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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1920)
THTHSDA7. EICT3IEEB 1G, 1920. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE THREE IJ -4 -1 3 1 'i ,V ?-Vt" 4 J J L G3 J 1 tin 1 H-3 "SometlhiDinig foir Everybody 4 Thooiilk About!" Our entire stock of LADIES, MISSES and CHILDREN'S READY-TO-WEAR GOODS, consisting of Coats, Dresses, Skirts and Waistc has been placed on sale at greater reductions than have ever been offered you. Prices are sharply cut on every garment and we are determined to close out every article of wearing apparel in the house, if possible, between now and Christmas. We are crowd A for room ;o must unload our winter stock in order to make room for incoming Spring goods. This is .your wonderful opportunity to supply your needs in the Ready-to-Wear line. Just think, any and every garment in our entire Ladies and Children's Ready-to-Wear department is now being offered you at sweeping price reductions. Nowhere will you find a greatei pleasing line than we carry right here in Plattsmouth. The entire stock must, and will move, at these price reductions, varying all the way from ;r or more So Oowra the PHces AgaooS Ladies oats as Low a s S9.75 Gifts for Men and Boys Beautiful sweaters, mackinaws, duck coats, sheep and leather lined vests and coats now being offered at "rock bot tom" prices. These make excellent gifts. We carry a full line of heavy work shirts, overalls and coveralls. Men's union made overalls at low as 98c. Men's dress shirts that sold as high as $4.50 now go at $1.75 each. Some elegant patterns included in this lot. Our boys' suits will appeal to all thrifty mothers who desire the utmost in durability and style at money-saving prices. And what bojy wouldn't appreciate a new suit? Blankets and Comforters We are carrying an excellent line of blankets in cotton and wool that are priced as low as $2.95. Comforters, will made, warm and serviceable, make excellent gifts. The blank ets and comforters you buy here will keep you warm. If You Would be Assured of Your Share of These Bargains Dark cotton flannel, 50c value, special price while it lasts, per yard, 19c. 600 yards of splendid quality bleached and unbleached muslin, 36 inches wide, will be offered at the special price of 19c per yard. A beautiful assortment of dress ginghams, in plain and striped designs. Per yard, 23c. Yarn an exceptionally good value. Large skeins in grey or tan at 49c each. Fast color percales, 36 inches wide. Elegant quality. Special price, per yard, 25c. Gloves and Mittens For Dress and Work We have a large assortment for men. women and child ren, from which may be selected a very pleasing and reason ably priced gift. Here you will also find overshoes for the entire family. Many styles, all reasonably priced. Underwear for the Entire Family Ribbed, Fleece Lined and Wool Buy a gift that will be closer to you than any thing you could possibly get. We have both suits and two-piece gar ments in endless varieties and the prices are right. You will like every article shown you in this line. Handkerchiefs- Make Very Suitable Gifts We have a large variety in fancy boxes, three and six to the box. The prices range from 35c to $1.95 a box. Quality Groceries FINE GRANULATED SUGAR ON SALE at 10 POUNDS FOR $1.00 Other groceries at proportionate prices. We invite your in spection and comparison of our Grocery Department prices. Thousands upon thousands of other articles too numerous to mention in this limited space. ' Come in and see the won derful bargains we are offering, j We welcome comparison. Jewelery--- Beautiful toilet sets, French ivory sets, lavaliers, scarf pins, cuff buttons, etc., in an endless variety. The prices are ridiculously low. Jewelry is the time honored gift and here is your opportunity to purchase a suitable remembrance at a very low price. The beautiful walking dolls on display in our windows will be given absolutely FREE to the most popular little girls in this community. Rules of the contest will be cheerfully furnished upon request. "WHERE YOUR DOLLAR DOES DOUBLE DUTY" Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Don't forget to Ask for Your Coupons on the oritesft! PoBS v- a. t CASS CO. BUREAU NOTES t t t i-M--Mi"i W"!1 !' ! '! I1 l11! I I 1 I I M-l- FARM t Live Stock Ken Plan Program Live-stock men who meet at Lin coln during Organized Agriculture, v.-eek are planning a program to in- if rest every breeder and farmer in the state. The meeting will be held n;:der the auspices of the Nebraska. Improved Live-stock Breeders' asso- f m ion. One day will be devoted to ach cattle, hogs, horses and sheep. In addition to Nebraska breeders, sev-. fral live stock men of national re-j lute will be on the program. The t. making and general discussions will supplemented with judging con-; t-sts and demonstrations, boys and iMrls club demonstrations and other interesting features.' One hundred '..'liars in prizes will be distributed ' the contests, open to every one at tending the meetings. Programs may !" obtained from Secretary M. B. I'ttsson, University Farm, Lincoln. half dozen good cows may realize more profit therefrom than from his! wheat or corn. At least he will have I a steady income during the winter I that is well worth while. Reccmt reports show that farmers who tell milk are receiving about 70 centr. a hundred pounds more than at taij. time last year, taking into considera tion the price of feed. Get your Xmas seals, boxes, IIIQPlin CIQU cord at the Journal of ice. itllOOIllU 11011 For mothers Xmas present, a Royal Ka-Shaw Wilton rug, 27x54 inches and 36x63 inches. The best money can buy. Not cheap, but reason able. Phone 645. Christ & Ghrist. 