THUHSEAY. DECEMBER 23. 1520. PIATTSMOTJTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOTTRHAI PAGE SEVEN 1 The gift giving season is at hand. Saturday' the joyous occasion will have arrived. The next few days will be busy ones, and we counsel early buying if you haven't yet attended to that important task. Turn the task into pleasure by coming here to buy. Wrist Watches FOE "HER" TOil "HIM" i Rings Beads Diamonds Ivory Silverware Cat Glass fWatches Rings Belts Chains Cuff links Stick Pins Emblems of All Kinds Vhy Not "A Gift that Lasts?" JV 1. D. BROWN, Jeweler ERuNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. at 3:35. Physicians immediately pro- nnnnrpil bin-, dead ! States First Electrocution 1 So ended the first electrocution in j Nebraska. So ended the most bit terly fought criminal battle in the ! history of the state corrrts, lasting rince Cole and Grammer were con victed on July 12. 1918, two and a half years ago and sentenced to die. ; ! Through every court in the land rr rn tm: tw"tw Twr rrrfiTBTf from the district court of Howard i nn a tu m- anwTxrn. TTsrxrn. GRAMMER AND COLE PAY FOB THEIR GRIME We wish you CENCE OF CRIME. Lincoln. Dec. 20. Mf.on IJ. Cole and Allen V. Grammer are dead. 3:24 and 3:35 At county to the United States supreme court the fight was waged. It began in the Howard county court and end-. led at noon today when Judge T. C. Munger of the federal district court denied r. writ of habeas corpus and A Merry Christmay denied an anneal to the United P. m. today tney paia ;,li4 ' t of QQ, the penaltv for the murder of Gram-,.., . , , t . aA . T i . - . , . . til the last Cole had hope and con- mer s mother-in-law Mrs-.LuluWgt nce his att0rney. John M. of fclba. Both went to the chair Grammer gave up over a .without a word of excuse and ot.i, hjs u4 V u J""-V" " missed bv the federal circuit court which thev were convicted. appeals. That may have been the Cole was the less composed at Grammer:s greater brar- t.mes In the death cell for 0, f d fl hour, before death he sat and talked nQ statement . He to his spiritual advisers. Christian1 atement of the facts, as he Science Practioners McFadden and . ' r- .,., ..-.. w, tk said, covering the whole case with Ul rfiui , dim n 1111 ma onui iirj , ui'iiii M. Priest. His face was slightly drawn and j a bit pale. Around him were a few books among them the Bible. He took tiny to write a letter or two at intervals during, the conversation Asked whether he cared to see news paper men and make a statement to them he said he did not. Asks for Reporters Grammr asked that the represen tatives of the newspapers be called into his cell. With him were his wife, her roommate AND A Happy New Year Fad den and Gregory ney, J. M. Priest. Jim and Edward and his attor-! 1 Vogt, sons of. Mrs. Lulu Vogt, whom Grammer and j Cole murdered, and brothers of Mrs. ! Grammer, came down from Sidney, j accompanied by County Attorney: Dobry to attend the execution. After an urgent request to the gov-; ernor, the attorney general and tne warden, Jim Vogt was allowed to witness the execution. When Ms. Grammer heard tha-t he was to be The Bank of Cass County Charles Gran.mer, Sr I warden and asked that her brother Standing in the middle ot the floor . be nof allowed in the death cham. urePbea in a re nwrai'T. nm-ii m est: T5? Ti'3 Am i ne iinoiY cts:- of our many friends, we prize highest. Friend ship is the greatest thing in life. Without it days would be bleak, nights cold and dreary. We are wishing the friends of Plattsmouth and vicinity the very best the Holiday season can bring and thank all for their patro nage, which has brought success tosour enterprise. x j- v - - Plattsmouth Storage Battery COMPANY Wm. Kettleson, Prop. immaculate cleanliness. Ins shoes well shined. and his hair combed sleekly back from his forehead, Grammer did not look like a man who was about to die. He did rot sneak like it. In t. clear voice, looking steadily from one to another cf his hearers as he spoke. Grammer told the world; he was about to leave how he felt toward it. He told of the statement which would be given out. he said. jut as soon as he was dead. He told of how he would give it to hi at torney for distribution and he held the statement in his hands as he spoke p.bor.t it. "Tiiis is my last word to the world.'" he said. "I am going to die. M urray bcr. The request was refused by j the warden, 'fedward Vogt remained! in a room in the outer offices during the execution. He said that if he : could be where he could hear