JtsbTesV.s. WSk Y A 4 ?3-' I.. .- V. Hi It Ml s's VOL. NO. zxxvn. PLATTSKOUTH, 1TEERASKA, MONDAY. LECEMEER 27. 1920. NO. 45 01US CTISi , H .1 4 SEEKING LAND FROM RIVER ACCUMULATION NEBRASKA COUNTIES TO STAET AGITATION FOE NEV7 SUR VEY OF STATE LINE. The count ie in the braska that border on river are now agitatin: state of Ne llie Missouri r the survey of the stream that forms the bemnd- ary line between the sta .itid Nebraska and vhiv b-en .surveyed f.,r mo-re years. s. c)f Iowa h has - not than sixtv The original survey (.:' ti.e.ri; r . was made by the United States iio cr:.ii)f n: in IS.",'; and lS.'S and of course the charge of the river sir.ee that tltn? have b.-em n:ai:y and as ;he result tf the changes much of th- land that wi.-- formerly or. the Iowa side of the river has been warn ed over to the Nebraska side :" the JM'-sn:. Ad joinir.tr tiiis city there arc- many hundred- e.f acres e f Ian J formed in the river bofom all of nlii-h has been formed by the var ius r lianires ci the river in the firty yearr. and which has become a p.irt i f tLe mainland f Nebraska. In a number of cases tli f-l,.iui has ju.-T been s--t;led by parties who have paid their 'axe to Nebraska and ( humin j-tr.sd'ct r of this state ov er the disputed territory. ();.e (f the chitf counties irurre-.;-ed in the de-.-ire f:r a rp-eurvey ,:' the river in Nemaha county, where the land that has 1 eeii formed by t ; river has long been the subject ! lit ign.tk.n between the two state-. Kaufmi.nn's island fast of the Noma - : ha county sr-ort has b a f . ; years a lare tract of land and w..s f.irui'ilv in the center or 1 he river. 1 . years the c v.- e of the ri vr : l- -n toward th I.-wa iurt a id as a con seaacr.ee there has been bt: lit i:i from the dt '.ris ;: iu riur a conu-ct int. 3;nk that has made the old Maud a par; of the Nebraska mainland and as tiie land i very firtiie and pro ductive the desire of h. resiutrts .,f Nemaha county to claim it has been strjrg and comeiu.-r.Tiy the effoit. for the re-s'irvcy. ... . Later McKissick's island, a larger body of land, appeared in the river, and this has been a master of con trov r?y as to ownership b'-twoi-n Ic.va and N b-a-lza. for a r.v.t::": r o: year?. Tli is Mand apparfil in lsfi, a' whi'-n tine the Missouri, noted for n:aneuver:n?-. mad? quite a cluinrr of course. And still McKif-sick' -land became a part of the mairiand on the Nehra-ka ride. The v.-.jhin.K away 01 land iias been n the low.; side, whereas tiie fillira ;ias been ,.n Nebraska's pi do. It is thouckt that a a result of this coming survey many acres of val uable land viil Jie added to Nemaha county, increasing the frrmirsr a cre ate and the tax receipt? of t'.e cun- . WEATHER HITS BE- 1 LOW ZERO GiAKS 1 Four Below t 7 O'clock is Eeccrd t for Season So Far at tLe Eur linraon Siaticn. Ti f in Thursiin s Inily The roide-t weather of th- season was rei; f -!('. ti-is rcorninff in this ci y with ti :! crm-r;:ii'-'ter star. dir.?: at 4 below at 7 o'clo.k. The niffht f ' rce in the L'if iinf-t or. rail road yard? report that at o'clock the mercury : a i.-t cred '2 lfl;-.v and it continued to scale (iav.-n t;ntil 4 below was T taehed. The cold we at l er combined '.h tiie flick and slippery eidtvaiks made travel on feet. very riisap-ree-able and only thoip who were com pelled to ir- cut tt do their shoppina for (T.ris'mas were tut to any cx- te nt on the street a :'Hhr case where and this proved i tlie early shopper! n tne :aur;ii on ir.e ueiateu pur ('..:c"r of t lie Christmas articles. The repot t from the we-.