The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 24, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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We could go on at great length about our
Trouser Sale
but we're not going to. Will say, it's going big. If you want in, come now. Remem
berour regular stock, all sizes, mostly Dutchess, just three prices
(mmK - 'A'
It's a new store we'll
welcome you to thia
Spring-. The decorator
is about throug-h New
roods arriving-.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
Royal Tailors and Hirch
Wickwlre New Spring
Sample Lines are here.
Beautiful Patterns.
From Monday's Dally.
.Mrs. Jennie Klimm of near Mur
ray, was in the city for a short time
today attending to some matters of
Attorney C S. Aldrich of Elmwood.
was in the city today for a few
hours looking after some matters at
the court house.
Mrs. Pearl Overman of near Mur
ray, who ha be&n visiting at Persia.
Iowa, fcr the past few days, return
ed home this afternoon.
Bert Philpct and Elmont Preston
came ojer this afternoon from Weep
ing Water to spend a few hours look
ing after some matters at the court
L. I). Iliatt came up yesterday from
Murray to join Mrs. Iliatt and little
daughter, who have been visiting
here at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fied Fleinrich. the parents of Mrs.
Heinrich for the past few days.
Frorn Tuesday's Dally.
Leonard Meisinger and wife were
among those going to Omaha on the
early morning Burlington train to
day, where they will visit with
friends for the day.
W. II. Seybert and wife departed
yesterday afternoon for Cedar Creek,
where they will visit for a few days
there with relatives and friends in
that vicinity.
W. T. Melbern and son Ray. and
Mrs. Ethel Trofhtz were among
those going to Murray this morning
where they will visit at the Ernest
Melbern heme.
W. T. Ramsel of Seward; Neb., a
nephew of Rudolph Ramsel cf this
city, "was here today to visit his un
cle and also a few of his old time
school friends in this city.
G. G. Meisinger and wife departed
this afternoon for Cedar Creek to at
tend the funeral services of Mrs. El
mer Mei-inger which will be held
there tc morrow af:ernoon.
George Thierolf of Star, Holt
county, who has been visiting at the
home of his ctjusin, Adam Meisinger,
near Cedar Creek for a few days, de
parted thi.s afternoon for his home.
The wedding of C. E. Pettit. Mis
souri Pacific station agnt of Louis
ville, and Miss Clara A. Cnland, of
Eagle, occurred at Omaha last Satur
day. Mr. Pettit brought his bride
to Louisville on Sunday and they
have gone to housekeeping in fur
nished rooms at the home of Mrs.
Charles Phelps on Railroad avenue.
The groom has becn stationed
here since the Missouri Pacific open
ed up their station this winter, and
has already gained a wide acquant
ance and made many friends in thi.s
vicinity. The bride is one of Eagle's
most prominent and popular young
ladies and iouisville people will give
this splendid young couple a hearty
welcome and will join the Courier
in extending best wishes for many
happy years together, filled with all
success. Louisville Courier.
Miss Pauline Smetana of This City
and Elmer Lohnes of Cedar Creek
Married in the Metropolis.
from Tuesday's Dally.
Two of the popular and well known
young people of this portion of Cass
county stole a march on their friends
yesterday morning, when they has
tened to Omaha and were married
there at 11 o'clock at the V. M. C. A.
parlors. The contracting parties
were Miss Pauline Smetana of this
citv and Mr. Elmer Ixhnes of Cedar
The wedding as a very quiet one,
the only ones who were allowed in on
the secret of the date of the wedding
being the members of the families of
the young people and the event came
as a complete surprise to the host of
friends in this part of the county.
The bride is the charming daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Smetana
and has been reared to womanhood
in this city. For some time she has
been engaged in work at the E. G.
Dovey & Son store and will retire
from this position in the next two
weeks to assume her charge in the
new home. The groom is one of
the industrious young farmers of
near Cedar Creek and is a son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Lohnes and the young
people will reside in the future on
the farm which Mr. Lohnes is now
engaged in handling.
The host of friends here will join
in wishing the young people a long
and very happy married life.
way when the door was open. Lt was
this thing he intended avoiding that
actually happened. The door was
left open and he fell in, not thinking
of the opening and striking fractur
ing one of his ribs with the result
that he was laid up for several days.
