t THFF.5DAT, ITE?.UA?.Y 2. 1921 PLATTSIvIOITTH SEMI-WZEEXY JOUENAI PAGE THREE Union apartment Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. $560,000,000 In the Posksls of fimsrica! It has ben estimated that 20,000,000 Americans carry in their pockets $560, 000,000 in bills and loose change. A Costly, Dangerous Custom Remember this money in the pocket is non-inlercct bearing cash, it is not in the bank in the form cf deposits and cannot be used as a basis of credit. The columns of our newspapers are filled with the records of personal hold ups, pay roll bandits, house breaking and pick pockets. W hy carry money in the pocket? Far better to carry a check book! If it is lost, you can get another and it has no value to the finder. A check is a receipt for money paid. A safe and wise place to have money in in the bank. Deposit your pocket money today. nk f Union UNION NEBRASKA at althul and Lincoln for some time pas.t returned to Union last week and reports he is feeling much better than he has for some time past. V. H. IJetts of Weeping Water, was looking after some business mat ters in Union last Monday. Miss Flora Midkift" of near Avoca. was a visitor for over Sunday at the h'.me of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Pell. Lloyd Yonker of Plattsmouth. was a visitor in Union last Monday, coming down to look after some busi ness matters and visit at the home of his parents. Mrs. Myron Lynde was a visitor in Xebiaska City last Saturday, where both the guest of friends looking after some busi- she v;:s and was nes. Miss Ellen AT THE MOVIES "ihe 8 apliea This coming Saturday night at the M. W. A. Hall vill be given the wonderful story of a man with money to burn. Interesting, instructive, funny and realistic. After the sl.ow, there will be given another of those pleasant dances. Ccme and enjoy a good time. You cannot afford to miss it. POPULAR PRICES Union Show Company Dr. M. Swab v. a- a business caller in Oxr.uha la-t Monday. Mir-s An-ie .r:-':.rr.!i. who is teaching was !:;::.' i.r a vifit over Saturday and Sunday. Mi-s Marv K. Fu-'er. who is em j,'ov"'l in 'ni.;ha. was a visitor at tii- !:'TT!" cf her parent-- over Sunday. Mrs. II. M. Kw'.b was a vi-:'or in KIn.-.vc.f.d la.-! Saturday ;:id Sunday. 1-eir.g :!;- utie.-t of Mr-. S::w-1 while ti.ei'e. Cliurlf- l;-ardn-aii and K. M '.-Cowan are new rt:i .-!- f.f tie Journal, which will make regular vi-it at their homes. '.:. Fr I I-vrak of Or... -.ha. was a v i -1 " . . r in Union (-,:- Sunday, be ing a t-o-.-r of hi- fr:- ltd. Miss .'.iary I! -ckcr. I'. H. lir-cU-r ?;n.-r.i last wpek at I;ir.h';r. w-h r he was assisting on Tiie lam: r:" Mrs. IJecker'.s father, Cor.rrd J. Mu'.'.i-. !.'.K.i: n I5;.r.n:ng w.i- looking after some !;u.-in-s matter? at Nebraska ('iy las .i K. and al-o l ad son e dental work done.. Mi- V'r.n V-rr- of Havelok. was a vi;ior in Union for th ;k:-t few davs he inc. the gi:e- of her friend. Mi---- .V.-'t:.. MH'arroIl. Ir. J:. F. Urendel was a business visif. r in Union la-t Sunday, driv-i:-,r lov. n ir his ear to look after s: m pro:"-.-si; nal bu.-ine .M T,M-!ah and I.v.lu Austin. wh' ar-- tn.j.d"ved in P:::aha were i p eu-c-s of 'heir parents. Mr. and Mrs. !"an Austin. ea t of Union. I I. II. Lynde and wife spent last j Sunday at the home of the parents of the la'ter at Nebraska City, driving iover and returning in their ear. j Henry Ross of south of Nehawka. : was a visitor in Union for a short itime while on his way to Omaha last ?!:!. day afternoon to look after some business matters. W. L. Stine. last Monday, built a , new rhimney on one of his houses (and notwithstanding the inclemency 'of the wc.it.her was able to make an 1 ' xrt ;t;t ji h of it. j Clifton Clarke, who is employed in Omaha, was a visitor in Union for I over Sf!:djy. l.'fjng a euest at the home of his parents. Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Clarke- and family, northeast of town. J. M. Pa-.terson and G. W. Cheney were visiting with friends and also looking after some business matters :n Pluttsraou'.h the first of the week. Mrs. R. L. Newell of Craig, was a visitor in Union at the home of her friend. Miss Jessie Todd, and other friends for the pan fw days. Mom Rob': and Flossie McCarthy were busy last Monday making some alteration-, at the McCarthy elevator which will make the work a little mere handy. Fdward Whitemarch and Samuel Tr-nt. both of Ralston, were visit ing with friends in Union for a few days last week, being the guests a? the home of W. S. Sidwell and fam ily. A. II. Austin, who has been visitinc. G oat rnces uowm 1 THh Chapman, who has been attending the state university returned home at the ending of the first senvster and will remain until the beginning of the- next school year. The social danc- last Friday eve ning was well attended and an ex cellent time was had. It was con cluded better to have had the dance before and not following the picture show. E. K. Leech. Wearley Woodard Will Cook. John Hys. and Davie Murray, were looking after sonu business matters ft Nebraska Cit last Saturday, making the trip vi? the Missouri Pacific train. Mrs. W. A. Drown, who has been visiting with friends and relative, in r;nd near Murray for the past week, was a visitor in Union for r. short time while on her way to the acme of her daughter. Mrs. John Van' :ti. at Wyoming. Mrs. Vesta Clarke was a visitor in Auburn for a short time last week ;?insr the guest at the home of her 'laughter. Mrs. O. W. Finney and hus !;'.::;. the family returning to Union for a short visit with relatives n-ro v:k Mrs. Clarke on her return. Mrs. Harry Toed, who has beer visiting at the home of her son Glr Todd and wife, was a visitor for a short time in Union and truest a' the home -f Miss Jessie Todd whib here, and departed for her home in Lincoln affr spending a few houre here. Miss Ida Reynolds, who is employ ed in Havelock as a teacher in tlu public schools there, was a visitor a' the home of her parents, Mr. anc Mrs. J. T. Reynolds, southwest V Union, spending the week end hen and returning to her work Monday morning. Charles Venner. who some twenty live years aco was engaged in part nership with Earl Richard in th implement business in I'nion. bu' who has for some time been makin? his home at Lincoln and is traveling on the road, was a visitor in Union lav. Monday looking after some busi ness matters. John Xiday is a pretty happy mar these days, all on account of th. kindness of the stork which left r fine little girl baby, weighing sever and one-half pounds and which i. for Mr. Niday and his good wife No wonder that John and Mrs. Joh' are wearing a happy expression ever is corn is down and money is scarce Notwithstanding that there is nr minister at this time at the Metho dist church, the bible school and th Kpworth league are being well at tended. The I'.ible school in th' morning and the Junior Endeavor held Wednesday evening, while th Senior and Intermediate Endeavoi are held on Sunday evening at tlu church. On Friday of this week the youns peoples societies of the P.aptist anc j Methodist churches, will hold a join' j rrpeting. when ways will be devisee j for the better working together c : these two societies. This looks goor !io us. and we hope that much goo j may result from the effort of th : team work of these two young people: i societies. A. L. P.e-ker. the merchant, say? that business is good. We were in his place of business the other da and it looks like he and his daughter Miss Mary, had plenty to do lookinr after the wants of their customers. The same thing can be said of R. I) ! STtiilo Kilt ctitl T?l,tliin fn.t i-llllv , ... u l -lil. 1 kll V 1 . 1 Luill 11111 time for a little joshing with tht Journal man. W. II. Killon. a clearing salesman, who has leen making a great sueee with a monstrous sale with the I)ove rtores in Plattsniouth, accompanied ' ith Charles Dovey, was a visitor ir Union a few days ago and will prob ably put on a large clearing am' ( :osing out sale for one of the mer- hants in Union. Who ever arc " joking for bargains better keep thi ; atter in mind. HOW IS YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL? Vv c will have plenty of cold weather yet. Better order a few tons cf ccal. Franklin county (Illinois) lump or furnace size can now be bourrht for $11.00 PER TON V. e appreciate your patronage. Frsns Bros', Lumber Co., UNION NEBRASKA j Kr. Matt JJcQuinn Sick. I Mr. Matt McQuinn is reported as ; ' eing very ill at his home in Union '; nd while he is some improved, is still j cnf.ned to his bed and is far from ' eing well. It is hoped that before ir.ng he may be able to be up and i ut again. His many friends down town miss his