THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1920. PAGE FOUR PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKIY JOTONAX I s ! a 1 Cbc plattsmouth louvnal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Postofflce, Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 USE SLOAN'S TO WARD OFF PAIN "You can just ttll by its healthy; cumulating odor, that it is going to do you good fyF I only had some Sloan's Llni- mcnt!" How often you've said tiit! And then when the rheu Tr.ntic tv. inge subsided after hours of cutYerir.g you forgot it! Dcn'c do it ajain get a bottle fo ' Cay and keep it handy for possible use tcnioiit! A sudden attack may come cn sciatica, lumbago, sore muscles, luchache, stiff joints, neuralgia, the pains r.nd aches resulting from expos ure. Vo'.''ll soon find warmth and re lief in Slctn's, the liniment that pene trates 'ilh-ut rubbing. Clean, econom ical. Three sizes 35c, 70c, $1.40 Liniment Twenty-five thousand Indian squaws voted this year. :o: The use of anesthetics was known to the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Chinese. :o: Since the Declaration of Independ ence 4.500.000 Irish have emigrated to. the United States. :o: The international league of trade unions now has a membership of more than 27,000,000. :o: The millenium will come when profiteers reduce prices as cheerfully as they advanced prices. :o: 1 In this glorious land of the free it costs a man a good deal to get in line at the political pie counter. :o: An exchange says that President Harding is a great friend to animals. Us tco, and likewise to vegetables. :o: The talkative man proceeds on the theory that if he just talks long enough he will eventually says some thing. :c: Of course you can wait until the list d;.y to buy Christmas presents, but you will find therrr muchly muss ed over. :o: The first mark of civilization en tering the wilderness is the trail blazing pioneer. Then comes the hairpins. :o: A man should always be polite, but it isn't necessary to remove his hat when talking to a girl over the telephone. :o: Now is a gQflii- -time to quarrel with your sweetheart. It will save you the expense of buying a Christ mas present. ;o: This is the season of the year when the money intended for new shoes provides useless gifts for people who don't want them. :o: Some of the London papers say that America has left Europe in a hole. Europe ought to be careful where she walks. :o: Cuba has 275.000 tons of sugar; federal officers have seized ,one mil lion quarts of whibky. We have the water and a spoon. :o: Movie goers generally agree that a goldfish lives in dark seclusion compared to movie heroines in mod ern bathtub romances. o:o An Ohio judge has ruled that a .man is the head of his wife, but don't put Ihis decision on your wife and try to get away with it. :o: Charie-; I'onzi will now have time to reflect on the fact that while the ancient lew says fools and their money are noon parted, it is fre quently safer to let the separation go cn its natural procrs::.. POULTRY WANTE! WE WILL BUY CHICKENS AT ED LUTZ'S STORE ON Saturday, Bee. J 8 AND WILL PAY f Springs 1C Hens J7c Roosters 13c SWIFT & COMPANY Remember Saturday Lutz's Store v Rain's) PER YEAR IN ADVANCE The Irish, after ruling all other countries, insist on their rights to experiment with their own. :o: Cheer up. Not all those who have been "mentioned" toe the cabinet will succeed in getting there. :o: California has been experiencing earthquake tremors for several days. Perhaps Japan is responsible. :o: It is impossible for anybody to get j promotion in the United States army without somebody else getting sore. o.o "Good laws do not make good peo ple," says an Indiana judge. No sir, and good people do not always good laws. :o: Reports from Washington do not indicate that the present session of congress is likely to exceed the speed limit. :o: My heart goes out to the man who does his work when the "boss" is away, as well as when he is at home. :o: Mistletoe does not seem to be as popular as it once was. Perhaps it is, no longer needed either as an ex cuse or justification. :or Put an extra leaf in the dining room table. The college students will soon be coming home for the Christmas holidays. :o: Senator Lodge raised objection to the emergency measure offered con gress to give financial aid to the far mer that Bill Hohenzollern is to hu man liberty. :o: Scientists say. that Niagara Falls will be dry w'ithin one hundred vears. But why worry about. Nia gara Falls? We have dry troubles of our own. :o: The League of Nations has about made up its mind that it can get along without Argentina. Only the school children know where Argen tina is, anyway. :o: If President-elect Harding wants a friendly tip from us concerning the personnel of his cabinet, he will beware of mediocre lawyers who are merely politicians. :o: There may be some resentment up in the Windy City over the apparent fact that Clara Barton Smith sought to make her escape in Mexico in stead of in Chicago. :o: The secretary of the treasury asks for an appropriation of $7,000,000 tr be used next year in enforcing the prohibition law. Dryness comes high if we must have it. :o: Congress is grinding away up in Washington, but it sems that the re publican majority is devoting its en ergies almost altogether to undoing the good the democrats accomplished. :o: Bavaria wants a king. Doubtless you've often felt the same way. A king is a mighty convenient thing to have, espc-cially when you are drawing a bob-tail, trying to fill a flush, or something of that sort.