PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FOUR Cbc plattsiTeoutb "journal PUBLISHED SELII-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, IIEURASKA Filtered at I'osto.TIce. l'lattsmout h. Neb., aa second-class mail matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE WHAT THIR TEEN YEARS HAVE BROT BRIEF RESUME OF PROGESS THAT THE LAST FEW YEARS HAS BROUGHT TO COUNTY FARM XOTICE TO C It EDITORS State of Nebraska, Cass con n- Don't forget to date it 1921. -:o:- Kiurae has about quit fuming. :o: This season promises to be the Everything seems to have a limit bargain hunter s I'topia. i but stupidity. L:0: I r-:o: In most cases the law's delay i ' How much worse the itch would due to the Iawver's delav. be if you could r.ot scratch! :o: :o: Waiters' wages are being reduced.) With coal at its present price, l that a tip to the tippers? ; think of the fuel, bill in hell! . :o: :o: The fat jobs are fading. Kery- ! Walking is better exercise out of body must set down to real work. : doors than around a pool table - : :o: ;' :o: Practice makes rerfect; before' The confidence man is always 1022 vou'll write it 1021 automati- pleased to meet wise guys who know callv. ' jit ull. :o: J o:o Heliieose will please postpone ac-1 "Let the wicker be ashamed;" let tion until Leonard Wood gets into them be filent in the grave. 1 sa. Since the first when J. 11. Tarns perintendency of west of the city, of March 1908, assumed the su the county farm there has beeu The ty. ss. in itie County Court. In the matter of the estate of John lserymanii. deceased. To the creditors of sai.l estate: You are hereby notiHetl. That I will yit at the County Court room In Flutts moulh In said rountv. on the 10th day .of Jamiarv, A. U. 1921. and on the 11th ;1ay of April. A. 1. 1921. at ten o'clock .in the forenoon of each day. to receive inn.1 examine all claims against said testate, with a view to their adjust-i (nieiit and allowance. The time limited 'for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from tin 10th day of January. A. IV 1921. and the lime limited for payment of debts is one year from said 10th day of January, A. I. 1921. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this Sth day of Fo re m be r. 1920. aflfx J. FKF-OX. (Sal) County Jiid; ee.un- vs. the cabinet. -: o : - Six thousand persons from the United States are emigrating to Ci ada monthly. : o : Japanese launch ships with the relo.tse f a Hook of birds to insure the vessel's safety. :o: I Victors prescribe yeast for 1-oils instead of lancing them nowadays a sort of hoperaticn. : o : Tonzis poetry writing may prove to he simply a prosaic effort to es tablish an insanity plea. o:o One of the causes of high living eosis is that "cutting down father's suit f.r Willie" is a iost art. 31:17. Ma;-be I'ir.iru J.-h:isnri -:; eyp!a;n to Caiif rr.i.:: why Harding telect eil Florida for hi- next vacation. : o : Won.' or if the liockefeller founda tion cou'vin't establish a school to teach sign painters how to spell. ;o: Bela Kun wins the big medal. Hungary has had to build a vast mausoleum to hold all its victims. :o: Grasshoppers in South America tain lo length of five inches and tiu-ir iiigs pread out tin inches. If your head is good for nothing else, you can still use it to catch cold with. :o: One New Orleans