The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 14, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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The Bank ov UurdocEi
Murdook, Nebraska
Has been under the. present management for the past
eleven years, during which time we have served and
are still serving over four hundred depositors. These
deposits are all protected by the DEPOSITORS GUAR
at no expense to the depositor, who gets this protection
as free insurance, when depositing in -The Bank of
Murdock. ,
We solicit deposits, be they large or small, either
checking accounts or time deposits, on which we pay
A'c interest if left six months, or 5rA.i left for one
year. , " .
We are here to serve our friends and customers,
and are always ready to give our time to their personal
needs. -
Come in and see us at any time, whether on busi
ness or just to pass the time of day with us.
The Bank of Cllurdock
"The Bank where You Feel at Home"
HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pre.
II. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier
Ferdinand Uronkow was looking
after some business matters at Lin
coln Saturday.
Collin Sedman wah a visitor over
Sunday at Omaha, where he was the
guest of friends.
Mir-es Margaret and Catherine
Tocl were visiting with the folks at
heme for over Sunday.
Gust Wendt was a visitor in Lin
coln where he was looking alter
same business matters for a short
Mr. Wm. Gehrst has not been feel
ing: very well for some days past, but
is showing some improvement ut
Kenneth Tocl arrived home last
Saturday on the noon train and
spent the week end at the home of
his parents.
E. W. Thimgan was called to Oma
ha a few days ago to look after some
business and purchase some goods for
hist garage. ,'.. r .
J. J. Austin, who has been 'looking
, alter fomebusinesa-. at Big Springs,
for the past few days returned home
last Saturday.
Mlf-Ilhn('ToMrle of Weeping Wa
ter, has been visiting at the "home of
her sister. Mrs. J. E. McIIugh for
the past week.
J. G. Sclieel and wife with their
daughter Miss (Mara, were visiting in
Lincoln last Saturday anddoing some
trading as well. ( -.
Fronk Zoz was looking after some
business matters in the state capital
last Saturday, making the trip over
the Rock Island.
John Miller was looking after
Eome business , and visiting with a
very dear friend in Omaha last Sat
urday and Sunday.
Jess Landholm was a vrsitotr in
Omaha last Wednesday, where he
was looking after some business mat
ters for a short time.
Miss Margaret Amgwert, who has
been teaching at Carson, la., for some
time, was home for a visit with the
friends of the family fqjr over Sun
day. A. Peters, the manager of the con
struction company, who has been
putting in the electric light lines,
was a business visitor in Louisville
for over Sunday.
Frank Rosenow was hauling away
the brush which had been trimmed
for the electric wires, and cleaning
up the streets which the building
of the system had caused.
While out west a few days ago,
Charles Long had some trouble will
his car. The roads were more than
muddy, an damong the other things
lost one of his chains, and however.
Big Poland-China
20 HEAD 20
of the big type Poland-China bred gilts will be offered
for sale at the Gouchenour barn; in Plattsmouth, at
1:30 p. m., on -
Saturday, February 1 9th
These hogs are the best to be found on the market.
W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer. .
diligently he looked for it but it
could not be found.
Henry Heineman departed last
Thursday for the north, going first
to Sioux City and Ujter to Hitch
cock. S. D.. where he will visit for a
short time at the home of his broth
er. J. A. Heineman. and other
friends for a fe"w days.
Mrs. Kenneth E. Sedman of Wahoo,
who has been visiting in Murdock for
the past week or more, departed last
Saturday for her home and was ac
companied as far as South Bend by
Mr. Collin Sedman. who went along
to assist in making the change.
Floyd Gerbling, the Standard Oil
man from Elmwood, was a visitor In
Murdock last Saturday morning,
driving over with the oil wagon to
serve, the customers of that place
with oil and gas. The representa
tive of the Journal rode over from
Elmwood with the oil man.
L. F. Bunker and wife, who have
been staying in Murdock for some
time past, Mr. Bunker working on
the "electric line, while Mrs. Bunker
has been conducting the eating house,
departed last Saturday for their home
in Louisville, the eating house being
permanently closed as the - work on
the line is nearlng an end. There
is but little more to do on the worK
and the turning on of the lights
awaits the arrival otjhe transformer
for the service line.
Joy Number Eight.
Al. Bauers has a team which is a
little fractious and are always scrap
ping if left to stand for a little time.
They are just, in fun though, but
till keep nipping at each other.
