The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 03, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 3. 1WA PAGE TWO rLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL a i m Si SI ft 0 GENUINE FIREMEN HEAR THE STATE FIRE WARDEN E. HARTFORD. HEAD OF STATE FIRE COMMISSION, ADDRESS ES THE FIREMEN HERE O) 6) 99 FlOd DURHAM tobacco makes 50 good cigarettes for (Uc Last evening tile rejruiar mommy meeting of the Plattsiuouth lire ue partnient expected pleasure in hav ing with them ('. E. Hartford, state ' fire warden, and who is conducting a vigorous campaign to make the j lire losses of Nebraska brought to the ,iowest possible figures;. I Mr. Hartford offered the members I some very valuable suggestions as to j organization in their work which were especially appreciated as the ! membership is just getting organized j fcr real work and the suggestions of ' Mr. Hartford will prove very helpful j indeed to the members. ! The portion of the remarks of Mr. j Hartford relative to the preventing !of fires was especially interesting as i the marshall reviewed the steps that FOR RENT. conform with the law of ity to studv fire causes and their that will best means of preventation and this the state. method has been found very success- i The state fire warden fill in the east where it has been took occasion to inspect tried out in the smaller cities and has materially aided in checking the fire losses of the country. As is shown in the published re port of the state fire warden in t h i .-; state a larger part of the fires are caused by sparks from chimneys and defective fines and it is the duty of the property owner as well as the menitersof the households to see that their property is kept up in shape and with inspections of the chimneys at least once each year to determine their safety. In the con nection with this phase of the safely first movement the fire warden has issued some notes as to chimney con struction, and states that all chim neys irrespective of what material the walls are built of should be lincl with fire clay, fire lining or fire brick. This lining should be made for the purpose and adapted to withstand high temperatures and gasses from burning futl. The chimneys should be constructed from the ground up and shall not rest on wooden be;m.- brackets or hung from wooden rat ters. The clean up of att?Fs. cellar:-, closets and yards is another of th measures of fire preventing urged by the warden, at least twice a year in the fall and the spring and all n.-e- An acreage tract chopper wanted. ZU Jtw. 11. U close in. Wood WINDHAM. Journal. Ice a week. mil 1 IIP .4KC 1 III lllftrilL 11A.1UCI1 ui i fires and conflagrations that were:les rubbish and material removed. ! caused by the carelessness o" pro- The care in electric wiring is anotluv I rertv owners. In connection i the campaign to prevent fires the ! warden urged t he formation of aux iliaries of the ladles of the comrihin- with ! matter in wnicn tne state nre com mission is much interested in an? I isrirp5 all citizens to see that their eleotric wiring is done manner I p 1HZ fEIl IE3 liH ils jj 111 A A i H while here the equip ment of the firfie department and was much pleased with the chemical truck Jhat has !,, en installed as it is considered bv the. , state as one of j the biggest assets in lire lighting that a city can possess. Tlie member.: of the department it the session last night discussed to souse extent the matter cf the chief of the department and it was the genera! expression that the pres ent occupant of the office was satis factory and the department did not recommend that any change be made a t this time. 3 A m 9 r i! IRASKA'S STAND Nix on the " PaTlejVbcTstufEl Proud of Pcrition Taken on Fofdney Tariff Ei!l by Ihcra Representing; This State at Washington. Remember, we are selling every Ladies, Misses and Child's Coat at exact ly ONE-HALF of its regular low piice. This is your opportunity to buy these de sirable garments at ridiculously low prices. You will save money by buying now fcr next fail. Dcn't forget, we have stylish Ladies coats as low as $7.25. Outing flannel, light and dark patterns, the very best, per yd 21c 36-inch percales, light and dark patterns, per yd 23c Apron ginghams, beautiful patterns to choose from, per yd 17c Drees ginghams, excellent quality and patterns, per yd 2c Bleached muslin ver' specially priced at per yd. 19c "Indian Head" unbleached muslin on sale at per yd .24c ft nusuai bargains -in- Dre. Goods, such as Fine Broadcloth, Serges and Tricotines. season-ena rnss on Children's, Misses and Ladies Under wear, Hosiery and Sweaters Special for ien and Soysl Overalls and jackets, the very best, on sale at $1.59 Men's work and dress trousers at less than V2 f Original Price Boys' ali-wcol suits, all sizes, at . Greatly Reduced Prices Ail our men's and boys overcoats at Unheard of Sacrifice Men's vork shoes, former price $6.45; we're closing them out at per pair. .