The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 14, 1921, Image 1

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    gsfcrwltft Stttt- Eiitori
cl Society
VOL. no. xxxvn
NO. 59
Retirement of Charles C. Parmele
After Years of Service in that
Capacity Brings Changes
The Eank of Ca?s County held
their annual election of officers on
Friday afternoon and as a result of
the meeting of the stockholders of
the bank a number of changes have
been made in the pers-unnei of thei
officers of the institution. The re
tirement of Charles C. Parmele, for
a great mtiiiy years president of the
bank, made necessary the election of
a successor ana l. n. foiiocK was
d for the position bv the stock-'
Mr. Pollock is one of the well
known business men of Cass county
and has been identified with the ac
tive interests of this city for many
years. lie is a member of one of
the pioneer families of the county
and a graduate of the Plattsmouth
public schools. For ten years he
was manager of the Plattsmoutt
Water company, and is at the pres
ent time secretary cf the company.
In 1S99 Mr. Pollock organized the
Plattsmouth Telephone company and
for fourteen years operated a very ,
t.r,o..f.,i v;, -itv,
dred stockholders, selling the stock I
of the company to the Bell Telephont;
interests at a handsome profit to the
owns the Platte river wagon and auto! Another of the high lights of the ad
bridge, which is located four miles i i n tw m h!
V. r.f a f - x.itl- of Lincoln that marked him as the
ness. as he was connected with the!:
First National Bank of this city
tbe Bank of Cass County will find
very able executive. : ;
'For the position of vice "president
V. G. Boedeker, present cashier of
the State Bank of Murray, was
named and his selection brings an
other clever young man into the
banking business in this city. Mr. t
Boedeker is a thoroughly well quali
fied banker and one in whom the
people of Cass county have implicit
confidence, as he has demonstrated.
his ability in the conduct, of the
Bank of Murray, in which he has
been interested for a number of
years. Mr.-Iioedeker and family will
move to this city to make their home
as soon as possible.
In the office of cashier there was
no change made. R. F. Patterson, the
present cashier being continued in
that capacity. Of Mr. Patterson it
is hardly necessary' to give anv
as to his work in the'
banking line, as-he has been reared
in the banking game, and f-ince com-
pleting his school and college work
has been with the Bank of Cass '
County, of which his father, Hon. I
J. M. Patterson, was one of the
founders, and for many years he
served as assistant cashier, until the ;
retirement of his brother. T. M. Pat-anu
terson from the bank, whom he sue-
ceeaeu 10 tne omce or cashier, which
he has continued to hold.
In the personnal of the directors
there have been a few changes made,
and two new members have been
named. Byron Clark, of Omaha, epn
eral solicitor of the Burlington and ' Dyterlan ctiurcn neia ineir regular
one of the ablest attorneys of the i meeting yesterday afternoon in the
state was one of those placed on tho,curcn Parlors. The hostesses on
board. Mr. Clark was for vears a 1 this occasion were Mrs. Jacob Tritsch.
prominent attornev atd resident of Mr3' Gansemer and Mrs. Robert
this city and his position on thelTro0D an5 lhe ,the Jadjef. "e
board will be a great pleasure to the I ver-v much indebted for the dehght
old friends and patrons of the bank' ' ful afternoon's entertainment afforded
a.,.,i . i ... 'i thpm Tlnrln f th arlv hours of the
William a Robert,nrnner"f
leading members of the legai profes-i
sion of the city and a gentleman
who will be found of much force in
the guiding of the destinies of the
Charles C. Parmele, retiring presi
dent of the bank, is also one of the
numbers of the board of directors,
and his selection to this capacity as
sures the board of having the advan
tage of his long experience in. busi
ness and banking circles in their
work. Mr. Parmele has long been
one of the leading business men of
the county and has devoted j-ears of
faithful service to the Bank of Cass
County, with which his father, C. H.
Parmele was long identified, and for
the ereater nrt nf tv,o
president of the institution. Manv of!
me iarmers anil business men of the:
. ,
community have profited by the ad
vice and assistance of Charley Par
mele in their business ventures and
his efforts on behalf of his patrons
and friends have been prominent fac
tors in the development of the com
munity in which he has made his
home during his lifetime.