During the past week they seemed to
be very gentle, and it was wondered
why, until some one heard Mr. Bau
ers speak, when the mildness of his
voice and with such pleasantness,
that it is no wonder that the horses
were subdued. And the smile that
that man' wore, we knew spring was
coming with its mellow Influences,
but the. reason of this pleasantness
was aot explainable until we found
out that the eighth grandchild, and
a boy has been bequeathed to our
genial drayman. The stork brought
a son to-the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Boldin, and all are doing well.
Will Hold, a Food Sale.
The ladiel of the- Royal Neighbors
of Americaof Murdock) will give a
food sale, Saturday February 10,
1921, at the Farmers and Merchants
bank building, consisting of pies,
cakes, cookies and foods of all vari
eties. The sale will begin promptly
at one o'clock in the afternoon.
Mrs. Andrew Schleifert Breaks Ana.
Last Friday when Mrs. Andrew
Schleifert stepped out of doors, she
chanced to step on a piece of ice, her
feet slipping out from under her,
allowing the unfortunate lady to fall
heavily to the ground. Her left
arm, which she put out to save her
from the force ct the fall, turned un-
.de rher body with the result that tue
large bone vt her forearm was frac
tured. Dr. A. R. Hornbeck was call
ed and reduced the fracture. The
lady is resting as well as possible
under such conditions. It is hoped
that the injury will be rapid in mend
ing and that she may recover in a
short time.
Will Seed to Grass.
Many cf the farmers are thinking
of seeding much grass and clover be
cause of the high price of hired help.
The grass crops are paying pretty
good, closer and alfalfa seed being
a good revenue producer, and even
timothy has done well. Gust Wendt,
has some one hundred and fifty
bushels of timothy, after having dis
posed of a good amount of his last
year's crop.
Appreciative for Kindness.
Incident to the loss and discomfort
occasioned by the fire which robber
J. E. McHugh and family of their
home and as an expression of friend
liness, the Junior and Senior Red
Cross, the Royal Neighbors and citi
zens, and the opening of their home
to a meeting of the citizens for a
quilting bee to replenish the bedding
of the family which was destroyed,
and for the money, the fruit, meat
vegetables and . canned goods, which
were so friendly and lavishously giv
en, Mr. and Mrs. McHugh wish to
extend their best and heartiest
thanks.. This is in hoping that no
like calamity may ever visit the
homes of friends of those .who so
kindly demonstrated their friendship
and embraces the entire citizenry of
Murdock. Also to the membership
of the former Methodist church for
their very kindly acts, for friendship
and sympathy.
Visits in Oklahoma.
Henry A. GuThmann, cashier of the
Bank of Murdock, returned from Ok
lahoma on Thursday evening, having
spent a few days at Binger, Ok
homa with F. C. Opitz and family,
where he found our old friends Ar
thur Rikli and Mother Rikli, visit
ing with the Opitz family, Mrs. Opitz
being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Rikli. Frpm Binger, the Riklis will
go to Perry Oklahoma, to visit their
son, Arnold Rikli. and expect to re
turn to Murdock about March 1st.
Mr... Guthman stopped at Enid. Ok
alhoma, on his return, and states
that this a very enterprising and
flourishing city, strictly up to date.
The winter wheat in Kansas and
Oklahoma has came through and
in fine condition, and immense fields
are now nice and green, with plenty
of moisture and it looks like a
bumper crop for that fertile wheat
country. The cotton farmers have
had a very bad year, having raised
an immense crop, at a large expense,
only to find no market for their pro
duct, they have produced a bumper
crop and find to their dismay that
they are going broke on account of
the large yield. For the average cot
ton now being ginned, the .farmer
realizes from $3 to $5 a bale, after
paying picking and ginning expenses.
A year ago, this same grade of
cotton found a ready market at from
$150 to $175 a bale. The average cot
ton yield is about one-half bale to the
acre, and Henry says that the farmer
now measures his loss, according to
the amount of acreage he had in cat
ton.". Corn was a big producer the
past season, and the man who raised
corn, considers himself lucky, even
at 40 cents a bushel, down there.
Shall We Have a Good Schtrol?
