THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3. 1921 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Murray Department Prepared in the Iutereat of the People of Murray and Surrounding: Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers PAG flYE If tiiyof th readers of the Journal knovr of any social event or item of Interest In this vicinity, ard will mall name to thH office, it will ap pear urulrr Uiis heading. We want all newsttems Eiutou J To All Parties HOLDING COUPON LIBERTY LOAN BONDS OF THE FOURTH ISSUE It is necessary that all such bonds be converted into permanent bonds of the same issue, as the last coupon on the temporary bonds of the fourth issue is past due. If you will bring such bonds you have , on hand to us, we will be glad to serve you in the way of exchanging these bonds for you. YOURS FOR SERVICE urray Stale Mrs. Leonard Born Gets Quilt A fine quilt, which was made for Mr. Walter Meisinger "oy his mother, Mrs. Phillip Meisinger, and was la ter given by her to the ladies aid so ciety of the Evangelical church, was raffed off 'it a meeting: of the society at the heme of Mrs. T. J. Ilennings last week, the lucky number 94, he ins held by Mrs. Allie Meisinger. As she had drawn a siilk quilt a fsw years ago. she made a present of ihe quilt to the society who placed it on sale af auction. It was purchased by Mrs. Leonard Born for ten dollars. V i For Sale. few more Duroc Jersey boars at also bred silts. Albert You as, Murray, Neb. . I-. Hohack of south of Murray, is reported as being: very sick at his home. G. M. Minford was looking after porae business matters at Omaha last Monday. Lyle Law ton was a visitor at the home cf his grandparents in Murray last Sunday. Miss Clara Young was the guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Minford last Sunday. V. G. Boedeker and wife were the guests at the home of J. W. Holmes and wife of Plattsmouth last Sunday. J Jin Karris and D. C. Rhoden were 'coking after some business matters at Nebraska City and Union last Tuesday. Walker G;lmore. who is attending the state university was a visitor at home last week from Friday nut: I Sunday evening. Charles Mutz shipped a car c f hogs to the South Omaha market last Friday for which he received very satisfactory prices. George W. Brlnklow and W. C. Boedeker were in attendance at the Masonic .lodge last Monday eve-ning-at Plattsmouth. Albert Cotner of Plattsmouth was a visitor in Murray last Tuesday and was looking after some telephone troubles during his stay. Mesdames O. A. Davis and E. S. Tutt were visiting with friends : Omaha last Thursday and also did some shopping while there. T. J. Brendel was a visitor in Plattsmouth last Tuesday, having been called to the county seat to look after some business matters. Dr. B. F. Brendel was called to Union last Tuesday, where he has some very sick patients, and was driven down by Fred L. Ilild. S. S. Davis and Dr. J. II. Hall of Plattsmouth. were spending some time in Murray last Tuesday and attended the community dinner. G. M. Minford an dfamily will remove to Omaha the coming fall. They have purchased property there and will make that their home. Lee Farris who resides a few mile-? south of Murray, and daughter were reported as being very sick for a few days, but are now on the road to recovery. Sam G. Stone, who has been mak ing his home east of Murray has moved his household effects to I'latts mouth. where he will make his home in the future. Herbert Mechsm of near Union, was a visitor in Murray last Tuesday, coming to look over a proposition of renting a farm near Murray and should he succed will make his home here the coming year. The ladies aid society of the Chris tian church will meet with Mrs. B. F. Brendel will he joined in the en tertaining by the following hostess- J. T. W. Berger. Leda will Frank be the . a ier at Mrs. Gayer es: Mesdames Iieed. Mrs. (). leader. Mrs. V. A. Kennedy, who hjjbecn ill at her home in Murray for sev eral days pist. was feeling very poorly during the first of the week. Her many friends are , utiring that she may soon regain her accustomed health. L. I). t of the firm of Hiatt and TvUt, has been kept to his horn -for the past week on account of a very sore throat. He is improving now and his many friends will be pleased when he shaH be able to be out a:,ain. The Rev. A. G. Hoilowell. pastor cf the Christian church of Murray and Plattsmouth. was a visitor in Murray la-t Tuesday and called on r.:j-v of !'