The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 03, 1921, Image 1

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    . . Nebraska State Histori
cal Society X
vol. no. xxxvn.
NO. 56
The death of Mrs. Katherine Me-'
Hugh, of Falls City, and u former
resident of Plattsmouth. occurred
very suddenly Saturday evening at '.
the home of her son. Jerry E. Mc-j
Hugh. a'. Murdoch, only a few hours
after Mrs. McHuirh had left this aifyj
apji.irent !y in the best of health and;
with t!ie intention of spending a few'
days with her son and family.
For some time, Mn. Mcllugh has
been visiting here in I'lattsniouth at
the home of her daughter. Mrs.
Thomas Availing and family, and on i
receipt of the announcement lacr .
Friday that the residence of her son.!
ferry McMuth. at Murdock. had1
been destroyed by fire. Mrs. McHugh '
iV-cided to iro there to assist the fam-
ily in ee-ninc settled in their new
heme io which they had moved fol
lowing the fire.
On leaving this city Saturday af
ternoon Mrs. MeHujrh had seemed in
better spirits and health than for
some time and there v. as no thought
that ere the parsing of a few brief
hours she would have been called to
her t;m.i rest. Hr some years sl:e
art "trou. j
has hern a sufferer from he
l'le. but thi malady had
was wholly
unloolced for by the
members of th
ter the arrival
Murdock. she e
family. Shortly af-
of ..Irs. McHugh at i
jruplained of not feel-
nig wen and
passed awn v.
g!VeiCew moments had
The body will be brought to this'
city and the funrtal services held
tomorrow iva .-ri-irg i-l 10 o clock from
the St. JoLnV (': tiiolic church, con
ducted by Rev. Father M. A. Shine
and ihe interment made in the fam- j
ily ji.t in Tlie t atnolic cemetery.
Katherine McHugh was born on
March lSfo at Baltimore, Mary
land, and while a child was taken
by her parents to Ann Arbor, Michi
gan, where they resided for a num
ber f years and later moved to Mal
vern. Iowa, where on January 2G.
lSSf. the deceased was united in
marriage to Dennis .McHugh. The
family moved 'o Plattsmouth in
and resided i:: this city for a num
ber of years, moving in 1 S & J to South
Bend. Nebraska, where they resided
until l!0v wiieii they located in
Falls City. Nebraska, v. here the fam
ily has re.-bled s ii.e In Novem
ber, ll'l
and was lair
to rst in the cemeTerv
in this city.
Ixiring h--r residence here and on
her fre'inent visits here. Mrs. Mc
Hugh has formed a warm friendship
many of the residents here who
will -hare with the
sense- of sorrow that
family th deep
lias come in the
taking away of this splendid lady
and devoted mother and friend.
To mourn her pasrir.s there re
main five children, namely: Jerry K.
McHugh. Murdock. Nebraska: Mrs.
Thomas Walliim. I'lattsniouth : Ed
an i Morris McHugh. of Falls City,
and Mi-s Mary McIIuirh. of (miaha.
Two children. Ceorge and Agnes,
have pr'-eeded the n:other in death.
The many friends of Miss Char
lotte Rentier wil! be piea-ed to learn
tiiat .-he was happily married to Mr.
('has. Cook of Falls City at Lincoln
last Sanirdav.
22. Her1
for some I
closes? friends have known
time that the wedding va to occur
somewhf e about the first of the year,
but the event proved to be somewhat
of a -urr;i-e even then. We are not
acquainted with the groom but he is
in tiie employ of the Missouri Pacific
as a brakeman. and is an industrious
young man.
Mis Lottie, as .-he is familiarlv
known, h-j
lived in Kagle since
b i Id hood and
counts her friends onlv
I y the wid l
t of her acquaintance,
year or more she has
r-or the past year or more th
oe-n employed as bookkeeper at the
Farmers Elevator. She was once a
member of The Itearon force and ren
dered acceptable service. In behalf
of her many friends The lieacon ex
tent's best wishes for a prosperous
ami happy life.
