The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 31, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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i (to IF&nnsir
Near Plattsmouth!
I wish to announce that I am buying grain on the
track at Plattsmouth, and will pay the highest price
the market affords. Office with
G. G. Fricke Goal Company,
Tel. 138
Lower Main St.
most of the time from now to Easter, when you can
go to Calif orniaand bask in glorious sunshine?
One of the attractions of spending the winter in
California is getting there. The trip is a lesson in
geography a liberal education. The scenic treas
ures enroute and there equal anything to be found
anywhere else.
Why deny yourself the pleasure of seeing Denver,
Colorado Springs. Pike's Peak, the Royal Gorge. Scen
ic Colorado, the Majestic Rockies. Salt Lake City,
Great Salt Lake and the 90-mile-long serpentine
Canyon of the Feather River, through the beautiful
Sierras, when you can buy a ticket via the Burling
ton that will take you right through these wonders
in aylight?
Come in and let me tell you more about it and make
your reservation so that you will be assured
of accommodations when you are ready to go.
R. W. CLEMENT, Agent
As I have rented my place and
moved to town. I will sell at public
auction, 7 miles west of Plattsmouth,
on the Louisville road, the following
I described property, on Thursday,
'February 17. Sale commences at
!:30 o'clock a. m.
Please come at thtstime as the
Schafer Bros. Hog Sale will be-held
at the Otto Schafer home immedi
ately after this sale is over. Lunch
will be served at noon by Oscar
- Live Stock
One team of geldings, 11 and 12
years old. weight 2830; one team,
mare and horse, C years old, weight
2800; one bay borse, 8 years old,
weight 1740; three good milk cows.
Farm Machinery
One 8-foot Deering binder, one P.
& O. dlec. one Deering mower, one
TrI Belle lister, one Best-Ever gang
plow 12-inch, one Hummer 18-inch
sulky plow, one 17-inch walking
plow, one New Century riding culti
vator, one J. D. riding cultivator, one
J. D. two-row machine, three walk
ing cultivators, one Iron roller, one
4 -section harrow, one 2-section har
row, one hya rake, one 32-foot Mar-
selles corn elevator complete, two
good lumber wagons, one old lumber
wagon, one truck wagon with rack,
one wagon with rack, one truck wa
gon with flat rack, one top buggy,
one sleigh, one manure spreader, one
Sandwich feed grinder with wagon
box elevator, one fanning mill, one
hand corn sheller, one Black Hawk
corn planter, one Mollne corn plant
er, one 1-borse wheat drill, one grind
atone, one 6 h. p. Fairbanks &. Morse
engine, one 1 b. p. Fairbanks &
Morse engine, one wood saw, two sets
of 1 9i Inch harness, two butcher
kettles, one De Laval cream separa
tor, one incubator, one churn, fome
household goods and numerous other
Terms of. Sale.
All sums of $10 and under, cash in
hand; with a credit of six to eight
months time on all amounts over! removed from the premises.
As I am going to move to Colorado,
I will offer at public auction on what
is known as the old Meyer place 3
miles east and one mile south of
Weeping Water, 4 miles north and 2
miles east of Avoca, Neb., on Monday.
February 7, 1921, at 12:30 o'clock
sharp, the following described pro
perty, to-wit:
live Stock
One bay mare, smooth mouth,
weight 1200; one black mare, 9 years
old. weight 1300; one span mules,
smooth mouth, weight 2000; one
span of mules, 6 and 7 years old,
weight 2400; four cows giving milk,
one of these Just fresh; four more
that will be fresh by first of May;
two yearling heifers, two heifer
calves, ten weeks old; one short horn
bull 3 years old; one cow, 8 years
old, fresh in November; two year
ling steers; one small calf.
Farm Machinery
One Dudlong disc good as new.
1 John Deere riding lister combined.
1 Deering mower good as new, 1
Black Hawk corn planter, 1 John
Deere two-row machine, 1 three-section
harrow, 1 Deering hay rake, 1
Avery walking cultivator, 1 Badger
riding cultivator, C shovels, l top
buggy, 1 truck wagon, 1 hay rack,
1 pump Jack, small buzz saw complete.
