The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 27, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    MONDAY. DECEMBER 9.7, 1950.
n nil t rrrx T TT n
jj!bi! ipqusr (son iiii
"Famous Wherever Corn Grows
Established 1851 Incorporated 1867
The Cylinder (Machines
The Joliet Cylinder Corn Shellers possess all the advantages of other cyl
inder corn shellers and are free from their defects.
They do not require z, man to stand behind them in the dust to keep back
the unshelled ears of corn.
In fact, thecs shellers are as nearly automatic as any machines can be that
require adjustment for different kinds of work.
We have these shellers in stock. Come in and look them over.
T. H. Polloek Garage,
PHONE NO. 1 -:- -:- - -:- PLATTSMOUTH, NEB.
traffic is para-
Norfolk. N'eb.. Dc. 22. Huge
snowdrifts following the blizzard of
yesterday have paralyzed railroad
conditions over north Nebraska and
don. ha; b-en asked for a full report
of the circumstances surrounding the
vise of .Mrs. Kcbir.son's passport.
Mrs. Robinson told the committee
th it .Mr. Wells finally had visited Mr.
;k:nner at Lividon. but that he had
required of her a promise that she
an da
r Muffs. Overshoes and Heavy
Clothing are the Fashionable
Attire for the Present. TV,L-,.tn Tl, Winnr-p linf of ! uUiu 'Jt cngtii,'- ill i n'MK
the Northwestern has been tied up j nor give interviews to the American
mill snow nlow are at work with!nr0:iS-
hopes to clear the line by Thursday.
Trains west of Norfolk on the-
At Bancroft a train was stalled in i
the snow all night Tuesday. A pas- j
sensrer train was in snowdrifts all ;
night near Wausa and . pas-nger
train bound for Norfolk from Emer
son was also in the snow :
hours. I
Snow plows are at work every- ,
where clearing the tracks. Country j
roads are in a deplorable condition, j
Small towns are deserted of larmers. The weather man ha.s more than
who are isolated on farms, dr.e to m do rood his word as to a real old
bad road conditions. I down t:tst Christmas a? the mercury
j 1-s? ninht took another low:iw?.rd
;S-cep ami reaciien i.; ixiow zero.
I according to the thennomtter at the
IJurlinK'on passenger station, which
is the official weather record keeper
of the ;rovernrnent. Over the' citv
i the temperature varied ns some of
the homes reported a: much as
i eighteen and others only six. It
was cciu enough, however, for the
average person and no one did any
unnecessary loafing on the street.
Washington, D. C, Dec. 22.
Charges made by Mrs. Annot F. Rob
inson of Manchester. England, that i
American Consul Wells, at Manches
ter, had attempted to prevent Lor
from coming to this country to tes
tify before the commission of the
committee of 100 investigating con
ditions in Ireland, are to be Investi
gated by the state department.
Consul General Skinner, at Lon-
410 guage shot gun for
To Be Held First Week in November
Wins Over Lincoln Bev
eridge is President.
The general meeting of the Ne
braska State Toachers' association
in 1921 will be held in Omaha the
first week in November, according
to vote of the members of the organ
ization counted Wednesday by the ex
ecutive committee at Grand Island.
J. II. Beveridge, elected president of
the association nt the tame time, to
day announced that he would recom
mend the six district meetings this
year be held in the spring. One such
will probably be held in Omaha.
Details of these meetings in 19"
during trasition from the old to the
new constitution which also was
adopted by referendum vote, will be
framed by the executive committee
of the association in conference with
the presidents of the district meet
ings. After that, presidents of the dis
tricts with the president of the gen
eral association make all arrange
ments for the meetings of the gen
eral association as well as for the
delegate assembly or legislative
body of the association which meets
at the same time and place as th
general association.
The Ford Sedan is the favorite family car, seats five comfortably. While an
enclosed car with permanent top, it has large windows, and may in a minute be
chrnged to a most delightful open car with always a top protecting against the
sun. In inclement weather it is a closed car, dust-proof, water-proof, cold -proof.
Finely upholstered. Equipped with electric starting and lighting system and
demountable rims with 3Hmch tires all around. A real family car. Anybody can
safely drive it. It has all the conveniences of an electric car with the economy
which goes with Ford car3, low cost of purchase price, small cost of operation
end maintenance. Won't ycu come in and look at it?.