the' (Continued from page 5) newr as it went out over the wires dressed to the hemes of Charles Rovee i to the newspapers, he would be satis- and Charles Thacker, whose names Ccd. As soon as the execution was were furnished by the 000a renow office closed in the evening. Now they have reduced the working forte to the one man, "Joseph Stastka. I. his ; the DON'T FORGET Our Picture AND When Xmas Shopping at THE PAINT STORE F. R. GOBELfvTAW He was taken into the latter s 1 . , . - 4 , I extent AI1C1 fACVlCU i-A Jill' iitl to" 3 A Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year is our greeting to the many friends and customers who have contributed to our success of the past year. True friends are our best assets and wc appreciate them more than words can tell. Ha THE GROCER In a few minuses I will be gone. This will tell you the facts of my case as I s??te them now. on the brink of another world and as I tske my oatli so near to death, you may re sure they are true. I ask that this state ment be printed. I will never know whether or not it is printed, but I ask you here before I go that you may giw it to the world.' Vvarden Kenton read the death warrant to Grammer at 2:15 and to Cole immediately afterward. Neither appeared materially moved. Grammer Calls on Cole At L' : 30 Grammer asked to see Cole. cell which adjoined his on the one side and the death cell on the other. He v, alked firmly into the room. When he entered the door Cole jumped up and grasped his hand. Looking Cole squarely in the eye Grammer said. "Well, be brave, boy." And Cole, returning.the gaze firmly. sTswert'j. "I will. You do your part." They shook hands and Grammer tle pjrted. Five mirutcs later Cole upkrf to see Mrs. Grammer. lie was taken by the deputy warden ini" ecli. The door was closed and what was said remains a secret. Grammer remained unmoved dur 'ing his parting from his wife, just j before he began the march to the death chamber. As he v.-as called by ,the warden she threw her arms : around his neck ?v. kissed hiin sev eral times. "Allen. I will remain loy ;8l to ycu while I live," she said. "I I will try to lead such a life as you would want me to live and such a i life as will enable us to meet later on." f Grammer did not answer, but I kissed her the last time and went iout to the death chamber. I The rexcution was to have taken place at :' o'clock sharp. lr:t ihe ar i rival of I. C. Mui'ger, the peniten jtiary physician, and his assistant i was delayed fifteen minuter, and as ' r consequence Grammer was not lstrr:jd to the death cell until 3:17. 'As he entered he shook hands with newspaper men and witnesses, bid ding them all good-bye in a clear voice and with a smile on his lips. He went directly into the death chamber. As attendants fastened th straps about him be looked, on jwith all the interest and casualty of i a man being shown a new game. Greets Friend Seeing someone at the door whom he knew and had not seen before, Grammer smiled and said "Hello, there," in the manner of a man who meets his friend on the street. The death mask was placed over his face, bis hands clenched, his teeth gritted slightly, and the switch was thrown ,at 3:20. It was all over. ! Cole was brought to the chair im- over. he immediately called menus department or me w oria-neraiu. around Elba on the telephone, saying 'that he had given his promise to Will Work in Elevator, the people up there to let them know j Ajtert JoneBi who nas ma(le if Ccle and Grammer were electro- , jn Murav f;)r more than emeu. I past year and who has ever demon- History of the Crime Istrated his ability to work and his Mrs. Lulu G. Vogt. mother-in-law deire to tackle anything which af of Grammer. for whose murder the forded an opportunity to make an two men were convicted, was found honest living, has accepted an offer dead along a road near St. Paul in 0f employment in the elevator, which July. 1917. , id manager by Mr. D. J. Pitman and Mrs. Vogt. the prosecution charg-; -u ill begin his duties there the first ed. was killed while riding with 'of the year. Cole in an auto on the night of Julyj 4, 1917. It was charged that Cole! Young Lad in Serious Condition. Phillip Kaleisek. aged twelve years, who has been making his home with Frank Schlistemeier, -and who has been troubled with appen dicitis for some time, was operate! upon at the Methodist hospital at Omaha a few days ago and reports frcm his bedside were to the effect that he was not doing the best, but houes are entertained that he will show some improvement