happy smiling fai t nd general agreeable disposition, as be was always making the path cf life more easily traveled for thoe with whom he associated. Fiddler's Contest Postponed. The Fiddler's contest which was to be arranged for Union and for which a few steps were taken, has been indefinitely postponed and will be taken up later, when the roads become more passible. These gather- ! ings are generally of much interest and draw large crowds of people, they being productive of much merriment. Will Engage in Business Here A. W. Propst departed a few days 'ago for the western part of the state. where he will dispose of his crops and will return, as he has arranged to go into business here. He and Mr. Burbect will engage in the auto mobile selling game and will handle h n I I ( Olll the Ford, they now having a car load .fJllKI I. fl ff" of these cars on hand. t U U L. I U V fi L L I Entertained Ep worth League. Last Thursday at the home of W. Hl Porter. Miss Leatha. with Misses Ida Maugay and Elsie Taylor, enter tained the members of the Epworth League at which a general good time was enjoyed by the large crowd which helped make the evening one of pleasure. A delightful lunch eon w;-s served afttr games and songs had all been indulged in. Ice ?ream and cake, with coffee was the distinguishing features of the dainty iunch. Eev. W. A. Taylor Very 111. The Rev. W. A. Taylor, who has been troubled for a number of years past with stomach trouble, and which las given him much suffering, had the malady culminate last week in an attack of hemmorage of the intes tines, which was of such a serious nature that some did not exp"Ct iie vould recover. With a grip (;n life md a magnificent constitution and 'he best of care and medical atten tion given by Dr. Garritt, the climax "f the attack was passed and on the 1rst of this week there was hopes :f his recovery. The many friends -.f this excellent citizen are hoping that he may soon b well again. Picture Chow a Success. "The Saphead" which was given by IJert Willis at the movie theater 'ast Saturday night was eure a sue es.s in the line of furnihsing a good diow and one which caused a great h-al of laughter during the whole how. Everybody was well pleased with the show. The picture for the ruling Saturday ee:;hig is one as 'ur.ny as the one la-.t week, if r.ot TiOtv so, and is known as "Tair and Warmer." This a picture that ou do not want to miss. It pljyed n the larger show- houses of Omaha mly a few weeks ago. claiming large uidieuces night aftc night. Ttoyal Neighbors Install Officers. Last Saturday at their regular meeting, the Koyal Neighbors of merica installed the officers elected "or the coming year. The order has ;en in a very flourishing condition, nd has been Messed with a large lumber of new members, who are rood worker.-, and we look for still .lore increases in their numbers and vo.-king force. The newly installed fhcers are: Mrs. Minerva McQuinn raeie: Mrs. Nora Niday. vice oracle; "i.-s Mary Niday. chancellor: Mrs. Martha Lynn, past oracle; Mrs. Jc-s-ie Liggett, recorder; Miss Clara Iy art. receiver; Mrs. Delia Roddy, na: shall. Union School Notes. Miss Bogenrk-f's room Miss Gu.isie Robb visited our room at-t Monday. Cleoma Farris is absent from chool on account of serious illness. High School Notes. Vera Upton was absent from school ast Friday. Pearl Eaton gave an interesting enort la-t Monday rooming on tiic Story of Our Continent." The Tth and Sth grades gave a Vogram last Thursday morning hich consisted of readings and pi no solos. The members of the Sth grade eacii ave a memory gem or quotation last riday morning during tiie eonvooa ion period. This week was the first week of the cond femtster and 'report cards vere given out Friday evening ir. 11 the grades. Mr. Gaines and Mrs. Subblett vis f,d high school last Wednesday and 'ive very interesting talks that were -eitly enjoyed by all tiie students. Five of the high school boys sang everal selections Wednesday morn 'rg and several of the 9th grad rirls also gave vocal numbers and endings. The seventh and eighth grades oin with the high school in the opening exercises eaoh morning, "rograms are given each morning by Hfferent students and classes. Soph more notes The Sophmores fully enjoyed two oeakers Wednesday, although we :iated to miss our studies. We want to compliment