The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 14, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1921
Ben Swanson was in Lincoln Fri
day. Chas. Hill of Lincoln, was in Alvo
Wm. Aulthans and Wm. Hoffmann
were in Lincoln Thursday.
Joe Armstrong was translating
business In Lincoln Monday. '
Born. February 7. 1921. to Mr.
and Mrs. Simon Erakhage. a daugh
Joe Foreman is soliciting members
for the farm bureau in Holt county.
Frank Ingwcrson of Panama, took
dinner Thursday with Mr. and Mrs.
George P. Foreman.
Rosa Lee Johnson was taken ill
in school Thursday afternoon with
symptoms of appendicitis.
Among those on the sick list are
Mrs. Weichel, Mrs. Thomas Stout.
Little Mary Richardson and Don
Mrs. Joe Armstrong and son Ivan,
left Friday for a few days visit witl.
the former's son Glenn and family,
at Ilclstine.
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Foreman, Mrs.
Clyde Lancaster, and Mrs. Sam Cash
ner, spent Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Prouty.
Mrs. H. P. Hinds of Wabash, is
spending a few days her? with her
daughter, and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. V. L. Copple.
T. X. Botbitt visited the Alvo
schools one day last week and gave
a talk on "Helen Keller's Wonder
ful Achievements.'
I he Alvo hifch school basket ball
teams went to Lagle Friday evening
Buying Grain
We always pay the highest price for Grain and
Stock. We own and run our own elevator and mix
and grade up our grain, enabling us to always pay
top prices.
Coming here, we are pleased to find a populace
with enterprise and progress -people who exhibit such',
congenial feelings toward those who come into their
midst. We are sure we are going to like this rustling
little city. We have purchased the barber business of
Mr. Meyer and are prepared to care for your wants in
that line.
Come in and see us; let's get acquainted.
filler Brothers,
Under New Management!
I have recently acquired the Alvo Garage and am
prepared to look after the work which may be intrust
ed to my care, and assure you it shall have my best per
sonal efforts and attention.
Now is a good time to have your car put in good
condition before the spring rush begins. I will appre
ciate your work and can do it even greater justice now
than later in the season.
OrviSie Bngwerson,
ALVO -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
Ready for Spring?
The first of March the date of beginning your
spring work will soon be upon us.
Are YOU ready for it? Then why not get those
little things out of the way .and be in shape to go thru
the Spring season without interruption when the time
comes to start.
BRING IN YOUR HARNESS and have it oiled.
We are prepared to take care of his work promptly
for you now. The cost say
Coalman Hardware,
to play the Eagle teams. The Alvo
girls won and the Eagle boys won.
Miss Lois Keefer, teacher at Bush
berry, has had to miss several days
school an account of a very sore
throat, but is convalescing at pres
Among those going to Lincoln
Tuesday were Mrs. Roy Coatman,
Mrs. H. Moore, J. A. Shaffer, Chris
Eichman. Scott Jordan, and C. M
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner, Mr,
and Mrs. Fred Prouty and daughter.
Mrs. Lancaster and little daughter.
and Mr. and Mrs. John Foreman
spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
P. Foreman.
The junior? held a box social at
the Alvo school recently which netted
them $43.25, which will be used for
scnooi purposes, isasket Dan was
played by the town team and high
school team.
The Woman's Reading club was
entertained Thursday afternoon at
the S. C. Boyles home. Mrs. C. D.
Ganz being hostess. An interesting
and enjoyable discussion of "Life in
the Country or City Which," took
Friends of Miss Violet Wishy ten
dered her a pleasant surprise on Wed
nesday evening, February 2. by gath
ering at her home with filled lunch
baskets. Games were played and the
evening was enjoyed by all, there be
ing eighteen guests present.
The Woman's Home Missionary so
ciety held its regular meeting last
HCtiaesday afternoon with Mrs. E. L.
Uptegrove. They will observe the
national annual prayer day Febru-
and Stock!
ary 18 at the M. E. church, the ser
vices to be held in the evening.
Among those from out of town who
attended the funeral of Grandma
I Stone were Mrs. M. Adelia Manners,,
a daughter, or wood River; v. u.