Conrad Baumgactner, Sr., member
of the board of Education, district
C-7, and also member and director of
the Farmers Union Educational asso
ciation, had the opportunity to hear
his fellow members at the meeting
held at Murdock town hall. Febru
ary 7, how progressive and enthusi
astic they are in the welfare of their
children and children's children to
give them a good education and show
ed how willing a farmer is to make
their children heirs of some real es
tate. But above all things while the
opportunity is before us to give and
make them heirs to a modern and ful
ly .equipped $80,000 school building,
so that when the cold winds blow
over our graves, our children shall
hear no more saying, "Oh, that dumb
farmer has no education." Conrad
says, "take your hat off " to such a
progressive and enthusiastic farmer,
who- works for the welfare of his
children and his childrens children,"
but has no use for knockers of such
work, of which, thank God, there are
only a few.
We are fortunate at this time to
get a statement of Mr. Baumgartner,
Sr., of the actual cost of sending his
two boys to a fully equipped school
which his district does not have. We
find his statement correct, and the
boys' had to -give a good account of
i every dollar spent outside of railroad
fare to Lincoln, board and lodging.
This has cost him for every nine
months of school an average of nine
hundred and twenty dollars ($920)
for both boys or for the four year
course of high school a sum of three
thousand, six hundred and eighty dol
lars ($3,680). The sum of nine hun
dred and twenty dollars, which was
one year's expense, would pay the
eighty-thousand ($80,000) school
bond tax on his quarter of land for,
sixteen years, and the total expense
for four years of high school, which
is $3,6S0, would pay the $S0.000 bond
taxes for sixty-four years.
Mr. Baumgartner is not the only
farmer in district C-7 who has paid
this amount for high school in the
last year. Mr Pickwell, Mr. O. Zink,
Mr. C, Stroy, MjA. Panska, Mr. Hy.
Gakemier, and probably others that
can give the same figures.
Had they and Mr. Baumgartner
had the opportunity to send their
children to a fully equipped school
to Murdock, they would have made
a saving of $862.50 each year (taken
cn a quarter of land) and for four
years. $3,450.
Take a pencil and figure it for
yourself, the difference It will make
to your "pocket beck" in sending
your children off to a better equipped
school, saying nothing about the
grief and worry the good mother
will have. We all kr.ow that educa
tion is one of the main and greatest
lacking of the farmer of today.
The statement, "that Mr. Baum
gartner is trying to pull the woll off
his farmer friends' eyes. and the D
trick" cf which he was accused of at
the farmers meeting should be an
eye opener to all fathers and moth
ers who have boys and girls that
wish to attend a fully equipped high
Are Mindful of Teacher.
Miss Isabel O'HolIeren, who was
making her home with the family of
J..E. McHugh at the time of the fire,
suffered the loss of her wardrobe, as
I her trunk was burned and left her
with nothing out tne ciotnmg wnicn
she was wearing. Not that she was
asking anything, but with that feel
ing of the generous city-like Murdock
the inhabitants, and especially the
business men. appreciating the ster
ling worfrh of Miss O'HolIeren as a
teacher and as a lady, they made up
a purse for her amounting to about
fifty dollars.i The children gave her
a shower of things appropriate un
der the circumstances and tendered
them to their teacher. Miss O'Hol
Ieren, appreciative of the kindness
of the friends of Murdock, wishes to
by the people of Murdock, wishes to
extend her thanks for the kindness
Farmers Union Elects Officers.
The. Farmers Union had a meeting
at their place of business last Tues
day at which there was a large at
tendnace and much interest shown
in the discussions. At a recent
meeting they elected the officers for
the ensuing year. The following is
a list of the officers chosen: Fred
Stock, president; Henry Meierjergen,
vice president; H. C. Bakemeyer, secretary-treasurer;
Stephen Lies, man
ager of elevator; Fred Stock. Henry
Meic-rjergen, C. Baumgartner, Gust
Ruge, Henry Schalaphoff, H. C.
Father Lynch Called Home.
Father Patrick Lynch, "who has
been in the ministry for the past
forty years is reported dead at his
home at Woodriver, where he hae
Fevred the parish of his church for
the past thirty-six years. Father
Lynch, who was about 75 years of
age, was stationed at Plattsmouth
some forty years ago and while there,
being of a missionary turn of mind,
established the church at College
Hill, seeing the need of a church
in this vicinity. This edifice was
destroyed by fire seme eighteen years
ago and on the rebuilding of the
church, the present church was erect
ed in Manley. The establishing of
the church in this vicinity was the
work of this enterprising minister.
He was soon ealled to the church at
Wcodriver. where he worked with
the people until death called him
home. Many of the people , both of
Plattsmouth and in the neighborhood
cf Manley will remember this good
locking For Much Building.
