The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 20, 1920, Image 1

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VOL. NO. xxxytl
NO. 43
The decision of the Burlington
management to reduce the working
force over the lines west of the Mis
souri river and which affected all
lines of the operating force, has been
felt to some extent in this city
where the reduction in the working
force of the shops was made on a ten
per cent baeis for the winter months.
As far as Mas possible Superin
tendent iSahd has distributed the
reduction over the shops so as to
cause as little disturbance of the
output of the shop an possible, but
of a necessity some departments suf
fered more than others in the fact
that all unnecessary work that can
possibly be put over until the spring
season has been checked by the or
ders of the high officials and to place
the operating expenses of the road on
? low a basis as possible consist
ent with maintaining the high
standard of the Burlington.
On the rolls her 525 men have
been carried and the number reduced
has been 51. which makes the ten per
cent cut as was estimated would be
necessary. Under the agreements of
the unions and the railroads the re
ductions have followed the seniority
rule as far as possible in making the
changes in the force.
While the reduction will be felt to
pome extent over the city it is much
less than was first thought Mould
be necessary and it is hoped that in
the ensuing months the cond.tions
can adjust themselves so that the
forces of the shops over the system
may be bark at the normal rating as
far as the number of employes are
The other shops of the system have
suffered the same rate of reduction
and at Havelock and Lincoln the
working force has been sliced some
hundred men.
Janitor of Government Building Dis
covers Cupid is Active -There
During the Day.
To gaze on the placid faces of the
employes of the government building
and especially on that of the janitor,
Anton Hasson. one would not im
agine them to be hard hearted per
sons, but the ukasa has gone forth
from the government buildii.g that
the postoffice as a rendezvous for
the love lorn must cease, as well as
the practice of writing messages and
leaving them lying around over the
lobby, exposing to the public gaze of
the rude and disinterested public the
bleeding or otherwise lacerated hearts
of the young people who have been
stung by cupid's darts.
Mr. Ilasson a few days since call
ed the attention of the reporter to
the condition of the writing desks
in the postoffice lobby and from the
looks of the exhibit submitted by the
janitor there is surely something
stirring with the young people and
romances are being turned out at
the postoffice tryst iug place faster
than "tin lizzies" at the Ford fac
tory. As a friend of the love lorn,
we would advise them to put their
burning love messages on paper and
send them through the regular chan
nels, and not have the whole city in
on their little romances.
It would look much better.
From Friday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon the funeral
services of Miss Sarah Baker were
held at 2:20 from the home of her
sister. Mrs. C. H. I'armele on Vine
street, and attended by the old
friends of the family and of the de
parted lady. The services were con
ducted by Rev. H. G. McOlusky, or
the First Presbyterian church of
which the deceased had long been a
faithful and devout member. The text
of Rev. McClusky was that of Psalms
73:26 "My flh and my heart fail
eth, but God is the strengthener of
my heart and my portion forever."
The minister also read the lines of
one of the old familiar hymns whose
message of love and hope brought to
the bereaved family and old friends
the sense of resignation in the loss
that has been their part to bear.
The body was laid to rest in the
family lot in Oak Hill cemetery. The
services were attended by a number
of the old friends from out of the city
to pay their tribute to the memory
of the departed lady.
Charles Lamb, one of the old gen
tlemen residing at the Nebraska Ma
sonic Home i9 reported as being very
seriously sick at the home and his
condition combined with his ad
vanced years makes tis recovery a
matter of grave doubt. Mr. Lamb
is suffering from a tumor as well
as the general debility incident to
his advanced years.
Mrs. Peter llerold has Just received
a letter from her brother. Bob Poisall
from Albuquerque. X. M., informing
her that he had located in that city
and was employed at his trade of ma
chinist in the shops of the Santa Fe
in that place. Bob has recently
completed his course of training at
Waterloo. Iowa, and is now a full
f.edged union machinist and entitled
to work any plate and being a bright
young man will undoubtedly make
good in any place he miy decide up
on as a permanent location.
Mr. and Mrs. George Worley Pre
paring to Observe Sixtieth
Wedding Anniversary.
