The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 07, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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The Bank of Murdock
All Deposits, Both Checking Accounts and Time Cer
tificates of Deposit, Protected by the Depositors'
Guaranty Fund of the Stale of Nebraska.
This bank invites you to open an account, and as
sures you that you will at all times receive courteous
and efficient treatment and service. We are always
ready and willing to assist our friends in such matters,
wherein we can be of assistance, and at the present time
desire to call attention to the INCOME TAX. Get your
figures together at any time now, and bring them in.
We will make out your' schedule and figure your tax,
doing our best to see that you get all permissable de
ductions and exemptions, and that you pay no more
tax than you are really subject to pay.
All Income tax must be mailed on or before March
1 5th, but we suggest that you attend to this and get it
out of the way as soon as possible. Every unmarried
person who had a NET INCOME of $1,000 and every
married person who had a Net Income of $2,000, must
send in a "RETURN" or Tax Schedule, to the Collec
tor of Internal Revenue.
The Bank of burdock
"The Bank where You Feel at Home"
HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres.
H. A. GTJTHMANN, Cashier
and looked after some . business
His Eye Improving Nicely.
Dr. Rush, brother of W. H. Rush
of Murdock. who is practicing at
Lincoln, made an operation on the
ere of his brother, removing a large
grain of sand, which was the cause
of the trouble and the eye is now
Improving nicely.
It is reported that Willard Little
and family have been down with
tha measles.
Mips Marie Schmidt was a visitor
with friends in Omaha last Sunday
a:irl Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kupke were vis
iting with relatives near Greenwood
ever Sunday.
Frank Stander of Omaha, was look
ing after some business in Murdock
In-t Saturday.
J. U. McHugh was looking after
rrnic business matters in the capital
itv Iasr Saturday.
Fred Towle was looking after some
business and visiting his parents at
Lii'ocln "last Saturday.
The village board was looking af
ter fonie municipal business at a
meeting last Friday evening.
Orville Pilgrim and wife were vis
iting at the home of Win. Gehrts
during a portion of last week.
Frank Melvin was a visitor in Lin
coln last Thursday, where he was
looking after some business matters.
Jes?e Landholm went to Omaha
last Wednesday and returned with
Mi:--. Landholm aud two little daughter--.
Miss Margaret Tool spent Sunday
:;t Iitmif from her studies at Lincoln,
where she is attending the state uni
versity. V r.i. Bonrke shipper! a car of hogs
to the S:.uth Omaha market last Fri
dv. which he purchased from the
Diller l"t is regularly employed
row with the Landholm Auto com
pany anrl hopes to become an expert
in the future.
Mis J-?ie Melvin. who conducts
the postoffice. was called to Lincoln
la.-t Friday where she was looking
after some business matters.
J. Johaiisii and A. H. Ward were
business visitors in Lincoln last Sat
urday for a short time, going on
:ie early train and returning on the
noon train.
Cailton Zink. Mr. Meyers. Walter
Baunig;rtner. and Glen Pickwell
speut their week end vacation at
li'.me. returning to their studies on
Monday morning.
Mrs. W. O. Gillespie was called to
Fairmr.nt last week by the extreme
illness r.f hct sister. Mrs. Wm. Mc
Xaniara. who has Drights disease,
and i.-. very critically ill.
Charles Kupke. who has been at
Sioux City for the past week, where
he has been receiving medical treat
ment, returned home last Friday,
I feeling considerably improved in
I health.
I TJnhori- T.nnf snrl Calo Picfcwpll.
who are members of the wrestling
team of the state university from
this neighborhood, were at Ames,
la., last Friday, where they were
contesting with the Ames team.
Edward McHugh, who was in Mur
dock from Wednesday until Friday,
and a visitor at Elmwood on Thurs
day evening with his brother, J. E.
McHugh, of this place, returned to
his hore at Falls City last Saturday
No use getting "hard boiled" boys,
school is business just the same as
-ny other thing and you will get the
most out of it when you put the
most into it in the shape of study
and application to your lessons. Just
give it a fair trial, and see.
Frank Rosenow, 'who was in the
west for a few days looking after
he marketing of his last year's crop
of wheat, returned a few days ago
and tell of the excellent condition
of the growing crop and the prospects
of a good yield the coming summer.