in the near future. Phillip's case was very ser ious as trre appendix had been ruptured. had induced her to go with him on T (T a 1 J TA iJ I most .fcveryDoay uueresrcu i The Federated Farm Bureau, 1 n A v V. A A CviAftW -V" TlAVO TWOS! ViXrA l vhtT for which some atrial workers have sick and needed her help. hile ... , . , , tuppcsedly on this mission of mercy, she was shot to death and her body pitched out of the auto. It was not found until the next day. Cole accused Grammer of hern in the vicinity of Murray for several days past, has resulted in the onlii ting .of a large percentage of I the farmers in the order, with the . .. j hopes of something being done for hired him to kill her. as she was a ,. , n,.- - , - . : ... j farm products. During the past tew woman of considerable wealtli. and 5 r,i !. Murray Christian Church. The Bible school workers are pre paring a Christmas program to be given at the church Friday night. Better come out and enjoy the eve ning. Bible school next Lord's day morn ing at 10 a. m. Preaching services at 11:00. Sub ject of sermon. "The Good News." The public is cordially invited to attend these services. A. G. Hollowell. Minister. Itate. - After the supreme court affirmed i the conviction Cole retracted his accusation against Grammer, and raised the pica that Mrs. Vogt had caused trouble between Cole and the girl he intended to marry. Attorneys for the two men then tried to get a rehearing by supreme court order, bat failed. Until today. Coif had lived thru eighteen different days chosen for his execnt ion. Grammer's reprieves num bered fifteen. Their narrowest es cape was February 6. this year, when they were within two hours of the chair. The electrocution' was to have taken place soon after 6 o'clock this morning, but a short reprieve was M. Closes Night Omce. given to 3 o'clock, when attorney Joe Stcstka. the agent at Murray, Priest filed a petition for habeas is now doing all the work at the at 1 o'clock this morning.' Missouri i-acinc. regming last aion- that the grains and stock I would not pay for near the money which has bien put into either. The farmer is net wanting any special legislation in behalf of their industry, but what he complains of is that the ccnJiticns have been directly against him. and he is asking a just and fair show with the remainder of the pro ducing and transporting industry. , Rome ninety per cent of the farmers i have been enlisted in the effort to obtain a sauare deal for the farmers. Frank Lillie and Scarle Iavis were selected as the captains for the work in the Hock Blnffs precinct while Nick Fieidrich, C. D. Spangler, Har- . ry Creamer and Will Scyboldt did the driving graciously. corpus Priest contended that the require ments of Federal Judge Woodrough's order had not bee met, -and that Cole was not under legal sentence. Grammer took it very calmly and said that he was ready to die. Cole broke down for the first tme and said. "If it had to be, it had to be. I never thought it would come to this." SNATCH FURS FROM . . WOMEN ON STREET Organized Gang Exists in Chicago to Steal Valuable Furs from Their Wearers. day, when O. Wickham was sent to Wyoming to act as the agent for the company at that place. Last spring it was arranged for three men to do the work here, and each have an eight hour shift, but some time ago they took one man off, apd then bad the night man work from' midnight until eight in the morning, and the Murray School Notes. Blanche Scotten returned to school Monday. Will Minford spent Sunday visit ing in Lincoln. Muriel Wickham -visited with'Haz le Davis Friday evening. Mabel Howard was a visitor in Plattsmouth. Thursday. Joe Dietl was absent from school Monday on account of a cold. Lecna Puis was a visitor a't il? home cf Elsie Puis, Monday. Eisie Puis was absent from school Monday, on account of illness. Doris Wright was a visitor at the home of Leor.a Puis. Thursday. Hazle Wickhsm was a visitor at the home of Esther Puis. Friday. Hazel Davis spent Simday in the country, where she enjoyed a quiet day. " . Clara Mrasek was sick most of :ast week, but returned to school Monday morning. Lester and Leon Cansmer visited with Charles and Edward Howard Saturday morning. Hazle Wickham was a visitor at the home of Grace Arnold last Thursday evening. Hazel Davis was absent from s;licol part of last week, but return ed to school Friday. Gladys Arnold was absent from school today on account of a cold. Blanche Scotten and Leora Faris were visitors at the home of Grace Long, Sunday. Harley