Nebraska territorial days when
coffee was made out of ground rye.
cornineal and molasses will be re
called when Mr. and Mrs. George
Worley celebrate their COth wedding
anniversary and the C2rd year of
their residence in this state, at Elm
wood. Open bouse to Cass county
and out-state friends, to the O. E. S.,
A. F. and A. M.. and to the state
members of the G. A. R. will be held
by the couple as a follow-up to the
big celebration tendered them by
these organizations in honor of their
golden wedding anniversary.
Their daughter. Miss Katherine F.
Worley. of Omaha, member of the
State Board of Control and former
state chairman of Americanization of
Nebraska Federation of Woman's
clubs, uill assist in the couple's ob
servance of their anni verse ry.
Mr. Worley, known as "Dad" is
S6 years old. with a territorial mi
litia record and a long civil war
service to his credit. For the past
sixty-three years he has handled,
managed and cultivated his Nebraska
farm unassisted. Residents of Elro
wood know him as an authority of
any subject from the Bible to mod
ern politics.
Sixty-two years ago the couple
met at the ol meetin' house in this
city. The simple wedding of liach
ael. Chalfant. . daughter of one of
the earliest Nebraska pioneers, and'
George Worley at the little log
church in Rock Bluff, then a thriv
ing young village, followed in two
years' time. Then came the days of
'61. when the young husband, an
enlisted militiaman. Mas called, away
from the farm for service.
During the civil Mar days that
followed Mrs. Worley took the man
agement of the farm and the pro
vision for their child upon her own
"We may consider these times
hard," says Mrs. Worley, "but in
those days, more often than not.
there Mas not a dust of flour in the
house. Coffee Mas made of corn
meal, ground rye and molasses. And
sugar Mas an unknown quantity."
Other members of the Worley
family Mho Mill assist in the cele
bration include Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Worley and children, of Lincoln, and
Mrs. ft. C. Oldham, of Calgary, Al
berta. The many Cass county friends of
this venerable couple extend con
gratulations to them on the near ap
proach of their sixtieth anniversary
and trust the snows of many winters
may yet come and go before they are
calied to their final resting place.
Benson Team Makes Quick Decision
as to Date and Pulls Off Half
a Contest with Locals
From Thursday's Daily.
The Benson high school basket
ball team came doMn unexpectedly
last evening on No. 2 to fill their
date here with the local warriors
and during the course of the even
ing put on a close and exciting game
of basket ball while it lasted.
The .team had called up early in
the morning and stated that they
did not think they could make the
date, but in the afternoon they
changed their mind and arrived. This
of course caused a much lighter at
tendance than otherwise and a num
ber were disappointed in not get
ting to see the game played.
The result of the contest was 7
to f in favor of the visitors and at
that was only half a game as the
vipJ-8 returned home on No. 14 at
9 'lien only the first half of the
L had been staged.
1 .ch team secured two baskets,
but the visitors were more fortunate
on the foul goals and left with the
long end of the score to their credit.
In the playing of the locals, Joe Mc
Carthy was the most productive in
securing scores for his team.
The members of the Plattsmouth
team playing in the opening contest
Mere Schneider, McCarthy, Schubeck,
Sattler and Brubacker.
Apples For Sale,
We have some good New York
Baldwin apples for sale. Apply at
Banning & Nickles. or J. W. Edmonds
at Murray.
tf s-w. W. B. Banning.
Journal want ads pay. . Try tnem.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Pease Return
From Very Enjoyable Journe
to Shores of Pacific.
From Tnursday's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
Charles L. F'ease returned to this
city after a very pleasant outing cov
ering a period of several months
spent amid the joys of the Pacific
lope country. Mr. and Mrs. Pease
and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Waters of
Omaha, formed the auto party that
drove from Omaha to Los Angeles
and San FrancLsco. and making the
trip as they did by easy stages, it
Mas one in which they secured the
fullest enjoyment. Enroute to the
coast the members of the party en
joyed a short stay at Santa Fe. New
Mexico, where they viewed the old
missions and the picturesque scenes
that remain to remind the visitors
of the early Spanish settlers Mho
in the by gone years held their sway
in the southwest. A visit of some
three days was also made at the
Grand Canyon of the Colorado, and
the party camped there amid the
granduer of the greatest of natural
scenery that exists anywhere in the
world and whose magnificence owes
the man or woman Mho beholds- it.
as the great art of the Croater of the
Mr. and Mrs. Pease returned home
by train as their companions are ex
pecting to remain for the winter on
the c.ast. While at Los Angeles the
members of the party spent a short
time at Universal City, Matching the
moving picture industry at its oper
ation and had the opportunity of see
ing a great many of the stars of the
film world.