-t of mild er weather ffives h p- that Christ u a day bete will be much milder than the weather now prevailing. STOETrl DELAYS TRACTS Fr, am Trurs.lav ' rr..iy The ecbl weather and mow has' cause 3 a great deal of trouble wiJi the railroad traffic of the state an.?' e -penally on tlie line of the Pur- hrrt.'in hn tlit. voithtr enrt i' i t i on s in the west made themselves fell. All the trains from the west have' bt en from two to four hours lat" and travel has been greatly interfered 1 with. No. 2 from the west was three ' at.d a - naif hours laie last evening jn:d this morning No. 6. due here at 7:.':7 was not able to reach this citv vnril 11:20. The Christmas t revelers are all beinc delayed and those who have started early to "go back home" certainly have shown geod judgment as it is a question whether or rot th rnin condition will improve for several days. : . I Have you seen the line of books! ior the "kir-dies" at th? Jonrnal of - fice? Call now and make year se-1 lection. HAVE A FINE DAUGHTER From Tf n -jdsy's l"at!y. The home of Mr. and Mrs. I.h Marshall az Nebraska Citv was visit- yesterday mi. mine liv tin stork and a fine little daughter left iu their care f.r the future years. T.'ie little one and the mother are both dnirg nicely hi.. I li.i! ;i! i mighty proud over Die happiness that has come to his home. The cnt has pro. -en ;i great pleasure to Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Marshall of This city, the graiidpare-nis of the little Miss. The parents wi'l receive the well wishes f the host of fri'Tds here fr tlie happiness and success of the little daughter in the vears to com:. OBTAINS A LARGE 1 HO AUiiiUttl Case in W"Lich. Cas County People Aie Parties Decided in Oniha Wife Secures 525,000 Alimony la the couny at a divir-e count v rt : di.-trit; e-ourt of Itouals. Omaha, has hern decideT, case in which t w.. t'?s -idpiils were iae principal- and as the "esji: ot vvaich t!ie plain- i!t:. .Airs. .N!i;:i Kose was awarded the decree and the s-,rn of ?2."..(iHt in ali iiiony t os.-et her with the en-tody of the f:-.,. i-.iin-r t iiildren. Th- cause of action as set forth bv the plaintiff was t hut of cruelty. -n. , e court set tt.e pavmeut of the alimony as i !lows: The first Sl.iutO is lii he paid in c.ih at once. $4. ('( will be d:;e on March 1. llil'l: lt. 0O0 oil .iiiiti: 1. I'.iii'. and 0.1 March i. 1.11:. Tht- parties in this case v ere res idents t r mrny years of near Avoca aaa w r n-arri-d there on ?t-jtm-!: r i'i. iMi. and !:i;e made their h' me 1 fa mi; . i.i ; Vofi in thi't locality since t ha t t ime a :-ki.rt tin:e at;o wi.en trouh'r- caused a spara he ia'iiria of the -uit f. -r ia ;!' eot:r; at ltv.iha. the ion fSGOUNT Vm BIL LION 1M FARM PAPER Fedrfcl Pr-serve Beard Amov-nt Cared for Two Years Ao Gror.r.a Score? Htpcrt. 1 V.--Li:igl ly S 2. (11. .(( n. I). 0.0 Oi'l . Dec. 22 Near paper bas-d on .- of farm pro counted by fed his year. Gover federal reserve a special rep'r production and Sio o.i:cts has ! on 1 ed ; eral reo.rve barks nor HarJinc of th : noard es'iniated in i ;e-.;t teday n Chairman Gronna of ;the senate acri cultural committee. : Tne iiinount of such redisceunts in I IMS was estimated at $71 Jl.22C.000. ; M r. Hareiing e-timated. ) The fiffures include eleven elis tricts. Trie-re was no repert from I the Now York Reserve bank, as the ibeiard said thare was a very smi'.l iarnotmt of farmers" paper rediscount It d tiicr '. Fi .jres from the rthtr I tiitri' t? fail v. : ! srrr. I'.'l'.'. ? 2 .C.-4 2 .0 Oo ; lftjft. .'.: 7 '. .000 Philadelphia 1MJ. f 2. Ml. 0 0 0; !-2. 0.'f'0. Cleveland - -1 i 1 . jf.u.ooo: i2f. 1 .7:..1.0('. ivichmond ! 0 $102.00l'.