Mr. and Mrs. Cook will be at home
to their friends at Falh- Citv after
February first. Eagle Beacon.
From Tuesday's Dam.
This morning County Commission
er C. F. Harris of I'nion. returned
home from a visit of several wtcks
bark in his old home at Rocklord.
Virginia, where he was called bv the
serious illness of his brother. Frank
Harris. On the arrival at the old
home Mr. Harris found the brother
in a very serious condition and lit
tle hopes of his recovery were enter
tained at that time but before the
departure for home of Commissioner
Harris, the brother began to show
marked improvement an dit is
thought that he will now be able
to rally from the illness.
Ulank books and office accessories
at the Journal office.
The many friends of Mrs. Joseph
Aitman in tins citv will reirret to
learn of the serious illness of her
mother .Mrs. Rose Janesovsky. at her
home in Chicago. Mrs. Aitman was
called to Chicago th- last of the
week by a message announcing the
illness of Mrs. Janesovsky who has
; Lien a sufferer from gall stones in the
Pasi Iew -vears an tne present at-
, iui-K nas proven a very seere one
! and in fact hut little hopes of her
i recovery are entertained by the mem
I hers of the familv.
Pupils of Mis. Lillian Freeman Are
Heard in Recital Saturday Evening
at Heme of Their Instructor,
The pupils 01 Mrs. Lillian Free
man were heard Saturday evening
in rental at the home of their in
structor, in cne of the most delight
ful musicales that has been held in
the city. The young people who
have been studying under Mrs. Free
man gave a most pleasing rendition
of the classical and difficult numbers
offered and which embraced .some of
the best known selections of the mu
si? masters of the world. The pu
pils reflected in their clever inter
petation of the music, the careful
training that they have received at
the hands of Mrs. Freeman. The
members of the class taking part
i were; 1 neresa iiDersnai, nangara
Margaret Engelkemeier.
Linville Wiles. Richard Herold. Mar
garet Vitersnik, Edgar Wescott.
Ilelene Perry, Kathleen Troop.
Charlotte Neilson. Ruth Janda. Ra-
ipheal Janda, Lillian Koubek. Helen
element. Marion Copenhaver. Edith
! Quinton. Helen Wurl. Norris Cum
j mins. Helen Libershal. Alice Woos-
ter. Helen ( lineburg, Helen Wiles.
Olive Donge. Marguerite Wiles,
Theresa Weber. Helen Wescott. Mar
vel Whittiker. Clement Janda, Clara
Dewey Erittain to Have Verses
His Composition Set to Music
by Eastern Publisher.
Iewey Rrittain of this city, son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Prittain. has had
for a number of years a marked gift
for writing verse and the lure of
the pen and ink has brought him a
well deserved recognition from one
of the eastern music publishing
house.-. Mr. Brittain recently sent
to the Lenox Publishing company, of
j New York a copy of a series of
j lyrics entitled. "You Will Always be
i Mine." and the words which are es-
pecially adapted to the song lyrics,
; were at once taken up by the pub
lishing company and the young
author notified that his verse will be
set to music by Mr. Bernard the
song writer of the company, who is
now preparing the music for the
The friends of the young man will
be pleased to learn of the recognition
that has been given him and other
contributions from his pen are being
sought by the publishing house U
have placed in the musical held.
The worR of Mr. Brittain in
line has been known to only a few
of iiis closest friends and they are
well pleased to learn that he is se-
curing such success in his work. As
"on as tne punusning oi tne song,
s completed it is expected to have'
!a number of copies sent here for
j distribution and to permit Uhe Platts-
mouth friends to appreciate this'
very pleasing song.
Prom Monday s Dally.