I. II Pollock Garage
Phone No. 1 Plattsniouth, Neb.
' rTi i 1 1 1 1
r v
. ......
A Merry Christmas to everyone.
The "lost bafallion" is growing
smaller daily.
The club rooms will be ready for
partial occupation next week.
Thirty-nlno have paid up for 1921
and ten new ones have signed on the
dotted line, to date.
We can't get 'em all out of the
trenches (of unpaid dues) by Christ
mas, but we're doing our derndest.
Comrade Wohlfarth promises to
have the bulletin board ready soon,
and when he does we will endeavor
to 'keep it supplied with live infor
mation for the buddies.
"Nebraska First at K. C. 1921"
is our watchword. Rut. it is one
that must be lived up to as well as
sung. Let's continue to keep the
Legion in the front ranks.
Home wasn't built in a day, and
neither was the American Legion
brought into existence that rapidly.
Hut for completeness of the finished
job it can well contest for honors
with the builders of that famous
ancient city.
The collection of 1921 dues is no
small task and the work can be
greatly facilitated if the members
will come forward promptly. Tho
adjutant can be found any evening
at his home in the front apartments
over Wurl's store.
Much outside interest is being
evidenced in the Legion and numer
ous of our enterprising citizens are
coming to the front with offers of
substantial donations toward the
further outfitting of our new club
rooms. This spirit of co-operation is
greatly appreciated by the officers
and members.
There will be no nicer or more
convenient lounging room in the city
than ours when the finishing touches
have all been applied. Still the dues
are kept low (so all may belong) and
we will endeavor through post ac
tivities to keep the post treasurer
supplied with funds to meet the op
erating expenses.
Comrades may pay dues to any of
the following: Will Shopp, Henry
Lutz, Frank Palecek. Harvey Ileue
ger. Erail Hild, Aubrey Duxbury,
Frank Smith, Leslie Niel. Dr. Cald
well. Dr. Westover. John Hadraba.
A. A. Stilger, John Palecek, George
Conis, Kd Fullerton or Carl Wohl
farth. Don't be u January 1st delin
quent. Some of the comrades evidently
took us at our word, at least that
part about the snowballs, for one
halted us on the street the oilier day
with a large hard-packed one. Pan
he came forward promptly and paid
his dues, so we forgave hint for the
snowballing and promised not to re
port him as eligible for K. P.
The post has secured some moving
picture film distributed through the
War Work Council of the Y. M. C.
A., together with a Hillis illustrated
lecture of the "Uetter America"
series, which will be shown at a
special meeting next Thursday night,
at the? Parmele theatre following
their regular Bhow. The early part
of the meeting will be held in the
new club rooms, where athletic con
tests, a smoker and general good time
will be indulged in.
From Here On Out!
XM AS over, the thots of a New Year up
on us, and everybody happy.
Lets get down to business.
The Peak of the High Prices is reached
and we've started down the other side the
side with livable conditions at the bottom.
The coming year will see more things act
ually done, in the way of price adjustments
than all the talk of the past three years, of
"LOWER" price.
This is adjustment week with us. We
discontinue the discount and are mark
ing everything in our store, not as to cost,
but according to what the ariicle is worth,
or what it can be bot for at this time.
There are many warm things you need
now don't wait longer, prices will be at
pre-war basis in this shop, and will not be
cheaper in the Spring or next Fall.
At High Noon Was Celebrated the
Wedding of Miss Mable Rush
and Mr. AJdo Miller.
I z
While America no doubt owes a
great deal of her growth and pros
perity to "foreign blood" there is
such a thing as running a "good
thing into the ground."
The question of immigration is go
ing to be one of the most troublesome
, questions with which congress will
I have to contend at this session.
' There is such a diversity of opinion
upon the subject that it is going to
be hard to frame a law will suit
all sections in; fact it is one of the
thingj that cannot be done, so the
old maxim of the "greatest good for
the greatest number" should prevail.
With unsettled conditions existing
both in this country and in Europe,
the matter of immigration should be
handled with particular caution. Ev
ery day brings Information of the
laying off or thousands of workmen
or the reduction of wages, and Amer
ica's army of unemployed is constant
ly on the increase. To add to this
time the coming of thousands of
foreigners, unlearned in the ways of
this country and sparccly endowed
with worldly goods, would be to in
vite disaster.