Crone, a brother-in-law of Bolivar,
Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baldwin and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hazelrig of Uni
versity Place and G. La Verne tone
oi Lincoln, grandchildren, and Siva.
Fred Dreamer of College View.
Mrs. Isaac Stone, Obituary.
Melicenth P. Wygal was born at
Rising Sun, Indiana, July 9, 1835,
and died at University Place, Febru
ary 1, 1921. The early years of
her life were spent in the vicinity
of her birth. Here she attended the
public schools, and she also gave her
life to God and united with the Free
Will Baptist church at. the age of
twelve years. She attended and
graduated from Hillsdale college in
Indiana, and was later a teacher in
the public schools for 13 years.
At the age of thirty years she was
united in marriage to Isaac Stone,
February 26. 1S65, in Indiana, where
they resided until 1872, when they
moved to Kansas. living there one
year, then moving to Cass county.
Nebraska in 1873, where she resided
until the last two years, moving to
University Place in July 1919, and
resided there until the day of her
death, being 85 years, 6 months and
21 days old.
Isaac Stone, who passed away in
July, 190S, was a minister of the
Baptist church and for many years
was pastor of Fairview church near
Wabash. He had a wide circle of
acquaintances throughout the county
and especially in the community of
Alvo where he was greatly loved and
respected. His wife was a woman
of superior intellect and qualities of
character, so much so that even a
casual acquaintance was at once im
pressed with that fact. And al
though practically helpless for seme
time before her death, she retained
the clear use of all her faculties of
mind. She died without suffering.
The following children survive:
Edgar M. Stone of Alvo; Isaac Deane
of Denver, Colo.; Rollin A. of Los
Angeles, California; Martha A. Man
ners of Wood River, Neb.; Josephine
W. Baldwin of Denver, Colo. A
step-son. Richard K. Stone, resides
in Kansas. She leaves besides her
children, two sisters and one brother
residing in Indiana. There are also
seventeen grandchildren and five
great children and many other rela
tives and friends to mourn her loss.
The funeral was held from the
Methodist church at Alvo. Friday
afternoon. February 4th, 1921, at 2
o'clock. Rev. E. A. Knight, pastor, of
ficiating, and she was laid to rest in
the Alvo cemetery beside her hus
band. There was a large attendance
and a great abundance of beautiful
flowers showing the great apprecia
tion in which Mrs. Stone was held in
the community. - -
Card of Thanks. ' ;:.
. We desire to thank all our friends
and neighbors who so kindly assist
ed us, la so many helpful ways dur
ing the illness, death and burial of
our beloved mother, Mrs. M. P.
Stone. Especially do we thank Mr.
and Mrs. M. C. Keefer for their kind
hospitality in opening their home to
relatives on the day of burial, and all
who furnished automobiles, and fcr
the beautiful floral offerings, and for
all expressions of sympathy frcm
our many friends.
Mrs. Josephine W. Baldwin and fam
Edgar M. Stone and family.
Rollin A. Stone and family.
Mrs. Martha A. Manners and
Mrs. Josephine .Baldwin and
Richard K. Stone and family.
Thoroughbred S. C. Rhode Island
Red eggs, $1 per setting, $5 per
hundred. Call Mrs. J. Salsburg,
phone 2204, PlattEmouth.
ltw 3td for 4w.
The undersigned will offer for
sale at Public Auction oft what is
known as the Robert Good farm, two
miles east and two and one-half
miles south of Murray, two miles
east and four miles north of Union,
immediately following the F. T. Wil
son sale, on
the following described property:
Live Stock ,
Black gelding, 8 years old. "wt.
1400; black mare, coming 4 years
old, wt. 1300; one bay mare, smooth
mouth, in foal by jack, wt. 14f0;j
one iron gray colt, 2 years old; one
black colt, coming 2 years old. I
une Diacic cow, 4 years old; one
roan cow, 5 years old; one red cow;
three red heifers. . .
