PLATTSHGUTH SLmWffiHT JOUEHiX riGE TETXE KOjavJ. Eicon!!?.. 20, 1920. CK DEPMR PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. TMEMT The Bank of EUilurdock ALL DEPOSITS GUARANTEED UNDER THE DE POSITORS GUARANTY FUND OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. CjWe conduct a general commercial banking busi ness and solicit ycur account. We pay five per cent interest on time deposits. Deed, mortgages, conveyances and contracts are always given careful attention. If 3ou need such work done, ccme in. Don't forget that the income tax for the year 1 920 will be due shortly after March 1st, next, and that-we are here to assist you in this matter. It would be well to get your figures to gether now, and then complete them as soon as possible after January 1st, and get this matter out of the way. The Bank of Murdoch "The Bank where You Feel at Home" HENRY A. TOOL. President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres. H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier Announcement! To the people of Murdock and vicinity, I wish to announce that i have purchased the automobile busi ness of Mr. William Gehrts and leased his workshop and will in the future conduct a general repair shop. I will also have a line of cars of the best makes to offer for sale, together with a full line of accessories and supplies for all makes of autos, and in the repair department will haye one of the best of workmen the country affords, besides myself, to look after the repair work. An ad will appear in this space regularly, and I urge that you watch for future announcements concern ing the line of cars we will carry, as well as other ar ticles which we will have to offer. Jess Landholm, MURDOCK NEBRASKA C. F. Ilite was a visitor in Lincoln last Friday, where he" was looking after Borne business. Mr. Louis Schmidt was a visitor in Lincoln last Tuesday, where he was looking after some business. Louis llornbeck and wife wore vis iting for a short time last Thursday I at Lincoln, where they were looKing after some business matters. George Mills was a visitor at the home of friends a short distance from Wabash, going last Thursday and remaining for a couple of days. Jess Landholm was a visitor In Omaha during the first part of th week, where he was looking aftei lome business matters for a short time. Edward Thimgan was a business visitor in Omaha last Friday, where he was called to care for some mat ters pertaining to his line in thi place. Edward Schmidt and wife of Lin coin, were visiting in Murdock las Sunday and were the guests at thf home of Robert Williams and wif. while here. J. Johansen was a visitor in Lin coin last Wednesday, where he drov in his car to look after some busi ness matters connected with hi business in Murdock. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Hitchcock o' Havekick, were in Murdock last wee'' coming to visit at the home of Mr. 1 Neitzel, who has been sick at 1 home for the past two weeks. I Mesdames H. W. Tool and A. P. Hornbeck were visiting with friend in the caapital city and incidental!' looking after some Christmas shop pinsr as well. last Wednesday. John Amgwert and brother, Hen ry, both are having their henier wired for electric lights, and M Tohn Amcwert will also have the lights installed in his barber shop. Mrs. L. Amgwert was a passen ger lat Thursday evenine fo f'on"cil Bluffs where she Is visiting for a short time at the home of hf dfi'fhter, Mrs. Charles Letts ar(' familv. Te children of Mr. and Mrs. O V McDonald, who have been very Pick for some time with the seoord attack of measles, pre reported as be intr much improved and are about again. M". Iuis R-midi and babe, and Mir Esther Schmidt were visitiii" Lincoln during the fore par the week, going to see the nlay of "The Bird of Paradise," which was presented there. E. W. Thimgan has had his home wired for electric lights and will have the job completed on the arriv al of the chandeliers, which he is having installed, and will be ready when he current arrives. J. E. McJIugh was a business vis itor in Omaha last Tuesday, where he went to look after the replenish ing the .stock at the Mercantile store in the line cf Christmas goods and the stapel lines as well. MUses Marie and Esther Schmidt entertained for dinner last Monday evening. .Miss Kuth Reeves, who de parted for Trenton last week, where she has accepted a position as teach er in the schools at that place. Miss Lena Towle of Lincoln, was a visitor in muimock lor a lew uay the first of the week, coming down 'ast Sunday and returning to he ome on Tuesday, after visiting with her sister. Mrs. J. E. McIIugh. Miss Mary IJornemeier, who is a urse located at Valentine, was a -isitor at the home of her parents. Simon Bornemeier east of Murdock, oming to enjoy the Christmas hol day. and to visit with other friends. James Brittain and wife who nake their home near Alliance, ar rived here last Wednesday and will isit for some time spe-nding fche olidays at the home of the parents f Mrs. Brittain. Mr. and Mrss. W. H. Rush. Miss Mircheloff, who has been cra loyed in Omaha, was a visitor in er home at Elmwood last week and n ber return was accompanied by er mother, they both coming to Turdock to Cake the train .