The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 13, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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"' THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1921.
The price of our dry cloning
cuts down the price of clothes.
Dainty Dorothy says that she
has found out that we take
most excellent care of the gar
ments entrusted to us and that
our charges should make friends
for this house. Oar dyeing
proves satisfactory, as we use
th? latest approved methods and
the best dyes.
I Goods Called for and Delivered
P T? i 1 IT J '1 I V I AJ B I I I
5 i-iONl A: ',t- OPPOSITE 0
g It-6 JCL'KNAL Off ICE g
i.,r? Monday's Dally.
V.. H. Hesscnflow of Cedar Creek
ix", in. the city last evening, coming
i:i to 1 ok alter a few matters of
i'scur Z.rr of South Bend, was a
visitor in the city today for a few
h-ur-. attending to some matters of
business at the court bouse.
:;h,:::; (. I). Quinton went to
Greenwood this morning, where he
ivn? cai!'1! to look after some matters
of importance for the county.
AMorncy I). Ganz of Alvo, was
ii. the city today for a short time
attending to a few matters in the
county court before Judge Bceson.
Mrs. A. Kosencrans and little
fo:i. Pillie. departed for Nehawka
Faturday afternoon, where they spent
Sunday visiting at the home of Mr
aijj jvir;s John G. Wuuderlich and
W. K. Countryman, who is now
cniraired in farming near Takamah,
NV'.. came in this afternoon for a
shrt vi-if here on business matters
and with his relatives and friends in
the county.
I rcd Pyikbothtni and wife, who
have teen ' i.-4ting with relatives and
frlf-nd:' at Dixon, N'eb., returned
lu.m- last evening. They have been
gue.-t.s at the home of Mrs. Sydcboth-en:'.-
:ister. ?.Irs. Frank Barcus and
family, for the past two weeks.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Charles Heichart cf Louisville, was
in the city today for a few hours at-tt.iii-ig
to i-ome matters of business
at the court house.
IT.:i. V. B. Banning of Union, was
in iht city today for a few hours at
tending to some matters of business
with the county commissioners.
P. Cook of Alvp, who is an ap
plicant for the po.-.ition of county
highway coinmis-sioner. was in the
city todry interviewing the board of
county con: miss toners.
V.". "!. I'ul- of Muray. one of the
kv'inr residents of that thriving
little city. cnfO up this afternoon to
lof.k i.Cl-v sonif? business matters be
fore the board of county commis
sioners. August I-ibershal. of Marquette,
Michigan, arrived last evening from
the east, called here by the death of
his father. John Libershal. and will
ren:ain over the funeral services
which will be held on Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Ilc-nry Heil. Jr.. and
daughter, Kdna. wre in the city to
day for a few horrs. motoring in
fro:n their home near Cedar Creek
with Walter Heil. and spent the time
here visiting with their friends in
the county seat.
George Cock, one of the prominent
residents of Alvo. wr.s in the city to
day visiting with his friends in the
county seat and while here was a
ealkr nf the Journal olRce and re
newed his subscription to the senii
weckly edition. Mr. Cook has been
visiting his sisters. Mrs. T. V.'. Val
lery and Mrs. 3. O. Cole and also,
with his brother, E. Cook and family.
Society of Friends Voice Sentiments
in Letter Addressed to the President-Elect
on Subject.
The Religious Society of Friends
of the -United States have addressed
a letter to the president-elect in
which they have set forth their veiws
on the subject of increased naval
armament .and have given to the
press a copy of the letter which is as
Philadelphia. Pa., Jan. 4. 1921.
Warren G. Harding, .
Marion. Ohio.
Dear Friend:
The people of the United States
are vitally interested in the amount
of taxes they will be called upon to
pay during the years that lie im
mediately ahead. The items that
enter into the national budget are
therefore of more absorbing interest
no wthan perhaps ever before.
