v MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1920 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL otiD Son Effl?0 ShPPDTDg EMlS jj LP H n. Z4,izAAM i " i i : i 1 Big Rednndtnoini on Silks! k fi? ' Ribbons' '( 'N:1 I? It Lining Silks, Dress Silks, and Petticoat Silks all will be sold very much more reasonable than you have been able to obtain them for a long time. Some of these pat terns are extremely different. These silk fabrics are not stylish for a season only. They are masterpieces of manufacture, su perior in material and weave. Every School Girl Wduld be Glad to Receive a Beautiful Hair Ribbon! AIE of Our m s FF are reduced in price! fCoth!ng nicer or more acceptable than a pair of i 9 3 1110. s W nts I? ean SWEATER SETS HOODS BOOTEES SHIRTS HOSE and Some Lovely Remembrances, such as HANGERS (Hand Decorated) RECORD BOOKS FANCY SILK SHOES JAPANESE KIMONAS and RATTLES (All descriptions) I.W.UIW! mi mi v-mr .,gplk.,ll. F "OIF Moth ii Nashua Woolnap Blankets in plaids, striped and plain colors. This is the sort of weather everyone is beginning to think about warmer bed coverings. if ilf Sister would appreciate a nice warm kimona for these cool days. Come in and see our assortment of these. Goods 0 Serges, Broadcloths, Tricotines, Velours and Gab- 1 ardines all popular dress materials and most ap q propriate Christmas gifts. And you will be in terested in knowing they're reasonably priced. DC DC mmmmmmr wl wear, i i i $ i i i i i i j sweaters, Capes and Scarfs j i i beatif uily colored, well made and very durable! DC DC DC DC 0k 7 mm i m ri w it m v I . J n n r r&n n u v u u y)By Si on All Furs in Stock! 1 Most complete line ever shown in smart fashioned styles. Scarfs and Capes Red Fox Moline, Frency Lynx, Wolf, China Lynx, Seal, Montana Lynx, Rus sian Mink and Opossum. We also have Muffs to match jnost of the above. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL XMAS POC Y7M7 mammmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm r aw nil i - i r m 1 - - - ' V- OPEN EVENINGS' UNTIL XMAS 5 PAGE rrvE 1 Ml 'I 4 ii ,1 I J Pi ; "I J 4 :1 4 -4 r h