(00; 3 9i:'J. S::2a.0?0.0'O. Atlanta 1 M J. $ J 1.300.000 ; 1920 '2:0,o0i).t'00. Chie-at-o IMS'. ?47.263,000; 1920 S 1 2S.4 0S.000. Ft. Louis. IMP. $220,000,000,000; 1S20. $ccr.o(,'o.ooo. Minneat.r lis IMP. $75,000,000 ; 1920. $22 "..000. OOd. Kansas City IMS. $12.1.4 51,000; lfjri. $229.4 32.0'0. Dallas 1MJ. $ 2 S .997.000 ; 1920; $44. 911. 00(1. Fan Francisco 191D. $25,000. 00: 1920. $S9.000.000; 'The special figures furnished bv t n c I- f' r: ral Kc-fcrve banks in ac- 'ordance with y.tir requect said Gov- ertior L'i-rdi ng's letter. "v.re in aP case-; estimates, no exact figures of the total volume of loans for agri cultural purposes being available at tie federal reserve banks. "It 5-horld be borne in mind also that the total amount of farmers' notes redisrounted by federal re serve banks to finance the -produc tion and sale of farm products, since large amounts advanced to member banks in other districts on commer cial and industrial paper are xised by these banks for loans to agricultural Interests." "Thi:: does not answer the infor mation asked for by the committee." aid Chairman Gronna. "The state ment that I made in the senate stands, namely that the board does act know the amount of money loan ed to the farmers." EEATH CLARIS ALLOWED BY NEFIiASELA A. 0. U. W. Grand Island, Neb., Dec 23. The grand finance committee of the An- cicnt Order of United Workmen of Nebraska allowed death claims to- J day amounting to $14,000 and pur-, chased liberty bonds to the extent of I $30,000. The reserve fund shows a credit cf $300,000 and r.ew mem- bers are coming in large numbers. Officers present were John Siev- ":V1. V1'-' " i Z.'11 ,IZ: q?i.i" Pnhe'rt v nuioT. iuhrr' land Ralph Mosely. Lincoln. PATRICK BARRY DIES IN THE WEST Former Nebraska Man Head of Old Soldiers' Home Near Los An- g-eles Number of Yenri. Gen. Patrick 11. 1 tarry, a pioneer Nehiaskan. died Tuesday at 1 u:: a ... 1:)., at the national borne for v.dun i e.- soldiers at Swait ib . l'a!., 11 ta Lw An?!-lt?. an :nt it a ; i or. of wiicn i:e was governor. The funeral and interment will take place at the home Thursday. Major Ernes; II. l'h -ips. formerly of S.-u uy ler. Nt h., lias been ue:.t-ral l'.arry's assistant ft-r man;. ; ear-. CJeneral Iiarry was a etvrau o: ciil war and in that toi.nh'. !o.-t one arm and was discharged be tause f his wcund-'. but later wa pcrnitted to re-cnl:t. lie hom.-stead-d in Creeiey county. Nebraska. am: rnaoe his home there except a lot ijr period when he was adjutant acnerai of the Nebraska national atmrd. As sm.ii o'lict-r he lived ia Lincoln and was active in preparing three reaiments of Nebraska soldiers for service in the Spa n i s h - A in erica :: war. 1!" was first appointtd adjutant peaeral of the Nebraska m.t iana: 'tiard by Governor Iloicomb. l-c wa.; appointed a member of tiie b.iard 1 inai:a?crs 01 national soldiers. Homes about the ear 111 and was appointed poverr.or tf the I'aciiit firancn :n l ohruary. l:;,.. a ii'vi.e .vlitie I'.rojO veteran? are careti for. tie was or.e time a democratic cati- didate for congress m tiie Kouitlt c oTiirressional 01st net. He served as a number of the Ne cdska lep,i.-!::ture in l'J07 and was a. am appointed t hat year tr tue 01 t:.e of adjutant general (f the Ne braska r.atimal ituard by petition o! the entire tat a.b.-rs;. ip tt the liair. 1 : t : i democratic and republican. lie has : son now living in Greeley coitnty. I l:e v. ntnw ut uis ,taro .-. Iia; been r.ta kir.ff h.-r villi liiru in California. General Larry was born in L" Ai'.uost lie lived in Faohti"' t ts be re comin? f N mi :e.-n hind. Mas- ,hr:---of the never lis record as a soldier tivil war was something he but his.. friends tycl. 