the 'Freshies" on their memory (less)) Terns ? ? ? which they rendered Fri lay a. m. We have taken up the study of botany and consequently spend most )f our time chatting yith Webster nd the International. La Vern Frans startel in taking i primary course at night school 'ast Friday night and became so in ferest(d that she forgot to watch the clock and got locked in. MYHNAED CHURCH NOTES There will be communion service following the sermon on Sunday morning. Service at 11:15. Sunday chool at 10:30. Evening service at 7:00. Quarterlyconferer.ee business -ession will he held Mondav evening n 7:30. Conference Superintendent W. O. Jones will be present. E. II. Pontius, Pastor. "Fair and Warmer" This is the name of the play that is to be present Saturday night, February 5th, at the U. VV. k. HALL f This is a very popular play, surpassing in laughter and amusement the one which was given last week. Let Everybody Come and enjoy this picture Admission - 1 5-25c As I am going to move to Colorado, I vv ill offer at public auction on what is known as the old Meyer place ;! miles east, and one mile south of Weeping Water. 4 miles north and 2 miles east of Avoca, Neb., on Monday, February 7, 1S21, at 12:30 o'clock sharp, the following described pro perty, to-wit: Live Stock One bay mare, smooth mouth, weight 12M); one black mare. S years old. -weight 1300; one span mules, smooth mouth, weight 000; one spi.ii of mules. ; and 7 years old, weight 24b0; four cows giving milk, one of these just, fresh; four mu that will be fresh by first of May; two yearling heifers, two heifer calves, ten weeks old; one short horn bull 3 years old; one cow. X years old. fresh in November; two year ling steers: one small calf. Farm Machinery One Dudlong disc good as new, 1 John Deere riding lister combined, 1 Deering mower good as new, 1 BkK-k Hawk corn planter, 1 John Deere two-row machine, 1 three-section harrow. 1 Deering hay rake, 1 Avery walking cultivator, 1 Uadger riding cultivator, " shovels, 1 top buggy, l truck wagon, 1 hay rack, 1 pump jack, small buzz saw complete. 1 Climax feed grinder good as new, I blacksmith forire. 1 grindstone. tv.o-rov.- stalk cutter, 2 sets 1U inch harness, 1 l;-:nch walking plow. 5 galvanized chicken coods, 1 55-gallon steel barrel. 1 3o-gallon stone jar. about six rods of lat fencing. 1 Rock Island two-row machine, 30 acres cf good stalk field that can be pastured till March 1st. and other ar licies loo numerous to mention. Terms of Sale, All sums of and under, cash in hand; over that amount a credit of three to six months will be gin. pu rch. tser giving note wit happroved .-ecurity bearing eight per cent in teerst from date of sale. All pro perty must be settled for before being removed from the premises. J. C. LOVELESS, W. R. Young, Auctioneer. C. E. Butler. Clerk. Ch. Bcv! That Show at Nehav.ka. Yours for Best Service ! The Reo truck is built for service, being sturdy, powerful, and having ihe action necessary for the dis patch of business. Come in and we will be pleased to demonstrate the wagon to 3011. We .also handle Reo cars, Goodyear cord tires, Ac cessories of all kinds and Ford Repairs. 1 110 uaiac5 UNION NEBRASKA You Oars Save flloney BY COMING TO OUR STORE For Groceries, Husking Gloves and Mitts, Salt and General Hardware. Nov.' is trie time to do that Painting. DO NOT LET WINTER CATCH YOU OUT OF COAL We have it now. Better take advantage of the oppor tunity. You know what it may mean to be without. A GQGD STOCK CF BOOTS AND SHOES Our Store Will Save YOU Money A. L. BECKER, UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Saturdav eveninsr there will be ' I show. 'for the benefit of the auditor ium. The pictures have been select ed with the purpose of giving all who attend, the fullest evening of en joyniir.t possible. Two very funny reels are to be furnished. "Oh. lioy I " which has a world-wide reputation, will be given in conjunction with '"Fatty Arbuckle." Now if you de sire to laugh this is. your opportun- Yon Can Eat ! We are carrying Fresh Groceries and Qanned Goods! Also Working Clothes and Boots and Shoes! We will have Fresh Meat from this date on. Bring in Your Fresh Produca BEST PRICES! R. D. STm, UNION -:- -: NEESASKA 30,000 Acres LINCOLN COUNTY, COLORADO, FOR SALE! LAND Lincoln county, Colorado, farmers harvested an excellent crop of