L G. Hornbeck, who has been
very ill lately, is now improving,
but on account of such a serious
loss of flesh and strength, he is
making gains very slowly, but it is
hoped by his many friends that it
may be a permanent improvement.
Miss Louise, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Bornemeier, living near
Elmwood. are reported as having
pneumonia, both lungs being affect
ed, and the young woman being very
ill. It is hoped she may show im
provement and soon be well again.
Jack Burt, with his two assistants
Art Wiley and Wm. Bell, who have
been assisting in the excavation of
the basement for the home of W. H.
Hush, returned to Omaha last Satur
day, driving through in their truck.
Mrs. Burt returned home on the
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stander
were visitors in the county seat the
first of last week, where they ac
companied and assisted Mrs. George
Meyers, who was at Plattsmouth
to have an x-ray taken of a broken
nklr and which was done by Dr. J.
S. Livingston.
Miss Mary McHugh of Omaha, was
a visitor at the home of her brother,
J. E. McHugh and family for a few
days and in company with Mrs. Mc
Hugh and Miss Isabel O'Hallaran,
were passengers to Omaha Friday
evening, where the latter visited
A Wonderful Piece of Woik.
We took a peep at the "Notre
Dame" in minature, which was built
by G. Bauer years ago and which he
has in his store and truly a work of
rrt. It contains about 2,000 differ
ent pieces of wood in its construc
tion. Mr. Bauer tpeiit some ten years
of odd time making this small ca
thedral, wtiich is almost an exact
representation of the structure at
Paris. The work was done while
he made his home in Omaha, and
he often worked until as late as
three a. m. on this intricate piece
cf art craft.
Durham Bulls For Sale.
I have a number of purebred, com
ing yearling, white, red and roan
Durham bulls for sale. Louisville
phone 1921.
4tM s-w. Wabash, Neb.
The Bond Election.
There is much interest apparent
'.n the coming school bond election
which is to be held by district C-7.
ror $80,000. for the building and
equipping of a suitable building for
Murdock and vicinity. The people
of this community do not do things
by halves and we expect to see the
matter cared for in the most ap
proved manner.
Masonic Banquet Saturday.
Incident to the matter of raising
a number in their degrees at the
Masonic hall at Elmwood last Satur
day, an elaborate banquet was given
at which a number of people of Mur
dek participated, among whom
were Maurice McCrorey, Richard
Tool, Misses Margaret and Mary
Isabel Tool. Charles Schaefer. A. J.
Tool, Wm. Gehrts and H. W. Tool.
Looking For Light.
A meeting was held last Thurs
day at Murdock, regarding the mat
ter of the extention of the electric
lisht line to Elmwood. which wa
attended by a number of people of
that city and also by Mr. Edmin
sttn of Omaha, the manager of the
company, which is furnishing circuit
to Murdock. Nothing definite was
dene at this meeting, but the desired
information which tiie committee
from Elmwood were looking for was
furnished. Those over from Elm
wood were Messrs. Guy Clement.
Harry Williams, Emmitt Cook, and
J. H. Rogge.
Waiting on Transformer.
The work on the electric light
lino is so far completed that service
an be given as soon as the trans
former which is to be placed at the
juncture of the Louisville-Weeping
Water line, and the one coming to
Murdock, arrives. There remains in
Murdock only the residence of C. L.
Miller and the hotel to wire.
Everett Heier at Home.
Everett Heier. who lost his eye by
the explosion of a cartridge was able
to return home last week. His
mother. Mrs. Wm. Heier, Sr.. went
f Lincoln and returned with him.
He will go over this week and have
an artificial eye installed.
ake a Personal
We have a stock of
Electric Fixtures,
consisting of Pendants, Globes, Chandalieri and Lamps
of all kinds. Come in and make your selections and
get just what you want
CSfWe are closing the store on Tuesday and Thurs
day at 6: 5. Bear the date in mind.
-iurdock mercantile Go,,-
Murdock, Nebraska
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our apprecia
tion of the kindness and sympathy
shown by the friends and neighhors
in their numerous acts of kindness,
at the time of the death of our be
loved mother, Mrs. Kate McHugh.
