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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1921)
THURSDAY. JANUARY 27. 1921 PLATTSUOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE HVE A AVer- K.r P.r. fri o Murray Department '-'re.-rared in the Interest of the People To All Parties HOLDING COUPON LIBERTY LOAN BONDS OF THE FOURTH ISSUE It is necessary that all such bonds be converted into permanent bonds of the same issue, as the last coupon on the temporary bonds of the fourth issue is past due. If you will bring such bonds you have on hand to us, we will be glad to serve you in the way of exchanging these bonds for you. YOURS FOR SERVICE iorrav 0 did The babv of William Rich ter is' reported as being: sick. i giving the best service to all who V. II. Puis and family were guests j have cream for sale. Come in and at the home of V.. C. Giln.ore last j let us handle your cream. The Jiur S;i"dav. iray Cream Station. For Sale: Duroc Jersey gilts- T. J. Drendrl was a visitor in a:: ! Albert Young. Murray, j I'nion last Monday, driving down to N" i.i k.i 'meet Miss Margaret Vallery, v ho !b i! Young sold another of i hi- fin to 'r Iniroc Jersey sows tills Timms. week, I little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.'i v hi; home in Muriay at the l v 1 1 ill is confined to her home , Berger hotel, departed last Monday on account of T. S. D;-rrc K(i!SO bllsilHS- sickness. s was looking after: matters in Omaha -hurt time lust Monday. '-s.-!-. lialph. Kennedy and George . iikiou. Jr.. were visiting with r.ds in O.iiitlia last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Y. Mcfracken enjoying a visit from a number relatives re'.-idin:r in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway, parents Mrs. Jarvis Lancaster, spent last nu;.' '4t the Lancaster home. Lee Karr.s. wlio lives several miles from Murray, is reported as not feel- ( ing very v.tll at this writing. 1 TL. ! -: pric fur poultry of all kinds. ..ill b..- ;,aiJ at the Murray Cream S: a !!. J. A. Srotten. T. J. Rrcndel was looking after siiire l '-iiK -s matters ir Plat tsnicut h j (j mi aiuruay. driving over in nis ear. Albert EarleM was a visitor for a u- niiitr : davs lux wevk in dmaha. re-;urr. ing to Murray Monday even ii.a. c I.. SpaP'-rler. one "f the rf'mi !.' tit fart.i' rs nortli f Murray was a vi-itor in the county seat last Sat urday. Ti!ii Johnson the chief chef at the Hetel Percer during the absence t .Vr iJerire cr. v iio ;s visiting in t :n- .-i i i. . !.:''" Mo:.a vi.-'a Tilson. who has been sick for the past few days with grippe, i-s consider- T I If": . -.s i;l abb- better. JM.r Ib.bsc.'ieit. v a--, a '. ;si' :,r at t li- .Ti !!! i .ir-cl't-i! . Jr. of Plattsmouth. ( bom- ofl son. 1 r a nuiHlu r of lavs t h-- pas; w-t k. .-;:v.- ..-ii a; C..rpenter work. P.riag iu your Jos, and we wtll have 'Mn, otrt ot -.ur way the good vea'htT ci,;;,c. J. A. Scot ten. The Alaskan was -hown on 'ountrv film which he screen at the pic- i are snow last Saturday evening wa, very interest in and proved well worth seeing. Josei-h Lefil va; looKing alter some business matters in P'. mouth last Tuesdav. g(,ir.f; up oi . '-S- , the evening train. A. H. Gra ves was a visitor 1 ; i -1 'I'u'vd.o- I !;e Irnik of his brother, C. L. Grac. of I'nion. going down on the- morning train and returning in the afternoon. They have come thick and fast. You have been waiting for just this, especially in many needed articles for your home. How about the pillow tubing and sheets? You can buy now at ONE-HALF PRICE. 9 4 sheeting, best quality made, per yd 65c' 36-inch pillow tubing, per yd ". 40c 40-i:ich pillow tubing, per yd 50c Hope muslin, per yd 19c Indian Head suiting, per yd 35c Be rcsured that as fast as the market declines on merchandise, this store goes down with the price. Hi&tf MURRAY, of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Refers V. c ar? paying the best prices and was returning from Lincoln, where she had been visiting. Jessie McVey, who has been mak- for Plattsmouth, where he will make his home for the present, Mrs. John Fitch, who has been sick at her home several miles west of town, is reported to be on the road to recovery, which will be pleasant news to her friends. Fred Rhode wald was a business visitor in Murray last Tuesday, look ing after