The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 10, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    I V A".
111.11 I If L I LrtllO
was in IMattsmcutb
was in Lincoln
J. n. Newklrk
Simon Brakhage
Jsse Hardnock was in Plattsmouth
L. I). .MiilJ-'D was in Lincoln on
harness Friday.
Ceo. P. Foreman was in Valparaiso
lh first of the week.
Mrs. A. I. Bird and son Gayle. were
in Lincoln. Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Braun were
Lincoln isitor Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer spent
N-w Years day in South I!-rd.
(1. P. Foreman was in Valparaiso
visiting his sons. Monday and Tues
day. Orville Ingwerson has opened the
phrase formerly occupied by Sliger
.Mi-s Cecil Phillip of Lincoln. vis
i:ed Sunday with her si-tr-r. Mrs. i.
Jlirs Aurel Foreman returned
l.'-o'e Saturday even ins from Coun-
i! Bluffs. Iowa.
S -ott Jorl::n and IT. Dernier
-b:'pp'-d hogs to the F.u'h Omaha
rk-ts Thursday.
(ieortre P. Foreman attended the
y'u'e farm bureau meeting at the
farm Thursday. :
.Mi s. A. B. St roeraer. Mrs. Wm.
Yaerer and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer were
;.;:sr-er.s rs t Lincoln Friday morn
; n g.
Henry f'lapp went to Omaha on
1 u?ine Monday, and Mrs. Clapp is
visiting lier parents here until his re
t urn.
Guests at the G. P. Foreman home
Saturday evening, were Leonard
Beans, and Mr. Hadley and friend of
The snow has almost disappeared
and the warm weather permits pro
gress in t!,e work on the M. K. church
A. X. Myers sold his barber shop,
t" E. K. Miller, who comes from
Yirksburg. Mich., and took possession
c 1 the shop Tuesday.
Porter Appletnan of Atlantic. Iowa,
came in Tuesday evening his
brothers L. B. and Harry Appleman,
!eu:niiiir home Thursday.
Mrs. FHa Prouty and son Orvi'.le
Prouty of Denton, were in town last
week looking after matters of busi
ness and vi.-iting old friends.
Mrs. E'lis Coon and children and
brother. Georce Hardnock. returned
?.Ionday evening from Beaver. Iowa.
vlifTc ili-y have been visiting rela
tive.; over the holidays.
C;:rl Grant left Tuesday for bis
h'-m in (.'tiieago. after several weeks
s;nt be-e with his niece. Mrs. Her
bert Jlodre and family and at Clay
Center. Kas.. with his sister, Mrs.
Sand born.
Last Thursday the Misses Carmen
and Marguerite Muir and Lillian
Curves were invited to sperd the
day with the latter's grandmother.
Mrs. Geo.'W. Curyea, this being an
animal custom. Th.e vorng ladies
parents. Dr. and Mrs. B. Muir. and
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Curyea. spent
the evening with them.
Not If As Rich as Cresus
If you were as rich as Cresus you
could not buy a better remedy for
constipation than Chamberlain's Tab
lets. They are easy and pleasant to
take and when the proper dose is
taken produce a mild and gentle ef
fect. They also strengthen the di-pe.-t
See Vick Sherwood for 3Iasonic in
surance for Masons onlv. In.
A plat book of Cass
$ 1 2 . 0 for immediate sale,
the Journal office.
Call at
Four-Hour Descent by Depositors at
Lexington, Ky. Bank of Com
merce Object of Run.
Lexington. Ky.. Jan. C. A four
hour run on a local bank, together
with the starting of a grand jury
investigation of rumors that caused
the run and news that Gov. Edwin
P. Morrow has under consideration
conference to bring about the settle
ment of the tobacco situation, were
the chief developments in the central
Kentucky tobacco district today.
County mass meetings of growers
who forced the closing of most state
markets this week, when they refuesd
to accept prrces offered, today se
lected delegates to a general mass
meetine to be held here tomorrow.
The meeting :s to decide whether or
not tobacco shall be planted in 1921
and to attempt to devise means of
marketing tLe 1920 crop.
The Bank of Commerce was the ob
ject of the run. Rumors that the
bank had loaned so much money on
tobacco that it could not pay depos
itors were alleged to have been re
sponsible. It was said that the ru
mors reached bank officials last night
and Cashier F. G. Stilz asked the
clearance house committee to exam
ine the books. This committee to
day issued a statement that the bank
was solvent. Mr. Stilz supplemented
this with a statement that all depos
itors were fully secured.
These statements with heavy de
posits by business men and trans
fers of large sums of cash from oth
er institutions to the bank appar
ently quieted depositors before clos
ing time and withdrawal slackened.