Wm. Thompson. Who Last Week Cele-
btated 9Sth Birthday Passes
to His Final Regard.
From Thursday's nail v.
On Tuesday, December 7th, Wil
liam Thompson, one of the aged res
idents of the Nebraska Masonic
Home, celebrated his DSth birthday
anniversary, and only a Meek had
rolled by until he passed to the final
reward that is given to all of earth,
passing away last evening at the
Home in J.hi city.
Mr. Thompson has been in fairly
good healtn considering his great
age but has been unable to get
around savwith the aid of his inval
id chair.
Recently during the visit of a com
mittee of the order to the home. Mr.
Thompson Mas asked as to wliat he
desired for Christmas, and replied
that he desired only the blessing of
the Lord, and today he Is resting
safe in the arms of He from Whom
all blessings flow.
William Thompson was born in
Philadelhpia. Pennsylvania, Decem
ber 7, 1S22, and has for the greater
part of the last half century resided
at Clarks. Nebraska, and Mas a mem
ber of the Masonic order in that city.
He came to Flattsmouth in 1911
from Clarks and entered the home
where he has since resided. Of hi
immediate family almosd all have
preceded this venerable gentleman tc
the final rest. One sister is living
in Washington and a granddaught
er, Mrs. Laura Thompsan, resides at
Clarks. The lody was taken this
afternoon to Clarks by Superintend
ent W. F. Evers and it Mill be laid
to rest in the cemetery at that place.
From Thursday's Dally.
Fred Hanne and Mrs. Meta Mei
singer, both of Mynard, Neb., came
to Glenwood. Thursday. December 9,
and Mere united in marriage by Rev.
D. S. Thompson. The ceremony Mas
: pronounced in the Chamber of Com
j merce rooms and was witnessed by
Miss Hattie Royle of the Fair Store,
a cousin of the bride, and Ward Bak
er. This is the first ceremony of its
kind in the Chamber of Commerce
I Mr. and Mrs. Hanne Mill live on a
farm of the groom's near Mynard.
! Glenwood Tribune.
j The bride is well known in this
city where she M-as reared to woman
hood and is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Jennings of this city.
From Friday's Dally.
The officers of Mt. Zion command
ry No. 5. Knights Templar of this city
this afternoon departed for Omaha,
where they Mill attend the meeting
of Mt. Calvary commandry No. 1 of
that city and M-itness the opening of
the session in the long form. The
Omaha commandry is one of the best
in the west and their work is known
far and near as being carried out in
the most impressive manner. Those
, from this city to attend the meeting
were: Dr. tTank L.. cummins, em
inent commander; Luke L. Wiles,
generalissimo; E. J. Rlchey, captain
general; F. P. Busch, prelate; E. J.
Weyrich, warfler, and Ralph Haynie.
senior warden.
The many friends of Mrs. M. M.
Deal will regret to learn that she is
at present quite biok at her home in
the south part of the city. Mrs.
Beal has had a very severe cold for
the past week and ihis hi.-; developed
an attack of plurisy that has caused
the- lady a great deal of r-ulTering
;:nd the family much worry. Tnis
morning Mrs. Beal was reported as
Icing :-onie better.
Enginners Inspect Forty-Mile Stretch
Stretch of Highway Eetween Ne
braska City and Eagle.
From Thursday' Daily.
Inspection of the forty-mile stretch
of highway bet v;t-tn this city ;iih!
Kagle was made yesterday by Engin
eer A. S. Myrick the Nebraska de
partment of hie-h way.-.. Engineer Pet
erson ol" the Vnited States highway
department. Ilerhi-rt Sc-h waclerer,
county road engineer, and County
Commissioners H"ech. Canr.el and
A contract i.s to be let for the per
manent improventent of the road
sometime in February. The survey
has already been made. The road
M-ill lie improved the same as that
between Julian and Union, twenty
miles. The plans call for the cut
tins; cf the hil'.s (ml the filling in of
hollows and will' make an excellent,
highway connecting Lincoln and Ne
braska City by May of Eagle. Pr-1-nivra.