Nearly 68 per cent of the budget as
it stood shortly before the end of
the last fiscal year was devoted to
the payment of charges incurred in
the conduct of recent and previous
wars, and nearly 25 per cent to the
expenses of the war and navy de
partments. In all, therefore, a to
tal of nearly 93 per cent was devot
ed to past war and preparation for
possible future war. We cannot
shake off our liability for obligations
incurred in the past, but we can
resolve not to assume the intolerable
burden of armament competition in
; preparation for another conflict.
There has already been striking evi-
dence that the common people are
increasingly demanding relief from
the appalling cost of modern war
fare. The great conflict left no more ur
gent problem than that of making,
future wars impossible. The col
ossal destruction of life and proper
ty, the vast sum of human suffering
involved in war, the danger that an
other conflict may destroy our very
civilization itself, have all turned
men's minds as never before, toward
the goal of international peace and
good will. Statesmen and leaders
are striving to attain it. The mas
ses of people everywhere long for its
realization. The most practical first
step in the direction of peace and
good will is the reduction of na
tional armaments.
Major General Tasker H. Bliss in
a remarkable address recently deliv
ered in Philadelphia, referred to the
doctrine of increasing armaments,
heretofore adopted by other nations.
"The application of this doctrine,"
he said, "seems to have a tendency
it is true, to reduce the frequency
of wars. But the ultimate result
is inevitable. The pent-upn dynamic
forces of the nations reach a point
tension at which resistence ceases
and then comes an explosion which
rocks the world to its base." Those
are mistaken, he states, "who may
think there can be an enduring and
effective association of the nations
for the maintenance of peace so long
as those nations are armed to the
teeth solely against each other. And
those are mistaken who think that,
so long as the present military sys
tem exists, there can be any peaceful
international court of arbitration."
We are convinced that these state
ments are profoundly true, and
therefore heartily endorse anel urge
upon the favorable attention of the
executive and legislative branches of
our government, the two proposals
that have been put forward looking
toward the reduction of armaments:
First: That this country shall
enter into an agreement with other
nations for a so-called naval holi
ray and refrain from new naval con
struction for a period of years.
Second: The even more funda
mental and important proopsal so
convincingly presented by General
Bliss, that this country shall take
the lead in a movement looking to
ward a world-wide reduction of ar
mies. Financial considerations alone are
sufficient to Justify these proposals.
Bht far more fundamental is the
avoidance of future war. May the
United States embrace to the full,
the wonderful and Christian consid
erations, and upon which the con
tinuation of our civilization may de
pend. On behalf of Philadelphia Yearly
Meeting of the Religious .Society of
WM. B. HARNEY, Scc'y.
For any itchiness of the skin, for
skin rashes, chap, pimples, etc., try
Down's Ointment. 60c at all drug
From Wednesday's Dally.
C. M. Chrtr.v.j?ser cf near N'ehaw
ka. wns a visitor in the city today
for a few hoi'rs looking after some
matters of business. '
Jacob Tritsch and wife departed
thi-i morning on the early Burlington
train for Omaha where they will en
joy the day visiting with friends.
County Attorney A. G. Cole de
parted this afternoon for Weeping
Water, where he was called to look
after some matters for the county
for a few hours.
Lyle Gilmore and wife, who have
been here visiting at the some of Mr.
Gilmore's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W.
L. GiUnore. for a tew days, departed
this afttrnooa for Omaha.
The matter of paving the high
way from the end of the pavement
in South Omaha to Fort Crook, is a
matter in which the residents of this
county who have automobiles will
be greatly interested and it bids fair
to he carried out. if the present plans
rroposed are accepted. J. H. Mc
Donald, chief of the bureau of pub
lic roads, at Washington, has taken
the matter up and as it is a military
highway, has suggested that it be
paved under the federal aid act.
The improving of the road has been
taken up by Congressman Jefferis in
whose district it is located and will
be brought to the attention of the
Nebraska department of public
Miss L. I can't very well answer
you without knowing more about
what you write. In the 2nd reel
of my latest picture "Mid-Channel",
which will be shown on Thursday at
the Koreland, you'll eet the best dos-
sible answer to your question.