and Leona Puis were visit ors at the home of Bernes and Hilda Preidrich, Sunday. Curtis Faris and . Earl Mrasek were visitors at the home of Lester Long Suxday afternoon. We are very sorry to lose one of our scholars. Florence Wickham She is moving to Wyoming. Neb. Miss Wilson will give a prize to all the pupils who had a hundred in srellinr; for t!:e last three weeks. Harry. Marie, Elsie and Esther Puis, and Gladys Mrasek went to the bcx ;ccial at the Eight Mile Grove school house Friday night. JThe pro gram was very interesting. Marie Puis, Margaret Dlttl, Har ley Puis, Henry Hild, and LJoyd Lcyd. and our principal. Miss Van Duesec. went to Omaha, Thursday, December 16, on a field trip. . There was a farewell party at the home of Mr. Leyda's for Mr. Tucker's family Friday night. We are very sorry to have the children leave our, school. They are moving to, the western part cf the state. The school house is being decor ated for the holidays. The primary room has the Erd tables, which with its decorations, makes one think of Christmas. Santa -isi t ed the room leaving a nice letter on the black board. The high school and prm misr rooms are getting ready for their party by decorating the room where the party is to be given. The fourth, fifth ind sixth grades are go ing to have a Christmas box. Thcs drew names and the presents will be put in a box. Some of the pu pils are going to distribute them to the owners. Chicago, Dec. 21. Bandits have, started snatching fur coats from the1 backs of Chicago women, according to police reports, and many women of Chicago's "Gold Coast" now leave their expensive furs and wraps at home nights, wearing garments of ordinary texture.- ' "Five hundred fur coats were mediately afterward. He had noth-1 snatched from the backs of women ing to say except to shake hands and; last vear," said I. C. Greenburg, sec- bid good-bye to those who stood about the room. As had been the case be fore Gramnier's entry into the death cell, the chaplain offered prayer. Then Cole, standing there with head bowed, showed the first sign of weakening. His hhouldtrs stooped. his closed eyelids twitched and Le retary of the associated fur indus tries. "From present indications the record will be equaled this winter." Greenburg, whose organization was formed to protect fur merchants and manufacturers from burglary, said that furs valued at $500,000 were stolen here during the last year. He swayed backward and forward like; alleged the fur thieves have the CHOCQUT a man who is about to collapse. He backing of a powerful thieves trust" immediately steadied himself, how- that has "fences in all large cities. ever, and from then until the nio- Police reports show that ten fur ment the twitch was thrown on the stores have been robbed recently of chair, he was -equally as composed i $70,000 worth of furs anf that' as Grammer. many women and girls have had I Just as Cole entered the death cell their coats stolen from their backs at he asked for Charles Dobry, county! the point of revolvers. attorney ior tiieyenue county. the ureenourg saia mat iur-snatcners v man U li n TirMLnr'ii t ik! li i ... n,i,1 . .1 , anil lionHttu crct 1 T TiO- nnnt r f 4kn tained his conviction, one of the men value of the coats from the "fences" who arrested him at Janesville, Wis., throush whom they deal. He said after he had made his escape follow- th "master mind" of the "fur ing the murder. Mr. Cobry had been thieve:; trust" directs the places to present only a moment before. He be robbed and gets most of the pro had just stepped out of the corridor ce-eds. when Cole asked for him. He could The "fur trust." according to not be found. The switch was thrown Greenburg, guarantees legal aid iu on Cole at 3:33 and was thrown off i case a fur bandit is apprehended. Give ' HER" a ox of Liggett's Johnston's ES- , . We have an unusually K good assortment of pack f ges this year, all artis- iiCally wrapped for the Holidays. Packages will be se curely wrapped for mail ing, if you wish. Prices 75c and Up! Have You Looked Over Our Gift Packages of Stationery? F. G. Friclce & Go., The Rexall Store 186 Phone 186 To Our Customers! To our many friends, who by their patronage have contributed to our prosperity, we are extend ing our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a happy and pros perous New Year. Clarke & Pickett THE BARBERS Greetings Of The Season! li is our wish that all of our friends enjoy a Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year. Murray, Nebraska Ir. ilia mmm