Yesterday morning Dr. J. F. Pren-j
del. of Murray. suffered a ' rather j
painful injury by falling on the,
sidewalk near his home and as a re-i
suit of which he is still feeling stiff
and sore. It seems that Dr. Brendel
had stepped out of the house for a
few moments onto the slippery side
walk and neglecting to wear his
rubbers, as is his usual custom, he
slipped and fell, striking the con
crete walk with great force and ser
iously bruising his thigh.
The injury was so severe that the
unfortunate man was forced to
crawl back to the i house and have
word sent to his brother, T. J. Bren
del. who conveyed the brother to the
home of their father. Dr. Ii. F. Bren
elel, where the patient was treated.
..irs. lirenaei, wno nas neen visu- ,
ing ner moiner in Lincoln ior tne
past iew oays. returned home Bnortiy
few days, returned home shortly ,
aner ine acciaeni occurred ana
sisteu m tne care oi tne injured man.
While the injuries are not dangerous,
they have proven verv painful and
will lay
the iloctor up for several
A household remedy in America! The deceased lady was horn in
for 25 years Dr. Thomas' Eclectric England, June SO. 1844. and has for
Oil. For cuts, sprains, burns, scalds, t the greater part of her life time been
bruises. 30c and COc. At all drug a resident of the United States. Pri-stores-
jor to coming to Plattsmouth the fam
Chicago. Jan. .'11. Railroad
were advised b the United
.a teg railroad labor board to get to
gether with their employes ad work
tun a "sensible settlement" of wai-'e
controversies here today. The uosrd
ur.gested that the employers get. to
gether with their men when the tuan-
;gers presented a petition asking im
mediate abrogation of the national
agreements and reduction of wages: of
r,0'.oM) unskilled workers.
As W. W. Atterbury. chairman of
the labor board of the railway execu
tive's association, fnished his peti-
ion. Judge R. M. Barton, chairman
of the federal board, informed him
that the employers should be able to
settle the question hy direct negotia
tion with the men.
Atterbury declred that the rail
road situation was so critical that
unless the board gives immediate re- j
iief by granting the petition, the rail- j
roads will be forced to asK lor a
general wage reduction.
Unions Appeal to President i
Chicago, Jan. 31. President Wil- j
son was asked tonight hy represen-.
tatives of seven labor unions to in-j
vestigate the statement ot Brigadier.
General W. W. Atterbury of the Pen-j
nsylvania lines, that the roads must ;
have wage readjustments or be in!
danger (,i bankruptcy, and if the;
statement were found true, to place;
the matter before congress and ak j
that bodv to enact remedial legisla-
tion immediately,
ers. however, in a
president, declared
The union 1
message to
thev did not
lieve the roads to be
the financial
condition outlined by General Atter
bury. They charged that he had,
by delivering what they termed "an
ultimatum" to the labor board, "vio
lated all decent proprieties, disre
garded the transportation act, and
flouted exirtinir agencies such as the
interstate commerce commission amH
even congress itself."
General Atterbury's obvious policy,
the telegram said, was "to disrupt
labor unions. turn public opinion
against the employes and place wages
on a tire-war basis so that railway
profits may be enhanced when pros-;
perity returned." The shipper would!
have to pay increased rates and the;
laborer would be exploited, if (Jen-!
eral Atterbury had his way, the;
union men declared.
Would Pay "Prevailing" Wage
Chicago, Jan. 31. Scrapping of
the national railroad shop agree
ments and a reduction in the wages
of r00.)00 unskilled laborers was
demanded before the United States
railroad labor lmard today by W. W.
Atterbury, vice-president of the Pen
nsylvania system, and chairman of
the labor board of 'tie railway execu
tives' associa'ion.
Atterbury. who appeared as the
spokesman of the railroads, after a!
three day conference with the labor
committee of the association of rail
road executives, said a reduction in!
the pay of other rail employes would
not be asked for ninety days if the
l,oard abrogated the shon agreements !
i Three hundred million dollars will j
, be saved the roads if the request is
: granted. Atterbury said.
