The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 23, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If ny of the readers of the
Journal knor- of any social
Test or Item of interest in
this vicinity, and will mall
same to this office. It will ap
pear under this heading. We
want all news items Editob
We Wish You
not alone that, but Health
and Happiness as well.
With this expressed desire
for your happy Christmas, we
also desire to thank all for
. their generous patronage dur
ing the year now drawing rap
idly to a closed
Murray State Bank
Murray, Nebraska
The ten dollar per ton coal, which
Hannine & Nickles have, arrived last
The children of John Knabe south
west of Murray, af"" reported as being
down vith scarlet fever.
Walker Gilmore. who is attending
the stito university.' is spending his
mid-winter vacation with his par
ents. . Morton Bartlett. the Larber. was a
Our best wishes for your
health, happiness and con
tinued prosperity.
Murray -:- Nebraska
w. r. voime
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Telephone 428 Plattsmouth. Exchange
Will Serve Lunch!
C$1 will serve Lunch, Tobac
co, Cigars, Cigarettes and all
needed Refreshments at Pub
lic Sales this season. Make
dates with Col. W. R. Young.
Oscar Her,
Murray -:- -:-
visitor in Omaha last Tuesday, where
he was called to look after some busi
ness matters.
Mrs. Robert Nickles of Murray, has
not been feeling the best for some
time past and is kept to her home on
that account.
Miss Margie Walker was attend
ing a reception af the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Goos at Plattsmouth
last Monday evening.
I am prepared to do. carpentering,
both bench and house, as well as saw
filing and tool sharpening. Give me
a call. J. A. Scotten.
A littre five-year-old child of Glen
Vallery and wife, is reported as hav
ing been sick at the- home, but is
showing some improvement.
Bring in your cream for the best
of prices, as well as chickens, and
all kinds of country produce. J. A.
Scotten, at the cream station.
Uncle John W. Edmonds and
"Ran" Minford. were busily engaged
in the constructions of some feeding
troughs for the use of the latter.
At the homes of Thomas and Wal
ter Smith, it is reported th children
are going through a siege of scarlet
fever, but are getting along nicely.
Miss Bessie VanDeusen. principal
of the Murray schools, was a visitor
in Omaha last Saturday, where she
was the guest of frienrls for the day.
Mrs. Levi Rusterholtz is reported
as being very sick at her home with
bronchitis and is being given the
best of care, both medical and nurs
ing. W. J. Rau and wife were the guests
at the home of W. G. Boedeker and
wife of Murray last Sunday. Mr.
and Mrs. Rau are officers in the Bank
of Manley.
Cameron Cathey and family were
the guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Wiles last Sunday, they
dining together and having a very
pleasant day.
W. G. Bocitker and family and
Miss Beulah Sans were visitors in
Omaha last Saturday, being guests
of friends and also doing some
Christmas shopping.
L. H. Puis and wife were in Omaha
last Monday, .being called there to
look after some business matters con
nected with the business and also
visited with friends while there.
Albert A. Young and wife, and
Mesdames Susie Oldham and W. A.
Royal were looking after some busi
ness matters and visiting with
friends in Plattsmouth last Satur
day. Nicholas Freidrich and family, and
J. H. Brown and wife from south of
Murray, were doing some trading and
We pay cash for cream, produce,
butter and eggs. Murray Cream Sta
tion, tf.
To You and' All!
Our wish is for
through all the year of 1921, and
the years to follow.
iatt & TuW,
visiting with friends in Plattsmouth
laBt Saturday, driving over in their
The little daughter of rferman
Smith and wife, living southwest of
Murray, who has been very sick with
bronchial pneumonia, is reported as
having shown considerable improve
ment of late. '
Uncle Jesse McVey was looking af-
Uo Uish Vou Prosperity:-
And Also a Very Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year
We 'are not insensible to the kind patronage and
friendship which has been evidenced since we engaged
in business, and take-this opportunity of expressing our
sincere thanks for the same.
We wish you all health, happiness and prosperity
throughout the coming year.
Murray Cream Station
To Our Friends:-
We are extending our most heart
felt wishes for your happiness, for
ypur good health and lasting pros
perity this beautiful Christmas.
The yearjust closing has been one
of prosperity to us, made possible
by your friendship and patronage.
Please accept our thanks and well
wishes at this time.
W. H. Puis Hardware
Murray, Nebraska
A Merry Christmas:-
It is our wish that all may have
their full share of Health, Happi
ness and Prosperity, not only at
this particular season, but through
out the months and years to come.
We take this method of thank
ing all for their generous patronage
and loyal friendship, which have
contributed so materially to our
pleasant residence in Murray.
Murray Drug Co.
We Thank You All!
for the generous patronage which
has been extended to us since enter
ing the business circle of Murray.
for the friendly feeling we believe
you hold for us, and last, but not
for your future good will which we ,
know will continue to be ours.
We are taking this opportunity of extending to all a
wish for Health, Happiness and Pros- 1
perity A Merry Christmas.
F. T. WILSON, Prop.
Iter some business matters in Platts
mouth Monday, spending a few
hours here and visiting with his
many friends, as well as looking af
ter some business.
I Louis Hallas, yie accommodating
and efficient assistant cashier of the
Murray State Bank has a very severe
cold which is giving him some trou
ble, but that is not the way he ex
presses the matter.
j Mrs. Edward McFarland living
'some six miles west of Murray, who
i has bee nreceiving treatment at the
St. Joseph hospital at Omaha for some
time and underwent an operation,
is reported as showing some slight
Highest prices for butter, eggs,
produce and cream. Murray Cream
Station. tf.
