The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 03, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Oe plattsmoutb journal
Entered at PostotTlce, I'lattsmouth, N'eb., aa second-class mail matter
R. A. BATES,. Publisher
By their
presents ye shall know
to have
IJie man who aa
a mild winttr.
id we were
The moonshine Christmas increas
es the grave digger's income.
Some of our profiteers must have
taken Santa Claus for a sucker.
-j, 0:0
Many a shabby coat covers an hon
est quart of moonshine these days.
The boys are enjoying the coasting
down high school hill of an evening.
Do your New Years resoluting ear
ly. You'll break 'em the same way.
Make a resolution now that you
will try to have more money to spend
next Christmas.
The Yanks would like to wind up
that watch on the Rhine. It is get
ting monotonous!
Wouldn't it be fine if the average
boy could learn other things as easily
us he learns cuss words?
The Irish leaders in this country
keep on finding out new ways of los
ing friends for the cause.
It is high time for the retailer to
hurry along that great slump in ag
ricultural prices to the consumer.
Murders are so common nowadays
that the hot they can hope for is
one-line heads in the newspapers.
:o: :
A Pullman porter restored $1500
he found in a berth. Six months ago
he would have thought it was a tip.
It has reached the point where
Platt-cmouth needs more housing fa
cilities and fewer joy riding facili
ties. -0:0-
Lady Astor fays that her fellow
members in the House of Commons
are a "lot cf old women." You tell
Lemons and peanut oil are to be
protected by a high tariff but we fail
to pee how that is going to make
times better.
The sincerity of congress in its de
clared desire to do something is
equalled only by its ignorance of
what to do.
Somehow or other we suspect that
the North Carolina man who is the
father of 37 children does not believe
in race suicide.
Congress will do well to adopt the
famous French motto. "They-Shall
Not Pass," and put it up at all im
migration stations
Blue Sunday and compulsory
church-gofng may revive that instru
ment of torture used by the sexton,
to wake up sleepers.
It is officially announced that
Harding's plurality was 7,507,767.
This seems to substantiate the ru
mor that he was elected.
The average man can't keep one
woman forded, vet once in a while
you hear ct an idiot who is trying to
get awa with higarny.
Announcement of the Standard Oil
company's discovery of a wax- to
make alcohol from petroleum has
stimulated interest in the Texas oil
Many people seem to think there
is a joke somewhere about the say
ing. "Honesty is ,the best policy."
There is, and it is on those whq
can't see anything in it but a joke.
It all depends on what you call hon
esty. Check That Cold
Right Away
Dr. King's New Discovery
soon breaks a cold and
checks a cough
A SUDDEN chill sneezes stuffy
feeling in the head and you have
the beginning of a hard cold. Get right
after it, just as soon as the sniffles
ctart, wih Dr. King's New Discovery.
For fifty yeara a standard remedy for
colds, coughs and grippe.
You will soon notice a change for
the better, lias a convincing, healing
taste that the kiddies like. Good for
croupy coughs. All druggists, 60c
and $1.20 a bottle.
Ibr colds andcoughs
ISTew Discovery
Put "Pep" in Your Work
Many a man has been a failure in
business, many a woman in her home,
because constipation has clogged the
whole system, storing up poisons that
enervate and depress. Dr. King's
Pills act mildly and make bowels act
naturally. Same old price, 25 cents.
. JrampfAWorCt Gripe
diiffs Pills
British troops captured Mad Mul
lah's five wives. Perhaps Mullah is
no longer mad.
The delusion still lingers that
Santa Claus is an easy mark who
made a lot of money out of the war
DaJ can go to the store and ex
change his Christmas necktie if he
wants to. but if he does, he's no
Listen. eirls: One way to lose a
husband's love is to leave your old
corset draped over the back of
Havinc read Walter Camp'e All-
American team, we look forward now
to Harding's All-American cabinet
The grimmest of blue law zealots
of colonial days never sought to take
the flavor out of mince pie and Christ
mas fruit cake.