I'nadilla. Svracuse and Dun
bar. If the contract is let in February
the work of grading will start at
once. Several grading gangs M ill be
put to work and it is hoped to com
plete the project bffore the end of
summer. Several new bridges Mill
be built, including a large one over
the Little Nemaha at a point east
;jf Palmyra. Several smaller bridge
must al.'n be built in order to con
form to the highway specifications.
Nebraska City News.
Miss Dorothy Kurtey and Mr. Rich
ard Faulkner Were Married at
Weeping Water.
At the home of the bride's par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murtey.
Miss Dorothy Murtey and Mr. Rich
ard Faulkner, of Lincoln, Mere unit
ed in marriage on Wedntsday. De
cember 1.". l&l'O, at high noon. Rev.
W. H. Riley of the Congregational
church officiating. During the cere
mony. Mrs. Carl Day presided at the
jiur.o and played. "To a Wild Rose."
The bride was charmingly gowned
n a blue duvetyn and More a cor
dage bouquet of Ophelia roses and
The bride i.-the youngest daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Murtey. and has
TroM-n up in this community. After
leaving: school here she attended
Brownell Hall in Omaha, a year, at
'ended Ward Belmont school a.
Nashville. Tenn.. for a year, entering
'he State University of Nebraska in
fall of 1 9 1 S. and taking one and
a half years work. She has alwayr
'een active in social affairs and will
he greatly missed by the younger set.
The groom is a son of Dr. and Mrs.
A. O. Faulkner of Lincoin. and is as
sociated Mith hi" father in the Wood
man Accident Insurance Company of
that city.
A two course luncheon Mas served
after congraulations had been offer
ed, the Misses Dorothy Dunn and Nan
Olsen assisting in the dining room
and the Mftses Myrtle Olsen and
Faith Murfin did the serving.
The house Mas beautifully decor
ated Mith ferns and cut fiowere. the,
color scheme being pink and white.
The guests present from out of
town Mere: Dr. A. O. Faulkner and
M-ife. parents of the groom. Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Faulkner and Mr. Bert
Faulkner, brolhers of the groom,
Mrs. DeLacey of Omaha, sister of the
groom. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Stoker,
-ister of the bride, of Rising city.
There Mere only a few intimate
friends present from here.
The happy couple left by aufo for
Lincoln during the afternoon, where
they M ill be at home to their friends.
Weeping Water Republican.
To the kind friends and neighbors
Mh oso kindly assisted us in the
care of our beloved father in the last
days of his life, we desire to express
our deepest sense of appreciation.
We also desire to express to the
friends and the Eastern Star lodge
and St. Paul's auxiliary our appre
ciation of the beautiful floral tri
butes. Philip Hirz and family.
Emma and Elizabeth Hirz.
Two nice colts in good condition
for sale. Phone 61G-J.
When yon twnk of minting, you
can't help but think of us.
Miss Lucille TJrish and Mr. Jess
Terryberry United in Bonds
of Holy Matrimony.
Wednesday at 1:::0 o'clock occur
red the wedding of two of the most
popular young people in this section
of Cass county, Jess Terryberry and
Lucile I'risii. This date was also
the occasion of the thirty-third wed
ding anniversary of the parents of
the bride.
The Medding Mas a very quiet one,
the only attendants being Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Schafer. the latter being
a sister of the bride. Following the
wedding the bridal party departed
on a honeymoon trip to Iowa to visit
relatives and friends.
The bride appeared most charm
ingly attired in a costume of blue
silk tricolette. The only jewels worn
by the bride Mere a string' of pearls
given her by the groom. Her trav
eling costume wss a brown suit and
a picture hat to match. The groom
i whs nttired in the conventional
dark suit.
The bride is a young lady of the
most charming disposition and is
the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Frish. The groom is a son of
James Terryberry and is a prominent
young farmer of Cass county and has
a host of warm friends.
Mr. and Mps. Terryberry w-,ill
carry Mith them in their new home
the heartiest best wishes for their
future welfare and happiness from a
host of friends throughout Cass
count v.
H. G. and Mike Hoffert and Henry
Falter, of Plain view Here to
Attend Born Obsequies
?Yom Friday's Dally.
Thiai morning three of the promi
i"it farmer of.IMeree county, and
former Cass county residents, de
parted for their homes at Plainview
after being here to attend the funer
al services of the late Leonard Born.
These gentlemen were H. G. and
Mike Hoffert and Henry Falter, all
of whom at one time Mere residents
of this vicinity, but who have for
the past twenty-five years been liv
ing in the northern portion of the
?tate. Mr. Falter is a brother of J.