The point is made that to bar im
migration would be to the disad
vantage of the agricultural element
of this country. The New York
Herald says "congress cannot sus
pend Immigration either through a
temporary or permanent exclusion
rneisure without cutting the ground
from under American agriculture.
Congress cannot embarrass, hinder
and cripple the American fa'-niT
without- delivering a body blow
against the American public."
Continuing the Herald says: "The
American farmer cannot produce pro
fitable crops to sell at a reasonable
price unless he can get labor that
will work at reasonable wages. He
will not try. American labor will
not work on the farms at any price.
Even alien labor which has been long
enough in th isrountry to e lu'-ed
away from the farm and day labor
to industrial jobs at short hours and
easy money will not work on the
farm at anything but top wages.
"The American farmer's only
chance to get the tabor which is im-
! peratively required to raise abundant
crops, at a reasonable cost, is through
the nation's immigration gateway."
All of which sounds mighty good
and would be put unfortunately, as
the Herald admits , itself, these la
borers will not stay 'on the farm any
longer than they get Jobs at better
wages and shorter hours. Carried
to its logical conclusion, therefore,
it would mean that the flood gates
should be left open for a steady
stream of European paupers to pour
What Money Cannot Buy
That is something; which lasts through the
year and increases rather than decreases.
? to cur many friends who have patronized us liberally j
At the capital city Friday wa?; cel
ebrated the wedding ceremony of
Miss Mable Jiush. daughter of our es
teemed townsman. W. !!. Hush and
, wife, and Mr. Aldo Miller, of Lin
coln. The wedding had been expect
ed to have been at th home of the
(bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hush
ilnMurdock. but on account of (lift
number of friends of botli the brid
land groom, the latter being a niern-
ber of the Masonic order, the wedding
was performed at Lincoln and the
bridal pair given a reception by tL'
Masons of Lincoln, celebrating the
event. During the evening the new
ly wedded couple came to Murdor-k,
where they enjoyed Christmas at the
home of the parents of the hrido. and
were given a very delightful recep
tion and dinner.
On Saturday evening they departed
via the Hock Island for South Pond.
Indiana, where they will make their
home in the future, and where Mr.
Miller will have charge of the Inter
national Harvester company works at
that place.
i Out of town people attending the
reception of the bride, Ond groom at
Murdock, were Mr. and Mrs. James
Brittain of Alliance, the latter a sis
tor of the bride, Misw Jessie Hush,
oister of the bride who has been mak
ing her home in Chicago. Miss Leon;t
Rush of Lincoln, and Mr. and M.p.
Jack Burt of Omaha, Mrs. Hurt also
being a sister of the bride.
The Journal with their many
friends are extending the best of
wishes to thp newly married couple,
and are hoping that their lives may
be happy, prosperous and fileld with
good deeds to all whom they may
Hov Co- and wife departed thi
afternoon for Alvo, where they will
spend Christmas at the home of M.
C. Keefer and family, the parcnl., at
Mrs. Cole.
in the months and years that have come and gone.
Would that we but could shake the hand of each
and every one, washing you a Merry Christmas all, and
expressing the hope that our friendships may be made
stronger in the coming twelve months.
in as farm laborers only to be gradu- j
ated to the mills and become indus- j
trial laborers out oi a job.
Only a year or so ago whiie war
in Europe was at its height and im
migration to this country at a stand
still, "America fed the world," and
she can do so again without
rcpe's refuse. The right sort of
migration, carefully supervii- d i. all
right, and would be welcomed, but
when it comes to letting the li.irs
down danger lurks.
Not so mar.y people keep diaries.
I : has secured an assortment of the
I well-known "Standard" line, whicli
I are now on sale.
T- 'r-
n;l- I '
The most exquisite line of birth
day and gift cards to be found any
where! At Journal office.
Mrs. D. Hawksworth and daugh-j
ter. Mi-s. L. W. Cook, departed this !
afternoon for Omaha, where they
will visit at the Fred Hawksworth i
home over Christinas.