Princess Christopher has a coro
nation gown with nine-foot train
Let's hone the Greek palace has
In ancient days the gallant
used to sing beneath his
heart's window. Now he
toots the auto horn.
k night
Our idea of an optimist is a wo
man who won't sell a second-hand
babv carriage after it has been in
the family several years.
.- :o:
Just when it looked like clear sail
ine for the league of nations, a wo
man's organization asked for a ruling
on international marriages.
young chap in this town whose
income is $ou per montn iook unto
himself a bride the other day. They
must expect to live on love.
Unemployment is the greatest
breeder of crime, and that is the
chief reason of the great crime wave
now sweeping over the country.
It is evidently from some trade
superstition that the New -York bur
glars have refrained from carrying
off the Statue of Liberty up to this
More than 27.000,000 persons vot
ed in the recent presidential elec-
And a big majority cf them
have sense enough to vote
If Thomas A. Edison wants to do
something that will bring him ever
lasting fame, he ought to invent a
silk stocking with a seam that will
set straight.
Lenine says he is building a civili
zation that will be fully developed
100 years hence. But the starving
millions in Russia can't afford to
wait that long.
"Prince of Wales May Wed a Com
moner, says a London (able, wen,
it would be rather hard to fnd a
commoner looking cnap man tne
aforesaid Prince.
There is not a man in America who
does not break some law almost ev
ery day of the year. If the reform-
rs have their way about it, .all of
us win soon be m jail.
What's this? The American ar-
j my 0:1 the name providing cnnsi
f mas goodies for the children of the
enemy! Well, what can be expect
ed that that's just like an American
In fond memory we go back to
the days when the average girl's
idea of daring was to wear a pair of
red slippers. But nowadays the girls
leave nothing whatever to the imag
ination. :o:-
Both Germany and China are com
plaining of hunger, but the reports
say that there are plenty of things
to drink in both countries. Some
folks simply don't know when they
are well off.
Even if it wasn't the whitest
Christmas in the world outside, one
could wade to"nis heart's contest up
to his knees in drifts of white, red
and pink wrapping tissue by staying
in the house.
The emperor of Japan once had a
funeral that cost $100,000. But
that's nothing. We have spent
more than a billion dollars trying to
funeralize John Barleycorn and he
isn't dead yet.
- 0:0
A London cable says that the loot
ers in Belfast stood ankle deep in
whisky and. champagne during the
great fire in Cork. Depite the im
minent physical danger, it must have
been a pleasant night.
Mrs. Helen Ring Robinson was
elected to congress from Denver. She
was a state senator when on the
Ford Peace Expedition, and was about
the ablest memberof the party. Then
she was registered as a democrat.
No, Gwendoline, we believe that
when Warren O. Harding said that
he intended to confer with the best
minds in the country, both demo
cratic and republican, that he did not
consider Willyum Jenny Bryan Irx
the former class, regardless of what
opinion he may have concerning
Bryan's mentality in other respects.
The census bureau is fretting
about the cook statistics. There are,
according to the 1920 census, but
333,436 female cooks in the United
States. Something like one cook for
every three hundred persons. The
bureau is worrying about the mat
ter. Indeed, so impressed was one cen
sus pessimest that he quotes:
"We can live without, poetry, mu
sic and art;
We may live without conscience and
live without heart;
We may live without friends; w may
live without books;
But civilized man cannot live with
out cooks."
Of course- he cannot'live without
cooks! Why should he? But there
rs no need of such a lot of fretting.
What if the employment offices have
a dearth of cooks? One may always
get a good cook by the matrimonial
route. The census bureau is all
wrong. Instead of there being 333,
436 female cooks in this country,
there are several million, usually one
in every house.
The break in prices promises a
lower cost of living. This ought to
tickle both the pay envelope and the
dinner pail. But there's quite a dis
tance between the high cost of liv
ing 01, say, nve years ago.
The increase in the cost of food
is best illustrated by showing the
cost of the navy ration.