- :o: "Fnll-fashioned hosiery." says a line in one of our department store advertisements. Vatje mean old chap? Any fashion in hosiery is full when the stockings are worn by the girls who parade along main street. :o: We started out to write a long editorial about the books that have been written about the World War. when it suddenly occurred to us that if brought together on one spot they would make a bully good bon fire. n Listen, girls: If you want to make yourself solid with your best fellow, pick him out some useful Christmas present that you can use in your home a piano, twin beds, cook stove, baby buggy, or some- ' thing of that sort. : :o: The Los ADgeles papers are mak ing a big sensation about a murder mystery, the body of a nude girl hav ing been found by the roadside. If we judge by the movies, Los An geles ought to be accustomed to that style of undress by this time. :o: Today's short story: The streets were wet and slippery from a recent rain. He stepped on the gas, threw her high, and tried to turn the cor ner without applying the brakes. The doctor say3 he may recover, but he will never look the same. :o: Neither Omaha or Lincoln can match the prices at which the enter prising merchants of Plattsmouth are offering Christmas wares and staple merchandise. And that is why Plattsmouth is the shopping center of all the country around. :o: Governor Cox is a game loseri, Thursday he wired Senator Harding, who smothered him 'under an ava lanche of votes, that be would ap point Senator-elect Frank B. Willis, a republican, to fill the unexpired term of Harding if he wanted to re sign before the newly elected repub lican governor of Ohio takes his seat. Cox is no groucher, to" say the least of it. ' 1 :o: We can furnish you blank books of all kinds. The Journal Many a man discovers after he has bought an. automobile that there is nowhere to come, but back. :o: New York City recently had the first merchant-marine exposition ever held in the United States. :o: The old-fashioned boy who used to run away to join the circus now has a docile son who has to stay at Ifome and help wash the dishes because hi3 sister has run away to go into mov ies. . :o: The mayor of Warren. Ohio, has put a ban on "enthusiastic hugging" at dances in his town. He'd better abolish hugging altogether, then. Nothing is sadder than listless hug ging. 0:0 The deadliest blow to, the ambition of Gree'ce to put-Constantine back on the throne is the cold-blooded an nouncement of England that Greece cannot have Constantine and also a loan. :o: Another nice thing about Christ mas shopping is that it allows you more time to take things back after looking eru over and finding that they are really not the things you want. :o: Mine-run coal is quoted at $3.25 per ton and here in Plattsmouth it is quoted to you at $15 per ton, which would indicate that it is a long, long way from the mine to the coal bin. :o: The census bureau report shows that 3. SOS persons were killed by automobiles in the United States last year. It is high time for somebody to propose a constitutional amend ment prohibiting automobiles. i.i:vi. MITICK T.i iiayniond Thdorski. TbetMbu ski, real nam,' unknown (wife of K.iy mon.l Tbeodorski : Henry Thomas. Sylvia C. Thomas (wife of Henry Thomas : Anna C. Kyle. SI. II. Kyle, real name unknown (husband of Anna C Kvle): V. W. Windham, trus tee for SI. 1. Woodruff : SI. L. Wood ruff, real name unknown: Slax Preis: ('race Johnson. Johnson, real name unknown (husband of Grace .fohnsont; Martha Johnson. Johnson, real name unknown (husband of Martha Johnson) and the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representa tives ami all other persons interested in the estates of the following named persons, whose names are unknown, to-wit: Raymond Tbeodorski. Tbeodorski, real name unknown (wife of Raymond Tbeodorski); Henry Thomas," Sylvia C, Thomas (wife of Henry Thomas); Anna I. Jxyie. m. m. Kvle, real name unknown (husband of Anna C. Kvle): W . . W mdliam. trus tee for SI. 1.. Wood ru ST: SI. 1 Wood ruff, real name unknown: Max Pre is: Grace Johnson. . Johnson, real name unknown (husband of Grace