wheat the past season. Come, see land where in many instances one crop will pay fcr the Ind. We are making trips every Sat urday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and particulars. The best land in the west and at a price which anyone can afford to pay. CH&S. SOWD1SH, Box No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr. Drs. iftach a RIach, The Dentists g The largest and best ccjuipped dcnlcl cmces in Oman; Everts in charge of ail work. Lady ef.rruLnt. Mod- N n MjjSJty iscnts carefully sterilized after using. I SUJJ THiPD FLCCR, PAX70N BLOCK, OMAHA czm g!P FsstuEa-Pcy When Cured " f?s ij? C?3- T. s. mt'd vtm of treatment that cares Pile. 17 Ks . " 'i-i-.fj r. I. nri r.-ii.,r l.ortal I 'iM-a - In a abort tin. U. It twmf a fVf-rc MTC:''.U luriiiiit. ..w C. ;(.rof Kr:ir or f.th.r v rai ana-sthetlo tau-A. A cur rnarn-.retd ti rrv n a.- ;.'(! for tMliri.m. nr.. I no mony to bs pa d unti: C'Jrrc Wusf f r .o5; o?. K-rtai I : f n . .tn nun.. an.i tMUmoDik of tr.-r- tt :.t. (" r.r.r:,t .-r . p-ff..- v- r " i'v -n I- rnir-i--.liy r',!7' tll. 11 K. KI1Y. : uitorinpi. i'-.T Tn.sl V.Ulg. (lire I'.tiZ.), .I.IIA, P L. itr. il ..lm...fi. M.:inil lir-ftor I ' - -T"T.im 1 im m tmT rsinr- mm wnrr r inn r x inrrr - tti -n-r T- -.- J B p 1 1 KausnaoaiiiaUdaMauuMKn isms . w 1 11 la THE UNIVERSAL CAR Mr. Edsel B. Ford, President of the Fcrd Motor Company, gives out the following statement: 'The price'of the Fordson Tractor has been reduced from $790.00 to $625.00, effective immediately. 9. US l- of TI ; : 1 1 -1 : ' I -. :itnl tl;' n ..jt 1 : v 1 :.-' ! ii'tn i- m;irui :i:ii ni:i i. in- i..ips iiii'l l;il- ith -ur !!. X "i:!- i.i.i .-tJii- (; ( tl.itt w- iive now lt.x-at1 in o;.ir n-w Tni.-i r .tar : will: ..I .r f...!!it!UL: i .1 hum. !i'.t.. ( i rrri t i H 1 Witli Ml! f'Mill'. i'i.,l, f,;;n,,,'...u -vvir-f. irt.i. i- :..-uro.l lir-ctlv from fur, tTivinir u:' run i:i.iini c.i i.i.ii'v u.tn I'.U i.ov-i- to ii-iluic osl !' T'"lMi-t i'in. anil !ov.n -om.-s l!i- !! i.i- !: iiri.- L-..r i.r,ulil(4 i,f t J ... l.iW.'Sf IloSsiln'- t'l t ' WitlmUt .11 rill.' iVrfj illll' iia:) '.f :'::;lity. Wc'jiie v.artr-ularU- iilcasnl in l-cin?'aMf to brini,- ou t' t ii is r -I nt ion in Tii.- jit U: is time owa use tl,e fairner , nls v tho );-) v.-.-- -an Kjv sin-! Ilih Lis "'I H pr..-.- u-i,l I.,. t... in-Hiis of plat-irur a vaiuubie pnwr unit v.-:ttiiii the r.-a-li of pra-t i-al ly -v.-t y !; "1 t.i.-n. i,..t to 111-11U..M industrial am! . oniin.-n ial .on--.-:::s wbifi. Ilk-wis,.- na.- ... i. . ;i i .-. . tiro silm its lis. at..! ar- alro;,!v raiixint to u much (.THUtT ext.-nt. Its u!n,. as a f. .w. r ari.l I a ! i tit o n 1 1 l.t.t 1 a-tuti'ai !v lias tie Kr.Un Tractor j.rove.l a most a! i:a i.i,. larti r tn tl.- s;.vintr of farm labor it tie sani,- time increasin--' tie per acre crop yield as well as rnak:i:ir possible a mlliation or previously uncultivated land, to say notliitiit of r moving no c ,.1 of .lrod-i . "There i no question that the use or mu-l.ir." j ow r on t'. .- f irm is the preatt advance ment made in the development of -iricuture. ..t v in mon.A suvnti :uui mom v ma kins r.- suits as well as raisins? the standnds of livin - or, the fat in t. a m;o h l,...-r lev. 1. bet I.e. i-ause of its proved value in tnakinc; every type : latid ttooe prod u -t . ve. and ori.--o ..en t , v ..nr desire to place the l-'ruti:i within the reach of ail. There no olimiirr in the prcxciit I'ord -nr nni! triu-U. prie. which are already at the lowest po-sible figure and now with rock bottom reached on the tractor price, a tnrther redni-t:ot- in price of either the Car. Truck or Tractor is o;t of th- 'i'i. ti"t.; in !a. t. the bu; price ct'ts hav- been made in anticipation of continuous ma x im;:m pro., net ion. and u-cteases miv be before Ions; if a laiae volume i new oustnoss is .,01 ..i.l.i m-o. i.-ie....-, Sll'l- mcr.,se. ne. essa ry p!-! 0:1 r orit proi;iicts eannoi. lie udiauirm nr.ani.-L r Ask for the book, "The Fordson at Work," which will be supplied free of cost. Let us demonstrate the value of the Fordson on your farm, in your factory, lumber yard, coal ard, or in any general hauling or power work you have to do and let us have your order for a Fordson. T. H. POLLOCK AUTO COMPANY Authorized Ford Agency Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth, Nebraska i 13 w it t I