The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 10, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1921.
ask 3o garth" Pricos!
This announcement ends a brief cam
paign of constructive advertising to re
store public confidence.
The return of faith and action now neecb
nothing more than recognition.
We desire to see as every far-seeing
merchant does definite price levels
and fixed standards of values securely
We desire this store to receive credit in
the public mind for having started the
program of reconstruction. Other stores
are sure to follow.
This country is on its way to a safe and
sane American progress.
-Spsad up production through buying by
You will find that we are doing our part
trial price revisions here are six months
ahead of what is expected of us.
Special Today-Men's leather Q ()()
gauntlet work g!ove, lined UliUU
C. E. Wescott's Sons
Moving: Picture Machine Installed by
Piattsmouth Loclge. Provides
Pleasure for Aged People.
Thos residents of the Mason in
Home in this city have been placed
within reach of one of the most plea
surable forms of entertainments
that of the movies and which will
prove an unfailing source of amuse
ment for those who are shut in from
he activities of the world. I'latts
mcuth ledge No. ti. A. F. & A. M.. has
purchased a moving picture machine
nd had it installed at the home and
nt eveninir the opening show was
held at the home and witnessed by
he delighted members of the fam
!y at the home. A four reel com
edy. "Hot Dos" provided laughter
nd fun for the old folks and proved
ine of the most delightful forms of
r.tertaimrent that has been enjoyed
t the 'iom for rr.any months. Supt.
F. Kver:-; officiated as opcrater of
he machine and the comedy was
horoughly enjoyed by all of the
members of the home.
It is the intention to have these
movie shows at lea.-t once a week
and they are held in the largf dining
oom of the home and where ample
eating rapacity for the old folks Is
The gift cf the local lodge is
'unethirg that is thoroughly appre
iated 3r d will so a long way toward
making 'he burdens of old age easier
with pleasurable comedies and dra
mas cf the screen.
From Thursday's Daily.
Will Lugsch came over this af
ternoon from Glenwood for a visit
here with his brother, Fred Lugsch,
the tailor.
George and Will Lohnes of Cedir
Creek, were those visiting r.i the city
today for a few hours to attend the
funeral of Mrs. P. T. Becker.
Walter Schneider and wife of
Cedar Creek were among those at
tending the funeral services of Mrs.
P. T. Becker this afternoon.
Adam Meisingerwas in the city
today from near Cedar Creek, to look
after a few matters, of business at
the court house for a few hours.
Jess Hardnock and Henry J. Mil
ler of Alvo, arrived this morning to
attend the funeral services of Mrs.
P. T. Becker, which were held thij
Jacob Buechler was among those
residing in the vicinity of Cedar
Creek, to come in this morning on
No. 4 to attend the funeral services
of Mrs. P. T. Becker.
Henry Meisinger and wife of near
Cedar Creek, were in the city for a
fpw hours todav. being called here
to attend the funeral services oT the
1 into Trs P T. Becker.
County Commissioner Fred II. Gor
der came ud this morning from Weep-
I ing Water to attend the session of
the bdard of county commissioners
! in the initial meeting o:' bis term.
Mrs. George A. Kaffenherger and
J Miss Leone Becker arrived from Lin
Icoln last evening to attend the fun
eral services of the late Mrs. P. T.
j Becker, which were held this after
i noon.
Mrs. William Gcehner of Seward,
who has been here visiting her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Dovey. de-
! parted this afternoon for her home
i and was accompanied to Omaha by
her mother. Mrs. H. N. Dovey.
George Stander, residing west cf
the city was in today and was cele
brating his sixtieth birthday anni
versary, having been born here in
Cass county, January !. IS. 30, and
has lived here since that time.
Henry Thierolf and wife enmc i;
this morning from their heme near
Cedar Creek and spent several hour'?
here attending the funeral services
of Mrs. P. T. Becker, which were
held from the First Presbyte: tan
Had Just Recently Celebrated 60th
Wedding Anniversary and Re
ceived Tribute of Friends
the gist of the situation when he
said, "The menace of a minority re
port which might be more popular
with the people than the majority
a. i 1- a 5 4li a V o lr
report nas Kepi us m i ,, y,ta tl,Pnn
cround." Henry Bock, democratic church this afternoon.
member from Butjer county, declar
ed it was fear that led the commit
tee to neglect the democrats.
"But we will have amendments,"
Bock added, "and there is just a
chance that these may appeal to the
people. It is also possible that the
democratic minority record in the
legislature this year may prove more
popular than that of the majority."