Johnson): Slartba Johnson .Johnson, real name unknown (husband of Slartha Johnson); Lot three hundred nine (3i)9 Village of Louisville, as surveyed, platted and recorded in Cass county, Nebraska; and Lot six (6 and the south one (1) foot of Lot five (a), in Block four ( I). in the Village of Alvo. as surveyed, platted and record ed in Cass county. Nebraska: and Lots eleven (11 and twelve (12). Block two hundred twenty-one (221 in the City of Plattsmouth, as surveyed, platted and recorded in Cass county, Nebraska; and Lota one (1). two (2. three (3), four (4). rive (.",) and six (() In Block eighty-rive (ST.). In the City of Platts mouth. as. surveyed, platted and re corded in Cass county, Nebraska: and al! persons claiming any interest of any kind in said real estate or any part thereof; 1 011 ami each of you are notinea that on the fith day of December, If 20. Harriett K. Wolfe. as plaintiff, hied her petition in the District Court in ind for (ass county. Nebraska. and that von and each of you are parties defendant, the object -of the action so brought being to foreclose four sepa rate tax cert Ificatcs. covering the fol lowing described parcels of real estate In Cass county, Nebraska, to-wit: Lot three hundred nine (309). Village of Iouisville. as surveyed, platted and re- conieil in Cass county. Nebraska; and Lot six ( ) and the south one .(1) foot of Lot live. ("), in Block four (D. in the Village of Alvo. as surveyed, plot ted and recorded in Cass county, Ne braska: and Lots eleven (11) and twelve (12). Hlock two hundred twen-tv-one C::Mi, in the City of Platts mouth. as surveyed, platted and re corded in ( ass county. Nebraska, and Lots one (1), two 2, three CI), four (4). five ( r ) and six ( in Block eighty-live (ST. I in the City of Platts mouth. as surveyed, platted and re- ordeci in Cass county. Nebraska: and that you anil each of you be fore closed of all title-, claim, lien, right of redemption or other interest in said property or any part thereof, and that Ihe Plainllf! have such other and fur ther relief as she may be entitled to and to the Court may seem meet. You and each ' of you are required to answer this petition on or before the J lib day of January, 1!)21. HAKIM ETT 1.. ( ) L. K K. iiv Plaintiff. D. W. SIKRROW. dD-ovv. Her Attorney., , drecss GSS& better I m V (at M E Wl have lea "3 3n that there an rumen jarned that there are two U'ate t r a.n fnt Zhi clothes. They are learning: to take - care of them. Iji quite a mannerly thing to take care of your clothes investment and protect it'up to the limit. Having your clothes carefully dry cleaned will improve their wear and help to prolong the life of their stylish lines. Getting acquainted with our work means getting in touch with a real money saving service. Goods Called for and Delivered OPPOSITE. ibb -JOURNAL OFFICE v. v i y NOTICE To Joanu Coleman and Cole man, her husband, real name unknown; Charles Greenwich Howard and Howard, hjs wife, real name unknown; Hein W. McCorabi and Mc Com he. his wife, real name unknown; William N. MeGlnley and Mc- Oinley, his wife, real name unknown; Hester Ann Pearson and Pear son, her husband, real name unknown; Joseph P. Pearson and Pearson, his wife, real name unknown; Mary A. Dufray and Dufray, lier hus- liand, real name unknown; j. W. An derson, real name unknown, and Anderson, his wife, real name un known; Kmily K. Anderson and Anderson, her husband, real name un known; Hugh A. Dufray and Dufray, bis wife, real name unknown; ICbenezer J. Coleman and Cole man, bis wife, real name unknown; Mary Warren and Warren, her husband, real name unknown; Harry K. Coleman and Coleman, his wife, real name unknown: Hellen K. Lemon and Lemon, her husband, real name unknown; Amanda B. Saun ders and Saunders, her husband, real name unknown: Albert I. Welton and Welton, his wife, real name unknown: Catherine Bealer and Sq uealer, her husband, real name un known: Tacie A. Laughlln and l.auKhlin. her husband, real name un known; Kdward K. Chapin and Chapln, his wife, real name unknown; Jesse O. Chapin and Chapln, his wife, real name unknown; Roy M. Chapin and . Chapin, his wife. real name unknown: May K. Chapln and Chapin. her husband, real name unknown; Florence li. Chapin and Chapin. her husband, real name unknown: Ira Chapln and Chapin, his wife, real name unknown; Oscar W. Laughlin and . Laugh lin. his wife, real name unknown: Siicbael Cooney and Cooney, his wife, real name unknown; John H. Croxton; Robert K. Farmer; Jane Mc Neill and SIcNeill, her hujtfiand. real name unknown; E. A. Wiggen- horn, real name unknown, and Wissenhorn, her husband, real name unknown: Slarshall D. Abbott and Abbott, his wife, real name un known: Sleriden Rose Pearson and Pearson, her hnsband, real name unknown: I). Matilda Pearson and Pearson, her husband, real name unknown: Adeleska B. Pearson and Pearson, her