-for the etropolis. Many farmers near Murdock are coming greatly interested in the 'ectric lights, and will have their mines connected up for both lights "d power when the current reaches Murdock and the stress of work Is oranleted. Harry Gillespie and wife, and Mrs. tt. v. McDonald, and daushter Mfp Trene. and son Bryan, were visiting tv, TretroTo1is iact wek. spend ing the day there and looking tfter K.,ciecS as well as visiting with friends. Mr. L. Neitzel returned last Thurs 'v from Omaha, where he has been -e"eivine some treatment for lum 'ii'o. which has been causing him -Mih suffering of lae. Dr. McD'--nodv came last week and took Mr. Voit7el to Omaha in his car for treat ment. Charles SchefTer was a visitor in Dmahn last Sunday, wher. he wj t.e p-upt of his sister. Miss Carrie baeflVr, who is at present in t" i.osnital icoveHnsr after having un derwent an operation there a short time ago. Miss Shaeffer is report ed as getting along nicely. Henrv Amgwert has accepted a po- i sit ion with the Murdock Mercantile i com pan v and is assining in the work i of caring for the business which ; comes to this popular institution. ! Mr. Amgwert is a very clever youn" wan and will make a valuable addi tion to the sales force of the institu tion. Ed Thimgan has a new oil ser vice station installed at his garage, which by air pressure removes all water which might be in the gas, and thus makes the service the best that can be had. This will be cf special benefit during the cold weath er when the cars are a little diffi cult to start anyway. They Will Soon Sline. The electric light poles have been set from the juncture of the Louis ville Weeping Water line to Mur dock, and most cf the poles which are required in Murdock and many of the houses wired for lighting when the circuit reaches here. .- number of the men have been given a temporary lay off awaiting the ar rival ft wire that it may be strung. The work has been going along nice ly and with much more expedition than was expected, for the weather has been very favorable as no frosty or frozen ground had to be blasted and the roads have been so the work could go ahead nicely, and as a con sequence the cost of the line to the people of Murdock will be much less than expected. Has Completed the Work. Walter Ilillisa and his assistant. Mr. H. C. Deahl. of Lincoln, who have been engaged in fitting plumb ing at the home of Chas. Long. hav completed the work, and Mr. Deahl is at present doing some plumbing at the home of Albert Zeirot. north west of Murdock. Meanwhile Wal ter has been doing needed work on his auto, while awaiting for the com pletion of the work at Mr. Zeirot's. ffbESBSfrf aP4aK? YWWSiW WmmT IT YCySELF WITH THE DUSTERHOFF SHOPS Murdock -:- -:- -:- -:- Nebraska Os 4& &b &z C C$ Cy Young Folks Enjoy Social Dance. The young people of Murdock last Wednesday and again on Friday eve ning, enjoyed a social dance at which, were well attended. The music was furnished by members of the danc ing party which added much to the "njovment of the occasion, for many yles of eteps and glides and whirl were necessary to keep up with the variety of numbers executed by the 'ocal musicians. New Business Firm. Jess Landholm, the expert auto njobilist has recently purchased the accessories from Wm. Gehrts and 'eased the repair department of th ehrts place and sufficient room for his work and will in a short time tiave Fome cars for sale here. He has retained Orville Ingwerson. the efficient mechanic, which has main tained the excellence in the repair department of the Gehrts garaee, who will work with Mr. Landholm in the future. Mr. Landholm will car rv a supply of accessories and sup nlies and le eouipped to make any repairs or furnish anv parts which may be reouired to make auoyuwpoZh may be reouired in his line of busi nes. . There appears an announce ment of the oneninc of the busi ( Murdock, Continued on Page 7) Your Tm i rector WE GIVE YOU A YEAR TO PAY, AND POSITIVELY PROTECT YOU AGAINST LOSS IN CASE OF A DECLINE IN PRICE. COME IN AT CNCE AND LET US EXFLAIN OUR NEW FLAN. The Titan 1 0-20 has led the three-plow tractor field for the past five years. Farmers have bought over $70,000,000 worth of Titans I' n n MURDOCK NEBRASKA . ' y "fiS' : tar Ama 3Y5r-TvTr" ?t-ns4Mf Lira i.3 hi m 3 1 fJ ZKi'XrS a -for 6n?'7st?riQ.t wi vii..rv ti is s J i i ."k n . ri -i t in.' i'-j i l i . Christmas Ties! Consider for a moment how much a nice new necktie would be appreciated. You can get them here in a wide range of prices. Lustrous new silks 4-in-hands. XMAS IS NEAR AT HAND DO NOT DELAY BUYING TOO LONG! Give Jewelry! LOOK AT THESE Watches for both ladies and gents. Ladies Wrist Watches, Manicure Sets, Toilet Sets, Stick Pins, Vest and Coat Chains, Tie Clasps, Fine Cameo Brooches, Rings for the ladies, children and' gents, Silverware, Chests cf Silver, Beautiful Cut Glass and China Ware. Man' other articles on display. Order your Xmas tree now, so we can set one aside for you right away. ! t i ! 0. TOJ' Cn.T1St7TLO.Si. r Gifts M 1 Why not an Eastman Kodak for Xmas? Brown ies for the boys and girls. FELT SUPPERS FOR ALL THE FAMILY. YOU II BATH TOWELS, CENTER PIECES, AND FINE COULD PICK NOTHING MORE DESIRABLE. TABLE LINEN. ALL WILL BE APPRECIATED. Men 's Dress Shirts! Why not buy Friend Husband some thing useful? We also have scarfs and hose, the latter in lisle, silk, wool and wool-silk mixed. Ccme to our Men's Denartment for ' good, practical gifts. Murdock Mercantile Company, Grocery Department! CUR GROCERY DEPT. is equipped to give you unexcelled service, not only at Christmas time, but all the year. We have Candied Fruits and Shelled Nuts for this particular season, as well as a large assortment of box and bulk candy. We can suppy your wants in the line of every good thing to eat for Xmas. MURDOCK NEBRASKA