The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 31, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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The Bank of Murdock
All Deposits, Both Checking Accounts and Time Cer
tificates of Deposit, Protected by the Depositors'
Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska.
This bank invites you to open an account, and as
sures you that you will at all times receive courteous
and efficient treatment and service. We are always
ready and willing to assist our friends in such matters,
wherein we can be of assistance, and at the present time
desire to call attention to the INCOME TAX. Get your
figures together at any time now, and bring them in.
We will make out your schedule and figure your tax,
doing our best to see that you get 4II permissable de
ductions and exemptions, and that you pay no more
tax than you are really subject to pa'.
All Income tax must be mailed on or before March
15th, but we suggest that you attend to this and get it
out of the way as soon as possible. Every unmarried
person who had a NET INCOME of $1,000 and every
married person who had a Net Income of $2,000, must
send in a "RETURN or Tax Schedule, to the Collec
tor of Internal Revenue.
The Bank of burdock
"The Bank where You Feel at Home"
HENEY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres.
E. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier
Knows Who Stole Robe.
With true detective ability,
who had a robe stolen from their
automobile a few weeks ago, kept
the matter quiet until they have at
last located the thief and they are
now in a position to deal with the
culpret, and are, on account of the
family of the offender, willing to
give the one who took it an oppor
tunity to return it to its rightful
owner. Otherwise a warrant will
be sworn out and the county sheriff
will be sent for the robe and the one
who stole it as well. You had bet
ter get in the clear while the getting
is good, for if you don't, it will not
bo long until the officer will be
knocking at your door.
Need Water Service Also.
A few of the more progressive cit
izens of Murdock have been behind
the electric lighting proposition, and
truly they have a vision of a better
city in the future. This was demon
strated by the fact that if the elec
tric lights had been burning in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. McHugh, the
gas lamp would not have been taken
to look for a book which was wanted
and the fire would have not occurred.
Again had Murdock had a water sys
tem the fire could have been extin
guished in its incipiency and the
subsequent loss been averted. It
seems a strange thing that after the
boosting for the lights, that Mr.
McHugh and family should suffer
their loss just on the evening of the
installation of the long desired ser
departed, wishing this young man
many more such happy events.
The Farmers and Merchants Bank.
The Farmers and Merchants bank
of .Murdock held their annual elec
tion a few days ago when the follow
ing officers were elected: H. C.
Eackraeyer, president; A. Streich,
vice president; O. J. Pothast, cash
ier; H. C. Bachmeyer, Albert Streich,
L. Neitzel, Wm. Heier, and O. J.
Pothast, directors.
Victor Tliimgan was a visitor in
Omaha tor a few days last week,
where he was the guest o f friends.
C V. Iiite was a business visiter
at Alvj one day last week, wTiere he
was attending to some business.
Frank Melvin was a visitor in Oma
ha la.-t Wednesday, where he was
looking afier some busiuess matters.
E. V. Thimgan was called to Lin
coln las.t week to look after some
business matters in the automobile
Colon Si-dnian of Wahoo, is visit
ing at ih-j home of Joseph Gustin,
southwest of Murdock for a short
t ime.
II. H. Gerbeling of Wabash, was
a visitor in Murdock last week, be
ing a caller on his friend. O. J. Po
thast. Albert Tinim was the guest of
friends in Omaha for a short time
last week, returning home Thursday
even in g.
Frank Koscnow. who has been in
the west for some time, returned
home recently and seems glad to be
at home on.-e more.
Orvillo Pilgrin and wife were vis
iting at the Gehrts home over Sun
day, reiurninsr to their home in Lin
coln last Monday morning.
Geo. Tonaek visited with friends
in Omaha for over night last Wed
nesday a tid remained over Thursday
to look alter some business matters.
Fred Freidrich. one of the electri
cians who are here to install the
electric lights, took pictures of the when the home of J. 12. McHugh
was burned last week.
Jc lin Gakcmeier and wife were
visiting with friends in Omaha for
a short itme last week, going to that
city on Wednesday and returning
home Thursday evening.
J. E. McHuch was a visiter in
Omaha week, attending the Re-
tal Men-hnnt Association meeting,
and was there at the time of the
lire which destroyed his home.