While the grief of the loss of the
'ive done is great, be assured we
appreciate the kindness which seeks
to us in our great loss.
Mrs. Thomas Walling and family
Miss Mary McHugh,
Maurice McHugh and family,
J. E. McHugh and family. '
Mrs. Henry Oehlerking Passes Away.
Misa Bertha Fix was born April
19. 1882. near Wymote and was unit
ed in marriage March 9th, 1899. to
Henry Oehlerking of near Murdock.
r To this union were born four ehild
!ren: Misses Alma Ohlcrking. 21;
Delia. 19; Jennie 1C, and Master
Roy in. Mrs. Oehlerking who was
a member of the Evangelical asso
ciation, has been a confirmed inval
id for a number of years past and
; has been at the sanitorium at Lin
tcoln where she was receiving treat
j ment, and there pasesd away on Jan
uary 21st.
: The funeral was held at the Louis
ville church, Jan. 23. Rev. I. Laip
ply and Elder Shuhacker. the latter
-f Lincoln, conducted the services,
"his good woman leaves to mourn
the death, besides her husband and
children, a number of sisters and
brothers, her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
"hilip Fix of Amelia, Neb., and also
her sister Lillian, living at that
place. Wm. Fix and Elmer Fix of
Bird City, Kansas; Mrs. Mary Schu
nberger, Swanton; Mrs. August
Bornemeier of Elmwood, who with
their families were present at the
funeral which was attended by a
-ery large crowd of warm friends.
A Very Busy P1jcc.
Service is the work which has been
made the symbol of what business
should be and also what society
should contribute to the age aiid to
the future. Business which has been
launched without takiusr intn con
sideration the welfare and tbe'doiuc-
"tee must for the other fellow, is not
getting anywhere very rapidly. The
Bank of Murdock has ever held that
Ftrvice unstintedly and unselfishly,
due to the privilege of being an
institution in this community. Ev
ery act and feature of their banking
service has been to give full and
'nindant service to their customers.
Ncr does one have to be a depositor
in this institution to entitle them
to their generous service. By this
token they are winning. Just at
t'ais time the banks of the country
are very busy with income tax sche
dules. This bank invites all to oome in
aud have their problems solved. That
is what the bank is for.
Mrs. Johnson, of Elmwood, Passes
Away at Home in Elmwood
After Long Illness.
Martha Gilbert was born in Middle
town. Middlesex county, Connecticut,
October 7, 1837, and was the young
est of nine children all who have
receded her in death. She spent
her girlhood and young womanhood
in the place of her birth and was
united in marirage with Samuel S.
Johnson. September 25, 187 6. In the
year of 187 8 they came to Nebraska
and settled on a farm in Otoe county,
six miles south of Elmwood.
Three children were born to this
union, two dying in infancy and one
living until his ninth year. They
moved into the home in Elmwood
about 1906. where Mr. Johnson died
two years later. She united with
the Christian church in 1911 and
hough she has been unable to at
tend service on account of her condi
tion she has always retained her
faith. She departed this life Jan
uary 29, 1921, aged S3 years, 3
months and 22 days. She has gone
to meet her father, mother, sisters,
brothers, husband and children, all
who have gone before. Her decease
marks the last of an old honored
New England family. Services were
held at the home and Rev. Scott of
th.e Church of Christ officiated. Bur
ial was made in the Elmwood ceme
tery beside the grave of her husband.
' Mrs. Johnson has been bedfast for
a number of years, but during all. this
time she has bad the best of care and
attention and all that she could de
sire for her comfort and happiness
Iu her removal one of the oldest and
earliest pioneers of this section ha'
gone to her reward. Elmwood
County Board Selects J. B. McKee,
Now Engineer and Boad Ex
pert in Saunders Co.
From Friday's Dally.
Among the important matters that
were handled by the commissioners
yesterday afternoon was that of se
lecting the new county highway com
missioner, and for this position the
board named J. B. McKee, who is at
present connected with the road
work in Saunders county, selecting
this gentleman from a number of
applicants for the position and after
due deliberation of his qualifications
and efficiency in the job.