'Cistussed. Ja l.afilc scarretl veteran, and tV j'he scars which covered the entire siue e! his face were the re.-ult of ar ac; of brave ry, the rescuing of a cora ade of h regiment from a buruine forest. iie bere his -.'omraoe up his back ihrouah lire tei a piac-e o! afety. "1 will never forget his empty vc." said a Ne braska friend, "nor his pleasant scarred lace, nor tlie e-f f.rt he put forth when try in a te pronounce tiie letter 'I:'". During th" civil war General Larry -ervtd in cempany E, Sixty-third New York volunteer infantry, from September 2. 1801 10 February 17. !S(i3. Kc war- discharged on account f wounds received at Antietani. He r-"--enli.-ted July 7. 1M'2. in cotuaanj . Twelfth Ma-sa .-hit setts, and was honorably discharged October 2b 1 M". 4 . lie was appointeel brigadier gen eral of the Nebraska national guare in April IS!)"., ri.-appointe d in IS!' and 1S9J'. iTe Wi-s elected bric&die tetural cemmanding the first bri gade. Nebraska national ruard. March 1. 1901 and held . That posi tion until March 2. 1904.. DOCTOR ASKS DIG SUM AS DAMAGES Dr. Vv'ra. K. Loujrhridge of Omaha. Files Suit for $100,000 Against the 07naha News. . An action of mu-h interest to Cass count v people has been filed in Oma- j ha and in which Dr. William K. ' Loughridge, with offices at 400 Lrnn !deis theater building is the plainiil'i land the Omaha Daily News, the eie , londant. The plaintiff is suing for ithe sum of $100,000 which he claim tor damage. to his practice' as the reuit of an article appearing in the News in which Dr. Loughriaa,e wa -represented as having proposed to t transplant the interstitial glands of goats to human beings in order to restore lost youth to the aged. In his petition the Omaha doctor claims he informed the paper that the articles were not true, but the ; News cemtinued to publish them and also carried an editorial on the sub ject and throuph which articles he has suffered injury to his practice to the amount of damages asked. I The plaintiff is well known j through western Cass county, hav jing been reared in Murray, where his family has been quite prominent for years and the outcome of the case win oe watcnea witn great in terest by the friends in this count v. C0CEEELS FOE SALE. Barred Plymouth Rock rockrels at $2 and $3. Must go at once. Phone G77-J. ltd ltw. MRS. W. O. TROOP. If yon want good prints let u do votir work. Best eaninned inh J shop in soutieistern Nebraska. ISSUES MARRIAGE LICENSE FreT! Tbnrrday'p Daitj. After several davs -o n:arriaffe n:arket at ti e ennety juds;e h:-'f. sho' jiro'.er.ient and a liein tiiis morninff to John i' M i.v". S. Liu ;:a FrisbeM . wood, and who are pr fri-,- the Christmas r pr: p-r manner. Loth wli kno w n in Kim wo i 1 v . dal ine oihee ( vn som e Was i . Fis.-he both of .f the ' iU: SS1H d r and r.im- uarinc To ..-on in l3 rt ies d ; Il'l v ' e.o tl! in- SURPRISE FRIEND 0NKI3 BIRTHBAY Neighborr and Friend-- ; f A. C. Tu jtr.e Assist Him to CIelTnte 45th Anniversary ci Ti:!::. Fr.-.-n Tf arsil.iy'.s- T'a: Yesterday' was the riy-b t'! ti:rt 'i'r i'" ! k:u;v n l:or of t! v aanivt-r.-ar:.' ci .. ' of t.he popular ar.d ce dents e.f the city.;-rd f the occfion a nun: frier ds and neighben- I; invaded tiie Tulene hem .e i n g an i j.ave :r:.:isc la, ions e so en ure. their friend a very p.i-a-ar.: an 1 extended their cor.gvatr and well wishes for iifny mo: hnppv anniversaries in the fu The evening was Npent in game" of all sorts at which the greatest j pie-a-ma and merrimao! was derived J ar.d the guest of honor presented with manv remembrance? of the biahl esteem in which h? vi held bv tit--! friends and associate ,. The i:p in 1 rs td' the party h ul eome win, well filled b.akets of t. - good thiras t ) eat and these feru:ed the bash of a very tempting luricbe; tna.t v.