Farming Implements
One 2-row R. I. stalk cutter; one
lister; one 14-inch walking plow;'
one 14-inch sulky plow; one shovel
plow; one John Deere corn planter;
one 2-section harrow; two Century
riding cultivators; one Jenny Lind
cultivator; one 6-ft. Deering mower;
one grab hay fork; one hay rack;
one truck wagon; one 3U -in. Weber
wagon; one carriage; one heavy
spring wagon; one set 1-inch har
ness; one set 1-inch harness; one
set 1-inch harness; one set driv
ing harness; one blacksmith forge;
scoop, shovels, pitch forks, hog
troughs and other articles too nu
merous to mention.
Terms of Sale
All sums of $10 and under, cash
in hand; over that amount a credit
of six months- will be given, purchas
er giving note with approved secur
ity bearing eight per cent interest'
from date of sale. All nroDertv must !
settled for before being removed j
irom me premises.
. COL. W. R.. YOUNG, Auct.
,W. G. BOEDEKER, -Clerk.
Andrew Schmader of Louisville and
Miss Louise Rabb of This City
Are Joined Wedlock;
At. the Methodist parsonage this
afternoon at 3 o'clock occurred the
marriage of Miss Louise Rabb of
this city and Mr. Andrew Schmader,
of Louisville, the marriage lines be
ing read by Rev. A. V. Hunter, pas
tor of the church.
The wedding of these popular
young people will be learned with
much pleasure by the host of friends
over Cass county and in their future
life they will carry the hearty good
wishes of these many warm friends.
.The bride is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Rabb of this city
and a lady vho has made a large
circle of warm' friends among those
with whom she has been associated.
The groom is one of the most promi
nent athletes in the state and has
been verylacti.e in boxing circles of
the west smce his discharge from the
navy of whicl. he held the cham
pionship boxii g honors during the
late war. He is a fine, clean, cut
young man in every way and one
well deserving of the charming lady
he has seculre l as a helpmate.
The announcement has been re
ceived here by Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Steppat that they are once morehap-
py grandparents as a fine little son
was born on Monday at the hospital
in Omaha, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Steppat of Grant. Nebraska. The
little one and the mother are doing
nicely and Frank is reported as elat
ed as only a proud father can be
over such a happy occasion.
Effects of Constipation
Constipation causes a stoppage of
the sewerage system of the body.
The poisonous Refuse matter that
should be carried away is retained
in the system and often poisons the
bloo.d and causes numerous disorders.
No one can afford to neglect his
bowels. A dose of Chamberlain's
Tablets will afford relief. Avo'id dras
tic cathartics as they take too much
water out of the system and their
use is likely to be followed by chron
ic constipation.
From Thursday's Daily.
' C. G. Mayfield, one of the promin
ent residents of Louisville, was in
the city today for a few hours at
tending-to some matters of import
ance at "the court house.
J. M. , Hoover and Clark Core ot
Louisville, were here tqday for a few
hours attending to seme matters at
the court house a dnvisiting .with
their many friends in the county seat,
From Friday's Dolly.
-C. A. Gauer of near Cedar Creek
was in the city today for a few hours
looking after some matters of busi
ness with the merchants.
"Mrs. Adam Kaffenberger was among
those, going to Omaha this morning
where she will visit for the day at
tending to some business matters.
Miss Catherine Shopp of McCook,
Neb., is in the city enjoying a visit
at the home of her parents, Air. and
Mrs. F. B. Shopp, for a few days.
Airs, uennett Chrismisser was
among those going to Omaha this
morning to spend a few hours in that
city looking after some matters of
Mrs. Carl Dalton returned this af
ternoon to her home at Sioux City
Iowa, after a short visit here with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Shopp
and family.
County Commissioner G. L. Farley,
departed this morning for Lincoln,
where he goes to spend a short time
in that city looking after some mat
ters relative to the purchase of road
machinery for the county.
The day of harsh physics is gone.
People want mild, easy laxatives
Doan's Regulets have satisfied thous
ands. 30c at all drug stores.
If it's in the stationery line, call
t the Journal office.
Lower Prices!
What a relief it is to know
that you no longer need to
deny yourself merchandise
that is necessary for full
comfort and satisfaction.
Our present displays al
ready reflect downward re
vision in p r i c e s. The
knowledge that from now
on goods will be produced
at less cost, makes it pos
sible to provide for your
complete needs, without
hesitancy or restriction. - "
F. P. BU8CH, Manager
The undersigned will offer for
nif at nnblic auction. 4 miles
west and mile south of Mynard,
or 4 miles west and 3 miles north
nf lUnrrnv. on the place known as
the old Barker farm ,
commencing at 10:00 o'clock a. m
with lunch served on ground at noon
by Oscar Nayler, the following de
scribed property, to-wif:
Live Stock
Black mare G years old, wt. 1600;
black horse G years old, wt. 1400;
black mare 4 years old, wt. 1400;
bay mare 4 years old, wt. 1200; bay
horse. 3 (coming 4) years old, wt.
1200; iron gray horse 3 (coming 4)
years old, wt. 1150; brown horse 3
(coming 4) years old, wt.1300.
Three milk cows, one fresh April
1st; one heifer, 2 year old.
Farming Implements
One set 2-inch harness; one set
l'i-inch harness; one set lH-'nch
harness; two farm wagons, one truck
wagon nearly new, one Bain wagon;
one new hay rack; one McCormick
binder, 7 foot; one Deering binder,
7 foot; one Deering Giant mower, 5
foot: one Osborn disc. 16xlG; one
John Deere 2-row machine; one
broadcast seeder; one riding culti
vator; two tongueless cultivators;
one earn drill; one riding lister; one
corn grader; one cream separator.
One solid oak side board; one com
bination solid oak bookcase and
writing desk; one solid oak folding
bed and many other articles too nu
merous to mention.
Terms of Sale
All sums of $10 and under cash
in hand; over that amount a credit
of 6 to 8 months will be given, pur
chaser giving note with approved
security bearing S per cent interest
from date of sale. All property must
be settled for before being removed
from the premises.
COL. W. R. YOUNG, Auct.
For the Liver and Bowels
When your liver and bowels be
come torpid get a bottle of Chamber
lain's Tablets. They will tone up
your liver and cause a gentle move
ment of the bowels. They also im
prove the digestion.
The undersigned will offer at
Public Auction on what is known as
the R. R. Nickels farm, two miles
east and two and one-half miles
south of Murray; two miles east, and
four miles north of Union, on
commencing at 10:00, o'clock sharp.
, ith .di,nner served at noon on the
farm "by . the ladies of the. Lewiston
chuch, the following described prop
erty, to-wit:
Live Stock
. Span black mules, coming 7 years,
wt. 2400; team steel gray mares. -3
and 4 years old. wt. 2500; br,own
mare coming 3 years old, wt. 1400;
black mare coming 4 years old, wt.
1250; brown horse coming 3 years
old, wt. 1300; steel gray horse com
ing 4 years old, wt. 1200; one mare
2 years old, wt.
12 years old, wt.
11 years old, wt.
8 years old, wt.
coming 4 years
950; one bay mare
one bay mare1
one bay horse
one bay colt, '
one bay colt,
coming 3 years old.
Three red cows, giving milk; two
oowE, fresh in March; two cows, fresh
in iuay; one regisiereu uut-rnsey
cow. giving milk; one Shorthorn1
bull; five young calves; four last
spring calves. '
Eight Duroc sows, bred; ten fine
shoats, weighing 150 lbs. each.
Farming Implements .
One Scheuttler wagon, nearly
new; one Mitchell wagon; one low!
wagon and rack; one bob sled, good
as new; one spring -wagon; two sets
1-inch harness, good as new; one
set li-inch harness, good as new;
eight leather horse collars; two sets j
of fly nets; one 2-row stalk cutter; .
one Rock Island disk; one broadcast1
seeder: one Monitor press drill; one
2-section harrow; one riding lister; 1
one walking lister; one new 1-horse
corn drill; two P. & O. corn sleds, j
used one season; one good lG-inchi
stirring plow; one Overland riding
pnlt i vn tnr nnn Harlfrpr ridinc- riilf i-l
vator; one John Deere walking cul
tivator; one New Departure cultiva
tor; One McCormick mower, 6-foot;
one Rock Island gas engine; one up
right gas engine; one tank healer;
one hog waterer; one cream separa
tor, 500 capacity; one steel gas bar
rel; .two 16-foot hog troughs and
numerous other articles.
Terms of Sale
Ail sums of $25 and under, cash
in hand; over that amount a credit
of six to eight months will be given,
purchaser giving note with approv
ed security bearing eight per cent in
terest from date of sale. All prop
erty must be settled for before being
removed from the premises.
COL. W. R. YOUNG. Auct.
W. G.. BOEDEKER, Clerk.
.Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
a Favorite.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a
favorite with the mothers of small
children" for colds, croup ant whoop
ing cough. ' Its pleasant taste and
the prompt cures which it effects
has won the good opinion of moth
ers everywhere. As this remedy con
tains no opium or other narcotic it
may be given as confidently to a baby
as to an adult.
W. G. Boedeker of the Murray State
bank, was in the city today for a
few hours looking after some matters
of business.
Herbert Steinkanip is reported as
having the measles and getting along
Ceo. L. Meisinger was looking af
ter some business matters in Louis
ville 'last Friday.
Miss Cala Miller of Wabash, was
visiting at the Home of Clarence
Aktsrii for a few d-jvs last week.
Thomas Kreckler, who has return
ed from Omaha is still reported as
making good gains in his returning
Herman Dali the implement deal
er and blacksmith, has been neariy
laid up for the past week with a very
bad cold.
Ik'ijry Kelm c-helling and da
l'.vcing his corn to the Kelly ele
;,'.r: for shipment hist Friday and
H. A. Doty of Weeping Water, the
oil man. was a visitor in Manley
last week, bringing a truck -load of
gas and oil.
Dr. Thomas or Weeping Water,
has been making a, number of cal'.s
in the vicinity of Manley, caning
on ills patients.
C. M. Andrus was a visitor at Lin
coln last Friday and remaining ior
few Oaya. where .ho was
after some business.
Little. Dorothy, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Iloscoe Owens is reported
as being down with the meales. but
getting along nicely.
Misses Silt Mockenhaupt has been
visiting with frienes in Omaha for
the past week, where she has been
4he guest of her sister.
Claude Ureckenfield of Elm wood.
i was looking after some business and
visiting at the home or his sister
last Saturday and Sunday.
'I ho dance which wus given at th I
M ". A. hal! at Mr.ilrv last Mon.laV
m.t with'stanading i.It: very bad con-j
.!it'';n of the road.:, it was a g c:il
S.mCLFS. ' 1
During the absence of Walter it.
Frost, attending 'the Iumbermans
convention, C. E. Mockenhaupt has
been conducting the business of the
lumber yard. .
Mrs. Viola Copple spent Tuesday at
Alvo at the heme of her son and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Copple.
w here a birthday dinner for Will was
greatly enjoyed.
Mr. Fred Lor-usen, the gencra.1
rustler, expects to engage in farm-
e coming summer, had his
added ot the list of readers at
last week.
W. J. Rau and wife and Mrs A.
H. Humble were visiting in Omah.i
last Saturday, besides being guests
of friends they were also Ijoking
after some business matters.
Wm. Swalm. who recently held a
sale, will move to Louisville, where
he will make his home, having pro
vided a new and very comfortable
home there before having the sale.
Mif. Mathilda icrc-nsen and her
daxiA-hter Adaline, vere visiting , in
Maaiey the gues s at the li-jr.i : of
n ami orotner 1 ixrensen, r
maining for a few days and returned
Water. ,
Mr. Simon Bprnemeier and his on
Daniel, who have "be m having the,
pneumonia for some time, are bqln
up now ana getting along very nice
ly, while Miss MarthA and little
llenrv are getting along nicelv wi h
the measles.
Edward Kelly notwithstanding the
fact of almost impassible roads, was
snjpping some corn to the central
market. Were the rods so they
I could be used with any degree of
--atisfaction, ' there would be much
grain shipped.
T T- nnrnpa whn waa at Omaha
with the folks last week, was looking
after some business matters and aiso
were visiting with Mrs. Amelis
Shoeman, who is reported to be vei'
Pick, and a letter to the Burnes fam-
I ily since returning tells of her con
tinued, illness.
Fred Krecklow and Nels Peter
sen, who have recently held sales at
their farms were well pleased with
the sales, the p'roperty going at very
Mnvimnm QaiTrisA Itla nYlinariT f
The Litchfield Manufacturing company are not claiming
that they have the only good manure spreader, but they are
claiming that they have the best, from a number of points,
which is effective service, economy in operation and thor
oughness in thejwork done, no' matter what kind of material
which is operated upon.
It is said that the makers of the Special spreader do not
know how to make anything else, but the great and potent
fact is "They do know how to build the best spreader."
That is not all they -do. They furnish a machine that
pays on a farm, not a toy, but a real revenue getter, a better
instrument than an auto, a truck or a tractor.
There is a number of other good features in this ma- .
chine which we have not space to enumerate. Give us .a
chance to demonstrate.
fair figuress, showing the quality of
the goods and they will bring good
prices, even if there has been some
flurries in the financial market.
W. H. Frost and wife were ai
tending the Retail Lumbermans as
sociation convention which was held
at Omaha last week, remaining for
three days and returned home last
Friday evening, having enjoyed the
s.tay in Omaha as well as getting
much good out of the convention.
Miss Laura and Mildred Bushnell
and their aunt,- Mrs. V. M. Copple,
spent Saturday afternoon with Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn Copple of Bethany.
In attendance at a miscellaneous
shower :.n honor of Miss Hernice
Soller whose marriage to Edward
Rodaway will take place Monday
evening, February 14, 1921.
Geo. Schaefer and daughter. Miss
Carrie, who have been making
home at the home of Mr. and Mis.
Ed Pankonin near Weeping Wal:r
since the return of Miss Carrie fron
the hospital at Omaha, where some
months ago she underwent an oper
ation, returned home last Friday
and are making their home her
again. Miss Carrie is reported as
feeling very well at this time.
St. Patrick's Catholic Church.
Sunday Service
8:30a.m. Low Mass and In
struction. 10:00 a.m. High Mass and ser
mon. Lenten Services
8:00 p.m. Sunday and Wednes
day Rosary service and ben
ediction. Friday The way of the Son and
The undersigned will offer for sale
at public auction on the Brinklow
place, in the south part of the city of
Plattsmouth. on the old fair grounds
site, just one mile south of the c3urt
house, on
Saturday, February 19th
This sale will commence promptly
at 10:00 a. m. Immediately after
this sale, the A. O. Ramge sale of
Poland China Bred Sows will be held
at the Gouchenour barn in Platis
mouth. Thi3 is absolutely a clean
up sale, and all goods will be sold
to the highest bidder.
Live Stock
One bay mare, nine years old,
weight 1250; one bay horse, five
years old, weight 1100; one Jersey
cow, eight years old, was fresh Jan.
1st; five head of Chester White
shoats; eight dozen mixed chickens;
one calf, six weeks old.
Farming Implements
One 3-inch Olds wagon with box.
one seven-foot cut Acme binder, one
I John Deere walking lister, one 16
nch J. I. Case stirring plow, one 1-
horse walking corn drill, one New
Departure walking cultivator, one
3-section harrow, one set l-inch
work harness, one Belle City incuba
tor and brooder, six galvanized chick
en coops, one 35-gauon copper Kei-
tie with stand, one Majestic steel
range, one Riverside
oaK neating
stove, one 30-gallon jar, some tolls,
and numerous other articles.
Terms of Sale
All sums of $10 and under, cash
in handf over that amount a credit
of six months will be given, purchas
er giving note with approved secur
ity bearing eight per cent interest
from da"tfe 6f sale. All property must
be settled' for before being removed
from the premises.
J. H. GRAVES, Owner.
W. R. Young, Auctioneer.
Geo. O. Dovey, Clerk.
Eczema spreads rapidly; the itch
ing almost tlrives you mad. For
quick relief, Doan's Ointment is well
recommended. 60c at all stores.
liiuvuuivi j