firm is export ing an average of 10.000 alligator hides a month. N :o: .It is estimated that there are at lean 30.000 caribou at large in Yukon territory. :o: Roasted dandelion roots are used as a substitute for coffee in some parts of Europe. :o: Some men buy advertising, some dead-head it. Henry Ford has it tli rust upon him. : o : Some girls seem to grow more beautiful as they grow older. Prac tice often makes perfect. o;p The final test of honesty comes when you have a chance to get rid of a plugged quarter, but don't. :o: Hez Heck says: "The records put the blame upon Eve. but the probabilities all point to Adam. :o: He: Heck says: "A man who .-nnnot hit the center of the cuspidor has no busines? chewing tobacco." n Sale S Reduction on Furniture and Rugs! ,9x1 2, now. .9x12, now. .09 9x 1 2, now . 9x12. now. 9, now . now. now. 8x10. 6x9, 6x9, now ,6x9, now ,9x12, now $48.50 42.50 37.50 32.50 29.75 29.75 29.75 27.50 19.50 14.75 18.00 4.50 $70.00 Axminster rue; , t5 ( 0 Axminster rug , velvet rug r5 ruy. $43.00 rue , $4:?. 00 Axminster rug , $2.50 Axminster rug $32.30 tapestry rug , $32.00 wool fiber rug , $42.00 Wilton rug $7.30 Axminster small rugs, now. MATTRESSES $24.00 30-lb all cotton felt mattress $16.00 $KS.00 30-ib all cotton felt mattress 12.50 $14.00 30-lb all cotton felt mattress 9.85 $10.00 sanitary cot pads 7.25 $10.00 sanitary cots 7.85 Other good cots at 6.50 $8.00 comforters (72xS4 inches) now 5.00 HIGH GRADE FURNITURE $73.00 genuine Spanish leather duofold $62.50 Or.e used duofcld at 45.00 One new piano and some new phonographs at GREAT REDUCTIONS. $263.00 Am. v.-alnut. 4-piece bed room suite. .$198.00 $323.00 tapestry 3-piece parlor suite 228.00 $32.00 steel bed, walnut or mahogany finish. . 26.50 $22.00 extra good Vemis Martin bed 17.50 $11.50 bed springs 9.75 $68.00 walnut dresser 58.50 $60.00 Circasian walnut finish dresser 47.50 $60.00 walnut dressing table 47.50 Ten good dressers, slightly used, in A-l con dition, from $14.50 to $27.50 $70.00 bufTeL genuine quarter sawed oak $58.50 $63.00 buffet, genuine quarter sawed oak 48.50 $120.00 buffet (60-inch) Mission oak 75.00 One used burTet 18.50 One used kitchen cabinet 10.00 One new base for kitchen cabinet 7.50 $28.09 washer and wringer 17.50 $60.00 gas range 37.50 Or.c used ca.s range 22.50 Two ccal ranges $12.50 and 27.00 P Ghrist & Christ, Phone Gs5 .rJ-rv-T-er Hucch Buildiirr - 4th. and Msin Streets PLATTSMQUTO NEBRASKA many changes and improvements made that certainly should he rea lized and appreciated by the tax payers of the county and which are examples cf the energetic efforts that Mr. Tarns has made in behalf 1 1 oaring upon the petition. of the people cf Cass county. At the time thirteen years ago. when Mr. Tarns took up his work at the farm it was a sorry condition of affairs that existed there. The farm was poorly' equipped and the conditions in the living quarters of the inmates was very poor and un sanitary. To be fent to the farm in these days was a sentence to suf fering and "privation. The large old fashioned house whose interior in the winter was not unlike that of the Arctic regions, was not in the proper shape to house the sick and ailing that were compelled to seek shelter in its doors and over the farm the general condition was one of lackness. Mr. Tarns and his