The organization of the bank as
effected is a guarantee of its strength
and will be very pleasing to the
patrons of this fine old financial in
stitution. FOR SALE
Buff Orpington cockreis. Inquire
of John II. Behrns, Nehawka, Neb.
The latest reports from the beds id
of Mrs. II. W. Smith state that this
lady is still in very serious condi
I tion and her failure to rally from
I the semi-unconsciousness condition in
which she has been for the past six
days is causing the keenest apprehen
sion te the family and attending phy
j sicians. The case was determined
uPn yesterday as being the malady
known as "sleeping sickness" and
eeping sickness and
which has been developing through
out this portion of the United States
in the past few months. Mrs. Smith
has aroused several times since Sat
urday, but not for any extended per
iod and she at once lapses into the
comatose condition which she has
laid in for the past few days.
Bishop E. V. Shavler of Omaha Sneaks
vsfn.. iccKi o-
High School This Morning
From Thursdays Daily.
This morning the students of the
Plattsmouth high school numbering
suiue tvv. ueiiiuieu in me auditor
ium of he school to hear the address
given by the Rt. Rev. Ernest V. Shay
ler, Episcopal bishop of Nebraska,
who took for his subject "Abraham
Lincoln" the martyr resident of the
United States and one of the heroic
figures in the world's history. The
address was one filled with great in
terest and covered thoroughly an in
sight into the. life of the great pres
ident that is given to but few to en-
Tk t : 1 1 a -J ,
JU-' 1 . l. UCUIU L u . V
votd his greatest efforts to the task
at.tnlft WfS Pind Ut V ?h!,b ho1?
with the lesson that each individual
n C.a" "P shoul? beread,y
to devote his full strength and abil
ity to the problems that might con
front him or her in their daily life.
l fe
A , ....
bv- cherished by then 1n what ever
station of life they might attain.
Elks Win From Eagles and Reserves
Trample on Morgan Team in the
Douhle Header Last Evening.
From Friday's Dally.
The basket ball fans of the city
assembled 'last evening at the high
school "gym" to witness the double
header which had been scheduled for
the evening. The Elks were pitted
arainst tht PspIps In the nnPTifn?
rniTnH anA ciifnonHnH in cprnrin er a
wI nby. the score of 18 to 15. in one?
0f the most interesting games of the
season and in the game the Elks had
a number of their subs in action.
The Reserves were able to put the
suds under the Morgan team by the
score or 27 to 24 and the youngsters
once more demonstrated their skill
speed on the floor and in heaving
fnr th hackots
From Thursday' Dal..
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Pres-
. t m a . 1
afternoon a very interesting and en-;
lnusiastic business session was held,
after which the ladIes w.niled away
I the fleeting
moments in various
which afforded them
much pleasure. About the hour of
4:30 the hostesses served a dainty
luncheon, which was most thoroughly
appreciated by the large number in
The Pete Spangler home almost
had a serious fire the other day, when
a small amount of kerosene oil was
used to start the fire. Mr.
Spangler ,
had borrowed a kerosene can in town J
to take home some kerosene and it Is
'cnnno.H ,, w
someone Drevious to that, who had i
used it for gasoline and enough had
- - i
been left In the can to cause the ex-i
plosion which sent a flame over the
entire kitchen. The small amount
used could not have made the exj
plosion if it had been all kerosene.
People should not put gasoline in
a kerosene can or kerosene in a gaso
line can. The law is very strict in
both cases. Some folks think they
are not liable for putting kerosene
in a gasoline can. but they better get
posted on the law before making a 1
mistake Weeping Water Republic !
My, but she'd appreciate one ot ,'or stt wks- M"- e
-t ' v L x- has since Saturday, been confined to
those lovely boxes of stationery onjher bed by tne painful malady and
display at the Journal office. J as a result has suffered a great deal.
Announcement of the railroad labor board's refusal to permit imme
diate abrogation of the national agreement and reduction of wages of the
shop craft and maintenance of way employes, was received with interest in
this city, where the interests of several hundred workers in the Burlington
shops are concerned.
The decision of the board will have the effect of preventing an im
mediate decrease in wages, although the roads have informed the board it
it their intention to confer with employes regarding a reduction in the
wages of unskilled labor. The board will continue its hearing, at the end
of which action may be taken, but for the present and pending completion
of the hearing, the roads stand tied
tional agreement.