Feel languid, weak, run down?!
Headache? Stomach "off?" A irood I
remedy is Burdock Blood Bitters.
Ask your druggist. Price, $1.25..
Poultry Wanted!
A car load of live poultry to be de
livered at poultry car near Burling
ton freight House on Saturday, Jan
uary 15th, for which we will pay in
Hens 24o
Pullets 24:.
Young roosters 20c
Old cocks 13c
Ducks 22:
Gecss 19c
Turkeys 27c
Remember the date. We will be
on hand rain or shine and take in al!
poultry offered for sale.
Asserted to Have Broken Down a
Radicals Accuse Him cf
"Selline Cause."
New York. Jan. 11. The Jowisi
News bureau today made publi.
wireless advices from Berlin statin;
that Lenine, premier of soviet Rus
sia, was ill in Moscow from a gen
eral breakdown accentuated by re
cent violent attacks upon him b;
extremist in the communist part
who accused him of "selling out to th
Calls Communism Robbery.
Berlin. Jan. 11. "Communism ii
Russia is robberism; it tolerates im
prisonment, persecution and execu
tion without trial; it has brough
Russia starvation, disease and death
There is no government. It is i
worse autocracy than czaristio gov
crnment and I lived there for ove;
twenty years under the czar." M
Schwartz, American socialist of Sat
Francisco, recently released fron
four months imprisonment in Mos
iow, declared today. With hi
wife, known twenty years in Amer
ica as a socialist worker under the
name of Jessie M. Molle, he went t
Russia last June and attended th
second congress of the third interna
The couple were thrown into pris
on August 6. because they failed U
approve conditions in Russia. The
were released December 3, after Mrs
Schwartz went on a hunger strike
Met By Brass Bands.
Mrs. Schwartz died at Reval De
comber 20. from the effects of hei
long solitary confinement and hun
ger, and her husband is returning
to America to give even worse pic
tures of conditions in Russia thar
many Italian. British and Germar
delegates to the congress of the thiro
Internationale have painted.
Describing the early part of hi;
visit, he said: "Everywhere ho went
we were met by brass bands am'
crowds waving red flags shoutinp
for the soviet government. But w(
weren't fooled. From the momen
we landed in Petrograd we saw mis
ery, dilapidation and squalor. We
suspected something was wrong,
which could not be explained merely
by revolution.
"I began talking to persons of al'
cb'.sses and broke away from our
bclshevist conductors. I soon found
that the shouting crowds had to
shout or their food ration would br
reduced or taken away. I never
talked with a single person outside
of officials, who had a good word tc
say for the soviet government.
Thrown Into New Prison.
"We asked for our baggage and
money and papers. We were told
we would be given them at the sta
tion. We carried more than ?M,00C
of American gold into Russia, which
had been taken from us, and we re
fused to move without it and were
thrown back into another prison
where my wife was the only woman
in a cell twenty feet square with
myself and thirty other men.
Finally the situation became so
desperate that she said she would
go on a hurfger strike and advertise
to fellow workers in America our
wrongs through her death rather
than continue to suffer.
"Five days later we were sent to
Reval, penniless. There the Ameri
can Y. M. C. A. gave us shelter, but
my wife had suffered too much. I
buried her there, assisted by the
American consul and Y. M. C. A.
workers and 1 am carrying a pic
ture of her grave back to our chil
dren and to the American workers
wh-. know how devoted she had been
to their cavse."
Sec Vick Sherwood for Masonic in-'
surance for Masons only. lm.
A lazy liver- leads to chronic dys
pepsia and constipation weakens
the whole byatem. Duan's liegulets
CJOc per box) act mildly on the liver
and bowels. At all drug stores.
The undersigned will offer for sale
at public auction, on the C. H. Boe
deker farm 4 1'2 miles west, mile
uorth of Murray, and 1 mile west
and 6 miles north of Nehawka, on
Monday. January 24th, 1921, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit:
Sale commencing at 10:00 a .in.