-ac enjoyed to the fniiest extent by tho n.eniV'ers -f the T.irty. It was !Ht until a late hour t hut tho mem bers of the party vended their way o -mevard foiling thc-t it hat! 1 ee-n ;;-i evert of 'he rarest vnjoyu-' .'I an-i trusting that tlieir friend mi;kt have many more- such happv occasions in -h future. TTieise in attenilance a ere Mr. and M-'s. t e r;:e 1 'eeker ltd four daugi'.lers. K'-el. X-.Tard". 'A- Iran, and Mina. Mr. vnd Mrs. Y.'. . Tulene and ilausktf r. Miss (La Ivs. Mr. ar.d Mrs. J. J. Mei'.ugr. Mr. and Mrs. Fra.nU Choral cu tv.o d;;ugh-te5-sand. Mr. ar "M'',.. CJr.lene and son PENSION BILL TO BE RUSHED THRU "Plan Its F.issage Sefcre Adjournment! fcr Chriiitnas ilecess Ap propriation Eeduced. Washinrtoii. D-'c. 22. Carrying ; 1 4.''00.'.(oi i-.-s ti.au was appro--riatd for thi- year, tlie annual pen ion bill was reported out today by "he h'.use appropriation committee. Th" tttal in The bill is $2C." :.o0,000. House leaders I:ae agreed to cot:- -"e'er the me-asure xi.e::ta: it.'.i that otnorrow with tlie it v ii! be passe-el :,eiore a.l jcr.rnnit-nt Tomeirrow eveu iag for the- Christmas recess. The bill was drafted by a iu;beem riittee. head -d uv Leprs.?ni at i ve ,'annon ed" Illinois. The est inmte d j oio'.ion disbitrscnie nls in the bill, as -ien by the committee follow: Civil war. ?2 r.l .0 1 2,lt2 : wtir of 12. $21.14,".; MexiCiiii war. $840. 4"(. : Indian wars. $2.1 SS.J. 1 T. ; Spanish-American war, $rj,5s44.:u.O ; world niir. $.';:. 7;;r; reeular establishment. $4,470,-1 ri. During the year ti e number of pensioners decreased "2.237 and thel s-iocommittee satei tnis acceuniea iorjj. the cut ot i4,U('(i,oti(i as. conipareti with this year's total. Th.e subcommittee cfTimated That in adition to the $2f.n,r,uO.OOO wr 'oed in the pension bill, the govern ment during the next fiscal year would expend an additional $?.0J'.-:.r.4f-o in war risk compensation, maintenance tif soldiers homes, med ical and hospital treatment for war veterans and vocational training. It also estimated that by the end of the coming fiscal year the govern ment will have passed out $r..s:;o, Sl".714.04 in pensions since 17!'0. E.EAL ESTATE TEANSFEFwS Prom Thursday's tailv. R. J. Haynie to Pollock Parmele, warranty deed. Pt. SW4 SW1V of 14-11-13. Consideration. $6,000. L. C. Sharp to aRlfalfa .Maize Mfg. Co., warranty deed. Lot 10. block S6. city. Consideration.' $1 .."00. Edith Lenard to Henry Sehomak er, quit claim deed, lot 9, block "",. Nehawka. Consideration. $1. HAS SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL. The box social and Christmas pro gram given at the Tayler school house by the pupils ef Miss Ksther Godwin, teacher in that district, was most successful in every way and as a result of the efforts of the teacher and pupils as well as the sale of the boxes provided by the ladies, the sum of $45 was realized which will be ap plied on the school work. Apples For Sale. Y,e have some good New York ! Baldwin aptdes for r.-Ie. Apply nt Canning & Nickles. or .7. W. Edmonds at Murray. tf s-w. Yv. B. Earning. ! FUNERAL OF JOHN W. CARTER HELD at Wee pii: Water Larg-elj Attendtel by Over Many Old Frifnds Cass County T eral .' fell, tervi i wing arte ant of the f on es ef Jidm W. Carter, diet! at ll.txion. Colo., i the We-tidng Water Re- who was k taken fre-n: publieati. in vvnich city the funeral was held t-n Monday afternoon: Mr:-. Caruf a ad her breither Gre-vc-r Otte. . ho had met her at Hold-, ridge. arrivt-;i with tlie remains in Lincoln at ll:o; .Saturday niaht. :-ihe .as met by her si.