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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1921)
f THUESLJLY. JANUAP.Y 6, 1931. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WZEKL'S JOUEKA1 PAOE TIIKEE Un DepBrimnenH ion Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. lAfhy the Banker's Advice Is Sound! You' don't go to a doctor for legal in formation; neither would you entrust your health to the care of a lawyer. You go io the man of experience in the par ticular line in which you are seeking in formation. This is why it is wise to go to your banker with your financial affairs. He knows the experience of practically every individual in his community and, through his years of service, has accumulated a fund of information on financial matters which is invaluable to you. Get your banker's advice, ests are your interests. He is to see you succeed as 3'ou are succeed. His inter as anxious anxious to This bank desires to render broad and valuable service to the people of this com munity. Consult our officers about your financial affairs. ank tf Union UNION - - NEBRASKA f ('. V. Chirk wuJ a business visiter in .Murray t!.t firs: pun f the ve-K John llecker has betii purchasing some young stock which he will feed this winter. Henry Uhueniur. went to Hacle on Monday evening to look after some busiiH-ss matters. Mrs. nolle Frans was called to Ne braska City last Monday to look af-: fer cme business matters. ' Mrs. Joe llanning and son. Lucian. were looking after business matters in Nebraska City last Monday. , Mi. s Lt-atl.a Porter spent Sunday ; with friends and relatives at Ne-j lia.vka. returning home the of, th- week. Miss Lyda Clark was a guest at ' the home of her sister. .Mrs. O. W. Kinney at Auburn over New Years; and Sunday. j YYm. Sykes. of Omaha, visited in j T'nion several days this week, a guest j at the hc:ne of Mrs. II. M. Shumakerj and Uoy Gerkin?.. ( Mrs. .Jess' i'it( !i was a visitor in j N--!raskn Cirv last Morula v. where: - ! T i looking after some business j 1 worn some business matters. i j. y . .Muay was a visitor in Om- si.e was niatters for the dav. J. A. Talkincton wer.t to Iouis vilie Tuesday, where he remained a couple of days to look after some matters of business. H. H. I'.ecker wis a visitor in Om aha and Council Illuft's last Monday, vhcre h" was called to look after You Can Eat ! We are carrying Fresh Groceries and Canned Goods! Also Working Cloches and Boots and Shoes! We will have Fresh Meat from this date on. Bring in Your Fresh Produce BEST PRICES! R. D. STINE, UNION -:- -: NEBRASKA aha over Monday evening and Tues jday of this week, where he was look ling after some business. ' Will L. Hoback departed on last Monday evening for Lincoln, where the went to visit at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Lottie Yowell. j II. H. Stoll. of Nehawka. changed cars here last Monday on his way to Plattsmouth. where he went to look after some business matters. ! ' Mrs. J. K. McCarroll and daugh ter. Miss Angie. have been spending a few days at the home of relatives jand friends at Hamburg. Iowa, i Miss K'.eanor Pcriben. one of the teachers of the Union schools, spent ; her vacation at the home of her par jents at St. Edwards, and returned !to her work here last Sunday, i The extra gang which has been working on the Missouri Pacific road way here left Monday for Atchison, where they will continue work. C. E. Torclinson arrived from Si. Minn., Tuesday, and went to at the station here as second trick operator the following day. Dr. James Thomas, of Nehawka, was a brief visitor in Union on last Monday, driving over in his car to meet the north bojnd train here. Robert Trook. of Omaha, was a A. H. Austin, who is staying at the home of his daughter in Lin coln is reported as not feeling very well as yet. but is gaining slowly, visitor in Union for the past few days being a guest of his sister, Mrs. Matt McQuinn. and of other friends here. Hal Pollard was in attendance at the P.. Y. P. I, meeting in Union last Sunday evening and also was visiting with a particular friend as well. Glen Todd and wife of near Mur ray, were visiting in Union the guests at the. home of Mrs. Todd's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gar rison. Sunday. Mrs. E. H. Rigge, of Brewster, was a visitor with friends and relatives in Plattsmouth and Nebraska City last Monday, returning to Union on the evening train . Miss Eva Sackley, one of the teachers in the Union schools return ed last Monday morning from a visit of some ten days at the home of her parents at Syracuse. Miss Grace Bogenreif, one of the faculty of the Union schools, spent the holiday at her home in Elm wood, and returned to her work here last Monday morning. LeitW Why not start the New Year right? The lumber manufacturers all say the lumber mar ket has hit bottom and there is a good chance of an in crease when the spring building booms start. Now is a good time to start a barn or a house. Workmen are plentiful as is material and they may not be if you wait. Come in; let's talk it over. We appreciate your patronage. Frans Bros'. Lumber Go., UNION NEBRASKA Mrs. J. "W. Taylor, of Milford. ar rived here New Years day and is visiting at the home of her son. G. M. Stites. south of town, and with other friends in and about Union. C. E. Severyn, who has been spend ing the mid-winter vacation of the schools at his home in Schuyler, re turned last Monday morning totaKf : up his work in the schools here, j Wayne Lewis, of Plattsmouth, ac companied by his wife, visited at the home of Earl Merritt and wife here over New Years, returning to Platts mouth on the laie train Monday. Miss Minnie Peter? of Brock, r. teacher in the Union sohcools. win has b-en spending the vacation with her parents on the farm, returned t" her work here last Monday morning. Rev. Snaulding delivered two able Isermons at the Baptist church last -'Sunday morning and evening, both; : of w hich were listened to by a goo(! sized and very appreciative audi 1 ente. j j County Commissioner C. F. Har-i ris was in Plattsmouth the first of the week where he was engaged in attending a meeting of the board of j commissioners which convened last : Tuesday. j Mrs. J. E. McCarroll and daught ' ter. Angie. were present at the cele jbration of the 40th wedding anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rhon of Hamburg. Iowa, which occurred last Sunday. Miss Ellen Chapman. who ha:; reen spending the vacation fron duties at the state university, at the home of her parents northwest of Union, returned to her studies last Sunday evening. ; Lemuel Barritt. who has beer, spending the past two weeks at the home of his parents in Union, de parted last Sunday evening for Lin coln to take up his studies at the state university. L. E. Reynolds of Omaha, formerly of Union, and a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reynolds of near Union, spent Sunday at the home of his parents, and returned to his work in Omaha Sunday evening. L. G. Todd and family were visit ing in Omaha last week, going up on Friday morning. Mr. Todd returned on the late train that night, while the rest of the family remained un til Saturday afternoon. Miss Naomi Mougay. who has been spending the holidays at the home of her parents. E. J. Mougay and wife northwest of Union departed on last Monday evening for Lincoln, where siie again enters school. Ray Bramblet purchased l:st week a couple of pure bred Poland China sows, and will engage in the raising of this distinctive variety of swine. He made the purchase from the ex cellent herd of G. S. Upton. , J. R. Stine of Plattsmouth. waj a visitor in Union last Sunday, being the guest at the home of his mother, for the time and returned home Sun day evening. Mr. Stine is employe;! with the Burlington in Plattsmouth. YV. B. Banning departed last Mon day afternoon for Lincoln, where he goes to attend "Organized Agricul ture." and as a delegate also to the State Farm Bureau, both of which are meeting in the state capital this week. The Baptist Young Peoples Union held a very interesting and enter taininc meeting last Sunday church and arranged for one this coming week. Miss Bessie LaRue was the leader last Sunday evening. j Vance Harris and family ! Dodge, Iowa, were guests .parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F over New Years. Mr. Harris lias a (good position in Fort Dodge as cash . ier of the Illinois Central railroad's (ticket sales. j V. T. Arn and family of Platts . mouth, were guests for over New I Years and Sunday at the home of the j mother of Mrs. Arn, Mrs. Minnie I Anderson of this place, and ab;o vis ited at the home of other friends ond relatives here. t Chris Ross, living just over .line in Otoe county, south of hawka, was a visitor in Union Monday, coming over to have a couple of his teams shod, so he might be able to use them in putting up ice for use this summer. I Charles Clarke. who is better known as "Chub." has been appoint ed chief of police and commissioned by R. D. Stine and given a star and club, and if the majesty of the law ;is respected, there will be better or der in the village hereafter. I George Burris and wife, with their two children were visiting with old friends here the past few days, be ing guests at the home of Mrs. Nancy McNamee. They went to Omaha on Monday to visit a short time before returning to their home at Bloom field. Mrs. Mary Taylor and daughter. Miss Rachel, who have been spend ing the holidays at the home of Mrs. B. A. Taylor and daughter. Miss Elsie, returned last Sunday evening to University Place. where Miss Rachel will take up her studies again in the university. Mr. G. B. Burton, formerly of Mur ray, but now of Syracuse, has accept ed the position of lineman and wire chief of the Union Mutual Telephone company, and has gone to work. Mr. Burton is an excellent workman in his line and will make a valuable man for the position. Charles Peck of Elmwood, was a visitor in Union over Sunday, being the guest at the home of his sister, Mrs. G. W. Leach, and also visiting his mother, Mrs. Elias Peck, who makes her home with her grandson E. E. Leach and wife, and returned home Sunday evening. Mrs. C. H. Fuller, who has been with the Missouri Pacific in Union for over the past year, has received a substantial promotion, and was sent to Jefferson City, Mo., where he is with the company. Mr. Ful ler has been a very valuable man for the company, and his many FRANCE'S Capital Streets .MOVIE AT r1. IV. A. HALL An Excellent Play "A Child of Paris Streets!" Very Exciting Scenes! Saturday Evening friends here will be plea-ed to know of his promotion. A letter from Mesdames Dean Aus tin and Ida Applegate. who are at tlie present time visiting? at the home .dight s pre- of Mr. and Mrs. I'arm Applegate, o: Shreveport, La., tell of the d fu! summer weather which i: v.ifling tiiere. They say flowers are blooming on every side, and the weather is warm and balmy. They expect to remain for some time. Will Move to West. A. J. Lawless will hold a sale of his farm machinery and sue!) good:; as he cannot well ship when he goes to Arriba. Colorado, to locate this spring. Mr. Lawless, who is one of the community's best citizens, will her j hold his sale on February 7th. Watch lor announcement m the columns of this paper and also the bills at an early date. Col. W. R. Young will crv the sale. Many Masons Visit Nehawka. Last 'Wednesday the Masonic lodge at Nehawka received four members and had a most agreeable time. A banquet was held, and a number of the members of that or ganization who live in Union were in attendance at the ceremonies and the '.mncjuet which followed. The order i growing all over the country and this visiting is doing her share for 'he good work. Have Directors Mc?tiner. J. C. Poling and D. K. Storhison of Nebraska City, members and stock holders of the Keystone Pipe com pany and also otfieers. were in Un ion last Monday attending a meet ing of the board of directors, and locking after some business matters. The work was only partly completed as Mr. V. B. Banning who is th1 secretary was called to Lincoln i look after some business niatters. AN UNUSUAL SUCCESS AND A SPECIAL OFFER Triner's Wall Calendar with fif teen maps of European countries and their new borders proved a great success. Its geographical instruc tion appealing to every curtomer of Triner's Bitter Wine and other excel lent Triner's remedies has been uni versally declared as a splendidly con ceived idea. ; Half a million copies were distributed and the paper, if stretched out. would be 790 miles long, the same distance as from Chi cago to Washington. Now the Jo seph Triner Company comes with a at thelPciai oner: wiei:tver in uumn another j about some geograpnicai or Histori cal question, send us your inquiry and Dr. Yojan. a noted authority on history and geography, will be only too glad to answer the same free of Write to Joseph Triner 133o-4r So. Ashland Ave., 111. of Fort of his Harris. charge. Company, Chicago, See Vick Sherwood for Masonic in surance for Masons only. Ci-3d the NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DAIRY COWS The Dairy Law of Nebraka re quires that all cows from which any milk or cream is sold for consump tion shall be tested at least once each year by an approved veterinar ian. The only exceptions to this are in cases where milk or cream is de livered to a dairy where the product is properly pastrueized before it is sold to the public, or where the en tire product of the herd is sold for manufacturing purposes. Cow owners are urged to have this testing; done durinir the months of January and February for the reason that more time is available, and when a number of cows are assem bled at one time and place, reduced rates for testing will be made. The law provides this testing shall be done by an approved veterinarian, and the following are the approved veterinarians in this district: Dr. O. Sandin. Plattsmouth; Dr. W. H. Tuck. Weeping Water; Dr. James Parrish. Elmwood; Dr. Guy Lake, Murdock. Arrangements should be made to have this testing done within the time specified, as the dairy inspector will check all cow owners who are required to test. Attention is called to the fact that the Dairy Law pro vides a penalty for failure to com ply with the above provisions. Department of Agriculture, E. C. Nelson, Dairy Inspector. ltd ltw. POLAND CHINA HOG SALE SATURDAY, JANUARY 15 Don't fail In attend the big type Poland China bred sow sale F Frank Anderson, Pacific Junction. Ia., Sat urday, January 1921. Never before has there been such an oppor tunity for farmers to get a start in all full-blood swine, and at a price they can afford to pay. Mr. Anderson's herd is of the most popular blood lines of the present day, and they carry more Big Orange. Big Giantess strains, than any oth er one herd in the world. Any one of these sows will stock Sour farm with all pure bloods in a very short time. Be ,ure to attend this sale and take home a sow. One of these sows will make you more money in the long run than four common sows. Send your name for a catalogue, and remember the d;.',' January T,:h, 1!21. Yours for Best Service ! The Reo truck is bv.IU for service, being sturdy, powerful, and having the action necessary for the dis patch of business. Come in and we will be pleased to demonstrate the wagon to you. We also handle Reo cars, Goodyear cord tires, Ac cessories of all kinds and f ord Repairs. The Willis G arage, UNION NEBRASKA TO MEET ROPER IN OES MOINES SOOH C. V.. lli'iil.e was f.u.o:i !ln g'llng to Omaha tiiis morning l' spend the day looking atur .';::, niatit-rs of business. Andy Sehsiader Stops Johnny Lee in Sr'cer.d Round of Their Mill New Year's Kjglit. ! For earache, toothach' burn?, scald;-. sore throat. Thymus' Kchctric Oil. a remedv for en:ergenci .-. m: VAN EVERY PASSES AWAY trv I-r. n:i-l Andy Schmader. of Louisville, wa; in town Sunday evening, and whik here informed a journal representa-i tire of the result of his boxing match at Central city on New Year's night, when he was matched against Johnny Iee. Omaha light -heavy weight, who it will be remembered won a referee's decision over Harry William a year ago in their fight at Fort Omaha. Andy found little trouble in stop nii:ir hi- opponent in the second round, which will be pleasing news to his Cass county friends. He informs us that he is scheduled to meet Captain Bob Ropr at Des Moines on the COth of this month, in a ten round match. Roper is one of the big boys and shades well up to F.ob Drennan who is the only man to date securing a knockout over Schmader. and that only after six rounds of teriffic battle. Roper re cently knocked out I lob Martin, the A. E. F. champion, and his battle i t Ie:-; Moines with the ex i.hvv chr.m pion should prove a good drawing card. Unlike many young comers at the game. Schmader has contented him self by remain inc at home in the vil lage of Louisville, rather than sei k the bright lights of the city, which have ruined many pugilistic aspira tions, and credit for hi? successes is due in no small measure to this fact. j Mrs. John Hurt, Jr.. ar.J .-on. Jack, were among tno-e going to dnuia this afternoon to with friends in that citv for a few hours. Settled Near rlattsmouth With F?r- cnts in 1S(- Weeding; ft Later Moving to nr. One way to relieve hi-bitual con stipation is to take regularly a mild laxative. peon's Regulet an- recrii mended for this purpose. ::0c z. box at all drug stores. Mrs. C. C. Nen going to Omaha lint;ton train this a few hours with t h o -;e. Bur- morning to sp'-ud friends there. was among n the early Carl West of Wyoming, who has been here visiting with his lit"e daughter, Helen Jane West, i.nd oth er relatives and friends departed this afternoon fnr Omaha. lary Alberta I'ot-ilani. N. V., Most disfiguring scrofula, pimples. skin eruptions, rushe--. etc.. are due to impure blood. V.y. t Bitters as a ('eansing bl ! well recc-mmeiid"d. $1.1 Ro.-e was born in in 18;i. At the age of three years, together with her parents and older brothers, came to Nebraska in search of a home. They settled near i'lat tsmoiit h , in Cs.s county. Later moving to near Weep ing Water in the same county. Here she grew to womanhood. In 1ST! she was united in marriage to Nelson Van Every at Flattsmout h. The following year they moved onto a homestead in Antelope county, where thry met with the usual pioneer struggles. In 1S9T. they moved to IK-lt county, living at I'age for the first seven years. Kr-ji there they moved to Amelia, coming to Inman in 1h4. To this union ten children were born, seven of who mare left to :ek Blood I mourn t.'od tonic, is v. all stores. 1 -:nd and Rhueben, Sheriff C. 1). Quinton dt parted this morning for Greenwood, where he was called en s.-me matters of bu:-ir.ess for t lie county for :i l v hours. W. F. Masonic K vers. Home, m the : fr.r Om- rupenntendent departed this where he -;;' Of .h mom- BIRTH OF DAUGHTER. fine and Ma is a New Year's day at Omaha a little daughter was born to Mr. Mrs. A. J. Sistek at the Stewart ternitv hospital. Mrs. Sistek daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Hemple of Omaha, and a grand daughter of Mrs. IS. Hemple of this city and the advent of the little one has brought a fcreat deal of pleasure to Mrs. Hemple who is now great grandmother. ':a. of the oci ! hoard the -Nebraska ..ia-onic Home a t ion. f t i',r ; ia- ' 1V ! i ! !..:( Itchinr jdles pro-. . ke proLfvby bu 7rof:i;:it y v. on't relieve t!.. :n I'oin's Ointment is recouir.,e:;de.I '; itching, bleeding or protru .ling pile- 60c at anv drug store. BABX QUITE SICK r.Tn Tuesday's rnKy The little five-months-old babe of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison, is re ported as being quite sick as the result of an attack of pneumonia. Dr. R. I. Westover was called there this morning and assisted in the care of the little one. It is hoped that the babe will be able to rail" from the attack of the pneumonia and soon be on the highway to recovery. BSING JOY TO HOME. The stork which has been quite active in this community paid a call at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schissel west of the city on Friday and left in their care a fine little son and heir. The mother and little one are doing nicely and the occasion has brought much happiness to the rela tives of the little son. ANNUAL MEETING. The Masonic Protective Associa tion for Masons only. Protect your daily income. See or call V. E. Sher wood. 31-3d. Spring will be here before you know it. Bring in your harness to be repaired and oiled. Ben H. Wilos. Gorder's old stand. tf-d. FOR KENT. The annual meeting of the Farmers Mutual Fire & Live Stock Insurance company of Cass county, Nebraska, will be held at the Taylor school house. District No. 4 5 in Plattsmouth precinct on Saturday, January S. 1921. at 1:30 p. m., for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing . - -i i f n ti rl tr'iTlcnttintr ciml fltVlOl- hllci. ness as may legally come before the meeting. J. P. FALTER. Std rtw. Secretary. See Vick Sherwood for Masonic in surance for Masons only. 31-3d Pain's Two modern unfurnished Call phone No. 510. rooms, tf-d. Blank books, Journal office. Liniment is always ready to ease Triennial ism. AT the very first twinge, down. . comes civ bottle of Sloan's; then quick relief, vsithoul rubbing, for it s stimulating and scatters congestion. The boys use it for stiff muscles, and it helps Sally's backaches, too." 35c, 70c, $1.40. See Vick Sherwocd fnr LlcsorJc in surance for Masons cnlv. 31-3J with their father the loss of a loving wife and mother, (iertru'ie and Sarah Jane preceded thtir mother several years previous Tn'-se living are James L". t;ien and Mrs. nil (jf Inman ; Khoba Asher of Pane; George and Mrs. Georgia DeLong of ill. Slit also Itaves a sister, Altie F!ov.r of Stillwater, Lhon.a. and two brother-. IJ. 1. of Brunswick. Neb., and H. J. of B.-ighf'n. .Mo., to mourn h r rt ure. )i- the past four years her health been gradually fa'ling. although If-he hadn't beer: confined to h'r b'd i'.nlv seven week- when her spirit left j i'.r its final ruling place with the ! Almighty, on Ivrember 1M. Funeral service.-, were he'.'.! lieceni ! her '.'?., in lhn M. t hodist church in i Inman. conducted ly Hev. Urwin. 'and interment made in the Page cem ", rrv. Inman ( Neb. i Neves. the ok' est. John F., ; Marion IJnuelhutipt. ! M rs ' II.. i ON !okk You Qsn Save Money BY COMING TO OUR STORE For Groceries, Husking Gloves and Mitts, Salt end Genera! Hardware. Now is the time to do that Painting. DO NOT LET WINTER CATCH YOU OUT OF COAL We have it now. Better take advantage of the oppor tunity. You know what it may mean to be without, A GOOD STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES Our Store Will Save YOU Money A. L. BECKER, UNION NEBRASKA 30,000 Acres LINCOLN COUNTY, COLORADO FOR SALE! LAND We are harvesting an excellent crop cf wheat in Lincoln County, Colorado, at this time. Come, see land, where in many instances one crop will pay for the land. We are making trips every Saturday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and particulars. The best land and at a price where any one can pur chase and at prices where ane one can pay. CHAS. BOWDiSH, Box No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr. fVIach &. ach, The Dentists 3 The largest and best equipped der.tal oicec in Omaha. Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant. Mod erate Prices. Porcelain !!inss jus! like tooth. Instru ments carefully sterilized after using. THIRD FLOOR, PAXTOH BLCCX, OfiAKA Fsstu la-Fay When Cured A mild Fyntem of treatment that cure Pile Fistula mud otii-r Kertnl I In a mhort ti- .e. v itliout a wr yvrgo ul opTat'on. N C'liiorofwrfa. F.:i;er or other Ki-rai miMiiimw ora. A euro iruarsnteed In every accepted for treatment, and no money to ,.,4i ,.....1 v...,.L- nr, Pb.-ihI I).psi-i. i t n nam and t-it lii.oniaim of oii-r? than l.'irt prominent people w ho have en prmRn'-ntly ""'' UK, I. IS. iAJLICI, Hllnl4.riuTO. l-elem ira-i !". i -- Ifr. ii. a. JuiuwUMi. miedictti Ittrrctur. i;ee iv.Ad.l. OMAHA. KCB.