!s church members and gue-t at the cc mmunity dm the hall. 11. L. G;iver wife cf Captain of east of Murray, was taken to a hospital at Lincoln last Monday, where she underwent an op ration for relief from appendicitis. As to. her condition nothing has been learn ed but it is hoped she is getting along nicely. Dr. J. S. Livingston of Plattsmouth was a visi'or in .Murray last Tues day caHir.r; on Dr. J. F. Brendel. who slipped on an icy walk, falling and injuring himself very badly. Dr. Brendel. while he has improved considerably is still very sore from the effects of the fall. C. C. Tucker' shipped his"-hold goods and farm implements to 1 Oconto, where he will make his home in the future and will engage in farming. Mr. Tucker and family, who have lived in and near Murray for a long time will be sadly missed in this community, but the .west will he the gainer. John Spanuler. wli i formerly lived just southwest of Murray, but who has for the past nine years betn mak ing his home near Movale, la., was a visitor in Murray for a short time the first of the week. Mr. Spangler, who has been in Iowa for some tune has prospered very much and retired from active work on the farm. lie came to Plattsmouth to visp. his mother, who has been feeling very bad for the past few days and run down to Murray to visit with his old time friends. Ccmniunify Club Becomes a Realty. Last Tuesday as per arrangements, the community club dinner was held at the Puis and Gansemer ball in 'Murray and attend by some two hundred persons of Murray and com munity, notwithstanding the very bad condition of the roads, and after the sumptuous repast the circulation of lists for the securing of memberships to the club was begun and during a few moments there were over forty families signified by their signing the roll, their willingness to work together in harmony for the making if Murray the best town in the state, or for that matter in the ra tion and that menus the world, f. r its size ami circumstances. The membership was f:ed at re dollar per member and two dollar" for a family. The following fami lies were represented in the lit which were circulate,! more avc being added constantly: Win. Si.'--rcr. C. D. Spangler. J. W. Kdmo7.d. W. C. Boedeker. A. Gansemer. C. H. Boedeker. W. S. Smith. .Miss Eva Lit is. J. A. Seotten. The.) Timiu. D. C. Rhoden. Morton Bartlett. D. A. Young. C. W. Gilmore. Tred L. Mild. Mrs. Ida Farris. Myra McDonald. Y. A. Royal. Joseph Dei tel. Wm. Mai -h, F. L. Wilson. L. U. Puis. Dr. B. F. Brendel. G. M. Minford. G. W. Mc cracken. Dr. G. H. Gilmore, Nick Freidrieh. Glen Perry. W. H. Puis. S. G. Latta. James Latta. John A. Davis. Herman Wohlfarth. John F ir ris. Joseph Maracek. John Sans. John A. Davis. Herman Wohlfarth. J:;hn F. Farris. From Plattsmouth. Dr. J. If. Hall. S. S. Davis. Rev. A. G. i ::!b). ell and M. S. Briggs also te- e. !!!( members. For Sale: Bred Duroc Jersey gilts jrnd sows. Albert Young, Murray, i Nebraska. Partners in Hog- Business. A. A. Young, Leslie Gammer and Leslie Long, are going to be part ners in the heg business. Mr. Young will furnish the capital which is in the shape of a start on the hogs, while the two young men care for the bogs and feed them for a portion of the income. The boys are very en thusiastic in their business enter prise and wv see no reason why they should not succeed. DPP They have come thick and fast. You have been waiting for just this, especially in many needed articles for your heme. How about the pillow tubing and sheets? You can buy now at ONE-HALF PRICE. 9 4 sheeting, best quality made, per yd 65c 36-inch pillow tubing, per yd 40c 40-inch pillow tubing, per yd 50c Hope muslin, per yd 19c Indian Head suiting, per yd 35c 27 and 32-inch ginghams, per yd 25c Be assured that as fast as the market declines on merchandise, this store goes down with the price. Hiatt MURRAY, : Tutt, NEBRASKA library Association Gets Building. The Murray librr.ry winch is in corporated Jor ten thousand is a fixture in this rustling little city, and has purchased a home, which, is krown' as the W. K. Jenkins buihi :r.g for the sum of $S00. By giving their suppers they accumulated abcut three hundi (jfiollars. and were aide to secure the'remaining five hundred freni W. G. JJoedeker, who very kind ly sponsored the enterprise. The return.; from the suppers which have been given was $ 5 a 2 . 