! "Cnless the board takes prompt j
action of this appeal, many of the
railroads of the country will be
forced into insolvency." he said. th" railway unions to present their
He said the national agreements, arguments in opposition to the peti
rules and working agreements that tion or the roads. Heads of the var
were forced on the railroads as war ions railway brotherhoods are pre
measures. cause gross waste and in- paring to oppose vigorously any re
efficiency, jduction in wages at the present
Atterbury cited some of the fol- time.
Passed Away Last Evening- at Home
i On South Ninth Street After
' Few Days Illness.
"rom Tuesday's Dally,
j Last evening Mrs. T. W. Blake of
jthis city passed away after an illness
j of a very short time, having been
taken sick Thursday evening and her
condition gradually grew worse until
death came to her at the close of
' yesterday.
This estimable lady has been a
resident of Plattsmouth for the past
year, having moved here with her
husband and family last July
nave since made their home
in t h
p. t r',lmmms residence nn Smith
as-,Xinlh street which they had
chased for their permanent home.
During her residence here she has
made a number of warm friends who
have had the pleasure of knowing
her and to whom her death comes as
a irreat errief.
lowing example-' of the
:K!1!S oi
to prove
the national agreem. i,t
they should be sibrou'a.l .'d :
If an t mploye punch' -s the eiock
fifteen minutes nefor tne usual i r. r: -ing
time of the iuor-. be i entitled,
to a bonus of ot:e Iiou pay.
One clause provides lor straight
time and prohini's pr ce work.
Atterbury p.sks thai unskilled labor
be paid a' cording f the prevailing
wage in the locality instcnl of a
universal rate.
The railroad brotherhoods, it is
forecast, will -wage hitter right on
the Atterbury proposals. Labor will
be given a hearing iaier before t in
board. Half
to be Affected.
Chicago. Jan. :!!. ,-It is estimated
that about haif of the two million rail
road employes would be affected by
abrogation of the r.trrecruents. Thi.
includes 42.".. 000 sh-pmen. :ifo,00i
maintenance of way :ployes. ."o.o(i0
l1:: o,0 00
Railroad executives declare they,
have reduced operating expenses to j
an irreducibie minim-im : that safety;
of passengers is impaired because of;
necess'tv of cutting expenses; and!
that abrogation of th
necessary to give s"
six per cent return g
" agreements is
ockholders the
o.arauteed them
by the government.
Chicago is headquarters of a rail
road propaganda bureau designed to
13 hbi. if
?ad-! Pllt tbp story ot tne phght
the!r'a(ls over to th public.
y,e. ! New York publicity expert.
Lee. I
her !
j i'1 frequent conferei "p with Atte"-
; Cut Efrecjjye
o. Jan. ol. Tl.
at Cnce
e first blow
of the railway chiefs
rectly at the present
ment. entered into
was struck di
".lational agree
while the rail-
roads were under federal control.
Abrogation of the national shop
agreement and authority for an im
mediate cut in the wages paid com
mon la heir were among th? tliing.
;;. ked. The executives, thru their
chief :-pokesuiKii. V. Y. Atterbury.
expressed a willingness th; t the
wage scale of o'her classes of rail
way employes be permitted to remain
as it now is for ninety days, con
tingent upon abrogation of the na
tional agreement and authority
an immediate cut in the wages
the unskilled.
Oppose "Penalty Payments'
In their ple-i for abrogation of
national agreement, the roads
tend that "penalty payments"
posed by this agreement are costing
S 2 . T. 0 0 . 00 0 per year. Tiiis sum they
assert is paid out aniooilly for work
which is. never performed. As an il
lustration, it is cited that a work
man who is compelled to work thru
his lunch hour mu-t be paid double
time for tl.e hour. ven though he
is allowed a lunch hour later in tie
A return to the piece work system
in railway shops aho is to be asked,
it is asserted. Railroads claim that
since the shop work was put on a
time basis there hc.s been appreciable
falling off in production.