The bank, in its statement of De
cember 31. showed resources of
$2.397. 4Ti0. 97 and deposits of ?2.49C
;95.1. notes and bills discounted to
talled $2.9.r,l,4SG.4S.
Markets throughout tbe-Burley to
bacco district remained closed today
except a few of the smaller ones
which did not close when the larger
warehouses suspended sales.
Lamar. Mo., Jan. C. The Milford
State bank of Milford. Mo., failed to
open toAay and the state bank exam
iner soon is expected to begin ah au
dit of the institution's affairs. W.
M. Halpin. cashier of the Commer
cial State bank of Mount Washing
ton. Mo., which was closed yesterday,
is vie president of the bank. Hp
is missing.
ing Water. Mr. and Mrs. Wiles ex
pect to leave soon for California to
spend the winter.
Weeping Water has a lot of ad
vantages that California and Florida
are supposed to have a monopoly on.
but don't. When it comes to grow-
LincoLn Woman Says She Cant Find ing lemons for instance. Weeping
Words to Express Her Grati
tude for Tanlac.
When You Are Bilious
To promote a healthy action of the
liver and correct the disorders caus
ed by biliousness Chamberlain's Tab
lets are excellent. Try them and
see how quickly they give you a
relish for your food and banish that
dull stupid feeling.
The Masonic Protective Associa
tion for Masons only. Protect your
dffily income. See or call V. E. Sher
wood, lm.
All candidates in the doll contest
are requested to bring in their votes
at once.
You can get any kind of a diary
you wish by coming early and pick
ing from the Journal's sample line
of "Standard" diaries now on sale.
Buying Grain and Stock!
We always pay the highest price for Grain and
Stock. We own and run our own elevator and mix
and grade up our grain, enabling us to always pay
top prices.
The Old Year is Gone:-
It has done about all it can for us. We
have endeavored to make the best of
every day of it. The new year is at hand
and with it will come new work, added
responsibilities, but hand-in-hand with
the friends of the past we shall not hesi
tate to tread the path that leads into the
future. Let us all work together in 1921
to the end that all may prosper. We are
wishing you, our many friends, a most
Happy and joyous New Year.
Coalman Hardware,
"Even before I had taken half a
bottle of Tanlac I noticed u wonder
ful improvement in my condition,"
said Mrs. Elizabeth Finnell, 1C41 X
street. Lincoln, Neb.
"For five years, everything I ate;
fermented and bloated and distressed
me terribly. I had to be taking
something constantly for constipation
and at times my feet would swell un
til I could hardly stand. My nerves
were shattered, I couldn't sleep and
bad awful headaches. I often got so
dizzy I had to sit down and was so
weak I could scarcely do any of my
"Well. I read a lot about Tanlac
and decided to try it. My appeti'e
was never better and I don't think
anyone has any better digestion than
I have. The headaches, dizzy spells
and weakness have left me and, my
nerves are calm and steady so that I
sleep peacefully every night and get
up feeling fine and my housework is
not a bit of trouble."
Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by
F. G. Fricke and Company; in Mur
ray by the Murray Drug company,
and the leading druggist in every
1 I "1 IllTlUM'H
i nmcti i r
4. i- W J 1 V 11.I.J-.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gobelman
returned home Sunday from Creigh
ton. where they were called last
week by the death of Louis Weber,
a brother-in-law of Mrs. Gobelman.
who die from acute stomach trouble
of a cancerous nature. He leaves a
widow. Mr. Weber was a retired
farmer and owned 160 acres of land
near Creighton.
William Stander shelled his corn
last week and is making his pre
parations to hold his sale January
18th. after which he and his wife
will go to California for an extended
stay during which time they will
visit relatives and friends and look
over the situation with a view of
purchasing a home if they find things
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sprieck enter
tained a number of relatives and old
friends at their country home on
New Year's day at a delicious roast
duck dinner with all the fancy trim
mings. The afternoon passed most
pleasantly in music on their new
Edison and in conversation. Those
present on this happy occasion were
Mrs. Sprieck's brother and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fornoff. Mr. and
Mrs. John Rusche and the latter's
brother. Philip Fornoff; Thomas Ten
nant and family; Clarence liusehe
and wife, of Cedar Creek; Miss Dulcie
Waldron. Mrs. George Waldron and
son Orville of Two Harbors, Minnesota.
Freddie Schliefert, the youngest
son of Mr and Fred Schliefert.
had the misfortune to injure his left
foot very badly the latter part of
last wee when he jumkped from a
wall onto some hay. He struck his
foot against a stone that was con
cealed in the hay and Dr. Worth
man was obliged to put his foot in
a plaster cast. He was unable at
first to determine whether the foot
was broken or not, but after keeping
it in a cast for a few days, he will be
able to tell more about it. It may
be necessary to have an X-ray taken
of the foot. After the first day and
night he did not suffer very much
from it, and it is to be hoped that
it may not prove so serious as was
at first feared.