4 ard the expenses. $27:1, leaving $303. 4 as the net result of their work, and with the $500 furnished by Mr. Boedeker were able to pay the entire amount of the purchase price. The association was incorporated for $10.'000, in the shares of $5 each, ard a large number were already subscribed. The following officers have Ik en selected for the coming year: Mrs. G. M. Minford, presi dent. Mrs. B. F. Brendel. vice pres ident; Mrs. J. F. Brendel. secretary treasurer. For the present they will use the building, but expect later to build a more commodious one. and one better suited to the purpose. The following have taken stock in the association: G. M. Minford. Mi-s Bueh-h Sans. Miss Clara Carlson. A. A .Young. Mrs. G. M. Minford. Miss Etta Nickel Mrs. J. F. Brendel. Mrs. C. D. Spangler. Mrs. H. C. Lonir, Will Minford. Stephen M. Dav is. W. H. Puis. G. W. McCracken. Ogla Minford. Mrs. B. p. Brendel. L. II. Puis. Mrs. A. S. Davis. Fred L. Ilild. Searle Davis, Mrs. Wm. Sev boldt, S. G. Latta. Mrs. Wm. Spor rer. Anyone wishing to take stock in this institution will please com municate with Mrs. G. M. Minford. They Are Still Boys. The bronzed and weather-hardened men of Murray and near here like some fun as well as doing work every day. When Win. Seyboldt was assisting in dressing the hoes for himself and Dr. J. F. Brendel, he thought how nice it would be to cut off a pigs tail and slip it in the pock et of Morton Bartlett. who is also game to the core. He was successful in his manuev ers and the barber carried the pig tail to Plattsmouth with him and finding the south appendage of the porker lingering in his pocket when he went to extract a cigarette.. He then wrapped it up carefully in a little box. then placed it in a large shoe box and filled the remaind er with paper and expressed tee tail hack to Murray to Mr. Seyboldt, which cost the jolly farmer 39 cents including war tax, which he paid, and on unwrapping the packing, found that his pigtail had come home to roost. At the time of this writing the Joke is on Will, but where it will lodge by next week, it is difficult to tell. Notice. There will be a meeting of the Modem Woodman at their hall. Thursday, February I Oth, for the purpose of electing ecun.y convention. delegates to 'he Community Club Held Meeting.-. Those who attended the' meeting of the community club last Thurs day enjoyed a rare treat. Mr. Gaines is a speaker cf exceptional ability, in th..t he can keep his audience highly entertained every .minute of the time and still drive home the point he is trying to make in such a manner, it can be understood by ! the children as well as the older! folks. We would con'ider it a plea sure to have him again at some fu ture time. The pig club is coming along Tire and a meeting will be called to get the hoys of the club together siini time in the roar future when plans will he discussed and arrangements made to get the work going. The girls have not shown a much interest in ihe baking club as should be expected, but it is still open. Hand your names to Lee Kniss tary. We think possibly the cooking at the waffle suppi have discouraged some of the ! ladies, is the reason thev are a ! shy of the baking club. All the reason girls, you should get in the game fjr it shows what can be accomplished. Also bear in mind that every cook at the wafi'Te MiPper wj a married man. and i:rs probably been cooking the family meals for ;i good many years. You cO:i do a: w til. when you have the experience. The men will gl; dly give you th ".unefi tof their advance and exprrii iK t- ar.d we are sine .Mr. Spangler will give you his recipe for waffles, when you become profi cient enough to merit it. An old time literary program 'icbatc is being talked of among nu-n for tlo 1 enefit seere-mc-n's r may young little The price of our dry cleaning cuts down the price of clothes. Bainty Dorothy cays that she has found out that we 0BL10 SALE! cf the take pr, of the dub. .-mill admission charged to cover Dates and de later. Boost. r.R the munity club. What helps one club of this kind. will probably expense-. i;ls will bt .:r.J the A be ?'i el time for the toni- helns all. in Jlurvsy Mabel Howard was PlatTsmouth Saturday. Earl M. rase K visited with U::g. Sunday afternoon. I!aricy Puis has been on the Ii.