good wife on taking charge of the farm brought with them a pride in their work and a realization that the farm was in tended to be a home for those who were sent there by the county. They started in on the tusk and ere many months has passed the old structure was made clear and sanitary through their best efforts and Mr. Tarns be gan the work of organizing the farm to make it amount to something to the county instead of a detriment as it had teen for years past. It was a lonp: and hard task to bring the farm into a paying basis by this energetic superintendent and it was a few years before the county begin to realiio a profit from the farm that had heretofore caused the expenditure of a large amount each year to maintain. Later some five years ago the home on the farm was destroyed by fire and a fine modern structure was built by the county old structure nnd it the finest and most :n:rs owned by anv rtate and ha Mr. and Mrs could properly be considered a home for the aged and infirm that had to come there to make their home. During the time that Mr. Tarns has been superintendent of the farm there has been seventy men residing at the farm, fifteen women and eight children, making a total cf ninet--three. Of these, forty-nine have left the home to reside elsewhere, twenty-five have died, five have been sent to the state hospital, one to the iuv'.e minded institute and eleven :;r.- now living at the home and en j;. in-T the excellent care afforded t ::on'. On March 1. lf.06. when Mr. Tarns assumed the control of the farm the inventory of the farm and its pro perty showed that there were imple ments to the value of $313; live stock. $S40; grain. $160; furniture. $221. on hand, making a total value of the farm equipment at $1,576. Today, on the inventory made on January 1. 1921. there were imple ments. $1,213; live stock. $2,115; grain, $2,175; furniture? $770. or a total value of equipment of $6,273. In addition to this the farm has clear ed far above the running expenses for the rast several years. This is a record the county can feel well pleased with and Mr. Tarn as well as the county board are to be congratulated on their work in the care of the county farm of Cass county which has been cited by the state authorities as the best and most efficiently managed county farm in the state. snow aim: Court of Cass cruin- to replace the is now one of modern buili county in the fulfilled the desire of Tarn that the farm A GOAT THAT COSTS A THOUSAND DOLLARS H. Sandin cf Fhillisbugr, Hont., Brother of Dr. Sandin Brings Coat to This City. In the eat window of the C E. Wescott's Sons store is displayed a ladies coat of beaver fur that is worth $1,000 in the coll hard dollars of Uncle Sam's money, and it is a beau ty in every way as well as being high priced. This coat is of genuine beaver and represent thirteen No. 1 beaver hides which were secured by Mr. Sandin by trapping the fur bearinsr animals along the Rock creek in Montana, the stream being a tribu tary cf the Columbian river, the larg est stream in the nortfcwest. The bearer hides were taken by Mr. Sandin to Minneapolis, where the firm of Stevenson & Co.. constructed the coat from the hides and it is a piece of high class workmanship in every way. It is one of the finest specimens of penuine beaver thi-t can be found on the