Chicago, Feb. 10. Decision of the
railroad labor board today that the
national agreements shajl remain in
force until completion of the pres
ent hearing was characterized to
night by railroad employes as a vic
tory. The ruling came as a surprise,
both to railroad and labor camps,
and upset plans of union officials
for a bombardment of the railroads'
request for immediate abrogation of
the greements.
Fortified with a legal battery
headed by Frank P. Walsh, the la
bor representatives appeared to an
swer the request of W. W. Atterbury,
speaking for the railroads, for quick
abolition of the national agreement.
The'boards decision against grant
ing the request left little for the
labor men to do except file a state
ment prepared by . M. Jewell, presi
dent of the railroad employes' de
partment of the American Federation
of Labor.
This statement and an amplifica-
. . -
i 1 1 1 t i wv vi r v.i -iimiv.-'ii iii-. i ;i i i.
prepare his testimony met with pro
test from the rail representatives,
but' he promised to canvass the sit
uation tomorrow and 'advise the
board Saturday when he could pro
ceed. Says Issue Not Rules
Both sides expressed gratification
that the hearing would proceed in
the regular manner. W. W. Atter
bury, speaking for the railroads, de
clared that "if there was urgency on
January 31, when I made the re
quest of the board, there is still
more now. December reports show
that 115.000 miles of railroads did
not earn their operating expenses '.
and fixed charges for that month."
The railroads have contended that
abrogation of the agreements would
mean a big cut in their operating
W. J. Lauck, consulting economist
for the labor men. however, declared
the real issue was not the rules,
"but what they concretely sanction
the principle of collective bargain
ing on the basis of union recogni
tion. "When this principle nas received
the board's sanction, no further dis
turbances or acute controversies
will occur on the railroads." be said.
The board's ruling reviewed the
powers deleated to it. and declared
its duty to be that of deciding just
and reasonable wages, salaries and
working conditions. It said that
pending the outcome of the rules
hearing, which was separated by
agreement from the wage hearing
From Friday's Dally.
The members of the Senior "Ep-
worth League of the Methodist
church enjoyed a very delightful val
entine social last evening at the
church parlors and the occasion
proved one of the greatest pleasure
to the members of the party who had
gathered to celebrate the approaching
anniversary of the occasion when the
little cupid is supposed to hold sway
over his subjects. The parlors had
been arranged in keeping with the
spirit of the occasion with decora-
( tions of hearts and cupids and amid
.i,;a e.i Vo vnnn nonnl o cnont
ft8 testi
. . . . ,
'that proven most enjojame to an oi
the party,
I na
The event had been arranged by
Miss Velma Elliott and Mrs. John
Lyon and the ladies had provided a
very delicious luncheon that was very
much enjoyed by the jolly party of
young people and the occasion was
voted one of the most pleasant that
the league had held for some time.
The many friends of Mrs. May Lee
of this city, will regret to learn that
she is showing but little improve-
ment from her attack of lumbago
from which she has been suffering
. i e immerea down 'to declaration ot a
roads with being a party io an at-1 COn spiracv by industry to crush the
tempt at wiping out collective bar- ,abor unions and reiterated charges
gaining and crusning all labor orga-,tuat New york anking interests
nizations. When they had finished, were BO inlerwoven with the direc-
the ?Lere unP1r?lare1d ? Pffd torates of prominent railroads that
with the regular -rebuttal of thefthese bankinK interv. controlled
railroad evidence objecting to lhej92 of the leadin)? road8 with 76 per
national rules and the hearing went!cent of the railroad miieaFe. Mr:
over until' Monday. .woici, oeti tvt t, intcrinnr
to live up to the terms of the ua
which ended in the award of July,
the national agreements promulgat
ed under federal control would re
main in force. Plea for their abro
gation on account of financial in
ability to pay wages awarded was
a matter outside the board's juris
diction, the ruling said, and should
go to the interstate ' commerce com
mission. The executives' request for permis
sion to pay common laborers on the
basis of the scale prevalent in differ
ent localities was also denied, and
leaves the basic railroad rate at 37
to 4 8Vs cents an hour.
Duty to Confer
The ruling pointed out that the
transportation act provided that it
was the dutj- of carrier? and em
ployes to confer over disputes and
said it did not appear any attempt
had been made to readjust the wages
of unskilled labor, and therefore ue
clared that the board was without
jurisdiction. .
a lie jtrwm
The Jewell and Walsh charges
. . . . . .
directorates be called before the
board for interrogation. The board
took the request under consideration.
The labor board will set in execu
tive session tomorrow and Saturday
and will set the date for continuing
the rules hearing.
Atterbury's Comment
The only comment by railroad
managers on the board's action was
a letter from Mr. Atterbury to Chair
man arton of the board, saying:
"Your board has very properly
said, 'all questions involving the ex
pense of operation or the necessities
of railroads' are under the jurisdic
tion of the interstate commerce com
mission. If there is any doubt in
the mind of the board of the correct
ness of my statement of the serious
financial condition of the railways, I
beg you to request immediately a
statement from the interestate com
merce commission.
"You say that 'the boar dis not in
sensible of the fact that the national
agreements affect the expenditures
of the railroads and that if they are
unjust and unreasonable they consti
tute an unwarranted burden upon
the railroads and public. This mat
ter of rules and working conditions
has been in controversy since the
railroads were returned to private
"With regard to the wages of un
skilled labor, the Association of Rail
way Executives will take immediate
steps to have that matter presented
in conferences between individual
carriers and their employes."
From Friday's Dally.
The reports from the bedside of
Mrs. H. W. Smith today state that
she has shown no apparent change
and lies in the state of sleep which
she has been almost continuously ;
since last Saturday night. At times j
the members of the family are able
to arouse her for a few seconds, but '
she at once relapses into the semi- j
conscious condition that she has been ;
in for the past week. The patient
does no tappear as suffering and at ,
one of her short awakening periods!
complained of being very tired and !
at once went back to sleep.
Smith at Hastings, states that a j
neighbor of the family in that cityj
has been suffering from the same mal
ady of sleeping sickness and has laid i
in this condition for the past three!
weeks. . ;
From Friday's Dally. j
This morning E. H. Meisinger de
parted - for Omaha, where he will
spend the day with his wife, who is j
at the Methodist hospital in that
city taking treatments and may pos-'
sibly remain for an operation. Mrs.
Meisinger, has Leen there for a few
days and is now doing nicely and
the treatments seem to be benefirial to
her in every way.
"xbstjj Al SPB pjmnox
From Friday's Dally
Yesterday Mark White arrived here
from California, where for several
months past he has been making his
Lhome. Mr. White has shown wonder
ful improvement in health since go
ing to the coast and states that Mrs
White is also feeling much better
and they believe they have located
in the ideal , country in which to
spend their declining vears. Mr.
White has purchased a fine bungalow
at Los Angeles and the familv will
make their heme there in the future.
Mark will remain here until after
the first of March looking after busi
ness matters and will then return
to the coast to take up his residence
Nebraska City People Have Had Ex
perience With Sight Unseen Buy
ing That Should Be a Lesson
From Friday's Daily.
Our neighboring city of Nebraska
City, was visited recently by a dapper
appearing gentleman who was sup
posed to represent a tailoring estab
lishment that would prepare and turn
out clothing for those who desired it
at the small figure of $15 per suit,
$5 down and ten smacks when the
suit was delivered to the purchaser
if the purchaser was satisfied with
their "bargain." The Nebraska City
News states that some twenty or more
men are supposed tt have fallen for
the cheap prices "that made the suit
at pre-war bargain figures and in
each case the $5 was collected by the
gentleman and the would-be purchas
ers 'have been waiting and longing
for the new "duds" which they had
selected but they have come not, al
though the period of ten days has
long since elapsed. Some have been
waiting thinking perhaps there had
been some delay at the "factory",
while others have kissed the five spot
a last long farewell and are prepar
ing to secure their spring front of
one of the reliable clothing stores
where they know their money will
buy them something worth while. It
is strange that people will rush in to
contribute their hard earned "jack"
to some Tague and unknown propo
sition when they know that. by pat
ronizing the home stores they can
get what they want, delivered
at once and if not. satisfactory the
storekeeper stands back of his sales.