.Last Tuesday, just for pleasure,
Searle Davis hitched up his Hudson
Super Six and made a trip down to
Murray and then out to the farm
where he spent the day, not making
snow balls, but looking after the
matters on the farm.
Joy surrounds the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Patent, living over
in the neighborhood of the Missouri
river. The cause was the arrival at
their home last Monday one of the
sweetest little baby, girls, and why
should they not all be happy.
A little son of Carl Nickles, living
a few miles south of here, had the
misfortune to have an ankle very
Tadly sprained last Monday evening
and Dr. J. F. Brendel was called to
dress the injured member, after
which the young man rested nicely.
Wm. Barker of Avoca, was a vis
itor in Omaha for a day or so last'
week and on his return came via Mur
ray, stopping at the home of his
uncle, Dr. B. F. Brendel for a short
time, and then driving to his home
in the southern portion of the coun-
! t.v-
J The Murray Community club,
which has done much for the harmon-
ious working of the different inter
j ests of Murray, and for th esocial or
I der as well, is going forward with
i the wcrk which it has laid out to
1 do. and which will make a better
Murray in the days to come.
J. A. Scotten has just received a
;new dynamo for the turning of his
machine which he uses for testing
cream. He has harnessed it into the
electric light circuit, and it sure does
make the machine hum. This will
same much labor of making the var
ious tests for the customers.
Bring your produce to the Murray
Cream Station, for cash. tf.
Dr. B. F. Brendei was a visitor
in Omaha last Tuesday afternctm
and evening, accompanying George
Hill and a six-year-old son of his,
who has been troubled with umbili
cal hernia, or rupture, and who went
to the Ford hospital at that place
for an operation and treatment.
Rhode' Island Reds For Sale.
1 am offering some fine Rhode
" Island cockrels, this year's stock.
licc ITttu Vif L-l cc TLTiirrnv nhnnp
1811. tf T's s-w.
Men's Waffle Supper.
The arrangements for the men's
waffle supper are progressing in
splendid manner. The men from the
country are asked to bring in an egg
or two apiece, also butter, milk and
cream. If each will contribute a
small quantity it will not amount to
much for any one. Please notify G.
W. McCracken what you will bring
so we shall know what to depend on.
To offset this donation by the coun
try folk, the men in town will sup
ply the flour, sugar, coffee, syrup etc.
The following workers have been se
lected as best qualified to fill the po
sitions assigned them. They are to
report for service promptly at five
o'clock ready to don their caps and
aprons. A fine of will be assessed
against each man refusing to work.
Sickness or death brings the grounds
for xemption.
Making Eatter Ernest Milbern,
O. A. Davis, Chas. Spangler.
Baking A. Young, Lee Kniss.
For Sale.
Duroc Jersey boars, $5.00. Albert
Young, Murray, Neb. ;
Now a Resident of Murray.
Last Wednesday, F. T. Wilson, the
proprietor and his good wife, movde
to Murray from the farm east of
town, where they have been making
their home for some time past. They
are at this time occupying the Pres
byterian church parsonage, and will
until the home which they have re
cently purchased from A. Gansmer is
vacated by that gentleman, who is
now making it his home.
Visited Parents Sunday.
Mrs. Ona Lawton, who is employed
at the Masonic Home at Plattsmouth,
where she is a nurse, and his been
for a number of months, was a vis
itor at the home of her parents, Mr.
anl Mrs. D. A. Young, last Sunday,
it being the first time she has been
able to secure an opportunity to visit
her parents since she went there to
make her home, so constant has been
the demand for her services.
Barred Plymouth Rock Cockrels
I have for sale some pure bred.
I Barred Plymouth Itock cockrels, at
S2f tach. D. A. Young Murray phone
15J1, Murray, Neb. tf T's sw.
Sells Some Fine Porkers.
A. A. Young disposed of two of his
fine hogs during the past week, one
them going to Harry Hinton of near
Louisville, while the other was sold,
and shipped to J. D. Brandlett living
near Union. They were both excel
lent hpgs and ill make proper ad
ditions to the heards of those, who
have received them.
Sends Christmas Boxes.
The citizens of Murray have,
through the work of Mr. G. W. M-
Craeken. and bv the contributions
of the generous citizens made up a;
couple of Christmas boxes for the
needy of Omaha, and the same were j
sent to that place via the Missouri j
Pacific last Wednetday morning, ad- j
(Continued on Page 7) J
Best of Service Work Guaranteed Price Reasonable
' Call Puis Garage or Phone Same
Jesse Chambers
Apples for Christmas!
Sale of apples, SATURDAY, December 18th, at
$2.00 per bushel. Saturday only! Get your Christ
mas apples now first come, first served. Do not for
get the date, Saturday, December 18th.
Holiday Greetings
We are wishing to all of the
friends (and they are numerous
in this vicinity) that the coming
of Christmas time will bring you
health, happiness and prosperity.
Drs. Brendel & Brendel,
Murray, Nebraska
To Our Friends:-
who by their patronage and
friendship have contributed to
our success of the past year,
we extend our thanks.
We also express wishes for
a Merry Christmas, combined
with the hope that abundant
prosperity and good health
may attend you all the days
of your life. ,
Banning & Ni
Murray, Nebraska
Storage Batteries!
Yes, winter is here, and if the storage batteries
do not give the best of satisfaction, bring them to us,
and we will place them in first class condition for you.
We have just added a new
for charging batteries, and are prepared to care for all
your battery wants, having all needed parts and re
pairs. In addition we also carry an excellent line of
new batteries.
The Murray Garage
L. H. PULS, Manager
We Are Wishing All
CJThat prosperity lasting as the
years that go by, may be yours
and that health and happiness may
crown your lives.
The Murray Garage
L. H. PULS, Manager