H. W. Tool, who has been attend
ing the Lumberman's Association at
Omaha for the past few days return
td home last Friday evening and
was feeling very well pleased with
the convention which was represent
ative of the lumber dealers and filled
with the assurance that the good
times which have been absent for
the past few months would scon re
turn. The building trades are look
ing for a large building campaign,
as there are needs of a large number
of dwelling houses as well as other
Married last Thursday.
At the home of the brides parents.
Julius Renke and wife, occurred the
wedding of their daughter. Miss
Amelia Renke and Mr. Ivan Heier on
lasf Thursday. The lines of the
I wedding were read by the Rev. J. W.
Peters, pastor of the church of which
the two young people were members.
Mr. Herbert Schleifert was best man.
l while Miss Magdaline Renke. sister
L.of the bride, acted as the bridesmaid.
The young people are well and fav
orably known in this neighborhood,
where they have a host of friends,
who with the Journal, are wishing
them a long, happy and prosperous
life. -
Will Give Entertainment.
The grammar room of the Murdock
schools will give an entertainment
on Washington's birthday, when
there wlil be given a program, patri
otic in character and which much
care has been taken to produce and
will be well worth while the attend
ing by any one. The entertainment
will be given at the Modern Wood
man hall, beginning promptly at 8
The program will consist of the
Reading.' ' ;
t Playlet by six girls, very funny.
Song by grades.
Farce, "Teachers Pet."
; Reading "Registered Letter."
Playlet by six boys.
Reading, "First Recital."
Playlet. "Ding-a-Ling." seven boys
and one girl. v
Reading pantomfne, "Home Sweet
Notice Is hereby given to the quali
fied voters of School District No. C-7,
Cas county, Nebraska, that an elec
tion will be held at tha High school in
M. E. church in Murdock, Nebraska, in
said district -on the 23rd day of Febru
ary, 1921, at seven o'clock p. m., for
the purpose of voting upon the follow
ing: question, to-wit:
Phall the District Officers of School
District No. C-7. in Cass county, Ne
braska, issue the bonds of said school
district. In the amount of Kiphty
Thousand Dollars. ($80,000.60) bearfnj?
interest at the rate of six per cent
(6) per annum, payable semi-annually,
principal and interest payable at
the County Treasurer's office, Platts
mouth, Nebraska, and the principal
payable as follows:
$6,000.00 payable March IS. 1927.
$5,000.00 payable March 15, 1928.
$5,000.00 payable March 15. 1929.
$6,000.00 payable March 15. 1930.
$5.t)n0.00 payable March 15, 1931.
$5,000.00 payable March 15, 1932.
$6,000.00 payable March 15, 1933.
$5,000.00 payable March 15, 1934.
$5,000.00 payable March 15, J935.
S6.fMiO.00 payable March 15, 193.
$5,000.00 payable March 15, 1937.
$5,000.00 payable Marcli 15. 1938.
$6,000.00 payable March 15, 1939.
$5,000.00 tavable March 15, 1910.
$5,000.00 payable March 15, 19-11..
And shall the District Officers of said
School District cause to be levied, an
nually, a tax sufficient for the pay
ment of the interest and principal as
it becomes due? Said bonds to be is
sued for the following purpose, to-wit:
Purchasing a site and erecting- and
equipping a school house in District
No. C-7. Cass county, Nebraska.
By order of the District Officers of
said School District, -this 28th day of
January, 1921.
tf-w. Director.
The undersigned will offer for sale
at Public Auction at his farm, six
and a half miles west of Mynard,
two miles south and a half mile
west of the German Lutheran
church, six miles east and two miles
south of Louisville, five and a half
miles east and three north of Man
ley, on
commencing at 10:00 o'clock sharp,
with lunch served at noon by Oscar
Nailor, the following described prop
erty, to-wit:
18 Head of Horses and Mules
Registered Percheron Stallion
and Four Registered. Mares
One span mules, smooth mouth,
wt. 2400; one span ules, 3 and 4
years old. wt. 2300; "one span mules,
5 "years old, wt. 2200; one mule, 4
years old, wt. 1000; one suckling
mule eolt; one team horses, 5 and 7
years old, wt. 3000; one gray mare,
8 years old, wt. 1500; one black
mare, smooth mouth, wt. 1600; one
black mare, 3 years old. wt. 1200;
one black mare, 2 years old, wt.