some business matters for the T. II. Pollock Auto company, for which concern he is a capable sales man. Col. W. R. Young came down from Plattsmouth Monday and conducted the sale of Richter brothers. Tuesday jir. Young conducted a sale at the home of Geo. H. Stoehrs. west of Mvnard. Frank Shaw and John Rrisbain parted a few days ago being north ward hound, and s few days later were seen by Murray people at South Omaha. where they were seeking j employment. I Miss Neva Latta. who has been 'teaching in the Emerson schools for :the present term, returned home a few days ago on account of the clos- ing of the schools because of the prevalency of small pox. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Roedeker en tertained last Sunday noon for din jner at their home in Murray, Mr. iaad Mrs. Glen Todd and Miss ISu lah Sans. A most ' enjoyable time I v. as had by the friends on this occa jsion. I Galen Rhoden took advantage of 'the- opportunity to drag the roads leading I nun the main traveled high jvay in his neighborhood a few days aei. and had them in excellent con Iditiou when the sleet and snow came ()f the week who has t....-.i ... ..-l- been visit ing at Ewing the past week returned home a few days ago ana reports .. thoro h met Silas Slo- . rtflilipr ni-P,v there. Mr. ?locumb was always a rustler and we iare not surprised to hear of his pros- reritv. Little Earl Hobscheit was bother ed with a toothache some days ago. but went bravely to the office of Dr. Rrendel and. like the little man he is, climbed into- the chair and. leaning his head back, allowed the doctor to take out the offending molar without even a whimper. . Tuft, NEBRASKA Last Memtlay a number of the boys and men about town, on invitation of officers of the law, went to Platts mouth, where they received a music lesson from the county attorney, al though Mr. V. A. Kennedy suggest ed t hat they were like tn "nigger," in that they received the last part first. The sale held by Reich ter broth era last Monday at their home west of town was well attended and nearly j . w V 1 UUt v liut. J I - V lit a -.t buyer, l he property onereu was an in good condition and was well worth the prices paid for it. Col. T.V. II. Young. Nebraska's popular auction sale crier officiated in .the ring, and while the weather was not the best he held the interest of the crowd to the very last. T C.I x or siuc. i A few more Duroc Jersey boars at j $45; also bred pi Its. j Albert Younj, Murray, Neb. Has an Electric Chair. This is not for the electrocution .of criminals, but for the purpose or I having seme fin, and they get it to. At the barber shop there has I . i i. .i . neon rigge.i up a iwm i auui.iu-;i m a barber chair which people have been in the habit of sitting in.- It is told of a prominent business man taking a seal in the chair, but arose without an invitation, landing in the floor. We were examining the scientific design, but found soon that the best way was to just look at it and not touch the thing. Murray Christian Church. Service.- next Sunday as follows: l;ib!e at 1 a. m. Morning services at 11 a. m. Ser mon. "Th-; Christ of Today." All members are urged to be present at these services and to invite their friends to attend. A cordial invita tion is extended t the public to at tend. A. G. Hollowell. Minister. Ee Gave Us a Play of Words. When O. A. Davi.s asked why "Dud" March went to school, we an swered, we sutnos'd because the lav.- required attendance, but he in- j formr us it was to make "Ludwei-er Dud wiser, and this was not a vio lation of the prohibition law either. Loses a Valuable Cow. Last Friday evening some miscre ant opened the gate t n the cow y;ird of J. W. Rerger adjacent "to the ho- ! tel. and allowed his four cows to pet away, then closed the ga'e again. This was evidently intended for a joke, but it cost Mr. P.erger ?10(. Tin- cows "iiil.'rci! down to the Missouri Pacific stork yards and there two of theiu u ere 'truck by a pas.