market and its genuineness is vouched for by Mr. Sandin. the trapper of the beaver. Since its being pwt on exhibition it has attracted a frreat deal of at j tention from the ladies especially, end well it may. as it is a classy gar ment aside from its great value. OKI) lilt TO In the District ty. Nebraska. In the matter of the ;i;! lie-a! ion F. 11. Win.iham. administrator, for 1. cense to sell real estate. Now on this 18th dav of Pei-embr, . I. 1920. this cause came on for under oa'h of 11. It. Windham, administrator cf the estate of e Deii Windham, di - east !. pravins; ff-r license to eil the j roMowinii, described real estate of saii iJrace Dcn Windham, to-wit: Lot I 0 in Work rive r in the orishui! flown of i'lartsinoi't h. Cass ccunv-. Nebraska, as the same is shown on tlu- published and recorded plat thereof, or a snffioient amount thereof to brinr the sr.m of $1.00.10 for the payment cf debts allowed atrainst said v estate, and allowances and costs of adminis tration, for the reason that there is r.ot a sufficient amount of personal property in the possession of s;.id K. li. Windham, administrator. be"ntrintr to .aid estate, to pay said debts, al lowances and costs. It is therefore ordered that all per sons interested in said estate aopear h fore me at chambers in the City of l'l.ittsmouth, in said county, on the r.rd day of February. A. D. lt"l. i t the hour of 10 o'clock a. trs., to show cause, if anv there be. why a licfnse should not be granted to said II. 1'.. Windham, administrator. to sell s much of the above described real es tr.te of said decedent as shall be neces sary to pay said debts and expenses. It is further ordered that a copy i.f this order te served upon all persons interested in said estate by causing the same to be published once eat h week for fov r successive we, ks :n the Fiat tsmouth Journal, a leiral news paper printed, published ar.'l ejrev l:Un--r in said count v of, N braska. JAMES T. r.K'H.KY, Judire of the I i--tri.-t C'-urt d.'H-tw "a:-s CoiiTlv. Nebraska To rtaymond 1 heodorski. Theodorski. real name unknown of Kaymor.d Theodorski Thomas. Sylvia C. Thomas Hcii-v Thomas: Anna C. met i. ? oTicr. Ia the Di.uici ouri f Cass ity. Nebiaska. t W:ilc I: I btbt 1 m:i n. Piainti William J. l!y;.tl et a1. Def n n t i j. To the defendants. William J. H.att.j 'and Ksthor Ilyait. lis wife: unknown! heirs, devisees, legate, s. rep-I , resentatives and all o! i I n t , r. t . I in 1)-,. .-Tf 1 1 II.-.., .i..e,-. .I..-!-! sees, leiratet s, peit-mial I epresc natives and all other persons interested in the i estate of Esther liy it:. deceased: Y'ra. T. Hvatt. first and ral r.ame unknown: unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal r pres. ntatives. ; ! persons interested in it'e J. Hvatt, d? -eased: Mrs his wife, Tirst and real n unknown heirs, devist .s. sonal reni t s, ntati ves : i-eisons interested in ; Mrs. Wri. J. llvatt. .ee. I Hvatt and Hyatt. ! first and real na:n v. iklK'V.n I". irs. di.-s, ! 'son; l t ones. : i , r.-. a: ' pot s ns in t r -1 ! i ri i , l list':. :- liyali. .-.;!s .5- ; . .b-vist i I, -fiat -. . t Ives and ;i 1 "t m ti e state "f .lames li. d e v i see::. taliveV a- stod in t ne.--. i'ri'c.1- -.l: i!!';- " :-!?;: ; ..' Mi.-. Fbod T-.-.r:-- -. -, u . :. : en 1 r. a". me i '!' 1: -. : : :i ii .1 . . ; : 1-. .' 'iSt : . 1 'i.s : 1 lie -: 1 ! n !'i im M'GALEY PASSES rViiLESTONE r e-rsu:.s ' William J-ITTac Vrrth T?fr-.or1 in V.'cit r.f Frienis on His 76ih Birth An niversary Lat Evening. ill o:iur tate of W'm. : Wm. .1. Hyatt. ! nine t'liKnowji; t le.-rr i 1 s, Te r- 1 !-.d a lie- estnt. .i.sed; J her l.'.isl ;l::-.ov. n; t i -t i-.-r Yesttrd.y w;- the seventy-sixth : irth urniver.-ary of "William Mc Cauley. one cf ti:e old residents of the city a-nd whi lie he does not bear the marks of his age has passed more- than three-quarters of a century. rat d 'ii st: . r t ri ll n -;-- r- : . e r . f ' : 1 .- . 1 ;::a- In order t'e re (II r;,.! .ttsr.uiy t riir.J.s i :" i i . t!:e e H , tr-C i v ; t;i3t the occasion zmz observed a number of the ::i.-!u lir. the old com i! war lays and the la V.tnn's Relief Corps, surprise on Mr. McCau that ho will long plea-n:- Ti'i tr. For several hours .v.'ey honi"1 was the scene of ; s the ru ir.hf rs of the party vith v.vTthful the THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1921. which bad been arranged for and at which they derived a great deal of amusement. t a Kuitable time of the even ins; Hon. R. U- Windham arone and in a 'few ehcrt and well cnoen woru.-,. tfd the euest of the evening with a handEome Eilk American Raj? that will be cherished as a priceless rememberance of the very happy an niversary. During th- evening the members cf the partv were treated to very daintv and' delicious refreshment 2nd at the home-going hour departed wiFhine Mr. McCauley many more such pleasant anniversaries in the reining years and happiness and Joy in the years before him. FOR SALE The lare frame livery barn and f:d hlicd. known as the Sam G. .Smith Garage. Piatt; mouth. A Igrod chance to get some good barn .'material .heap. Mail your cTer to iFim G. Smith, riainview. Texas. J i m-H W 1 f i- Henry (wife 'T Kyle. M. M. ' Kvle. real name unknown (hv.sbar.-- eft Anna C. Kvle: W. W. Windham. :m tee for M." L. Woodruff: M. U Wo ruff, real r.ame unknown: Max Freis: Grace Johnson. Johnson, reui name unknown (lnisband of iirace ' Johnson Martl.a Johnson. I Johnson, real name unknowti i h'.is'. a?! 1 of Martha Johnson and the he;rs, devisees. lepat-s. personal representa tives and ail other persi.ns inteitsted in tie- estates of tie hl:oi:iu n:.ned ; i'.s, whose t.aiics a . ui: i n. i.i-uii: l.avmond Theodorski. Theodorski. real name unknown (wife of Kaymond Theodirski : I.:.rv Tliomas." Slvia C. Thomas Cwife . f Herry Thomas: Anna C. Kyle. M. H. K' li-. real name unknown (husband cf Anna C. Kyle: W. W. Windham, trus tee tor M. L. Woodruff: JI. I. Wood riiT, real name unknown: Ma Freis; " Johnson. Johnson, real name unknown (husband of Grace .lohnsoni; Martha Johnson. Johnson, real r.ame unknown (husband of Martha Johnson): Lot thre hundred nir 3f'9l Village of Louisville as surveyed, platted and recorded in Cass count-. Nebraska: and Lot six an.; the sou t !i one (1 foot of L. t five ..".'. in F!o.-k f ur (4. in the ii .Mv. s surveved. f'it.-.l and "l ::i Cass county. Ne.raska: ..r .b-vei 11) :nd tw-lve Fl", 1 i:r';- d twenty-one i r j 1 i in th Of Fin t h. as s irvoyed. 1 U'i ! cord-',i in (;;s "!:'!ly. Neb and I-'ts n-j? lt. two tl :r id. five r. i and six 0 in eisrhtv-five (ST.). in the i"ity of mouti', as sur.'eyed. platted r.ii co:ii J in Cass county, Nebraska: all rcrfor.s ila'mir.s: any interest of any kind in said real estale or a::y part thereof: You and each of you are m-tified on the 6th dav of December. 1Jj0. Harriett iZ. Wolfe. ks plaintiff, filed her petition in t Idstrict Court in and for Cass county. Nebraska. an.', that you and each of you are parties defT.d.-int. the o!.;eot of the a.tior. so bro;;t:!.t beinr t " fort c;xe four sepr. - rf. tax certifiiati .. the :cl towlrir described par--! of re;;l ciT.ite in Cass county. Nebraska, to-wit: three . :. 1 . ViihiC--Lovi-i il'e, as sr.rv.-v-platt-d i-ome-l in lass ".. n;-. .enr"h.i . l"?;'l. -. perse.;!:1 , j X i- f .. i all : '. i'ei -se-.r.s !:;.; t '. i : . ' r: r.i Tu: - a--.i: ' i : . '. .- ' 1 ' i : I : - I .svMa'.vs or.! :::; o-hv I rVT. B R S H XI , ; erso:is :t. : -re .: ,n t'1- .-:.. t . f .i :;rt j M.-.l t. r S.IK . -eet: I-::... l'r-rtt: ' I iieieMiiilieMMiillilt"" . r.nKii.wn he:: s. !. v.s. e. s. . . :t.-es, i r- ' son.; 1 l ." ores . i" t :. t '. "e s a-.d all .? i:e-r fj to;- on: ir.'e res' . d i a t he o:" p ft ; llese. !'.! l'niHt, '( ..- I: Silas Cros- ; 2. j -; unknown ! .-irs. .; vi-.- . 'e-;. i .-. ' 1 ;e .--.! at i ;u sen t a 1 1 e - .u". ait 1 !.) : i (-!.- s i.! i.-i . st. d in F-.o . st:-?.- ..f s:i..s ; R : e ' e-s vi. .:..:.. .;. i. : i..: . . I : u . t . U 3 J. r-. l-.-rs-.-rs i:;t .-. st.-d la t! t:ti.- f 1 IUS Vjy W ti 1 I :; in. bet h ri-.;:tt. ceas. .. : ti.- hnov. n m r. ; .- a to! u :. k ''' n ci-iiiit- nts of i..-ts : a: . 1" i!i F.l ...: ..; in, ! the Citv of l'ia : i.-niii;::ii. Cas . -. :;i v. ; ::. br.-sk: : Lots : i.r.el ! :n .':.".; s.: : I i a L e , . I i ...... i . j . i t . . . e ' i . f i I t v. N'ebrasha. -i d ili t- i .:.-. im in ! a n y of any kind id l c:-.l j .estate or at.-- part t! e.-e..f: ' I I Ye.'l and e l-. ii of y.-e; :,r- '..1'. '. . I notitn-l that 'in the h I I '.-- I I .-Ivaslia. lie '.; .: and i:a ;..-. . ." j !wl-ie t : -' t ' e-tli. t .ill. I e. '. Ii I l:i : '. :. i - . I 'til'.'.- t i:b- in : t L..!- k ee-i 1 ' f f ' Flo. "ii s". '!5 fit v of 1 '1 ! 1 1 - :,. a-!. . J j- j:b ;;m ;:.:';v';v,heV J3ni!ary 1 . h. i n. i li ir t ha..- a :. v I ; ' . I i. i: ; I Jor interest : ! r "s.-al e-. i: t a bb-. I 1 ' . i .-I l '. s:-. ! : i i a . . -' .1 1 or !:..! ' X h.. r ee . and ; o . jo; ti y . . a ,; : .1 . . : . .f ; j i with 'aintiff's l.os . si , a- l ni.-; - 1 me;,t of said premises ar.-.i ..: c j .iTa: -le j This notice is uiv. n i "rf.::ir.T toil an ord.r of the Ce v,n. ion r- . Sa' i)u:re.l to answer s.i;: tit ion .n or II e-i-- .JeaiC -..ra M..-.-- ti... :.-r .: " of t I ,ry. Cl. ..r your v.-ill te :.- ! Col. W. K. lOUHg, j I'lIANK II. C.'FF.LM X. j f ": i 1. 1 III". ; t::: pr.r.r;:v. ,. . : d.'ft- :-. 1 1 : ; fcar.TT8gssaaaaA2 I ; " "! it: i:i i cit. j 5j 1 1 s::'! ' ' " ik' Jn tr.- matt. ! t! e' Jan...-.- )S .el e;.: eld. ae,.K'. To th- . r editors of 1 m !te: i ktt . Yoo. are hereby ".. T'. : i wii" J ary. A. 1 . i::'l. :i-.! e :. :. ., 1 ...y . f ! jlj foi er.oon of r. .lay. P r-- ive ? nd : ": ao-e'. ' The l o i-- 'l t.'.V f.'e- ':' ! ?f 'J-rese;....;. . ' . : -.,:'.-: sa-d -- '.ft ,taie i i .- -..- l'--t.-t o.iy.S 'Ce- .f ...f p. !.ri:.-!-v. A. I .,- d tl ; r - M record- i a .. . . ,, ,-.;...- - ..-,. ifci i ! Lois', ,,:r ;..., ..... .; to d ; - f M k t ' i ti i ' 'if Wit -- . ' 1 ' " t - jr ka! ''. g lozi Can ".' .' ...''