Following the hearing of the rail
road heads' plea, the railway wage
labor board will give opportunity to
ily resided at Hastings, where Mr.
Blake was engaged in business and
later moved to Omaha from which
city they came to Plattsmouth last
summer and have inee resided here.
To mourn the loss of this good wo
man there remains the husband and
eight children, as follows: Mrs. A.
T. Everett. Omaha; Fred, of Denver;
Arthur jjf Hastings; Morris of Edi
son; Tom of Des Moines; James of
Portland. Oregon; George of ITolen
burg. Kansas, and Miss Alice Blake,
who is residing with the parent-?
The family here are awaiting word
from the relatives at n distance be
fore completing the funeral arrange
The degree team of the Daut
of Rebckah loelge of this ci:y
just received new robes and sf.
for their Initiatory work which
ner y
were able to secure through the gen
erous assistant of Mystic Encm.p
r..nt "No. r. 1 and FlaCe lodge No. 7.
I. O. O. F. The new scenery and
robtis will be used for the first time
on ntxt Monday evening when the
lodge will intiate twelve cnndilite
into the mysteries of the order.
Blank Books f.t the Journal Office.
From Monday' I -a ily.
"his seems to be the general as
pect of conditions, judging from the
appearance of the Hotel Wagner
office as the number ol" traveling
men on hand today to look after the
wants of their I'lattsniouth custo
mers wa larger than for a number
ol weeks. This is surely a sign that
reaction is beginning to con:" in the
business of tl.e coinlry. The hotel
o;i ice was liberally strewn with
grips. which indicates that some
thing is doing.
Jaoles mt a
DC A 2
Many Costumes and Larjre
jvie.cnee at i)ance
, Hall Saturday Evtnir.g.
- Our. of the
successful ir.uS
ci;y in a inim-
held Saturdi-y
!t-s hall by t!;e
d the floor was
ouerades held i of ye.irs was th;
evening at the Ka;
loot.! Lagies lodge a
ero-.vded from an ea
ers aile t::"
r'y hjtir with 1 he
spectators filled
ty and
i;m !:a:I to its t:'.:i)ot ea
!'or the period of several
reigned supreme as tiie
ei li.ical' garbed dancers
the fioor to the jingiing
' r(t
hour fun
fancy and
glided ever the f;
tun"-; of the Holly syiK-opatin?
tette. I'i'triotic costumes of
Uncle Sam ;.nd Columbia. Red Cross girls,
the trold dust twins, cowudrls. Ha
itian iadies, tiie usual fat Dutch
man (f pre-prohit.ition dais, the
v.'f-ary viliy and other costumes v ere
t-hovn" in the array that made its.
appearance on tiie dance floor.
The ur.maskir.g occurred at 10:30
when the judsres. George Luscminsky.
T. J.
Skoaa and Mrs. James hulin.
escorted to tie center of the
floor where they passed judg
(n the various costumes. The
were given as follows: First
-t-nts pr:zt
!;rt ladits
Jack Neitzel. I'ncle Sam;
price. Mrs. C. C. Cotner.
Columbia: 'he comical prizes were
vin by Mrs. Harris and Eugene
' 1! .
;er. v. ho appeared as the tat
chnian. The special prize was
Hiven tu' the "Cold Dust- Twins" who
v e te fuiT'l to he MrsT. L. Short and
Miss L-cuW Short.
Letter from Willi2n Schlater and
Ecijrar IvIcGuire Assures Par
ents are All Right.
The families of Frank E. Schlater
and Charles McGuire of this city
have been suffering a
great deal ol
over the fact
n Schlater am!
iken a sudden
out into the
f ! anvip; v the oust week
that their sons. Willia:
Edgar McGuire had t:
notion to take a spit!
v. orb: and had left
home without
any warning of their intention.
Ti e boys wrote from Forest City,
Missouri to the parents and assured
tl.eni of their being in good shape
and having much experience, and al
so told of their intention of going
on to Amrilla. Texas, where the Mc
Guire family have relatives and at
which pla e they e xpect to spend j
orre time visiting.