At the Bennett Lutheran church
Thursday, February 10th. occurred
the marriage of Ella Marie Rocken
bauch to Mr. William Branscom. of
Elmwood. At 2 p. m., as the wed
ding march was being played by
Miss Agnes Haach. the wedding party
entered from the church alcove and
took their places by the church al
ter. Rev. G. Ilaack was the official
clergyman who tied the nuptial knot
pronouncing .the ceremony which
united the lives of these estimable
young people. After the ceremony,
the wedding party and guests mo
tored to the beautiful country home
of the bride's parents, where a most
bounteous wedding dinner was serv
ed followed by a reception to the
bride and groom. The bride was
dressed in a beautiful gown of pale
blue silk crepe de chine with over
drape of white silk beaded georgette
and carried a shower bouquet of
bride's roses and ferns. The groom
wore conventional black. The brides-
maids, the Misses Eda and Loretta j
Rockenbauch, sisters of the bride, j
wore dresses of pink silk crepe de
chine with overdrape of white silk j
beaded georgette and carried pink j
carnations and ferns.
the creek bank. Ralph Martin went'
into his garden on the 13th day of!
February and dug a half bushel of,
fine potatoes that had been left in j
the field in the fall. Then Monday j
morning a large flock of ducks were
seen going north. But for all these'
evidences of a mild winter and anj
early spring. R. B. Jameson predicts'
that we will have severe weather yet
and that he doesn't believe a word of j
the snake and pussy willow story and !
we presume he will doubt the pota-j
to story from the fact that he har
vested a 13-inch ice crop not long:
ago. As near as the writer can
learn, about all we are short of Cali-j
fornia is the good roads and the dif-I
ference in the price of oranges, as
our roads are lierce and oranges 60
to 80 cents per dozen.
('has. Renner. Jr., who has been
suite ill v. ith pneumonia for The
past ved. or more, is reported as,
improving. A trained nurse has
been in attendance.
Fred Muenchau was down from
Elmwood on last Tuesday between
trains looking after matters of busi
ness. Fred has so many friends in
! Eagle that it is difficult for him to
'catch a train out of town when he
' gets here.
i Glenn Knapton and Tom Renner
j were up to Lincoln Tuesday evening.
Glenn went up and enlisted in the
: National Guard, and Tom has been
a memoer for some time.
! Mrs. II. K. Frantz, who has been
Earl Towle returned from Lin-iiuite ill for the past three weeks,
coin Sunday morning with jiis daugh-j is improving nicely and hopes are
ter, Miss Margaret, who had under- entertained that she will be corn
gone an operation for appendicitis ' pletely recovered soon. She was able
at the Lincoln Sanitarium. '.to sit "p at tne table last Sunday.
A cigarette stub, thrown into a" Chas. Trumble, who has been out
small trash pile in the ticket booth af Wild Horse, Colorado, for the past
at Chadderon's garage Friday r.'ght three months, came back to Eagle
missed by only a small margin set- Wednesday afternoon and will re
ting the garage afire. A small blaze main a short time. He says he likes
had started up in the trash piiy and Colorado so well he wants to live
was discovered by rhe more accident there continuously; that the crop
of the bovs who were locking un prospects are fine, and the winter
going back after a forgotten article Ils keen remarkably mild.
of wearing apparel. I At the band meeting last Satur
John W. Rugha shipped a ear of (lar night further progress was made,
C. L. Creamer purchased on Wed
nesday the property belonging to the
McCartney estate in East Elmwood.
The consideration price was $1,250.
Wm. Schick, Jr., who has just re
cently undergone an operation for
aDDendicitis. is able to be about
again and was in town on Tuesday. ! fat cows to the Omaha market last though some of the boys were more
He says that he is feeling pretty
good and we believe hira for he looks
On Monday evening Vernon Clem
ents, while indulging in a rather
lively practice at basket ball at the
club hall with some of the other boys
had his nose broken. This was done
by coming in contact with one of
the other players with such force
that the bones were broken. With
that member patched up he is get
ting around as usual, but looks more
like a scarecrow than the usual
On Thursday evening of last week
Chas. Gerbeling, who worked for I.
M. Liston, had the misfortune to
fracture one of his ribs. Mr. Liston
had just moved to his new building.
In the room to the rear there is a
cellar way. Charley had just said
that they would have to be careful
least any of them fall in the cellar
Thursday. Mr. Rugha took his loss mreresieu in tne basket Dan game
of 15 a head less than he paid for than n the preliminary meetings.
the cows four months ago. as cheer- antl tailed to turn out. A number
fully as did the man with the live of instruments were brought in and
cars of finished cattle that h3 paid como of them were purchased, while
11 cents for eight months ago and others have been ordered or will be
sold them for 8 cents the same fifty, at the meeting held tonight
and the man who was on the same 1
market with 3,000 head of sheep' To feel strong, have good appetite
that brought $4 per head less than an'l digestion, sleep soundly and en-
he paid for them. j Joy life. u:-e Burdock Blood Bitters
Some of the stories told here Sat-' the family system tonic. Price $1.25.
urday and Sunday might make some
of our Weeping Water people who Blank Books at the Journal Office
spent their money to go to Calit'or- J
nia to avoid the cold weather, feel I
like they might as well have stayed j REPORT OF THE CONDITION
in old Nebraska. Here are some of j of TIIK
the stories told: John Robinson says
he saw a large bull snake sunning
himself and crawling along between
Avoca and Otoe last week. A. E.
