY The ;irm alarm yesterday afternoon called the fire department to the home of Frank il. Shopp on west Marble street, but before t lie arrival of the chemical truck the smail blaze had been extinguished. The fire was caused by sparks alighting on the roof of the house and burning a small place on I he shingles, but prompt action on the part of the family and neighbors put the iirs out with prac tically no damage to speak of to the building. tit i' i . i i 1 1 1 ii r i i ! !;i n I: i : Imu Ii 1 e i i s . . . oi!n r r-;i I -s t :it . Cii I i ;. t rx ii'iiss. i:it- l st T'iiiil . . . . Vsl: i i-llis !"i i ; mi National l.anks I'lu-i I;m ami i t i ius ol' "ii i l i-iicy iol.l loiti Silver. :ii'kcs iirul i T )T. t ml arid I mi Stati' M'll'Kf fills. 7 ii.r.1 !i.::on.oo j.s oi. i; :'J7.j -.07::.:: :: l; 1 nt;!i. no I." 7.r.0 L'.o:i7.'.i'j . $; I ::. o.- i.i. . .-,1). (11)11. (MP ::o.ihiO.mi 1". lo !..'.; Effects of Constipation of lirirt v itter that Constipation causes a stoppage the sewerage s-ystem of the The poisonous refuse in should be carried away is retained in the system and often poisons the blood and causes numerous disorders. No one can alTord to neglect his bowels. A dose of Chamberlain's Tablets will afford relief. Avoid dras tic cathartics as they take too much water out of the system and their use is likely to be followed, by chron ic constipation. LIABtMTlKS Cap'lal sto.k (niiil in Si. n in.- fuml Cniiiv iilfil prulits 1 l:il I ill lia I (I'lmsits snliji-et t' lick 9 1 !::.:::::.:s7 Turn' f "1-t i'n-a i.-s of iiclosit. jss.SII. 1 fi t'asliifi's rlii'i ks on I s t a ml i n lt 4, Hi 1.7:: l.if to National ami State lianks 7,"i'i(l.t K I'.ilis I'.IV.ll.l" .", I .llOO.lMI I )cios: 1 oi 's gearantv fiiiid... ."i.."i I ::.7 I !"t TAI. . Sc. i::,nr. ; ;o.i ho uie of WANTED ".th wciiiin. App Mrs. Ton: Paliert-jn. Slate of NelirasUa j County of Cass- J I. U. !. I 'ii 1 1 iTs'.it. Caslii.-r of the ai.fv. nafiieil Lank il liei'tliy swriir tlat t!'f al.of stiitfMlelif is ; rrcet ami Hi?" i i.iiv if tin- report luaili- to I i Siil-- llm iao of HHiikin. It. r". I'ATTCKSON". .ie.--t: Cashier. T II I ' l .1 . 'K. I lireetor. .v. :. !: i:i i:k" i Dii ei tm . Snh i - :' lih.'.l -ii the :l I swori' to I.e f ii re l-'.-l.!lli IV. t".IJl. m : '. ti.ssi'i:i:. Xi.1,1 i' I'lil.l: llU- i.My ip:!.!) -inn e lij.'l-s Sept. sion. The event was in honor of Miss Klla Tschirren and the guest of honor received a large number of handsome presents in anticipation of the "arly occasion of her marriage, and .vhich will be held in fond re membrance by her in her new home in the years to come. The hostesses served a very delic ious and dainty luncheon at a suit able hour that added to the enjoy ment of the event. Those who were in attendance were Mesdames Henry Born, Chris TVchirren, Ed Tritsch, Fred Buech ler, Louis Meisinger. Fred Tschirren Joseph rJierl. Philip Born. Louis Born. John Buechler, M. P. Flem ing. Herman Graham. John Halmes, Julius Hilflickcr, Philip Hirz, August Kaffer.berger. John Kaflenberger. Sr., Philip Kehne. O. M. Kintz, John P. Meisinger. Fred Kehne, Philip Mei.-inger, August Nolting, Fred NoLiiiig. John Parkening, Henry Nolting. Otto Fetereit. Fritz Siemon- eit. John 7.1. Kaffenberger. Henry Starkjohii, Kd Steppat. George A. Kaffenberger, Jr., Fritz Kehne, Mrs. H. J. Livingston, of Weeping Water; Mrs. Will Kehne. of Cedar Creek; Mrs. Robert Patterson and Mrs. Al bert Wheeler, of Murray; Misses Adelia Tritsch, Ella Tschirren. Eliza beth Tschirren. Tillie Halmes. Emma 1 1 in:. Elizabeth Hirz. Dora Nolting. Mablc Rununell. Verna Stoehr, Edna Born, Dorothy Simoncit. Martha A. Kaflenberger. Dorothy Halmes, Ber nico and Ellen Kaffenberger and Ar nold Buechler. repre and a "real spokesman of the working peo ple and who understands the toilers." The request, made in a telegram to the president-elect, was declared by labor leaders to be practically an in dorsement of the type of man as James Duncan of Quincy, Mass.. a vice president and member of the ex ecutive council of the American Fed eration of Labor, whom they regard as the one candidate who is a "recog nized representative of organized la bor." Reports that James J. Davis of Pittsburg had been selected by Mr. Harding as his labor secretary net referred to in the f-.ur r;iil- ii v orgJii- campa ign movement opponeH-: completed the ialu r was signed by President Gomper-. members of the executive council and representatives of the nathirial and international unions affiliated in the American Federation of Labor, and representatives of the road brotherhoods. Plans for the launching "Recognized j ized labor of a nation-wide to onset the open shop and alleged propaganda oi of trades unionism, were at tne closing session of conference. "It was the view of the confer ence," President Gompers said, "that every possible effort should be tr.ado to make accessible to everyone tfie fullest information about the work and aims of organized labor. "The course decided upon was in furtherance of the aims and policies announced by the conference yester day. "It is the aim of '"labcr t.i ma!.e it pocsible for everyone to under:-! a in! fully what are the f.-.'ts about labor's organizations, their efforts, their o;o tests and their purposes." ST. MARY'S GUILD NOTICE St. Mary's Guild will meet next were j Tuesdav with Miss IVir.i l-'riel... All message, which members please take notice. old. Shirts ! Shirts ! Shirts ! MOVE INTO THEIR NEW LOCATION Attorney William A. Robertson and Dr. R. P. Weslover Are Now Lo cated in Dovey Building. Among the changes made in the lo cation of two of the professional men of the citv is that of the moving of Attorney William A. Robertson and Dr. R. P. Westover from the Coates block to the Dovey building on the touth fide of Main street. Both gen tlemen have secured nicely arranged offices in the new location and which givs them a frontage on the main street of the city which they did not have in their former location as the offices of both are much larger and suit the two gentlemen in fine shape. Both the office of the doctor and Mr. Robertson are now fully arranged and they are in a position to look after the needs of their patients and clients as of old and their friends are invited to call and see them in their new location. For the Liver and Bowels I When your liver and bowels be come torpid get a bottle of Chamber lain's Tablets. They will tone up uur liver and cause a gentle move ment of the bjv.els. They also im prove the digestion. 2 for $2.4 I 250 shirts from our regular stock that sold from $2.00 to $3.00 thrown out to you at $1.25 each, or $2.40 for the two Save the dimes the shirts will take care of them selves. Buy one or fifty. These are Elder and New Era Shirts two of our regular lines, and are not shipped in for sale purposes. See our east window and watch this space Monday.