husband, real name unknown; Rosa B. Pearson and Pearson, her husband, real name un known; Stephen S. Abbott and Abbott, his wife, real name unknown Lewis SI. Abbott and Abbott. his wife, real name unknown: Abijah C. Abbott and Abbott, her hus band, real name unknown: Dana C. Pearson and Pearson, his wife, real name .unknown: Fredrick Koch- erhans and Kocherhans, his wife. real name unknown; Edna Stevenson and Stevenson, her husband, real name unknown: Estelle Doom and Doom, her husband real name unknown; Belle Rich and Rich, her husband, real name unknown: Marion Abbott and Abbott, his wife, real name unknown Slary Abbott and Abbott, her husband, real name unknown: Emma I). Abbott and Abbott, her hus band, real name unknown; L. M. Ab bott, real name unknown and Abbott, his wife, real name unknown; John Brown and Brown, his wife, real name unknown: Nancy A. Waters and Waters, her hus band, real name unknown; E. B. Cole man, real name unknown, and Coleman. his wife, real name un- known; Helen Cecilia Lewis and Lewis, lier husband, real name un known: Jane Dunn and Dunn, her husband, real name unknown; Reuben A. Chapln and Chapin, his wife, real name unknown, if alive, or if dead their unknown hetr. devi sees, legatees, personal representatives or other persons .interested In tnelr respective estates, the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: The southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, (SWi NWVi) and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter (NW SWU) of Section twenty-eight (28), and the southeast quarter of the north east quarter (SE4 NEW) and the northeast quarter of the south east quarter (XEU SEV of Sec tion twenty-nine (29). also thirty (30) acres off the east side of the northeast quarter of the north east quarter (XEU NEW of Sec tion twenty-nine (29). all in Town ship twelve (12) North. Range nine (). East of the 6th P. M.; The northwest quarter of the northwest quarter (NWW NW) of Section twenty-eight. (28). Town ship twelve- (12) North. Range nine (9). East of the 6th P. M.. -except the Chicago. Burlington & Quincy Railroad right of way; ' The northeast quarter of the northeast quarter (NEW NEW) of Section thirty-three (33), Town ship twelve (12) North. Range nine (9L East of the 6th P. M.. except a private road sixteen (16) feet wide on 'the top of the bank on the east side of Greenwood Creek, south from the public high way on the north side of said noitheast quarter of the northeast quarter, following the meanderings of said creek -south to all the land lying east of said creek belong ing to the west half of the north east quarter of said section, all In Cass county. Nebraska; and all persons claiming any interest of any kind in said real estate or. any part thereof, as well as the defendants Wralter A. Laughlin, administrator of the estate of Reuben A. Chapin. de ceased, and Lombard Investment Com pany, a corporation, defendants: You and each of you will take notice that on the 28th day of July. 1920, John E. Lambert filed his petition in the District Court of Cass county, Ne braska, against you and each of you. as well as Frank S. Ashcraft and Mary A; Ashcraft, his wife: Nlles O. Coleman and Slyrtle M. Coleman, bis wife, and Harvey D. Coleman and Mary E. Cole man, his wife, defendants, the object and prayer of which is to remove clouds cast upon plaintiff s title to the lands named as defendant by raise claims or the personal defendants and each of them to some right, title, estate or Interest therein or to some part there of, and to quiet and confirm the title to the defendant real estate in tne plaintiff and that the personal defen dants and each of them and all per sons claiming by, through, under or in privity with them and each of them. may be forever barred and enjoined from claiming any right, title. Hen. estate or interest fcn or to said land or any part thereof; that the defendant real estate and all persons having any interest of any kind in said estate or any part thereof may be bound and concluded by the degree herein as to all matters herein adjudicated. It is alleged In said petition that the defendants specifically named in this action each falsely claim to have some right, title, lien, estate or inter est in said real estate or some part thereof, the exact nature and extent of which claims are to the plaintiff unknown but that the same are effec tual to and do' cast a cloud upon the title of plaintiff to said real estate; that said defendants and each of them have no right, title, lien, interest or estate and if any they ever had the same has long been divested by the adverse possession of said land by the plaintiff and his grantors for more than ten years last past and the same, accrued more than ten years prior to the commencement of this action; That said petition further - alleges that the defendants J. H. Croxton, Lombard