3td ltw. CAUSES WRATH Butter and Eggs Continue High Butter and eggs are two agricul tural sidelines which have edded im portance since the drop in grain and " ck prices. Neither have shown n tich tendency to slump. Eggs are f'? ill bringing farmers considerably xce?s of T0 cents a dozen and lv:tter-fat is holding up fairly well. The farmer who has a .flock of good laying pullets or who is milking a Store Your Own Ice It is possible to arrange for a sup ply of ice on practically every farm. A dam constructed across a 6mall ra vine will hold enoueh water to nrn- vide several tons of good ice in the course of the average winter. A good many farmers have natural ice sources, such as ponds or creeks. Becaure a supply of ice is available or can be made available at little expense, every farmer should plan to store ice. Write the College of Agri culture at Lincoln for literature on harvesting and storing ice and plans' for building an ice house. L. R. SNIPES. County Agr. Agent The Journal office is the place to buy your Xmas tree decorations. A most complete line now on display. Apples For Sale. We have some good New York Baldwin apples for sale. Apply at Banning & Nickles, or J. W. Edmonds at Murray. tf s-w. W. B. Banning. If it's in the stationery line, call it the Journal office. Xmas Gifts! A Few Suggestions Upright Pianos Massive Overstuffed Parlor Set. Victrola Piano Lamps Cedar Chests Library Tables Large Rockers Smokers Sewing Cabinets A Few Small Anglo-Persian Bugs, all priced Exceptionally Reasonable. Ghrist & Ghrist, Anheuser Eusch Bldg. 4th and Main PLATTSMOUTH, NEBE. Some Hard Hearted Wretch Eaids Cache of Fish at W. J. Streight Home and Makes Getaway. . For some time past Anton Hasson. the janitor at the government build ing has been engaged in landing many fine specimens of the finny tribe, largely of the yellow cat var iety, and through arrangements with W. J. Streight, the fish have been kept in the small fountain at the residence of Mr. Streight until such time as the gentlemen saw fit to market them, and in this manner quite a neat sum had been realized. The fish industry received a se vere jolt yesterday when Anton de cided to market the fish as a goodly amount of the catfish had accumu lated and it was calculated that at least 525 could be realized from the sale of the fish. The surprise of Messrs Streight and Hasson may be imagined when going to the foun tain it was found that the greater part of the fish had disappeared and someone else had apparently got the market first with the fish. Mr. Hassen estimates that he is out about twenty iron men as the result of the visitation of the rob bers and he would like very much to place his hands on the persona who unearthed the fish cache. SEEKS TO REPLEVN CARLOAD OF WHEAT Chris Parkening, of Omaha, Has Law Stop Transfer of Grain which He Claims as His Own A former resident of this commun ity, Chris Parkening. who is now re siding in Omaha, lias filed suit in the municipal court in that city against R. W. Day and the Burling ton railroad, according to the World Herald. The action in which Mr. Parkening is plaintiff is a replevin suit in which he states his owner ship of a carload of wheat valued at $950 and which is in the possession of the defendants. The attorney for Mr. Parkening stated to a representative of the Omaha paper that the defendant Day had sold certain rights in a road making machine to the sons of Mr. Parkening. and that the carload of wheat had been given - Day in pay ment of the rights. Since the time of the sale, Mr. Parkening has asserted the ownership of the grain which was shipped from Cullom. and seeks to have the pos sessors of the grain disgorge it. and happiness in the years when the Holloway family were residents cf Plattsmouth and Cass county. This is the first visit here for Miss Holloway in a period of -years and she has thoroughly enjoyed the op portunity of visiting the old friends. Miss Holloway is the daughter of S. P. Holloway, for years one of the prominent and well known reside of. this community and a sister of Harvey Holloway, one time sv of this county and under whose ad ministration .Miss Carrie served as deputy. A FINE BOY. Another new resident has arrived in Plattsmouth to make his future home, a fine son and heir having ar rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Daniels in the south part ' of the city Saturday morning. The mother and little one are doing nicely and the occasion has proven one of much joy to the happy parents. Gift and Greeting cards at the Journal office. .-. ' VISITING OLD HOME. Yesterday afternoon Miss Carrie Holloway of Boise, Idaho, arrived in the city for a short visit here with old time friends and to view the scenes of bo many year sof pleasure EvQry member pF your family will like The , Lincoln JT-ar-It. ij a clean inferejx md newpaper