-L for the List few d'iys. Margaret Dietl was a visitor at home of Nctes. a visitor in este! ick 1 1, e Marie Puis Wednesday. Curtis Farris was a vi.-iror at the heme of Richard Freidrieh Sunday. Lester Can.-emcr speni Saturday raid Sunday at the home of Carl Dietl. ntertained Clara Mra Scotten Sunday af'-.-r- Flsie Puis ek and Lois r1 oon. .Marie aid day evening ; Scot ten. CI ell Car.: evening and Harry Puis. The eighth glish compos 'his semester. Llsie "t the emer Sunday a rail e it ion Puis home sp cf spen I at tin ent Fri-Blanche Saturday home of sire and tiking Eh u re Nellie and V n. Tucker, were former visitors scholars of this school. :,.ere last Thursday. Miss Wilson, Miss Gage, ami Miss Yn:i Dt-usen went si way on the hive o'clock train Friday afternoon. Lester Gansemer ant! Carl. Joe and Henry Dietl spent Sunday after noon at the home -:f Kenneth Farris. Elsie and Esther Puis were absent, from school the first part of last week, but were able to return Thurs day. Mary Deitl, one of lat year's stu dents of Murray high school, spent iturdav and Sunday with home folks. Lester Long and Dick March were out trying the ice Saturday sifter noon. They found it not ble for skating. The ninth and tenth grades are taking Science and Roman History this semester in the place of Greek History and Agriculture. N Mabel Howsird. Blanche Scotter. Msm'o Puis, Margaret Dietl and Hazel Davis were callers at the home of Leorsi Farris Sunday afternoon. The pupils of the English class sire reading A. Conan Doyle's hook. "The Study in Scarlet." to find striking mood and character hints. mcst e:: ments entrusted to us and that cur charges should make friends for this house. Oar dyeing proves satisfactory, as we use the latest approved methods and the test dyes. iWt vtfw Jl A Goods Called for and Delivered 7i wV---.-V We will ofTer for sale at oublic auction on the John Engelkemier farm 7 miles -west. U mile north of Murray and 3 miles north and 4 mile3 east of Weeping Water, on Sat urday, February Sth, 1921, the fol lowing described property. Sale commences at 1:30 p. m. Horses One team hay, 6 and 11 years, weight2800; one team bay and sorrel 7 and 6 years, weight 2300; one mare, smooth mouth, weight 1000; one team, coming 4 year olds, weight 23C0; one mare 10 years, weight 1250; one colt 3 years, w eight 1250. ' Farm implements One set harness 1 inch, one New ton wagon, one truck wagon, one buggy, one disk harrow, two riding Badger cultiva tors, two John Deere listers, one sulky plow, one John Deere gang plow, one P. & O. two row cultivator, one new Iloosier seeder, one Deering hinder. one stalk cutter, six tons timothy hay. Terms: All sums or $10 and un der, cash in hand; over that amount a credit of six months will be given, purchaser giving note with approved security beaming nine per cent inter est from date of sale. Over $10, two per cent off for cash. ENGELKEMIER BROS, Owners. Col. W. R. Young, Auctioneer. W. G. Boedeker, Clerk. 3td 3tw. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Several improved farms in Cass county, ranging from 40 acre to 160 acre tracts. Terms to suit and priced right. P. O. box 677. FRANK VALLERY, riattsmouth. Neb. :o:- Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping Water, was in the city this afternoon attending to a few business matters of importance at the court house. j Subscribe for the Journal today. PHONE 10b cm The Murray Cream Station! is paying the highest price for cream, produce, poultry and eggs. Get our prices ! We can handle all you have at a good figure to you. Call us for prices. L. A. SCOTTOftS, TELEPHCNS NO. 27 MURRAY NEBRASKA PUBLIC r m li The undersigned will at Public Auction, at miles west of Plattsmouth. ono south of the C. I V;il!ei y farm o Louisville r mile north of Mvnard. o:'d ; and on i'er for s:le : farm "ir. i ; i i 1 e the 1 !-. miles west, one aain one-half v. est WEDNESDAY, FEB. IS commencing iit 10:00 o'clock i. with lunch served at noon, the lowing described property: Head Pedigreed Poland in., fol- 29 4 head of of bred gilts; af fall pius. 6 Head 4 One bay gelding. 14 5 0; one sorrel ge v. t. 1 '.')