.' . . v. r! it'o-k .-..w. ! - J : ";.-. ?t rj I'iatts- . Z M rjfAI'PCP i.p.rn.f: .f hf;;i; - 'K ' .a Fciiticii f-r tp:i'nt-:il ;f Z i ;;! i i r lor. R I Tie 't,.te f N. braskf:. Ou.-s fi It:-. ' !? : e -.. rt. I fj mi. i't : e.f ti:.' .state of It.-al y 1 f i :.s. i . I fta 1 ?! li nuary 8th, 1921 s nn nn ri "a m en i z a i T4 bv mm e.f i w mm mjrm m ALL BROKE Weicht from 1200 to 1500 lbs. Mostly marcs. 3 HEAD OF WORK MULES months to one year with interest at 8. 2 less fr cafc- 8th, 1921, ai 1:00 P. th. P'attsmouth, Nebraska to be held at Gocbenour's Barn. Auctioneer. Wear These Reduced Now or in the Spring! 1?. Ir. 1 ! 7 ltl ar.a recorueo in i ass auu..', .Ne braska: and Lots eleven ell and twelve (lr. I'.Iock two r.un.ire.i iwen- ty-ono ;21. in the City of F.atts- mouth. as surveyed, platted are! re- cor l-.d in Cass co .r'y, Nebraskit, and Lots me ( 4 '. fi e eia v. niout : . m coreV l in that you closed of i P, two : (a and s (S. in t surveyed. , t hree e . f tfit in Kb Citv of Flat tdatteil and ts-rc- Cnss county. Nebraska: and each of you te fort all title, claim, lien, liht of redemption or ot'.T pro pert y or any part the plait. tiff have sue1 titer relief as .-he inl and to the Court ma: interest i'i thereof, atf' i other rn. y be e n 1 1 1 1 seem met that to and a r.s wer each of r.a this T'etit.on e r-ith da. lary, HALKIL'TT K. n. w. IP-iw. are re.;u : r- t ti or 1.-1 ore wolf;:. FlaiMifT. miRiirm-, Her Attorney. . be ty. ss. ln In seph ( ii i:n:i r hiahim; leilin tnr Mitil nirnl rfir:init rfr State of Nebraska. Cass the County Court. te matter e.f the estate- 11. rts. dee eased, rentdirff and filinsr the petit i Kittie l . Fobetts. i.rn vmc that istraiion of sail estate may be granted to J. J. Foberts as Administrator: uder-d. That January ::!st. A. !v ; 1SJ1. at 10 o cleK k m . :s a.-siuneo for hearing sid iK-ti'ion. w h n all erst.ns iulerfsted in said matter mnvj apteeae- at a Coi-r.ty Curt to 1-e i;el i . in and for said county, and show a-:se . :o, H.r ... , 1....-..-... - ( not be granted: and that notice f th'-; peno--iy of said petition and tie hear- j I ins ti.ereof le civen to ail person j inttresteel in saiii matter b j-ai.iisli-l ins. i apv of this ortier in li e l'iaii.--i mojih Jour-.fcl. a ff;ii!-vf. k!y news- -j paper irir.te, jn saol ro-jnty. f -" thre- su-vssive weeKS prior u i .Iky of l.oarir.s. j ALLLW J FllKsoy. J (Seal i jT-"w. Com.ty J else, j CONTEST GEGTFIXG KEENER The te&ndidateaT in the doll contest at Faster' store are sho-srins much interest and the result has been, that the battle has developed many inter esting features and the friends of the " t !! in - i.r..i l ir i titi r. of , ii.;. .1. Uiiv. ).i-.i.:nir thrl :ei-oi::is-trr.t' : -f sari is ;-v l e ur.:'itt -i to id-is-. If as : he tl.-t- : : (!; o. Ti .?: r r.arv L A. 1 ::. at .V. 'o l: ;.. ::i.. is c.-..-i :'"r 1 a t said pe;.ti -n. v, air p- i -".,. si-.- in s-ti-'i ri .pp-a r : a .ont y " 1 ; ' h-1 1 itt i for s.-iii eoriiT.. r i s:.'.;- t:e t t-..y, r f ';: t a r sh ubi n-t ! i i a til i : ariti that r,",c- -f the peti- ; n. y "f sr. id ;--Sit:-.;: arl t!.- ha:--I'..; i! te. f i - triver t.. a.l. i '!. .r..-itite'-'sttd in saM in,.:', r by j t:bi;s! ; i: ( ..;.