-ing train, with the result that one was killed, and another had a horn broken op". We !o not say no one should have any fun. but to do thinu which causes loss to another and do in mal iciously, is a crime, and v. ho ever does such, things should be punished there for. Vere in a Hurry to Go. V.'neh it was suggest ed that th blo dhouiuN be secured to trace the cuipret who opened the gate and caused the loss of a valuable cow !h Urging to J. XV. Perger. two of the p'-ep'e who had heretofore for o:r.e time past l.c--!i making Murray their hdgintr pko-e. made a hurried d.p;:rture. catching the local freight at the elevator, not waiting to get a ti ket for South Dmaha. Two Ycun ladies Airive. ("i last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Wilber. the kind stoik left one of the nicest blue eyed 1 aby girls imaginable, which was "'elconied by the happy parents, and are rapturous with joy over the r:r They have nothing on Mr. f-rtfl Mrs. Arthur Reed, who on the fol'cwing day were proud over the arrival of the daintiest little bit of humanity in the shape of a young laughter, which ha? added much joy to their heme, and all concerned are doinsr nicely. There was some concern regarding the happy fathers, but both are coming along fine now. Celebrated Birthday. A social event of much importance was celebrated when by their com plete surpris . some sixty of the iriends of Mrs. Arthur Arnold, who with her husband v ere going to the picture shew am5 had stopped at the home c;f Mr-. Arnold's brother. Jar vas Lar.c.i-ter ;ind wife for a short .tot) cn their way. and were sur prised by a company of s'irae sixty who had timed their appearance to the visit. The evening was one which every one present erj'-yed and was a sure surprise on the lady whose birthday they had chosen to celebrate. The evening was pleasantlv enjoyed and was added to when all were called to sit down to a suniptious supper, which had been prepared by the guests. Visiting in South. Mrs. J. V. Rerger and son-in-law J. H. Drown, departed a week ago for Ness county Kansas, wherp they were to visit at the home of George Herser. Mrs. - Rerger departed lor Oklahoma City, where she will visit at tiie home of her daughter. Mrs. Hteiner. for some time. p. n. Rrovn with the conclusion of his visit in Kansas and the completion of some business which he was looking after in Hie "sunflower" state, returned home, arriving last Mondav. Settles For Injun. Lust Monday in company with Dr. If fcnyof the readers of thp Journal Irr.oy of any social eTentoritem of Interest In ibtti vicinity, and will mail same to tbis ofllce. It will ap pear under tbis tieadirifr. VTe wart all news lticsEriTon !:. r. Diendtl, his physician, C. M. Heed was a visitor at Lincoln, where he settled with the I'nion Accident Ir-crance company for the time lost while he was incapacitated by lea s vi of the injury which he received i.i one of his thumbs, the company paying hiin one hundred dollars in fc" lament. II r. Keed says he is sat i lied that the company is a straight forward concern and that he took il:e insurance nearly three years ago through their agent J. V. Holmes, of I'ltismouth. Murray School Notes. Clara Mrasek was absent from school Monday. Curtis Farris spent Sunday after neon with Lester Long. Violet Vallery called on Blanche Scoiten Sunday afternoon. Lois Scotten spent Sunday after neon at the home of Doris Wright. Lr nson Timm returned to school M. iiday after a two week's absence. Leon Gansemer was a visitor at the 1-cme of Margaret Puis Friday. Nellie and Vitas Tinker visited v. i i'i Mabel and Charles Howard Sun day. Violet Keil and Rose Read were viM'ors at our school Friday morn in Ardei h school iast Read was absent week on account of from siek- ncss. Lester, Leon, and Clell Gansemer pnt Sunday at the home of Ralph and Leslie Gansemer. The first grade had a vacation Friday while the second and third grades totk examination. F.sther Puis has been on the sick l!s t o si?:;e Saturday amr v a- not able return t' school Monday. Margaret Dietl. Hazel. Davis, i'.iche Scotten. and Violet Vallery Sunday afternoon wi'h Marie v Carl. Joe. and Henry Dietl. Dick Maui; and Kenneth Farris went skrt- r.g Sund:y afternoon. They found the :ee lather rough. Mjbel Howard wa sick with the grirpe last week and w.i compelled. U' he absent from school several day.-. She returned Thursday morn igr. just in time to take the examina tions. ' :!ii and Vilas Tucker are le?.v ir.!." '.:r school today, for which we p." all very s-orry. The best wishes 0f t).e school go with them, and no;- - that They will enjoy their work in their rev school. The w; tits of the seventh grade -V.'arited: More spelling Gladvs Mrasek. ""Vantedr More 'Arithmetic Hel en Perrv. V.'n; ed : car o clr: V.ont.