PLATT3MGTJTH SEIfl-WEEXLY JOURNAL PAGE SEVEN MONDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1920.' D .1 '.1 s 3 8 El IS PS 53 s-a 3 2 I da 3 i T -jt LJuuUUU UUl S J I LAOIES CELEBRATE TWO ANNIVERSARIES Ladies Auxiliary of Presbyterian Church Observe Gulden and Silver Wediing-. FARMERS ARE GET TING ORGANIZED 1'ioTji 'I t iciavsr Aiaily. Ve urd.-.v a ft crimen tL? pa i ia: . M;. ar. '. f. 'v'- anniversary -.f Mrs. II fevj f; hi.rh'.t r. The members had 99 stock There are no restrictions to this sale. Starts NOW and lasts while our lasts in the different items offered. We are going to do our part to make it possible fcr every man, woman, boy and girl in Nehawka and viciniiy to have a real MERRY CHRISTMAS. Better look over this list nrst. Then you won't have tc spend a lot of money for car fare. For you can't beat these bargains anywhere. Come to headquarters ho do your Christmas shopping. 4 fou Can Save Money on These Items am Many Others. Judge for Yourself! Special Bargains -in cur- Qn? Goods Department! REAL chance to fr double your dollar here. pi u i i ou wouia nave iu gu a long ways and look often to find the equal of these great values. Percales and outing flannel 36-in. wide, per yd. . Mackinaws, each - - . Duck coats, each Overalls and jumpers, each Outing gowns, each Wool blankets, each i 3iankets, each $3.75 to Underwear, two-piece suits All wool sweaters, each i." " Full line of sweaters. $I.o9 to Boys' overcoats, age 1 5 to 16, each jAssorted candy, chocolates included, lb .-. . 1-louse dresses, 9x12 Congoleum, Rugs, Stove Fugs and Linoleum, are all offered you at a Big Discount. t llU . S1.45. 1 free. lbs. ib. Introductory offer for a snort time only. A strict!.' high grade coffee. Compares favorably with the best grades sold. Try a 3 -lb. can cn our special ovfe: and get one pound absolutely FREE. NOW PER HUNDRED POUNDS QPEP.I&I Bargains while 31 LUtftL they !ast. A limited stock. Will only last a few days at these prices inrk an.l Loans. 1 -1 It. fan. IT..-. 2 .r.s for -oc iu:jn"z i ork i. i.i.s. 25" t-a i h i ". 1' . :k.. !' '-" V.N CADI'S an-' .';:tis. 1 ... 1 i". ... iii'i'K f ili l .-ai. L.' lars I'or.Sr si w is -four H R B Eiliiw f it sfeip COMPLETE NEW SHIPMENT OF CHRISTMAS GOODS JUST RECEIVED Here arc jul a few suggestions. 3 i VO' Come and lock them over. Our full stock of Christmas good? will please Come early while our assortment is complete. Pancy border Toweling Fancy Towel Sets Linen Toweling Ready Hade Towels Wash Rags Toilet Sets Ililitray Brushes Embroidered Stand Covers Embroidered Luncheon Sets Dolls ' Little Bo Peep" Hair Bows Christmas Seals Fancy Ribbons Fancy Handkerchiefs Handkerchief Linen ITeckties Traveling Bags Lingerie Clasps Cameo Brooches Dress Pins j And many other appropriate things for Christmas. Ask to see anything not listed. -"Shop at Ycur Home Store and Double Your Dollar" 4 i srlcrs of iT.'s'.ytf i-i:x;i tiitirch '.vas tVe 'p c:' a very plfaant p.atherins ; e niem'.it-." of Hie ladies ausil . v:th Mesilanu-.-: S. S. Chase, ;v I'.. AlliFuii and Jcseph Adams the IicteESEs of the o:-";a?ion. Tl:o 1::'":"! r.Vscrypi tho wedding :T.n:vpry;iTy rf two of tucir members rrsr-' 1 .0 rs. if "tvi i ro'-p and I. A. ar- :;;!:-((! 1 1. h ' mis i'..ivrc t-i ii.e anr nc. on wculrt c fittingly marked aiul ''yrn larpp ne cakes, aglow with the symbolic candles wore placed on th tables that were an important parr of the decorative scheme. Mrs. H. G. McClusky in behalf of the men.bers of the auxiliary presented tv,t, vn ripf;ts of honor vith beau tiful floral remt'mherances of the ere:;t. 'Irs. Troop rifeiving a lnrpe hoM juft of yellow roses and while ilr;;. Schneider was presented with a V---i3(H'?t of white rc,rnEtions. The parlors were ecorated in the Christmas colors of ed and srreen pv n ac'e a very pretty scene for the pi r.sam satherin?. The meeting was riu- of the largest for some time and Vrnneht to the close hv the serv- in of dairty and delicious refresh ful mrr.ts hv the hostesses. THE LiSHTS FLICKER OFF AND OH LAST EVENING Soft Collar Pins Baby Blankets Baby Eootees Ifen's and Ladies Felt Slippers Bread and Butter Plates Salad Bowls Vases Nut Bowls Pyrex Cooking Ware NEHAWKA V. 1 : ::i 'lhurs-(lay s Da'ij ';:ulay sLr-pping and other acti os aljo.t town were interfered last night to e considerable ex hy ihe intermittent flickering :;u cn of the electric lights over y. i.nntw iuykeaUall oners in ex- .aiion therefor, tise fact that the ..ton plant of tl;t' company wa rcyed by fire. s::i!'tir.;r the peak ! i;;.t xpectedly on other units. ct' using interrupiion of the ser . t: t; overcome su?!i cj?taUs as rlu.t the riatlsmouth plant was vitlv overhauled and reuiantled. 5 m,. ROY TOWLE DEAD. it V. yy T( -.vje. son (if Mr. and Mrs. rge Towle. 