- .f t his eider in the Flat'. --mouth Jiijiir: -.!. .1 i - .v, k 1 v r.w-taj.r i.r ::.,: i r. s:. d r: - f t 1 sra--i-essive v.-tre ;:.. pri t sail d..y of h-aMr--. 1 1 ' - niber -.Tth. "-'. ALUix .T . i::-:;-:s. v. Count - .l;:!ae.. e : i as. ;:. ;iaj:tlv. i rtf :: (.' in: ;ifi I'.-till.-a r n.-r:i:iiiao"ii tr ll-lrvii:,,. iht;it( of Kat V i'.e I i ' e-e:. i'i : . (''.'.i;.tv Coart of t."a.- --ii aty, N 1 r-iM. ' Tl ,.f N. bia To ;,: -e-- ri.t.t-d in s.ii.i ' slat'-. t.-ir'- I'd lairs t;iK.- t..!i e, t. a1 F.'.ilip .;. : . ':.. v. i. i - ..f tie- I.. i r o! s..j .'.'.i.-.-l a-al ir.t j i-sii-l iti ytrij. In- fib-d !! !! a-'eririij -:-:; Kill ! ' !'.!. di. '. , Hi. -la!"- Hi 'I"-; . . !. e . -i a - 1 a. - a "t a ! o,;i ;nl ..f .1 -it.... i:-lT. . irir a rcsi.'-o.t ret'! it.-.-it '! -out- are! -tate a; .)-. said aiai ! v t)-r of t :.- fnll'jw- j; .1. vf-r.b- d erlate. ? ' - .V ' 1 Ti'- .-. t'..-, ; . :;:rt-r iSV', e.f .- 1 ' -- e-1 II I 1 ' ' I 1 s I . T"V'!IS; ill. t v .-1 ve i;i. La-itrt- th.rt-eri i i: i." e:-..-i 'if th- 'th 1. M.. C;-.-i '..-::- ? v. r e ' -; a - '.: . h-;.v:!i? as 1 r .- - . ; r at j ;. - f'.i.iov-n- .;-! ; rs.-r.-. t wit: li iity H i r;- -1.- . a -e. i 1 r I . - ! a - : . Fb.lip .1. ' I i : s'.t.. f,e.l Kinn.a S. F:t; :.t. I F: .!. h '.. lii:z. h- r '.a-;ahters: 1 ut -:r t !! r.-r j. f t i - 1 ;..- ft ia v. i.f ai ee- e - i.r,:. Kiit:.ii:-;:a 1 ' . r. :.:al ;-s -.! is t! f.f. Tl'-r of :z . , :.; I W".;;, M !., iat--re-t i- an-1 ' said r:-l -tat": ti at find d-' -;.!e.'.t d:-'l 1 1- - - - T : !!.a' ' application f'c inlrara-vta"-! 1 ti rr:-:e ar-i the estate of -rial ove e-l-nt -- t-"t - ai'Triln st-ra' j., the yrate of NVtis J.;-. a-;d teat ' .' - "''rt d--t in.:." are the- . . '-f sa.i cenvf- i. i'.e,; ,.b ia of 3.-ia-! .p i.n-i . r i - t of d-'-'-er-t ii ti . 1 vo -. rtv o! wj.i-h t;.e rt- - ; a.- ! '-.- -i si.-.-h v. i .-.!. !.a. en s-t i" ! ' -!.: -a 'Ft tw, nty-r irt h dav f;;, A 1 .'. r-. .i i D: cause many or tnem are developed ot oeauuiul iacy ana sneer materials. Some are designed to fall over the skirt while others tuck in. And even though there are very few Blouses of a kind you are sure to find modes that will fit you perfectly, for all sizes are included in this remarkable sale. But the very fact that Drices are wav 1 down ar.d the sizes broken means that best bargains will go to the early choosers. I il JLSL dies Toggery FRED. P. BU3CH, Manager i 1 3:d. ;.t j iit-i t V K T.t -r Fa . f ri t . ttStlo brr-.-k; A . -. . . - 10th APUAL iwialLu m Lx any Sat -TO BE GIVEN- rday Eve, Jan. Sth AT K. S. HALL Alt fl W .til Jsjscs M. Robertson and wife were In Onsh.t ted v. sroine to that citv i n me rarir izarimston train and esting features and the frienas or tne jurs. xieoctru vatisHiasd uu .uis. nacre XI- Robertson will attend the little folts are earnest in the stros- Mary Spencer, were among those co- nif-etin.z oT the beard of directors it pie to assist tctir lavorne" in s-c ing to Omaha this morning' to en- ' fie Netraika Masonic Home a.o- ing one cf the hacdsome dolls that Joy the day in that city Tisiting -with ciatics, of which Le is the president, does everything Lut talk. friends I Six Gash Prizes Given far Eest Co-tumcs-Masks olf at 10:30 p.m. ADMISSION- Pcrs-o.-.s ir. Coitumc 5c: Grnt Snrrr... -P.- T J tcrf, fc5c; Ch:lcVcn a?r 12 years, 10c, SxceHent Tfelusic! bptC or W 0 in"