TIk Murdock Electric light com
pany is getting along nicely with
the installation of the service here.
Theer remains a little work yet be
fore they will he all lighted up.
Durii-g tl e illness of I. G. Horn
beck, v. ho is at Lincoln. O. W. Gil
lespie, who can lit into any place
where h" caii, give service, is, assist
ing at the station in the work there.
Mi.-s Josephine Schmidt of Hast
ings, but who is now employed in
Omaha, was a visitor in Murdock
over Sunday at the home of her un
cle, Herman Schmidt and family, re
I turning to her work Monday,
i The Landholm Auto company of
j Murdock, has accepted the agency
! for Murdock and vicinity for the
j Oldsmobile. He will handle pleasure
' cars and trucks and will in a short
time have a few of these cars in their
display room..
Gust Wendt was a visitor in Oma
ha last week looking after business
and must have mistaken the season
o ft he year as we noticed him re
turning home in the evening with a
"kitty-car". Well, it was not no far
from Christmas any way.
Mrs. Henry Luetchens and two
small children are suffering from a
case of the measles, which is keeping
them pretty close to their home for
the present, though they are getting
along nicely and are expecting soon
to be able to be out again.
Mr. Simon Bornemeiy; and son
Daniel, who reside some five or six
miles east of Murdock. are reported
as both being down with the pneu
monia and are quit esick. It is
hoped that they may soon recover
their ordinary robust health.
Wm. Meyer. Miss Amanda Stroy.
and John Paul Pickwell, spent most
of the last week at home on account
of the examinations which were be
ing held, they having completed
their's at an early date in the week
and were able to have a few days
O. K. McDonald and wife spent
tome time in Omaha last week, doing
some shopping and tisiting with
friends, as well as attending a fine
show while there. Edward Kell.
who is visiting from Plattsniouth.
and a brother of Mrs. McDonald, was
looking after the business while the
folks were away.
Having Serious Time With Eye
W. H. Hush has been having con
siderable trouble with one of his
eyes on account of an infection in
the shape of a small tumor which
has been growing there for some
time. His brother. Dr. C. H. Rush
of Lincoln, was a visitor at the Rush
home last Thursday, and thought it
best to have the brother return to
Lincoln with him where more fav
orable conditions could be had for
dealing with the effected member.
It was not known whether it would
be necessary to undergo an operation
or not until a thorough examination
has been made by the specialist. It
is hoped that he may the trouble
corrected boon.
FJsake a Personal
We have a stock of!
Electric Fixtures,
consisting of Pendants, Globes, Chandaliers and Lamps
of all kinds. Come in and make your selections and
get just what you want.
We are closing the store on Tuesday and Thurs
day at 6:15. Bear the dates in mind.
Wlufdoclt Mercantile Co.,-
Murdock, Nebraska.
Celebrate Burns' Birthday
At the Murdock school ou January
IS. the natal day of the Scotch poet,
Robert Burns, was appropriately cel
ebrated by the students of the high
school, with recitations, readings,
and Scotch songs. The readings
were all in the Scotch dialect, and
made a very interesting day. making
the study of history easy as well as
making it a day in honor of the poet.
Held Box Social.
Many of the young people from
Murdock attended the box social at
Rose Valley last week and enjoyed
the occasion greatly. The school is
conducted by Miss Adele Peters and
the object of the social besides the
general good time it provided, was
the improvement wheih is given the
students who took part in the excel
lent program and the linancial end
of the matter, which netted the $"5
for furnishin gthe school with the
little things which are not provided
by the board, and are necessary for
the best results of study.
Little Miss' Landholm Arrives.
Last Thursday the stork was kind
to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Landholm
when it presented this happy couple
with a second daughter, at the hos
pital in Omaha where the little one
was born. The mother and little
one are getting along nicely and with
the best of care Jess is expected to
mill through. The only trouble is
that the workmen cannot hear any
thing but the merry whistle as he
works away.
Everett Heier Getting Along Nicely.
Little Everett Heier. who lost his
eye by reason of having it injured
by the explosion of a cartridge, is
getting alcng nicely, and it is hoped
that he will soon be able to return
t oh is home again. He is now at
the home of a sister who resides in
Lincoln. Mrs. Wm. Heier, Sr., the
mother returned home a short time
ago and reports the son feeling fine.