Mr. McKee comes very highly
recommended by the state depart
ment of public works, with which he
has had more or less experience in
the past year. He is one of the best
lualified civil engineers in this por
tion of the state, which makes his
acceptance of the position as high
way commissioner especially pleas
ing to the commissioners, bringing,
is he does a fine technical knowledge
f the value of road work that will
enable him to give the people of
Cass county a thorough business ad
ministration of the. office.
The county commissioners have
taken their time in making the ap
pointment and examining thorough
ly the qualifications of the varipus
applicants and have decided that the
special training in the line of road
construction which Mr. McKee has
received will make him an especially
valuable man for the county at this
:ime when several road extension
propositions are up for action.
Mr. McKee is the second highway
commissioner of the county, suc
ceeding C. F. Vallery, who is retir
ing from the office after having suc
cessfully carried through the first
year of the extension of the good
road movement in the county, and
the work of Mr. Vallery and his as
sistants has been very effective in
getting the movement well under
way. Under the administration of
Mr. McKee it is hoped to carry it to
even greater lengths in the coming
The commissioners also plan a
re-adjustment of the road patrolmen
of the- county with a view to greater
efficiency in the work of caring for
the roads.
Mrs. Tisher Says Tanlac Ended Her
Troubles and Built Her Up .
Wonderfully. 1
. i
"Since Tanlac has restored my
health and built me up I just can't
say enough for it," said Mrs. C. B.
Tisher, of 2707 Avenue A. Council .
Bluffs, Iowa.
"For more than a year before tak
ing Tanlac my stomach was so dis
ordered I couldn't eat a thing but
what it would hurt me. I was sub
ject to blinding spells and dizziness
and had almost unbearable pains in
the small of my back. I was ner
vous and restless and a good night's
sleep seemed out of the question. My
appetite left me and I got so weak
and run-down my housework was
just a drag.
"But the first bottle of Tanlac I
took made a wonderful improvement
in my condition. I have now finish
ed my third bottle and am sound
and well, without an ache or a pain
of any kind. I have a fine appetite
and never have a touch of indiges
tion. That tired feeling has left me
and it's no trouble for me to do my
housework. In fact I feel good all
the time. Tanlac is certainly one.
grand medicine." '
Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by
F. G. Fricke and Company; in Mur
ray by the Murray Drug company,
and the leading druggist in every
Our stock includes all kinds of farm machinery,
from the cultivator to the threshing outfit.
Power machinery of all kinds, as well as horse
drawn, displayed in our wareroom.
Watch this space for change of ad, as we expect to
make some important special announcements soon.
Proposal to Design New Seal Becalls
Part Cass County Man Had in
Designing Present One.
The introduction in the state leg
islature of a bill to design a state
flag and to provide for a commission
to design a new state seal recalls the
important part that Captain Isaac
Wiles of this county, an dwho pass
ed away Just a few days ago. had
in securing the present seal of the
state of Nebraska.
It was at the first state legislature
in June. 1867. that Mr. Wiles in
troduced in the legislature an act
to provide for a great seal of the
then infant state and on June 15,
1867, the bill was passed, carrying
with it an appropriation of $25 to
have the seal designed and made.
The act as introduced by-Mr. Wiles
was as follows:
"The eastern arc of the circle to
be represented by a steamboat as
cending the Missouri river; the me
chanic arts to be represented by a
smith with hammer and anvil; in the
foreground agriculture to be repre- i
sented by a settler's cabin, sheaves J
of wheat and stalks of growing corn; j
in the background a train of cars;
heading toward the Rocky mountains
and on the extreme west the Rocky
mountains to be plainly in view;
around the top of this circle to be
in capital letters the motto, 'Equal
ity before the law,' and the circle
to be surrounded with the words,
'Great Seal of the State of Nebraska,!
March 1. 1S67.' "
The seal has from that time to the
present served as the official seal of
the 6tale and while it might not ap
peal to the higher artistic sense of
some it is truly a fitting representa
tion of the arts and pursuits of the
people of the great state and the
mctto one that all free men should j
see is kept inviolate at all times. !