Tl.e boys are fifteen years of age.
and are making an early start on
their career in the world and doubt
less will miss very much the alure
irent? of the home firesides before
thi v return home.
E. A. Nelson, who for a number of
years lived on the Roberts farm on
the Platte bottom, arrived in Platts
mouth yesterday from his home near
Osceola. Mo., coming to look after
some business matters and greet his
many friends.
When he found the price of land
here so high in price that he was
unable to purchase a farm of his own.
he took a trip to southern Missouri
laft fall, where he found lands that
would produce good crops and cli
matic conditions the equal cf those
anywhere. He accordingly purchased
a farm there, paying $.";. 2." per acre
for it.
During the past season he raised
corn which in some instances went
full CO busheh; to the acre, and i
now selling at 7 cents per bushel.
The wheat and small grain also turn
ed out good, aiul he is a booster for
that section of the country, saying
it is a poor man's paradise when it
comes to making a living and estab
lishing a surplus.
Mr. Nelson will return to hh
home in the "Show Me" state as soon
as his business affairs here ar? at
tended to.
t-'iorr. Wednesday's Da My.
At an early hour this morning tiie
stork paid a hurried call at the borne
of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rentier and
left in their care a fine little daugh
ter who has announced her inten
tion of making her home here in the
future. Both the. mother and little
one aVe doing nicely and Al is well
pleased over the -advent, cf the little
lady to the family circle.
'Lives of Frank J. Asehenbrenner and
Miss Bessie Scbatka United
Early This
This morning at ;::; at the Ibdy
Rosary Catholic church, occurred the.
marrh.f e of Miss Bessie Sebatka and
Mr. Frank J. Asehenbrenner, the!
ceremony being attended by a num
ber f relatives am! clo e personal"
friends of the contract irg parties. .
The nuptial mass was celebrated
by the Rev. Fer-Ii'iai.d Fuesser. rec-;
tor of the church, who with the beau-'
tiful marriage service united the!
lives arid bear's of the young people, j
Tiie bridal couple were attended by.
Mr. John Toman as best man and!
Miss Julia Sebatkn. sister of the'
nr;c;e as bridesmaid. Hot:: the bride
and groom were attired in traveling
suits ar;d immediately following the
service at the church were taken to
'lie Burlington station from where
:i;ey departed for Omaha to enjoy a
short visit with friends.
On returning to this citv. Mr. and
.Mrs. Aschenhri utvr will at once :
start in housekeeping in their home
here. j
Both the bride and groom are well i
and favorably known to a large circle
ot warm friends who will joii
v.ishing them joy in the year
come as they journey through li;
The bride is a daughter of Mr.
Mrs. Frank Sebatka, Sr.. and
b" n reared to womanhood in
city where her charming personality
has made her many friends. The
groom as well as his bride is a pro
duet of I'lattsniouth and a young
man of sterling worth who ha.
his lifetime here in this citv.
Asehenbrenner is one of the service j
men of the community, having enter- .
ed the service of his country in May.!
lf17. and served in the 1 liTT li field I
artillery until mustered out in 191. '
Since his return from service in i
France. Mr. Asehenbrenner has been J
in the employ of the Burlington in j
tne nere. where ne nas, made a
host of friends among those
whom he has been assocdated.
with i
J. Trilety Files Action in District
Court Asking- that His Real
Estate be Removed.
This morning an action was com
menced in the district court, by Anton
J. Tribty against the City of Platts
n.outn. in which the plaintiff ses
forth in his petition that he is the
owner of fourteen acres of land, lo
cated at the southwest portion f
the corporate limits of the city, and
that This land i- devoted exclusively
! agricultural interests and does not
derive any benefit from the fact of
being a part of the city corporation,
and he therefore pray the court to
lave the property removed fsrom the
city and placed in Plattmouth pre
cinct. Attorneys Tidd A: Duxbury
appear in the action for the plain
action entitled Joseph
man vs. aosepn .;ci reary. et ai. lias
been filed in the oflice of the clerk of
the district court in which the plain
tiff asks that title t certain real es
tate be quieted in him.
vs. Joseph ?i!cCreary. et al
Doan's Regulets are recommended
by many who say th"y operate easily
without griping and wi'hout bad
after effects, soc at all drug stores.