1'crmer residents of . - ':M:::ty died at the family home .'ncoln last Friday, lit' vas a :;t sufttrer for two years from :uiatiin and tc iritis, being en- y helpless. c grew up on the farm near v,a- iii..-:- w!ure the .ianmy mace tneir !:oa.-' for years, lie was about 2' ye;'-.- if age. unmarried. The fun era' was held at Lincoln Sunday and i0 v.r.s laid to rest in the Wa'oar.h cemetery in tho frtmily lot. Hiss Ken Towie. a sitr. and Gen 7rv.;' t'nc-le. attended the funeral frc.i! here. Weeping Water Ilepa llCfl. Cass County Farm Bureau is Bring ing in Residents of the Coun try Districts. The farmers of Cass county are awakening to the realization of the necessity for organized efforts in these trying times for the producers ;snd the "kick oft" meeting held at "Weeping Water on Monday seems to be bringing in great cumbers to be come joined in the organized effort cl the. farmers through the Cass County Farm Bureau Federation. The opening dry's drive yesterday resulted in the enrollment of 300 new members and the work will be continued vigorously all the rest of, the week. The opening meeting of the cam paign was held at Weeping Water on Monday and some 250 farmers from all sections of the county were on hand to participate in the deliber ations of the gatherings. The open ing meeting ia the morning was largely given over to instructing the soliciting committees that are to enroll the membership and Hon. W. B. Banning of Union, chairman of the membersship drive was in charge of this portion of the work. The outline of the work of the federated bureau was taken up and each mem ber of the committee give full in structions as to the work in hand that will have for the protection of the farmers of the county. At the non hour the ladies of the Congregational church served a fine dinner at the church parlors which placed all the members in the proper spirit for the occasion of the after noon meetings. The session of the afternoon was given over to an enthusiasm meet ing and from the expression of the farmers who were present it cer- tainlv developed the spirit or en thusiasm for the work that will re sult in a great good to the farmers through mutual helpfulness. Hon. A. J. Weaver cf Falls City, presi uent of the constitutional conven ticn was one of the speakers of the afternoon and his address was large ly along the lines of the new legis lation that will result as the act of the farmers of the new constitution. The address of Mr. Weaver was well received and full of much interest in regard f the workings of the new fundamental law of the state. Other sneakers were from the state agricultural school and aided in making the meeting a great suc cess. Hakes Good Christmas Gifts! J When selecting your Christmas gifts, do not over look the matter of Electrical Appliances, which will add to the comfort and convenience of the home. We are in a position to furnish you with Percolators, Table Lamps, Toasters, Stand Lamps, Vacuum Cleaners, Elec tric Irons, etc., all of which would make good gifts and be greatly appreciated labor siving devices in the home. The SUSurdock Electric MURDOCK -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA WILL AID IN WORK. rror: Friday". Dailv. . the meeting of FonteHeile Chap ter, D. A. K. heid in X)maha yester day it was decided to take up the v :',: of collecting clothing for the ivn;,;:i and children of the far east. We .vill have a large box plae.i in th-- telephone ofTice Monday, Decern her L'0:h. Clothing of any kind : :;c r'ed zr,d any pieces cf cloth pro viding thev be clean can he used. v e are taking this method of soliciting :rori ;r.v one win give inis We Are Here to Serve! Mr. Consumer: Why not buy your beef by the quarter, and your pork as well? We sell either by quarter, half or the whole carcass. We will also make your sausage and render your lard for you if you wish. We are selling fresh pure leaf lard at 25 cents per pound. See us for service. J. JOHANSEN, THE MARKET MURDOCK, NEBR. 1 OCK ITEMS -i Continued From Page S) ners in another column of this pa ler which will be followed by an ad retting forth his ousiness. Boy Gladdens the Home. T. S. (Teddy) llager, it is said can sing like a lark, the reason be ing that he had advice from Verigre whore Mrs. Rager is visiting at the home of her parents for the present, saying that the stork had made a visit and left in their charge a bouncing -baby bey, who longs to see his father and sends a message of good cheer. Well, why should not Teudv smile and sing as well. THE BEST UTKHBLES We are selling Buicks,' Dodges and Mitchells. There are no more reliable cars on the market. Ask for a demonstration. We are always at your service. A full line of tires and accessories always on hand. The best of workmen for your repair jobs. Bring them in. . W; THING Phone 35-B Murdock, Neb. "ZZZ &$! -vcrthy cause. Let this be part cf fi$i your Vhristmas charity and it will rvTs ;,;a . yr.ur own iinstmas svei fc'j :r.d letter for providing for Y'A neel- of others. Just leave y . i'i . . . . 