The annual meeting of the Kahler
Pottery coir. pany was held at the of
fice of the company on Monday af
ternoon, a majority of the stockhold
ers being present. Secretary Forest
Drunson had prepared typewritten
reports of the condition of the affairs
of the company, which was found to
be most flattering and General Man
ager Kahler and his assistants were
warmly complimented by the stock
holders for the businesslike manner
in which the enterprise has been con
ducted during the past year. The
board of directors had met a few
days previously and gone over the
affairs of the company and voted a
substantial dividend which was paid
to the stockholders at the annual
meeting. The old members of the
board of directors were re-elected for
the ensuing year as follows: Philip
F. Kahler. Thomas E. Parmele, H. A.
Funke. Forest Brunson and L. J.
Mayfield. There being no further
business the meeting was adjourned.
Water does not have to take a back
seat. George Ilitchman, Jr., was
exhibiting a lemon one day this week
grown at their home. It was fuliy
three times the size of the largest
we see on the market and weighed
18 ounces. The tree is twenty years
old and produces fruit every year.
Last year it produced seventeen fine
lemons, the largest weighing 2:'.
C. A. Anderson, a long time resi
dent of this community, d;ed Sun
day morning at the home of his sons,
Dan and Albert, southwest of Ne
hawka. Funeral services were held
from the home at one o'clock Tues
day and the remains laid to rest in
Nehawka cemetery by the side of his
wife, who preceded him to the great
beyond about a year ago. Mr. Ander
son had been in poor health for a
long time and had made his home
with his daughter, Mrs. Bedella
Stander of Louisville, but has lately
been making his home with the two
sons and the daughter, Mrs. Henry
Meyers and was up and around and
was sitting by the fire when taken
severely 111 and died two hours later.
Mr. Anderson was 79 years old at
the time of his death. He lived with
l is family in Weeping Water for
many years. He leaves to mourn his
loss, three sons, Dan. Albert and Al
fred, five daughters, Mrs. E. It. Stan
der, of Wisley. Kansas; Mrs. Henry
Myers and Mrs. Louis Ross, both of
Nehawka; Mrs. Bedella Stander, of
Louisville and Miss Esther Anderson,
who is teaching' school at Los -An-gtles,
Sam is getting along as well as could services of Miss Geyger were con
be expected. I ducted by Rev. Sala of the M'-thodist
Miss Emma Gyger. who died in ehurcii.
Lincoln on December 29th. 1920, was i
buried in the Elm wood cemetery last
Friday. Her death was due to pul
monary tuberculosis, of which she
bad been a sufferer. At the time of
her death she was 51 years of age.
She leaves three brothers, Jackson, of
Ashland. Oregon; Mark, of Sedge
wick, Colorado and J. ('.', of Chap
pell, the latter being here to attend
the funeral. Miss Geyger was born
in Elm wood June 19, 1SC9. For a
number of years she und her broth
er, Stephen, lived in the Geyger home
near the M. E. church. Stephen died
some months ago and was buried in
the Elmwood cemetery. The funeral
BR. P.
Dr. P. L. Hall was elected presi
dent and II. D. Landis of Seward. !
vice president of the Nebraska state j
university board of regents for the
coming biennial at a meeting held
at the university at 11 a. m., Thurs
day. The Thursdr.y morning meeting ,
was the first session attended by the
newly elected members of the board. I
George N. Seymour of Elgin. Neb.. !
and V.. L. Bates, formerly of Kim- :
ball, who is moving to Lincoln with i
his family and will remain this win
ter. N. J. Riley, president of the alum
ni association, met with the bo: id
and suggested Mme policies in con
nection with the alumni association
next year. Recent Frank W. Jiubon
was unable to attend the meeting.
The meeting will be continued
during the afternoon. The morning
ehion was taken up with the flec
tion of orfieers and discussion.
Duroc Jerseys for Sale.
A fw more of ihose fine Dunc
Jersey boar: for sale at $4. dollars
Charlev McBride and Wm. Hottle
closed up a deal on Monday where-!
by the former has rented the farm i
of the latter. Mr. McBride will;
move to the Hottle fa"rm some time,
next month. He is now living on j
the Peter Stutz farm. Charley is a
good farmer and we know he has '
secured a mighty good farm and ifi
favored with a good season, will
raise some bumper crops. j
A letter from John M. Creamer of
Lirlcoln. states. "I am just dropping
you a line to let you know where
to send our paper. We are located
at 1S2S F street." John has moved
to Lincoln after having served a
good many years at the banking
business. He does not say what he
is intending to do. but we know that
John will not be idle and we expect
to hear soon that he is in a fine
position working at a useful job be
fore long.
Fred Ronneau was over from
Syracuse last Saturday for a short
visit with relatives here. Fred came
to get his brother-in-law. Wm. Rog
ers, who has been sick with rheu
matism and has been staying with
Mr. and Mrs. John Lynn. Fred says
that his wife has been on the sick
list loo for a week or so and taking,
all around he has been acting as
housekeeper and keeping the farm
work going too. Fred is looking
well and we judge that he is en
joying life as usual, but would like
to sell some of his surplus stock and.
corn. i
On Tuesday morning Sam Hum-!
phrey, while cutting limbs from trees!
that interfered with the electric light!
wires had the misfortune to cut his:
ieft wrist very severely. He was up
in a large tree and in using a hatchet I
it hit another limb, glancing away
from his aim and struck his wrist,
cutting a large gash to the bone.
The wound was bleeding badly and
when he was eotten down he was
rather pale. With the doctor's care.
Our January Sale
-Silks and Velvets!-
Values that will surely interest you are offered
you in this sale of silks!
wrill not wear rough. In all shades.
36 inches wide, regular
$5.50 values
inches wide and of extra good qual
ity. This is a $5.50 per
3'ard seller; now
Full 36 inches wide. This has been
selling at $5.00 per yard,
but now goes at
CREPE DE CHINE Plain colors
and shirting stripes; 33 and 40 inches
wide. $3.00 and $3.50
quality at per yd
SILK POPLIN Fine quality 40-inch
silk poplin that has sold regularly at
$3.00 per yard is now on
sale at
36-inch, in black, navy, brown pur
ple and taupe; a $5.50
quality at per yd
Fine Woolen Coatings at Greatly
Reduced Prices!
$3.50 values
$5.50 values
$1.95 $7.00 and $8.00 values $4.95
$5.00 plushes, per jTard 2.95
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
H"1 11H Mill M ' 1 YV IM'H
" iiiiinn g. .g. .g. -g-.g. .i-a--!. i, Mini
Miss Emily Wolph. of Nehawka, i
is a new member of the faculty of
he Weeping Water high school, tak
ing the place of Mr. Clarence W.
Kelso, who resigned at the beginning
of the Christmas vacation.
On Wednesday of last week Mr.
and Mrs. Philip Horn and children.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Tritsch and two
children and Mr. Walter Herger
took their dinners and took a sleigh
ride down to the Wilson Gilmore
home, where they spent the day vis
Mr. George Fhaefer, of Manley,
brought his daughter. Miss Carrie
home from the hospital in Omaha
Monday night where she had been
taking treatment for some time.
They went out to the home of his
daughter. Mrs. Edward Pankonin.
where they will staj until Miss Car
rie gets strong enough to keep house.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wiles enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wiles and
two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wiles
and children and Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Jones and children to a dinner t
last Thursday at their home in Weep-
55 rP
f Reduction In Suits and
' Overcoats Alone
Every suit marked to I
its present and in many
cases. below nresent I
cost, for quick reduc
tion of stock and to
turn, it into money.
Hart, Schaffner
& Marx
Clothcraft and
Society Brand
$10 to $35
N - O - W
$17 and up
$20, $30, $40 buys a
suit to match the big
store "sale suit" and
will save you dollars.
We are very gratified to hear from some of our
friends, who have been attracted to Omaha by the news
paper Sale Siren
On asking to see the Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Kuppen
heimer $50 suits, marked down to $25, they were shown in all
cases Long Dip Front Coats, Over Padded Shoulders, Peg Top Pants
and some more Modern lines, but built from gunny-sack cloth.
YOU BET-CHA we sold you these wild-eyed buzzards ten
years ago for $7.50 to $15. And if we have any left that we
don't use for mops, you can still buy them at that figure.
LISTEN IF YOU WILL Please don't go candied nuts on low j
pnees. .Lower prices came suaaeniy in our lines, orougnx aooui ay s
public sentiment, overstocks, a chance to buy better merchandise g
than had been seen for four years and to turn stocks into money, !
at all costs. Any honest merchant, no matter what line he sells, j
will tell you he cannot go into the market and buy 50 cheaper j
clothing for spring these reductions in the most part are actually
with the merchant. Your chance for gain is now, certainly, if you j
know merchandise, or have confidence in your merchant, and you I
should, for he must be sincere with you now, or he is up the
proverbial creek without a paddle.
WE DON'T MIND telling you we have taken better than a
$3,000 mark down on our clothing stock the past month from $10
to $35 on every suit and overcoat in the house. You are asked
to compare values. Shop here first YOU'LL COME BACK!
To our many friends
and wearers of
$1.25 silks now
j 75c lisle now-
i5r'We like to have you like to trade with us.
J You have damned
and darned long enuf.
Buy a box now at the
new reduction in price.