Appreciates the Friendships.
We have realized that we have
many friends in Murdock and it has
been a pleasure to enjoy these kindly
relations, but not until the fire had
destroyed our home last week, when
the many and unstinted sacrifices,
all Murdock worked to their utmost
to extinguish the fire and save what
was possible of the effects of our
home. Not until all these kindly
manifestations and the services ren
dered, did we realize the true loy
alty of the towns people. Wearc
not insensible to these acts of true
friendship and wish to say we surely
appreciate the assistance rendered,
and more the kindly feelings which
prompted the service.
J. R. McHugh, and family.
Goes to Hospital Again.
I. G. Hornbeck. who has been kept
from his work for some time on ac
count of an attack of the grippe and
which required an operation some
time ago and from which he had not
entirely recovered w hen he was again
attacked by an infection in his nose
which required him to return to the
hospital. He is at Lincoln at this
time receiving treatment and we are
hoping he may soon return well and
The Junior Red Cross which is
working in Murdock, and while they
'are not doing: what they are at this
time, because they feel it is an ur
gent case of need, they are doing the
thing because or a feeling of friend
ship and wanting to put into practice
the things which they are organized
for, that is helping some one. They
are expecting to do something for
the ones suffering from the recent
Surprised Their Friend.
Last Friday a number of the many
friends of Albert Thiele. gathered at
his home and there made a very
pleasant evening for this popular
young man. celebrating in a very
gracious manner the passing of his
20th milestone. Games were the fea
ture of the evening which all the
young folks enjoyed to the utmost,
and the culmination was the delight
ful luncheon served before the friends
Death of Mrs. McHugh.
The death of Mrs. Kate McHugh
occurred Saturday afternoon at the
home of her son, Jerry McHugh and
wife in this place and came with
great suddeness and shock to the
members of the family. Mrs. Mc
Hugh hus been feeling very well of
late and in fact better than usual
and enjoying a visit at the home of
a daughter. Mrs. Thomas Walling at
Plattsmouth for the past few days.
On receipt of the news Friday that
the home of her son. Jerry McHugh
had been destroyed by fire at Mur
dock. Mrs. McHugh decided to come
to Murdock and assist the family in
getting settled in their new home
after the fire and it was only a short
time after her arrival that she com
plained of feeling slightly ill and in
a lew minutes her condition became
serious and death followed in a short
time, caused by heart trouble.
The funeral services will be held
at the St. John's Catholic church in
Plattsmouth. Tuesday morning and
the body laid to rest in the cemetery
in that city.
Xotke is lit-r'by piven to the quali
fi.l voters oi School Iistrict No. C-7
t'Ht-'s county. Nebraska, that an elec
t!i".i will lie held at the Hirh school in
M. K. church in M unlock. Nebraska. In
saiil ilisirict on the i::irl lay of Febru
ar, 1'iiM. jit seven o'clock i. hi., for
the purpose of votinjr upon the follow-
in-- i!iestii. to-wit:
shall the listrict Officers of School
1 i .- 1 1-i -1 No. C-7. in "ass county, Ne
braska, issue the bomls of said school
(lis; rii t. in the amount of Kiphty
Thousand Hollars. SfeO.nno.uO) bearing
in'eiest at the rate of six per cent
( c; per annum, payable semi-annually,
principal and interest payable st
the Countv Treasurers office, fr'latts
mouth. Nebraska. and the principal
payable as follows:
$t;.Mi0.lii payable March 1 T..
S.'.tMMUio payable' March IS, 19:.'.
i ."..(UMi.on pavable March i:, ll'S.
$6.()'0.(mi payable March 15, 1930.
jrv.Ot'O.oO pavable March 1.",, lDSl.
$:,,non.oo payable March 1 . 1 !:.
f.noo.eo pavable March 15, 19:?:;.
.1.0ti0.0i payable March 1."., ltKM.
5--.,nti0.u! payable March 15. 19::5.
Vi,.iMii.nii pavable March 15, !:!.
f5.noo.oo pavable March 15. l'S7.
Oiid. nit payable March lu
Sr.. iMiii.iiii pavable March 15
j:.,rtiil).nii payable. Man li 15. 1940.
jr.ortn.oit pavab! March 15. 1941.