This year the ration has averaged
70 cents per man per day. During
1919 it was 55 cents. The year be
fore it was 58 cents. At the begin
ning of 1915 it was 36 cents.
If the cost of eating is to drop to
the pre-war level it will have to do
more tumbling than grocer's bills
have shown the last few weeks.
There were 10,210 persons burned
to death in this country last year.
There were 17,641 people seriously
injured in fires. And of those who
died or were injured S2 per cent
were mothers and little children.
And 92 per cent of all these fires
that caused a financial loss of two
millions of dollars a day were due
to carelessness or neglect.
The tacts come from figures just
presented at the national uoaru 01
Fire Underwriters. And hidden
away in the report it is stated SS9
homes are being burned every day.
at a loss of $289,000. the onging of
65 per cent of the fires being from
trivial and preventable causes.
Iropped matches, lighted cigars and
cigarettes, for instance.
Ah, here is a significant state
ment, worth all the time it takes to
read this editorial, if folks will only
act upon it: "Over 90 per cent of
the school houses in the United
States are veritable firetraps. No
member of the board of education
has done his duty untiijie has given
every possible protection to tne
children entrusted to his care.-'
The National Board of Fire Under
writers, when its officials made that
statement, had in mind a horrible
school catastrophe. "By a careful
survey of school buildings througn
out the country it is found that the
lesson learned in the Collinwood
school fire has already been forgot
ten. Boards cf education are elected
to take care of, and are made re
sponsible for the educational system
of our country, and the welfare of
the pupil."
Forty-three people being burned
to deatn eacn day is too many; 4.'
being injured through fires each day
is also far too many; and if it is
true that 90 per cent of the school
buildings are firetraps, that percent
age is miles too high.
Let's be careful about fire. Let's
make the nation's school houses fire
proof. "Firetraps", when applied to
school house building wherein are
housed dear little helpless children,
ias a sinister sound.
The legislative committee of the
American Legion has asked the judi
ciary committee of congress to ex
tend the statute of limitation for
draft dodgers from three to six years.
During the hearing some highly
interesting facts were brought out
showing that the department of jus
tice has been outrageously negligent
in prosecuting more than 150,000
persons wno are positively Known to
have dodged the draft.
Prosecutions of this kind have been
few and far between. Here in Ne
braska a large batch of cases were
certified from the adjutant-general's
office, but if more than three or four
persons were brought into court and
punished it is not a matter of rec
ord. The department of justice has been
strong on promises of prosecutions,
but mighty inefficient in doing the
actual work.
When You Are Bilious
To promote a healthy action of the
liver and correct the disorders caus
ed by biliousness Chamberlain's Tab
lets are excellent. Try them and
see how quickly they give you a
relish for your food and banish that
dull stupid feeling.
County Clerk George It. Sayles has
just received his hunting and fishing
licenses for the year 1921 and is now
ready to place them into the hands
of the prospective hunters and fish
ers. It would be well for those who
are followers of these sports to get
licenses early in the new year as
the state authorities are on the look
out for those who violate the lawin
the . respect of fishing or hunting
without a license.
During the past year Mr. Sayles
has disposed of 300 of these licenses
in the county to the nim roils and
Popular copyrighted fiction at the
Journal office.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of John
Herrmann, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in I'latts
mouth in said county, on the 10th day
of January. A. 1. 1921, and on the lltli
day of April, A. I). 1921, at ten o'c lock
in the forenoon of each day, to receive
and examine all claims asainst said
estate, with a view to their adjust
ment and allowance. The time limited
for the presentation
said estate is three
of claims against
months from the
10th day of January, A. I). 1921. and
the time limited for payment of debts
is one year from .said 10th day of
year from . '.
January, A. D. 1921.
Witness mv nanu
and the seal
said County Court, this 5th day of De
cember, 1920.
(Seal) County Judse.
In the District Court of Cass coun-
in the matter of the application of
U. B. Windham, administrator, for
license to sell real estate.