-d: Il;e-.iv. W-iiite !: Die-1 Van ted: 1 -Oil -T. Tiie snow to fall so th riding Dick March. Jess geograp Less Reading - ( More hiiorv I r l -te- V,' ;,.... V," the who nted: have tupils want Fewer subjects. Elsie now t( Id the wants of all up stairs so that those less work will have to more. offtji $eoo roii stayer OF ADRIAN BAR STOW Lincoln. Jan. I'.V Reward for the the arrest and conviction of the mur- lerej of Adrian F. P.arrtow. promi nent young Lincoln bt;sine-s man. vho was shot to death in the front yard of his lumie here late Saturday aii.'it. now totals $Cio. The state, through Governor McKelvie. autho rised a reward of $J00; lanc-.ister ou'i v put up $100 for information 'eading to the apprehension of the slayer and the Rarstow family added !foli:j to the fund. Police are without any clews iu the case. FOR SALE Seventeen acres of land 1' V miles west of Murray. Six room bouc ond small out-buildings. J. L. SMITH. The Journal has received a fine lire of "Standard" diaries. Will Serve Lunch! will serve Lunch. Tobac co, Cigars, Cigarettes and all needed Refreshments at Pub lic Sales this season. Make dates with Col. W. R. Young. Oscar Jailer, Murray Nebraska 1 AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. RATES REASONABLE .SATISFACTION 02 HO PAY! REVERSE ALL, CALLS Telephone 423 Plattsmoutli Exchange ?s c Household Goods Great Sacrifice! FURNITURE BEEN USED THREE MONTHS One new 6-hole coal range with reservoir. One new enamel kitchen table. Eight chairs. Two rockers. One oak pedestal. One drop head Singer sew ing machine. Two beds complete. Twe dressers. Two 9x1 2 rugs. Four small rugs. One gas lamp. Six window shades. One clock. One Vacuum cleaner. One heating stove and nu merous other articles. Everything marked at a sac rifice price; want to sell at once. This entire lot is moved to Christ & Ghrist Furniture store at 4th and Main streets. Every article will be sold as marked. PHONE 645. CARSON MAY REFUSE ULSTER PREMIERSHIP London. Jan. 24.. Sir Edward Car on is expected to refuse the pre miership of the province of Clsier and also intimates his withdrawal from Irish affairs when he receives an Cster delegation tomorrow, says the Daily Mail. He will continue his interest in Ireland, the newspaper declared, "simply as a well wisher frcru England." The Mail says King George may open the Ulster parlia ment next month. PUBLIC SALE! We will offer for sale at public aurtb.n on the John Engelkcmier farm 7 miles west, U mile north of Murray and 3 miles north and 4 miles east of Weeping Water, on Sat urday, February loth. 1921, the fol lowing described property. Sale commences at 1:20 p. m. Horses One team bay, C and 11 years, wciit2800; one team bay and krrel 7 and C, years, weight 2"00; u;e mare, smooth mouth, weight 1 o:r ; one team, coming 4 year olds, we;ht one mare 10 years, weight 12o0; one colt 3 years, weight 12 r.0. Ka-m implements One set harness 1 ' iiii-h, one Newton wagon, one truck wagon, one buggy, one disk harrow, two riding Badger cultiva tors, two John Deere listers, one sulky plow, one John Deere gang plow, one P. & O. two-row cultivator, one new Hoosier seeder, one Deering binder, one stall: cutter, six tons timothy hay. Term: : All i ums of ?10 and un der, cash in hand; over that amount a credit of six months will be given, purchaser givir.c rote with approved iecuriiy bearing nine per cent inter est from date rf sale. Over 510, two per cent off for cash. KNGELKEMIER BROS, Owners. Col. W. 11. Young. Auctioneer. W. G. Boedekcr, Clerk. 3td 3tw. PUBLIC SALE! The undersigned will offer for sale at public auction at his farm, one mile west of Murray, beginning at 10 o'clock a. m., on Friday. Febru ary 4th. the following described property: Live Stock One bay horse, 4 years old. weight 3f.O; one buckskin mare, 4 years old. weight 13i0; one buck :.kin mare. 8 years old. werght 1T00; one brown mare, 3 years old, weight 150; one gray mare, 11 years old, weight lo50; one bay mare, 11 years old. weight 1400; one bay horse colt. 2 years old, one bay mare colt, 2 years old: one buckskin horse colt, 2 years old; one bay mare colt, 1 year old; one buckskin mare colt. 1 year old; seven cows, one giving milk; six yearling steers, one year