$3.98 You will .Save Money by Buying ,a Mackinaw, Duck Coat, Sheep or Leather lined Vest or Coat now for Use next Fall! Klevt n members of the house, in t'ludinjr the entire democrat group of four, introduced a resell-1 ion Tue. .nty eiuiirsins the Fordney ( mer eency tariff bill which was passed by the national house of repersenta ives and is now pending ia the I'm ted States senate. The represent atives from NVbra-fca nre warmly ( i-iumended for their earnest and ef fective support of the members. The introducers of the resolution; George A. Williams. George ('. Snow. John ?kLe!lan. Walter SaiuUiuist, Charles !1. Kppersen. Theo. M. Overman, K. i:. C,C )d. CI. M. Wallace. Henry Hock. W. 11. O'llar;: and F. I Iof;'nC'is'ei The rules were suspended and the i::::imuiicu'.inn unanimously en dorsed. The resolution is worded as follows: Whereas, there has parsed tiie na tional houe of representatives, and th.ere is pending in thr I'nited Siate.- Seuate. a me.isure known as the Yrdncy Kmcr:;ency taritT bill. and. Whereas, the purpose and effect of ;h-ii. measure are as we believe i 1 int crest of the producers cf lr .raska. in tliiv time of money stri-;- ; tncy, and farm product price reduc- t ion ; Therefore, ho it resolved, by the 1 r-tka hone of representatives. Thai our representatives from Xe l :a-ka are cr nm.nnded for th?:r ear :;'.st and effective supnort of this Measure; and we respectfully r.'iuest ri'iiatoi s Xorris and Hiirlici'ck to sup rort said i.:c.-.s-.uv with all their abil ity and :eal. He it further rosclved. that a copy .f thfve ro.-.'I-Jt i.iiis be sent by the 'e:k of .thi.; i.( use to said senators. :id to (acli cf the Nebraska members t-f t!ie national h.ouse of representa tives. Representative Snow introduced a resolution calling upon the house to vl ny to W. F. s;tceeker rf Oniaiia. .! former member, privilpe of access o the tOv.r unti a public written apology is made by him fcr a eom--i: ;nio t ion signed by him and re civ. d by nu!ii!ers last Thursday. It Is alleged that tin's communication . -.u ;i iiied charged ap; inst the Anier icrnim of members of the Douglas ( ur.ty Tl.e house is ed 10 declare its disapproval and : v-entinent at the so-caiied Kratuitu )i; ini;it. Representativo Druesedow, chair 11: n of t!ie enmmittee 011 cities anil !o-.Tis. insisted that the resolution go 'v.'r fur one da under the rules. 20 for 20 cents in air-tight packages. Also obtainable in round tins of 50, vacuum-sealed. A FRIEND of mine. WHO COULDN'T speak. ' A WORD of French. WENT TO Paris. AND THE first Ume. HE HAD to get. A HAIRCUT and shave. HE PRACTICED an hour. MAKING SIGNS. IN THE looking glass. SO THE French barber. WOULD UNDERSTAND him. AND THEN ho went in. AND WIGGLED his fingers. THROUGH HIS hair. AND STROKED his chin. AND THE barber grinned. AND FINISHED tho job. THEN MY friend thought. HE'D BE polite. SO H E gave the barber. AN AMERICAN cigarette. WHICH THE barber smoked. AND MY friend pointed. TO HIS mouth. AND SAID "Likee voo." AND THE barber roared. AND SAID "You BET. I USED to smoke 'em. WHEN I worked. IN INDIANAPOLIS. AND BELIEVE me. THEY SATISFY!" H1 ERE'S a smoke that talks in any language and needs no interpre ter. Light up a cnesterueia, a aw deep and more plainly than word your smile will tell the world "They Satisfy". It's the blend that does it and you can't get "Satisfy" any where except in Chesterfields, for that blend can't be copied! Canned Goods and Groceries! Horseshoe, Slar and Climax chewing tobacco, per lb 85c Velvet, Tuxedo and Prince Albert smoking tobacco, per can 14c Granulated sugar, 1 1 lbs. for. . .