Horses 1 black team of horses,
G and 7 years old. wt. 2900; 1 gray
team of horses, 4 years old, wt. 2800;
1 sorrel team of horses, 3 years old,
wt. 2400; 1 bay team of horses, 10
and 11 years old, wt. 3000; 1 gray
horse, 12 years old, wt. 1400; 1 gray
mare, 12 years old, wt. 1350; 1 bay
mare, smooth mouth, wt. 1250; 1
bay horse, 2 years old; 1 bay hcrse,
1 year old; one bay mare, 2 years
Farming Implements One set 1
1-3 inch harness, two sets 1 1-2 inch
harness, three sets 1 3-4 inch har
ness, one set buggy harness, one sin
gle harness, two farm wagons, one
low wheel wagon, one John Deere
wagon, one bob sled, one topless bug
gy, one top buggy, one hay rack, two
three-row stalk cutters, one Janes
ville disc. 10x16, two P. & O. wide
tread listers, one Case two-row ma
chine, one Overland riding cultiva
tor, one John Deere riding cultiva
tor, cne Perfection riding cultivator,
one Hummer riding cultivator, two
tongueless cultivators, one McCor
mick mower, one Johnston mower,
one McCormitk rake, one Deer
ing binder (seven foot), one
Acme binder (G foot), two John
Deere stag gangs (12 inch), one
walking plow (12 inch), one John
Deere corn planter, one three-section
harrow, one Van Brunt grain drill
(12 disc), one Marseilles corn ele
vator, one Newton fanning mill, one
Victor feed grinder, one disc sharp
ener, one tank heater, one single
iole corn sheller.
Cows Five cows, will be frerh
oon; three bull calves, one year old;
wo heifer calves, one year old; one
Shorthorn bull, three years old;
hre suckling calves.
Oucar Nuilor will serve lunch from
lis wagon on the grounds.
Terms: All accounts amounting
o not over .$10, cash. Amounts ex
cusing $10. four months time will
e riven with approved security at
rine per cent interest.
RICIITER jmOS, Owners,
'ol. W. R. Youtig, Auctioneer.
V. G. Boedeker, Clerk.
W. R. Young, the Cass county auc
ioneer. i.-? ennouncing the following
Ues throughout this portion of Iowa
nd Nebraska. Mr. Young has had
reat succet a in his chosen line of
'crk and has secured some splendid
esults both for the persons holding
he sale and in getti-ng some good
argains for the purchasers.
Jan. 15 Frank Anderson, Poland
Pacific Junction.
17 J. Nelfon, Wyoming.
IS Wt.. Wood. Nebraska City
21 Edgar Morton, Union.
22 J. S. Rough. Nehawka. .
24 Richter Bros., Murray.
25 Ceo. II. Stoehr. Mynard.
2G Win. Krager
27- O. Pollock,
Fremont. ,
l. 28-1:1)
J a
-J. A. Middleton, Du
ne sale. Brunswick.
J:m. -30 Chris Murray. Mynard.
1 Joe Youngquist. Avoca
2 Win. J. Worth, Duroc,
3 Cenry Reuter, Dunbar
4 Ora Davis. Murray.
5 rEiigelkemier Bros., Mur-
7 J. C. Ixjveless, Weepin;
S -Win-r Schwalm, Louisville
: Chilcott Bros., Ilamp-
hire. W isner.
Feb. 10 Andy Loveless, Union
Feb. 11 Carl Schroder, Ilamp-
hire sale, Avoca.
Feb. 11 Pollard Bros., Hampshire
ale. at night.
1-eb. 12 Ray Pollard, Hampshire
ale. Nehawka.
Feb. 14 T. Krohel, Nebraska City
Feb. 15 Simon Gruher sale r all
icrsonal property and his 234 acre;
f land two miles west and one mile
orth of Union, at public auction.
Feb. 10 S. Ray Smith, Mynard.
rt'i). 14 rim liecKer, at "J:3u a.
ii.. sharp, Plattsmouth.
reb. 1 Shaffer Bros., Duroc sale
:30 p. m., Nehawka.