-ter Mrs. Ku foiic' Co'.'iert ar.d inishand and her brother Win. Otte and v. il'e in an au to are! W. L. He.bs.on and Herbert LafMour wi:'a the hearse. Fpon ir.e;:- ;,ri!ril nere the remains were taken to the Kusrene Colbert home until 2 o'clock Monday afternoon when funeral services were held . re m he C unreaa t ior-a! church and were in charae e.f the pastor. Kev. W. II. Liley. a.i:-ted by Le v. W. F. Haskins and Lev. W. A. Taylor of I nion. who e-orducted service's at t!i house. 'i';i" I cuiy was laid to rest in Oakwood cemetery in the presence of a larze concourse of relatives mid frierneis wiio were desirous of paying ih ir last sad tribute to the unfor tunate main and showing their sym pathy to the heart-broken wife whose i .-i .e. n as a:i:iui ueei;iu control. A e:;uartet corr.opsed of Mr.-:. Agnes Keith ley. .Mrs. .T. M. Teegarden. S. J. An bb-r and Lelw. Lorenstn, furnish-e-il the music. 1'alibtarer-cl'csen were Hon. A. J. Lee on. of Llattsmouth ; Harry Mc Donald, of Murdoch: C. C. Baldwin. C. V.. Day. L. F. Marshall and J. M. Te egarden. Ji l:a w. Carter was born in the state ei ;'.::i.it. October U. 1SC0. He came- to i'a.-s: coatity with his par ents Mi. and I.Irs. Samuel Carter. :n ISo;' who settled on a homestead abi.ut four miles neirthwest of Mur i"; ak. where the family lived until ; iter the eieath of the father nearly '''.) yc.v ag: when they moved to eepina .'atcr. where Mr. Carter made- his keni" until moving to Colo rado aima two years agt. John ts f t a fanrily of six brothers and two sisters. The two sisters and two broth -r-r? preceeled him to the great beyond leaving the only survivors of his family, Wallace Carter of Repttle, Wa.-hii gton. George Carter of Pasa- m Caiifornia. and Fowler Carter i inne-apoli... Minneseua. lie was married tei Miss Joan Oite, December 10. 1904. They had al ways made their home in Weeping Water, where Mr. Carter's vocation had been as clerk in the Orton Drug store, painting and decorating, and the lai e-isr.ht years here iie was in the confectioner- business. Leiatives from a distance who at tended th.e funeral were the brother Fo vleu- Carter of Minneapolis, Minn.; Grove r and Parker Otte. Mr. and Mrs. La' hiiel Noyes. her three e'.aughters, the Misses Esther. Grace, and Clara and her t-on Raymond of Louisville; Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Hunter of Spen cer. Neb., who were in Lincoln on their way home for the Christmas vacation when the heard of the sad uoath of Mrs. Hunter's uncle. Among the many out of town friends who attended the services were: County Judge Allen J. Bee son, his two tlaughters the Misses Grace and Virginia, and Mrs. Mae Morgan of Piattsmouth; Miss Jose phine Pitman of l.'nion; Mr. and Mrs. barley Noyes; Mr. and Mrs. Kolli Noyes; Mrs. John Jackman; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schleifert; Mr. Andy Sher man; Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Stander; and Mrs. Will Stander; Mr. and Mrs. Mayfield, all of Louisville. Mr. rnd Mrs. L. L. Caygill; Mr. and Mrs. Perry Colbert of Elm wood; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Colbert; Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Little and Mrs. Sophie Allis. of Vaba?h; and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook of Aivo. REMEMBERS THE JOURNAL FORGE Finn of C. E. Wescott's Sons Follow Pleasant Custom, of Being Santa to Printers. Each Christmas time for the past I several years the firm of C. E. Wes-1 ceitt's Sons of this citv. who sneeial-' ji-te