1200; one black mare. 1 year old,
wt. 1100; one team, black and bay,
4 years old, wt. 2400; one brown
mare. 3 years old, wt. 1100; one
registered gray mare, 8 years old,
wt. 1700; one registered black mare,
7 years old, in foal, wt.-1500; one
registered gray mare, 3 years old, wt.
1400; one registered black mare. 1
year old, wt. 1100; one registered
black stallion, 2 yrs. old, wt. 1400.
Cattle and Hogs
Nine milk cows, five fresh, four
fresh March 1st; six stock cows; one
registered Shorthorn bull; twelve
spring calves; five suckling calves. -
Fifteen Duroc brood sows; thirty
head stock hogs.
Two Newton farm wagons; one
3-inch wagon; one hay rack with
trucks; two spring wagonsffi one
single seated buggy; one manure
spreader; one Waterloo gas engine,
4 h. p.; one feed grinder; one John
Deere riding cultivator one Century
riding cultivator; one Moline walk
ing cultivator; cne press drill; one
harrow; two John Deere 2-row ma
chines; two Budlong discs; two
Deering mowers; one Fanners Union
mower; one hay rake; one Case gang
plow, 12-inch; one walking plow, 16
inch; two hog oilers; one dipping
tank; three gas barrels; one black
smith outfit; one hay fork; two hog
feeders; two feed bunks; two sets
l-inch harness; two sets l-inch
harness; one saddle; one churn; one
cream separator; one tank; one corn
elevator; 20 tons of timothy hay;
8 tons of alfalfa hay; 1200 bushels
of seed oats and other articles not
All sums of $10 and under, cash
in hand; over that amount a credit
of six to eight months will be given,
purchaser giving note with approved
security, bearing eight per cent in
terest from date of sale. All property
must be settled for before being re
moved from the premises.
WM. DUNN, Auctioneer.
From Saturday's Dally.
The reports from the bedside of
William McCauley this afternoon
give but very little hope of the re- !
covery of this estimable gentleman.
The sickness commenced with an at
tack of pleursey and later the patienL
suffered a .hemorhage of the
which it is feared will be impossible
for Mr. McCauley to rally from. The
family will h'ave the deepest sympa
thy of the friends In the sickness cf
the husband and father and it is to
be hoped that he may be able to rally
from the attack.
Woman loves a clear, rosy com
plexion. Burdock Blood Bitters is
splendid for purifying the blood,
clearing the skin, restoring sound
digestion. All druggists sell it. Price
Choice recleaned clover seed for
tale, at $10 per bushel. Apply to
C. T. Peaeock. Plattsmouth phone
2505. lw d&w.
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water, came over yesterday after
noon from his home to look after
seme matters of business and visit
with friends.
Reliable Farm
Our stock includes all kinds of farm machinery,
from the cultivator to the threshing outfit.
Power machinery of all kinds, as well as horse
drawn, displayed in our wareroom.
Watch this space for change of ad, as we expect to
make some important special announcements soon.
Nineteen Twenty-One Wall
Paper Styles!
We have our artistic sample books showing an
endless variety in style and pattern.
Show at your home.
Call Telephone 33-J
Home Decorator
Shortage of Stock
Has Caused an Advance on Wall Paper
of from 20 to 25 Per Cent
We are fortunate in having placed our orders early, and
now have in stock a large variety of goods which came on
orders placed before the advance.
These goods are now in our shop and we are giving our
customers the advantage of the lower prices at which we
bought them. Come in and examine the goods, and avail
yourself of the opportunity of enjoying low prices on artistic
wall hangings.
The Best
When Real Service is needed, 1
the Crucial Test is applied.
All are wanting reliability in the man, in the char
acter of the work, in the materials used, and in the
soundness of the guarantee.
For a score and a half of years we have been here
and since our advent in business our record bespeaks
our responsibility.
We are here for real service in auto work'. We
also are handling Buick, Mitchell, Dodge and Ford cars.
We appreciate your patronage.
Phone 35-B
The Oldsmobile Cars!
For performance the greatest car oni the market
today (be it a pleasure car or a truck for commerce) is
the Oldsmobile.
None will surpass it for endurance, ease of hand
ling or ECONOMY.
We have taken over the agency of this wonderful
car for the territory including Murdock.
We also handle, a full line of supplies and acces
sories. Our personal attention given to all work-and
Gehrts Block
Murdock, Neb.
IV!"rdock, Ncbr.