Feb. IS John Kunz, Otoe City.
Feb. 19 A. O. Ramge, Poland
"lima bred sow sale to be held in
he Gochenour barn at Plattsmouth
Feb. 21 .1. W. Tulene, Mynard.
Feb. 22 F. T. Wilson, Murray.
Feb. 23 Rudolph Heil, Cedar
Feb. 24 Lingren & Nider, llamp-
hire rale. Fairbury. Neb.
Feb. 25 Theo Hendricks. Hamp
Lire sale. Diller. Neb.
Feb. 2S J. Vallery. Jr.. Mynard.
Mar. i A. C. Tulene, Platts-
Sloan's Liniment should be kept
handy for aches and pains
WHY wait for a severe pain, an
ache, a rheumatic twinge fol
m m lowing exposure, a sore muscle,
Eciatica, or lumbago to make ybu quit
jvork, when you should have Sloan's
Liniment handy to help curb it and
keep you active, and fit, and on the job?
Without ruhhing, for it penetrates,
cpply a bit today to the afilicted part.
Kotcthe gratifying, clean .prompt relief
that follows. Sloan's Liniment couldn't
keep its many thousands of friends tli2
world over if it didn't make good.
,That's worth remembering. All druj
gists three sizes the" largest is this
most economical. 35c, 70c, i 1.40.
" "Hie Phonograph lOith a Soul" "
At last you can learn
What Edison Did
YOU wondered every
body wondered, and
practically nobody knew
how Edison "did his bit."
At last the official an
nouncement is out ! Come in
and get your cop v of the bul
letin: "What Did Edison
Do During the War?' or
write, if you can't call.
It tells what Edison did
while Chairman of the
Naval Consulting Board
how he spent months at
sea, experimenting and in-
during the War
venting devices for foiling
the German submarines.
The bulletin also tells how
Edison stood the gaff and
kept the price of the New
Edison down to bed-rock
during the era of high costs
and soaring prices. TheNew
Edison has increased in price
less than 15 since 191-
part of this increase is war
tax. The bulletin also tells
Mr. Edison's views on our
Budget Plan which makes
the New Edison easy to buy.
Weyrich & Hadrab
Watch for the announcement of Mr. Edison 's new research !
V. fl
Chappell, Neb., Jan. 10. The
First National Bank of Chappell,
Neb., has closed its doors awaiting
the action of the national bank ex
aminer as to its further activity and
resuming of business in the next
thirty days.
The inability to collect on its cus
tomers' notes, who insist upon the
markets strengthening before they
will dispose of their wheat in the
bin and elevators has caused this sus
pension. Dank officials assort depositors
will be paid in full. The bank af
fairs are regular and In good shape
they say, hut the inability to force
the collection of reliable wheat grow
ers' obligations to te bank has hin
dered the bank's progress the last
ninety days.
The First National bank was orga
nized as the Commercial State bank
in 188 6 but was converted into a
national bank in 1910 by H. I. Bab
cock the cashier.
H. I. Babcock has been cashier of
the bank for thirty-four years and
jit i entirely under his management.
he being the only one of the officers
who was active during that time.
Muskogee, Okla., Jan. 10. Eugene
Wiley, 14. son of a Muskogee, attor
ney, was shot to death today by Po
liceman Taiil Nobles., who says he
discovered Wiley and a companion
fleeing after committing a burglary.
n n
ui Giii r o ar ino
"Famous Wherever Corn rows"
Established 1851 Incorporated 1867
The Cylinder Machines
9 VIM' H. I
The Joliet Cylinder Corn Shellers possess all the advantages of other cyl
inder corn shellers and are free from their defects.
. They "do not require a man to stand behind them in the dust to keep back
the unshelled xears of corn.
In fact, these shellers are as nearly automatic as any machines can be that
require adjustment for different kinds of work.
We have these shellers in stock. Come in and look them over.
T. H- Pollock Garage,