Buying at homeis always the safest
as you can see what you are getting
and know that your money is not be
ing "miked" from yo.u.
Miss Helen Bailor of Sioux City and
Mr. James Gilmour, Son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Gilmour, Married
At the home of the bride's mother,
Mrs. E. L. Bailor at Sioux City. Iowa,
on Wednesday, February 9th. oc
curred the marriage of Miss Helen
Bailor and Mr. James Gilmour. The
young people were joined in wedlock
by the Rev. Mcintosh, pastor of the
First Presbyterian church of Sioux
City and the ceremony attended by
the family and a few intimate friends.
,Mr. and Mrs. Gilmour arrived in
Plattsmouth yesterday afternoon and
will enjoy a short visit here at the
home of the groom's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. AV. L. Gilmour and the .many
friends prior to returning to Sioux
City, where they will make their fu
ture home. .The bride is one oi the
popular young ladies of the Iowa city
and who ujusssss a large circles of
warm friends in her honle. The
groom is well known in Plattsmouth
and Cass county and is a very genial
and pleasant gentleman who has
made a host of friends who will ex-,
tend to him their heartiest well wish
es in his new found happiness.
The funeral of the late Patrick
Blessington occurred last Thursday
from the Catholic church at Gretna,
of which the deceased had been a
lifelong, faithful member. It was
largely attended by the many old
friends of the family from Cass and
Sarpy counties, and he was laid to
rest beside his wife who preceded
him by a number of years.
Patrick Blessington was born in
County Cavan. Ireland, in 1822. He
came to America in 1849 and lived
several years in the east. He also
farmed for a time in Michigan. From
1853 to 1857, he was a clerk in the
Chicago postoffice. He came to Ne
braska in 1857, coming up the Mis
souri river by steamboat and settled
near Louisville.
In 1895 the family moved to Sarpy
county. Mr. Blessington was a fine
old gentleman and was greatly be
loved by his friends and neighbors
for his upright character and sterl
ing integrity.
He leaves a family of seven child
ren. They are John of Wichita,
Kansas: Dan, of Chicago; Mrs. Mar
garet Thomas, of Madrid; Mrs. P. J.
Boyce. Mrs. Mary Tighe, Mrs. Pat t
Tighe and Miss Delia Blessington, all
of Omaha. The family have many
friends in this vicinity who join
the Courier in extending sympathy.
Louisville Courier.
iu pitv ic nnnn
For Many Building Projects as
Material is Going Down.
"While the general note of condi
tions in Jhe country has been of a
pessimistic note for the past several
months it is pleasing to see that the
outlook for a resumption of a great
activity in the building line seems
at hand in this community. As
was stated a few weeks ago in this
paper, the price of building material
has come down within the reach of
those who have been holding up their
building projects for the past year or
two and they are now preparing to
get busy and erect the new homes
and builidngs they have been contem
plating during the period when the
lumber and other material was at
the peak of the high prices.
The city is assured of at least one
new business building during the
next few months which will be one
of the most up-to-date in the city in
every way and in addition to this
there are several new residences that
are in contemplation in the city and
immediate vicinity that win add ma
terially to the building record for
the coming year.
The past two years has been very
slack in the way of building with the
constant mounting cost of building
material holding back the parties,
who might desire to erect new homes
or business houses but the dealers
in the materials that enter into the
building trade are quoting prices now
that makes it possible to erect a
building at a cost that will save hun
dreds of dollars over the last two
year's prices.
Justus Lillie of This City Rounds
Out Another Milestone on
Life's Highway Today. .
-One of.thp popular-old rtvll war
veterans of this city, Justus Lillie,
today is celebrating his eighty-fourth
birthday anniversary at the home in
the. north portion of ilje city-and .in
honor of the occasion',' kt number oX
the members. of, the G. A. Rs ajid W.
R. C. ca'l!ed,at'',tbye home' to extend
their congratulations upon the happy
Dccasion to their old friend. The
feeble health of Mr. Lillie during the
last few months made a formal cel
ebration of the anniversary impos
sible and the friends called very in
formally to greet him. .