$1.00 imported Japan tea, per lb 65c Powdered sugar, 4 lbs. for 50 No. 3 can tomatoes 19c Pancake flcur, 4-lb. sack 35 Lamp chimneys, 2 for 25c Lewis lye, 2 cans for 25 Palmolive soap, per bar 9c Jay laundry soap, very specially priced, 1 1 bars for. 50c Crsco, excellent" for cooking and baking; regular price 45c, special per lb 25c Baker's fresh cocoanul is being sold here 2 cans for 25c "None Such" brand mince meat, special price per package '.15c FLCUPv! FLOUR! FLOUR! Choice of brands offered you at per 48 pound sack, only OEBS WILL REFUSE PABDOH, HE SAYS '.socialist Leader Says Not Surprised at Wilson's Refusal of Commutation. BRSKG 13 S YOUR 5Jn PRODOSE! Atlant:i. (!;... Fii. 1. Kugene V. :V!)s. socialist leaiier now serving ten-year sentence in the prison for violation of t he espionage ::r.'. was not "surprised nor disap p:'::Ued" over the president's refusal 'o commute his sentence, according 'o a statement he issued today through his counsel. "It was my own only fear," t lie statement said, "that I might be in del. ted for my liberty to Wood row Wilson. My record, .eood or bad. is :;t ieast consistent, and that is the niy wav it could have been ; niirclied." The statement referred to the jre-ident at the "most pitiful figure in history." After stating that he was "never in better physical condition than I cm at thi-s hour," the statement con t i lined : "Mr. I'alnier called attention to tii- fact, that I shall be eligible to pri'.le Angus- 11, 1I22. In answer, I l.;;ve to say that I shall not apply 1 for parole, nor accept it. I shall serve rny term or leave here with ; :i unconditional pardon. I came for my convictions and I shall not be tray them for any paltry considera tion sucli as :i parole. I may be in prison bat unlike the man who keeps me here. I am not an exile from my country. When I leave this prison. I shall go r.nrepentant." sj9 v JSL fA 1:. 1 1 3 For Your One-Piece Drfess Vrr dyspepsia, our national ail ment, use Burdock lilood Hitters. Recommended far strengthening gestif.n. purifying the blood. At all drug stores. $1.2H a bottle. A comprehensive line of light-weight wool goods is on hand for making up into the "between season" dress for balmy spring days. One should have a service able, convenient frock to wear between suit weather and the hot summer days. A few yards of quality material are all that is requir ed for a smart lookinsr dress and you wiil find these pretty serges, jerseys, tricotines and velours exactly you need for your dress. 36-inch all wool serge, navy blue only, per yd $1.50 48-inch imported tricotine, navy blue, per yd 3.85 fjjust arrived are some very smart and exceedingly good looking new woolen skirtings, the latest in stripes and plaids. Two lengths is all that is required for a pleated skirt and at $6.00 per yard you have a very attractive skirt for little cost. These are Exclusive patterns just One Skirt of Each Pattern! VV' ' what hi SATEEN All colors, tine quality, highly mercerized PER YARD 50 Cents Shadow Nainsook Pretty shade of pink, right for chemise and "undies" of all kinds 'PER YARD 85 Cents Nainsooks, Dimities, Flaxons All lovely new patterns, for underclothes and in fants dresses, priced very low. 53 J 'QUEEN SATIN' A new cloth for petli bockers and petticoats, light and dark shades. 3G inches wide PER YARD $1.25 , Lovely New Laces Filet and valencienes. new patterns just ar rived, priced PER YARD 5c to 50c Ribbons for Sashes , have just arrived In which we are show ing all tue latest color combinations. All widths at low prices. Oil. '.1 T-..,ln . 1-; 1 .t 41.. ' vV? T inmcl nffiro i "Where Your Dollar Docs Double PfattsrnouSh, Duty" SALE P.iiff Rock cockrels. Inquire II. Hehrns, Xehawka, Xcl. of J. 1 M 1 1 W. L - ROBERTSON Cortes EIcl: Se KAST OK lULKV" ;oud Floor ' Your wardrobe should include at least one sweater. The latest Spring Fashions news gives Sweaters and Sport Skirts a prominent place. This is the time to be knitting or cro-chetting- e pretty colorful sweater to be worn with a white skirt for summer wear or match a plaid skirt for early spring wear.. Our yarn department carries all the latest and best colors and "Caron's" yarn is not only a wonderful yarn, but the colors are "just right." We can match any shade you desire. 2-oz. balls are now 45c. H. M SOENNICHSEN C A Good Quality Goods at a Low Price Call Phones . 53 or 54 I 4 1 '1 1 kiim.i 1 irn