.nd shall the I'istriet Officers ot said
School IMsirict cause to be levied, an
nuuliv. a tax sufficient for the pay
ment of the interest and principal as
it becomes due? Said bonds to bo is
sued for the following purpose, to-wit
J'urchasing a site ami erecting and
eiiuippins: a school house in lustrict
No. --7. Cass county. Nebraska.
i:v order of the listrict Officers of
said School Iitriet, this I'Sth day of
January, 19J1.
tf-w. Director.
Stills and Material May Be Confis
cated and Extracts Cannot Be
Scid in Soft Drink Places.
Senator Randall of Cedar intro
duced a voluminous bill Thursday in
form of a revision of the entire pro
hibitory law of Nebraska. The bill
was prepared by the anti-saloon
I 1 i . A 1
league ana is supposeu to oe exactly
what the law enforcement workers
The measure is S. F. 1S5. If it
becomes a law it will be unlawful
for arKv one to advertise stills or for
mulas for the making of intoxicating
liquors. Stills appear to be one of
thA principal targets of the bill. It
is unlawful to have a still or any
of the materials far making whisky
in the house. It further provides that
any place where liquors are unlaw
fully made may be closed by order
of a court.
Provision is made to curb the
unlawful sale of lemon or other ex
tracts, compounds or perfumes to per
sons who might have such a depraved
taste that he would drink such pre
parations for the purpose of becoming
intoxicated. So the bill fixes it so
that if a man is sent up town to buy
d little of lemon extract or a bottle
of perfume he will not rush into his
avorite bowling alley, pool hall, place
of amusement or soft drink parlor
It is declared unlawful to sell such
compounds in these places.
Another provision relates to costs
in prosecutions for possession of in
toxicants. It makes it possible for
the courts to charge up to the de
fendant the price, which an officer
of the law paid for a sample of the
wet goods in question, also costs for
drayageand like expenses in the ease.
In the matter of the manufacture
and sale of ethyl alcohol some new-
provisions are incorporated by the
terms of the bill. A druggist may
not sell such stuff unless it is first
rendered unfit for use as a beverage
It is also provided that a physician
may not prescribe alcohol for his
Another bill introduced by Itick
ard provides that soft drink parlors
must first obtain a license for leave
to sell their wares. The license
must come from the state depart
ment of agriculture.
Buff Orpington cockrels. Inquire
of John H. Bebrns..Nehawka. Neb.
Blank Books at the Journal Office
Crippen Knows Now Teniae Does
All Claimed for It Regains
His Lost Health. i
"Since my experience with Tanlac,
I have never doubted that it will do
everything that is claimed for it,"
said George Crippen, an employee of
the Lafayette hotel at Clinton, Iowa.
"During the past two years I had
a world of trouble from indigestion.
Everything I ate seemed to lodge
right in the pit of my stomach,
where it fermented and formed gas
that bloated me up till it actually
hurt to fasten my belt. Any little
exertion in doing my work around
the hotel caused my heart to palpi
tate so violently I felt like my breath
would be cut off.
"My nerves were in such a state
the least noise would wake me up,
and I never got any sound sleep. My
back hurt almost constantly, my ap
petite left me, I was falling off in
weight and couldn't find any medi
cine thai would do me a bit of good.
"Well. I finally decided to try Tan
lac, and since taking it I feel like a
new man. I have a splendid appetite
and never suffer from indigestion.
nervousness, or aches or pains of any ,
kind. I have already gotten back
ten pounds of my lost weight and am ,
still gaining. I sleep fine every night
and feel good all the time."
Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by
F. G. Fricke and Company; in Mur
ray by the Murray Drug company.
and the leading druggist in every
Reliable Farm
Our stock includes all kinds of farm machinery,
from the cultivator to the threshing outfit.
Power machinery of all kinds;, as well as horse
drawn, displayed in our wareroom'. '
Watch this space for change of ad, as we expect to
make some important special announcements soon.
Washington, D. C, Jan. 2S. The
Japanese population of Hawaii in
1920 was 109.274 out of the total
population of 255,912, and repre
sented an increase for that race of
about 33 per cent since 1910, the
census bureau announced today.