Now on this ISth day of December,
A. IV 1920, this cause came on for
liearinjr upon the petition, under oath
of Ji. B. Windham, administrator of
the estate of Grace Den Windham, de
ceased, uravintr for license to sell the
following Ascribed real estate ot saidtjvi.s anil ..n ther p-rsons interested
Crace Den Windham, tn-wit: Lot nine ,tJ t,)C , e (,f Turner deceased;
(9 in Dloek tive (5 in the original ( f.k,1:,,vn ,oi:s. devi.- ees, legatees, per
town of I'lattsmouth. Cass county, s.,11;, j , st u at i v s an.', all other
Nebraska, as the same is shown on the ! Is(iris iriU,. si.d in the estate u Mrs.
published and recorded plat thereof, or : !;!m1 Turner, deceased; John Morten-
a sufticient amount inereot
IO lirin.l,
the sum of $1,200.10 for-the payment
of debts allowed aerainst said estate,
and allowances and costs of adminis
tration, for the reason that there is
not a sufficient amount of personal
property in the possession of said II.
It. Windham, administrator, belonging
to said estate, to pay said debts, al
lowances and costs.
It is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested in said estate appear
before me at chambers in the City of
IMattsrtxiutli, in said county, on the
Srd day or February. A. D. 1921, at
the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., to show
cause, if any there be, why a license
should not be granted to said 1!. H.
Windham, administrator. to sell so
much of the above described . real es
tate of said decedent as shall be neces
sary to pay said debts and expenses.
It is further ordered that a copy of
this order be served upon all persons
interested in said estate by causing
the san-.e to be published once eaeli
week for four successive weeks in
the I'lattsmouth Journal, a lesal news
paper printed, published and circul
ating in said county of Cass,. Ne
braska. .TAJIKS T. IIKC.LKV.
Jmle of the District Court of
d.'O-lw Cass County, Nebraska
I.Kfi.1, M'l l( I!
To liaymond Theodor.-ki, '
The odorski. real name unknown (wife!
01 liavmono 1 iicouor k i . jiem :
Thomas." Sylvia C. Thomas (wife f :
Henry Thomas); Anna C. Kyle. Ai. II. :
Kvle, real name unknown (husband of
.inn.1 C. Kvlec W. V. Windham, trus-i
tee for M. L.. oodruli; -i. l.. wood
ruff, real name unknown: Max I'reis:
Crace Johnson, Jonnsun, real;
name unknown (husband of brace i
Johnson): Martha Johnson, j
Johnson, real name unknown (husband I
of Martha Johnson) and the heirs, j
devisees, legatees, personal rc preventa
tives and all other persons interest--.!
in the estrtc-s of the lol.owinsj named
j.tscuis, whose names ar-- unknown,
to-wit: naymond Theodorski.
Tluedorski. real name unknown (wife
of Kaymond Theodorski); I lens y
Thomas. Sylvia C. Thomas (wife of
lienry Thomas): Anna C. Kyle. M. II.
Kvb-, real name unknown (husband of
nria C. Kylej: V,'. V. Windham, trus
tee for M. I Woodruff; M. I,. Wood
ruff, real name unknown: Max I'reis;
Crace Johnson. Johns.ui, real
name unknown (husband of Crace
.Iceinson): Martha Johnson,
Johnson, real name unknown (husband
of Maltha Johnson): Dot three hundred
nine (309) ViUatre of I-ouisVille, as
fcin veved. platted and recorded in Cass i
county, Nebraska: and Dot six ( li ) and)
the south one (li foot of Lot tive (-)
in Dlock four (4). in the Village
Alvo. as surveyed, platted and ro
e.l in Cass coiintv. Nebraska: and
Lots eleven (ll) aid twelve (12).
lUock two
hundred twenty-one
of I'lattsmouth, as
and recorded in Cass
(221) in the City
surveyed, platted
county, Nebraska:
and Lots
one (1), two (2). three (.it.
five (5) and six () in IJloc-k
four (t)
eifrhty-hve (85). in the City ot I'latts
mouth. as surveyed, platted and re
corded -Jn Cass county, Nebraska; and
all persons clajmin; any interest of
any kind in said real estate or any
part thereof:
You and each of you are notified
that on the 6th clay of December, 19 20.
Harriett K. Wolfe, as plaintiff, riled
her petition in the District Court in
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and
that vou and eaeli of you are parties
defendant, the object of the action so
brought beincr to foreclose four sepa
rate '"tux certificates, covering the fol
lowing described parcels of real estate
in Cass county, Nebraska, to-wit: Lot
three hundred nine (309), Village of
Louisville, as surveyed, platted and re
corded in Cass county. Nebraska: and
Lot six (f.) and the south one (1) foot
of Lot five tiii, in Block four (it. in
the Village of Alvo, a surveyed, plat
ted and recorded in Cass county, Ne
braska; and Lots eleven (11) and
twelve (12). Block two hundred twenty-one
(221), in the City of I'latts
mouth, as surveyed, platted and re
corded in Cass county, Nebraska, and
Lota one (I), two (2), three CJ;, four
(4 1. Hve (5) and six in r.lock
eighty-five (ST.) in the City of I'latts
mouth, as surveyed, platted and re
corded in Cass county. Nebraska: and
that vou and each of you be fore
closed of all title, claim, lien, right of
redemption or other interest in said
juopertv or anv part thereof, and that
the plaintiff have such other and fur
ther relief as she may be entitled to
an l to the Court may seem meet.
Yof and each ot you are renuiic-o
to answer this petition on or oeiore
the 2ttll day of January, 1921.
IIAIiUlLTT L. wwi.i-r..
jjy l'laintiff.
d9-5w. Her Attorney.
1'ellllou for Appointment of
Al miuiMtrator
Htate of Nebraska, Cass conn-
ty. ss.
In the Count j- Court.
In the matter of the estate? of Jo
seph M. Koberts, deceased.
On reading and unrig ine pennon ot
Kittie C. Itoberts. praying that admin
istration of said estate may be granted
to .1. J. Roberts as Administrator:
Ordered, That January list, A. i '.
1921, at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned
for hearing said petition, when an
lu.m.iK interested in said matter may
. .
ippoar at a County fouri to oe m-m ;t!
in and for said county, ami snow cause
whv the piaver of petit inner should
not be grdnted: und that notice of the
pendencv of said petition and the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons
.interested in said matter by publiso
ing a copy of this order in the I'latt.--motith
Journal, a semi-weekly news
paper printed in'- said county, for
three successive weeks prior to said
dav of hearing.
Dated December :;0ih. 19.0.
ALLKN J. Il-:i-'0..
(Seal) j:;-3w. County Judge.
Black traveling bag containing la
dies blue serge dress, underskirt and,
a pair of shoes as well as other ar
ticles o f wearing apparel. Lost
snniftwhere between Holly's store and
Vfiiraskii citv Vinder nlease re-!
turn to
Journal office and receive
2td ltw.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Frank I:. Gobelman, I'laintiiT, vs.
Wiliii.rn J. Hyatt et a!. Defendants.
To the defendants, William .?. Hyatt,
and Ksther Hyatt, his wife: unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep-
and all other persons
the estate of William J.
interested in
Hyatt, deceased; unknown heists, devi
sees, letratets, personal representatives
and all other pers-in.s interested in the
estate of Kstiier Hyatt, deceased; Win.
J. Hyatt, tirst and real name unknown;
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per-
1 som:l representatives, arid all other
I persons interested in the estate of ni.
J. Hvatt, deceased; sirs. win. j. iiyatt
! his wife, hist and real name unknown
unknown heirs, devisees,, per
Isonal reprt senta t i ves
of 1 persons interested ::i
and all other
the estate of
Mrs. Win.
Hyatt and
first and
J. Hyatt, deceased: Kstlo r
Hyatt, her husband,
real in: me unknown; nn-
helrs, devisees, letratees, per-
representat i ves. and all other
persons interested jn the estate 01
Ksther Hyatt, i'e;-e.i. .l ; unlyiov. 11 heirs,
rievi.s?e., legatees, personal representa
tives and all other persons interested
in the estate of Hvatt. deceased;
James I'. Kennedy
('evisees, K-7at es,
tatives and ul! ot
estd in the estate
r.edy, deceased; I
Mrs. Khud Turner.
uiiKiiown Ileus,
personal represep
ler persons inter
01" James It. Kea
M.ihl Turner and
his wife, tirst and
reel name unknown:
unknown heirs,
Will represent:) -
devisees, le atees, pe;
! ,. . iir,!.vinvn I i ! s: devisees, letratees.
isonal reprej--e!ita4iees and all oilier
rsons interested In the estate of John
Mortt us' u, deceased; Kliseb
Unknown h :r.-. .'"visees, ie;
i'th I'ruett;
tatces, per
all other
c svate of
Silas Cros-
son:: : em eseiit-it ives .and
preseiiini lves ana
interested in the
:, I 'met t, i: ceased ;
fit: unknown heirs, devisee
J j ersonal representatives and all other
persons interested jn the estate of Silas
: i'l osser, d. eeas. .! : Klixabeth 1 'I'll it t;
j unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
! sonal representat i es and all other
'persons interested in the estate of
jKUxabeth I'ruitt, dec-eased: the un-
known owners and unknown c laim
ants of Koi- :t and 1 in I!loc'.t M.; in
the Cjtv of I'lattsmouth. Cass county, I
: Nebraska: Lots and 10 in Hloc-k i i
, in t!-e City of IMa ttsniouth, Cass oun
t v, Nebraska. a:..l all persons clnimi.ikj
any interest of any kind in said real'
; estate ov any part thereof: !
Y-ni arid each of you are hereby'
lied that on the 1Mb day ot e- j
her. 1!2'., plaintiff tiled his suit in j
District Court of Cass county. No- j
I rr ska. the
which is to
tifl's ti!e in
Dh;ek Mi. in county.
. i'-li a i.d a ! i
-l.i i :i; i riu" to
ob.'cct and purpose of
. 1 1 ; i - -1 and confirm plain
nr.d to Lots f and HI in
the City of I'lattsmouth.
Nebraska, and to enjoin
of you from ha via .;' or
ave any rjiit, ti!'" l'n
or interest either
in or to taid rc a !
tl.eio-.f, and to c n.i
on from in any
with plaintiff's p:
ni of said pi c mi:
lecal or oor.itable,
st a te or a ny pa i t
'.n you ami er' h of
ma n in r i n t c rferi nr
session ar.d enio" -
s and for enviable
This no tier- is uiven
an elder of the Court,
i; i! i red to answer sai.i
before Monday, the :-;ist
pursuant to
Vnii are le
a tit ion n or
day of .lanv-
ary. 1921. or
de fault will be en-
ter.d therein.
Tii'D & mwnu
(12 0- i w.
A t torn e vs.
to r
I in I ti;s
ska, Cass
C'llll- I
he ini!v
! : mat tor
e' d, !t oc ;.' e.
the it. ditors
are hereby
l u
of .lames
s of sai
room in
the 1st .
i slate: J will
ia I tsiiiou t h
sit ;
t!e- court
1 county, on
t in s;
a i v,
i May
of I'ebrv-
A. l. 1321. and
A. 1. l'.Ul. at
on tin- . rd nay m j
I en o'clock in the I
i forenoon of each dav, to receive and
.-amine all claims against said estate.
with a view i t;
allowance. The t
tin --i !it;M ion of !;:
a gainst
om the
nt and
for the
said c s-l.-t
d r-
.! e ti UK
is :,
. bi n. i r ,
ims a:
is fro
t;-e is three monC
of February. A. l
of F
i!m:i'i i or
nt ot
;.';: r irom
til 1st d.
A. D. lie-1.
Witness m.
said County
I t ' c-inber, A.
! and
( ourt
t his
C s.
::ist d
I . 1920.
ii nt y
(Seal) j:
I w.
oudku el- hi:ahi;
I'elilioM for iiuiutnuiit
clniiiis(ri;lo r.
State of Nebraska, Cass
in the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Henry
IIir-., deceased.
On i'adin'-r and filing the petition
e," Philip J. Ilirz praying that adminis
ration of sail estate may be granted
m himself as administrator:
Ordered. That January 29th. A. I .
!9J 1, at 10 o'clock a. m.. is assigned for
I taring said petition, when all persons
interested in said matter mav appear
it a 'ounty Court to be held in and
for raid county, and show cause why
I lie lira"er of petitioner should not be
u ran i"d: and that notice
den.-.e of said petition a:
ing thereof be given to
int.-i . sted in said matter 1
of tiie peli
d the hear
aT; persons
v publishing
!t cony
this order in the 1'Ia 1 1 inou I h
Jon rnal
i-"ss i ve
hen ring
a s-mi-weekly newspaper
in said county for three sue
weeks, prior to said day of
December 27th. 1920.
allkn J. i;i:i-:sox.
fount v Judge.
CI I Ay. K. MAKTl.V.
t'l'K i : ni' iii:mii;
mi IVIilloii for Determination
of Heir lii p.
K.-tate of Katharine Hirz, deceased,
in Ho- founts- Court of Cass county,
The Slate of Nebraska, To nil per
sons interested in said estate, credi
tors and heirs take: notice, that Philip
J. Ilirz, who is one of the heirs of
said deceased and interested in such,
has filed ids petition alleging that
Katharine llirx. died intestate tn Cass
county, Nebraska, on or about, the 2nd
day of June, 1917. being n resident and
inhabitant of the county and state
aforesaid and the owner of the- follow-
leseri be d re;i 1 estate to-wit:
The so-.ithwest iiarlor (SW'i)
of H.-.-liop eitrhteen (1). Township
twelve (IJ), ICantre thirteen i:;,
east of the Cth I. M., Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
nvi .-r rs her so'e and only heirs at
l.w the f'-llnfin,' named persons, to
jvit: lienry ilirz (now deec as.-d ), her
I iisdi.i nil ; t'hilib .1. ltirz. a son, and
Bninia S. M'.rz and Klizabeth K. Hirz,
ic-r ciaufrhters: that your petitioner
is one of the heirs at law of said de
cedent. Katharine Hirz. and as such is
owner of an undivided two-ninths
interest in and to said real estate; that
js:iid decedent died intestate; that no
a id'l ic-ation for adnii'.iist ejition has been
made and the estate of said decedent
has not been administered in the State?
of Ne,rasl:a, and that 1he Court de
termine vho are the heirs of said de
nse. 1. their decree of and
;e !lri.t ot descent in ine real iroji-
litv '.vine l the deceased oied seized.
i.hieh ha. been set for hearinfi on the
(v.-eiil;.-nintii day of January, -. V.
J&21. et 10 o'clock a. m.
' Dated at I'lattsmouth. Nebraska, this
I went'--seveiith day of December, A.
.. lil-'O.
Seal ("onnty Juilge.
Figures from the principal Ameri
can cities show that the Christmas
trade was much below that of last
year. It is
evident that the people
are Deginning to economise m tai
You Can Wear These Reduced
Blouses Now or in the Spring!
Because many of them are developed of beautiful lacy
and sheer materials. Some are designed to fall over the
skirt while others tuck in. And even though there are
very few Blouses of a x kind you are sure to find modes
that will fit you perfectly, for all sizes are included in this
remarkable sale. But the very fact that prices are way
down and the sizes broken means that best bargains will
go to the early choosers.
The La
FRED P. BUSCH, Manager
Undo Joe Cannon Hopes to Live
Hundred: Years and Beat the
Eritisli Kccord.
Washington. Dec. 2S. "Uncle
Joe" Cannon, war horse of the house
of represent:: tives, today established
a new American record.
With the dose of a dull house ses
cion he passed the mark for length of
service set by Justin Smith Morrill of
Vermont, who as senator and repre
sentative, served forty-three years,
mne months and twenty-four days.
The former speaker will begin tomor
row adding new time to his own rec
ord, with the hope of reaching the
ripe old age of 100. and beating Glad
stone's record of fifty-three years in
the Briti:,h houe of commons.
"Uncle Joe's" achievement will be
celebrated in the house tomorrow,
with Champ Clark, himself a veteran,
i wlio retires March 4, leading the
ceremonies. Mr. Cannon
also will speak, and many of the
cider members will ask them for a
fe wremarks.
Walking about the corridors of the
cnpitol today, chewing his long black
(ii'fir, ?dr. Cannon told a friend tliore
wr.s no use offering n little advice
to younger representatives, because
fti nchO'ly ela wo:? always thinking
up smart things and attributing them
to him. The re.iiuik, charged to Mr.
Cannon, that they put spurs on the
heels of army officers to keep their
feet from slipping off the desk, was
ne ver uttered by 'iim.
"But. what's t'ae use?" he asked.
Counting als victory in the rec?nt
landslide. -Mr. Cannon has been elects
cd to cor.grc.s t'et nty-three ti.ea.
He is now ending the forty-fourth
year of service. First elected In
1S72, he has just kept coming to
congress ever since, with the ex
ception of two bad Novembers when
the people failed to return him. On
May 7. next, ne vil be eighty-'.ive
years old. Few cf his friind re
member that ne was 'nun at Cullford,
X. C. He s:rved eight: years as
5-praker. and has Deen ioing commit
tee work so long he has forgotten
when lie started.
"Gladstone served fifty. three years
in the British house of commons,
and with good election luck I hope
to beat that," the former speaker
snid. "I have had faur years ab
sence I didn't ask for, and hope
to reach the fifty-three, but then you
never can tell."
Blank books and office accessories
at the Journal office.
Weight from 1200 to 1500 lbs. Mostly mares.
TERMS: Six months to one year with interest
at 8. 2 less for cash.
January 8H1, 1921, at 1:00 P.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
. J-W. SAGE. ' ,
. STSale to be held at Gochenour's Barn.
W. R. Young, Auctioneer.
ies Toggery
Washington, Dec. 30. President
Wilson vetoed today the joint reso
lution designed to suspend a section
of the Clayton act prohibiting com
mon carriers from dealing with any
concern having interlocking direc
torates with the carrier except to a
limited extent as to contracts. . ' .
The message was read in the Ben
ate end some discussion followed as
to what should be done with it. Sen
ator Le Follette, republican, Wiscon
sin, finally asked that it go over and
this was agreed to.
The president in his message said
the principle of the Clayton act waa
sound, and that inasmuch as Section
10 had been suspended ever t ince the
act was passed in 1914, the carriers
had had ample time in which to ad
just the affairs so as to comply with
the law. .
Plenty of Them in Plattsmouth, and
Good Keason for It.
Wouldn't any woman be happy?
After years of backache suffering
Days of misery, nights of unrest, ,
The distress of -urinary troubles,1
When she finds freedom? f
Many readers will profit by thi
Mrs. Jos. Altman, of 327 Chicag
avenue, I'lattsmouth,-says: "I had ai
attack of the 'flu a year aeo and 1
left my back in a weak sfnd tire
condition,. My kidneys . were weak
too. Sometimes I could hardly bent
over while about my housework 01
account of the sharp stitches in tht
small of my back and through m:
kidneys. I felt weak all over. I haj
heard so much about Doan's Kidne;
Tills helping other pople who hat
been troubled as I was, I tried then
with the best of results. The one boi.
from Fricke & Company's drug store
was all I had to use and I have" not
had a sign of any kidney trouble
since. I think Doan's are fine for
such ailments as I had."
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Altman had. Foster-Mllburn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
If you need insurance of any kind
see F. G. Egenberger, agent for ail
lines of life, fire health, and neet.
dent insurance.
Blank books! Yes you. can
most any kind at Journal office.