N. r
Tiras io Eiake Out Income
Tax Refyrns!
Income Tx Returns are Due
March 15, 1S21.
Come in row and let us help you make out
your returns to avoid the last minute rush.
Last year so many vaited until the last
minute to make out their returns that it caused
considerable confusion in the bank.
Don't put it off! Do it now!
riattsmovlh. Ledge No. G Exemplifies
Work in Third Degree Six
0'Clock Supper Served.
Yesterday afternoon Plat tsmout h
lodge .No. !. A. F A opened
o'i the third degree at :; o ciock and
proceeded the worl of raisini;
several candidate to . "r degree of
a Master Mason. ''his served to
pass the efi-v:;
tion of 'hi e
hour and a h;
banquet table
.t t o'clock
enr enjoyed a
banquet hall,
ranged by the
and which was
o.:i !:d a larg" por
'n:iig. ii rinding the
ill' . pe;,t ;;roii:)d th"
the ni'Mt b-rsl.'p pies
f'lie svpp'T in tiie
which had been ar
committee in charge,
enjoyed by s'liiie sev
enty-five of the members of the
In addition u the membership,
there were present several visitors
lro:n neighboring b.ilgeS, among
whom was J. J. Roberts, of Sioux
F.Jls. South Iiakota. a member of
the lodge of that city.
From Tuesday's Jiaily.
The regular monthly meeting of
the county commissioners opened this
morning at the court house with all
three of the members present. Com
missioner C. V. Harris having reach
ed here this morning from Virginia,
where he has been on a visit to his
brother. The opening session was
largely occupied with reviewing the
claims against t lie county for t ie
spent i nionih. The commissioners also dis
Mr. !cu-ed i-ome needed repairs on bridtr-
es near Elmwood and Mudodck and
their repair was left in the hands of
the road supervisors in the districts.
The board has a number of import
art matters to come before them for
the enduing meeting and among
which is that of the appointment of
tie highway commissioner for the
tomiiig term.
The funeral services of Mrs. Kath
erine McHugh were held this morn
ing from the St. John's Catholic
church, and were attended by a large
number of the old friends in this city
as well as friends from Falls City.
South Bend and Murdock. to pay
their token of respect to the mem
ory of the departed friend.
The mass was celebrated by Rev.
Father Shine, rector of St. John's
while the sermon was delivered by
Father Hoffman of Falls city, lector
of the church of which Mrs. McHugh
had been a communicant in the hist
few years. During the- service sev
eral very beautiful musical numbers
were given by Miss Opal Fitzgerald,
v. ho sang "Fae to Fare" and "Near
er My God to Thee " and Mrs. Howard
P .Ralya who sang "I Am a I'il
v vim."
The wealth, of beautiful flowers
laid en the bier spoke of the deep
feeding of regret that the community
ha- felt in the loss of this splendid
The burial was bad at the C.-th-olic
cemory where the- husband is
re"-tinr in the last long sleep. The
pall be-irer- were N-al Rawley of
Falls City. Aueu-t Cioidt. John W.
Crabill. Rohrrt. Tom and Leonard
Among those out of the city to ai
tend the funeral were-: Mr. and
.Mrs. R. P. Lun". Gus Heller. Charles
C.agnor. Neal Rawley. Falls City:
Mrs. E. E. Marr and Mrs.
.Atchison. Kansas: Mr.
Ch;rb-- Hill of Lincoln:
Mrs. W. J. O'Brien and F
man of South Bend.
Poker of
and Mrs.
Mr. and
A. Neu-