Justus Lillie was born at Berea,
Ohio,' February 12. 1836, and served
during the civil war in Co. B, 57th
Illinois infantry, in which he enlisted"
at Springfield at the outbreak of the
At the close of the war Mr. Lillie
was married to Miss Emma Cooley,
at Battle Creek. Michigan, in 1866.
and a few years later the death of
the wife broke the family circle.
In the early seventies he came to
Cass county, Nebraska, and in 1882
was married in Omaha to Miss Anna
Vtch, and the family came the same
year to Cedar Creek, where they re
sided for many years, later coming
to Plattsmouth to make their home
and .here Mr. and Mrs. LiPlie have
spent their declining years.
There are two sons. Frank Lillie
of near Murray and Albert Lillie, of
Cullom, to assist the father and
mother in the observance of the
pleasant birthday anniversary.
E. H. Schulhof, piano
Phone 389-J.
UNI Lladc Banking Easy
for Farmers!
On May 6, 1S40, Rowland Hill, a British school
master, saw his idea of "the Postage Stamp" put into
general use in England.
America adopted the idea shortly after and today
"Mr. Hill's new-fangled notion of pasting stamped la
be'3 on letters" makes banking easy for every 'farmer
iu Cass county.
When you bank with this bank a member of tbe
Federal Reserve System you can seal your deposits in
an envelope, address It, stamp it and Bank-by, Mail.
Trv it next time the roads are bad!
the First nitional bank
the, Bank WHEftE 'you peel at moae
Gilbert Meisinger, who was oper
ated on a few days ago at the Imman-
uel hospital in Omaha is now showing
some improvement and his condition
has grea'ly pleaded the attending phy-
iicians and the members of the fjni-
ily and the indications point to an
early return homo of this young inai:.
The many friends will be pleaseC to
learn of his continued improvement.
This morning Mrs. J. J. Meisinger,
mother of of Gilbert, departed for
Omaha to spend the day there wi!u
Dr. H. A. Center of Omaha, Grand
Senior Warden of Nebraska Grand
Commandary Visits This City.
From Friday' Pally.
Last evening the members of Mt.
Zion Commandary No. 5, Knights
Templar, enjoyed a very pleasant
meeting and one that was very large
ly attended by the members of the
order to meet with Dr. II. A. Center
of Omaha, who was here on a visit
of inspection for the grand command
ary of the state. Dr. Center paid the
Mt. Zion members a very warm tri
bute for their excellent work in Ma
sonary and in the growth of this de
gree of the order and the genial and
distinguished visitor was received
with the highest hoonrs by the local
officers and membership.
At the close of the evening the
members were invited to the banquet
hall where a very enjoyable feast had
been prepared for the occasion by the
ladies of the Eastern Star. The ta
bles which had been arranged by Airs.
James G. Mauzy were mon attractive
in a color scheme of red and white,
carnations of red and white and red
and white candles serving to enhance
the color design of the decoration
and these were intersperced on th
tables with the attractive fern fol
iage. The feast itself had been arranged
by a committee composed of Mrs. H.
A. Schneider, Mrs. F. P. Busch. Mtk.
V. F. Evers. Mrs. J. C. Petersen, and
tbe ladies were assisted also by F. P.
fBusch in tbe arranging f the fet
and which proved a great delight to
the large gathering of the Sir
During the evening a number of
the officers and members were called
upon for remarks on the good of the'
order to which they responded.
George W. Shrader, one of the old
residents of Cass county, is reported
as showing some improvement in his
condition of the past few days al
though he is still showing the effects
of the paralytic stroke that he suffer
ed on Saturday and Sunday last and
which affected his throat and tongue
to some extent. Mr. Shrader, who is
in his eightieth year has been in very
good health for the past few months
and last week was in attendance at
the golden wedding anniversary of
his brother, Z. W. Shrader and wife
at Nehawka, and at that time was
feeling very well for his age. but
shortly after returning to his home
near Murray, he suffered the effects
of several slight strokes. The many
friends of Mr. Shrader are awaiting
anxiously word from his bedside and
trust that he may be able to rally
from his illness.
Anybody wanting help either t-kill-
j ed or common labor, may obtain same
i by calling at this office or communi
catnig with George Fenwick at Ea-
gles club rooms
tf d&w.