Jameson said he had a big boquet of
pussy willows that hail bloomed on
Of Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Charter No. 7 m; in 1 1 1 - State of N
braska lit tlx- close of business
021 February 10, 1121.
-an mynmentm
THE Special Order line for Spring and
Summer, 1921, from the House of
Kuppenheimer is ready for you. This
means real service for the most exacting and
hardest-to-fit customers, for the tailoring by
Kuppenheimer is excelled by none, and the
patterns all virgin wool fabrics are un
usually fine.
Several numbers appear that have not been
seen for several years fresh, bright colored
stripes, plaids and checks. Wear something
individual, something the other fellow hasn't.
The prices on these suits, made to your in
dividual measure, fit guaranteed, start at $40,
with the cream of the line at $50 to $60. The
very best blue serge priced exceptionally
close at $50 and $55.
Don't compare Kuppenheimer Tailor Made
Garments "with ordinary clothes. There's
a difference. Order your Easter suit
NOW deliveries in 10 days to 2 weeks.
t'.oatis ami discounts
Herd rails
Konds, securities, judgments,
claims, etc.. including all
government bonds
Hanking house, furniture and
ther real estate
"in-rent expenses, taxes and
interest paid
line from and State
'hecks and items of exch'gc
'ii rrcney ,
Jold coi ri
Silver, nickels and cents....
ilia. 96
l. ::::. 77
j. !'.". no
1.791. 40
TOTAL Jlfia.S.-.U.Ol
f'anital stock paid in $ rl.ti00.00
Surplus fund 1 D.OOII.OO
I ndivided profits 7.S79.97
inuivKliiHl deposits sul.ject to
(l;cck 20i,O.S2.JJ
Iiematid certilicatt s of de
posit 3. ".00
Time certilicates of deposit. 1 S -.'.:! I.'!. 4 ".'
Ciishit'l-s checks oil t st and i rtvr 7.7l'
Imic to National and State
'"iiks . none
Notes and Pills reUiscounted none
1 til Is payable - none
1 epositor's guaranty fund... 3.791.NS
Some Interesting Corset News!
We have added to our wonderful line of "American Lady" Back Lace Corsets, a
new distinctive Front Lace Corset the "La Camille." After months of thorough in
vestigation of the various high grade Front Lace Corsets, we finally decided that the
"La Camille" Corset carried not only the best features, but an exceptionally good corset
as to style, fit, workmanship and good materials. All these you expect in quality cor
sets. "La Camille" has them and besides, three features of it's own, either one of
which would make a corset famous.
The Ventilo back eliminates pressure on the spine and allows ven
tilation, insuring longer life to the corset.
The Lox-it non-tilting clasp does not tilt, gap or come unfastened.
It is a perfect corset fastener.
The Ventilo Front Shield prevents the lacers from scoring the flesh
and insuies greater range of adjustment.
The price range is from $3.0C to $5.00, and as a special introductory feature, we
are introducing our model 2110, a $5.00 corset for $3.00.
As you no doubt know, the "American Lady" corset has added many wondevful
improvements to their already excellent product, chief of which is the new "mighty
bone" the bone that insures permancy of comfort and style, for it is impossible for
the 'mightybone' to become warped or bent in shape. Your "American Lady"
Corset retains its original shape as long as the corset lasts. We have just received
some excellent new models for all types of figures, prices ranging from $2.00 to $8 50.
We now feel that with a Corset Department carrying two such excellent lines,
that the women and girls of Plattsmouth and vicinity will find just what they want
here, and on the strength of the excellent reputation that the "American Lady" and
"La Camille" Corsets have won for themselves, we can confidentially assure you that
you can make no mistake in making your selection here.
h. ml so:
PHONES 53 and 54
Courier M 4
.jigs. 01
State of Nebraska 1
County of CasS I "
I. II. A. Schneider. Cashier of the
ahove nunicd bank do hereby swear
that the above statement is. u correct
and t rue copy of the report made to
the State Ji'ir.ini of Jl.tnkinfr.
Attest: Cashier.
V. H. NKWKkU Director.
'Subscribed and sworn to before me
tiiU j 1st da of Febi-uarv, 1.'1.
(Seal! Notary Tublic.
(My commission expires Oct. 19, 1921.)
Mrs. Henry Hayflicker, of Wau
keeney, Kansas, arrived last week
for a visit with her daughter, Mrs.
John Albert and family and other
old friends in Cass county and she
will also visit her daughter, Mrs.
Charles Ahl and family of Broken
Bow before returning home.
v Chris Gauer, of near Cedar Creek,
was in town Monday on his way to
the J. R. Birdsall sale west of town.