This morning a marriage license
was issued in the office of County
Judge Alien J. Beeson to Mr. Alfred
C. Carey and Miss Agnes A. Stenner,
e will 1 e united in marriage to-
)!:uitov mternccn at the home of the
bride's mother, Mr.-. Inez f tenner, the
ceremony being performed by Hev. A.
(- lio'.lowell. pastor of the Christian
church, of which the young people
are active members.
The many friends over the city
and eastern portion of the county
wiil extend fo the young people their
best wishes cn the very happy Christ
mas that they will celebrate tomorrow.
Popular copyrighted fiction at the
! Journal office
Words Up
Frank Erickon departed this
morning for Arapahoe, Nebraska,
wht-re he will visit over Christmas
with his sister and other relative
and friends.
Leon Glenn and family of Ham
burg:. Ia.. arrived this afteruooti tu
spend tlu 1 olidays here at the horn
of Mr. Gl'.iin's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. W. Glenn.
John O. Yelser, jr., of Omaha,
state senator from that city in the
coming state legislature, is In thl
city enjoying a visit with hir,,
Henry Robert Herold.
Fred Stewart, who lias been tak
ing an enforced layoff from his duties
at the Havelock shops departed this
afternoon for Omaha to spend Christ
mas with his little son in that city.
If it's in the stationery line.
t the JoarnaJ office.
The symbol of
perfect writ
ing. The mark
ot E vers h arp
Pencil and
Xempoint Pea.
The pencil
with the biggest
vocabulary in the
world and a real
point for every word.
That is theEversharp,
the pencil that brings
you fullest measure of
pencil-writing joy.
Always sharp never sharp
ened. A quarter replenishes
the lead supply ten thousand
words for one cent!
There's a handy eraser under cov
er, and a built-in pocket clip that
makes the Eversharp a bosom com
panion for life.
The Perfect Pointed Pencil
Built with jeweler precision and beauty throughout.
A mechanical marvel and writing wonder combined.
Holder contains eighteen inches of lead. Lead ot
tainable in various degrees of hardness.
The Eversharp is a fitting date to the Tempoint
Pen, made by the same concern. Made for
pocket, chain, or lady's bag. Prices, $1 and up.
Come and pick your Eversharp. Have your name
engraved on it.
For Sale at Journal Office
The undersigned will offer for sale
at Public Auction on the S. S. Davis
farm one mile west and a quarter
mile north of Murray, on
Monday, December 27
the following described property
One bay mare, 5 years old, weight
about 1500. in foal by horse; one
bay mare, 4 years old, weight 1400;
one black mare, 3 years old, weight
950; one bay gelding. 4 years old,
weight 1450; one gray fcorse, smooth
mouth, weight 1150.
Six milk cows giving milk; one
cow and calf; one coming yearling
heifer; three yearling heifers; five
summer calves; one sucking calf.
Ten brood sews, bred; five shoats;
one white Yorkshire male hog.
One Sterling disk. 16x1 C; Jane?
ville riding lister; John Deere corn
planter; P. & O. 1-row machine;
two Badger cultivators; Deering
mower. 5-ft., new; McCormick mow
er, 5-ft.;. John Peere. binder, 7-ft.;
J. I. Case lister, 4 wheel; curling 2
row machine; home made cut
ter; 6-Fhovel cultivator; King wheat
drill, 12 disks; C-section harrow;
1 -horse wheat drill; corn elevator,
harrow cart; tongueless cultivator;
complete; 5 h. p. gas engine; 2 h.
p. gas engine; Sandwich hay balor;
lG-Jn. sulky stirring plow; Newton
barrel; 30 gallon gas barrel ;cfhrf
wagon; low wagon; nay racic; two
pump jacks: speed jack: seed corn
dryer, capacity 15 bushel; GO-gallor.
gas barrel; 30-gallon gas barrel;
two sets 1-Inch harness; ' about
four tons prairie hay; some baled
oat stray; about ten dozen chickens;
about twenty bushels potatoes; one
wood heating stove; one 5-gallon
churn and numerous other articles.
Sale Begins at 10 Lunch at Noon!
All sums of $10 and under, cash
in hand; over that amount a credit
of four months will be given, pur
chaser giving note with approved se
curity bearing nine per cent interest
from date of sale. All property must
be settled for before being removed
from the premises.
C. C TUCKER, Owner.
V. R. YOUNG, Auct.