1 Climax feed grinder good as new, 1
blacksmith forge, 1 grindstone,
two-row stalk cutter, 2 sets 1 inch
harness, 1 lC-inch walking plow, h
galvanized chicken coops, 1 55-gallon
steel barrel, 1 30-gallon stone jar
about six rods of slat fencing, 1
Rock Island two-row machine, 30
acres of good stalk field that can be
pastured till March 1st, and other ar
ticles too numerous to mention.
Terms of Sale.
All sums of 2T and under, cash
in hand; over that amount a credit
or three to six months will he given.
purchaser giving note wit happroved
security Dearing eight per cent m-
teerst from date of sale. All pro
perty must be settled for before beinp
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 27. The state
legislature was called upon today by
Governor McKelvie to make appro
priations for running the state gov
ernment the next two years of $L.;,
S4fi,207. This is an increase of
709,484 over the cost of running the
state government for the pa.;t two
An increase of $.222,4."7 is shown
in the budget over the previous bi-
ennium as far as the funds which
really come from the taxpayers of
E, M. Johnson, of Bethany, One of the
Strong Men of Christian Church to
Carry Work in First District
The announcement is made to the
congregations of the Christian
churches at Plattsmouth and Murrav
that, they are to
the assistance
Lower Prices!
Y1 . ! f 1 i
nniwuiu unu -tiunav i j wuai a ieuei it is iu Know I
i have in this district ! t i i t
of e. m. Johnson of i jthat you no longer need to !
Bethany, one of the strong leaders of i J. ,.,.,lf , J: I
the church in this part of the state. ! deny yourselr merchandise i
The following letter issued exDlains
the plans of the church:
As you were no doubt aware, it
has been t he goal of the Nebraska
Christian Missionary Society since
the time of the Kearney convention in
September. 191!, to bring the services
of state missions to the help of the
last church needing its help, in the
entire state.
Heretofore, missions has meant a
call for a contribution without anv
the state are concerned. The total i hope or promise of returns, aside
amount of money which the taxpay
ers must pay is $21,3f,8,42. There
are two sources from which the
money called for in the budget is
to be obtained. The figure, $21,308.
420 comes from regular state mill
levy taxes.
This figure does not represent the
total cost of operation of the state
government. Fees collected from va
rious sources, licenses, registrations
anu otner sucn sources ot revenue
from the spiritual blessing that al
ways comes from missionary giving.
The plan contemplated the placing of
five district pastor evangelists in the
state, to multiply the work of, and
intensify the service of state missions.
We are happy to announce that plans
;ue now ready to put four of these
evangelists at work, an dthe fifth
ore is to be caiied as soon as found.
Your congregation, as a part of the
first district, will be pleased to know
that is necessary for full
comfort and satisfaction.
Our present displays al-
i ready reflect aownward re-
( vision in prices. The
I knowledge that from now
! on coods will he Dfoduced i
j at less cost, makes it pos- j
j sible to provide for your (
complete needs without f
hesitancy or restriction. j
F. P. BUSCH, Manager
and from federal aid make up an-iT,Klt tj- M- Jonnson of Bethany, has
other considerable amount. I)urinsr i lu t'n rallctl your important field,
the last bienniurn the amount f : begins his work at once. Brother
these funds spent was S7.5S7.210 Z'J ;Ji,nllsnn is an a,,1 man, of successful
During the coming bienniurn, by cut-1 rxiel i,'nce- AVe want yu l fp-''
ting down the federal aid on the Ur,n h ls ',,r worker, and at your
ct t liirh U'!i V TrT rr-l m t C rni'iir - 1 v t. .
W. R. Young, the Cass county auc
tioneer, is announcing the following
sales throughout this portion of Iowa
and Nebraska. Mr. Young has had
great success In his chosen line of
work and has secured some splendid
results both for the persons holding
the sale and In getting some good
bargains for the purchasers.
Feb. 1 Joe Youngquist, Avoca.
Feb. 2 Wm. J. Worth, Duroc,
3 Henry Reuter, Dunbar.
4 Ora Davis. Murray.
5 Engelkemier Bros., Mur-
7 J. C. Loveless, Weeping
8 Wm. Schwalm, Louisville
9 Chilcott Bros.. Hamp
shire. Wisner.
Feb. 10 Andy Loveless, Union.
Feb. 11 Pollard Bros., Hampshire
sale. Nehawka. at night.
Feb. 11 Carl Schroder, Hamp
shire sale at Avoca.
Feb. 12 Ray Pollard. Hampshire
sale, Nehawka.
Feb. 14 T. Krohel, Nebraska City
Feb. 15 Simon Gruber sale of all
personal property and his 234 acres
of land two miles west and one mile
north of Union, at public auction.
Feb. 16 S. Ray Smith, Mvnard.
Feb. 17 Phil Becker, at 9:30 a.
m., sharp, Plattsmouth.
Feb. 17 Shaffer Bros., Duroc sale
1:30 p. m., Nehawka.
Feb. IS John Kunz, Otoe City.
Feb. 19 A. O. Ramge, Poland
China bred sow sale to be held in
tbe Gochenour barn at Plattsmouth.
Feb. 21 J. W. Tulene, Mynard.
Feb. 22 F. T. Wilson. Murray.
Feb. 23 Rudolph Hell. Cedar
Feb. 24 LIngren & NIder, Hamp
shire sale, Falrbury. Neb.
Feb. 25 Theo Hendricks. Hamp
shire sale, Diller, Neb.
Feb. 26 C. E. Morris. Nehawka.
Feb. 28 J. Vallery, Jr., Mynard.
Mar. 1 J. W. Haynie. Platts
Mar. 2 Val Keyser, Nebraska
Mar. 5 A. C. Tulene, Platts
The announcement has been re
ceived by Postmaster D. C. Morgan
that a representative of the office of
the collector of Internal revenue will
be in this city February 14th to 26th
in order to assist the residents here
in the preparation of their Income
tax returns which are to be turned
in by the first of March. The repre
sentative of the revenue collector will
be at the court house during this
period and will be glad to assist any
one In fixing out their returns for
the past year.
$10, will be given, purchaser giving
note with approved security bearing
eight per cent interest from date of
sale. All property must be settled
for before being removed from the
P. T. DECKER, Owner.
W. R. Young. Auctioneer.
H. A. Schneider, Clerk.
We will offer for sale at public
auction on the John Engelkemier
farm 7 miles west, U mile north of
Murray and 3 miles north and 4
miles east of Weeping Water, on Sat
urday, February 5th, 1921. the fol
lowing described property. Sale
commences at 1:30 p. m.
Horsee One team" bay, 6 and 11
years, welght2800; one team bay and
Eorrel 7 and 6 years, weight 2300;
one mare, smooth mouth, weight
1000; one team, coming 4 year olds.
weight 2.J00; one mare 10 years.
weight 12o0; one colt 3 years, weight
Farm implements One set harness
1 Vfe Inch, one Newton wagon, one
truck wagon, one buggy, one disk
harrow, two riding Badger cultiva
tors, two John Deere listers, one sulky
plow, one John Deere gang plow, one
P. & O. two-row cultivator, one new
Hoosler seeder, one Deering binder.
one stalk cutter, six tons timothy
Terms: All sums of 10 and un
der, cash in hand; over that amount
a credit of six months will be given,
purchaser giving note with approved
security bearing nine per cent inter-
eat from date of sale. Over $10, two
per cent off for cash.
Col. W. R. Young, Auctioneer.
W. G. .Boedeker. Clerk. 3td 3tw
W. R. Young. Auctioneer.
C. E. Butler. Clerk.
nor expects that this ext rar.eous J
revenue will be reduced to
7S7.02, a cut of $2.;0. t:il'..r,7.
This leaves the total comparison
thus: Tt cost $23,1:55,72:1 to run
the state during the last bienniurn.
It will cost $2t;,S45.207 to do the
same trick for the coming two yet;rs.
This will be an excess of $.'5,709,
4S4. This increase will be raised by
increasing the tax levy of the state
from 10.35 mills to 11.7 mills.
Fully one-half of the budget in
crease is due to the raising of wages j
n stale onicers ami employes, t n
He will work along six lines. First
S5 470 - "",jl,le "e iieiu anu e expert m
tier tiie present budget plan, every
Library Board Tenders Increase in I department, institution and activity
The undersigned will offer for sale
at public auction at his farm, one
mile west of Murray, beginning tJt
10 o clock a. m., cm Friday, Febru-
ary 4th, the following described
Live Stock One bay horse, 4 yearns
old, weight 1350; one buckskin mare.
4 years old, weight 1350; one buck
skin mare, 8 years old, weight 1500;
one brown mare, 3 years old, weisht
1500; one gray mare, 11 years old.
weight 1550; one bay mare, 11 years
old, weight 1400; one bay horse
colt, 2 years old, one bay mare colt.
2 years old; one buckskin horse colt,
2 years old; one bay mare colt, 1
year old; one buckskin mare colt, 1
year old; seven cows, one giving
milk; six yearling steers, one year
ling heifer, three spring steer calves,
four spring heifer calves, one 3-year-
old Red Polled bulL
Farm Machinery One John Deere
binder, 7-ft., one John Deere wagon,
one John Deere corn planter, one
Bradley rldrng Hater, one walking
lister, one Case gang plow. 12-in.,
one 14-ln. walking plow, one Badger
cultivator, one Kin grain drill, one
3-section harrow, one McCormlck
mower, one Sterling 2-row stalk cut
ter, one elevator, power and jack.
three sets of work harness, one hay
rack, one disk harrow, some house
hold furniture, and numerous other
Oscar Nailor will serve lunch at
Terms of Sale: All sums of $10
and under, cash in hand; over that
amount a credit of nine months will
be given, purchaser giving note with
approved security bearing eight per
cent Interest from date of sale. All
property must be settled for before
being removed from the premises.
O. A. DAVIS, Owner
W. R. Young, Auctioneer.
W. G. Boedeker, Clerk.
Salary to Miss Olive Jones for So
Faithfully Serving the Public
The library board at their session
on Thursday evening decided to vote
to Miss Olive Jones, the librarian,, an
increase in salary that will make the
position one that will give a more
remunerative recognition of the
splendid work that Miss Jones has
given to the public library and the
people of the city in her position of
Miss Jones has for the past thirty
years served as the librarian and her
tactful and pleasant manner of
handling the position has made host
of friend3 in the patrons of this in
situation and her helpfulness and sug
gestions to the patrons has aided ir
the extension of the use of the best
of literature that is found on the
shelves of the library. Miss Jone
has in the past had a number of of
fers from other larger cities to as
sume library work there, but ha
felt that her life work lay with the
home people and the Plattsmouth li
brary and to this institution she ha
given years of the most faithful ser
vice and it is very gratifying to the
patrons of the library and the pub
lie at large to learn that the services
of Miss Jones has been recognized by
the library board in the increase in
The work of Miss Jones in this po
sition has brought the library to a
very high standard of efiiciency, an'
she has labored faithfully through
all the years from the time wher
the library consisted of a few shelve?
of well thumbed books to the present
time we have a well equipped library
in every sense of the term, to make
this library one of the best in the
state and has succeeded admirably
n the state government with all em-
oloyes is slated for a raise. A uni-
rorm salarv of $.000 is established
tr deputy state officers and for sec
ctarits to the governor, the rail
way commission, the board ot con
trol and the board of pardons. This
's a raise ranging from $500 to $1200
i year each.
The governor delivered the budget
o the joint session with a short
message in which he outlined the
various departments and general
trms of expense.
Few Show Decreases
There are few departments of the
tate government that do no shew
lrospeetive increases for the next
wo years. The code departments all
how substantial increases with the
exception of the department of public
vorks. The considerable cut-in this
lepartment is due to a severe cut in
me state lederut highway program
ind amounts to nearly $3,000,000.
The federal aid is presumably cut
lown for two reasons. First, because
t offered a handy means for paring
of the field. Second
tJroup the weaker churches to sup
port resident ministers. In this it
will he his work to help local budgets
; u.;id arrange the financial affairs
j wherever his services are needed.
! Third Help in the building of par
I sonages in onW to strengthen the
work in local fields. Fourth Evan
'gelize. Fifth Direct. Sixth Be thr
j consulting man w ith every church in
itlie district that needs the assistance
j of expert advice.
Prcther Johnson will Dp paid a
salary by the state society. Howev
er, the state society will need at least
$3,000 income from the field work,
'in order to keep clear in its work
this year. Brother Johnson will go
to you without any set price for hi.
services, but we are expecting that
the free-v. iiJ offerings of the churches
where lie goes, will meet all of hi
expenses, and supplement in part, hi.
salary. Please feel free to use him.
You can write to the state office or
directly to him, in securing his ser
vices in your field. It is a happy
thing for us t omake this anounce
ment. 'We believe the churches of
the firt district will keep him busy.
Yours fraternallv.
State Secretarv.
Pastors of Presbyterian, Christian,
Methodist and Evangelical Church
es Meet With Father Leete.
The parents of Harold Marshall, a
Weeping Water young man who was
killed on the field of battle in France
i nave received many tokens of sym
pathy and honor in memory of their
hero son, and these show that the
! sacrifice made by this brave young
man has not passed unheeeled even
.'he budget. It is probable that the
,,v-,rw, -. v .. . ... . -, Hv r Me oinciais or tne government as
;aui to nave made alter uie puugei , , . ,1V. Hlo y,ii r fua
.vas presented to him is represented ; w" ,njr watPr Uenubliean:
n this item. I Tl "Uomnrial cvnreccinnn nf
A bill which is now- in the house , , RVninathv. ro to show that our
nd which provides that all of the ...,.,: a washins-ton. nrp rpn-
uito license money except a meagre ; -jPst.nt ins ;l ROO,i antl noble Kovern.
per rem Mian nnR-nuim " ment. when thev send such tokens to
the grieving ones; who surely cher-
the counties to be expendeel on the:
roads by them instead of by the ! tini fr ti, cnirit in whirOi thov S. Leete
Hair, jji k no. iv a j viiv- .(.Alio vre cirP'MVGIl
tunity. The state, under the present Tne foli0Ving in consecutive order
taw, got to per ceni oi me amoliave Leen rereived by Mr. and Mrs
tax. jms ieii a lmicn larger sum ui
The rectory of St. Luke's Kpisco
pal church was the scene of a most
delightful luncheon yesterday noon
when the ministers of the Presbyter
ian, Methodist, Christian and German
Kvangelical churches were entertain
ed at luncheon by Father W. S. Leete,
rector of St. Luke's church. The
luncheon at 12:30 was one most
thoroughly enjoyed and served with
the gracious hospitality so character
istic of the Leete home and to this the
reverend gentlemen did full justice.
At the close of the luncheon the af
ternoon was pleasantly enjoyed in
the discussion of the different phases
of the church work in the community
and from the interchange of ideas of
the members of the party a great
good was secured for all and it was
not until 4:30 that the pleasant
gathering adjourned. The ministers
of the different faiths, delighted at
the success of the initial meeting
have decided that they will In the
future have a weekly gathering at
the public library auditorium on each
Wednesday afternoon at which they
will discuss the work of the church
in the community and perfect the
plan for the interchange of the spir
itual life of the community and to
bring each resident into a closer
touch with the church that they may
prefer. On the first Wednesday of
each month there will be a regular
monthly meeting at which the work
of all the churches for the month
will be reviewed.
Among the plans made by the min
isters was that of holding a noon day
prayer meeting each day, commenc
ing the first of March, at some suit
able location in the business section
of the city and which will have the
tendency to awaken the spiritual life
of the community. Those who were
in attendance at the luncheon were
Rev. H. O. McClusky, Rev. A. V.
Hunter, Rev. A. G. Hollowell, Rev.
H. Kottish and the host, Father W.
Washington. Jan. 2S. They are
going to "gas" the cotton boll weevil
The chemical warfare service of the
army, in co-operation with the de
partment of agriculture is preparing
to Jay down a barrage of poison gas
in the cptton districts of the south
calculated to exterminate the pest
Brigadier General Amos Freis, chief
or the service, said today that ex
periments already conducted prom
ised success. Military gas has al
ready been used against rats in sea
port cities, he added, a fifteen min
ute application along wharves and
under water front buildings killing
every rat in the area. The army is
gassing" locusts in the Philippines,
he added.
Louisville. Ky., Jan. 28. A total
of 9.401 illicit stills were captured
and 5,328 arrests were made during
the year 1920 in the southern prohi
bition district which comprises the
states of Virginia, North Carolina.
South farnllna k'ontiirkv and Ten
nessee, according to figures made " u.
public today by S. R. Brarae, super
vising agent of the district. Of the
arrests Kentucky had 1,182.
Prosecutions, the report said, re
sulted in fines aggregating $2SS.5S5.
and imprisonments totalling 2.37S
Carriers of Illicit whisky confis
cated included 309 automobiles.
eight boats, sixty-six Vehicles, nine
ty-three horses and mules and one
l house.
Farmers State Bank
Seventeen acres of land 2 miles
west and 2 miles south of Murray.
Pure bred Barred Plymouth Rock' Six room house and small out-build-
cockrels. Call phone 2757. intra.
J2S 6td. C. E .COOK. 3-1. J. L. SMITH.
money to match with tne teuerai am
funds than will be available tins
year. Anticipation of this coming
shortage and the necessity of cutting
he whole, is undoubtedly the reason
"or this one heavy decrease.
Some New Departments
The other decrease is in the legis
lative appropriation. This is, how
ever, really an increase. The evident
lecrease appears from the fact that
there were really four sessions of
the legislature in the past bienniurn.
the regular 1919 session, the two
special sessions and the constitution
il convention. The cost of the pres
ent session runs nearly $10,000 high-
r than that of the 1919 session.
chiefly due to the increased pay of
the legislators.
There are several new elepar.tments
that have been added to the state
government, that either have bten
added by constitutional convention
or are to be added by the present
session of the legislature. The fol
lowing is a list of these departments
with the appropriation each carries:
Bureau of inspection of motion
pictures, $38,000; minimum wage
commission, $2,000; bureau of juve
nile research. $30,000; superinten
dent of public instruction (as the
department is recognizee! by the
amended constitution), $235,600;
bureau of child welfare, $53,1G0;
of the world war. $7,000;
board of pardons and paroles, $26,-
250; tax commissioner, $45,600
These new boards and commissions
call for a total expenditure of $437,-
The cost of the district courts of
the state as estimated for the com
ing bienniurn exceeds that of the
past two years by $271,306.59. The
cost for the past bienniurn was $520,-
293.41. For the next two years it
will take $791,700. The appropria
tion made two j-ears ago was much
less however, $383,162.4 3. and is
just $408,537.57 less than the appro
priation for this year.
Blank books! Yes yon can get
J most any kind at Journal office.
A. L. Marshall, since Harold's death
insurance, October 21, 191S.
Special letter of sympathy from
Franklin K. Lane, Secretary of In
terior, December 17, 1918.
J. Pershing, Commander in
U. P. Army.
Then a steel engraved certificate,
September 22, 1919, issued by Pres
ident Wilson, signed, I. Erwin. Ad
jutant General, War Department.
Xext. the "French Memorial Death
Certificate," a beautiful work of Art
14x20 issued by the "Republic of
France," and presented on February
20, 1920, by Hugh J. Kearns Post
No. 5 6, American Legion, Platts
mouth, Nebraska. Then the honor
conferred on us all, as a tribute to
his memory, is Harold D. Marshall
Post No. 237, American Legion,
Weeping Water. Nebraska.
The last received is the "Accolade"
saying "Columbia gives to her son
the Accolade of the new Chivalry of
Humanity." These are given to all
who were in the service, only the
wording is different for those who
died, and are signed by Woodrow
Wilson. I his memorial too, is a
beautiful work of art 18x22, show
ing Columbia conferring the New
We deeply appreciated these fine
thoughtful expressions of sympathy
from various sources; also so many
others too numerous to mention; they
are real treasurers to us now.
Henry M. Miller, having been a
member of the Fraternal Order of
Eagles, and his association being that
of a gentleman and honored hrnthpr
Later. I of the order, we all having learned
L.niei.ito love him for his sterling: Qualities
of character, and death in its late
calling having removed this beloved
and honored brother from our lodge
and a fond father and brother from
his family;
Be it resolved, that we extend to
his relatives and family our sym
pathy in this their hour of bereave
ment, and spread these resolutions
on the minutes of the lodge and
cause the same to be published in
the Plattsmouth Journal.
For a Persistent Cough
Some years ago II. P. Burbage, a
student at law in Greenville, S. C,
had been troubled for a long while
with a persistent cough which he says
"greatly alarmed me, causing me to
fear that I was in the first stage of
consumption." Having seen Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy advertised, I
he concluded to try it. "I soon felt I
Gash Garry Grocer
Carry Your Groceries:
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I am offering all the Ladies un
derwear that were priced at $2.25,
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No. 2 can punpkin, 3 cafis for 25c
No. 2 can brown beans, 3 for 25c
No. 2 can vegetables (ror soupj
2 cans for 2Ee
a remarkable change and after using! No. 2 can tomatoes, per can 15c
two Domes or tne smau size was No. 2 can pumpkin. 2 cans for 2Ke
a 1 - - ' '
permanenixy curea.
E. P. LUT2
Can be seen at Wescott's store.
lwd-w. W. M. RICE. SR. South Sixth Street Plattsmonth