The only race which showed a
greater increase in Hawaii than the
Japanees was the Filipino, with an
increase from 2,361 in 1910 to 21.031
in 1S20. The native Hawaiian peo
ples decreased in the last decade
from 26,041 to 23.723.
We are now oiling harness for
$1.50 per set. Bring them in and
get them oiled and repaired before
the rush. Ben H. Wiles. tf-d.
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
0. Z. Society of the Presbyterian:
Church Offers Pleasant After
noon's Entertainment.
From Saturday's Daliy.
Yesterday afternoon the Q. Z. so
ciety of the Presbyterian church of
fered an afternoon musicale at the
handsome home of Mrs. George O.
Dovey on North Sixth street, which
was very largely attended by the
music lovers of the city to enjoy the
artistic and charmingly arranged
program offered by Plattsmouth mu
sicians. The program was opened with a
very pleasing piano number by Miss
Marvel Whittiker and was followed
by a vocal trio consisting of Misses
Helen Pontius, Fae Chase and Clara
Mae Morgan. A vocal duet by Edith
Farley and Catherine Schneider also
added to the beauty of the opening
portion of the program. Mrs. Chris
tine Coughlin, one of the talented
pianoists of the city, offered a very
beautiful selection and was followed
by Mrs. A. J. - Beeson with one of
her always pleasing readings, given
in her usual gifted manner. Miss
Thelma Hudson, one of the young
vocalists of the city, gave a pleas
ing solo and was followed by a violin
solo by Mrs. A. I). Caldwell, which
in its artistic rendition made a deep
impression on the auditors. The
closing number was a piano selection
by "Irs. Lillian Freeman, who in "her
number displayed great artisticness
and beauty of rendition that was
enjoyed by all of the party.
The ladies of the society at an ap
propriate hour served very enjoyable
refreshments which completed the
afternoon of more than usual enjoyment
Feferee Alsa Gives Local Team Short
End of Game on His Decisions
Last Night.
Prom Saturday's Dally.
The Plattsmouth high school bas
ket ball team that journey up to Ben
son yesterday afternoon to meet the
team of the schooy of that city last
nigt h.returned home minus the vic
tory and with reports of the manner
in which the referee had trampled
on their rights and privileges in a
more ruthless manner than even the
8th amendment.
The score was 41 to 21 when the
final whistle was blown and was
marked throughout with more or les3
trouble between the players and the
official of the game. In the early
portion of the contest the referee
made his sympathies clear when he
hung three foul3 on Schneider, one
of the effective players of the locals
and put the player out of the game
and forcing the use of a substitute
in the battle which was waging be
tween the two teams.
From the reports the Plattsmouth
boys were well able to deal with the
Bensonites, but their support from
the official enabled them to get the
best of ,the final argument and our
warriors of the baskets returned
home in defeat and in not the best
of humor over the treatment, received
in the Omaha suburb.
Not If As Rich as Cresus
If you were as rich as Cresus you
could not buy a better remedy for
constipation than Chamberlain's Tab
lets. They are easy and pleasant to
take and when the proper dose is
taken produce a mild and gentle ef
fect. They also strengthen the digestion.
' The large frame livery barn and
feed sheds, known as the Sam G.
Smith Garage. Plattsmouth. Neb. A
good chance to get some good barn
material cheap. Mail your offer to
Sam- G. Smith, Plainview, Texas.
O Q'Q-Q'Q'Q'Q'Q'Q'Q'Q' O
The Best Service!
When Real Service is needed,
the Crucial Test is applied.
All are wanting reliability in the man, in the char
acter of the work, in the materials used, and in the
soundness of the guarantee.
For a score and a half of years we have been here
and since our advent in business our record bespeaks
our responsibility.
We are here for real service in auto work. We
also are handling Buick, Mitchell, Dodge and Ford cars.
We appreciate your patronage.
Phone 35-B
Murdock, Neb.
The Oldsmobile Cars!
For performance the greatest car on the market
today (be it" a pleasure car or a truck for commerce) is
the Oldsmobile.
None will surpass it for endurance, ease of hand
ling or ECONOMY.
We have taken over the agency of this wonderful
car for the territory including Murdock.
We also handle a full line of supplies and acces
sories. Our personal attention given to all work and
Gehrts Block
Mr.rdock, Nebr.