(): one China Hogs bred tried sows; 10 1 herd boar; 14 head head Picture Sfi ow! SATURDAY AND SUNDAY EVENINGS $j We will have an excellent show for both evenings at popular prices. The Puis Show Company, MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA of Horses of Mules 0 ye;: geld lV.g. i black hor: and years oil. wt, 1 1 5 : one mare mule. 4 years old. one sorrel mare mule. 2 rs old, wt. years old. e mule. 4 steel gray wt. 11-50; vears old. wt. v c a j 0 0 ; ohi. one wt. black he 7."': one rse bjv mule. 2 geluiug. g -Id-black one 15 00. -1 oek -en ; one Wilt ery Lonoh! JI will serve Lunch, Tobac co, Cigars, Cigarettes and all needed Refreshments at Pub lic Sales this season. Make dates with Cel. W. R. Young. Osoa Murray -: Jailer 5 Nebraska r. imm AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Gale Datesfar crViear. RATESEEASOXABLE SATISFACTION OR 3T0 PAY1 REVERSE ALL CALLS 3 years old. wt. 1 1 r 0 : one bay ing, 2 years old. wt. S r 0 ; one mare. 3 years old. wt. 1500 black gelding. " years old. wt. 14 Head of Cattle One pedigreed Shorthorn hull: 3 red milk cows; thre" Hoist ein cows, two giving milk, one fresh by sale date: one 2-ycar-old steerf o;u pedi greed Shorthorn cow ar.d five calves. Farming- Impler-ier.ts One wagon; one low wheel w one truck wagon; one hay rack new wagon box; one new Acme hay reke; one J. I. Case .two-row ma chine; one J. I. Case wide tread lis ter; one Moline Tri Belle lister; two New Departure cultivators; one John Deere lt!-inch walking plow; one 1 h. p. gas engine; one pump jack; three i's of l-inch work harness; one saddle; one safety feeding en te; one self feeder; one hog chute on wheels: one 15-gallon power barrel churn; one DeLavel separator smd power attachment; one lard press; one lawn xwing; one Monitor press drill. witli grass seed attachment: one G-foot Deoring binder; tine 5-foot MeC'ormick mower: one Sheldon con crete mixer; one Osborn disc; one three-section harrow; one Burnley feed grinder; one 1-horse drill; one "Be--t Ever" Moline gang plow, with 5 shovels; 120 feet of 7k -inch hay carrier rope; two harpoon hay forks; two hay slings; 10 tons of alfs'lfa hay; one hand garden plow; one bay iced rack; one-Yoss swinging wring er washing machine; one 120-egg in cubator; one 250-egg incubator; one Colony brooder; one Sgallon cream can; one 5-gallon cream can. Household Goods Solid golden oak dining room suit; China closet; 4S-inch buffet; exten sion table, six chairs; six dining room chairs with genuine black leather seats; one writing desk: one ice box; j one malleable steel kitchen range; j one 3-hole Perfection oil burner; one velvet rug. 10-Sxl4; two velvet rugs. t12; three small rugs; three rock ers; one library table; one cupboard; j two brass beds; one wooden bed;, fvo princess dressers; one boy's dres-j sir; one set of dishes; one gas lamp; j one ton wsishing stove suid other ar- titles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale AM sums of $10.00 ami under cash. On sums over $10. a credir of from r.ix to eight months will be given, to give note with approved s-c-curity bearing S per cent interest from date. All property must be settled for before being removed from the premises. S. RAY SMITH, Owner. W. R. YOUNG. Auct. R. F. PATTERSON. Clerk. ee JarvSs at Once! Jarvis Lancaster is offering the following goods at very attractive prices, and those who are needing such article will find it to their advantage to see him. One Ottawa C' cylinder corn sheller; one Excel sior motorcycle; one Reeves saw mill in good condition; one Chalmers six, 1917 model auto in good condition; one Reo truck (1917 model) in good condition; 1916 model Ford touring car. one JARVfiS LAB3CASTEIr2 Coming Wear! A few days off yet we will allow, but the days will soon be past, and we must be ready with the work when the time comes. Now is the time to get things ready on the farm. How about the implements, and the harness, do they need looking after? We are carry ing a full and complete stock of hardware, and at the best of prices. See us for anything in the line needed. We are carrying a good stock of horse collars and in fact all farm necessities. w H. Puis H ardware Murray, Nebraska FOR SALE Vigorous Barred Rock cockrels with deep, clear barring. Also, Si' ire Hatch incubator. Phone 3121. C. L. WILES. Telephone 42S Plattsmouth Exchargc ctl Itw. Plattsmouth. Neb. Cash Counts Here! COME AND SEE US. We are do ing a cash business and can save you money. The goods are right and the prices also. We can make it worthy your while to trade at our store. COME AND SEE F- T- WILSW THE SERVICE STORE MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA