The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 30, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THTF.SDAy, DECEMBER 30, 1920.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
is extending the wish that all shall enjoy a most
Happy New Year
and that the year may bring them all a
year of prosperity.
ZT We will be closed all day New Year's,
urray State Bank,
.'' Gel cur price- on poultry before
you sell. J. A. Scot ton. the Murray
Cream Station.
. Mhs Leon a Davis, of Lincoln, spent
Christmas with her sister. Mrs. Er
nest Milbourn.
IJrinj; your cream, poultry and
eggs to J. A. Scott on at the Murray
Cream Station.
Green Piggot was' looking after
busiress matters in Plattsniouth on
last Tuesday evening.
We are paying the highest Cii:-h
prices for cream, eggs and poti'try.
The Murray Creiim Station.
Highest prices for butter, eggs,
produce and cream. Murray Cream
Station. tf.
Harry MtCulloch has just moved
into the house on the Charles Spang
Itr farm, where he will reside.
Mr.;. Fred Kamge v. as visiting in
Plattsniouth last Tuesday evening,
a guest of friends for the night.
J. II. P.rown was tailed to I'latts
jnout!' last Tuesday, where he had
some business matters to look after.
lwyer To;ld. of Ainsworth. was a
vit.itor ir Murray over Christmas,
callins on his relatives and many
Dr. and Mrs. J. F. P.rendel and son
Richard were over Christmas guests
at fhe Lome of Thomas Jamison and
family, i:. Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gilmore spent
Christmas with Mrs. Gilmore's moth
er in Nebraska City, where a most
enjoyable time was had.
Amos Wright and family wire vis
itinir in Plattsinouth over Christmas
night, attending tlie s-hmv. and re
turni!:L' home at a hue hour.
Mr. s'tul Mrs. K. S. Tntt .-pent
Christmas in Plattsmouth. where
they wete guet.- at th" home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Pit;: and family.
Mrs. I. M. Davis, of Lincoln, was
called to Oklahoma on account of
the illness of her father, George W.
Young of that place, who iz ill.
Alfred Gansmer is moving frcm
town to the farm north of town
Receive Our Kindly Greeting
I am wishing all my customers and friends a year
filled with an abundance of good things. May ye
prosper, have health and be happy.
We Wish All
With the New Year we are wishing you all pros
perity, health and happiness.
We are counting "Friends" the truest asset of a
person or business.
Look for our announcement of goods of tbe best
quality and prices right later.
Hiatt m.
which he recently purchased and
where he will make his home in the
Miss Ethel Alex, a sister of Mrs.
Frank Reed, who has been visiting
in this neighborhood for-some time
past, is assisting at the hotel for a
short time.
Tobe Johnson was visitor in Om
aha a few days this week, where he
was looking after some business
matters for a short time and alro
visiting with friends.
We pay cash for cream, produce,
butter and eggs. Murray Cream Sta
tion, tf.
Charles Kennedy, who has been
making his home at Salix. Iowa, for
some time past is visiting at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
V. Kennedy for some time.
J. II. Burton, who has been con
fined to his home for a long time
since breaking his lg last summer,
was able to walk over to the elevator
a few days ago and is making good
John Jenkins, wife and their sous,
and George Jenkins, both sons of
Mrs. Jennie Jenkins, have been visit
ing at her home in Murray during
the holidays.
A. L. Baker arrived home in Mur
ray last Wednesday in time for the
dance which his many friends in n.nd
near Murray gave for his pleasure
and in his honor.
L. D. Hiatt and family visited in
Plattsmouth for a time on Christmas
day. spending a few hours at the
home of the parents of Mrs. Hiatt
and returning home in the evening
in their car.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith and
Miss Neva La Ha. who is spending
her vacation from school duties at
her home in Murray, together with
Leo Kniss. were visiting with friends
in Plattsmouth last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis enter
tained at Christmas dinner Mrs. Da
vis parents. D. J. Pitman and wife
and J. E. Pitman and family, it be
ing somewhat of a family reunion,
and an excellent time was had.
Ludwig Halles, the capable and
genial assistant cashier of the Mur
ray State Bank spent Christmas at
his home in Plattsmouth, wherete
enjoyed the society of the old folks,
as well as other friends in the city.
Mrs. A. V. Kennedy entertained
for dinner Christmas day her sister,
Mrs. Y". A. Royal, the occasion be
ing a very pleasant one on account
of the presence of Charles Kennedy
who is making his home here for the
Mike Rys. the village blacksmith,
.spent Christmas in Plattsmouth, en
joying a visit with his family. He
has two sons who have been away,
but who were home for the holidays
and this added much to the pleasure
of his over Christmas visit.
The Richter brothers will hold a
sale at their home on January 24th,
an advertisement of which will ap
pear in an early issue of this paper,
and bills will soon be circulated list
ing the property to be disopsed of.
They have a large amount of machin
ery as well as horses, cattle and hops
to offer the buying public. Better
keep your eye peeled for their bills.
C. C. Tucker, who has recently held
a sale, will scon move to the west,
where he expects to farm during tlv.;
coming season. Charles Mu!;:, who
is living on the P. A. Hild farm, will
move to the farm which is soon to
be vacated by Mr. Tucker, and will
farm there- the coming season.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cook enter
tained at their home for Christmas
the families of W. D. Wheeler and
Albert Wheeler. Mr. Percy and Miss
iliian Wheeler were also present.
The affair was sort of a family re
union and all enjoyed a most excel
lent dinner. Mrs. Eliza Young, the
mother of Mrs. Cook, was also there,
while Miss Nita and Master Francis
Cook added joy to the gathering by
their presence.
Please Pay Up.
I have a number of accounts still
standing out and all knowing them
selves indebted to me will please call
and adjust them.
Will Preach Sunday.
The Rev. Lee Park, who is a can
didate for the pulpit at the Preshy
icrian church in Murray will de-
j liver a discourse at the t hurch the
coming Sonday. January and also
again the following Sunday. January
;. All numbers are asked to be at
those tw oservices an dto know for
yourselves th email, personally, and
his ability as a speaker and a min
ister. Had a Eeal Chrktnias.
At the home .of Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Hild on Christmas day, there
were gathered a large number of rel
atives and friends who celebrated the
day in truly Christmas style. They
all enjoyed an excellent dinner and
had a most pleasant day with the
geniel sociability and genet al good
feeling which prevailed. pres
ent te hssj-i .in making the day one
of sincere pleasure were Me-ssrs and
Mesdames L. H. Puis. W. II. Puis.
A. Gansmer, Fred Lutz. Fred Hild,
Jacob Hild, O. H. Puis and Louis
Frcidrich and their families, and
Grandma Mrs. Adam llild.
Entertained Many Friends.
A larg? number of friends and rel
atives of the family of T. S. Barrows
were gathered at their home on
Christmas day, where pleasure rtign
ed supreme. The dinner was one
which was not surpassed by any and
1 at the festive board there were ar
ranged. Mr. ('. H. Boedeker. Glen
; Boedeker and family. Mrs. Flora Sans
and daughter. Miss Beulah. and sons
;John and Charles Sans, Glen Todd
! and wife, and Charles Garrison and
! family.
Enjoyed ChiiEtmas Cheer.
At the home of Henry C. Long and
wife, there was a merry crowd of
people who enjoyed the fellowship
as well as oce of the nrest dinners
which is produced in this land on
Christmas day. At the home were
gathered, besides Mr. and Mrs. Long,
the family of Robert Shrader of Oma
ha, Mrs. Shrader being a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Long. Mr. and Mrs.
George Nickles of Murray, were also
present to participate in the good
time and contribute to the enjoyment
of the occasion.
Had a Delightful Time,
At the Hotel Berger were gath
ered la.t Saturday for Christmas
dinner, J. H. Brown and wife and
their two daughters. Leon a and Cath
erine, Mr. "Tobe" Johnson, a broth
er of Mrs. Berger. Henry Heebner of
Cedar Creek, and Jesse McVey. who
makes his home at the Berger home.
One of the very pleasing features of
the dinner, was a special fruit and
nut cake prepared by Mrs. Berger, in
which nuts were used which were
sent from California by a friend of
Mr. Jese McVey. The cake was pro
nounced by all who partook of it as
being very fine.
Enjoyed Christmas Lay.
Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Brcndcl en
tertained for dinner on Christmas',
their son T. J. Brendel and wife.
Wm. Seyboldt and wife, and all had
a most excellent time, which is an
assured fact when there is a gath
ering at the home of the doctor and
Mr. and Mrs. H. Creamer Entertain.
A large number of people with the
world and its problems left at home
or elsewhere, gathered on Christmas
dav at the hosDitable home of Karrv
Creamer and wife, where the day was
If try of tbe readers of the
Jouruki knov of any social
event or item of iotereu In
ihls vicinity, and will m.ll
itme to thU office. It will ap
pear under tins ue&dlne. W
want all news items Edjtob
spent in a Aery pleasing way. An
elegant dinner was served by Mrs. I
("reamer who is an accomplished
cocti and those to surround the din- j
ner tabic were Henry Creamer and
family, Charles Creamer and family.
Wm. Wehrboin and family, and Mr.
and Mrs. Jack West.
Ihircc Jerseys for Sale.
A fw more of those fine Duroc
Jersey boars for sale, at $45 dollars
each. ,
Sure Enjoyed the Occasion.
.Tarvas Lancaster, who knows how
to entertain, had a large number of
his friends and relatives at his home
for dinner on Christmas, there being
nearly thirty to surronud the festive
hoard, and to say they had a most
enjoyable time, would be putting it
mildly for Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster
suv to it that all thoroughly enjoyed
the sumptious feed, and conviviality.
In the evening a sociable dance was
had to which the citizens of Murray
were invited. Everybody in attend
ance surety had an excellent time.
little Child Sick.
M:v. 'Pat Campbell and little child
:o have been visiting in and near
v. ; r
ray fjr some time past, spending
holidays here with the relatives
the husband, had the misfortune
have the little one taken ill, and
h such serious indication that it
s deemed necessary to call th
her, Mr. Pat Campbell from their
fa ;
r.e ai Stanton. The little child
reported as being somewhat b?t
and it is hoped that it will soon
well again.
Entertained for Christmas Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Young en
tertained for dinner on Christmas
day. Messrs and Mesdames G. W.
MtCracken. Will S. Smith, and Mrs.
Addie Strikes and son Guy Stokes.
A most pleasant day was spent and
with the jolly good nature which
prevailed with the guests and the
ho. t anel hostess, the day was soon
ra:-?ed. and cn the departing of the
guests, they all declared the daj well
b;i(ni and the entertainment worth
while. The dinner was one unsur
passed and the general flow of good
na-ure was an added pleasure to the
Had Pleasing Dinner Party.
At the pleasant home of Dr. and
M G. H. Gilmore. w;is the scene of
a most enjoyable gathering on Christina.-
day. where they entertained for
dinner at their home. Mr. and Mrs.
Cameron Cathey. Mrs. J. A. Walker
and daughter. Miss Margie. Mr. S. G.
Laita and daughter Miss Neva, who
is spending the holidays here, and
?.!r. James Latta. To say the dr.y was
pleasantly spent woul doniy be tell
ing half of the story for a most pleas
ing time was had. Master Walker
Gilmore was also tit home from his
sch' 1 at the state university, which
added to the pleasure of the occasion.
FJiode Island Reds For Sale.
I am offering some fine Rhode
Island cockrels. this year's stock.
Miss Etta Nicklcs, Murray phone
IS 11. tf Ts s-w.
Kai An Excellent Sale.
The sale which was held at the
home of C. C. Tucker last Monday,
is 4aken as an indication of the sta
tus of the money conditions, seems
to us to show a very optimistic feel
ing among the people.
The crowd was good and everybody
was interested in the property which
wi.? offered for sale and from the be
ginning the bidding was spirited.
Horses sold as high as $lSn ea?h or
$370 per span, which shows up well,
as everybody was looking to see the
animals lower. A cow sold for $75
and this seems a pretty fair price
al.-o. Both the owner and Col. W.
R. Young, who conducted the sale,
as well as Mr. W. G. Boedeker who
was clerk, were satisfied with the re
sults On Tuesday. Col. Young held
a sale for a man by the name of J.
J. Mever near Nebraska City, where
also the property went at a good fig-
Will Serve Lunch!
! will serve Lunch, Tobac
co, Cigars, Cigarettes and all
needed Refreshments at Pub
lic Sales this season. Make
dates with Col. W. R. Young.
Oscar bailor,
Murray -:- -:- Nebraska
i. vo
Alvtays Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Telephone 423 Plattsmouth. Exchange
ure. Better get dates with Col. !
Young if you are wanting to hold a
sale, for the dates are going rapidly.
Bring your produce to the Hurray
Cream Station, for cash. tf.
Mens Waffle Supper, Sat. Jan. 1, 1921
Don't forget the date of the men's
waffle supper, Saturday, January 1.
1921. This is a means of raising
funds for the future work of the com
munity club as well as a good time
for all who attend. The price of ad
mission" will be Co cents for adults
and 25 cents for children under 12
years of age and over five years.
Admission will be collected at the
door and includes supper, picture
show, and all entertainment.
Waffles will be served "A la Mode"
(which, according to our interperta
tion. means "after a fashion") the
new 1921 recipe will be closely fol
lowed, (or as closely as possible)
so if they seem different in any way,
don't show your ignorance by com
menting or complaining, for these
waffles will be something new
something different from the ones
mother used to bake. Phone in what
you can contribute in the way of
eggs, butter, lard, milk or cream to
G. W. McCracken at once, for we will
have to make arrangements for sup
plies. Through some error the names of
the committee were not all printed
last week so in order to refresh jour
minds, will name them again:
Mixing Batter, Ernest Milburn.
O. A. Davis. Chas. Spangler. Bakers,
Young", Lee Kniss. Roy Henry, Glen
Todd. G. W. Nickles, Will Werbein,
C. A. Cathey. Dish washing. Glen
Boedeker. Ben Loyd. Fritz Lutz.
Capt. Gayer. Geo. Brinklow. Coffee,
Nick Freidrich. Herman Wohlfarth.
Dr. Gilmore. Supplies. Ed Tutt, Font
Wilson. Equipment. J. A. Scotten:
W. H. Puis. Water. Joe Marsek.
Waiters. Will Minford, Everett
Spangler. Walker Gilmore. Anderson
Lloyd. Enertainment, L. D. Hiatt,
Ralph Kennedy, L. H. Puis. Col
lecting, Ted Barrows. Reception and
order. Will Seyboldt. Supt. tables.
W. S. Smith. Gen. Supt., G. W. McCracken-
All committee workers re
port at 5 o'clock. Supper at 5:30.
Earred Plymouth Hock Cockrels
I have for sale some pure bred.
Barred Plymouth Rock cockrels, at
$2 each. b. A. Young Murray phone
1511. Murrav, Neb. tf T's sw.
Earl P.. Travis Who Has Filled Posi-!
tion as Court Reporter for Past
Tvelve Years to Retire. j
The announcement is made of the
f; ct that Earl R. Travis, for the past
twelve years court reporter in the
district court of the second district
of Nebraska will retire at the expira
tion of his present term on January
lst and will in the future look after
his private business interests.
Mr. Travis has been one of the
most efficient court reporters in the
state and during his twelve years of
service has made a host of friends
among the members of the bar and
the bench cf the state. He was first
prpointed to this position in 1908
by his father. Judge H. D. Travis
ted has served during his terms of
office as weil as seven years with
Judge James T. Begley. He has
been devoted strictly to the interests
of his office and closes his term with
a record that will be hard to eoual
for efficiency and accuracy.
Mr. Travis expects to leave forhe
south about the middle of January
and will spend some time at least at
San Antonia, Texas, and may decide
to locate there if the conditions are
suited as his health is not the best
and it is hoped - that the warmer
southern climate will benefit him.
The many friends of Mr. Travis will
regret to see him leave this city as
he has a warm host of friends here
who have known him as a real gen
tleman and a friend whose value is
greater than brunished gold.
Judge Begley has selected as court
reporter in succession to Mr. Travis.
L. L. Turpin of Omaha, who has had
had a long experience in this line of
work avd comes very highly recom
mended. Mr. Turpin will be here
the coming week to take over the
duties of the office.
Miss Alice Todd of Union Has Eye
Injured by Shot From Air Rifle
in Hands of Little Brother
From Tuesday's Daily.
Yesterday morning a quite serious
accident occurred at Union, when
Miss Alice Todd, sixteen-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Todd,
was struck in tbe right eye by one
of the small BB shot ftyam an air
rifle. The rif.e was in the hands of
a little brother of the injured girl,
Melvin Todd, ten years old and he
was practicing with the gun at the
time of the-accident and it is thought
that as the sister was watching him
the rifle was accidently discharged.
The rifle had been a Christmas
present to Melvin and he was not
familiar with handling the gun.
As soon as the accident occurre
Dr. C. M.--Swab was called and it
was- found that one of . the small
shot had penetrated just below the
eyeball and inflicted a very painful
injury although it is thought that
the eye will not sustain any serious
damage as the result of the shot.
Wanted: Middle aged woman or
couple, wife to do housework. Call
at the Journal office.
Blank books, Jccxnal office.
Best of Service Work Guaranteed Price Reasonable
Call Puis Garage or Phone Same
Jesse Chambers,
We Wish You Prosperity:-
And Also a Very Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year
We are not insensible to the kind patronage and
friendship which has been evidenced since we engaged
in business, and take this opportunity of expressing our
sincere thanks for the same.
We wish you all health, happiness and prosperity
throughout the coming year.
Murray Cream Station
ge B
Yes, winter is here, and if the storage batteries
do not give the best of satisfaction, bring them to us,
and we will place them in first class condition for you.
We have just added a new
for charging batteries, and are prepared to care for all
your battery wants, having all needed parts and re
pairs. In addition we also carry an excellent line of
new batteries.
The Murray Garage
L. H. PULS, Manager
We are desirous of the best for our friends during
the coming year. Ma' the daj's be filled with sunshine
and the hours glow with the fervcr.t light of happiness.
May health ever be j-ours and prosperity continue to
come into your life. That's our wish for you.
This coming year let's all get together for the big
gest and best success we have ever registered. You may
be sure thii. store is going to do its part toward making
this a banner year for all its customers and friends.
W. H. Puis Hardware
Bob White laundry soap, 4 bars for 25c
Good can corn, 2 cans for 25c
Good can peas, 2 cans for 25c
Navy beans, 3 lbs. for 25c
Good coffee, 4 lbs. for : $1-0
Butter Nut coffee, per lb 50c
Sugar, per 100 lbs $10.29
Omar Wonder flour, per sack $2.78
Puritan flour, per sack $2.78
Men's U. S. red 4-buck!e all-rubber overshoes . . . $4.50
Men's double sole 4-buckle cloth top overslToes . $4.25
F. T. WILSON, Prop.