P. Falter of this city, while the
Messrs. IIofTert are brothers of Mrs.
II. G. Wurl. Mrs. George Born and
Mrs. Will Rummell..
Henry Hoffert is at present one
of the county commissioners of
Pierce county and has occupied that
position for the past four years and
is one cf the ablest officials In that
portion of Nebraska, and had been
in attendance at the state meeting
in Omaha when he learned cf the
death of his old friends, Henry Hirz
and Leonard Born, and the death of
Mr. Born Mas especially a blow as
it Mas this worthy old citizen Mho
furnished employment to Mr. Hoffert
when he arrived in this city forty
years ago, or in 18 SO.
The brother, Mike Hoffert. came to
Plattsmouth a year later in 1881 and
states that when he crossed the
bridge over the Missouri here, which
had just been completed, he did not
think it Mould be more than forty
years before he Mould cross it again,
as he has never been east of the
river since his arrival although dry
ing quite extensive travel in the
The funeral services of the late
Leonard Born Mere held Wednesday
afternoon at 1 o'clock from the St.
Paul's Evangelical church in this
city. For hours before the services
the old friends and neighbors for
many miles around had gathered at
the church and the structure was far
too small to accommodate the num
ber present to pay their tribute to
the memory of this good man, whose
life had terminated.
The services were in charge of
Rev. II. Kottish, pastor of the church.
Mho j;poke words of comfort and
cheer to the members of the bereaved
family Mho had been called upon to
part with a devoted father, husband
and friend. The choir of the church
gave a number of the well loved
hymns during the services.
Following the service at the church
the body Mas borne to Oak Hill cem
etery, where it was lai to rest in
the city of the silent. The pall
bearers Mere from among the old
friends, being Philip Thierclf. Wil
liam Schmidtmann, William Hastier,
Jacob Tritsch. Theodore Starkjohn.
and Albert Tschirren. .
From Thursday's Dally
Last evening the atork paid a visit
to the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
jThackcr in the south part of ths
city and left in their charge a fine
eight and a half pound son and heir.
, The mother and little one are Soicg
nicely and Herb is corrf-ptftffiir'tiy'
'proud over the iflvemt ef th fle
nfr Br.
To our many many good friends
and relatives Mho so kindly helped
us in time of sorrow, and for the
many kind Mords and floral offerings
at the time of our dear father's death
Me extend our most sincere thank, i
May Cod deal as kindly Mith each of
you as you have Mith us.
Mrs. Leonard born.
Mr. and Mrs. George Born.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Born and
Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Born and
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Born and
Mr. Ctias. Stoeur laid family.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stoer and
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Christ opbrsen
Long; and Hard Fought Case Against
Omaha Physician is Given to
Jury Yesterday Afternoon.
ficm Friday's Pally.
The case of the suit- vi Nebraska
vs. Ir. Lester F. Fieids. which has
been on trial at Onubo this week in
the court of District Jude A. F.
Troup, was given to the jury yester
day afternoon following the submis
sion of the evidence and the argu
ments of the attorneys for the state
and defease.
One of ibe. strongest links in the
web of evidence woven by the state
around Dr. Fields Mas that of the
letter M ritten by Miss Ayres, the un
fortunate young vonus in the case
and in which th detailed the fact
of the forthcoming operation that Dr.
Fields is alleged to have performed
and for which he L being trifrd.
Ayres M"ho Mas operated on died following-the
criminal operation and
the state has attempted to place the
blame of the operation on Dr. Fields
who has contended that the only
operation he performed was a purely
corrective one and while performing
same be discovered that she had been 4
previously operated oa.
The cbitf cotmsfil of the defense
has been Attorney Matthew Gering
of this city and M-ho baa' conducted
an able defense of the case In view
of the large amount of evidence pre
sented by the Rtate and the closing
address of Mr. Gering in the court
room wa.s one of power and beauty,
at times reaching wonderful heights
of eloquence up be pleaded for the
release of bis client. In a voice fill
ed M-ith tears Mr. Gering aked tfcat
the Jury give back to the two little
girls of Dr. Fields, their "daddy a3
a Christmas present" and the two
little one who were present in court
added their tears to the plea of the
attorney for the defease.