ling heifer, three spring steer calves, four spring heifer calves, one 3-year-old Red Polled bull. Farm Machinery One John Deere binder, 7-ft., one John Deere wagon, one John Deere corn planter, one Bradley riding lister, one walking lister, one Case gang plow, 12-in., one 14-in. walking plow, one Badger cultivator, one King grain drill, one 3-section harrow, one McCormick mower, one Sterling 2-row stalk cut ter, one elevator, power and jack, three sets of work harness, one hay rack, one disk harrow, some house hold furniture, and numerous other articles. Oscar Nailor will serve lunch at noon. Terms of Sale: "ATI sums of $10 and under, cash in hand; over that amount a credit of nine months will he given, purchaser giving note with approved security bearing eight per cent interest from date of sale. All property must be settled for before being removed from the premises. O. A. DAVIS. Owner. W. R. Young, Auctioneer. !V. G. Bcedeker. Clerk. Wheo you think of printing, yon can't Lelp but think of ns. BETTER THAU GOLD. Everybody knows by experience that good advice is better than gold. A fresh and convincing proof is given in the following letter sent us by Mr. John Murnik, Brilliant. Ohio, Dec. 6: "Here lives a man who has suffered from stomach troubles for a long time. He tried all possible med icines, but his case seemed to be hopeless. Then finally I told him to try Triner's Hitter Wine. He fol lowed my advice, and today he is again in the best of health and recommend.-, Triner's Hitter Wine to ev eryone whom he meets." He can do so in all conscience, because Triner's Hitter Wine is an unparalleled rem edy for constipation, poor appetite, headaches, nervousness, insomnia and ether sufi'en'ngs, connected with stom ach disorders. Your druggist or dealer in medicines h;.s it in stock a? well as Triner's Liniment which is the best preparation after expo sure to cold or rainy weather. Jo ee Jarvis at Once! Jarvis Lancaster is offering the following goods at very attractive prices, and those who are needing such article will find it to their advantage to see him. One Ottawa "C" cylinder corn sheller; one Excel sior motorcycle; one Reeves saw mill in good condition; one Chalmers six, 1917 model auto in good condition; one Reo truck (1917 model) in good condition; one 1916 model Ford touring car. JARVIS l - lorage Yes, winter is here, and if the storage batteries do not give the best of satisfaction, bring them to us, and we will place them in first class condition for you. We have just added a new TUN GAR RECTIFIER for charging batteries, and are prepared to care for all your battery wants, having all needed parts and re pairs. In addition we also carry an excellent line of new batteries. The Murray Garage L. H. PULS, Manager pring is Coming Near! A few days off yet we will allow, but the days will soon be past, and we must be ready with the work when the time comes. Now is the time to get things ready on the farm. How about the implements, and the hamecs, do they need looking after? We are carry ing a full and complete stock of hardware, and at the best of prices. See us for anything in the line needed. We are carrying a good stock of horse collars and in fact all farm necessities. W. H. Puis Murray, Does This Interest You? You can make some money. See the specials this week and as long as they last. We are offering some very attractive figures on rubber goods, especially in ladies and misses rubber overshoes. FOR THIS WEEK We are offering corn, beans and peas at 10 cents per can. Better hurry! HERE YOU ARE With every $10.00 purchase of goods in our store, we will give you a $1.40 can (3-lbs.) of Butternut coffee for $1.20. F. T. WILSON THE SERVICE STORE MURRAY seph Triner Company. 133C-4 5 S. Ashland Avenue. Chicago, 111. CLOVER SEED WANTED. Anyone having clover seed, advise number of bushels. Highest market price paid your track. Mailing pouch sent on request. JOHNSON BROS. Nebraska City. Neb. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Several improved farms in Cass county, ranging from 40 acre to Hit) acre tracts. Terms to suit and priced right. 1. O. box 677. FRANK VALLKUY, Plattsmouth, Neb. Durcc Jerseys for Sale. A fw more of those fine Duroc Jersey boars for sale at $45 dollars each. ALBERT YOUNG. AGASTEK Hardware Nebraska I JEBRASKA Batteries!