1 l . . : eter r the our l-ii-i'l's at the telephone othco and ;he ywiil be taken care of. We thank vou. DEATH OF OLLIE 11. WARD. i'eople of this community were shocked Sunday by the announce ment that Ollie Ward had oird the r-ic. ious night at Lincoln following EL-jj :r operation fcr appendicitis. We fil understand thai the attack came Fri- day ai.d he was opera i a'1 on that fcvt irgh. bur it was not m ill Saturday sr '.J thf-t the end came. The fun- trui '.-:; helu a', imicwoc t. jiiecay. and bur is I was at the Eimwr.u remi tter;.".-a number of our people attend ing the services. Mr. Ward was well known in Eagle where he was formerly engaged in business and where he has a large number of warm friends. lie leaves to n-ourn. besides his wife, two dnusmtotv. Miss Fay, and Mrs. Wm. I'm-and of Eugie. and an aged father rT:d mother in Elmwood Eagle Bea- GOVERNORS MANSION IS WORTH 545,000 LKiCuln, Girl Brings Cheer and Happiness. At the heme of Emil Miller, there was some joy last Thursday, when the announcement was made of the arrival cf a little blue-eyed baby giii. just the best and most gracious Christmas present imflginable. com ing just before the arrival of the holiday. The proud father is not able to repress a gladsome smile on any provocation, while from the glad eyes of the happy mother comes looks of thankfulness and apprecia tion. Invests in Happiness. E. W. Thimgan and W. H. Frost of Manley, are both very well pleased as a short time ago Mr. Thimgan re ceived a new Claxtonola. and. by the way one of the. best talking ma chines which he has installed in his home, and traded Mr. Frost an auto which heis using in his business thus supplying the wants of the two homes. The Claxtonola has been in tailed in the home cf Mr. Thimgan i.nd is highly prized by all the household. Christmas Candies! Just as well have the best candies the market affords, made fresh every day, at the iiarhvick Candy Kitchen We make from ths purest ingredients, delicious Chocolates, Marsh mallow Creams, Eroken Mixed, Peanut Brittle and in fact candies cf all kinds, under the most sanitary conditions one could hope for. TRY SOME OF OUR CARMELS MADE EVERY DAY W. J. HARTWI.CCC, The Candy Man. North Fifth Street TAKE ADVANTAGE OF CHAUCE To secure some cf the bargains that are to be found at the Fanger store in the great sacrifice sale of ladies ready to wear tailored gar ments. This is one of the oppor tunities that the careful shopper prices at which Mr. Fanger is offer ing them makes it necessary that the shopper get on the Job early if they secure the pick of the large stock. The prices are the lowest for many months in the great sacrifice sale. j report NEBRASKA Dec. 17. The biennial cf Dan Swans.on. commission er vt public lanus ana -uunuings, shows that the state capitt-1 and the govtrnor"s mansion has an inventory q value of $fSM9-'-45. The governor's so-called mansion, located at Fifteen- M th end 1! fetreets, was valued by Mr. - -r . ...... - : Swunsou at ?Ji..uuu, plus $zu.uuu ior I the site, making a total of $45,000. PW Furniture in the mansion is valued ;r at r.,ooo. The stut" capital; which is soon to !:e-sr. p planted hy a i;ew one is valued rVl Cnnnirl tho titMf ri 1 e i f villi" choice in the doll contest at the store 3a of M. Fanger. Read the ennounce- NOW A REAL SAILOR v The many friends in this city of Charles Arthur Reynolds, will be pleased to learn that Charley is now a full fledged sailor and in the uni form of Uncle Sam will be sailing the high seas. Charley has been sent from the receiving ship at New York to the IT. S. S. Rochester, one of the rmaller boats of the navy that was in active service during the war. Mr. Reynolds is ,a son of B. J. Rey nolds of this citj- and has a host of friends here who will wish him well in his new lot in life. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Now is the time to lay in a supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is almost sure, to be needed before the winter is over. You will look a good while before jou find a better remedy for coughs, colds, croup and; whooping cough tr one that is morej pleasant to take. It meets with favor every where. Buy it now and be pre pared. ; No matter what your decorative heme may include this year, you j can get the material to properly carry it out at the Journal office. .V;--'...t: - , "f a rf y-'tJ'wiiv mnw-ni mtt.t ot tins corneal eisewuere in mm'. this' issue of the Journal. If it's in the card line. the Journal omce. rail at - L DOM'T FORGET Our Picture AND Framing Department When Xmas Shopping at THE PAINT STORE F. R. GOSELKAK 1