The cae has attracted much in
terest in this county a. Mrs. Fielde,
wife of the defendant is a daughter
of William B. Porter, long-time res
ident of near Mynard and is a grand
daughter of one of the earliest pio
neers of Care countr, William Porter.
Mr. Porter, the father of Mrs. Fields
has been In constant attendance at
the trial and la firm in bit; conviction
of the innocence of hU son-in-laM-.
Prom Frtay Dalf?.
This morning Dr. H. C. Leopold
operated on Ray Ward of near Weep
ing Water, for the removal of his
tonsils and adaofds. The operation
was quite successful and the jwtlent
able to return fcmne feeling much
improved from the removal of the
organism that bave been giving bim
more or less aanoyanc for some
in i iff:
A Thrco-in-Qno
Money collected in small amounts is br&t
cared for in a savings account; money for
daily routine business is most conveniently
handled through a checking account.
But funds for investment at a safe rate,
always available, transferable without loss of
interest or awaiting reinvestment should be
deposited in one of our A' Certificates of
The First national bank
fSg sVjbK whjb vouTeel at home
From Friday Daily
tine of the most delightful gath
erings that the ladle-) of the Fon
teuelle chapter of the U. iifrhUT of
American devolution hae eujoy-l
for some time Mas esurday jtf
ternocn and evening when ILe mem
bers Mere tJit? guests at dinner of
Mis. Violet Dodge at ht-r home ifM
Spencer street. Omaha.
Th ladies sinc receiving the in
vitation of Iodp to meet with
her have been anticipating M-i'li
pleasure the occasion urd tneir hopes
Mere fully realized in the ery plea
sant time spent at th hospitable
home of Miss Dodp-e. Tb ladfev from
thiiN city arrived in Onaha over the
Darlington at three orin.-k and were
at once tken fo th- Itodtv home,
M'here the tusine-s tes.-ion of the
chapter M-as enjoyed for ; short tim',
the revert, Mrs. W. S. Lerte, presid
ing. The members of the Fontenelle
chapter had a -very jrrrai inurc;( in
the setsion &s the state regent of this
patriotic organisation, Mrs. Frank I.
Itinger of Lincoln was present as one
of the guesth of honor and pave a very
interesting and instructive talk on
the Mork of the society in the siaie
during the pat year. The. address of
Mrs. Ringer M-as filled with much
that contributed to the futur ad
vancement of the organization ar.d
uas thoroughly njojed by the la
dies Mho Mere present.
While the business session of the
society was enjoyed, the social fea
tures of the occiaion fur. overshad
OM'ed the routine matters and the
hostess, Mi.s Dodee assisted by Mis.
J. B Letts and Miss Cretchen Uou
nclly. proved royal entertainers Tor
the guests of the occa-sion.
'The room of the Itodf.e home weic
very artistically arranged in decora
tions of cut flowc-rr, white Japanese
nflles and the dainty white Narcissus
being Uied extensively in the decor
ation of the living aDd dining room
while throughout the other rooms tu
attractive pink roses M-ere us-d very
effectively in making the setting one
of charm and beauty.
The table decorations Mere labor -ate
and very beautiful, being in the
color scheme of red. vhite and blue.
A large centerpiece Mas formed by a
large basket of the white lillies. the
basfcet being trimmed with large
boMTs of red tulle in en artistic man
ner and four blue candles added a
touch of charm to the scene. Large
bows of the red tulle and American
flags were also features of the table
decorations. The ladies following the
benediction oined in singing "The
Star Spangled Banner" as they wejv
fceated at the festal board.
The dinner Mas served in four
courses and mos a delightful "tur
key'' dinner, the national bird serv
ing as the chief feature and the la
dies Mere thorougb!y delighted with
the feast provided for them by thir
In addition to the state regtnt, Mrs.
Mrs. Maynard Cole, member of the
Omaha D. A. K., Mas among the
guests of honor, and two of the mem
bers of the Fonteuelle chapter, resid
ing in Omaha. Mrs. Clossner ar.d Mis.
Mae Morgan Merc also t li
take p-jrt in the enjoyable oec.-tion.
Thosfl from this city to atteud the
dinner Mere: Mesdames V.. 11. Wa--ott.
William F.atrd. George A. Dodge.
W. S. Leete, W. L. Street. II. R. f Vi
and Misses Kdith Martin and llcr
nes Newell.