Investment Company, a cor-, poration, Robert E. Farmer, Jane Mc Neil and E. A. .Wiggenhorn each false ly claim soine-i rtaUt? title, lien, estate or interest in -and to said real estate by rason of certain mortgage deeds hereinafter described, executed on dates as hereinafter set forth, and recorded in the office of the Register of peeds of Cass county. Nebraska, as herein after designated and which each cover said real estate or some part thereof, to-wit: A mortgage executed by Mar shall IX Abbott and wife to the Lorn- nmrv 11. lssL for $124.00. recorded in Book. P at page 639; a mortgage or deed of trust executed by Frledrich Kocherhans to John H. Croxton. dated September 15, 1858, for tne Bum of 9280.00 and recorded in Book A at page 107; a mortgage executed by J. L. Brown to Robert E. Farmer, dated April 15. 1S70. for the sum of $229.00, recorded in Book E at page 16; a mortgage executed by M. D. Abbott to Jane McNeill, dated November 28. 1874. for $261.00. recorded In Book G at page 158 and purporting from the record to be assigned to E. A. Wiggenhorn, and plaintiff avers that all indebted ness which said mortgages were given to secure has in every instance long since been fully paid and the. said mortgages should be fully cancelled and discharged of record; that said defendants and each of them still falsely claim some right, title, lien, interest and estate In and to said real estate aforesaid. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before Monday, the 20th day ot December, 1920. JOHN E. LAMBERT. Plaintiff. By Thomas, Vail & Stoner, His Attorneys. ' NOTIIK TO CltKUITOItS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of James Clement Stevenson, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth, in said countv, on December! 20th. 1920, and March 21st, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. of each day, to receive I and examine all claims against said : estate, witli a view to their adjustment j and allowance. The time limited for j the presentation of claims against said j estate is three months from the 20th day of December, A. D. 1920. and the time limited for payment or dents is one year from said 20th day of De cember, 1920. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 10th day of November, 1920. ALLEN J. BEESON, (Seal) nll-lw. County Judge. XOTICK TO CREDITORS The State ef Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Emmor K. Reece, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth In said county, on the 11th day of December. 1920. and the 12th day of March, 1921, at 10 o'cloek a. m. on each of said days to receive and ex amine all claims against said estate, with a view to heir adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate Is three months from the 11th day of December, A. D. . 1920, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 11th day of De cember, 1920. W itness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 13th day of November, 1920. ALLEN J. BEESON, (Seal) nl8-4w County Judge. NOTICE TO CRKDITOItS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the Counts Court. In the matter of the estate of August Nolting, deceased. To tiie creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth In said county, on the 7th day of December, 1920, and the 8th day of March. 1921. to receive and examine all claims against said et-tate. with a view to their adjustment, and allow ance. The time limited for the pre sentation of claims against said estate is tiiree months from the 7th day or December, A. D. 1920, and the time limited for payment ' of debts is one year from said 7th day of December, 1920. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 9th day of November, 1920. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) nl5-? County Judge. LEGAL XOTICK In the District Court of Cass coun tv, Nebraska. David Z. Mummert. Plaintiff, vs. Carl Itaumgart et al. Defendants. To the defendants Carl Baumgart and Mrs. Carl Baumgart. his wife, first and real name unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of Carl Baum gart. deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representa tives, and all other persons interested in the estate of Mrs. Carl Baumgart. deceased; the unknown claimants and all other persons interested in Lot twelve (12). in Block forty-nine (49), II lii the City of Plattsmouth, Cass couii- ! ! ty, Nebraska: Lot twelve (12). in Block ! I forty-nine (19). In the City of Platts- I I mouth, Cass county. Nebraska, and all ! I perso kind in said real estate or any part thereof: You and each of you are hereby noti fied that on the 30th day of October, A. D. 1920, Plaintiff filed his petition and suit in the District Court of Cass county. Nebraska, the object and pray er and purpose of which Is to fore close the lien of a tax sale certificate on Lot twelve (12), in