in good ciotbe-s and nothing else, ihave appeared in the role cf Santa' : Claus te the members of the print-j ; ing craft who are connected with the' I Journal. This year as usual, the' ; package arrived on time and Santa ;had found something for everybody ! in the shop from the publisher down jthe line of the whole force and the gentlemen tf the force will all sport new ties while the ladies have had equally appreciated gifts presented to them. It is so seldom that ye newspaper man receive-, anything besietes brickr. and knocks that these gifts, express ing the feeling of good fellowship and appreciation arc received with much j.le:sure. The Journal extends to Cliff. Hilt. Delia, Emil and Harley. best Chri.t ma3 wishes for the searon. The Jourr.sl has received line of "'Stardard" diaries. a fine MRS. BEAL VEEY LOW. Prr.ru F'riilay'fc iOallv. The condition of Mr-;. M. M. Heal was reported this morning an -. ei y serious and her physician and mem bers of the family are ve-ry apprehen five of tne outcome of her illueia. Mr?. Leal lias a severe attack cf heart trouble and hut little hope of her recovery is entertained. This morning the daughter. .Mrs. P.. L. Kirkhain of Utile Fourth. F. D.. was summoned to the side of the mother. The host of friends are hopeful that this estimable lady may recover from her present condition aad be able to rally lroru her .-;?-ieo.is illness. MAN FROZEN, BODY STANDING ERECT George Dierman. living in Cave. Caug'ht in Drift of Snow at Entrance. Winner. K. D, Dec. 2a. George Dierman, 00, living alone in a cave ten miles southwest of here, was lound frozen to death Wednesday morning. When discovered he waa standing in the entrance to the cae with only his head above the snow which he had attempted to burrow through to get emT of the blizaard. It is thought that be had come out to feed his stock and when he re turned to the cave found that the snow had filled the entrance. H1 was found by John McCuct, a neighbor, who In going for the mail noticed that there was no smoke is suing from the chimney. McCune went to investigate and discovered the body standing upright in tlie snow. McCune called on some of the neighbors for help a.nd after some effort got the body out of the drift. It was frozen so'id and has not thaw ed out enough yet tonight to allow the arms to be placed in position. They are now held out in fremt as though he had been clawing the snow. Stale Attorney Maule was nctiSed anel took charge of the body which was brought here. It is his inteution to hold an inquest. Diermtn will be buried here today if the body be rvomes thawed out In time for the inouest tomorrow. Deirman has a .wife, from whom he. was divorced four or five years ago. ar.d eight children living near San Diego. Cal. Y. M. C. A. ATTACKED IN DECREE ISSUED BY POPE Rome. Dec. 23. The holy office is sued a decree today asking Catholic bishops to watch "an organization, which. while profe-ssicg absolute freedom of thought in religious mat ters, instills indifferentism and apos tasy to the Catholic religion in the minds of its adherents. " The decree mentions the Young Men's Christian association by name, saying it is upheld by many Catho lics, who do not know its real nature. The decree bays the organization corrupts the faith of youths. New York. Dec. 23. Officials of the overseas department of the Young Men's Christian association expressed a8tonishrnent today when they learned that the holy office in Home had issued a decree warning its bishops against the American or ganization as a "corrupter of the faith of youths." "We are sorry, of cour.