Smouldering Danger Menaces Activity
cf Legislature Compromise
Ilay be Brought About
Although He Had Been Sick for Some
Weeks He Passed Away
On Monday morning the news of
the death of Hiram Miller was learn
eld. Mr. Miller was one of Elm wood's
foremost citizens and was respected
by all. He had been sick for the past
few weeks and had not been getjing
about as usual. Last Friday at his
home he slipped and fell injurying
himself quite badly and from that
time had been confined to his bed un
til his death which occurred early
Monday morning.
Mr. Miller was one of those quiet
and unassuming men. a kind neigh
bor, always willing to lend a helping
hsnd when needed. He will be great
ly missed from our midst.
Hiram Miller was born in Logan
ton. Clinton county. Pa.. March 25th..
1853. and died at his home in Elm
wood Sunday night. January 2. 1921.
At the age of 14 years he moved
with his parents to Kent. Stephenson
county. 111. In 1877 he was married
to Clara Reber. To this union were
hern five children: George. Melvin.
Mrs. Edna Burrill. Edith and Mrs.
Ruth Warren of Trumbull. Neb., all
of whom are still living. In 1880 he
and Bert Reber. brother-in-law, mov
ed to Otoe county, south of Elmwood.
His wife passed away Feb. 26, 1900.
In 1920 he was carried to Mary Lock
ie who still lives to mourn his loss.
At the age 42 he was converted
and united with the V. B. church at
Pleasant Hill in which he remained
an active member until 1904. when
they moved to Elmwood when he
united with the M. E. church where
he was faithful until hi sdeath.
There is left to mourn his loss be
sides the children, eight grandchild
ren and five brothers and two sis
ters. The brothers are: H. O. Mil
ler and J. R. Miller, Elmwood: G, V.
Miller, Lena. 111.: Alfred Miller of
Pennsylvania: William Miller, Pearl
City. 111. The sisters are Mahanna
Goodman. Winslow. 111., and Mary
Thompson, Winthrop. Iowa.
Funeral services were held from
the Methodist church at 2 o'clock
ind were conducted by Rev. Sala.
Interment was made in the Elmwood
cemetery. Elmwood Leader-Echo.
Francis Neitzel. who is a stuc.ent
at the great Catholic university at
Notre Dame, Indiana, and who has
been here in Cass county spending
the hoilday vacation with his grand
mother, Mrs. V. II. Guthman and
family in this city and with H. A.
Guthman and family at Munlock. no-
parted yesterday afternoon for the
east to resume his school work.
From Friday's Dully.
Ed Creamer and wife departed thi:
afternoon for Omaha, where Ed will
enter a hospital to reniainJor a few
days and undergo an operation for
the removal of his tonsils.
Jchn Micin and wife were among
those going to Omaha this morning,
where they will visit for the day in.
that city with friends and to attend
to some matters of business.
Andy Schmarder of Louisville, wa?
among those visiting in the city to
day and departed on the afternoon
Burlington train for Omaha, where
he will spend a few hours.
F. S. Hawks and wife of Hia
watha.. Kansas, and their guest. El
mer Weaver of Lafayette. Indiana,
who have been here visiting at I he
home of Mrs. Hawks' sister. Mrs.
J. H. Short and family, depart d this
morning for Omaha to visit icr tre
For a Persistent Cough
Some years ago H. P. Burbage, a
student at law in Greenville, S. C.
had been troubled for a long while
with a persistent cough which he says
"greatly alarmed me. causing me to
fear that I was in the first stage of
consumption." Having seen Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy advertised,
he concluded to try it. "I soon felt
a remarkable change and after using
two bottles of the small size was
permanently cured."
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
Lincoln. Jan. 7. Few change
were made iu the lower legislative
house rules by the committee which
reported this morning. Those which
were made were for the most, part
merely to comply with the new con
The house adjourned to 2 p. ni
Jlonday. The real work of the ses
sion will begin then. Thus far thej
-r,i-lr 1 - )wwn t i w" r t 1 v ni -i n on vpri n t V
JM II. A.U.J ..... . - - . v .
and jockeying for position by the
various forces. The fight will prob
ably begin next week over the code
appointments and possibly the bud
get for the coming Ifcnnium. It is
expected t hat the matter will be pre
sented during the week.
There is a great deal of smoulder
ing danger in the house since the
announcement of the committees this
morning. There is also a determined
efTort that the fires shall be quietly
extlnguishcd before they begin to
blaze. The old spirit of compromise,
evident from the first gathering cf
the solons last Sunday, is again as
serting i?re!f. .Members of the com
mittee cm commit te'-s from the var
ious congressional districts declared
insistently that their districts had
been satisfied. Robert Druesedow, of
Douglas county wj.s elated over the
success of that district; J. A. Axtell,
of Fairbury, declared this afternoon
that the men from his district were
all well pleased, is fast drawing to a close and will be
Other members of the house ex- completed on next Wednesday when
pect trouble. Charles S. Reed admit-! the prize will be awarded the lucky
ted at noon that there was a great j little girl who will receive one of j
deal of lis?Rti.fact ion. Other mem- the beautiful life-like dolls that are j
bers shook their heads ominously. Of being shown in the show windows of!
course the Iemocrats feel badly the store. j
treated. : 11 is requested that all votes in
Theodore Osternian. veteran mem-' this contest be in by Tuesday evening
br of the committee on revenues in order that tbey may be counted
and taxation, who was denied a place and the prise awarded to the lucky
on that body at this session, spoke little lady.
The Big Event at the M. Fanger Store
WiH Close on Next Wednesday
Bring in Votes by Tuesday
The big doll contest that has been
conducted at the store of M. Fanger
in this city for the past two weeks.
O M E women
have learned
that there ai e two
waj's to care for
, clothes. They are
.learning to take of them.
It is quite amannerly thiog to take
care of your clothes investment and c
protect it up to the limit. Having
your clothes carefully dry cleaned
will improve their wear and help to
prolong the life of their stylish lines.
Getting acquainted with our work
means getting in touch with a real
money saving service.
Goods Called for and Delivered
George W. Worley, one of the
oldest and best known residents of
Cass county, was called to his final re
ward on Thursday evening at the
home in Elmwood, following an ill
ness covering the past three weeks,
dr.e to his advanced age and a gen
eral breakdown.
This splendid old gentleman, who
has for the past sixty-three years
been a resident of Cass county, was
one of the pioneers in the develop
ment of the community in which he
h-.d located and his long and useful
life has borne fruit in the splendid
lite that he leaves as a heritage to
his family and to the community
whrre he has labored.
George W. Worley was born No
vember 23. 1835. in Illinois, the fam-
ilv residinsr at that time where the
present city of Springfield is now
located, and there amid the scenes of
the early life on the frontier, this
sturdy American was reared to man
hood and at an early day came to
Iowa, where he remained for a short
time and in the year 1S57 he came to
Cr.s.-! county, Nebraska.
Mr. Worley, on locating here, en
grrod in farming and on December
i; 1SC0. at the home of the parents
of" the bride, Mr. and Mrs. James M
Coa', ten miles south of Platts-
i-xintl:. wns united in marriage to
Miss Rachel M. Chaifant, the Rev
P:ilo Gorton, a pioneer Methodist
minister officiating at the ceremony
that united the lives cf these two
young people.
Ere the pioneer honeymoon had
waned, the lowering clouds of war over the nation, calling the
husband from his home, and in 1862
he enlisted in the Missouri state mi
litia and served for tivo years in
that organization. On being dis
charged from his first enlistment, Mr.
Woriey returned to Nebraska and
with the loving wifa removed to
Kansas v.iicre llisy located near Ot
tawa. ; ml wheje Mr. Worley once
more entered the service of the gov
ernment in tie I tit h Kansas cavalry
and rerved with them until the close
of the civil war.
After the war he was retained in
the government service for over a
year as a scout end assisted in prop
erly guarding the wagon trains going
west across the gold fields of Colo
rado and the far wet.
Iu the year IStJS, on securing his
release from the armed service of the
nsitio'i. Mr. Worley and his wife re
turned to Nebraska and resumed their
re: ide:jce in Cass county, engaging
in farming on the old home near this
ci'y. Here the family remained un
til ti:- year 1SSS. when they removed
to E'lnwcod. where they have since
re -liti.-.l.
While a resident of the eastern
portion of Cass county, Mr. Worley
foiloved farming s an occupation,
but jincc goin to Elmwood he has
ia;-!:e!y been engaged in the build
ing trades, being a carpenter by pro-fc-si;ii'.
and continued at this until
the approach of old age bade him de-s-ht
from his labors.
To bless the union of Mr. and
.Mrs. Worley six children were born,
tvo r.f whom died in infancy and
fourteen years ago a daughter, Mrs.