Block forty nine (-19), in the City of Plattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska, and for attor neys Ke, costs and equitable relief. This notice is given pursuant to an order of the said District Court. You and each of you are required to answer j said petition on or before the 17th day 1 or January, A. D. 19J1. and in tailing so to do. your default will be duly entered therein and judgment taken as prayed for in Plaintiffs petition. DAVID Z. MUMMERT. By Plaintiff. TIDD & DUXBURY. d6-lw. His Attorneys. KOTK'K TO CHEIMTOKS State of Nebraska, Cass The coun- ty. ss. In the county court. In the matter of the estate of John Bergmann, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. That t will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth in said county, on the 10th day of January. A. D. 1921. and on the 11th day of April, A. D. 1921, at ten o cloc k in the forenoon of each day, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjust ment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 10th day of January, A. D. 1921, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said lOtli day of January, A. D. 1921. -Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 8th day of De cember, 1920. ALLEN J. BEESON, (Seal) County Judge. Chris Tschirren was a passenger this morning for Omaha, where he is taking treatment. for his eye that was injured recently. Mr. Tschirreo has received the most encouraging reports of the progress of - the eye and is able to use it to some extent and the specialists are of the opin ion that in a short time the sight will be fully restored to the injured member. Itch! Itch! ItchJ Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! The more you scratch the worse the itch. Try Doan's Ointment. For eczema, any skin itching. COc a box. We pay cash for cream, produce, butter and eggs. Murray Cream Sta tion, tf. A world of books for the kiddies, and erownUDS are on sale at the journal office Journal OHice. The holidays are approaching rapidly. It's a good idea to buy your gifts early. We make this suggestion because the next few weeks will be busy ones for you. A visit to our store will give you more ireas than you will get in a month at home. M FOR "HER". FOR "HIM" Why Not "A M. D. BROWN, Jeweler BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. BURIED AT ARLINGTON From Wednesday's Daily Today at the Arlington national cemetery near Washington, was held the funeral services of Otto N. Nolte, brother of W. F. Nolte of near My nard, and who died while In the United States service. Mr. Xclte was sent to the army from Camp Dodge, Iowa, and served for three months in France until wounded and sent to the hospital near Bourdeaux,' where he remained -until his death. October 14. 1918. The body ar rived in New York yesterday and was taken direct to Arlington to sleep there amid the graves of th nation's heroes. Mr. Nolte was twenty-two years of age at the time of his death. COLTS FOR SALE. Two nice colts in good condition for sale. Phone 616-J. Everything for Xmas decorations may be found at the Journal office. flrasaLW I hi Christmas Suggestions for HIS Gift! x i. ! i ! Remember that this store is the store for men, and j j naturally at" Christmas time it is the logical center for j j choosing men's gifts. The quality things men like are j I here in wide variety. Big values too because we have j j marked our goods down to where price levels will be next j spring, in most stores. Suits Overcoats Pajamas Silk Shirts Hats Silk Ties Bath Robes Silk Hosiery See our window displays Give him a Christmas order for the amount and let him pick it that s new and practical. x i Wrist Watches Rings Beads Diamonds Ivory ' Silverware Cut Glass Watches Rings Belts Chains Cuff Links Stick Pins Emblems of All Kinds -1 Gift that Lasts?" 3tfEG12t23C RECEIVES FINE COW. Dr. J. H. Hall has just secured, freni the south land a fine registered thoroughbred Jersey heifer from the herd of C. E. Shuptrine at Safford, Alabama. This animal is one of the best that has been brought to this state and has a fine pedigree that covers several generations of thor oughbred stock. The heifer is known as Eminent Queen's Fairy Jane. No. 464963 and is from Fairy Boy's Twi light Jolly and Fairy Boy's Eminent Queen. The heifer was bred at Mur freesbro, Tennessee, at one. of the largest stock farms of the south. This is certainly bringing stock a way from the sunny south land. long The most popular little girl in the city will receive one of the finest dolls ever made at the close of the pop ularity contest of M. Fanger, which is now commencing. Boxes, wrapping paper, cord and sticker labels on sale at the Journal office. These will give your gift the finishing touches of perfection. i z Leather Novelties Linen 'Kerchiefs Gloves Umbrellas Collar Bags House Coats Underwear Scarfs