Living through the early days of
the state and representing as it does
a distinct emblem of the west during
pioneer days it should remain as it
is, the official seal of the state. I
With nations and states the anci-'
ent seals are kept inviolate and their
age represents the greatness of the
nation or state that they represent,
and the proposition to change the
present seal is one of folly, aLthough ;
the proposition of the adoption of a
state standard is a very good and t
logical suggestion. j
The state seal is a lasting monu-'
ment to the great services of Captain
Iraac Wiles in the pioneer days of
statehood and should be left undis-.
uirbed by the efforts of the legisla
tors who could well devote their ,
time to less laws and more effective,
Nineteen Twenty-One Wall
Paper Styles!
We have our artistic sample books showing an
endless variety in style and pattern.
Show at your home.
Call Telephone 33-J
Home Decorator
ax Dusterhoff
Painter and Decorator
Get Interested in Our New Prices!
Unsettled labor conditions do not allow us to establish
these prices for a period beyond March 1st. Order your
Spring work now and you run no risk and save money. Our
new prices are low at present.
Murdock -:- -:- -:- -:- Nebraska
Don't use harsh physics. The re-i
action weakens the bowels, leads to
chronic constipation. Get Doan's j
Regulets. The operate easily. 30c
at all stores.
Effects of Constipation
Constipation causes a stoppage of
the sewerage system of the body.
The poisonous refuse matter that
should ha carried away is retained
in the system and often poisons the
blood and causes numerous disorders.'
No one can afford to neglect his
bowels. A dose of Chamberlain's t
Tablets will afford relief: Avoid dras-. xo.""
tic cathartics as tncy take too niuchi uy oMer the iistrict officer;
water out of the system and their awi School DUtrict, this itl day
use is likely to be followed by chron
ic constipation.
Notice is hereby (riven to the quali
fied voters of School District No. C-T,
Cuss county, Nebraska, that an elec
tion wiil he hld at the Hirh school in
M. K. church in Murdock. Nebraska, in
said district on the 23rd day of Febru
ary, 1921. at seven o'clock p. m., for
the purpose of voting upon the follpw
iner question, to-wit: : ;.
Shall the District Officers of School
District--No. C-7, in Caas county, Ne
braska, issue the bonds of said sejvor!
district, in the amount of Kjsrhty
Thousand Dollars, ($0,000.00) bearinff
interest at the rate of six per cent
(6 per annum, payable semi-annually,
principal and interest payable at
the County Treasurer's office, Platts
moutli. Nebraska, and the principal
payartie as ioiiows:
$6,000.00 payable March la,
$5,000.00 payable March 15,
$".,000.00 payable March IS,
S6.J00.i0 payable March IS,
S."..000.80 payable March 15,
$5,000.00 payable March 15,
$6.(0. 0 payable March 15,
$5,000.00 payable March 15.
$. 000.00 pavabie March 15,
$6,000.00 pavablc March 15, 1936.
$5,000.00 payable, March 15, 1937.
35.000.OO pavable March 13, 19."8.
$fi. 000.00 payable March IS. 13S.
$5,000.00 pavable March 15, 194.
$.1,000.00 payable March 15, 19 It.
And tlwUl the District Officer of said
Sc'nl District pause to be levied, an
nually, a tax sufficieit for the pay
ment of the interest and principal a
it becomes due? Said bond to be isi
tiued for the following purpose, to-wit:
l'urcliii.sins a. site and erecting and
a school house tn District
ass county, .-eorasKa
The Best Service!
When Real Service is needed,
the Crucial Test is applied.
All are wanting reliability in the man, in the char
acter of the work, in the materials used, and in the
soundness of the guarantee.
For a score and a half of years we have been here
and since our advent in business our record bespeaks
our responsibility.
We are here for real service in auto work. We
also are handling Buick, Mitchell, Dodge and Ford cars.
We appreciate your patronage.
Phone 35-B
Murdock, Neb.
Jauuary. 1921.
K. A.
The Oldsmobile Cars!
For performance the greatest car on the market
today (be it a pleasure car or a truck for commerce) is
the Oldsmobile.
None will surpass it for endurance, case of hand
ling or ECONOMY.
We have taken over the agency of this wonderful
car for the territory including Murdock.
We also handle a full line of supplies and acces
sories. Our personal attention given to all work and
Gehrts Block
M-rdock, Nebr.