-e. that some people do not like us," declared C. V. Hibbard. associate general sec retary, "but there doesn't seem to be anythirg to do about it." VTe do all kinan of jru jr:n(inc wm air 1 ' Do it THIS Year! For years you have said, on the firi ot each January that you would set seme worthy goal which would hr. well worth the hard work essential to its achievement. Ygu would buy or build a new home, you would po into business for yourcslf, you would expand your present business, you would take a trip, you would provide some thing fine for tlie comfcrt and enjoyment of your family. Why not do it this year? The First Na tional Bank will help ycu plan. The First National Ban k THE BANK WHeK: "HJOT5MOUTH 3 IS GliRISTFMS DAY IS ONE OF PLEASURE OBSERVANCE OF DAY IN THE CHURCHES OF CITY WAS MOST IMPRESSIVE. MANY GATHER AT HOMES On Christmas. Eve to Await the Com iiijj of Santa and His Pack Home Ties Rer.excd. The ChriH tuns e.f l!20 has pr. ;! into the anr.als of tlie past ar.d with it has gone' enf tf the meist pb asatii obseM ance-s that bus ever b" n helel in the city and on-' in which almost, everyone was ab to participate. j The beauty and solemnity of the Nativity -as ob-erv-l in tlie nu merous churches of the- city with ap propriate services during the day and at which there were large con t-re ra tions to rentier their hou.ai'.e tei the Child of I'ethlehem. The S'. Lukes Episcopal church held a choral cele bration o: the holy eucharist on Friday t:er.lng at 11:20. la:.timr un til the coming of the new day that was heralding the birth of th" Savior. The service was very im pressive as the surplice choir sun. the beautiful sot:f;s of rejoicing at the coming ef the King cf Kings and the sacrament cf the communion wa administered by Father W. S. Leeie to the member.- of the parish who were present at the service. At the St. Jehr.'s Catholic church there was an early nie.rning hinh mass celebrated at f. :30 by Father M A. Shine, at allien 1 1; r- choir of Un church gave Wiegard't max.-;, beini assisted by W. H. Holly, violinist ; E. H. Schuliioft, cornet ist and Mrs Lillian Freeman, organist. Low mas was held at t:20 and the second Mch mats at 10:7.0, giving early and late arisen opportunity of attending. The Methodist church enjoyed a delightful entertainment on Fridaj evening when the junior an 1 primary departments presented a pleasinr. cantata, "Santa Claus in Slumber land." and in which practically ail members of the two department? participated. Th young folks were assisted by Mrs. K. H. W-scott am! Mrs. A. V. Hunter in the preparation of the cantata and it was thorough ly enjoyed by tue lurge number pies ent. Santa Claus was there in ail his tplendor and added to the fes tivities by the distribution of uilts to the little folk?, which they will long pleasantly remember. The Presbyterian church observed the Christmas fi.-tivities with a or pleasing series eif special Christmas entertainments. At the Sunday school hour the members of the school pre sented a Christmas program entitled. "Following the Star." which was filled with fongs and reading appro priate to the Christmas sease.n. On Friday evening the Sunday achoo' children gave an enfrtainmat.'. a pantomime of the song. "It Carre Upon the Midi.it.ht dear." winch nas presented under tli" tiir- cTir.-i of Misses Clara Weyricli. h'stelb- Ik ird. Mrs. J. F. Wolff and Mrs. G. L Far ley, and in which the yic p-cple proved very pleasing indeed. . Tlie St. Paul's church held i-pe-ch," service Friday ewnint in uhico the young people pirticipat"! an-1 ot which a special offering w : '..l.tu for the needy in Europe. 'V.I l?cii-i r vou per l AT HOME KEBUASKA.