The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 16, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Only eiht more shopping days before Christmas and during
those remaining days you can get more satisfaction and much
more personal comfort by chopping in the mornings. The store is
less crowded at this time and you will have much more of an op
portunity of selecting gifts with a gnaur tare and will receive
greater service rrom our salespeople. You'll also llnd that this
store is rich in Christmas stocks a store different in plans of
merchandising that has won patronage on the basis of quality and
the best at the price, no matter what the cost. These are the
attributes that are continually making this a greater shopping
place, not only through the Christmas season but all the time.
Under things!
A Great Display of Christmas
Dress Goods and Silks!
! TS -
all of them so dain
ty and so worth
while purchasing
that you will want
ALL of them.
These, too, are
priced most mod
estly, as throughout
all the store, giving
you the most in
value for the least
in price.
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A Deep Regard for Members of the Family is Best
Expressed With Gifts of Pretty Fabrics
When it is a question pf remembering mother, sister, or any'other mem
ber of the family, one is naturally more anxious to please.
And pretty and service able fabrics are the answer, for constant associa
tion with them gives you a very definite knowledge of what is so much desired,
or better still needed.
Our displays of wool dress goods for skirts and dresses, and silks for
blouses and dresses are complete and so varied that you will be sure of finding
just the very thing you are looking for- and that moderately priced.
-i' i . - .
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i t
All Wool Serges and Pretty
New Novelties!
Varying in width from 36 inches to 56 inches, in
all the wanted shades, priced at $1.25 to $5.95.
Nothing has been or is more smart than a pretty
plaid skirt, either pleated or plain, and when such
pretty patterns can be had as are found here, the choos-
ing is easy. Prices, too, have been reduced to meet the
present market levels, thus enab
ling you to purchase 56-inch plaid
and novelty skirtings at $3.95 to
$5.95 per yard.
One length makes a plain skirt,
while two lengths are required for
a pleated skirt.
Pretty wool Jerseys, Tricotines,
Velours, Peach Blooms, Gabar
dines and other soft drapey fabrics
make beautifuk gifts and are suit
able for so many uses.
Only Eight
Days Left
Bed Spreads, Sheets
Pretty Silks for Gift Things
will be featured for special selling, and when one considers how many
articles of rare beauty and utility can be fashioned of .silk, 'tis small won
der, that silks play such an important part in the Christmas programme.
- There is a specially woven lingerie Satin, in soft pink
and white, 36 inches wide at $1.50 per yard. This pretty
lustrous silk washes beautifully and wears splendidly.
Beautiful Crepe de Chines, all colors, to be had at $1.90
per yard and Satins in all colors suitable for either blouses or
dresses, in 36 and 40-inch widths are priced at $1.95 to $5.
A man is always pleased with a silk shirt; why not make him one out of
these beautiful shirtings?, 36 inches' wide, in pretty colored stripes and
plain pongee. Moderately priced, at $1.75 to 2.95
"The Charm of a Hand Made Gift is Supreme"
V . ' VJ ,.7 -r XT : I - Jt K
and Pillow Cases 1
Blankets and Comforters!
J Beautiful down filled comforters, silk covered, and
all wool blankets in beautiful plaids are wonderful gifts
when one wishes to express a most loving thought.
JLess expensive comforters and blankets are also to
be found here. You can't go wrong on gifts like these.
C Perhaps you'd like to present Mother or Friend
Wife with a pretty cover for the Library Table. Jf
that is the case, you will find some mighty pretty ones
here and at such attractively reasonable prices that
your desire may be easily satisfied. All colors and sizes.
Children's Slip-over Sweaters
and Sweater Suits!
in such pretty combination of colors, made of
finest quality, yarn and sold for less money than you
could buy the yarn and knit them. If you have a small
tot on your list you will not want to miss these, a ser
viceable garment like these are never corner' amiss.
Charming Little Gifts
are Easily Made!
When one has so many pretty things from which to
choose and which require so little time to make.
fl There are cunning little aprons all made up for the
little tot with a cute little design stamped on the pockets,
pretty fudge aprons for her larger sister, dainty gown9
and chemise all ready to wear when the design has been
embroidered and any number of other useful articles.
J Colored linen squares for handkerchiefs which are
so quickly made and so acceptable as gifts are here too
in all the pretty shades. Per square 35c
There is Such Pleasure inGivingHandkerchiefs!
They are so certain to' be welcome and prove a lasting remembrance. So
varied are the kinds that everyone's taste "can be gratified. So wide a range of
prices that no one need spend more than they wish. A large selection are already
boxed appropriately for giving. V
Irish Cottage hand embroidered, with hand drawn hems and some with
pretty hand blocked designs, made of batiste or sheer linen, are here in plentiful
variety; Beautiful ladelrimmed linen kerchiefs with embroidered designs, as well
as linen and fine cotton initial handkerchiefs for both men and women.
Never have you had such a wide variety of handkerchiefs to choose from
as now, and never have the Handkerchiefs been prettier or more worthy as gift
bestowals. The separate handkerchiefs are priced from 15c to $2.00 and the box
ed handkerchiefs are from 50c to $3.00.
j Say It With Flowers!
That is, Organdie or Yarn flowers. They are imper
ishable, and add a touch of color to the costume and
are so easily made, too. Yarns, all colors, in 5c skeins,
and organdies in all the pretty shades and stamens for
the centers, can be had here. These easily made flowers
convey a message at Christmas time fully as well as
the more expensive gift and will be much appreciated.