He reports his family all fairly well
except his daughter, Mrs. Elmer
Meisinger, who is now in the M. E.
hospital in Omaha, where she was
taken for treatment last Thursday,
after a few weeks' illness at home.
Her many friens hope she will re
ceive great benelit trom the treat
ment and that it will not be neces
sary for her to undergo an operation
which seems somewhat probable.
Little Ellen Loberg, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Loberg, who has
had such a struggle with a severe
attack of pneumonia this winter
was able to return home from the
hospital in Omaha last week after
having been there for three weeks
wniie mere sue underwent an op
eration and still must have the drain
age tube in her side for a time. She
suffered greatly and that she recov
ered at all is considered almost a
miracle, but she is making rapid
progress since coming home and her
family hope she will s,oon be com
pletely restored to health.
Mrs. J. J. Twiss received a mes
sage from Scottsbluff on Wednesday
of last week announcing the death
of her brother's widow, Mrs. Jesse
Merrill, which occurred February 9.
She left on the evening train from
Omaha, accompanied by her son,
Walter Twiss, of Plattsmouth, who
met her in Omaha. The deceased
was formerly Miss Ella Bouton, of
near Wabash, and her family were
pioneer citizens of Cass county. She
leaves one married daughter, Mrs.
Irving Prickett. of Scottsbluff, Mrs.
Twiss returned home on Tuesday of
this week, and was met in Omaha by
her daughter. Miss Marjorie Twiss,
manager of the local telephone ex
change. Her assistant, Miss Lydia
Pautsch. had charge of the office
duriug her absence.
Mrs. Bosworth was on the sick list
last week.
Mrs. Maddox returned home Sun
day morning.
Edith Reese was an Elmwood pas
senger Saturday evening.
Warren Richard Vas a Lincoln
passenger Monday morning.
Howard llson was a passenger
to Lincoln Saturday evening.
Mrs. Van Every returned home
from Lincoln Sunday morning.
George Gregory and Joe Loren were
Elmwood passengers Tuesday morn
Ella Gerbeling was an Eagle pas
senger Saturday evening, returning
Sunday morning.
Parker Ottie, Howard Wilson and
Less Bosworth were Lincoln passen
gers Tuesday morning.
Ira Bosworth was an Eagle pas
senger Tuesday evening, going up to
see his new grandson.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pool are the
proud . parents of a fine baby girl
born Monday, February 14th.
We are glad to report that Rev.
Taylor is improving and hope that
he will soon be able to be with us
Edna Wood and Orval Gerbeling
were Elmwod passengers Thursday
evening. They attended a Valentine
party given at the Christian church.
Edna Wood, Mary Smith and Or
val Gerbeling were passengers, to
Elmwood Wednesday, where they at
tended the cantata given at tne
Methodist church.
Mrs. Rottger, of Otoe and Mr.i
Shrader and son, Arthur, of Green-
ole. Kansas, were visitors at tne
Langhorst home between trains both
Thursday and Saturday.
L. R. Stanley is back in his store.
after being penned up a few weeks
with small pox. He is now staying
at the Warren Richard nome as his
family is still quarantined.
Mary Smith was a passenger to:
Lincoln Monday evening, where she
heard the lecture of Miss MacSwiiu-y,
sifter of the lute lord mayor of. Cori,'
Ireland, whose hunger strike in Brix
ton prison finally resulted in hij
Orval. Alice and Alcie Gerbeling
entertained the- 7th and Slh grades
Monday evening to a Valentine party.
During the evening a Valentine box
was opened and many beautiful val
entines were distributed. The guests
departed at a late hour declaring
each had had a fine time.
(frtm Tuesday's Dally.
The general observance of today
as Washington's birthday makes con
ditions very quiet, as the banks,
court house, railroad shops and a
number of places of business observ-
eu ine uay as a uoiiuay ami as a re
sult there has not been a great deal
of excitement, to be found on the
street, the damp and unfavorable
weather conditions adding to tin;
general lack of the usual grist of
To the kind friends and neighbors
who so tenderly assisted us in our
hour of sorrow at the oVath of our
beloved son and brother, who 'desire
to expres' our appreciation of this
assistance and assure the frids
that as long as life we shall alWffjs
remember their acts. We also desire
to express our thanks to those who
so generously sent their beautiful
flowers for our loved one.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Todd
and family.
Five room cottage on easy terms;
also some well located vacant lots
3td 3tw. R. B. WINDHAM.
Blank Books at the Journal Ofics.
Drs. Mach & Rftach.The Dentist
The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha
Experts in charge of all worL Lady attendant. Mod
erate Prices. Pcrcehin fillings just like tooth. Instru
ments carefully sterilized after using.