W. P. Current was called away by
The three children who are left
wich the wife and mother to mourn
the death of this good man are as
follow s: Jay E. Worley. Lincoln:
Mrs. It. C. Oldham. Gihbsbery, Al
berta. Canad.i. and Miss Kittie Wor
ley. of Lincoln, who is a member of
tl' state board of control.
The departed had been one of the
charter members of McConihie post,
G. A. R.. of Piattsmouth, but on re
n vi::g to Elmwood transferred to
Kenasaw post of that city. At the
time Mr. Worley joined Kenasaw
post it was one of the largest of
the county but today at the funeral
service of the departed veteran there
were present the last two members
of the post to honor the memory of
the departed brother.
The funeral services were held
this afternoon at 1::50 at the Metho
uist church in Elmwood, Mr. Wor
ley having been a lifelong member of
this faith. Rev. Sala, pastor of the
church, was in charge.
It had been the oft repeated wish
if this grand oH veteran that nis
last journey might be in the nature
of a military ceremony and accord
ingly the services wre conducted by
the American Legion post, of Elm
wood. An armed guard stood at at
tention at the casket as the resi
dents paid their last tributes to the
old friend and neighbor and the body
was escorted to the grave by a guard
of honor from the Legion post. The
wealth of beautiful floral tributes
were expressive of the feeling of
e:;teem in which Mr. Worley had
been held in the community in which
he bad long resided.
Of the departed there- was one i
characteristic that endeared him to
all who knew him and that was his
love of his fellow man and it "was
his dream to live until the dawning
spirit of Hie brotherhood of man
might bring to the troubled world
the- spirit of love and kindness that
would drive before it the selfishness
that has brought into the world suf
fering, want and woe.
The Phonograph vttith a Soul"
Ai last you can learn
What Edison Did
during the
YOU wondered every
body wondered, and
practically nobody knew
how Edison "did his bit."
At last the official an
nouncement is out ! Come in
and get vour copy of the bul
letin: "What Did Edison
Do During the War?" or
write, if you can 't call. ,
It tells what Edison did
while Chairman of the
Naval Consulting Board
how he spent months at
sea, experimenting and in
venting devices for foiling
the German submarines.
The bulletin also tells how
Edison stood the gaff and
kept the price of the New
Edison down to bed-rock
during the era of high costs
and soaring prices. TheNew
Edison has increased in price
less than 15 since 1914
part of this increase is war
tax. The bulle-tin also tells
Mr. Edison's views on our
Budget Plan which makes
the New Edison easy to buy.
Weyrich-& Hadrab
Watch for the announcement if Mr. Edisan 's new research I
21 I
Escape from Iowa Authorities Last
Night by Prying Bars from
Window Still Free.
From Saturday's Daily.
The two Gillespie brothers, Virgil
and "Tack," who were arrested a
few days ago by officials in Omaha
through the co-operation of Sheriff
Fischer of Otoe county and Sheriff
Quinton of this county, are once more
breathing the cool and bracing air
of freedom, as they escaped last even
ing from the county jail of Fremont
county, Iowa, at Sidney.
The two men had been turned over
to the Iowa authorities by Sheriff
Fischer, of Otoe county, to be tried
for the robbery of a store at Percival,
Iowa, and Sheriff Fischer had warn
ed the Iowa authorities that they
had some very hard characters to
deal with, but his advice was evi
dently not heeded and the result is
that the men are roaming around
The jailor at Sidney had fed the
prisoners last night and when lock
ing up time came went around to
see that they were fastened in their
cells and to his surprise found only
empty space,- the men having forced
their way out through prying the
bars off a window.
Martin L. Ruby and wife of near
McCook, who have been spending the
past two weeks visiting at the home
of Tom Ruby and other relatives
and friends in the vicinity of Mynard.
departed this morning for their
home in the west.
Blank Books at the Journal OiUcc.
If you want good printing let us'
do your v7ork. Best equipped job
I shop in southeastern Nebraska.
Piusr am
"Famous Wherever Corn Grows"
Established 1851 Incorporated 1867
The Cylinder Machines
Thc Joliet Cylinder Corn Shelters possess all the advantages of other cyl
inder corn shellers and are free from their defects.
They do not require a man to stand behind them in the dust to keep back
the unshelled ears of corn.
In fact, these shellers are as nearly automatic as any machines can be that
require adjustment for different kinds of work.
We have these shellers in stock. Come in and look them over.
T. IHL Pollock Garage,,